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As shown by the title, our earth’s biodiversity is at crisis.

But some may wonder, what is

biodiversity? Wikipedia tells us that biodiversity is the variation of life forms within a
given ecosystem, biome, or on the entire Earth. Interesting enough, my science teacher
was starting on the Biodiversity chapter when I spotted this poster. We learnt about the
classification of species using their common characteristics, but I realize that there are
always exceptions. For instance, we know that mammals give birth, however there are
those which lay eggs. Also, some of them have wings or fins instead of limbs. This, I
feel, is the wonder of biodiversity.

Although a number of new species are discovered and added into different families with
millions of others everyday, less than one percent of all species that ever existed still
exists today, and the number is still dwindling at an alarming rate. Have you watched the
movie “Happy Feet”? This is what will happen if the biodiversity in the polar region
decreased. When penguins have no fishes to fill their tummies, with seals constantly on
the prowl, sooner or later they will join the Dodos in the museum. Sadly, some men, as
portrayed in the movie, are blinded by profits and no longer concern about others. As
long as money rolls in their pockets, nothing matters. This is why before we make a
move, we must change our attitudes. Or else, before long you will be fed up with the
practices. By then, the only species with guaranteed increase in population is human.
It’s undeniable that there’s nothing much we can do about alternating other’s attitude,
but that doesn’t mean that we cannot try. Ecotourism has its pros and cons, but the cons
are worth it if it manages to awaken the heart of ours to protect the biodiversity. Future
generations should be exposed to the fact that our earth’s biodiversity needs saving.
Frequent visits from schools and families to animal care centres may arise the love for
them that should be planted into their souls since little, and thus demands on products
made from animal body parts will be reduced.
Well, among all the stuff we could do to maintain biodiversity, one of them is to
support organic veggies! Why? Pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, fertilizers, they
meddle with food chains. Not only do they kill innocent lives which are just poking
around at the wrong place for food, on the other hand fertilizers that made their way into
the river greatly encourages the growth of other water plants, and that certainly will turn
the food web upside-down. But before you blame the farmers, think. Why did they do
so? They are trying to make money from pleasing us with big, juicy harvests! So if we
turn down the offer and go for organic veggies instead, we are actually indirectly helping
to maintain the biodiversity.
Next, when we protect a certain species, we must protect it from all aspects. For
example, it is impossible protect Koala Bears while destroying the gum trees, which
serves as its food and habitat. This is why trees should be cut selectively instead of
clearing out the entire forest, as they are homes to many. Besides, it is hard to maintain
biodiversity in an area after deforesting, especially when you replant only certain species
of fast-growing trees as happening in China, or when you’re not even bothered to do so.
What we civilians can do to reduce the necessity of forest clearing is to, of course,
recycle paper. Of the wood harvested for industrial purposes (everything but fuelwood),
fully 42 percent goes to paper production. That’s why we should never get tired from
Remember, your contributions will be greatly appreciated.

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