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Martial Arts For Life Warrior Concepts

Mastery: International
Becoming The Master
By Jeffrey M. Miller, Shihan Bujinkan Kuryu Dojo
Student Training Manual

Martial Arts For Life Mastery
and the
Ultimate Expression of
Confidence, Power, and Control!

Jeffrey M. Miller, Shihan
Copyright © 2008 Warrior Concepts Int’l, Inc and Jeffrey M. Miller All Rights Reserved
www.warrior-concepts-online.com Call in the US & Canada (570) 988-2228
Warrior Concepts International
12 Degree Master Teacher
International Bujinkan Dojo
Martial Arts For Life Mastery: Becoming The Master
By Jeffrey M. Miller, Shihan

Becoming The Master

Martial Arts fot Life Mastery and the Ultimate Expression of
Confidence, Power and Control!

International Bujinkan Master-teacher
Jeffrey M. Miller
Founder & Driector
Warrior Concepts International
Bujinkan Kuryu Dojo
Self-Protection & Personal Development
362 Market Street
Sunbury, Pa. 17801

To learn more, call... (570) 988-2228


Email contact:

Copyright © 2008 Warrior Concepts Int’l, Inc and Jeffrey M. Miller All Rights Reserved
www.warrior-concepts-online.com Call in the US & Canada (570) 988-2228
Martial Arts For Life Mastery: Becoming The Master
By Jeffrey M. Miller, Shihan

A Personal Invitation from

Shihan Miller

This book is about one thing, and one thing only - Mastery. But, not
just mastery of anything, as vague as that word can be and the ease of
which it is used in today’s world. What you’ll find here are very
important keys about mastery from the warrior’s perspective.

Unfortunately though, the martial arts world is filled with two types of people. One wants to be
a true Master, in the traditional sense. And, the other professes to be a Master. I say
“unfortunately” because their are too few real Masters in the world. So, what we have is a case
of the blind-leading the blind, where individuals who want to be Masters are learning, not from
authentic mentors who have “been there” and can not only translate the lessons of the past, but
also have real-world knowledge to share about how to train and to really produce results...

...but from “wanna-be Masters.

This frustrates and saddens me to no end because the warrior arts, including the ancient art of
Ninjutsu, the art of the Ninja, were forged in a time when false masters and weak theories died
on a daily basis - literally. What I mean is that these wisdom teachings for protecting self and
others and leading to the kind of confidence, power and control that so many people are looking
for were passed on by masters who’s philosophies and lessons were proven and time-tested.
And, to translate them correctly and pass them on to students, requires that today’s teachers have
the same kind of experience and understanding.

This might raise the question, “Am I a Master?” And, I will humbly suggest that my words,
actions, and intentions be the answer. What I have to offer my students is, not simply lessons
that I learned in this or that instructor’s class, or during my last trip to Japan, but the knowledge
about what it’s like inside of a dangerous and often times, life-threatening situation. I know,
first-hand, what it means to be face to face with the unthinkable. I know, not just how to do the
techniques that have been passed down to us from past master-warriors, but “why” those
techniques, strategies, and tactics are the way they are

I know these things work, not because someone I respect told me so, or the fact that I can make
them work in the sterile, protective environment of a martial arts dojo (“training hall”). No. I
know these teachings work because I have used them, and put my life on the line against
real-world attacks and real-world assailants - and produced the results that I needed.

Copyright © 2008 Warrior Concepts Int’l, Inc and Jeffrey M. Miller All Rights Reserved
www.warrior-concepts-online.com Call in the US & Canada (570) 988-2228
Martial Arts For Life Mastery: Becoming The Master
By Jeffrey M. Miller, Shihan

But, lets also not forget that the kind of mastery that I’m sharing with you is not limited to
merely blocking, kicking, punching and the other skills that the martial arts are known for. The
lessons that I teach my students transcend the conventional ideas and perceptions of martial arts
mastery and lead the student to a new way of thinking, acting, and “being” in the world. And,
this tranformation is not easy. In fact, mastery requires - no, DEMANDS more from you than
you can possibly imagine.

To attain true mastery, you must:

yAct differently (change your habits patterns)

yThink differently (see things from a different perspective)
yMake decisions differently (choices are based on cause & effect)
yTap into parts of yourself that you don’t even know exist
yChallenge yourself to do what you’ve been taught is impossible
yBecome aware of things that others don't even know exist
yGenerate the energy and power to due what must be done, and to...
yBe able to keep going through situations that would stop everyone else.

This ebook was written for several reasons.

First of all, I believe that there has never been a better or more pressing time to learn the
skills, knowledge, and proper attitudes for being able to both protect yourself and produce the
results you want and need in your everyday life. And, it’s something that must be started today -
not tomorrow. Yes, developing the ability to express confidence, power and control in every
aspect of your life is difficult unless you have a system to put into use right away. And, this
ebook is positioned to help you do this.

Second, today there is talk everywhere, not just in the United States but globally, about the lack
of true leadership and the problems caused by laziness, ignorance, low self esteem and
confidence, and a general sense of not-caring. Even though most people are crying for more
programs and government action, I’m going to show you why I have never been more committed
to teaching serious students how to take control and responsibility of their own lives and
personal safety - today - not tomorrow, through the teachings of ancient warriors who had
neither the luxery of, or desire for, “someone else to do the work.”

Third, this ebook was written because of the increased hype, conflicting information, and false
promises of easy-techniques promoted on the internet today by so-called masters. The truth
around these programs, whether online or off, is that the people promoting them fall into one of
two categories:

Copyright © 2008 Warrior Concepts Int’l, Inc and Jeffrey M. Miller All Rights Reserved
www.warrior-concepts-online.com Call in the US & Canada (570) 988-2228
Martial Arts For Life Mastery: Becoming The Master
By Jeffrey M. Miller, Shihan

A. Many of them have no actual real-world experience and are trying to make a quick
dollar at any cost, and...

B. The few who do have experience and are telling you how easy it is are lying. I can
practically guarantee that they have trained and studied extremely long and hard to
gain the success and abilities that they have today.

Fourth, this ebook was written because, with all of the information available on the internet
today, there is an extreme shortage around how to specifically focus on the essential principles
and training methods that will allow you to learn and develop quickly and see usable results in
the shortest amount of time. I have chosen to share with you the specific paradigm that I teach
my serious personal students that has allowed many of them to be able to actually attain the
power and mastery they were looking for using the knowledge, skills, and attitudes within my

Fifth, this ebook will teach you how to quickly develop the understanding and awareness
needed to improve your skill literally overnight. The genius of this system is that it will literally
work for anyone...even if you have no prior martial arts or personal development training. In
fact, the less experience you have the better because you won’t have to unlearn the poor,
misinformed, or flat-out incorrect lessons you have learned from those with no real experience
and who take their responsibility to teach lightly.

And finally, this ebook is written to show you how ordinary people just like you are not only
learning but successfully putting this information to use in the real-world, against real attackers -
and you can too. Remember, I don’t teach fighters. I don't teach fighting. I teach the skills,
lessons, and strategies that you’ll need to practice and develop, on your own, if you’re to become
a true Master. But, make no mistake. I will not make you into a Master.

I can’t. That’s YOUR job and responsibility.

I teach real people, just like you - professionals, family-oriented men and women, healthcare
workers, employees, and concerned citizens two things:

The lessons for creating the life you’ve always dreamed of, and...

The skills necessary for protevting that life from anything that might threaten it.

If you’re looking for some sort of “fight club” or mixed martial arts fight coach so you can win
money, trophies, or belts...then I’m not your guy.

Copyright © 2008 Warrior Concepts Int’l, Inc and Jeffrey M. Miller All Rights Reserved
www.warrior-concepts-online.com Call in the US & Canada (570) 988-2228
Martial Arts For Life Mastery: Becoming The Master
By Jeffrey M. Miller, Shihan

I’m also not a spiritual guru who will teach you to escape from the world in blissful denial. So,
if that’s what you’re looking for some new age philosopher who will give you what the rest of
the world won’t...again, wrong church - wrong pew.

However; If you’re looking for a solid, proven system that will give you the skills, abilities, and
ability to produce results of a true master-warrior, then read on. I promise you won’t be

This ebook is written from a teaching perspective. That’s what I do. As a martial arts and
personal development educator, my goal is to help you accelerate your learning and develop the
power, confidence and control you’ll need using the 4 levels of progress and development stages
that I present to you in this ebook.

You’ll learn these lessons without all of the fluff and useless material that fills other books
available on the internet and in bookstores all over the world.

Again, mastery is not easy. The specific principles, concepts, strategies, and attitudes I cover in
this ebook will help you achieve the skill and success you want by leveraging two important
keys that you’ll need: the knowledge and experience that I’ve gained in the dojo of other
authentic masters, on the streets, and through the “school of hard-knocks.”

Today, I have the priveledge of working with professionals, companies and their employees,
health care workers, parents, children, and concerned men and women from all walks of
life...and it brings me no greater satisfaction than to work with people just like you - to know that
I am adding value and direction to the lives of people who are trying to live decent, happy lives,
who are getting the success they want through using this system that you’re about to discover.

Remember, the only freedom, protection, and safety that’s guaranteed to each of us, no matter
what the politicians and so-called experts say, is that which combines your realization of your
own personal value in your own life and the lives of those who love you, with your desire to take
action and get the training and abilities you need to be ready, willing, and able to protect that
value. Period.

As long as the world is filled with its share of crazy, anti-social, negative, and self-centered
individuals willing to take, use, or harm others for their own pleasure or self-gain, there will still
be a need for ordinary people like you and me to have the skills necessary for dealing with and
stopping the aggression.

Copyright © 2008 Warrior Concepts Int’l, Inc and Jeffrey M. Miller All Rights Reserved
www.warrior-concepts-online.com Call in the US & Canada (570) 988-2228
Martial Arts For Life Mastery: Becoming The Master
By Jeffrey M. Miller, Shihan

And, as long as the world is filled with it’s share of people who want to be more positive,
productive, and powerful, there will be a need for more leaders - more true Masters of the
lessons that will help them get there.

Get ready to challenge your assumptions about warriorship and what it takes to be a master, and
about what is possible for you, just like the other ordinary people you will meet in this book.

I congratulate you on taking this important step and stand ready to help you see it to the end.

To Your Achievement of Mastery!,

Shihan Jeffrey Miller

P.S. Remember, if I can ever be of assistance in helping you in your training and
development, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I can be reached by email through my
web site at: warriorc@warrior-concepts-online.com. Or, call me at (570) 988-2228 for a
free consult and we can explore your greatest problem area, concern, or need when it
comes to progressing to the next level. I also welcome your feedback or suggestions about
programs you’d like to see offered.

P.S.S. This is something you need to get handled today - not tomorrow. You have lived
long enough trying to get results with the common, everyday wisdom that is being followed
by the masses. Mastery is not for everyone, but you’ll never know what’s possible for you
if you never take action.

Take action now!

Copyright © 2008 Warrior Concepts Int’l, Inc and Jeffrey M. Miller All Rights Reserved
www.warrior-concepts-online.com Call in the US & Canada (570) 988-2228
Martial Arts For Life Mastery: Becoming The Master
By Jeffrey M. Miller, Shihan

Becoming The Warrior

Since beginning my study of the martial arts over thirty years ago, one of the
concepts that has always intrigued me was that of the 'Master'. I have encountered
many people with varying definitions of the title, as well as many so-called and
self-proclaimed ‘masters'.

The term used in the ninja arts to represent this level of skill and achievement, as taught
through the Bujinkan Dojo "Divine Warrior Spirit Training Halls" of Grandmaster
Masaaki Hatsumi, is shihan. The Japanese kanji characters used to make up the word
shihan, individually mean "role model," or ‘one who sets an example worthy of
following.’ In our training, the term is used to represent and identify a “Master Teacher.”

Based on this title and its definition in the traditional sense, I have come to see that:

A 'Master’ is someone who has transcended the techniques

and mere physical tricks and strategies of the martial arts
as practiced by most conventional styles or systems.

The term shihan includes not only the practitioner’s abilities with his or her particular
art's techniques and skills, but the fact that he or she has ‘gone beyond’ the need for
preset techniques at all.

The master is one who 'lives’ the principles and philosophy. In other words, he or she
“walks-the-talk” - and is truly an inspirational model for not only defending oneself, but
also for living one‘s life powerfully. The student who would be a master of him or

Copyright © 2008 Warrior Concepts Int’l, Inc and Jeffrey M. Miller All Rights Reserved
www.warrior-concepts-online.com Call in the US & Canada (570) 988-2228
Martial Arts For Life Mastery: Becoming The Master
By Jeffrey M. Miller, Shihan

herself, as-well-as their martial art, can look to progress through the following roughly
defined levels.

Progress will be seen at different intensities for each quality depending on the natural
inclinations and general disposition of the individual as they come into the training. And
each level is built upon and naturally grows from the previous ones.

Attaining mastery is not a matter if simply memorizing a bunch of “official” techniques,

developing impressive skills that impress others, or spitting out cultural, historical, or
philosophical tid-bits that supposedly mean that you know something.

To be a Master, you should be able to answer a question that a journalist friend oe mine
asks of any expert who has a lot of knowledge about a given topic. And that question

“How can that be used to make your life better?”

How can knowing the techniques, historical details, or philosophy you’re so proud of, be
used to improve the lives of yourself, your friends and family, or the world? If you can’t
answer that question, or your answer is centered around your own ego-gratification of
feeling important or “above” everyone else, then I suggest that you’re not a master at
all. A master-showman perhaps, but not the kind of master that I’m talking about here.

Mastery is a process, not a destination. And, a master is only a Master to those below
himself, not TO himself. While others see a Master as “having made it,” the so-called
“master” sees himself as still a student with so much farther to go.

Copyright © 2008 Warrior Concepts Int’l, Inc and Jeffrey M. Miller All Rights Reserved
www.warrior-concepts-online.com Call in the US & Canada (570) 988-2228
Martial Arts For Life Mastery: Becoming The Master
By Jeffrey M. Miller, Shihan

As I said, becoming a Master is a process. It’s a process with a beginning, a

measurable journey, and only an envisioned goal as a destination. But, the journey
must begin with the first step. So, the following is, as I said, a roughly defined outline of
each phase, its focus for training, and the results to be aquired.

Initiate level-
Students new to the art are laden with their own ‘natural‘ (read: “habitual”) ways of
movement, personality quirks, and methods of responding to stress and conflict. At this
stage, the student will be experimenting with the strategies and new ways of moving
their bodies to carry out the performance of the techniques. Generally, new students
come with a widely varied set of motivations, desires, needs and expectations from and
about what they want to get out of their martial arts training. Many have aspirations of
becoming masters at this point, some only want to learn a few neat tricks in the shortest
time possible, and still others have delusions-of-grandeur of ‘being’ THE master after
just a few classes or belt promotions!

Generally though, students new to the art strive to learn their techniques and see their
teacher as the focal point of what they want to be like on a physical level.

The initiate levels are like the growth of a child as they look toward their parents for the
basic lessons that will allow them to function in their new world.

Intermediate level-
These students have made the dual commitment to:

1) themselves; to learn the art at least to the point of their personally-set goal,
which is usually a belt level, and...

Copyright © 2008 Warrior Concepts Int’l, Inc and Jeffrey M. Miller All Rights Reserved
www.warrior-concepts-online.com Call in the US & Canada (570) 988-2228
Martial Arts For Life Mastery: Becoming The Master
By Jeffrey M. Miller, Shihan

2) their teacher; that they will do the study and practice necessary to meet the
standards expected by the teacher.

Intermediate students begin to understand the kotsu - the ‘essence' of the techniques
and begin relating them to each specific attack and attacker. They begin to see beyond
the physical aspects of their art, to the use of the strategies and principles contained
within the kata examples. These principles are seen as guides for not just winning in a
conventional self-defense situation but also in overcoming nonphysical conflict and
confrontations as well.

The questions sought by these students often begin to take on a philosophical nature as
he or she begins to understand karma - to see his or her own role in setting up the
conflicts and problems in their own life. The concept of being a Master begins to deepen
and broaden as the student sees that mastery is more than the mere ‘performance’ of
kata - preset technique models, or how many tricks or fancy moves you have.

Again, the trap of seeing one's self as having 'made it' is present as many enter this
'adolescent' stage of progression. Just as with the growing child, this same ‘teenage'
rebellion or "know-it-all" attitude can warp the student’s judgment and perception of
where they are on the Path and, if not carefully guarded against, can cause the student
to resent his or her teacher's standards as somehow "holding them back." Often this
attitude will cause the less experienced practitioner to resort to the unscrupulous act of
breaking away from the teacher and self-promoting themselves to black belt in order to
live out the fantasy.

Copyright © 2008 Warrior Concepts Int’l, Inc and Jeffrey M. Miller All Rights Reserved
www.warrior-concepts-online.com Call in the US & Canada (570) 988-2228
Martial Arts For Life Mastery: Becoming The Master
By Jeffrey M. Miller, Shihan

Advanced level-
At the advanced level, the student's ability with the techniques of the art is increasing to
ever-more subtle levels where less and less work is needed to generate the results
needed. The student is concentrating more on what ‘causes’ a fight, and the increased
sensitivity needed to recognize the prompters and cues that are present to signal a
possible hostile situation.

Students training into the advanced levels extend their awareness of their teacher to his
or her life-habits and ability to deal with nonphysical problems and opportunities. Here,
the roles are reversed to the point where the students are ‘critiquing’ the teacher to see
if he or she truly does "walk-the-walk" and actually live by the philosophy that they have
been preaching. It is usually at this level where lesser teachers are spotted and
exposed by intuitive students, and the veil-of-illusion and delusion is seen through.

The maturing student realizes that there are only so many techniques and ways of
doing something with and to the human body. The trap of seeing this as we move into
the subtle realms of development, as the recognition of mastery is of-course present
and even more tempting. At this level though, the advanced student is already seen as
a role model by the lower students and so strives, as a means of self-improvement, to
develop ways of explaining and teaching the art to others.

Mastery level-
True masters, still seeing themselves as students, continue to climb the ladders of
progress. Satisfied to the greater degree about their understanding and ability with their
art and their ability to create techniques at-will and spontaneously from the
fundamentals; their movement is effortless and almost 'magical' as they appear to break
the rules of rationality and logic. Even with all of this apparant ‘power,’ authentic

Copyright © 2008 Warrior Concepts Int’l, Inc and Jeffrey M. Miller All Rights Reserved
www.warrior-concepts-online.com Call in the US & Canada (570) 988-2228
Martial Arts For Life Mastery: Becoming The Master
By Jeffrey M. Miller, Shihan

masters appear extremely human in their operation and conduct despite the feeling of
awesome power, confidence and control that they seem to radiate.

Ego as the basis for doing things has been erased as the master, who has the power to
destroy with little effort, goes through life giving of him or herself humbly. The authentic
power which comes with mastery needs no justification or show of force; in contrast to
the pseudo-master who walks around with chest puffed out as a small animal does to
appear bigger in the face of that which it fears, all the while telling of what havoc they
will cause if things are not done their way. The master is still a student though, as hard
as it may be to tell from a lower perspective. No longer needing the answers to the
bigger questions, he or she now seeks both the finer points of even that which he or she
knows but also the ‘questions' that will bring the answers that they need.

As I said, my explanation and description of these stages are cursory at best and are
not meant to correspond to any set belt ranking or titles. The true master would never
call themselves such because they know that there is always more to know and

To a master, the saying that...

"The more you know, the more you

know what you don't know "

...is both a creed and a truth. Mastery and its attainment relies on the student's own
self-motivated drive to be all that he or she can possibly be. It is the result of “going
beyond”, and seeing through, what the masses believe to be necessary for getting the
results you want. And, as my own teacher would say, it also relies on the expenditure
of three-times the blood, sweat and tears of those who seek the comfort of the image

Copyright © 2008 Warrior Concepts Int’l, Inc and Jeffrey M. Miller All Rights Reserved
www.warrior-concepts-online.com Call in the US & Canada (570) 988-2228
Martial Arts For Life Mastery: Becoming The Master
By Jeffrey M. Miller, Shihan

and title of “Master” - the image and ‘show’ that impresses the childish minds who will
follow one of these fake-masters into ignorance.

The warrior's form of mastery, as represented in living form by the many authentic
teachers of our art, is a light shining through the darkness of ignorance and
complacency. It is the proof that the ultimate is attainable through the willingness to
reach out from our current views and abilities, and become what others only dream

The Path lies before you. And, with the proper mindset, the discipline to do what must
be done, and with the guidance of a true Sensei, “one who has traveled the Path before
you,” you will rise to heights that you never imagined possible. And perhaps, just
perhaps, you can attain to the level where you will have attained Shin Shin Shingon...

“The Mind and Eyes of the Gods!”

Copyright © 2008 Warrior Concepts Int’l, Inc and Jeffrey M. Miller All Rights Reserved
www.warrior-concepts-online.com Call in the US & Canada (570) 988-2228
Martial Arts For Life Mastery: Becoming The Master
By Jeffrey M. Miller, Shihan

Who Is Shihan Jeffrey M. Miller?

Jeffrey Miller is the founder and Director of Warrior

Concepts International, Inc. His unique perspective about
personal protection and self-defense blends the wants and
needs of his Western students and corporate clients with the
timeless wisdom of the Eastern martial arts masters, and his
own real-world experience as a police officer, undercover
investigator, private detective, and bodyguard.

Beginning his martial arts training in 7th grade, Jeffrey Miller followed his drive to overcome
childhood abuses, peer-pressure, and what he observed to be an ever-increasing degree and
severity of violence in the world. At the age of 18, after graduating from high school, he
volunteered for military service and took his place as a member of the United States Army’s
Military police Corps.

During the next seven years, Jeff added to his knowledge of human conflict by working and
cross-training as a:

* Liason between Korean National Police Forces and US Military Police

* Undercover Black Market Suppression Agent
* Physical Security Specialist
* Certified Traffic Accident and Crime Scene Investigator
* Undercover Drug Suppression Operative
* Self-Protection & Wilderness Survival Instructor to Military Police personnel
* Bodyguard for a former US Secretary of Defense, other foreign and US dignitaries, and...
* ...several of the beautiful members of the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders

Copyright © 2008 Warrior Concepts Int’l, Inc and Jeffrey M. Miller All Rights Reserved
www.warrior-concepts-online.com Call in the US & Canada (570) 988-2228
Martial Arts For Life Mastery: Becoming The Master
By Jeffrey M. Miller, Shihan

During this time, he was forced to deal with the worst of what society and human beings can
produce. This is where, more than in any class, program, or martial arts’ school, he learned the
core principles behind the lessons and training models built into his unique and proprietary

Experience and Study Spanning Three Continents and 6 Countries

It seems that few people today are willing to do what it takes - to make the necessary sacrifices -
to seek out the right teachers and experiences - to follow their dreams and get what they need to
express their potential in the world.

Jeffrey Miller is such a person.

Jeff's dreams and quest for knowledge have taken him across America, into Canada, and to
teachers and mentors in South Korea, Japan, England, and, what was then, West Germany.
Today, he introduces his students and clients to the power and freedom of living to one's
potential. His vision has become his company's promise:

"To teach clients the lessons needed to create the life they've always dreamed of living, and
the skills necessary for protecting that life from anything that would threaten it."

Mr. Miller is a master teacher in the centuries old martial arts of Ninjutsu, Budo Taijutsu, and
several other ancient armed and unarmed combat methods. He hosts yearly Spring & Fall Ninja
Training Camps, designed for serious, commited, and mastery-minded adults seeking the
timeless lessons, strategy, tactics, and techniques originally developed over the centuries by
ancient warriors. He also organizes yearly Japan Training Adventures to train with the
Grandmaster of the Ninja, as-well-as several of the Japanese master teachers. These trips are full
adventures, as Jeff taes his students across the island-nature of Japan to explore the timeless
treasures and historical sites that are an important part of this power martial and life-empowering

Copyright © 2008 Warrior Concepts Int’l, Inc and Jeffrey M. Miller All Rights Reserved
www.warrior-concepts-online.com Call in the US & Canada (570) 988-2228
Martial Arts For Life Mastery: Becoming The Master
By Jeffrey M. Miller, Shihan

Jeff is the writer, director, and co-producer of several, home-study dvd courses, including:
Takagi-Yoshin Ryu Jutaijutsu SHODEN No MAKI, and the popular “Ninja Camp In-a-Box”
DVD master sets. He has authored hundreds of articles, reports, and books on the subjects of
self-protection, personal development, child-safety and of course - Ninjutsu and the topic of
becoming a warrior. He is known for over-delivering and providing more than his students
expect, to insure that every student and client experiences progress towards personal mastery.

Not only does Jeff offer a first in the martial arts and self-defense world, the bringing together of
timeless, proven techniques and strategies with the new science of natural human defensive
response to danger, but his system allows his clients and students to literally learn in hours or
days what has traditionally taken martial artists months or years to learn - if they ever learn these
lessons at all.

If you’re ready to challenge your assumptions about mastery and what it really takes to be a
Master in your own right, and ready to experience the new science of self-protection and
personal development where you will discover a system that combines the timeless lessons of
ancient warriors with a modern, scientific approach to excelerated learning, and the real-world
experience of a modern-day warrior who has “been there,” you’ll be glad that you met Jeffrey

Copyright © 2008 Warrior Concepts Int’l, Inc and Jeffrey M. Miller All Rights Reserved
www.warrior-concepts-online.com Call in the US & Canada (570) 988-2228
Martial Arts For Life Mastery: Becoming The Master
By Jeffrey M. Miller, Shihan



Available Only from

Warrior Concepts International

The Karate-Myth: Why Most Martial Arts And Self-Defense Programs Are Wrong And
How To Be Safe in Today's Often Violent World (ebook + extras)

KUBOTAN Training Manual: Defending with the Self-Defense Keychain Weapon (ebook)

DANGER PREVENTION TACTICS: Protecting Yourself Like a Pro! (DVD + extras)

Becoming a Warrior: Selected Thoughts, Suggestions, And Strategies For Going Beyond
Conventional Martial Arts and Reaching True Mastery (ebook)

Writings On The Warrior’s Heart: Life Skills & Secrets for Unleashing the Confidence,
Power, and Control and Bringing Out the Master Within! (ebook add-on only)

SHURIKEN Training Manual: Mastering the Ninja Night Warrior’s Throwing Star! (ebook)

Takagi-Yoshin Ryu Jutaijutsu SHODEN No MAKI (DVD-based Training Course)

Ninja Camps In-a-Box (Ninja Training DVD sets)

yGet more information about attending the next Ninja Camp



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(570) 988-2228, or...
email Jeffrey Miller at warriorc@warrior-concepts-online.com

Copyright © 2008 Warrior Concepts Int’l, Inc and Jeffrey M. Miller All Rights Reserved
www.warrior-concepts-online.com Call in the US & Canada (570) 988-2228

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