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Gandalf Men

Free Peoples (+Gwaihir, The Windlord?)

Frodo, Resolute Hobbit

The One Ring, Answer to All Riddles

Brand, King of Dale

Barliman Butterbur, Red-Faced Landlord

Gandalf, Leader of the Company

Erland, Dale Counselor x 2
Ghan-Buri-Ghan, Chieftain of the Woses x 2
Grimbeorn, Beorning Chieftain

Meneldor, Misty Mountain Eagle x 2

Radagast, Tender of Beasts
Alatar, Final Envoy x 2
Pallando, Far-Travelling One

Hobbit Sword

Strange Meeting x 4
Traveler’s Homestead x 2

For a While Less Dark x 4

Guidance of the Istari x 4
The Flame of Anor x 2
A Wizard is Never Late x 3


Merciless Dunlending x 2
The Mouth of Sauron, Messenger of Mordor
Pirate Cutthroat x 3
Column of Easterlings x 2
Saruman, Coldly Still x 3
Rampaging Easterling x 4
Crooked Townsman x 4
Easterling Dispatcher x 2

Worn Battleaxe x 4
Pavise x 4

Countless Companies x 2
Stragglers x 2

The strategy with Gandalf Men is to tank like crazy with Strange Meeting, Barliman
Butterbur and some followers. Traveller’s Homestead/Alatar and Pallando take care
of conditions, so you shouldn’t have problems with that. Erland brings back your
pumps so you can beef up really big. A Wizard is Never Late was because I couldn’t
decide between another Erland or Gandalf, so I thought I’d have the capability to
pull whichever I needed.

For the shadow, swarm. And the more lurkers, the better. Rampaging Easterling and
Column of Easterlings are the only lurkers in the deck, and Column of Easterlings
can be discarded for use with Last Days to play another tough minion. Pirate
Cutthroats reinforce Stragglers, especially with a Pavise, and then with naturally
high strength minions winning, use Stragglers with Rampaging Easterling to
overwhelm a companion. If you swarm, many people will assign the Rampaging
Easterling to the RB, only to find out they made a BIG mistake. Also, if they pull
a PATHS early in the game on a rampager, you can always pack a pavise.

Rohan Tank/Isengard Warg-Riders

Free Peoples

Frodo, Resolute Hobbit

The One Ring, Answer to All Riddles

Eomer, Third Marshall of the Riddermark

Elite Rider

Theoden, The Renowned x 2

Hrethel, Rider of Rohan x 2
Eowyn, Daughter of Eomund x 2
Hama, Captain of the King’s Guard x 2
Rider of Rohan

Long Spear x 4
Rider’s Spear x 3
Rohirrim Javelin
Rider’s Mount x 4
Rohirrim Mount
Horse of Rohan
Heavy Chain x 2
Rohirrim Helm x 2
Hobbit Sword

Thundering Host
We Left None Alive

Work for the Sword x 3


Saruman, Master of Foul Folk

Ugluk, Servant of Saruman
Sharku, Vile Marauder x 3
Foul Horde
Warg-Master x 3
Isengard Flanker x 4
Warg-Rider x 4
Isengard Rider x 3

Sharku’s Warg
War-Warg x 3
Warg x 4
Isengard Axe

No Business of Ours
Abandoning Reason for Madness x 2
Wolf-Voices x 3

Rohan, tank. Wargs-beatdown. That’s it. Lame deck, trying to make it decent. Threw
it together with a bunch of random cards. Once I get Eowyn, Lady of Ithilien, 4x
Sword Rack, and 4x Riddermark Javelin, I’ll make it better.

Dwarven/Sauron Discarding Corruption (+ Ring of Artifice?)

Free Peoples

Gimli, Bearer of Grudges

The One Ring, the Ring of Rings

Linnar, Dwarven Lord

Durin III, Dwarven Lord

Ring of Guile x 4
Ring of Accretion
Ring of Retribution

Strands of Elven Hair x 2

Dwarven Axe x 4
Hand Axe x 4
Dwarven Bracers
Dwarven Armor x 2
Arod, Rohirrim Steed

Till Durin Wakes Again x 2

Nobody Tosses a Dwarf x 4

Flurry of Blows x 2
Awkward Moment x 2
Axe Strike x 2
Delving x 4


Siege Troop x 3
Tower Lieutenant x 3
Gorgoroth Stormer x 4
Orc Officer x 3
Bill Ferny, Swarthy Sneering Fellow

Orc Scimitar x 2
Grond, Hammer of the Underworld
Verily I Come
Desperate Defense of the Ring x 2
Thin and Stretched
Tower of Barad-Dur x 4
Some Secret Art of Flame x 2
The Irresistible Shadow x 2

Desperate Measures x 4
The Ring is Mine x 4

Dwarves, win and discard with Nobody Tosses a Dwarf and Dwarven Axe. Bring back
Nobody Tosses a Dwarf with the Ring of Guile.

Orcs, discard with Tower of Barad-Dur, Desperate Defense of the Ring, Tower
Lieutenant and Desperate Measures. Tower of Barad-dur and Some Secret Art of Flame
should give you initiative so you can use Gorgoroth Stormer to add burdens. Then,
Desperate Measures really hurts. Usually decking your opponent out at site 5 or 6,
Desperate Defense of the Ring starts to add burdens, compounded with The Ring is
Mine, until finally, the Irresistible Shadow.

Woodland Onod/Insipiration with Southron Wounding

Free Peoples

Frodo, Resolute Hobbit

The One Ring, Answer to All Riddles

Farmer Maggot, Hobbit of the Marish

Merry, In the Bloom of Health
Pippin, In the Bloom of Health
Quickbeam, Bregalad
Skinbark, Fladrif
Host of Fangorn
Ent Horde

Woodland Onod x 4
Huorn x 3
Host of Fangorn
Skinbark, Fladrif
Merry, Loyal Companion
Pippin, Mr. Took
Gandalf, Leader of the Company x 2

Ent Moot x 3
Ent Draught

Warmed Up a Bit x 4
Inspiration x 4
A Wizard is Never Late


Desert Spearman x 4
Desert Warrior x 2
Desert Soldier x 2
Southron Archer Legion
Southron Invaders
Southron Runner x 3
Southron Marcher

Mumak x 4
Raider Halberd
Raider Bow x 4

Howl of Harad

Whirling Strike x 4
Red Wrath (Trying to get four, currently one)
On the March x 4

With the ents, discard the Hobbits ASAP, pull Gandalf, Leader of the Company and
Woodland Onod and use your companions to beat everything up hard. Double almost
every time.

With the Southrons, generate tons of ambush and use it with your wounding abilities
and events, then pump your guys for another wound. Mumaks make them fierce to win
another skirmish, and you can even throw out some archery. Howl of Harad to take
care of ring-bound companions, and its also pretty good after archery to make the
ring-bearer die.

--- description ---

A shoot-’em up forest, erm...KINDA elf deck.
--- end description ---

(32 cards)

Faramir, Bearer of Quality

The Ring of Rings
Legolas, Son of Thranduil
Orophin, Brother of Haldir

Elrond, Witness to History x 2

Rumil, Silvan Elf
Elven Guardian x 2
Arwen, Queen of Elves and Men x 2
Lorien Swordsman
Aragorn, Thorongil

Elven Bow x 4
Legolas’ Bow
Faramir’s Bow
Aragorn’s Bow x 2
Anduril, Sword that Was Broken
Feathered x 3

Take Up the Bow x 4

Galadriel, Lady of the Golden Wood x 4

Dinendal, Mirkwood Archer

Once you’re completely set up, you have a base 10 archery. Yeah right. But still,
you should be able to pull off a good amount of archery, seeing as how you start
with 3. Lady of the Golden Wood is there to simply control the site-path. Aragorn
exerts minions, and then exerts to wound minions, meaning that weaker minions are
automatically kaput. Or you could just use his text to get a wound so Rumil becomes
an archer. Anyways. Play The Prancing Pony first, and then jam the site-path with
forests. Enjoy.

Dwarf Choke/Moria Swarm

Frodo, Old Bilbo’s Heir
The One Ring, Isildur’s Bane

1 East Road
2 Trollshaw Forest
3 Council Courtyard
4 Balin’s Tomb
5 The Bridge of Khazad-dum
6 Dimrill Dale
7 Anduin Wilderland
8 Anduin Banks
9 Summit of Amon Hen

Fellowship (43)

Gimli, Dwarf of the Mountain-race

Gloin, Friend to Thorin

Grimir, Dwarven Elder x 2

Thrarin, Dwarven Smith x 2
Bounder x 2

Till Durin Wakes Again x 4

Axe Strike x 3
Cleaving Blow x 3
Delving x 4
Here Lies Balin, Son of Fundin x 2
Hobbit Intuition
Orc-bane x 2
Power According to His Stature x 4

Book Of Mazarbul x 2
Gimli’s Helm
Dwarven Armor x 2
Dwarven Axe x 2
Hand Axe x 4

Shadow (43)

Goblin Armory x 4
Goblin Swarms x 3
Plundered Armories
Relics of Moria x 2
The Underdeeps of Moria x 2

Host of Thousands x 4

The Balrog, Flame of Udun

Goblin Backstabber x 4
Goblin Runner x 4
Goblin Scavengers x 4
Goblin Sneak x 4
Moria Scout x 4
Ulaire Nertea, Messenger of Dol Guldur x 2

Goblin Scimitar x 4

Well...tons of RB protection, which is important in a choke deck.

Hobbit Intuition can cancel a skirmish because its an original format, thus
original rules. Don’t like it?

Oh well...if you don’t like it, I can always just use it as a decent strength pump.

Power According to His Stature, of course, and Bounder can allow Frodo to fight
without fear. With Sting and a Boudner, Frodo can stand up to a pretty tough
minion. Heck, let him take the Balrog! (Just kidding).

The Dwarves cycle like crazy, and then choke the twilght as well. Any twilight you
do get, you get removed with Sting (against Moria, which is the biggest threat in
FotR, and against Sauron and Isengard orcs to!).

Orc-Bane and Here Lies Balin, Son of Fundin knocks off a whole bunch of Orcs/Uruk-
Hai as soon as they hit the table. Basically, everything dies except Nazgul.

And then the Dwarves have nice healing. Plus, Gloin is a base 12 tank once you’re
set up.

And Moria, just swarm like CRAZY!!!!!!! Pull the Goblin Scimitars from everywhere
to draw tons of cards and add tons of twilight, if they get discarded, Plundered
Armories! More cards!

And then with Goblin Swarms, swarm again and again until they die! Rule of 5
problems? Nertea takes ’em!
This is another deck i made. Freeps are based on Aragorn, Frodo and Sam. You want
to give the shadow player as few twilight as you can, making use of cards like A
Talent for not Being Seen and No Stranger to the Shadows. The Nazgûl Shadow side is
sort of an answer to a problem i encountered with my freeps side: Doubling is hard.
You only have 3 companions, so it is pretty easy to lose one to a small swarm. You
really want ot take it slowly, and Nazgûl are very good at stalling the opponents
movement. Only one powerfull Nazgûl can stop the fellowship in their tracks.

1. Green Dragon Inn
2. Bree Streets
3. Ford of Bruinen
4. Mithril Mine
5. The Bridge of Khazad-Dum
6. Caras Galadhon
7. Silverlode banks
8. Anduin Banks
9. Summit of Amon Hen


Starting Fellowship:
Frodo, Old Bilbo’s Heir + The One Ring, Isildur’s bane
Aragorn, Heir to the White City

1x Sam, Faithfull Companion

2x Bounder
2x The Gaffer, Samss Father
4x Hobbit Party Guest (-2)

1x Sting
1x Hobbit Sword
2x Bill the Pony (-)
1x Mithril Coat
4x Athelas
1x Flaming Brand
1x Ranger’s Sword
2x Aragorn’s Bow
1x Armor

1x O Elbereth! Gilthoniel!
4x A Promise
3x A Talent for Not Being Seen (-)
1x The Saga of Elendil
2x No Stranger to the Shadows

2x Power According to his Stature
3x Hobbit Stealth

3x Ulaire Toldea, Messenger of Morgul
3x Ulaire Cantea, Lieutentant of Dol Guldur
4x Ulaire Nelya, Ringwraith in Twilight
3x Ulaire Attea, Keeper of Dol Guldur
3x Ulaire Enquea, Lieutenant of Morgul
4x The Witch-King, Lord of Angmar

4x Nazgul Sword
2x Morgul Blade
2x The Pale Blade

4x Blade Tip
4x Black Breath
2x Wreathed in Shadow

2x Stricken Dumb

(Maybe add Beauty is Fading, and a Sam or 2)

Ranger Archery Choke/Uruk Beatdown

Frodo And Ring
*The One Ring, Isildur’s Bane(1R1)
*Frodo, Reluctant Adventurer (2C102)

(1)The Prancing Pony(1U324)
(2)Trollshaw Forest(1U334)
(3)Council Courtyard(1C337)
(5)The Bridge of Khazad-dum(1C349)
(6)Valley of the Silverlode(2U120)
(7)Silverlode Banks(1U355)
(8)Pillars of the Kings(1U358)
(9)Slopes of Amon Hen(1U361)

Fellowship (40)
2x *Elrond, Herald To Gil-Galad(3R13)
2x Bounder(1C286)
1x *Aragorn, King in Exile (1P365)
1x *Arwen, Daughter of Elrond(1R30)
2x *Boromir, Defender Of Minas Tirith(3P122)
1x *Legolas, Greenleaf(1R50)
2x Gondor Bowmen(3R41)
3x No Stranger to the Shadows(1U108)
2x The Last Alliance of Elves and Men(1R49)
4x Double Shot(1R38)
2x *Aragorn’s Bow(1R90)
1x *Blade of Gondor(1R95)
1x *Gwemegil(1R47)
1x *Ranger’s Sword(1U112)
1x *Sting(1R313)
2x Elven Bow(1C41)
2x Flaming Brand(2R32)
1x The Splendor of Their Banners (1R62)
1x The Saga of Elendil (1R114)
1x The Tale of Gil-galad (1R66)
1x Armor (1C92)
2x Bill the Pony (3U106)
1x O Elbereth! Gilthoniel! (2R108)
1x Mithril-Coat (2R105)
2x Athelas (1U94)

Shadow (40)
4x Saruman’s Ambition(1C133)
2x Abandoning Reason For Madness(3C49)
4x Savagery to Match Their Numbers(1R139)
2x *Orthanc Berserker(3R66)
3x *Saruman, Keeper Of Isengard(3R68)
2x *Uruk Captain(2R46)
3x Uruk Lieutenant(1R148)
2x Uruk Ravager(3U75)
1x Worry (1U162)
4x Troop of Uruk-hai (1R143)
2x Can You Protect Me From Yourself? (3R50)
2x Beyond the Height of Men (2R39)
2x Evil Afoot (2U41)
3x Tower of Orthanc (3R71)
3x Lurtz's Battle Cry (1R128)
1x Traitor's Voice (1U142)

Basic strategy for freeps is keep the twilight low while piling up on the archery
and keeping it under 5 companions so that you don’t get hit by the nasty 5
companion cards. Uruks is quite simple just beat the crap out of the other peoples
and make them fierce and all kinds of cool stuff.

My tips:
Drop Foul Creation, not that needed, and add in another copy of Aragorn’s Bow (you
WILL need one of these) and Gondor Bowmen. You can also drop Legolas’ both weapons,
minions won’t survive until the skirmish phase, and if they DO, just wipe them out
with Aragorn. Also, drop one Sting (Bounder will take care of keeping Frodo alive)
and Gwemegil, and make Aragorn become Aragorn, King in Exile, so you can use The
Splendor of Their Banners with Arwen. Drop one copy of Last Alliance (playing one
on Aragorn will be enough for most of what slips through your arrows) and add in
The Saga of Elendil and The Tale of Gil-Galad. For the other gap, add in Armor, so
if things get ugly, Aragorn can survive tougher minions. You can even consider
adding in some more cards, so you can keep Aragorn, Heir to the White City, adding
in some Might of Numenor, and consider adding 2 copies of Bill the Pony. I also
think one Bounder is nice, but I think you could use 2 Stings, add in O Elbereth!
Gilthoniel!, Mithril-Coat (utility beast for anti-overwhelming!) and use Frodo,
Reluctant Adventurer, to choke even more! Some conditions discarding in the form of
either Athelas or Secret Sentinels (Athelas might be better, fullfilling the role
of Might of Numenor, if need be).
On the shadow site, 3 Sarumans are more than enough (although I used 2, with Evil
Afoot it’s all you’ll need). Add in another Saruman’s Ambition, drop Saruman’s
Power and add in Worry. Drop Lurtz (costs too much) and add in another copy of the
Berserker. Use 3 Uruk Lieutenant and 4 Troop of Uruk-Hai, dropping Uruk Guard and
Uruk Rager, make you minions more about quality than quantity! Drop one Ravager
(for 3 Sarumans, 2 are more than enough) all Scouts and Slayers, and add in 2
copies of Can You Protect Me From Yourself (everyone packs Aragorn in Fellowship
Block. If not, you can always discard it) and 2 copies of Beyond the Height of Men,
so armors and Gimli’s Helm won’t be a problem. If you still wan’t to add in some
cards to both sides, I recomend 2 Evil Afoot, and 2-3 Tower of Orthanc, so twilight
piles up once Frodo’s "Worried". Lurtz’s Battle Cry one Saruman’s Ambition is out
is a MUST, at least 3 of those. They won’t even know what hit’em.
Hope any of my tips are good...

Moria Swarm + Fellowship? - Lady of Light

9 Summit of Amon Hen (1C362)
8 Shores of Nen Hithoel (1U359)
7 Cavern Entrance (4U355)
6 Lothlorien Woods (1U352)
5 The Bridge of Khazad-dum (1C349)
4 Mithril Mine (1U345)
3 Rivendell Valley (1U341)
2 Midgewater Moors (1U333)
1 Westfarthing (1C326)

Here is the deck list:

Ring and Ring-bearer
Frodo, Old Bilbo’s Heir
The One Ring, Isildur’s Bane

1x 1R30 Arwen, Daughter of Elrond (s)
1x 0P13 Legolas, Greenleaf (s)
1x 1U48 Haldir, Elf of the Golden Wood

1x 3U10 Calaglin, Elf of Lorien
2x 1R34 Celeborn, Lord of Lorien
2x Elrond, Lord of Rivendell (1R40)
1x 3C14 Erestor, Chief Advisor to Elrond
3x 1R45 Galadriel, Lady of Light
2x 1U56 Orophin, Lorien Bowman
1x 1U57 Rumil, Elven Protector
1x 1C286 Bounder
1x Bilbo, Retired Adventurer (1R284)

1x 1R47 Gwemegil
1x Sting (1R313)
3x 1C41 Elven Bow
1x Mithril-coat (2R105)

1x 1R66 The Tale of Gil-galad
1x 1C317 There and Back Again
1x O Elbereth! Gilthoniel! (2R108)

2x 1R36 Curse Their Foul Feet!
3x 1C37 Defiance
2x 3C16 Friends of Old -
2x 2R19 Release the Angry Flood
2x 2R20 Secret Sentinels
2x 1U65 Swan-ship of the Galadhrim
2x Power According to His Stature (1R308)

The strategy is pretty simple, just try to get Galadriel as soon as possible and
the only twilight you’ll be adding in the fellowship phase is with the bows and
gwemegil. This deck has some weapons against all threats like orcs, uruks, nazgul
and erestor can prevent a crutial wound on a companion from hate. Haldir’s brothers
wound orcs and uruks, dinendal and calaglin help you run, elrond, celeborn and
friends of old help you reuse your allies. The rest is pretty straight forward.

x4 Goblin Armory
x4 Goblin Scimitar
x4 Moria Scout
x4 Goblin Runner
X4 Goblin Scavengers
x2 Ulaire Enquea, Lieutenant of Morgul (1U231)
x2 Goblin Flankers
x2 Guard Commander
x1 Relics of Moria
x2 Goblin Swarms
x2 Host of Thousands
x2 Ulaire Nertea, Messenger of Dol Guldur (1U234)
x1 The Balrog, Flame of Udun
x1 The Balrog, Terror of Flame and Shadow (6R76)
x1 Such a Little Thing (3R80)
x1 The Balrog's Sword (2R50)
x1 Whip of Many Thongs (2R74)
x2 Goblin Backstabber (1C174)
x1 Denizens Enraged (1R167)

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