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Homework Title / No:-____Home work 1________

Course Code: ____CAP324_____

Course Instructor: __ Rajeev Kanday ___________Course Tutor (if

applicable): ____________

Date of Allotment: _18-1-2011___________

Date of submission: ___26-1-2011________________

Student’s Roll No._____A21______

Section No. : _________D3002________________
I declare that this assignment is my individual work. I have not
copied from any other student’s work or from any other source
except where due acknowledgment is made explicitly in the
text, nor has any part been written for me by another person.
Student’s Signature :
___Raj Kumar____
Evaluator’s comments:
Marks obtained : ___________ out of ______________________

Question (1): - Discuss the use of metrics in software engineering?

Answer: - Metrics are used by a project manager and a software team

to adapt project work flow and technical activities.

Occurred during:

(1) Monitor and control progress.

(2)Production rates: pages of documentation, review hours, function

points, and delivered source lines.


Technical metrics --> quality

The first application of metrics on most software projects occurs during

estimation. Metrics collected from past projects are used as a basis from
which effort and time estimates are made from current software work.

Production rates are measured.

(1) To minimize the development schedule by making the adjustments

necessary to avoid delays and mitigate potential problems.

(2) To assess product quality on an ongoing basis and, when

necessary, modify the technical approach to improve quality.

(3)Error rates in design, in test execution, in operations or field use

(4)Error severity and distribution in different development stages

(5) Time/cost in test running

(6)Time/cost in bug fixing

(7) Time/cost in inspections or reviews.

(8)Defect present/remaining
Question (2):-Is there ever a case when the generic phases of software
engineering process don’t apply? If so, describe it?

Answer: -There are many cases when the generic phase not applies.
There is a condition when the variable we need to accomplish the
software related work is not required. Some condition when generic
phase don’t apply that are given below.

Software is not large

Software are small therefore no need to go in generic phases.

Software Globally recognized

When the software is globally recognized analysis factor and we need

not to go in generic phases.

Software developer already know software variable

There are the condition occur when the software developer already
know about the generic phases from its previous required and its
estimation of future are too slow to change then this process comes.

Question (3) Which is more important – the product or the process?

Answer:-There is no perfect answer of this question and according to the

analysis on this subject it is known that.

The most important is product and its statistics is diverting from product
to process.

A process is the time and effort spent to achieve a product. A product is

what we can say, the "fruit" of the process that made it. When we eat a
fruit, do we care anything about how it was formed? Of course
Not. If we find a worm in the fruit, we do not think how the worm went in.
We would just throw the fruit away, stating it as a bad fruit. It's the same
with a product. In school, it is your grades that count, not your learning
experience. In work, it is your salary that counts, not your labour. In
other words, people look at your product, not your process.

But some time process is more important:-

A software development company has a software development process,

with user requirements being fed in one end, and finished software
coming out of the other. Clerical functions are also processes. And all
processes can be improved.

People are important in process improvement, because the people

operating the process are the ones who have the best ideas for its
improvement. The operator (or clerk) who watches the process all day
will already know how to improve it, if only they are asked in the right

Many managers concentrate on trying to improve the performance of a

process by motivating the people operating it. There is usually a waste
of time - after all, motivation does not improve output permanently, even
if it improves it short-term. This is true even in the sales process - there
is ample evidence that sales commissions improve motivation, but less
hard evidence that motivation increases sales. A permanent
improvement in sales can only be achieved by improving the process -
installing sales tracking software, or buying better prospecting lists, or
providing more staff training.

Question (4):-Describe three real life situations in which the customer

and the end- user are the same. Describe three situations in which they
are different.

Answer: - Three real time situation when the customer are the End user.

(1)CAD Software

A: AutoCAD
B: Ally cad
In the cad software category as you can see that the customer is civil
engineer which uses this software as an end user and implies in service
The customer to whom it give after modelling are not directly use the
Software so they are not end user.

(2)CMS (Content management systems)

A:-word press
B: joomla
C: smf
D:- bulletin

This above are the example the developer or the customer are end user
in this which they use the product but the third hierarchy of user are not
end user.

(3)Ajax modules designer etc

As above all are the software component in which the customer as the
developer uses it to design the interface and become end user and the
other user only navigate through these modules.
There are numbers of plug-in available which is customer need and use
it as a end user like, query etc
Three products in which they are not

(1) As you can see that all of these are purchased by the customer or
client and they are used by end-user us not by them.

(2)In railway reservation system the railway board is customer ans we

are user

(3)In Airline reservation system the air company is customer and we

are user similar in online poll system.

Question (5):- Suggest three measures, three metrics and corresponding

indicators that might be used to assess the service department of an
automobile dealership.

Answer: - The measure which we have to take on service department of

auto mobile dealer ship is:-

1:-Technical staff

Measures:-As technical staff is one of the most important factor in

planning for the service department of the automobile.
As this measure shows how efficient are there services.

The metrics which we got from technical staff measure is..

QOTW (quality of technological worker)
QOTW=1(for excellent)
QOTW= (a1+a2+a3…n)/n;

2:-Personal relationship

Measures:-Personal relationship measure show how the company

contact are going on if the dealer have higher personal relationship then
it goes well.

PRF depend on number of relation relative to client
NOC=Number of client
R=No of relation
3:-Location convenience

Measures:-This measure shows how convenient the location is so that

the client easy acess the service.

LC=Location convinience
CF=Client factor.
If CF is more means the client are near the service center.

4:-Gurantee on work

Measures:- In this measure we find out the percentage of work done by

the dealer.

IF GOW=2N=Excellent
IF GOW is hang between (N-N) <<<<<(N-1)

Question (6) Is it possible for spoilage to increase while at the same time
defects/ KLOC decrease? Explain.

Answer:- It is possible when the spoilage increase the defect per

thousand line decrease

(1) Source code

(2) Type of error.
(3) Level of error.

(1)Source code
As you know that there are many type of language or strategy which we
apply on source code.
If we don’t do any error in first 10,000 lines and do error on 10001 lines
which make whole programme become unstable.

(2) Type of error

In the other situation when the type of error are 30 but the level of affect
was low and in vice versa condition when error are one and which are

(3) Level of error

It also depends on which level the error occur at the interface level,
database design level or miscellaneous.

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