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Lexical problems

1- let me in

p/ prepositional verbs may resist literal translation

s/ we translate properly according to the grammatical structure

t/ ‫أدخلني‬

2- it is very (damp) here sometimes

p/ some words have more than one meaning and students translate into the general and popular
meaning only

s/ we distinguish the intended meaning and translate into a reasonable word according to the context

t/ ً ‫الجو رطب هنا احيانا‬

3- took off my overcoat

p/ the meaning of the phrasal verb may be unpredictable and unfamiliar

s/ we memorize the most common and important and irregular phrasal verbs

t/ ‫خلعت معطفي‬

4- as strong as a heifer

p/ students are ignorant about the suitable, proper equivalent of such similies

s/ we understand the implied meaning and translate properly in a sense

t/ ‫قوية كالعجل‬

5- diphtheria

p/ ‫ الديفتيريا‬is an acceptable translation(transcription), but the only specialist understand the meaning,
others find is unclear

s/ we find the proper equivalent (if it exists) in Arabic, or translate neutrally

t/ ‫( مرض الخناق‬more advisable)

‫ ( مرض يصيب الجهاز التنفسي‬may be acceptable)

Grammatical problems:

1- her cold, steady eyes

p/ the imitation of the English sequence of a series of adjectives.

s/ we can use the repetition of (‫ )و‬or no (‫ )و‬between the adjectives when translating into Arabic

t/ ‫ عيناها الباردتين و الثابتتين‬، ‫ او‬،‫عيناها الباردتين الثابتتين‬

2- both parents answered me together

p/ translating a zero article in English into a definite article in Arabic

s/ we add ‫ ال‬before the noun in translating

t/ ً ‫كِال الوالدين اجاباني معا‬

3- we had been having a number of cases of diphtheria

p/ past perfect progressive have no identical equivalent in Arabic

s/ we translate into ‫ كان‬+ present tenses

t/ ‫كان يأتينا العديد من حاالت مرض الخناق‬

4- The child was fully dressed

p/ past participle may be translated into a verb or an adj.

s/ we understand the context and translate as suitable in the sentence

t/ ‫كانت الطفلة مُرتدية بالكامل‬

5- thinking of that

p/ there may be a confusion between present participle and gerund

s/ noun substitution

t/ ‫عند التفكير بذلك‬

1- Looking back upon the way

p/ the present progressive have no equivalent in Arabic

s/ we translate the verb in the present tense

t/ ‫ينظر ورا ًء الى الطريق‬

2- I had come to it direct from a railway station

p/there is no equivalent for the past perfect in Arabic

s/ translate the verb in past tense with or without the addition of ‫لقد‬

t/ ‫لقد جئت اليه مباشرة من محطة السكك‬

3- I will take it on my myself to say

p/ future has no equivalent verb in Arabic

s/we translate into ‫ س‬or ‫سوف‬

t/ ‫سآخذ على عاتقي ان اقول‬

when invented first washing machine electric? appeared first washing electric in year 1908 in company
Horlay Machine in The United States. invented it ( Alfach Fisher) and named her name ( Bull ) was like a
barrel with sink galvanized (electric) and engine electric. was contain on group of the feathers do flip the
clothes in moves opposite so no interlock.

Problems of Word for word translation:

1- it ignores the differences between the word order of the two languages, ex: Invented it Alfach Fisher

2- it shows the meaning as the product of words, ex: Washing machine electric

3- it dismisses any special and indirect meaning of the word, ex: Feathers, ‫ريش‬

4- it ignores the context of words, ex: do flip the clothes in moves opposite so no interlock.

5- it ignores the grammatical differences between the two languages, ex: was contain

cultural metaphor

p/ such metaphors are not understood directly in other culture

s/ we search for the suitable meaning for people in other culture to uberstand

t/ this exam is longer than the bible

- ‫من دون وداع‬

2- ‫تحت السواهي دواهي‬

3- ‫كان يا مكان‬

4- ‫كيف االحوال معك؟‬

5- ‫عاش من شافك‬

1- he had enough of him

2- my deepest condolence

3- Happy Christmas

4- may God give you strength

5- don't evendare to think about it

what is bred in the bone, will come out in the flesh

bound free: ‫وجدت ضالتي‬

loose free: ‫حصلت على ما اريد‬

direct idiom

p/ it is hard to have access to all equivalent idioms in TL

s/ we search for the proper equivalent or we translate directly in a sense if possible

t/ it is like selling coal to newcastle

‫مضت سندريال وقتا ً رائعا ً في الحفلة الى ان سمعت الدقة األولى من منتصف الليل! تذكرت حينها ما قالته الحورية وبدون اي وداع ذهبت‬
‫خلسة من بين يدي االمير وركضت على الدرج بينما كانت تركض فقدت احد فردات حذائها لكنها لم تفكر ولو للحظة بالتوقف واخذها!‬
‫‪.‬اخذت تفكر‪ ..‬يالهول الكارثة التي ستحصل لو دقت منتصف الليل الدقة االخيرة ‪ ,‬عندها ركضت بسرعة واختفت بين ظالم الليل‬

‫بينما كانت تركض _ ‪1- as she ran‬‬

‫‪ seems more suitable‬بينما ‪ but according to the context here‬عندما ‪as .. means‬‬

‫‪ , to contrast what is mentioned before it‬حتى ‪2- until means‬‬

‫‪) to give a better meaning in the text‬الى ان( ‪here it is translated‬‬

‫‪cultural metaphor‬‬

‫‪p/ such metaphors are not understood directly in other culture‬‬

‫‪s/ we search for the suitable meaning for people in other culture to uberstand‬‬

‫‪t/ this exam is longer than the bible‬‬

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