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Cloud for Planning Demo Script

Part 1: Into, Story, Collaboration

I am logged into Cloud for Planning, the application provides me with a homepage that contains the
most relevant information for me, such as KPIs , relevant charts and events. On the homepage I can see
that the quarterly sales review is coming up in a few days and attached to it is a task for me to update
the Q3 forecast, I like to get prepared for this. I can already see that my gross margin % for this year is in
the warning area, I can also see on the variance chart that North America and EMEA are not performing
according to the forecast. I can further drill into the North America region to see whether it is just
Canada or USA that are not performing.

 Drill into chart

Sadly both are not performing. I want to gain further insights into my data. As each of these charts is
based on either a story it is easy for me to navigate to these and find more insights.

 On the gross Margin Chart open the menu and “Go to Story”
A prepared dashboard opens that gives me further insights. The time variance chart in the top corner
shows me actuals and forecast of the income statement over time, the top chart here makes it easy for
me to see whether I am performing according to the forecast or not. It looks like in Q2 we have been
having problems to meet our target. It also looks like that data for the Q3 forecast has not been entered
either. I will need to have a look at this later, as Ivo will ask me for the forecast in the review meeting I
am sure.

I can also see on the bottom variance chart that only Footware is performing above the forecast. Let’s
look further into the different products on the next tab.

 Open the product tab

The product tab gives me even more details. In the waterfall chart I can also see footware is doing well,
but I want to find more into.

 Drill on Footware

Here I can see that both Tennis Shoes and Running Shoes are the ones that meet that forecast. I am
especially surprised the our soccer shoes are 56% above target, we just introduced them in EMEA earlier
this year. I am going to bring that to Ivo’s attention via our build in chat capabilities and suggest to also
introducing them in North America in 2016.

 Open chat window, start chat with Ivo. Paste:

“Hi Ivo, our soccer shoes are 56,5% above forecast. What do you think shall we introduce them
to North America in 2016? Can you get the business plan started?”
Ivo receives the notification on his phone
 Ivo responds to the messages
While still working on the story Christina can see Ivo’s response.
Before going to create the forecast for Q3 I want to have another look at the locations.
 Go to Exploration view (Note: if this is not enabled then it is a not yet released feature for the
exploration of the planning models, but will come in one of the next waves)
You like to see the Income Statement to the location facet and drill into the locations

Now this is showing me the data from all dates, you only want to see 2015.
 Drill into Time and select 2015

See how the data was updated. As we’re all visual people you like to create a visualization
 Select Region and Income Statement
 Also drill into the regions via chart interaction

As you can see we provide you with best fit visualizations according to standards as you create the
charts, but if these are not the ones you like to see then it is easy to change into a variety of other

 Change to Donut chart

You like the visualization and want to add it to your story.
 Copy it to the Location page
 Resize as desired

 Note if wanted you can change the color here, starting wave 14 we will have color by default
unless you add category/version to the color section

Here on the location page I can see that Net revenue is higher when more discounts are given. I may
want to take that into considerations when doing my forecast.

 End story piece, avoid saving the story if you like to do the demo more than once otherwise you
have to reset it again
Part 2: Report, Planning, KPI and apple watch

As you remember there was a task for me to update the forecast.

 Open the task form the homepage

I accept the task and open the link to the report that is attached to the task

TODO add a few more events

There is a report attached to the event

 you can attach stories as well, if you choose to do the planning in the report

 Opened report and show how easy it is to drill into the month
In order to work on my forecast I will create a private version that allows me to change the data.

 Create copy of forecast

To make the screen a bit more readable, I will hide the original forecast
Overall I want to increase my Net Revenue for Apparel as it is quite low. I will set up a KPI to monitor this
going forward. I will also receive KPI alerts on my phone
Now I like to start updating my forecast, I will open the KPI driver tree to help adjust the values that
influence my net revenue, which allows me a what-if calculation. I can see here that revenue and a
variety of discounts are impacting my net revenue. I now want to increase the revenue to 1.7 Mill.

As found in my analysis giving more discounts will increase the unit of sold items, hence I am also
increasing the discounts given to 0.07 Mill $
You can see how both changes were reflected back in the KPI driver. I am now happy with the changes I
have made and will saves these back into my private version. All the yellow fields in the report show me
the values that were impacted by changing the net revenue

Before publishing back my forecast for Ivo’s approval, I like to see how this forecast would form out on a
YTD calculation. For this I am changing my time filter to include all quarters of 2015.
I add the YTD calculation into the excel like grid

As you see with a few easy steps I got additional information out of my data
Of course I can create other visualization here like we have seen on the homepage and in the story.

I will publish my forecast

 Note: avoid publishing the forecast if you’re planning on doing the demo more than ones as it is
hard to revert esp. on a shared system
I can now go back to my events and mark my task as completed

The task has been sent to Ivo for approval (this only happens if the task had Ivo as reviewer otherwise it
goes to completed)
Ivo has gotten a notification
He can open the link again to the report and review the data Christina has added and then accept or
reject her work…

Part 3: Allocations

As we found earlier our soccer sales in Europe have been quite good, hence Ivo decides to plan the
revenue for soccer shoes in North Americas in 2016. He plans with an average unit price of $105 for all
countries in North America and with 29,000 units sold.

For this Ivo opens the Business Plan 2016 report and goes to the spreading tab

 Note, when setting up for this demo, you need to have 2 private versions for Ivo in the report if
you don’t want to create the versions during the demo
o Spreading tab -> private version of plan
o Allocation -> private version of actuals
Explains time filter, plan for 2016, no soccer shoes revenue yet. To start planning he adds a new private
version named “GrowthAmericas” as a copy of the “Plan” version, sets the Point-of-View filter to
Time=2016, Category=GrowthAmericas, drills down into North America, EMEA not drilled down.

Ivo enters the planned unit price $105 in the cells for soccer shoes, Unites States resp. Canada, in the
subaccount “Unit Price”.
In the “Units Sold” account he enters the annual number of units 29,000 in the cell for soccer shoes,
North America and triggers the default data entry. Point out that Revenue shows up for Soccer Shoes.

However Ivo wants to spread data in a different way. He selects the cell “Units Sold”, Soccer Shoes,
North America and clicks the Spread-button. Note that the system proposes a spread perspective in this
case Responsibility Center, as drilled down. And that the cells for spreading are highlighted in the grid.
Gregor manually enters weights, note the preview in the spreading pane, applies the spreading.
Ivo wants to match the distribution to the way tennis shoes are distributed. He selects unit sold for NA
and EMEA for tennis shoes and clicks the “picker” in the Weights section of the pane. The new weights
and a preview of the new spread values are displayed.
Ivo now wants to apply the new spreading and hits the apply button, which updates the fact data, the
grid is refreshed automatically.
Ivo proceeds adjusting the planned Units Sold over time. He selects the Unit Sold for North America for
2016. Assuming slow ramp up = nothing sold Jan-Apr, hence he adds 0 into these month, you can see
how the spread for the other month if getting adjusted.

 Drill into 2016 and select 29000 the spreading button again

Clicking apply updates the data grid

As you can see within a few simple steps Ivo was able to do some adhoc spreading.

Next Ivo wants to do some more structural allocation.

 Navigate to the Allocation section of the application which opens the Allocation Process list
page. Currently this lists all models. Ivo clicks on the BusinessPlanning model and creates a new
allocation step.

He enters a name, selects “Cost Pool” as source perspective and “ProductAlloc” as target
perspective. Finally he click “Create”. This adds the step to the allocation model, and brings the user
to the allocation step grid.

 Note the UI changed a bit 

The step name is shown in the active tab, the grid underneath shows the single “global” default rule
which has been created automatically by the system

From the allocation step grid Ivo clicks on the “+” button to open the create allocation rule dialog. One-
by-one he specifies the following allocation rules

New Pool (SOURCE) DRIVER ProductAlloc (TARGET)

Logistics Product weight in kg ALL_PRODUCTS
General Manufacturing ALL_PRODUCTS->APPAREL,
The created rules are shown in the rule grid. Ivo points out that this rule specification will ensure that
costs will also be distributed e.g. to all children one may create in the future under APPAREL.

To execute the cost allocation, Ivo opens the “Business Planning 2016” report, the view “Allocation”,
show the cost assignment before allocation, all costs are not assigned to products yet, all on the
member “UNASSIGNED” in the product perspective.

Now creates a private version “RunAlloc1” as a copy of the version “Actual”, triggers the allocation from
the toolbar clicking the “Perform Allocation“-button. And choose Execute.
The grid refreshes automatically and opens in the Allocation layout for the selected step.
You can see here how the data has been allocated except for the Sales Cost Pool for which Ivo did not
set up an allocation rule.

End Demo

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