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---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Rob Shinn <rob@capresults.net>

Date: Thu, Aug 27, 2020 at 3:32 PM
Subject: RE: Mountain Valley Pipeline
To: Hicks, Robert <robert.hicks@vdh.virginia.gov>, Stover, Jeff
CC: Parham Jaberi <parham.jaberi@vdh.virginia.gov>, M. Norman Oliver
<norm.oliver@vdh.virginia.gov>, Kim Allan <kim.allan@vdh.virginia.gov>, Shameera
Carr <shameera.carr@vdh.virginia.gov>, Lendi Bass <lendi.bass@vdh.virginia.gov>

Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) will be re-starting work on the pipeline probably in the next month.
There will be about 2,000 workers coming to Virginia between

the re-start date and end of the year. There are a number of project opponents in the area that will no
doubt raise concerns and issues related to the re-start of construction in an attempt to slow down the

MVP has developed a comprehensive COVID-19 preparedness plan. The governor’s office thought it
would be a good idea to connect with you to review the plan and

see if there are any additional measures we should consider. It would also be good for the MVP people
to connect with your local folks to sync up now, so we all have points of contact when people file
complaints etc.

Best regards,

Rob Shinn
Capital Results
50 Pear Street
Richmond, VA 23223
(804) 771-5308 (office)
(804) 347-4093 (Mobile)

From: Hicks, Robert <robert.hicks@vdh.virginia.gov>

Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2020 3:24 PM

To: Stover, Jeff <jeff.stover@vdh.virginia.gov>

Cc: Parham Jaberi <parham.jaberi@vdh.virginia.gov>; M. Norman Oliver
<norm.oliver@vdh.virginia.gov>; Kim Allan <kim.allan@vdh.virginia.gov>; Shameera Carr
<shameera.carr@vdh.virginia.gov>; Rob Shinn <rob@capresults.net>; Lendi Bass

Subject: Re: Mountain Valley Pipeline

If the bill was defeated, then why are we meeting? Where

does VDH fit into this bill (DOLI)? Is there a LAS or
Governor position? I just need clarification.



On Thu, Aug 27, 2020 at 3:05 PM Stover, Jeff <jeff.stover@vdh.virginia.gov> wrote:

Dr. Jaberi and Bob,

Rob Shinn (Cap Results - working with folks at the Gov's Office) called me yesterday
afternoon about HB5102, which was defeated. Matt Mansell, at the Gov's Office,
suggested that Rob set up a call(s) between relevant VDH staff and Mountain Valley
Pipeline reps.

I wanted to pass this on through both of you, given that you have the primary offices
and districts with a vested interest in such activities.

The localities involved include:

Allegany HD (Craig Co., Roanoke Co.)
New River HD Giles Co. Montgomery Co.)
Pittsylvania/Danville HD (Pittsylvania Co.)
West Piedmont HD (Franklin Co.)

They were hoping to do an initial meeting in the next 1-2 weeks.

I have copied Rob on this message.

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