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Isolation - The property of a transaction that guarantees that the changes made by a

transaction are isolated from the rest of the system until after the transaction has
Java - A multi-platform, object-oriented programming language, similar to C++, which is
freely available to any and all software developers. It is particularly important in the
development of internet/web and mobile applications.
JDBC - Java Database Connectivity API. JDBC provides a standard database access and
manipulations API for Java programs. RDM supports JDBC.
Join - An operation in which the rows of one table are related to the rows of another
through common column values.
JSON - A data representation offered as a more compact but still humanly readable
alternative to XML. JSON is the acronym for JavaScript Object Notation, and is frequently
utilized in web/cloud-based applications.
Key - A column or columns on which an index is constructed to allow rapid and/or sorted
access to a table's row.
LAN - A Local Area Network is used to interconnect the computers in a single geographic
location. Contrasted to Wide Area Networks (WAN). Bandwidth (speed) is a primary
difference between local and wide-area networking.
Library - The container for a set of common software API functions. Frequently, a library is
contained in a DLL or Shared Library.
Licensee - A customer that has obtained the right to use and/or distribute Raima
Little-Endian - The little-endian convention is a type of addressing that refers to the order
of data stored in memory. In this convention, the least significant bit (or "littlest" end) is first
stored at address 0, and subsequent bits are stored incrementally.
Little-endian is the opposite of big-endian, which stores the most significant bit first.
Because they are opposites, it is difficult to integrate two systems that use different endian
Local Procedure Call - A software function call to a library function that exists in-
process (same computer, same process space). This is in contrast to Remote Procedure
Calls (RPC) which are to functions that reside a different process, whether they are the
same computer (using interprocess communication) or a remote computer (using
networking). Local procedure calls are significantly faster than remote procedure calls, but
require computing resources on the local (client) computer.
Locking - A method for safely protecting objects from being changed by two or more users
(processes/threads) at the same time. A write (exclusive) lock allows access from only one
user (process/thread) at a time. A read (shared) lock allows read-only access from multiple
users (processes/threads).
Maintenance and Support - The maintenance and support services for a Product under an
Agreement (Maintenance and Support Addendum).

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