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The Ziway-Shala lake basin (main Ethiopian rift, Ethiopia): A revision of basin
evolution with special reference to the Late Quaternary

Article  in  Journal of African Earth Sciences · August 2002

DOI: 10.1016/S0899-5362(02)00036-2


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11 authors, including:

Marco Benvenuti Stefano Carnicelli

University of Florence University of Florence


C. Iasio Dario Ventra

Utrecht University

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Journal of African Earth Sciences 35 (2002) 247–269

The Ziway–Shala lake basin (main Ethiopian rift, Ethiopia):

a revision of basin evolution with special reference
to the Late Quaternary
M. Benvenuti a,*, S. Carnicelli b, G. Belluomini c, N. Dainelli a, S. Di Grazia a,
G.A. Ferrari b, C. Iasio b, M. Sagri a, D. Ventra a, Balemwald Atnafu d, Seifu Kebede d

Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, University of Florence, Via G. La Pira 4, 50121 Firenze, Italy
Dipartimento di Scienza del Suolo; University of Florence, P.le Cascine 15, 50144 Firenze, Italy
Istituto Tecnologie Applicate ai Beni Culturali, C.N.R., Via Salaria, Monte Libretti, Roma, Italy
Department of Geology and Geophysics, Addis Ababa University, P.O. Box 1176 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Received 5 May 2002; accepted 27 May 2002

The Ziway–Shala basin, in the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER), is a reference site for regional to global paleoclimatic reconstruc-
tions. We undertook and interpreted a stratigraphical, pedological and geomorphological study, including a new geological map
scale 1:250,000, to provide a Late Quaternary-centred revised geological history of the basin. 1
We mapped several Late Quaternary sedimentary units and arranged them in four major unconformity-bounded stratigraphic
units (synthems), recording equivalent phases of geomorphic change. A new, extensive, soil survey allowed us to establish a pe-
dostratigraphic unit, the TÕora geosol, as a distinctive marker of landscape stability and instability in the area during the Holocene.
Climate change was a major control on geo-morphologic evolution of this area during the intense climate fluctuations of the last
100,000 years. Extensive lake systems developed during relatively humid Last Glacial interstadials and in the early-mid Holocene;
this last was characterized by short, but high-amplitude, regressions during arid pulses. Major lakesÕ lowering occurred in the
terminal Pleistocene and in the last 5000 years. Evidences for high or very high terminal Pleistocene lake levels suggest possible non-
climatic controls on changes in lakesÕ extension and volumes between Late Pleistocene and Holocene. We suggest that modifications
of hydrological thresholds, due to activity of structures parallel and transversal to the MER, established new lakesÕ boundaries
between terminal Pleistocene and early Holocene, setting the maximum level of Holocene lake systems at about 1670 m a.s.l.
The integrated analysis of lacustrine, fluvial, slope and soil systems provided a basis for a general interpretation of relations
between climatic changes and geomorphic processes at a basin scale.
Ó 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Main Ethiopian Rift; Late Quaternary; Fluvio-lacustrine deposition; Geomorphic evolution; Pedostratigraphy

1. Introduction This makes them good proxies for paleoclimate recon-

structions, especially during the high-frequency humid-
The Lake Region (Ethiopia) lies in the central sector arid cycles of Holocene (Gillespie et al., 1983; Alessio
of the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER), part of the northern et al., 1996). Morphologic and stratigraphic lines of
branch of the East Africa Rift system. The four major evidence of Late Quaternary lake level fluctuations,
lakes of this area, Ziway, Langano, Abiyata and Shala supported by extensive radiocarbon datings, were ac-
(Fig. 1), are set within a tectonically controlled endoreic quired over the last decades (Grove and Goudie, 1971;
basin (Street, 1979; Chernet, 1982). The lakesÕ extension Grove et al., 1975; Geze, 1975; Laury and Albritton,
is then a direct function of local hydrological budget. 1975; Gasse and Street, 1978; Street, 1979; Gillespie
et al., 1983; Alessio et al., 1996). This wealth of data
Corresponding author.
made the Lake Region a reference site for paleoclimate
E-mail address: marcob@geo.unifi.it (M. Benvenuti). reconstruction in the tropics (Street-Perrot and Perrot,
The map can be found at the back of this issue. 1990; Gasse and Van Campo, 1994).

0899-5362/02/$ - see front matter Ó 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 8 9 9 - 5 3 6 2 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 3 6 - 2
248 M. Benvenuti et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 35 (2002) 247–269

(2) update the knowledge of Late Quaternary evolution

of the area and (3) provide bases for a first attempt to
correlate lake fluctuations, as proxies to climate change,
with geomorphic evolution of non-lacustrine areas.
Furthermore, previously described and surveyed volcanic
units (Di Paola, 1972; Woldegabriel et al., 1990) were
integrated into a general geological map.

2. Geology of the lake region

The MER is a NNE-SSW trending rift valley, 80 km

wide and 700 km long, bordered by the Ethiopian Pla-
teau to the west and the Somali Plateau to the east. Its
development has been variedly interpreted: pure tension
(Di Paola, 1972; Woldegabriel et al., 1990; Ebinger et al.,
1993; Chorowicz et al., 1994); transtension (Boccaletti
et al., 1992); oblique rifting (Bonini et al., 1997). The
dense swarms of NNE-SSW trending steep normal
faults, still active on the margins along the Silti-Debre
Zeit Fault Zone (SDZFZ) on the west and the Wonji
Fault Belt (WFB) on the east, accommodate total offsets
of about 1500–2000 m between the rift floor and the
plateaux (Di Paola, 1972; Woldegabriel et al., 1990). At
places, northwest trending transversal faults truncate the
Rift-oriented faults of the plateau margins (Di Paola,
1972; Woldegabriel et al., 1990; Le Turdu et al., 1999).
Fig. 1. Volcano–tectonic features of the Lake Region in the MER.
WFB: Wonji Fault Belt; SDZFZ: Silti-Debre Zeit Fault Zone. 2.1. Stratigraphic outlines

The mapped extension of lacustrine deposits suggests The central sector of the MER and its shoulders are
that a wide lacustrine system covered the central- made of volcanites and pyroclastic rocks, whereas large
northern MER portion in Late Pleistocene, while during areas of the rift floor are covered by volcano-lacustrine
Holocene the maximum northward extension of the and fluvio-lacustrine deposits (Figs. 2, 3 and attached
lakes was limited to a few km north of present-day Lake map).
Ziway. These studies were synthesized in Street (1979), Limited outcrops of Precambrian biotite gneiss,
who documented the periods of maximum lake levels to covered by Early Mesozoic fluvial sandstones, marine
be synchronous with higher-latitude warm climatic in- shales and limestones (unit BM), occur in a complex
tervals, contributing to overcome the ‘‘pluvial’’ para- horst structure on the western margin (Kela horst,
digm which, for a long time, dictated an opposite Woldegabriel et al., 1990; Di Paola et al., 1993).
interpretation (Coetzee and van Zinderen Bakker, 1989 The oldest volcanic rocks (Plateau Trap Series, unit
for a review). Ts) are exposed in the western escarpment and consist of
Modern MER climate is influenced by the annual about 1000 m of basaltic lava flows, with interbedded
shifts of the intertropical convergence zone and by ignimbritic beds, topped by massive rhyolites and in-
physiography. The mean annual rainfall along the rift tervening tuffs and basalts (Di Paola, 1972; Merla et al.,
margins is about 1200 mm; in the TÕora-Mito hills, 1979; Woldegabriel et al., 1990; Di Paola et al., 1993).
rainfall varies between 900 and 1000 mm. The Ziway– Radiometric ages range from 40 to 25 Ma in the basalts
Shala basin proper is drier, with average annual rainfall and from 37 to 27 Ma in the rhyolites (Merla et al.,
around 700 mm. Sparse rainfall data (Sagri, 1998) sug- 1979; Woldegabriel et al., 1990). Middle Miocene to
gest that areas around lakes Abiyata and Langano are Pliocene (15–3 Ma) basalt flows, rhyolites and tuffs un-
even drier. conformably cap the early Tertiary volcanic units
An integrated geological, geomorphological and ped- (Merla et al., 1979; Woldegabriel et al., 1990).
ological study of the Ziway–Shala basin was undertaken The eastern plateau is covered by Pliocene to early
to: (1) map and describe, for the first time and through Pleistocene (4.6–1.6 Ma) shield volcanoes (Chilalo, 4005
modern stratigraphic methods, the complex relations m, Kecha, 4245 m Badda, 4170 m). These (unit Ms)
among Late Quaternary deposits, landforms and soils; consist of trachytes with subordinate basalts and
M. Benvenuti et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 35 (2002) 247–269 249

Fig. 2. Schematic geological map of the Ziway–Shala lakes basin, focussing on the Late Quaternary unconformity-bounded units defined in this
study. Numbers refer to the 14 C dates in Table 2; G: Gademota section; B: Bulbula Plain sections; A: east Shala section (Ajewa embayment).

mugearites (Di Paola, 1972; Merla et al., 1979; Wolde- Silicic pyroclastic materials cover most of the MER
gabriel et al., 1990; Bigazzi et al., 1993), and of Miocene floor (Mohr, 1962; Di Paola, 1972; Woldegabriel et al.,
phonolites (Chike Mt). 1990); they are Early to Middle Pliocene (4.2–3 Ma,
250 M. Benvenuti et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 35 (2002) 247–269

Within the volcanic and volcaniclastic succession (i.e.

unit Qr) of the OÕa caldera, Middle Pleistocene fluvio-
lacustrine sands and clays (unit Qfl) occur (Mohr et al.,
1980; Le Turdu et al., 1999).
Late Quaternary fluvio-lacustrine sediments cover a
large area of the central sector of the MER (Merla et al.,
1979). They were laid down in a very wide lake which, in
the past, occupied most of the rift floor. The four pre-
sent-day lakes (Ziway, Langano, Abiyata, Shala) are the
remnants of that ancient lacustrine basin. These depos-
its, and the colluvial–alluvial aprons, are the main topic
of this study and will be described in detail in the fol-
Fig. 3. Chronostratigraphic framework for the Plio-Quaternary vol-
lowing sections.
canic and sedimentary units represented in the attached map and de-
fined in this study. 2.2. Summary of the Main Ethiopian Rift development

Eruption of huge volumes of volcanites started in the

Woldegabriel et al., 1990), mainly peralkaline rhyolitic MER and the adjacent plateaux in Late Eocene–Early
ignimbrites, interlayered with basalts and tuffs (unit Pq) Oligocene (Merla et al., 1979; Kazmin et al., 1980;
and associated with layered, unwelded pumices. The Woldegabriel et al., 1990; Ebinger et al., 1993; Zanettin,
thickness of the ignimbrites is not known, but outcrops 1993), preceding rift formation.
(Di Paola, 1972; Woldegabriel et al., 1990) and well data The early rifting phase (Late Oligocene–Early Mio-
(Gianelli and Teklemariam, 1993) suggest it exceeds cene) was characterized by formation of a series of al-
500–600 m. ternating half-grabens (Woldegabriel et al., 1990) and/or
Alkaline and peralkaline rhyolitic lava flows and by downwarping (Merla et al., 1979; Abbate and Sagri,
domes, associated with pumice and ash (unit Pa) rep- 1980; Kazmin et al., 1980). This was followed by the
resent the late silicic volcanic events (Di Paola, 1972). development of full symmetrical grabens and rift-in-rift
These lavas were erupted from Late Pliocene to Middle structures (Di Paola, 1972; Woldegabriel et al., 1990; Le
Pleistocene and, in some places, crop out as remnants of Turdu et al., 1999).
large calderas. The Gademota Ridge, dated 1.30–1.27 The most important volcano–tectonic event in the
Ma (Laury and Albritton, 1975; Mohr et al., 1980; central sector of the MER occurred in Early Pliocene,
Woldegabriel et al., 1990) is one such remnant. It rises in with the eruption of voluminous flows of rhyolitic ig-
an arc structure, 25–30 km in diameter, up to 400 m nimbrites and the collapse of very large calderas (Di
above the plain west of Lake Ziway. Paola, 1972; Woldegabriel et al., 1990). The full sym-
A more recent volcanic unit, (Qb), crops out along metrical Rift configuration was achieved during this
the SDZFZ and the WFB (Di Paola, 1972; Kazmin et al., paroxystic event (Woldegabriel et al., 1990).
1980); it is made up of basaltic lava flows, associated From early Pleistocene to the present, tectonic and
with hyaloclastites and scoria cones. The thickness of volcanic activity was concentrated along the WFB, and
this unit is only a few dozen meters; it is very recent, as successively along the SDZFZ (Mohr, 1962; Di Paola,
testified by a radiometric age of 0.13 Ma (Woldegabriel 1972; Bigazzi et al., 1993).
et al., 1990) and by sub-historical lava flows (Di Paola, Since Middle Pleistocene (or earlier?) fluvio-lacustrine
1972; Di Paola et al., 1993). basins developed along the WFB, under a tectonic–
Young volcanoes and calderas, such as the Bora– volcanic control (Le Turdu et al., 1999). Successively
Bericcio complex, the Alutu volcano, the Ficke, OÕa and (late Pleistocene–Holocene) a fluvio-lacustrine basin
Corbetti calderas, are made up of rhyolitic lava flows, occupied large areas of the MER floor (Di Paola, 1972;
unwelded pumice flows, pumice falls and ashes (units Laury and Albritton, 1975; Bigazzi et al., 1993) ex-
Qr and Qx). Obsidian flows represent the final product tending, in late Pleistocene, up to Mojo, 50 km north of
of the volcanic activity (Di Paola, 1972; Mohr et al., Lake Ziway.
1980). These recent volcanoes started to be active from
the Middle Pleistocene (about 0.25 Ma, Di Paola, 1972; 2.3. Evidence of Late Quaternary lake fluctuations and
Mohr et al., 1980; Woldegabriel et al., 1990) with in- soil-forming processes
termittent Late Holocene activity; obsidian flows and
pumices were dated 2000 y BP (Gianelli and Teklema- Striking morphological evidence of lacustrine reces-
riam, 1993) and very recent ash deposits 1500 and 230 sional stillstands, such as terraces and stranded palaeo-
y BP (Haynes and Haas, 1974). Many of these volcanoes shorelines (Fig. 4), have long been recognized in the
are presently in a fumarolic stage (Di Paola, 1972). basin (Nilsson, 1940). Lacustrine terraces (V–I from
M. Benvenuti et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 35 (2002) 247–269 251

Fig. 4. Synthesis of the main geomorphic features related to Late Quaternary lake fluctuations (data from this study, AERMAP, 1969; Laury and
Albritton, 1975; Street, 1979).

higher to lower, after Laury and Albritton, 1975) are further evidence of the mid-Holocene separation of Zi-
only present around Lake Ziway. Relic shorelines, al- way from the southern lakes, the featureless surface
though also recognized on the terraces, are mainly de- representing a very rapid drop in lake level, followed by
veloped in the southern basin (Fig. 4). The V terrace lies a stillstand at about 1600 m a.s.l. (Street, 1979).
above an escarpment at 1670 m a.s.l., and has been Morphological evidence of lake-level lowering and
considered of Pleistocene age (Laury and Albritton, complete desiccation is represented by a N–S trending
1975; Street, 1979). Radiocarbon dates (Haynes and depression, 2 km wide and 15 km long (Fig. 4), about 2
Haas, 1974; Laury and Albritton, 1975) give minimum m deeper than the average Lake Ziway bottom (AER-
ages for some of the Holocene terraces. The develop- MAP, 1969), interpreted as a submerged palaeovalley.
ment of terrace IV, when a single lake existed, is A major morphological feature is the Meki–Dubeta
bracketed between 9600 and 9400 y BP, with a subse- col, a saddle in the Meki–Awash divide that, during
quent flooding at about 5400–5100 y BP. Minimum age Holocene, controlled the maximum lake level elevation
of terrace III ranges from 5600 to 5300 y BP. Our ob- (1670 m a.s.l) in the Ziway–Shala basin (Venzo, 1971;
servations show that the escarpment separating terrace Street, 1979).
IV from terrace III tends to become convex south of Three main lithostratigraphic units were established
Ziway Lake (Fig. 4), suggesting a separation of the within the Late Pleistocene–Holocene deposits of the
palaeoZiway lake from the southern Langano–Abiyata– study area (Street, 1979, Table 1).
Shala Lake around 5600–5300 y BP. The Meki Formation, made up of alluvial and fluvio-
Two groups of shorelines can be identified north of lacustrine deposits, records the fluctuations in the Meki
Lake Abiyata. Degraded shorelines, between 1600 and River base-level.
1650 m a.s.l., are separated from fresh ones by an ap- The Bulbula Formation is composed of lacustrine
parently featureless surface, standing at 1590–1600 m diatomaceous marls and calcareous sands, grading into
a.s.l. (Fig. 4). The degraded shorelines are interpreted as and interbedded with thick diatomite units. A thick
252 M. Benvenuti et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 35 (2002) 247–269

Table 1
Correlative scheme of the lithostratigraphy established by Street (1979) for the Late Quaternary succession and the stratigraphic units defined in this
UBSU defined in Stratigraphy in the Stratigraphy in the Bulbula area: Stratigraphy in the Ajewa area: Stratigraphy in the
this study Gademotta area Bulbula Formationa Ajewa Formationb Meki River area

This study Street (1979) This study Street (1979) This study Street (1979)
Late Holocene (5000 y BP-present)
Synthem 4 G4a–b ? DM3, UM5, U3, D4, A4a–c ?
DM6, D5, D6
Early-mid Holocene (10,000–5000 y BP)
Synthem 3 G3a–b DW3, 4 K6 B3 UM3, UM4, D2, D3, A3a–f
U2, Roricha fish bed
Latest Pleistocene (20,000–10,000 y BP)
Synthem 2 G2a–d Abernosa Pumice B2 DM3b, UM1, ?
Member DM4, U1
Late Pleistocene (100,000–20,000 y BP)
Synthem 1 ? DW2a,b K3,4 B1c
G1b–c Depositional hiatus ? DM3a–b A1b–c
G1a DW1a,b K1,2 B1a–b D1–DM1 A1a
Members and locality units––DW: Deka Wede site, K: Kurkura site.
Named and numbered units––U: upperstream reach, UM: Upperstream middle reach, D: downstream reach, DM: downstream middle reach.

(about 30 m), volcaniclastic, latest Pleistocene unit stark contrast between well developed Luvisols on
(Abernosa Pumice Member) is a key level in this for- Pleistocene terraces and soils on Holocene materials.
mation, marking, through erosive surfaces and palaeo- Street (1979) reviewed Laury and AlbrittonÕs observa-
sols, the transition from Upper Pleistocene to Holocene tions of buried palaeosols within the Gademota For-
deposits (Gasse and Street, 1978). mation, and observed clear hints of polycyclicity in the
The Ajewa Formation, in the eastern shore of Lake soils on Pleistocene terraces. She concluded that well
Shala, is composed of late Pleistocene and Holocene developed Luvisols were characteristic of warm-humid
deep to shallow lacustrine, shoreface, alluvial and col- intervals in the Rift valley bottom. Supported by dating
luvial deposits. of buried soils by Haynes and Haas (1974) and Laury
The synthesis of Late Quaternary lake fluctuations is and Albritton (1975), she considered the last such in-
represented by StreetÕs classic diagram, plotting lake terval to coincide with the early Holocene lacustrine
surface elevation, as documented by landforms and de- highstands.
posits, vs. time, assessed through an extensive radiocar-
bon chronology (Table 2). At least seven major
lacustrine highstands (Ziway–Shala I–VII) were recog- 3. Methodology
nized (the latest Pleistocene–Holocene fluctuations are
reported in Fig. 5a), with a minor one (Ziway–Shala The morphologic and stratigraphic study of the Late
VIII), possibly occurred in historical times (Street, 1979). Quaternary in the Ziway–Shala lakes basin was carried
The first three highstands occurred during Late out by integrating interpretation of satellite images and
Pleistocene: Ziway–Shala I was approximately dated at aerial photographs, measurement of stratigraphic logs,
before 50,000 y BP; nevertheless, a maximum age close facies analysis, soil survey, radiocarbon datings of la-
to 100,000 y BP can be hypothesized basing on data custrine (mixed shells, organic muds) and non-lacustrine
from several authors (Laury and Albritton, 1975; Street, (charcoal, land snails, vertebrate bones) materials. Sev-
1979; Bigazzi et al., 1993; Le Turdu et al., 1999); Ziway– eral uncalibrated 14 C dates, available from literature
Shala II between 28,000–30,000 y BP; Ziway–Shala III (Street, 1979 and Gillespie et al., 1983 for synthesis; Le
between 26,000–22,000 y BP. The post-LGM highstands Turdu et al., 1999) and newly obtained 14 C dates were
(Fig. 5a) are: Ziway–Shala IV, around 12,000–11,000 compared to improve the chronological framework
y BP; Ziway–Shala V, around 9000 y BP; Ziway–Shala (Table 2). The main synthesis of this integrated analysis
VI, around 6000–5000 y BP ; Ziway–Shala VII: around is a geological map of the study area, scale 1:250,000
2500–2000 y BP. (Table 1), that for the first time depicts in details the
The bases for soil stratigraphy in the area were laid Late Quaternary geology of the Lake Region.
down by Laury and Albritton (1975), Verheye (1978) Reconstruction of soil stratigraphy is based on the
and Street (1979). The common observation was the most extensive survey in the Ziway–Shala Basin to date,
M. Benvenuti et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 35 (2002) 247–269 253

Table 2
List of 14 C dates reported
Area Organic material- Lab. no Material dated C age (yr BP) Cal age Approximate
bearing deposits height of dated
material m a.s.l
Gademotta–Ziway 1-alluvial dep. B-098944* Bovid bone 230  40 AD 1640–1685
AD 1740–1810
AD 1930–1950
2-paleosol SMU-83° Charcoal 230  50 ?
3-paleosol SMU-84° Carbonized wood 1540  60 ?
4-lac. sand SMU-65°° Bulinus shell 5160  75 1664
5-lac. sand SMU-67°° Bulinus shell 5410  105 1664
6-lac. sand SMU-69°° Bulinus shell 5730  65 1653
7-lac. sand SMU-68°° Melanoides shell 5930  95 1653
8-lac. sand SMU-66°° Corbicula shell 8240  295 1653
9-lac. sand SMU-63°° Corbicula shell 9450  105 1659
10-lac. sand SMU-64°° Melanoides shell 9690  105 1659
11-paleosol SMU-86° Charcoal 10; 333  90 ?
12-paleosol SMU-72° Charcoal 11; 510  110 ?
13-lac. sand B-098943* Mixed shell 30; 440  160
14-deltaic sand B-114021* Corbicula shell 39,170
Bulbula Plain 15-lac. sand Gif.4014° Melanoides shell 5300  120 1613
16-shelly sand Not publ.°° Shell 5320  145 1645
17-shelly sand Gif-4012°° Bellamya shell 5810  125 1613
18-shelly sand Gif-4013°° Bulinus shell 5910  125 1613
19-colluvium Q-1359°° Mixed shell 5940  70 1634
20-lac. sand SUA-499° Bellamya shell 6060  120 1643
21-shelly. sand SUA-503°° Bellamya shell 6135  115 1622
22-paleosol Gif-3984°° Soil org. matter 8520  200 1619
23-colluvium Q-1358°° Mixed shell 9270  85 1634
24-shelly sand Not publ.°° Shell 9720  215 1646
25-paleosol Gif-3986°° Soil org. matter 10; 450  180 1615
26-paleosol SUA-494°° Soil org. matter 11; 870  300 1615
27-alluvial dep. SUA-504°° Caelatura shell 12; 230  150 1602
28-lac.mud Gif-3985° Marls 12; 200  200 1615
29-lac.mud Gif-3987° Carbonate 22; 050  650 1607
30-lac.mud Gif-3988° Marls 24; 000  750 ?
31-lac. sand SMU-61° Corbicula shell 26; 780  440 1601
32- lac. sand B-114023* Mixed shell 27, 040
33-paleosol SUA-588° Charcoal 27; 050  1540 1606
34-lac. sand Gif-4010° Corbicula shell 28; 200  1000 1638
35- lac. sand B-114022* Mixed shell 47,470
Abiyata–Langano 36-lac. mud Not publ.§* ? 865  60 230 BP ?
37-lac. mud Not publ.@ Organic mud 1540  200 ?
38-lac. mud Not publ.@ Organic mud 1600  150 ?
39-lac. mud Not publ.@ Organic mud 1720  80 ?
40-lac. mud Not publ.§* ? 1790  70 1380 BP ?
41-lac. mud Not publ.§* ? 4920  70 5260 BP ?
42-lac. sand Not publ.§* Charcoal 5700  110 ?
43-lac. mud Not publ.§* ? 5970  80 6560 BP 1589
44-lac. silt Not publ.§* ? 6190  60 6840 BP ?
45-lac. mud Not publ.§* ? 7280  80 7670 BP ?
46-lac. sand Gif.3965°° Organic mud 7970  150 ?
47-lac. mud Gif.3967°° Organic fraction 9550  170 1570
48-lac. mud Gif.3966°° Organic fraction 9810  170 1571
49-paleosol Gif.3968°° Soil org. matter 9950  170 1586
50-lac. sand Not publ.§* ? 10; 040  100 11,020 BP ?
51-lac. sand Gif.3969°° Organic mud 10; 370  180 1583
52-mud Not publ.§* ? 11; 350  110 12,010 BP
53-diatomite Not publ.§* Melanoides shell 28; 300  400 ?

Shala est 54-alluvial dep. Gif.4011°° Charcoal 2510  100 1600

55-alluvial dep. R2275 Charcoal 2665  33 826–803 BC 1600
56-shelly sand Q-1369°° Mixed shell 5530  65 ?
57-shelly sand Q-1557°° Mixed shell 5680  55 ?
(continued on next page)
254 M. Benvenuti et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 35 (2002) 247–269

Table 2 (continued)
Area Organic material- Lab. no Material dated C age (yr BP) Cal age Approximate
bearing deposits height of dated
material m a.s.l
58-shelly sand Q-1361°° Fishbone collag. 5750  70 ?
59- shelly sand B-1140024* Mixed shell 5820
60-shelly sand GaK-3387°° Melanoides shell 5980  100 5263–5224 BC ?
61-lac. sand R2299 Mixed shell 6288  31 5321–5251 BC 1624
62-lac. sand R2295 Mixed shell 6343  58 5437–5331 BC 1622
63-lac. sand R2296 Mixed shell 6465  46 1559
64-shelly sand SUA-497°° Melanoides shell 6495  150 ?
65-lac. sand Q-1101°° Shell 6860  125 6461–6371 BC 1651
66-lac. sand R2294 Mixed shell 7595  76 1558
67-alluvial dep. Q-1114°° Melanoides shell 8655  175 8121–7945 BC 1561
68-peaty mud R2276 Organic mud 9017  146 8950–8535 BC 1570
69-lac. sand R2277 Mixed shell 9578  48 1630
70-shelly sand GaK-3386°° Melanoides shell 9580  195 9253–9049 BC 1642
71-lac. sand R2297 Mixed shell 9926  57 1650
72-paleosol HAR-2787°° Carbonized wood 9800  100 1557
73-shelly sand SUA-501°° Melanoides shell 9840  140 10,350–10,058 BC 1633
74-paleosol SUA-500°° Charcoal 10; 220  140 1629
75-lac. sand R2274 Mixed shell 10; 311  64 1650
76-shelly sand SUA-502°° Melanoides shell 10; 350  150 1640
77-lac. limest. GaK-3748° Algal carbonate 14; 400  750 1630
78- shelly sand B-114025* Mixed shell 30,620
Abay-Bobodo-west 79-alluvial dep. B-098947* Bovid bone 250  50 AD 1515–1585
AD 1625–1685
AD 1740–1810
AD 1930–1950
80-colluvium B-098948* Bovid bone 350  60 AD 1435–1665
81-alluvial dep. B-098945* Limicolaria shell 950  50 AD 1000–1215
82-T’ora Geosol B-152142* Charcoal 5780  60 BC 4760–4480
(°): Street (1979); (°°): Gillespie et al. (1983); (@): Bonnefille et al. (1986); (§): Tiercellin et al. (1997) and Le Turdu et al. (1999); bold data: this study;
(*): AMS dates. Approximate locations of the dated material are given in Fig. 2.

with more than 100 soil profiles described plus full re- major unconformity-bounded units (i.e. synthems; Sal-
consideration, in both pedostratigraphic and pedogeo- vador, 1987; ISSC, 1994). Detailed stratigraphic surveys
graphical terms, of data from the previously cited within the main synthems allow recognition of several
authors and others (Makin et al., 1976; Van Sleen, lesser-rank unconformity-bounded units. Due to the
1989). Finally, soil stratigraphy was cross-interpreted small scale, the attached map refers to the lithostrati-
with Late Quaternary deposits stratigraphy. graphic character of the deposits included within the
synthems. The link between mapped units and synthems
will be described in the following sections (Fig. 3). Note
that deposits included within Synthem 2 are represented
4. Description of data
in the map by colluvial and alluvial units (Qu and Qc)
which, for scale constraints, cannot be further differen-
4.1. The stratigraphy of Late Quaternary colluvial,
alluvial and lacustrine deposits

The new geological survey of the study area allows us 4.1.1. Synthem 1
to distinguish, within Late Quaternary deposits, several The oldest synthem is represented by colluvial (unit
stratigraphic units; these result from the integration of: Qu p.p.), lacustrine, fluvio-deltaic, and volcaniclastic
(1) morphologic, lithologic, sedimentologic features; (2) sediments (unit Ql1 ), arranged in lesser unconformity-
a detailed radiocarbon chronology and (3) the recogni- bounded units. These deposits rest unconformably on
tion of unconformities of different rank, from detailed surface S1 (Fig. 6a and b), overlying Plio-Pleistocene
morphologic and stratigraphic observations. A new volcanic rocks and older slope deposits (i.e. units Qu
stratigraphic framework for the Late Quaternary sedi- p.p. and Qcg) (Laury and Albritton, 1975, Le Turdu
mentary deposits is presented here, establishing four et al., 1999). They are bounded on top by erosive or
M. Benvenuti et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 35 (2002) 247–269 255

non-depositional surfaces, morphologically expressed in basal unit. Above these, two thin levels of lacustrine
Lake Ziway area by the tread of terrace V and by the diatomaceous silts are present (B1b, Fig. 6a); a shell
escarpment separating it from terrace IV (Laury and sample collected in the uppermost one yielded an AMS
Albritton, 1975, Fig. 4). age of about 47,000 y BP. Upper Pleistocene, lacustrine
Lake sediments (unit Ql1 ) of this synthem outcrop on diatomaceous silts and sands (B1c) are present in the
the east shore of Lake Shala, in the Bulbula River and Bulbula Plain (Fig. 6d), erosively overlying sub-unit
Deka Wede gorges (Gasse and Street, 1978; Street, 1979) B1b. Published and new 14 C dates enable us to constrain
and finally on the slopes of the Gademota Ridge (Laury the chronology of these deposits between about 27,000
and Albritton, 1975). to about 22,000 y BP.
Basal deposits in the Gademota area consist (Fig. 7) In east Shala (Fig. 10), strongly deformed, thinly
of delta front sands about 39,000 y old (G1a, Fig. 6f), laminated diatomites (A1a, Fig. 6b) are unconformably
abruptly overlain by horizontally bedded diatomaceous capped by deltaic sands and lacustrine massive diat-
silts, with pumice horizons in the uppermost part (G1b). omites (A1b). The latter, in turn, are erosively overlain
Further up, resting erosively above the previous depos- by alluvial, colluvial and shallow lacustrine sands and
its, alluvial, lacustrine rippled sands (Fig. 8a) and di- silts (A1c), bearing lacustrine shells about 30,000 y old.
atomaceous silts 30,000 y old, occur (G1c, Fig. 6e). On the whole, Synthem 1 is Late Pleistocene in age.
In the Bulbula River gorge (Fig. 9), the lowermost
Upper Pleistocene deposits (B1a, Fig. 6a) are composed 4.1.2. Synthem 2
of fluvio-deltaic sands and laminated diatomaceous silts The second synthem is composed of very thin (few
and marls; non-lacustrine deposits directly overlie this tens of m) alluvio-colluvial, volcaniclastic and fluvio-
deltaic deposits (units Qu p.p. and Qc p.p., not repre-
sented in detail in the map), resting erosively on older
deposits through surface S2. On the Gademota slopes
(Fig. 7), this unit is represented by alluvial sands and
gravels (G2a, Fig. 6c), overlain by alluvially reworked
fine-grained greyish tuffs (G2b). These deposits are
capped by a thin (2 m) level of delta front sands (G2c);
these crop out at about 1730 m a.s.l., hence representing
one of the highest lake levels documented in the area
(see also Laury and Albritton, 1975). These deposits are
in turn erosively overlain by alluvio-colluvial sands and
silts (G2d), over which a pedocomplex, widespread in
the MER, developed (the TÕora geosol, see below).
In the Bulbula River Plain (Fig. 9), 15–20 m thick
subaerial pumice fall deposits (B2, corresponding to the
Abernosa Pumice Member, Gasse and Street, 1978;
Street, 1979), rest unconformably on synthem 1 depos-
its, and are correlated to G2b deposits. The latter, in
fact, could represent distal fall deposits, in respect with
the coeval flow deposits accumulated at the base of the
Alutu Caldera.

4.1.3. Synthem 3
The third synthem is made up of lacustrine, fluvio-
deltaic, colluvial, and volcaniclastic sediments, with in-
tervening buried soils (units Qu p.p., Qc p.p., Qf p.p.,
Qdm p.p., Qd p.p., Qt2 , Ql2 , Qs2 ); these overlie older
deposits through erosional surface S3 (Fig. 6d and e). In
the Ziway area, morphological features related to this
synthem are the treads of terraces IV and III, their
linking escarpment, and the older, poorly preserved,
palaeoshorelines north of Abiyata Lake.
In the Gademota area (Fig. 7), synthem 3 deposits
Fig. 5. Curves of lake fluctuations during the latest Pleistocene and the
Holocene (a) for the Ziway–Shala lakes basin (from Gillespie et al., rest, through a high relief erosional surface (S3), on the
1983) and (b) for the Lake Shala (this study, Alessio et al., 1996). SD: deposits of Synthems 1 and 2; they are dominantly
Lake Shala level datum (i.e. 1972 average lake level). represented by alluvial and colluvial sands and silts,
256 M. Benvenuti et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 35 (2002) 247–269

Fig. 6. Unconformable contacts among the synthems defined in this study at different locations in the Ziway–Shala basin: (a) Synthem 1 deposits in
the Bulbula Plain, the outcrop is about 25 m high; (b) Synthem 1 deposits in the east Shala section, outcrop is about 4 m high; (c) Synthem 2 deposits
in the Gademota section, the outcrop is about 15 m high; (d) Synthem 3 deposits in the Bulbula Plain, person for scale; (e) Synthem 3 deposits in the
Gademota section, the outcrop is about 8 m high; (f) and (g) synthems 1, 3 and 4 deposits in the Gademota section, persons for scale.

bearing a well developed Luvisol (G3a, Fig. 6e). La- mity-bounded units (A3a–g). These units, a few meters
custrine deposits are represented by massive diatomites thick, show a recurring internal stratigraphic arrange-
(G3b, Fig. 6f); these crop out at about 1670 m, marking ment (Fig. 8b). Alluvial or colluvial sands and silts at the
a high-level close to or at the Meki–Dubeta col over- base, overlain by marginal lake muds and sands, record
flow. periods of low lake level and subaerial deposition, fol-
In the Bulbula Plain too (Fig. 9), Synthem 3 deposits lowed by renewed flooding. In some cases, regressive
unconformably overlie Synthem 2 ones (Fig. 6d). Here, deltaic or shoreface sands rest above the lacustrine de-
lacustrine deposits range from relatively open and deep posits. The stratigraphical and chronological revision of
lake diatomites and marls to sandy deposits, bearing the Ajewa section (Alessio et al., 1996), improved the
shell beds (Fig. 8c), referred to shallower lake margin definition of Holocene lake Shala fluctuations.
settings. About 39 samples were collected in sub-units A3a–g,
In the East Shala outcrops (Fig. 10) (Grove et al., and within sub-unit A4a, for paleontological analysis
1975; Street, 1979; Gillespie et al., 1983), Synthem 3 (Balemwald, 1998). Together with mollusc shells and
deposits rest unconformably on the strongly deformed fish remains, most of these samples produced a quite
Middle Pleistocene volcaniclastic rocks and on Synthem rich ostracod fauna, that was studied for the taxo-
1 deposits. They are made up of seven lesser unconfor- nomic and paleoecological significance. Three main
M. Benvenuti et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 35 (2002) 247–269 257

Fig. 6 (continued )

Fig. 7. Schematic stratigraphy at the Gademota section.

258 M. Benvenuti et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 35 (2002) 247–269

Fig. 8. Examples of sedimentary facies in the Late Quaternary succession of the lake region: (a) wave ripples in lower shoreface/delta front silty sands
of sub-unit G1c in the Gademota section, hammer for scale; (b) facies succession in sub-unit A3c in the east Shala section, the outcrop is about 4 m
high; (c) typical shell bed in the lacustrine deposits of Synthem 3 exposed in the Bulbula River gorge (B3 unit in Fig. 9), hammer for scale; (d)
foresetted sand of a Gilbert delta front erosively capped by wave ripples sands (sub-unit A4b) in the east Shala section, hammer for scale; (e) vertical
stacking of alluvial gravel and sand at the base of sub-unit G4a in the Gademota section. Arrow indicate a bed derived from bank failure within the
alluvial valley filled with sub-unit G4a, hammer for scale; (f) the general aspect of the fine-grained upper portion of sub-unit G4a made of silty sands
with intervening paleosols, person for scale.

Fig. 9. Correlation of measured stratigraphic logs in the Bulbula Plain.

M. Benvenuti et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 35 (2002) 247–269 259

Fig. 10. Stratigraphic scheme of the units defined in the east Shala section. Detailed lithological logs in sub-units A3a–A3f are reported in Fig. 14.

paleoecological groups were defined within the recog- phase in the Lake Ziway area is represented by the
nized ostracod assemblages, expressing the degree of treads and escarpment of terraces II and I, while in the
salinity of the palaeolake water: southern basin it is marked by the fresh recessional
shorelines north of Lake Abiyata (Fig. 4).
(a) The mesohaline water group is characterized by On the slopes of the Gademota Ridge (Fig. 7), this
Limnocythere assemblages, consisting mainly of synthem is represented by alluvial–colluvial sediments
one or two species of this genus with a very subordi- (G4a, Fig. 6f and G4b, Fig. 6g), filling paleovalleys in-
nate amount of other ostracods; cised in the deposits of underlying units. The fills are
(b) The oligohaline water group, characterized by an as- characterized by basal alluvial gravelly sands (Fig. 8e),
semblage dominated by the noded variety of Cypri- topped by fine-grained alluvial–colluvial sediments (Fig.
deis nodosa; 8f) which, in most cases, form the bulk of the fill.
(c) The freshwater group, represented by a diversified Charcoal and vertebrate bones found in these deposits
assemblage of species such as Limnocythere thomasi yielded 14 C ages of, respectively, 4611 y BP (G4a) and
thomasi, Limnocythere aff. tudoranceai, Darwinula 230  40 y BP (G4b).
stevensoni, Gomphocythere angulata, noded Cypri- In the Ajewa embayment (Fig. 10) Synthem 4 is
deis torosa, Ilyocypris gibba, Zonocypris costata, represented by three sub-units (A4a–c). The oldest one is
Candonopsis sp. etc. A4a, 1.5 m thick and resting erosively on sub-unit A1c.
It is made of alluvial gravelly sands, overlain by low-
The distribution and relative proportions of the dif- angle cross-stratified sands, interpreted as shoreface
ferent groups within the sampled sediments, together deposits. Charcoal within the alluvial deposits yielded a
with geochemical analysis of the ostracod shells, was C age of 2665  33 y BP, very close to the 2510  100
related to changes in lake salinity due to changes in reported by Street (1979), from charcoal probably col-
water volume as the effect of hydroclimatic variations lected in the same sediments. This age is considered to
(see below). pre-date a lacustrine stillstand at about 1600 m a.s.l,
when the southern lakes were again united (Gillespie
4.1.4. Synthem 4 et al., 1983). Cross-stratified deltaic sands up to 6 m
The fourth synthem is represented by lacustrine, flu- thick (A4b, Fig 8d) are spectacularly exposed a few
vio-deltaic and colluvial deposits (units Qu p.p., Qc p.p. hundred meters north of the Ajewa section. Sands of the
Qf p.p., Qdm p.p., Qd p.p., Qt3 , Qb, Qs3 , Qp) uncon- recessional stranded beach (A4c) are visible close to the
formably overlying older deposits through surface S4 present Lake Shala shore. Unit 4 represents the time
(Fig. 6f and g), and capped by a modern erosional–non- interval corresponding to late Holocene, from about
depositional surface. The morphologic signature of this 5000 BP to present.
260 M. Benvenuti et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 35 (2002) 247–269

5. Late quaternary soils over Rift floor ignimbrites, Middle–Upper Pleistocene

colluvial–alluvial aprons mantling the Gademota Ridge
An outstanding finding of the soil survey was the (Gademota Formation, Laury and Albritton, 1975) and
presence and wide diffusion (Fig. 11) of a group of soils over Synthem 1 and 2 lacustrine and non-lacustrine
sharing a series of major features. Such soils were found deposits. Also, these soils were found on a wide range of

Fig. 11. Distribution of the TÕora geosol west of Lake Ziway.

M. Benvenuti et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 35 (2002) 247–269 261

landforms, including the highest preserved surfaces and

the bottoms of depressed grabens, within a rather wide
range of present slope gradients. They were found both
in the moister TÕora-Mito hills and in the subarid central
lacustrine plain.
Soils of this group are polycyclic; they are usually
made up of a lower soil profile, fairly homogenous
across different parent materials and landforms, and of
at least two pedogenized tephra layers, clearly separated
in time. It is significant that such tephra layers were only
recognised in association with the same older soil. These
soils are then considered pedocomplexes (Morrison,
The horizon sequence of the older soil (Fig. 12, Table
3) starts with a strongly expressed Argic horizon (Btb),
black coloured, highly clayey (50–70%), with strong
angular blocky or prismatic structure and thick clay
coatings. One of the few characters of this older soil that
show clear variability among different observations is
related to the expression, in this horizon, of strong vertic
features like slickensides and sphenoids. These features
clearly indicate the presence of smectite minerals; in fact,
smectites were found, by XRD analysis, to be the
dominant secondary clay, whether vertic features were
present or not in the profile.
This horizon grades into a thick, up to 4 m, sequence
of Bt and BC horizons, reddish coloured with fine angular
structure, thinner coatings and ubiquitous pressure faces.
Below the reddish Bt and/or BC horizons, a contin-
Fig. 12. A TÕora geosol profile; the upper soil of the pedocomplex is
uous Petrocalcic horizon (phase IV of Gile et al., 1966)
relatively thin and appears to derive from the latest tephra; the lower
is found throughout the area; only towards the western soil shows modrately expressed vertic features: (a) upper soil; (b) lower
border it is replaced by large, hard, carbonate concre- soil with slickensides at base of blackish Bt horizon; (c) Petrocalcic
tions. horizon.

Table 3
Representative occurrence of T’ora geosol: characteristic soil horizons and their chemical analyses
Horizon Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%) Exch. Ca Exch. Mg Exch. Na Exch. K ECEC ESP (%)
(C molc kg1 ) (C molc kg1 ) (C molc kg1 ) (C molc kg1 ) (C molc kg1 )
A 28.5 40.2 31.3 10.2 1.9 0.0 1.2 13.3 0.0
AC 26.4 41.9 31.7 8.3 2.1 0.8 0.6 11.8 6.5
C 33.7 53.1 13.2 1.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 2.0 8.9
2Btb 24.4 39.7 35.9 10.1 1.7 1.1 1.3 14.4 7.5
3Btssb 13.0 24.4 62.6 21.5 3.4 2.2 2.3 29.4 7.3
3BCb 9.7 30.4 59.9 23.7 3.7 1.5 2.8 31.7 4.7
Profile 206: T’ora geosol, relic occurrence; Parent material: Tephra over Tephra over Saprolite; Bedrock: Rift floor Ignimbrite; Landform: wide,
gentle sloping local graben; Landform element: very gentle transversal ridge in graben bottom.
A (0–15): weak, coarse platy structure; 10YR 3/1 moist, 10YR 4/2 dry; dry, hard; clay loam; diffuse boundary.
AC (15–40): weak, fine, subangular blocky structure; 10YR 2/3 moist; dry, slightly hard; clay loam; frequent medium spherical hard iron and
manganese nodules; diffuse boundary.
C (40–55): structureless porous; 10YR 4/1 moist, 10YR 6/2 dry; dry, soft; silty loam; very frequent soft iron and manganese nodules of all sizes and
shapes; abrupt, wavy boundary.
2Btb (55–65): weak, medium prismatic structure; 10YR 4/1 moist, 10YR 6/2 dry; dry, very hard; clay loam; broken clay coatings, 10YR 3/1, frequent,
medium to large soft iron and manganese nodules of various shapes; clear wavy boundary.
3Btssb (65–75): strong, medium, prismatic structure; 10YR 3/2 crushed and smoothed; moist, friable; continuous clay coatings, 10YR 2/1; inter-
secting slickensides; clear, wavy boundary.
3BCb (75–110þ): weak, fine subangular blocky structure; 10YR 3/3 crushed and smoothed; moist, friable; broken clay coatings, 10YR 2/1, patchy
calcium carbonate pseudomycelia, of biological origin; no HCl reaction in groundmass.
Petrocalcic horizon outcrops regularly in surroundings, could not be reached by hand digging.
Analytical data; methods according to Van Reeuwijk (1987), cations extracted by Ag-TU method.
262 M. Benvenuti et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 35 (2002) 247–269

Soils developed on the tephras are much more vari- changes in East Africa (Gasse and Street, 1978; Lezine
able, in relation to the significantly different degree of and Casanova, 1991; Cohen et al., 1997). At least two
pedogenesis on the two tephra layers. Charcoal within major periods of lake expansion are documented by
the lower tephra yielded an AMS 14 C age of 5780 y BP. morphologic and stratigraphic evidence. Such periods,
This older tephra is strongly pedogenized, with clay il- referred to in this study as the Megalake and the Mac-
luviation horizons and a partially hardened horizon at rolake phases, are respectively recorded by late Pleisto-
its base. This horizon is weakly silica-cemented, with cene (i.e. Synthem 1) and early-mid Holocene (i.e.
amorphous silica coatings, but its coarse prismatic Synthem 3) sediments. Within these two synthems, the
structure and mechanical properties are more akin to a lower rank unconformity-bounded units record minor
fragipan. The lower tephra is poorly preserved in relic lake level oscillations (Gasse and Street, 1978; Street,
exposures and was only positively identified in buried 1979; Gillespie et al., 1983; Alessio et al., 1996). Two
ones. main phases of lake shrinking are documented by col-
The upper tephra, yet undated, appears to have un- luvial, fluvial, lacustrine and volcaniclastic deposits re-
dergone a lesser degree of pedogenesis. The C horizon, ferred to the terminal Pleistocene Reduced Lakes (i.e.
notable for its pale dry colour, is structureless with weak Synthem 2) and to the late Holocene Separated Lakes
amorphous silica cementation, and often contains large (i.e. Synthem 4) phases. These fluctuations were mainly
iron–manganese concretions. The general weathering forced by climatic change and modulated by volcano–
trends in both tephra are anyway similar to those in the tectonic events, resulting in variation in the type and
older soil. Smectite is still the dominant weathering rate of depositional and erosional processes.
product, but in much less amount; clay content is limited
to about 45% maximum, vs. 65–70% in the older soil. 6.1. The Megalake, and the reduced lakes phases
This pedocomplex, clearly identified by the tephra
additions and Petrocalcic horizon, is quite widespread in Synthem 1, deposited during the Megalake phase,
the area (Fig. 11). Furthermore, it can be easily rec- outlines the following history:
ognised even in the poorest exposures, by the whitish (1) Development of a wide lacustrine system; this is
and weakly cemented C horizon of the upper tephra and recorded by A1a deposits, formed in a deep, freshwater
the hard petrocalcic horizon. These characteristics sug- and stratified lake, possibly characterized by seasonal
gest its use as a pedostratigraphic unit, a Geosol diatom blooms. Possibly coeval deposits are B1a in the
(Morrison, 1977). These pedocomplexes are then infor- Bulbula Plain. This lacustrine stage, also including B1b
mally defined as the TÕora geosol. and G1a deposits, reflects StreetÕs Ziway–Shala I phase,
Other Luvisols, lacking recognizable tephra cover dating back to Late Pleistocene (from about 100,000 at
and petrocalcic horizon, are present. They are deep, with least up to 39,000 y BP). During this long lacustrine
good horizon development and a thick A horizon. They stage, several possible lake fluctuations occurred, as
are found on synthem 3 slope deposits, either directly documented by erosional contacts among the sub-units
overlying buried TÕora geosol outcrops or separated in Synthem 1 and by data from Le Turdu et al. (1999),
from it by the S3 erosional surface. pointing to a major regression centred at about 69,000 y
Younger and less developed soils show a marked di- B.P.
vergence between the MER bottom and the TÕora-Mito (2) Development, around 27,000 y B.P., of a second
hills. On Lake Ziway terraces I–IV, and on the southern lacustrine system (Le Turdu et al., 1999), recorded by
basin palaeoshorelines, soils are very weakly developed. A1b and A1c deposits in east Shala and by G1b and G1c
Dominated by the, mostly fresh, glassy component and deposits of the Gademota area. This stage, corre-
by organic matter accumulation, they qualify as Vitric sponding to Ziway–Shala II phase (Street, 1979), was
Phaeozems. In the TÕora-Mito region, instead, soils on characterized by a fluctuating lake, shallower with re-
younger surfaces show development of Cambic horizons, spect to the previous stage.
and sometimes weakly expressed Luvisol characters. (3) The last pre-LGM lacustrine stage, corresponding
Weakly developed Luvisols are found in the Abay- to StreetÕs (1979) Ziway–Shala III lacustrine phase and
GolelÕsha depression, on terraced alluvium at whose base recorded in the Bulbula Plain by B1c deposits, between
a date of 950 14 C y BP was recorded (Iasio, 1997). 27,000 y and 22,000 y BP.
The Reduced Lakes phase, determining the formation
of Synthem 2, indicates abrupt environmental transi-
6. The Ziway–Shala basin depositional and environmental tion, coinciding with major climatic changes and re-
evolution: a discussion newed volcanic activity within the rift. The B2 unit of
Bulbula Plain (Abernosa Pumice Member of Street,
The sedimentary deposits accumulated in the area 1979) and possibly the G2b one in the Gademota area,
during approximately the last 100,000 years record a indicate strong volcanic activity, mainly concentrated on
complex succession of climatic and environmental the Alutu Volcano, which could have had a phase of
M. Benvenuti et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 35 (2002) 247–269 263

explosive activity approximately 21,000 y BP (Street, Quaternary MER evolution (Boccaletti et al., 1992;
1979). This is a period of global climate deterioration, Bonini et al., 1997). The Abosa Fault is, in fact, syn-
culminating about 18,000 y BP with the LGM and thetic/antithetic, respectively, to the SDZFZ and to the
causing, at tropical latitudes, an abrupt shift to arid WFB, reflecting a tensional stress field concordant with
climates (e.g. Coetzee and van Zinderen Bakker, 1989). the one, responsible for generating the MER master
Depositional settings appear to have been mainly sub- fault systems and for the middle–late Pleistocene high
aerial; erosion was probably widespread in the northern subsidence of the Lake Abiyata basin (Le Turdu et al.,
and central part of the basin. Arid conditions, forcing an 1999). The transverse undulations could represent
almost complete desiccation of some lakes (eg. Ziway transfer or accommodation structures of the oblique
and Abiyata), are in fact documented during this time rifting as they are, in fact, parallel to the main transverse
(Lloyd, 1977; Le Turdu et al., 1999). faults segmenting the MER (i.e. the Munesa fault, Le
The Pleistocene Ziway–Shala lakesÕ system reached Turdu et al., 1999, Fig. 1). These structures, therefore,
one of the highest levels, (above 1700 m), probably after could express faulted blocks, downthrowing the south-
20,000 y BP, as recorded by G2c deposits in the Gade- ward sides and accommodating oblique rifting, succes-
mota area. This transgression possibly coincided with sively mantled by volcaniclastic deposits and giving rise
Ziway–Shala IV, one of the less documented among the to apparently gentle rift floor undulations. Alternatively,
lacustrine phases proposed by Street (1979). During the they could represent more complex structures, not ex-
following regression, a cut-and-fill depositional cycle cluding high-amplitude folds of the rift floor, as those
produced G2d deposits, topping the Upper Pleistocene described in the transfer zones of other grabens or half
succession in the Gademota area. grabens within the East African Rift System (Rosendahl
et al., 1986), and possibly associated with local trans-
6.2. The transition from the megalake to the macrolake pression generated by oblique rifting (Bonini et al.,
basin: only a matter of climate change? 1997). Furthermore, the overall extension of the Late
Pleistocene Megalake, from Mojo town to the north to
The Late Quaternary environmental changes in the Lake Shala to the south (Merla et al., 1979), implies that
Ziway–Shala basin were referred to global climate its level was regulated by a northernmost threshold,
change, expressed in the tropics by changes in tempera- located somewhere in the modern Awash valley. This
ture and moisture distribution across glacial- and inter- could have been eliminated by the further opening and
glacial-like phases (Street, 1979; Street-Perrot and Perrot, southward penetration of the Afar tectonic depression,
1990; Gasse and Van Campo, 1994). The magnitude of so making the Meki–Dubeta threshold effective in reg-
change during the LGM-Holocene transition (Dansg- ulating the Ziway–Shala lake levels during Holocene.
aard et al., 1993) seems to have been globally greater
than those marking the stadial–interstadial transitions 6.3. The macrolake phase
occurred before the LGM. In the tropics, this reflected in
a larger water budget, at the onset of Holocene, than at Starting approximately 10,000 y BP, renewed moist
the start of any previous interstadial (Thomas and conditions reestablished high lake levels, regulated by
Thorp, 1995). Nevertheless, maximum extension of the the Meki–Dubeta col and punctuated by dramatic re-
Holocene Macrolake system, controlled by an overflow gressions related to arid pulses. The most significant
threshold at 1670 m, was significantly reduced with re- Holocene palaeogeographic conditions, forced by lake
spect to the Late Pleistocene Megalake system. This last fluctuations, are summarized in Fig. 13.
regularly rose above 1670 m during interstadials, as Apart from tectonic control on basin geometry, early
documented in the Gademota area by units G1a, G1b, Holocene moist climate was undoubtedly the main fac-
G1c and G2c. The Holocene overflow threshold, the tor for the development of the macrolake basin. To-
Meki–Dubeta col, is controlled by a WNW-ESE trending gether with its palaeolimnological implication, the Late
rift floor undulation, similar to many others visible Pleistocene–Holocene transition had heavy conse-
southwards (Fig. 1); it possibly reflects tectonic structures quences on erosional processes.
(see below) transversal to the main rift fault systems. In Landscape dynamics in East Africa during the LGM-
addition, the NE-SW trending Abosa Fault (West Ziway Holocene transition (Roberts and Barker, 1993), sug-
Fault in Le Turdu et al., 1999, Fig. 2), locally marking gests that sediment yield of lacustrine basins reached its
the boundary between Megalake and Macrolake depos- maximum at the beginning of the early Holocene cli-
its, could have determined a greater subsidence in the matic optimum. In this period, lagging vegetation re-
northern portion of the Ziway–Shala lakes area during covery with respect to rainfall increase could have
the onset of the Macrolake phase. induced significant run-off peaks, also matched by doc-
It is here suggested that both the transversal rift floor umented peaks in sediment yield of major river basins
undulations and the Abosa fault can be consistent with a (Thomas and Thorp, 1995). The data on sediment yield
sinistral oblique extension model, hypothesized for the in the Lake Abiyata (Roberts and Barker, 1993) fit quite
264 M. Benvenuti et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 35 (2002) 247–269

Fig. 13. Paleogeography of the Ziway–Shala lakes during the Holocene: (a) maximum lacustrine flooding during early-mid Holocene; (b) pro-
toZiway lake separated from the southern lake at about 5300 y BP during the development of terrace III and of the older paleoshorelines;
(c) protoZiway lake separated from the southern lake at about 2500–2000 y BP.

well this model. High-relief incisions like surface S3, velopment. The TÕora geosol appears to have formed in
observed in the Gademota and Bulbula areas, testify climatic conditions moister than present: it clearly bears
flushing of huge volumes of late Pleistocene deposits the mark of major chemical weathering, converting a
into the lake basins, as local sediment yield, during the bulk of mostly glassy materials into phyllosilicate clay.
onset of the climatic optimum. This is just the kind of weathering that, as first observed
The Macrolake phase is not only expressed by ero- by Verheye (1978), is totally absent in the soils of the rift
sional and depositional processes, but also by soil de- bottom, starting from those on Lake Ziway terrace IV,
M. Benvenuti et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 35 (2002) 247–269 265

possibly up to 5000 14 C y old. Such strong divergence is as a proxy of Holocene climatically induced lake fluc-
best explained by the well documented drying up of the tuations, causing water dilution during high stands and
Lake Region climate after mid-Holocene. increased salinity during low ones.
On the Gademota slopes (Fig. 4), the TÕora geosol Holocene century-scale climatic fluctuations, recog-
developed on Synthem 2 deposits (unit G2d), suggest- nized worldwide in the tropics and well evidenced by the
ing age not older than Holocene. An Holocene age proxy records of the Lake Region, opened a debate on
hypothesis is also supported by its presence on Lake the possible forcing factor(s), resulting in two main
Ziway terrace V (Verheye, 1978, this study). According alternative hypotheses. The first one is based on the
to the stratigraphic results presented here, flooding of global relation between Atlantic Ocean–atmosphere in-
this terrace at the end of Pleistocene is almost certain. teractions and the on/off switching of the monsoonal
On the slopes of the inactive channel leading to the circulation in the tropics (Street-Perrott and Perrott,
Meki–Dubeta col, the TÕora geosol mantles the very 1990; Lamb et al., 1995). The second one surmises
gentle nose-and-hollow topography of the upper slopes that dry-humid fluctuations are controlled by feedback
of the valley, above 1670 m asl; below this altitude it mechanisms, through changes in tropical land surface
consistently disappears. Its absence on Lake Ziway conditions (Gasse and Van Campo, 1994), with signifi-
terrace IV also indicates that it cannot have formed cant consequences for global climate.
after about 5000 14 C y BP. Taking into consideration A second striking feature of Holocene climate is the
the only absolute dating available, it appears sensible to less pronounced variability at high latitudes, as com-
consider that the lower solum and the older tephra pared with the highly fluctuating conditions recorded in
solum of the TÕora geosol formed throughout lower the tropics. The recent chronological correlation, be-
Holocene, the moistest climatic phase known in the tween continental proxy records from different lati-
area. tudes, points to an abrupt climatic transition centred on
The TÕora geosol then indicates that the early Ho- 8200 y BP cal 14 C age, (conventional 14 C age of 7500
locene moist intervals were accompanied by geomor- y BP, Stager and Mayewski, 1997), suggesting that at
phic stability and soil formation. Its homogeneity least one short-lived Holocene climatic event has global
across the area suggests a less pronounced climatic implication. This event is well documented in the Zi-
gradient, between the Rift bottom and the TÕora-Mito way–Shala lakes basin, by the regression separating
hills, than the present one; the very limited variability Ziway–Shala phases V and VI, which testifies low lake
of the lower solum, across rough hilly terrain, suggests levels similar to the present-day situation. Such low
a gentler landscape with respect to the present rolling levels are likely due to a decay of monsoon moisture
one. transport, possibly related to global colder and drier
The early-mid Holocene evolution of the Ziway– conditions.
Shala lake system, recorded by Synthem 3, was quite
complex (Gasse and Street, 1978; Street, 1979; Gillespie 6.4. The separated lakes phase
et al., 1983; Alessio et al., 1996). The new data for Lake
Shala, compared with previous chronologies (Grove The late Holocene environmental changes are re-
et al., 1975; Street, 1979; Gillespie et al., 1983), suggest corded within Synthem 4. Between 5000 and 3000 y BP,
the following evolution (Fig. 5b): the reduction of lake levels marked an important
change in the evolution of the basin. A new rising of
(1) high to recessional levels between 10,000–9000 y BP, the lakes around 2500–2000 y BP (phase Zw–Sh VII of
with two low stands centred at about 9,900 and Street, 1979, see also core and seismic data in Bonnefille
9,000 y BP (Ziway–Shala Va, Fig. 5b); et al., 1986 and Le Turdu et al., 1999 respectively for
(2) possible lake rise at 8000 y BP (Ziway–Shala Vb); the Abiyata and Langano lakes) established their
(3) new low stand at 7500 y BP; boundaries as similar to the present ones, with Lake
(4) lake rise around 6300–6200 y BP, with possible max- Ziway definitively separated from the southern ones.
imum about 5000 y BP (Ziway–Shala VI); These last remained united until the beginning of the
(5) last level rise about 2500–2600 y BP (Ziway–Shala recessional trend, outlined by the belt of fresh shore-
VII). lines around Lake Abiyata, below 1600 m. The de-
clining trend of the last two thousand years was
Paleoecological analysis of the ostracod assemblages marked by a stillstand (phase Zw–Sh VIII of Street,
sampled in A3a–A3g deposits (Balemwald, 1998) inde- 1979), testified by A4b deposits in the Ajewa embay-
pendently supports the reconstruction in Fig 5b. Fresh ment; this could be placed, basing on data from a
to oligohaline water assemblages are found in deposits shallow core in Lake Abiyata (Bonnefille et al., 1986),
recording high-stands, while mesohaline assemblages, at about 1500 y BP.
dominated by salt-tolerant species, are characteristic of During the separated lakes phase, trends in soil de-
low-stand deposits (Fig. 14). This record is interpreted velopment, up to then homogeneous throughout the
266 M. Benvenuti et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 35 (2002) 247–269

Fig. 14. Variation of salinity of the early-mid Holocene Lake Shala recorded by ostracod assemblages. The numbers in the stratigraphic logs and in
the curve of ostracod assemblage variation refer to samples. The question marks indicate a tentative chronological calibration for samples lacking
adequate 14 C dating. The difference in position among the logged sections outlines not-to-scale difference in elevation among the sub-units (the Lake
Shala 1972Õs level of about 1558 m a.s.l is the reference datum).

basin, diverged markedly. In the Rift bottom, soil de- 6.5. The flooded paleovalley in the Ziway Lake: an
velopment on Lake Ziway terraces IV–I is fairly weak, evidence of repeated desiccation
and weakly differentiated between the terraces them-
selves. Considering the known age of terrace IV, about As an evidence of almost complete desiccation, the
5100 14 C y BP, this is rather significant, implying quite flooded palaeovalley in Lake Ziway can be related to the
unfavourable conditions for soil formation. In the dry periods documented in Late Quaternary deposits.
TÕora-Mito hills, soil development during the Separated Our and previous data confirm that conditions similar
lakes phase was clearly stronger. This post-5 ky diver- to, or drier than, present ones established in this area (1)
gence could be indicative of an accentuated climatic between 20,000 and 13,000 y BP; (2) between 11,000 and
gradient between the Rift floor and the margins, evolv- 10,000 y,BP; (3) in the early-mid Holocene at about
ing towards the present situation. 9900, 9000, 7500 y BP and (4) in late Holocene, possibly
In non-lacustrine areas, such as the Gademota Ridge, after around 5000–3000 y BP.
the last 5 ky are recorded by repeated fluvial incision Each of these dry periods may have caused a drastic
and colluvial and alluvial deposition (units G4a and shrinking of Lake Ziway, today only 7 m deep, down to
G4b). A prominent, very recent, phase of landscape its complete desiccation. The definitive deactivation of
instability, represented by deep incisions in the slopes the valley, as a drainage element connecting the proto-
and the development of a network of discontinuous Bulbula and protoMeki rivers, could have been caused
ephemeral streams, dates back to the last 4–3 centuries by blockage by lava, pyroclastic flows and falls erupted
(unit G4b). from the Alutu Volcano. This is indicated by the
M. Benvenuti et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 35 (2002) 247–269 267

absence of the palaeovalley on the southern part of dating, defines a coherent chrono-morpho-stratigraphic
Lake Ziway, in correspondence of two small islands framework of the main steps in environmental change in
made up of volcaniclastic material. Volcanic thresholds the study area between late Pleistocene and Holocene.
are also present in the uppermost reaches of Bulbula This is represented by four unconformity-bounded
River. units, formed during late Pleistocene (last glacial, Syn-
them 1), latest Pleistocene (Synthem 2), early-mid Ho-
locene (Synthem 3) and late Holocene (Synthem 4).
7. Conclusions (2) An extensive soil survey provided bases for a
better understanding of the geomorphic processes and
The main results of this study concern the general slope dynamics accompanying hydrological changes in
geology of the central part of the MER and the revision the lake basin. The TÕora geosol and other Luvisols
of the Late Quaternary framework, making this Region were recognized at a regional scale as indicators of
one of the reference sites for paleoclimate research in the geomorphic stability under moister than present climate
tropics. The general geology is illustrated by a new conditions. The early-mid Holocene soils are clearly
geological map depicting basement, Mesozoic rocks separated, in terms of pedogenesis, from the late Ho-
and Early Tertiary to Holocene volcanic and sedimen- locene soils. The latter reflect a climate significantly
tary units. The map is mainly devoted to the Late drier than that dominating during the early-mid Ho-
Quaternary deposits, as they record a complex story of locene.
environmental change related to climatic and volcano– (3) The integrated analysis confirmed the picture of
tectonic events (Fig. 15). environmental change as mainly driven by climate
The revision and reinterpretation of morphological, change. Late Quaternary tectonism and volcanism in the
stratigraphical and pedological evidence of Late Qua- MER modulated such a climatic control, by forcing
ternary environmental change in the Ziway–Shala basin geometric changes in the basin and determining a sig-
produced the following results: nificant variation in its extension, from the late Pleis-
(1) The stratigraphic, morphologic and pedological tocene Megalake system to the early-mid Holocene
record of lake fluctuations, supported by radiocarbon Macrolake system.

Fig. 15. Synoptic scheme of the main environmental change in the Ziway–Shala basin during the Late Quaternary documented by morphological,
pedological and stratigraphical lines of evidence in response to climatic and volcano–tectonic events.
268 M. Benvenuti et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 35 (2002) 247–269

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