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EAC staan ance Nn Gaede ea tis SCENE tema Colacte A. Boublil/C.M. Schonberg LES MISERABLES arr. Marcel Peeters” For Band an . ARCHIVO BANDA MUNICIPAL OE ETANZOS. Harmonie 02.2107.08 Coed Uigare, Vers ife Molenaar’s Muziekcentrale NV Wormerveer Holland Unié Protectora Musical de Llombai Certamen Diputacié (38 Seccis) .. “Sereenrurereeectrimrmemneeceatareriss wrath sets sneeeamee LES MISERABLES - Alain Boublil/Claude- Michel Schonberg/arr, Marcel Peeters IN Besblilea Schdoberg schreven bun ceme rock-opera La Révolution Frangaise” in 1973. Na twee jaar van voorbere- ddingea ging de musical “Les Miserables” naar dc besoemde roman van Victor Hugo in Paris in preroiere. De show werd gezica door meet dan anderbalf miljoca toeschouwers en de plastopoame werd bbekroond met twee gouden platea in 198t. [Nodat Boublil zijn intrede in de Londeose musicalwereld geroaaict tad met “Abbacadabra® werd de engelse versie van “Les Miser bles" uitgebrac in samenwedking met de Really Useful Company van Andrew Lloyd Webber. De New Youse je van “Les Miserables" bezorgde bem in 1987 twee “Tony Awards" voor de beste parinur ea bet beste ibrento. Inhoud: Mensen, veroordeeld tot de diepste amnoeds €0 vod, ‘yordea ook gedreven tot de uitersiegreas van waar 2ija0g kunnen ‘aan ca wee degene dic weerloos hun pad Krist, Werk en loon. ‘oedsel ea warmte, moed en goede naam alles is ben ootnomea. Daglicbt verword: tot schaduw. Duisternis gift in bun ban. Eabet isin deze duiserais, dat de man misbruikmaakt vag zwakbeid van ‘youw en kind en ben dnt tot schande, Geea verschrikking, boe ry ook, bij bea bespaand, Wachoop buist tmssea witerst dunce, bbroze wanden, die vrij spel geven aa0 zoode en misdaad. Totaal verdorvea ijken ze, gemeea, oabetrouwbaar en walgelijk. Weini- 150, dic 20 laag gezoaken, nog niet diepec afglijden. Eo dan komt Dermoment dat de ongelukigen ea eertozea tot een grocp worden, ‘gevangea io cea wereld van alleen maar soodlot. Zij xij Les Misérables - bet uitebot, de verschoppelingen LES MISERABLES - Alain Boublil/Claude- Michel Schénberg/arr. Marcel Peeters Fr Belles Schtberg oot rt teu premier opéra rock isarlé "La Revolution Frangaise” en 1973. Apres deux ans de pre- paraticas a comédie musicale “Les Misérables" basée sut le cd. ‘bre roman de Victor Hugo connalt sa premiére mondiale 2 Pads. Le spectacle antive plus d'un million et demi de spectateuss et eo {1981 l'enregistremeot obticat deux disques d'or. Boubll s‘isto- ‘duit dans le moade de la comédie musicale 3 Loodres avec “Abba ‘cadabra" et puis suit la version anglaise des "Misérables" moctée cu collaboration avec la troupe "Real Useful Company’ d’Andrew Lloyd Webber. La production New-Yorkaise des "Misérables" lui procur a 1987 deux “Tony Awards” pour la meilleur parciiont le meilleur Uvret Lem: Det geos coodamoés 2 la grande mshre et Ta plvt profoade déwresse soot souvent poussés 2 bout et gare 2 ceux qui ‘croiseat sans défense leur chemin, Tout leur até pris, e avail et Je salar, 1a aourrirure et 1a chaleur, le courage et 1a bonne réputs- tioa.. La lumiére du jour devieot de l'ombre, a ouit s‘installe dans leur coeur C'est dans I'ebscurté de cette nuit que l"bomme abuse de la fablesse de sa femme et ses enfants et les pousse & se liver Ata booie. Ds connaisscot les plus grandes bomeurs. Le désespoir doooe libre cours au pécbé et au crime. Ces gens complérement dépravés soot vulgaires, douteux et népagoants. Laplupans’enfoo- ‘cat toujours plus profoodément. Prisonniers d'uo moode de désespoir ces malbeureux infimes Forment woe classe, cell des “Misérables”, des parias, le rebut de lasocieeé, LES MISERABLES - Alain Boublil/Claude- Michel Schénberg/arr. Marcel Peeters DD 1273 machen Boubit und Schtoberg hen ersten Rock Oper "Dic franztsiscbe Revolution”. Nach wei Jahren wurde das ‘Musical “Les Misérables", nach dem bekaootea Roman Victor Hogos, in Paris uraufgefit. Das Schauspiel lockte mehr als tinvodeiabalbe Million Zuschaver und die Schallplatteoaufnahme wurde 1981 mit zwei Goldenen Scballplanten primiient. Mitdem Musical” Abbacs- ddabra” bekam Boublil einen Platz in der Welt des Loodooer Musi- cals, In Zusammenarbeit mit Andrew Lloyd Webbers Truppe ‘Re- ally Useful Company’ wurde die englische Fassung von “Les “Misérables” berausgebracht. Die New Yorker Produktion von "Les, Misérables” wurde 1987 mit zwei “Touy Awards” gekrOot, einer- sits fr das beste Libreto und andereseits ir die beste Music. ‘Thema: Meoschen die ms dertiefsiea Armut und dem gr0ien Elend ‘veruneilt sind, werden oft zs dea tuBersten Greazen geticben vad ‘wesden also of eine Gefabr fur die Menschheit Es fehlea ihocn ‘Arbeit und Lobo, Nabrug und Wisme, Mut und Ruf... Das ‘Tagesliebt wird zum Schatten uod ihr Here wird ia Duokel gebilt. In dieser Finsternis miSbraucht der Mana seine Frau und seine Kinder und teibt sie in ein sUodiges Leben. Kein Grauea verschont sie wad sie siod der Verzweillung aabe. Dano werden diese Uoglicklichea und ebriesen Menschea ms einem Hauleo, der in ciner Welt der Verzveifluog getangeogetalten wird. Sie sind “Les Misérables" (Die Lumpea"), der Abschaum. die AusgestoBenca. LES MISERABLES - Alain Boublil/Claude- Michel Schénberg/arr. Marcel Peeters FE Bewbl sd Schocherg wrote thet Sit rock-opera “Toe Freach Revolution” ia 1973. After two years of preparations the musical "Les Misérables”, based oa the famous novel by Victor Hugo, was premiered in Paris. This sbow attracted more tban oot ‘ad al million of spectators aod the record issued was awarded two Goldeo Records in 1981. Boubli got introduced into the Loodoa sbow world with “Abbacadabra". Some time later the English versioa of "Les Misérables” was put oa stage with Andres” Lloyd Webber's Really Useful Company. The New York produc tion of “Les Misérables" provided Boublil two “Tony Awards", 00¢ for the best score and ove for the best libretto. ‘Theme: People coodemoed to the deepest poverty and distress are ‘oftea driven to extremes and woe betide those wbo put something ip their way. They bave been deprived of Job and wages, food and ‘warmth, courage and fame... Daylight turns into shadow for them aod their beartis Slled wit the night. Inthe dark of that aight tbe man abuses tbe weakness of bis wife and childrea and forces them to shameful deeds. All tiods of borors are familiar to them and _gradually despair bands them over to crime aod sin. Tuose wicked, ‘uareliable aod disgusting people sooacr or later gather into a social ‘lass, caught into a world of fate. They are “Les Misérables", the dregs of society. ina a hed iat cht seals aac e a Saalaea ENDS CEE a B, LES MISERABLES ‘Case Mint Senger Z i ete on Cana Taw Saye Pints cm en Cte toe i i ok L © ALAW BOUBLIL MUSICLTD. ‘Voor Benen: Wainer Brot Music Hota BY. repre of aTBRA Rigg Malensnr’'s Muiekcone NY. Wormer, Holland 0u.2107.98 ARCHIVO BANDA MUNICIPAL DE BETANZOS SPVSSGOS SSS SSS SSS SATS STASI IIITIIIIITIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I esd ee — SE resist le teu ans n SA atin Rnb le ta woe 01.2107.08 cence neces cae : 4 7 on.2107.08 nic etiamt actinti nue mete dae tl 5 is iS fa me Fiat conte etm? etm tani 5 or.2107 22 0: .2107.0" Sainte el pecs aso Sita arate da ae Oe ar ay AME END OF THE DAY ota ue ae won nae sas sean one et = : oa : 8 . . . OL.2107.05 ay TIIIIII emi | Sen anaune il 4 MI EEE we wwe 01.2107.02 LAMAR RMR NARA A 03.2107. a jo | 0060600000 oedema nee eee eaennnnne om creat ete? mami 01.2107.02 a RCHIVO BANDA MUNICIPAL DE Awe” Anca Yasui aw ———S = r 91.2167.08 ue ami now ame woe tas | IU OCL OOOOH EOweeneereeeneee wr cmmat mene BOMHOOTE Me OOCOOO OHH 94.2107.05 fe we whe wee aia tee ont See Taman Secu career ete es) wt rite « + cmae 4 cons 8 terme * tems Fare a, « « rT ‘ « rT « C rT 18 ri « a e ‘ ‘ 4 a oer Peeneeraue PAR eee ee or 2:07.90 ; “IDREAMED ADREAM™ Ye etna We emt Kw ate 01.2107.05, faa Boe et ene oud Anas tot Tou Sux ta} ase Fim ted is cont cas ” erent a tema? coe) mie Ton, 1..2197.¢¢ Fan tod Feta 4 04 .2107.0¢ 2s VEVAUVULVUULVULL AAALAC AAMAS ASTI 199 3 ne ate ated 0: .2107.05 i ? z z 5 5 7 z . fad £833 Pi lpeteras re os roy Teen serena om tut Athiteeern Grea 14 : 4 4 3 rm ay pee At VUMUUUUVELOVELUUULCUULLLVLESULLOVLLLUMV LAVAS LAVAS SY SIS 14 Aut oe oe 3 os jw oe 3 oe 7 a i ARCHIVO BANDA MUNICIPAL DE BETANZOS al ALAA AA 90411 mi seep nt ER ER ES DYED IEPE: Bo mesa fig ill petaeas CLIENT . ii 2d3 q Piidgdaaadédiddid reo meme gree sey z AVIA ATAAAAY) WU aii ay rc Wee — or.21a7 3 1.207.053 secnmnne seen ect ne my fee ten TR [ae] _ 34 . 9x.2107.09 a one c AWA ) AVY I fe > ———7 or.zio7.03 3} caverns act ee cereal ramen RTS“ VELL LULEULELUVULLULT LULU ULLAL A ny a pl mi Js8g ‘aS DRINK WITH io MAA AM, WN ae IS 01.2107.96 ae DCH Cau] BETANZOS: ARCHIVO BANDA MUNICIP: 349 i ! i * “a yg 3 sof : C4 6 6 Se ee es em ca eRe weectee eee eee rere al LTXS VULVA AAA 414 48 t HIE Pi AMAR ED TSE 01.2107.08, Ao z : 4 3 Yo Gee ees cay ond exis PECCCEECEEE REE EE EEE AUC 933 0.3 | | | CRP fur fay on. 216: 43 i i 5 To ORR CCOCTOETRTRTRRERTIERTERERTERCECEE! TEER tUeTt TTA ast AVTTTIT 4 = J-298 (CUAL AAA AAA, Cote? MES TCU Ga Ga & i ce VITTTII II a8 poe Gal out ia tad g ecue Ga i sted esata] ARCHIVO BANDA MUNICIPAL OE BETANZOS on.zt07. AVULUUULVUULVUULA LAV ULULLVL AULA LALA AT 944 v Keay ea C=) RES Ey A em MEY 8 o1.2107.03, 48 > hile i, ipod ey ie wet ots C wy aor LTTE ATUL MUULLULLLVUAAAA ALAA aii WTI r Im Me: HAIL a Get m ——=(r tr == 2a r ae z oP. “aL 5 ARCHIVO BANDA MUNICIPAL DE BETANZOS SPS SS Lrexe attot Rey ba, Sve, Fatt 9 4IN BOUBLIL MUSIC LTD. + Benelux: Wamer Bros Music Holland B.V. 03.2307.08 torised edition Molenaar's Muziekcentrale NV, Wormerveer, Holiand 62 re 63 8 _ 1 Th tw aRe ay 2s — ere Zt 3 mf => ps FF Een mo» ee en 2 a o 2 £ rn 2 a2 —<—ee apt 4 cet => Tp = es Se = . 2 Crt ge pee apes 1 nt #25 193, 104 105 106 107, 108 109 EQ N10- f ities = : = fo — 3 me - I o Soli wee rite molto 4 ™P . De, im -.\ Tempo ~ 53 ye US + ees NS 2 03.2107-08 1 1 or tae Ca TEER A s+ -ppenmena emeet te ae neem Moderato (476) 13 125 a ot a Wo. = - 1 tse epee da sr Ag weeeke 3 = Se “nt. aan Cm fz 8 nN ta - one a8 = mBGtee GA AeeER Ee Eeeeetee 3 03-2107-08 ARCHIVO BANDA MUNICIPAL OE BETANZOS -AIN BOUBLIL MUSIC LTD. or Benelux: Wamer Bros Music Holland B.V. tharicededitinn Malenancte Muviekcentale NV, Wormerveer, Holland 03.2107-08 SS f> ——_ } CT aTempo na Lento (o=s3) 9 ee ee eg all.g5 1S0l0 Nee sO 19 rt : =e = = + a 2) ae See = = ———— oY SF —— = 1 101 a 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 i x =x 7 = =o - iN pe 0 Seo x a we Nae \ , Tempo! 110 rad " Pad nz ow rit. molto 14 oe mp SY = —= 5 p—— |. é . > 703-2107-08 oon 60 ter ees} 162 {r= 1 = 3 03-2107.08, 4 3.2107 ES MISERABL ARCHIVO |. BENRA MUNICIPAL pe Poe Fe Ns Allegro. (d.=:28) a. f : My © ALAIN BOUBLIL MUSIC LTD. > Voor Benelux: Warmer Bros Music Holland B.V. ap.2107.08 Authorised edition Molenaar’s Muziekcentrale NV, Wormerveer, Holland — 40h - eat molto 14 & eet z: nia, =» = —— . fileeten yy gous ne. woe 2 fen, > c= rit, = Se ? sean £ ct = tS SS ee anf SS = as Moderato (= 76) 121 Je 03-2107.08 Eb CLARINET 3 by gts 160 1INAVIN OS. 163 164 Sat 7 We, = m7 Largotdz0d andantdd xe ite, se 475 178 2 sat we eee 3 03.2107-08 * pRAL CRY JAAR oO BANDA MUNICIPAL DE JANZOS Xe aly tf 4 tr : > . [~ 28 Tall. poco a poco es . —— c zs — -- — ===... &F EN ed 1 ED Ee oe = ern ey DDD DARD PPPS : * 93-2107.08 2 Chauvet (08 reall. Da Tempo 9s, Sf = mp Pb “Lento =50) Istx tacet : won EEE oa yt we Se Saal om 108, oo? 10 SER = — eS - ee z ~~ ~ — . rit, molto Terapo 1 vs A pee Dati tee, en A tale 149 149 151 152 py 153 =e " 154 162 4 03.2107-08. "+ 83.2107-08 cuaginet 486 =— — = mp === ¥ — P 337 rit, L060 1H 1000 Bo ain. N B ARCHIVO BANDA MUNICIPAL DA BETANZOS 32 93. oe 9s ON 6 97 a Sal Sasa a Bye seeded SSS = ff CS Pe ap eo aD rhb 09 sole 400 et toe . itt ten fees SSS = = = Tempo t i na_rit.molto 114 =e eo - = et — nf — —= : Moderate C270) : . ne wwe 123 126 125 126 427 EG “ —— + = == = = opto we wo oe we sa road 128 129 130. 131 432, 433, 134 - 135.136 23161 162 183. 164 165 168 —— iargo Jered oy 3s 176 yam 178 179 180. be eae be be PF Andante ese). 3 184 105 “106. — % 5 3 3. a1 oF ; ; ‘ ‘poco mosso ee ~s = 214 5 N 215. \ 26 . — + + T x o —— YF St ++ Tet) (aot) —— ALAIN BOUBLIL MUSIC LTD. Voor Benelux: Wamer Bros Music Holland B.V. . “Authorised editian Molnnaar's Muviatrantela NV Warmeniece Halland + ve . ut. oo ral cs a eR rel an 97 —= ff Pp sub, > mp Malte RT. ‘ Soli ) Sot aD 1. solo “as A ee 4 eegass 13s_sxa " ‘UF dolce . ° mp 142. wa) alee 3 - Of x 03-2107-08 ALT SANOFOON (Alto Saxophone) 182 163 164 ——— = im > pba pg I ai _ 170 “it RAR, RRR Ra 73 Largo eo) - eee ee a “Ree 174, beg 175) N FRR rs) 9] ih) FR, ZF a a Te oe = 5 ———- : et v = —=azz_ ft “op —== > —= Soli —=. gp 198, 198, 200 a 202 203 ralizos 208 ON aot —— =e oe Ee v —=—= ff YS bus haze Toor el Bf! de oll lle 208 213 2 2 <0 mOssO . 2a Z~ s > 03.2107.08 . - : _— . | eee ALT SAXQFGON (Asp Sayophone D> k a a) exejech ded ' ! e rt T T TT 7 . TF 2s ia 6 tot a 03-2107-05 MISERABLES - g, TENOR SAXOFOON at MI ¢ a lichel Sel ca berg sae OPS ARCHIVO, -: Marcel Recters . Adagio ~ Je7d BANDA MUNICIPAL OE wma vee ee ern poets een enepememnamemenmsiten arate TENOR SAXOFOON I+. ANA An ee a a ‘aa ee) aTempo Pusvopevere a F PTY Pty Expresivo Li vey 104 ee ee ‘ce a a uo se ap ROCESS. —— oT EE — [Se TENOR SAXOFOON I it fl 189 aa 154 155 156 157 150" P Andante nes) 182 ER om ee OE eee oe GY = = oie i |. Re See FS ! SSS s | e . | 5 | | pS at =~ ze. a 230 a= a ' Sf 236 en Bap Th 2392402 Z p—— ff —P ——s aR faz == =e | 1D =] = Sa FS = SS a aera oa Fa SaaS FSS pets EZ i SaaS = Sehr RR ae] me a a erent es ARCHIVO BANDA MUNICIPAL DE BETANZOS ALAIN BOUBLIL MUSIC LTD. Voor Benelux: Wamer Bros Music Holland B.V. Asthanctend aditinn Malanaacte Muciakaantenta MY Wnemaniane Ualtand 93.2107.08 HOORN Lelll (Hom) F Tempo! . a" Pee OF ng Mtmalto yg ns 0 == re rit ue 7 ue aw 120 x : f = ov . a | 1 K Andante ess) 100 in w 138 9 _ F S- —= “of —— «SS Y 191 196 197 ——— ort ST HOORN Ivill (ifom) F 10 ao™ Adagio 1 SLES MISERABL ARCHIVO BANDA MUNICIPAL OE BETANZOS a | . ai a all. poco a poco 8 © ALAIN BOUBLIL MUSIC LTD. Voor Benelux: Warner Bros Masic Hoitand B.V. Authorised edition Molenaar's Muziekcenuale NV, Wormerveer, Holland HOORN MlelV (Hom) i St f= F> ——=T 01 103 gt 108 106 107 o ‘ 3 108 109 110 aut =— n2 M3 rit. z ae z + ‘ ev = Y. pte Tempo go 4 ms. 16 u7 118 + = == = , Moderato dese) = EL) 23 or - = aa re “2. tacet = 03.2107-08 HOORN I-IV (Horn aS Sas 0 oe oe 17 150. 351 159 Andante (Jess) 03.2107-08 HOORN IlsIV (Horm) F rh ae 5 fern = j $253 z ee $ 2 ve z. p —== P —— fipp > : 215 ae a zs 219 4 D2. SSS = tf ess) ——_ Wt 7 227 yo 220) zy 3 f SF = —_= zo Pa —— 2 23 == f : : = - = == =F =e = 5 r 7-4 Tit a0 mu 25 236 27, = SSS SSS SSS = = 4 Hh NDA MUNICIPAL O08 BETANZOS - IN BOUBLIL MUSIC LTD. Benelux: Wamer Bros Music Holland B.V. orised edition Molenaac's Muziekcentrale NV, Wormerveer, Holland coRMET TROMY: ‘comet ump oa . ai Na 2 pe eh ah . t : earl a> eb —— = == TL Lente ead . -. / . - ! 39 Dee or tee 103, 104 108 108 ‘ges o> oe eee E — = ——F = f TH Moderato der 121 HORN 1 hoy we co ' 449 1 151 Largo Jee) meg. == EE Andante * ees wre QE ==. TET, x) Tramper deo ' Adagio 18, “Moderato (era) = 321 HORN IT sz wae © ALAIN BOUBLIL MUSIC LTD. Voor Benelux: Wamer Bros Music Holland B.V. Authorised edition Molenaar's Muziekcentrale NV. Wormerveer Halland (03-2107-08 Moderato GWe70) CORNET /TROMPET Il (Comet / Tragic) . -t2iHORNIT_ sz : 123 = =~ 124 = = 125 4 . . : 3.2107-08 ARCHIVO BANDA MUNICIPAL O& BETANZOS es > abe os AY © ALAIN BOUBLIL MUSIC LTD. Voor Benelux: Wamer Bros Music Holland B.V. Authorised edition Molenaar’s Muziekcentrale NV, Wormerveer, Holand 03-2107.08 TROMBONE | ase, ter). ‘a : Lento Wess) 33° ~ 104 103, 404 405 106, 407, 108 109. ; So TROMBONE ©) sft teche meer tess mm gles. gliss. Largo Weed se 173 176, 175. 178. w7, 178 aN , “TROMBONE IL. eos MISERABL: d . ARCHIVO Sy. ca BANDA MUNICIPAL DE BETANZOS aa Adagio d. 7) why As aafimlle in wht “6, © ALAIN BOUBLIL MUSIC LTD. Voor Benclux: Wamer Bros Music Holland B.V. 03-2107-08 Authorised edition Mfolenaar’s Muziekcentrals NY, Wormerveer, Holland 7 $87) 2 401 ve 103 104 108 ae Oe ——e Tempo l m4 us 116 17 = ‘ ue u9 120 —E_== re = : : = Moderato (dee) . 03-2107-08 1. Andante (és) $78 277 178, 190 181 104 190 191 192, 193. — 194 se os +— SS P . ; 195 1% 5 5 ¢ > 9-7 ssigde 2 t £199 _ See + ——== —=_—_ oA rall cm) = 5 21 D203 be # 20s 206 f P =p 3 03-2107-08 4 03.2107.08 saune NA e 1VvO EES AR Cen DE ‘Adagio eso BETANZOS 1 J ri, Allegro (dx 20) 12. {3 14 15 16 Ga? a Pie = © ALAIN BOUBLIL MUSIC LTD. Voor Renelux: Wamer Bros Music Iolland B.V. . ou Trombone iil C 103 104 105 106 107 398 109. 0 2 rt —Et —— P—— —= it Tempo 1 rit, molto empo 3 14 as v6 n7, ua 19 = = wv => 120 Fi mf = — Moderato (de30) it, 20 ws 16 1 . 12: : 143, — us| us 17 a9, 150, 03-2107-08. 233 234 235 28 rit ze 240 oT TF ? i a 3 03-2107-08 EMIDAR DE BABITON-EUPHONIUM, c fone-Euphonium Adagio (270) 1am = © ALAIN BOUBLIL MUSIC LTD. "0 Lage eed BARITON-EUPHONTUM C P my £; Andante (des) : v Ai 182 183, ou oe ——— # Se i = az who Lhe bg b my . mo. ——— = + i 17 Wye 199 aa 4 ———_===_=a_.— . - + A af Fall " 23 1 205 aD 206 ARCHIVO BANDA MUNICIPAL DE BETANZOS 7 rall. poco a poco Allegro (dL :20) Wea oo a a = = = N BOUBLIL MUSIC LTD. 03-2107-08 —=_ I. 7 Tem coy ne gn DM Doh My et po OR rirp: “TUE FF ) 2 =—S 03.2107-08. Lem se = 22 swansea) suv 2 101 soy esos es tor tone = = SS re Tempo! arcomn 110 ve J ml — oy dal

: yt Cw wiimalles = . vo eis ~ spat Rebimo Slow = : wu). o ryt AY) TUT | = RAs Tone RTO Oa Fo oo ' jj . . Lentotdess) : as : S 99, ros + ay Indian Belle Se |_ BP C= Pereussion | Moderato(d ze =. -- 4 AE 1 Chek) b S it == fh AR = py 12) ey te Se ee h | | fh ; ch m= —— oe’ : MID Th A WT) : 168 Sos 170 wi) OS ee ES = =| > — | “TAAL q fh 7 Slagwerk / Percussi¢n 79 |Cymb, ote “ == = Slagwerk / Percussian thas , =F - | | rr Pep € 234 2] Zi 1) as 2 I c ” rit, > 235 236 el compe! A? af 60 pram frs pao - 224 él bombs deber de ser te bafen's (el reste bomabe de wns ro) - - KLOKKENSPEL / XYLOFOON / LES Mi. VIBRAFOON / BUISKLOKKEN, R yy’ TAMBOERUN * +] \ % Glockenspiel / Xylophone / CHIN Or BANDA MUNICIPAL DI BETANZOS\:; >. LY 4,7 Vibes / Tubular Bells/ ines fi SSS SS SSS SSS SS (sa-ta -set) * 76 Lento 9 rit, molto Tempot 3 tu a 4 03.2107-08 0 ge 10m A ws Qo Ge = PAUKEN jr. ‘Timpani (Timbales, ks GAD, Adagio (s=74) 1 BANDA MUNICIPAL DE 3 BETANZOS St a - E . = rall,pocoapo (eas) hu yo S$ ope s 7 ‘ oe eg x = =" = =: =x é =i 7 # B-E i to deseo) / Us fz —— —— 20 2 3 3 + Es 5 ii DO. Hits rae = We Tae * ils ie 3 ile Hf ry par) Kile Ee ; tts ue 0 ms ms Sma Meederae _fe070 —) nn, a AE ® ALAIN BOUBLIL MUSIC LTD. ° Voor Benelux: Wamer Bro: joliand 8.V. 03-2107-08 Ae Ae FP Warnancaer Halland 165 PAUKEN (Timbales) 164 166 Acar. Kile se 4m SSt antl ss) 2 Ve 2 = wi 410 = = a ede wt Eh 201 &, 206 pa bb eve zs = ° 9 oh Mol it (mi) (4: aye]

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