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Fellowship Player Turn

Status phase
Draw an event card
draw 3 event cards on turn 1
Mobilize fellowship characters
Dormant characters are mobilized if:
An already mobilized group or rumor is in the appropriate area (see T.7), or
The special mobilization conditions for a character mentioned in T.7 are satisfied
Roll results for markers in off-board sea regions
Harlindon Coast
Forlindon Coast
Northern Sea
Change transport modes
Dispose of transport and revert to base transport mode (sneak for Hobbits, foot for most others), or
Acquire transport by making an acquisition roll on T.3
If acquiring transport the group must be revealed as non-rumor (rumors cannot acquire transport)
If applying the Gandalf or Aragorn modification to T.30, Gandalf or Aragorn must be revealed
Groups with more Hobbits and Dwarves than others cannot use horse mode.
Groups which contain only Hobbits must be in sneak mode.
Eagles may be used to acquire flying mode for 1 turn only.

Unconscious characters
Groups can carry (for movement or retreat) unconscious (or dead) characters provided the number of conscious to
unconscious characters is at least:
0 to 1 in ship/boat mode (i.e any number of unconscious characters can be carried)
1 to 1 in horse or flying mode (i.e. 1 conscious character can carry 1 unconscious)
2 to 1 in foot mode (i.e. 2 conscious character are needed to carry 1 unconscious)
3 to 2 in sneak mode (i.e. 3 conscious characters are needed to carry 2 unconscious)
If the ratio is not met the group must either:
Change transport mode to meet the ratio, or
Leave unconscious characters behind
Groups of unconscious or dead characters must be in sneak mode.
Update health status
/ indicates normal damage
X indicates diseased damage (* on minion character cards)

If in a haven:
4 endurance boxes of normal damage (/) are recovered per turn
2 endurance boxes of diseased damage (X) are recovered per turn (3 for Hobbits)

If not in a haven:
1 endurance box of normal damage (/) is recovered per turn
If any disease damage exists (X), 2 more endurance boxes are marked as diseased per turn (1 for Hobbits)
Update combat status
Combat abilities are enhanced if:
Aragorn reaches Rivendell
Legolas reaches Lórien or Edelhond
Gimli reaches Moria or the Blue Mountains
Boromir reaches Edoras or Minas Tirith
Frodo reaches Rivendell or is in a group that has an encounter or fight on a battlefield
Sam is in a group that has an encounter or fight on a battlefield
Merry is in a group that has an encounter or fight on a battlefield
Pippin is in a group that has an encounter or fight on a battlefield
Discard excess event cards
Can hold a maximum of 3 event cards
Dissolve the Fellowship and end the game
Movement phase
Split groups and generate rumors
The number of characters in a group may not exceed 7 (Hobbits count ½).
If an area has more than 7, split into enough markers so that none contains more than 7, leave one marker in area
and EP may choose adjacent areas to place others in.

Each marker may split into:

4 if a group is revealed (groups/rumors may be 1/3, 2/2, 3/1 or 4/0)
2 if a group is not revealed (either 2 groups or 1 group and 1 rumor)
Move mobilized markers
See T.1
Join groups where required
The number of characters in a group may not exceed 7 (Hobbits count ½)
An area may contain only 1 marker unless:
one marker is at sea and the other on land (on a coastal area) [7.8]
the markers are of a different type (color) [5.0]

Search phase
Make roll to activate areas
See T.4.
Areas only active during FP turn.
An area is not active simply because an EP marker is there (and it cannot be searched unless active)
Make a search roll for each active area with a FP marker
See T.5.
All listed modifiers are applied .
A group in sneak mode which is on a bridge, ford or pass2 does not receive the -1 modification for sneaking.
Ship mode markers in bad weather or storms cannot be sighted (S)
Flying mode markers treat encounter (E) as spotting (S2) unless flying mode minions are present
Horse mode markers treat encounter (E) as spotting (S4) unless horse mode or flying mode minions are present
Small groups (< 3 characters, Hobbits=½) may retreat3 from F results if EP does not ambush
Roll results for markers in off-board land regions
West Forodwaith
East Forodwaith
Every Icy Plain

Combat phase
Resolve any fights indicated
See Resolving Combat.
Combine any markers in the same area after retreats
An area may contain only 1 marker unless:
one marker is at sea and the other on land (on a coastal area) [7.8]
the markers are of a different type (color) [5.0]

Enemy Player Turn

It is not the Enemy Player's turn.

T.5 has a cryptic footnote “* No modifications except from EP searches” which presumably is intended to apply to one or more
area types marked with * (compare with T.1), but there are none. Hence, make your own guess or ignore the footnote.
6.124 states “”which uses terrain features (bridges, fords, passes, etc.) to negate terrain effects”, which isn’t very explicit.
To retreat, move a marker:
to the area the group is in or an area the group could normally move to by crossing one area-side in its current
transport mode [8.5].
through any open area side (that is, a clear area-side or one with an unblocked road or bridge) [7.31]
not across a mountain or into the sea [7.8]
The rules are very unclear here. Relevant sections are cited here, but players will need to establish a house rule beforehand I
Enemy Player Turn
Status phase
Draw an event card
draw 3 event cards on turn 1
Challenge FP markers
Optionally, challenge any FP marker. If it is a rumor it is removed. If not, EP player turn is over.
Repeat as many times as desired.
Mobilize minions
Minions are: Guardians, Nazgûl, Fell Creatures, Sauronic Agents, Saruman, Sarumanic Agents
All start the game dormant.
EP may mobilize :
• 3 minions on turn 1
• 2 minions on turns 2, 3 and 4
• 1 minion thereafter
• all Saruman’s agents if Saruman is mobilized
• One red rumor whenever a red marker (guardian) is mobilized
Enable minions for movement
All black markers (except for Fell Creatures) may move each turn, and EP may also enable for movement either:
• 1 Guardian and 1 Red Rumor, or
• 1 Fell Creature and 1 Black Rumor, or
• Saruman, Saruman’s Agents and White Rumors (all White markers)
Fell creatures are automatically enabled when in the company of Nazgûl.
Activate areas for searches
Each turn EP may activate either:
• One type of area until end of current EP turn
• Any 3 specific areas until end of next FP turn
• Any 2 specific areas with +1 to search roll of only 1 of them until end of next FP turn
• Any 1 specific area with +2 to search roll until end of next FP turn
Modify weather
On turn 5 and afterwards only.
Remove all old weather markers then, either:
• place a storm in one area (bad weather is in all adjacent areas), or
• place bad weather in 3 separate areas
Change transport modes
Dispose of transport and revert to base transport mode
Acquire transport by making an acquisition roll on T.3
If acquiring transport the group must be revealed as non-rumor (rumors cannot acquire transport)
Nazgûl may not use ship or boat modes. They may use foot mode only if in a group which is in foot mode and
resume horse or flying mode automatically if they split from that group.
Update health status
If in a Garrison area:
3 endurance boxes of damage are recovered per turn
1 endurance box of damage is recovered per turn

EP and Saruman’s agents in Northern Waste regions do not heal, but take 2 damage per turn.
Other minions heal normally in the Northern Waste regions.
Discard excess event cards
Can hold a maximum of 3 event cards
End the game if Ring is in EP control in a Garrisoned area

It is not clear from 6.22 if minions are mobilized “if a marker (rumor or group) which is already mobilized is in the appropriate
area” (6.11) as for the FP characters. It is not stated but might be inferred. Decide for yourself. Strictly speaking the rules do not
allow the EP to mobilize in this manner.
Movement phase
Split groups and generate rumors
Each marker may split into:
4 if a group is revealed (groups/rumors may be 1/3, 2/2, 3/1 or 4/0)
2 if a group is not revealed (either 2 groups or 1 group and 1 rumor)
Move markers
Only these markers may move:
• mobilized Nazgûl and Sauronic agents (all black markers except Fell Creatures)
• markers enabled this turn

See T.1

Only one guardian (red marker) may be in an area at one time.

Join groups where required
Fell creatures will only join with groups containing Nazgûl.
Guardians will never join in a group and only one guardian may be in an area at one time.
An area may contain only 1 marker unless:
one marker is at sea and the other on land (on a coastal area) [7.8]
the area contains some mobilized minions and some dormant minions [6.221]
one marker represents (a) fell creature(s) and the other contains no Nazgûl [7.8]
the markers are of a different type (color) [5.0]

Search phase
Make a search roll for each active area with a FP marker
Roll on T.5 for each active area with an FP marker in it.
The area must be active, the mere presence of an EP marker in an area does not activate it.
All listed modifiers are applied.
A group in sneak mode which is on a bridge, ford or pass does not receive the -1 modification for sneaking.
Ship mode markers in bad weather or storms cannot be sighted (S)
Flying mode markers treat encounter (E) as spotting (S2) unless flying mode minions are present
Horse mode markers treat encounter (E) as spotting (S4) unless horse mode or flying mode minions are present
Small groups (< 3 characters, Hobbits=½) may retreat6 from F results if EP does not ambush

Combat phase
Resolve all initiated combat
See Resolving Combat.
Combine any markers of the same type in the same area after retreats
An area may contain only 1 marker unless:
one marker is at sea and the other on land (on a coastal area) [7.8]
the area contains some mobilized minions and some dormant minions [6.221]
one marker represents (a) fell creature(s) and the other contains no Nazgûl [7.8]
the markers are of a different type (color) [5.0]

Next Turn
If it is turn 20, the game is over, otherwise it is the Fellowship Player's turn.

6.124 states “”which uses terrain features (bridges, fords, passes, etc.) to negate terrain effects”, which isn’t very explicit.
To retreat, move a marker:
to the area the group is in or an area the group could normally move to by crossing one area-side in its current
transport mode [8.5].
through any open area side (that is, a clear area-side or one with an unblocked road or bridge) [7.31]
not across a mountain or into the sea [7.8]
The rules are very unclear here. Relevant sections are cited here, but players will need to establish a house rule beforehand I
Resolving Combat

OR = Offensive rating
DR = Defensive rating
DN = Damage number
EN = Endurance
* = does diseased damage
# = number of separate attacks possible for an area attack

The reserve remains hidden from opponents.

Cards opposing another card are pinned.

Groups of 3 or less have a chance of disengaging before combat begins if desired. See Wind Up below.
If combat is adjacent to mountain area side all combatants fight dismounted.
Size up opponents
Each player announces how many cards in combat.
EP sets up cards
Up to half of card in reserve, the rest in front line.
Decide if all cards with mounts will fight mounted or dismounted (all must fight the same way)
FP sets up cards
Up to half of cards in reserve, the rest in front line facing EP cards
Decide if all cards with mounts will fight mounted or dismounted (all must fight the same way)

Combat Round(s)
Repeat until one side either successfully disengages or is eliminated.
FP Attacks
Resolve attacks against EP cards.
EP Attacks
Resolve attacks against FP cards.
If after attack all remaining FP cards are unconscious then they are killed.
Attempt to Disengage (if desired)
Individually: Roll less than OR+DR.
As Group: Roll less than (ΣOR+ΣDR)/N – i.e. (sum of all ORs + sum of all DRs) divided by number in group.
A roll of 10 always fails.
Modify roll by:
-1 if mounted or flying
-1 if next to mountain or woods area side
-2 if one or more other cards are holding (i.e. not disengaging)
Ringbearer may disengage automatically unless Nazgûl or Gandalf is in opposing group.
EP must disengage first time a Nazgûl wounds the ringbearer unless combat is within 4 areas of Mordor.
Result of successful disengagement: remove card(s) from combat and keep for Wind up below

If after disengagement all remaining FP cards are unconscious then they are killed.

Wind up
If combat was on an area side and FP wins (i.e. survives without disengaging) the FP marker is placed in one
adjacent area and a rumor in the other.
Any disengaged characters at end of combat must retreat7.

To retreat, move a marker:
to the area the group is in or an area the group could normally move to by crossing one area-side in its current
transport mode [8.5].
through any open area side (that is, a clear area-side or one with an unblocked road or bridge) [7.31]
not across a mountain or into the sea [7.8]
The rules are very unclear here. Relevant sections are cited here, but players will need to establish a house rule beforehand I
Resolving Attacks
Reorganize Attacker
• Unpinned card may move from front line to reserve
• Move cards from reserve to front line – must fill any gaps between cards before adding to flanks.
• Move cards from reserve to second line – only if all opposing front line cards are pinned.
• Opposing player moves cards from reserve to second line8 for any card which has two cards pinning it.
• Move cards from reserve into third line – only if card already in second line and all opposing cards are in
front line (i.e. no second line)
• Move cards from reserve into fourth line – only if card already in third line and card is on flank and all
opposing cards are in front line (i.e. no second line)
Attack Defenders
Each card may only perform an area or normal attack. Not both.

Area attacks
• Targets must be adjacent and include the pinned opponent if any.
• Targets must number # or fewer (count mounts)
• Attack each target (calculate HN, roll, apply damage – see Resolving an Attack below).

Normal attacks
• All other cards attack the pinned opponent (or the pinned opponent’s mount – attacker’s choice)
(calculate HN, roll, apply damage – see Resolving an Attack below).
Reorganize Defender
• Opponent chooses card to pin.
that is, one of the cards which attacked it can be moved swapped with the front line card.
• Opponent must move second, third and fourth lines to front line, filling any gaps first then on flanks.

Resolving an Attack
HN = Hit number = ORattacker – DRdefender = at least 1

If attacker rolls 1 and HN > 1 apply damage of 2 x DNattacker

else attacker rolls ≤ HN apply damage of DNattacker

If total damage ≥ ENdefender defender is unconscious

If total damage ≥ 2 x ENdefender defender is dead

Rule uncertainty: [9.22(3)] states front line. But this appears to make no sense (i.e. be an error)..

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