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Name ID Number Programme



Submission Date:
18TH AUGUST 2020

Content Page
Introduction 2–3
List of group members 4–5
Role plays scripts 6–8
Photos of the role plays 9 – 13
Conclusion 14 – 15
Reference 16


1. Management & Science University (MSU) being the University of Choice that not only
emphasize academic excellence but also on the assessments that involved in building a
positive attitude and lifestyle. Thus, students of MPU2263U3 Time Management Final
Project assessment are required to create a role-play presentation based on time
management situations. The presentation video should consist of the problem faced by
neglecting the importance of time management and the solution to overcome the situation.
The topic of this Final Project is "How Do You Manage Your Time in Different Situation?".
We, as group 1 members of this respective class, decided to do an exciting and informative
role play video based on Topic 1, which is the situation on Student Life.

Time plays the utmost crucial part of student's daily life. Without time, there wouldn't be a
proper lifestyle for students to segregate day to day activities with academic life. Every
student is dependent on keeping up time as it is the key point for any students to succeed in
academic goals for a better future. Every ticking second in the clock has a valuable moment.
Time and management of it can ensure or decide a student’s success in terms of academic,
career, or even in a well-balanced life if the given time is used wisely by a student. Thus,
time management defines as a process of organizing and utilizing time preciously on how to
divide and focus on student’s essential daily tasks wisely.

As it is known, many students face the unsettling in time management because there is a
shortage of time in many of the situations. Students also have difficulty managing time as
students seek to do so many things at last minute, and there are still many students who
waste precious time doing nothing actually because of sheer laziness. When time is
managed and equipped wisely, it can make the difference between a productive day and a
tough day. Using time administration throughout an ordinary day can help minimize stress
and simplifies life. Without having an organized schedule on how to manage time, it can
create stress in a student’s life and also forgetting essential dates and deadlines for
submission of assessment or projects that ensure students to get good grades in academic.
By no longer having some organized lifestyles, students will create chaos and will appear as
if there is no sufficient time in one day to complete academic assessments.

For our role play situation we have shown 5 time stealers as a key problem of a student’s
life which are laziness, lack of planning, procrastination, interruption and unable to say no.
these 5 time stealers are given to each members of the team to role play, each member will
portray the time stealers respectively with the common mistakes done in a student’s life
which would affect their academic and personal life. Finally, a turning point would give the
realization to the students to improve their lives for better and applying the time management
tools in their lives.

2. As our lecturer assigned the assignment, we made sure to allocate the time
accordingly before the due date. Firstly, we were brainstorming and sharing ideas to come
up with the best way to portray about time management. We had many plans running in our
minds, but in the end, we decided to show how time management can be crucial in a
person's life. Vishal and Naveen came with the screenplay and directed each role in the

Secondly, we commenced with the video recording. Two central recording locations
were MSU and our member Rigesh's place. Some scenes required the home environment
since the topic is Student Life; therefore, we went to one of our member's residence. And the
rest was recorded at MSU. Five days were allocated for video recording. We managed to
complete within the allotted time despite the fact we had classes. The rest of the members
apart from Vishal and Naveen focused on acting and their respective roles.

Lastly, to put all the footage together, we allocated three days. We are glad we
managed our time well and completed this assignment without any delay. Everyone did their
part in the report as it was divided fairly among the group, Refer Figure 1.1 below.

Final Project Schedule

7-Aug 8-Aug 9-Aug 10-Aug 11-Aug 12-Aug 13-Aug 14-Aug 15-Aug 16-Aug 17-Aug





Figure 1.1 Final Project Schedule


List of group members

A. Role Plays

Group Member Time Stealer Role Play

Rasheed Ali Saadik Ali Laziness Rasheed play a role of a
(STUDENT 1) person that makes his
academic life miserable due
to his laziness.
Rigesh Kerisnan Lack of planning Rigesh plays a role of a
(STUDENT 2) student that never organizes
his routine which makes him
always getting delayed in
every aspect of his
academic life.
Vishal Kanna Subramaniam Procrastination Vishal plays a role of a
(STUDENT 3) student who procrastinates
a lot where he delays his
assessment or project to the
last minute.
Sukendran A/L Interruptions Sukendran plays a role of a
Subramaniam student that always get
(STUDENT 4) distracted easily because of
his surrounding which
makes mind to run out of
focus academically.
Naveen A/L Baskaran Unable to say NO Naveen plays a role of a
(STUDENT 5) student who unable to deny
and to say NO to situations
that are diverting his mind
that keeps him apart from
his academic perception.

B. Technical Team

Director & Screenplay Vishal Kanna Subramaniam

Editor & Assistant director Naveen A/L Baskaran

Cinematographer Sukendran A/L Subramaniam

Actor  Rasheed Ali Saadik Ali

 Rigesh Kerisnan
 Vishal Kanna Subramaniam
 Sukendran A/L Subramaniam
 Naveen A/L Baskaran

Role plays scripts


5 students with different time stealers gets effected with their student’s life and finally
overcome their problem.


Voice over:

Why don’t people see the importance of time?

Why don’t students understand that time management is essential to succeed

in life!

Here we are going to see 5 different tales in students’ life which leads to
many consequences due to neglecting time.

Student 1:

Mother waking up son

Son late to class

Mother voice: Rasheed wake up my boy, Rasheed please wake up,

Rasheed WAKE UP! (Screaming)

Rasheed in bathroom:

Mother voice: DEYH Come out

Rasheed: Okay ma! (Irritated voice)

“Rasheed gets ready for class but due to laziness he goes back to sleep!”

Student 2:

Rigesh snooze his alarm many times

Rush to get ready for class

Rush to class, and then rush to have his breakfast

Finally reach class very late but once in class falls asleep

Goes back home but can’t stay focus while doing assignment and falls

Student 3:

Vishal has a deadline for his final project submission

But he procrastinates and did other things such watching Youtube videos,
texting and talking on the phone for long hours

and end up not doing his project in time.

Finally submit his assignment late.

Student 4:

Suken gets phone calls from friends and family while in class which interrupt
his focus

Suken friend interrupt him while studying.

Student 5:

Naveen is a person that unable to say NO to anyone request

He gets call from friends to hangout which he says YES even though he has
other important things to do

Lecturer (Vishal):

Voice over:

Hi students, time management makes it possible for you to meet study

expectation and have social life and maintain healthy lifestyle

You must know your time stealers such as procrastination, unable to say NO,
laziness, lack of planning and interruptions, they are ways to overcome this
make a schedule, plan your day ahead, avoid stress, stay away from
distraction and manage you time well.


5 students realise and regret their mistake finally gets a turning point in their
lives which helps to improve the time management skills and avoid time

Voice over:

Time management is the foundation of a successful life!

Photos of the role plays

Student 1 is not being allowed into the exam hall for being late and overslept.

Rasheed Ali Saadik – Laziness (Student 1)

Student 2 Is rushing to class, he was stuck in the jam.

Rigesh Kerisnan – Lack of Planning (Student 2)

Student 3 failed to submit his assignment in time due to his procrastination.

Vishal Kanna Subramaniam – Procrastination (Student 3)

Student 4 unable to focus in class because of interruption.

Sukendran A/L Subramaniam – Interruption (Student 4)

Student 5 unable to say NO to any of his friends or family’s requests.

Naveen A/L Baskaran – Unable to say NO (Student 5)


1. In conclusion, what we have learned from the role play is how to manage the
time well. We learned on how to record the video for each role play in a short period of time
and we set time for the role play shooting. Also, we have learned how to develop the way of
thinking and learned how to develop our acting skills. Hence, we have learned how to
prioritize the time. We also made sure to prioritize the time for the role play video and
prevent doing other things that is not important.

Besides, we also have learned on how to minimize the distraction. For

example, while shooting the role plays, we avoided the unnecessary phone calls and
messages as well. Moreover, we have learned on how to overcome the procrastination. We
focus on the role play shooting and never let the procrastination steal our time. Therefore,
we have learned how to schedule the tasks. We also have decided the day for role play
shooting by scheduling. It is because we have to make time for some other important things

Additionally, we have learned on how to provide a better quality of work. We

make sure that the role play video is in better quality and sync with the title that we choose.
Finally, we have learned on how to reduce the stress and anxiety. We also have discussed
the scenes before the role play shooting. And also, we have divided the tasks for each of us
to reduce the tension and stress.

2. There weren’t any difficulties during the progress of the project because we had
planned a schedule and allocated specific time to complete this final project since we are
required to take video shots at two places and one of it was a team members house which
made us to work in a specific hour in respect to our team member family. Hence, in order for
us to work in peace and also have time for other subject’s assignments, classes and have
our own personal time. First, we estimated the time that will be taken for the video shoot,
editing and preparing the report.

Therefore, we did a timetable that put 5 of us in it, which we made ourselves

clear that the timetable must be followed by 5 of us for the next 1 week till we complete the
final project. Secondly, we priorities our task using the Eisenhower decision matrix tool, the
important and urgent task of the day was classes and other subject assignment and once we
are done with it the next one, important but not urgent was the video shoot for the final
project. Furthermore, the not important and urgent was to avoid interruption, non-emergency
matters, some calls, text messages and meeting other people’s priorities. The last one was
to eliminate not important and not urgent matters such as time wasters.

Hence, we identify our individual time wasters, procrastination was the common
time wasters for all of us therefore, we overcome it by setting time for each video shot,
editing segment and part of report accordingly so we don’t lose focus for example, each
video shot we allocated 20mins, 5mins for props preparation, 5 mins for practice and another
10 mins for the actual video recording. Moreover, during the progress to avoid interruptions
we silent our mobile phones to focus the task on hand. To conclude, we have gained a lot of
knowledge and exposure in video making and also made us to realize our own time stealers
that effect our productivity. this final project has given us to a lot of memories to cherish.


 Lecture notes
 https://courses.lumenlearning.com/austincc-learningframeworks/chapter/time-
 https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newHTE_00.htm
 https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/time-management-skills


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