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Forrest Gump Explains

Mortgage Backed Securities

Hi! My name is Forrest Gump. My friends call me Forrest Gump.

Mortgage Backed Securities are like boxes of chocolates. Criminals on Wall Street
stole a few chocolates from the boxes and replaced them with turds. Their
criminal buddies at Standard & Poor rated these boxes AAA Investment Grade
chocolates. These boxes were then sold all over the world to investors. Eventually
somebody bites into a turd and discovers the crime. Suddenly nobody trusts
American chocolates anymore worldwide.

Hank Paulson now wants the American taxpayers to buy up and hold all these
boxes of turd-infested chocolates for $700 billion dollars until the market for
chocolates returns to normal. Meanwhile, Hank's buddies, the Wall Street
criminals who stole all the good chocolates, are not being investigated, arrested,
or indicted. They hope everyone forgets all about who put the turds in the
chocolates in the first place, but I hope that doesn't happen 'cuz nobody should
have to eat turds.

Mama always said:

'Sniff the Chocolates First, Forrest'.

Now, read further and find out…

How John McCain, Barney Franks and the

‘Good Old Boys’ Took America Down

Hi! My name is Roy Warden. My friends call me Warden, the Notorious Mexican
Flag Burner.

I’ll tell you something Forrest Gump didn’t know: Who made the turds the
bankers used to replace the chocolates in the first place.

It began nearly four decades ago in Arizona when Greedy Arizona Developers,
like Don Diamond Enterprises, Pulty Homes, Robeson Homes, Dell Webb, etc.,
had a brilliant idea:

“Some day Baby Boomers will retire. So let’s have them (and their IRA’s, 401K’s,
brokerage accounts, insurance policies etc.) move to Arizona and retire here!
We’ll make Arizona the Recreation and Retirement Capital of America.” (“We’ll
all get filthy rich in the bargain.”)

Although Arizona lacked water resources, the state did have four things going for
it: drop-dead gorgeous weather (in the fall, winter and spring) an abundance of
attractive land, an endless supply of Cheap Mexican Labor, (to prime the pump
and fuel the boom) and corruptible politicians like Governors Mecham and
( )—and Senator John McCain.

Thus: in the early 1970’s, from one end of the state to the other, Greedy Arizona
Developers began constructing a new type of housing: massive, up-scale “active
adult” retirement communities with fancy names like Saddlebrooke, Sun Lake,
Rancho Vistoso, Quail Creek, Sun City, etc., luxury housing built around lush golf
courses in country club settings.

In residential building, the traditional cost ratio of construction materials to labor

is 1 to 1: every dollar spent on material requires another dollar for labor. Cheap
Mexican Labor reduced the ratio to 25 cents labor cost for every dollar spent on

Cheap Mexican Labor enhanced profit margins and substantially reduced the
unit cost, which allowed the Greedy Arizona Developers to offer out-of-state
retirees the Deal They Could Not Refuse.

Active adult communities soon flourished. Houses and country clubs stood where
cows once grazed. Refugees from the cold belt warmed their bones in the sun.
Women lounged and browned near sparkling pools while their husbands played
golf. The Arizona property tax base expanded by trillions of dollars. Within 25
years Arizona’s population increased more than 1/3 as 2 million out-of-state
residents, mostly wealthy active adults, were added to the local tax rolls.

Retail, service and resort industries sprouted like mushrooms. Malls, shopping
centers, restaurants, hotels, resorts, car dealerships, gambling casinos and movie
theaters sprang up overnight. Doctors, lawyers, insurance and real estate agents,

stock brokers and other white collared professionals, (and hustlers) all eager to
reach deeply into the pockets of the well insured and well-to-do, rented newly
developed office space and set up shop.

Soon, Arizona was booming!!

And the politicians were ecstatic! “We’re prosperous,” they said. “We’re growing.
We’re Number One!” And they were right.

However; unbridled greed soon becomes the mechanism of its’ own demise. To
enhance their profits, the Greedy Arizona Developers over-worked and short-
changed the Cheap Mexican Labor; after all they were just wet-backs were they
not? Illegal aliens soon chafed under the hot sun, harsh working conditions, low
wages, and the knowledge that greener pastures lay elsewhere.

Within several years of arrival, Arizona’s illegals began to re-locate to the other
49 states.

The Greedy Developers shrugged: “So what,” they said. Good riddance. We can
find more where those came from!” And they were right.

In the Reagan and Clinton eras, beneath the bright Arizona sunshine and ever
expanding prosperity, a metastasizing cancer grew: developers needed an ever
expanding supply of Cheap Mexican Labor to build roads, houses, offices and
other infrastructure, to landscape, clean, serve food, scrub floors, make beds and
perform the other menial tasks required by the service industries, and replace the
workers who left.

Thus; late in Reagan’s administration, post Amnesty, (which the politicians had
promised us would end all illegal immigration) human smuggling expanded on a
massive scale.

The era of Coyotes and Rape Trees had begun. In Arizona human smuggling grew
into a two billion dollar a year industry.

And all across America the population of Illegal Aliens continued to swell.

Meanwhile: in Pima County Arizona (the Gateway to America), radical Hispanic

hate groups like La Raza and MEChA (which sprouted like weeds on college
campuses all during the sixties), and local hard-core left wing political operatives
like Isabel Garcia (whose parents established their liberal credentials by helping
Caesar Chavez organize the Farm Workers Union), Assistant Pima County Public
Defender Margo Cowan (indicted in 1977 for using federal grant money to
smuggle Mexican Illegal Aliens), and attorney Robert Hooker (who later, just like
Dr. Frankenstein, was killed by a creature of his own making: speed-racer and
MEChA activist Alexander Rodriquez) sensed an opportunity to radicalize and
divide America.

Left wing Hispanic intellectuals began implementing an astonishing idea first
formulated in the sixties: to populate the Western United States with Mexican
Illegals, to radicalize political structures, to overwhelm social services until they
failed, and to achieve domination on the basis of ethnic numerical superiority.

They called it “The Plan of Aztlan,” or “La Reconquista.”

Reality check: In the beginning, Cheap Mexican Labor (mostly) was a-political.
The folks just came to work. They didn’t give a damn about radical politics. Their
children, however, born here in America far removed from their cultural roots
(“Alienated Aliens!”), soon became prime targets for radicalization and left wing

In a powerful display of political judo, the left wing adopted a long range strategy
to turn the system’s greed against itself. Their mantra was: “You want Cheap
Mexican Labor? You got it!” They set out to prove Lenin right when he sad:
“Someday we will hang the last capitalist. And we’ll hang him with the rope he
sold us!”

1. Radicals set up local organizations like “Chicanos Por La Causa.”
2. The Mexican government, realizing the benefits of the policy, “wherever
there is a Mexican there is Mexico,” begins establishing consulates all
across America.

3. The influx of retired baby boomers helps Tucson to evolve politically from
conservative to liberal.

4. Pima County appoints Legal Defender Isabel Garcia, and adopts policies
to facilitate entry.

5. The natural politics attendant to an increasing Hispanic population, and

left wing operatives, help liberal Tucson evolve from politically liberal to
left wing.

6. Right wing Republican ‘Good Old Boys’ like Don Diamond and Jim Click
do not oppose left wing politics: they now depend upon a never ending
supply of Cheap Mexican Labor and they charge higher interest rates to

7. Left wing operatives like Police Chief Richard Miranda are appointed to
head various government departments.

8. To secure left wing political support and votes Barney Franks and other
left wingers advance HUD policy granting loans to illegals and others
financially unqualified.

9. Development continues; Pima County awash with money.

10. Radicals establish Charter Schools with names like The Calli Ollin
Schools, The Nation of Aztlan, The Caesar Chavez Academy, etc. (check)
teaching pro-Mexican anti-American political agendas.

Developers engaged in a criminal enterprise to violate federal immigration law.

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