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Classical and western art

Prehistoric. Mesopotamian, and Egyptian Art


At the end of this module, learners are expected to:

Analyze art elements and principles in the production of work following the style of ancient art
(pre-historic and Egyptian Art), Classical Art( Greek and Roman Art). Medieval Art(Byzantine,
Romaneque, and Gothic)

Identify distinct characteristic of arts during the different art periods.

Determine the effectiveness of artworks by evaluating its utilization combination of art

elements and principles.

“A beautiful thing is never perfect.”

- Egyptian Proverb

Ancient Art Classical Art Medieval Art

1,500,000 BC – 2000 BC – 400 BC 400 BC – 1,400 AD

2,000 BC

1. Cave of Lascaux

2. Calyx-crater (mixing bowl)

3. Enthroned Madonna and Child

4. Hieroglyphics

5. Venus of Willendorf

6. Rose Window

7. The Morgan Leaf

8. Aphrodite


1. Ancient art – Pre-historic era

2. Classical art - Greek Era

3. Medieval Art – Romanesque era

4. Ancient Art – Egyptian Era

5. Ancient Art – Prehistoric Era

6. Medieval Art – Gothic Era

7. Medieval Art – Romanesque Era

8. Classic Art - Greek

Prehistoric Art works

- Cave Drawing (Paleolithic Period/Stone Age)

40,000 – 10,000 BC

most popular subject: Animal

use: Ritual or commemoration

New Stone Age (10,200 – 2,000 BC)

- MEGALITHS = huge stone structures

= famous: Stonehenge (England)

= use: Ancient burial ground,

observatory to keep track

in change of the season



- the oldest known artwork discovered in 1965

- made during the late Neolithic age around 10,200 – 2000 BC.

- stone carving of 127 stylized depiction of human and animal

- use: rituals / ritualistic healing

Early Civilization

Permanent communities
Organized communities – Civilizations

4 major civilizations

1. Mesopotamia (Iraq)- bet. Tigris and Euphrates

2. Egypt – Nile River

3. India – Indus River

4. China – Yellow River

They all began near the great bodies of water

Ruled by a monarch and believed in a nature-base religion

Developed impressive artworks that survived to this day.

Art of Ancient Mesopotamia

Located where Syria and Iraq is.

Sumerians , most dominant group in the region

First develop a writing system called “CUNIEFORM”

Use series of shapes and lines to represent the object and were written in clay

• A megaliths built by sumerians

• Use to honor their different gods

Art of Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egyptian’s life center in their gods – “PHARAOH”

Egyptians architecture

- PYRAM IDS = tombs for the pharaohs

= the biggest, Pyramid of Khufu

(2580-2560 bc)

= 2million blocks of stone(2 tons each)

= base: 230.4 meters

= height: 146.5 meters

Mummification - a process of preserving dead body

• Sarcophagus – coffin where mummified body was place

Egyptian Drawing and Painting

Purpose: to make the deceased after life place pleasant

Characteristics: highly stylized, symbolic, shows profile view of an animal or a person

Color: main color used were red, black, blue, gold and green

HIEROGLYPHS- often found along Ancient Egyptian Paintings and Carving

- writing system of Ancient Egyptians

- combination of “logography” which is a character that represent words or

phrases and “alphabetic” which is writing system composed by a set of letters.



Egyptian Sculpture

Was used to safeguard the Pharaoh’s body after death

Sculpture were plase near the sarcophagus.

Purpose: for the reincarnation of the pharaoh

SPHINX – best known example of Egyptian sculpture.

- found in Giza near the great pyramid, was carved from limestone

- biggest of its kind, said to be world’s largest monolithic statue,73.5 meter long,
19.3 meter wide, and 20.22 meter high

Mythical creature that has a head of a man and a body of a lion

Represent the face of the pharaoh Khafra

Built during Pharaoh Khafra’s rule around 2558 -2583 BC

Purpose: unsure? But thoerized to honor Pharaoh Khafra, as well as the sun god, Huros.


Draw your own version of sarcophagus.

What do you mean by Prehistoric?

What is the purpose of cave drawing?

What are megaliths? Why do you think they are build for?

What cunieform?

What is hieroglyphics?

Compare and contrast cunieform and heiroglyphics

Paintings from the Classical Greek Era

Judgement of Paris

Panel painting

Tomb / wall Painting

Paintings from the Romantic Era

Fresco from the Villa of Mysteries, Pompeii 80BC


Paintings from the medieval era

Byzantine Painting

Theodora, Asian Queen

Romanesque painting

Christ in Majesty

Paintings from the Gothic era

Lady and the Unicorn

The Shepherd David, 13th century. Gothic manuscript illustration

Sculpture from early age

Pre-historic sculptures

Materials used in sculpture vary according to region and locality.

Archeologist believed that their sculpture is a result of a natural erosion and not of human
Frequently carving may have mythodological or religious significance.

Venus of Willenorf

28,000 B.C. – 25,00 B.C.

It is carved from limestone with excessively heavy breast and abdomen .

Used: charm to ensure fertility

Venus of Brassempouy

25.000 years old

A sculpture of a lady with hood.

It is a fragmentary ivory figurine from the Upper Paleolithic era that realistically represents the
human face and hairstyle.

Sculptures from the Egyptian Era

Symbolic elements were widey used such as forms, heiroglyphics, relative size, location,
materials, coor, actions and gestures.

Their tombs required the most extensive used of sculpture.

Materials: wood, ivory and stones

Characteristics of the sculptures:

1. Symbolisms were heavily used to represent the gods. They were represented as composit
creature with animal heads on human bodies.

2. Relief compositions were arranged in horizontal lines to record an event or represent an


3. Most of the time the gods were shown larger than humans, the kings larger than their
followers, the dead larger than the living

4. Empty space were filled with figures or heiroglyphics

5. All individual components were all brought to the plane of representation and laid out like

Queen Nefertiti

Painted limestone
18th dynasty, 1375 – 1357 BC

Realistic, with heavy lided eyes,slender neck, determined chin and pure profile under her heavy

Queen, refers to the great royal wife of the Egyptian Pharaoh.

The Pharaoh Menkaure and his Queen, stone

4th dynasty, 2548 – 2530 BC

An example of portraits presented in rigid postures, and were simple and powwerful with very
little show of private emotion.

Sculptures from the classical period

Greek Sculptures

Early Greek sculpture were tense and and stiff, their bodies were hidden within enfolding robes.

After 3 centuries of experiments,Greek sculptures had finally evolved and showed all the points
of human anatomy and proportion

One of the most popular styles of the Greek sculpture was the HELLENISTIC STYLE.

It denotes a preference in sculpture for more elaborated patterns, mannered arrangement of

figures and groups, and an emphasis on the representation of movement for dramatic effect.

Myron; The Discobulus, 450 BC

Shows an attitude of maximum tension, full of compressed energy, and about to explode an

Roman Sculpture

Most Roman sculptures are made of monumental terra-cotta.

They did not attempt to compete with the free standing Greek works of history or mythodology
but rather they produced reliefs in the Great Roman triumphal columns with continuous
narrative reliefs around

The Portonacio Sarcophagus

Between 180 – 190 BC

Used for the burial of Roman General involved in the campaign of Marcus Aurellius

The best known and most elaborate of all “sarcophagus”

It depicts battle scenes between Roman and Germans

Carve in marble

Sarcophagus, from Cerveteri

520 BC.

Made of terra-cotta

Length 6’7” (2.06 m)

A husband and wife are shown reclining comfortably, as if they were on a couch.

Byzantine Sculpture

The dominant themes in Byzantine sculptures are religious, everyday life scenes, and motifs
from nature.

Animals were used as symbols (dove,deer, peafowl) while some had acrostic signs (form of
writing in which taking the first letter;syllable or word of different lines and putting them
together it can be read a message) that contained a great theological significance.

The Barberini Diptych

An early example of Byzantine Ivory work

Romanesque Sculptures

Some famous sculptural pieces are reliquaries, altar frontals, crucifixes, and devotional images.

Small individual works of art were generally made of costly materials for royal and aristocratic

This lightweight devotional images were usually carried in the processions both inside and
outside the churches.

Last Judgement

Tymapnum (an archicetural element with in the arch or pediment)of the west portal,
Cathedralof Saint Lazare, Autun, Burgundy France.

Gothic Sculptures

Have a greater freedom style.

They no longer lay closely against the wall, but begun to project outward.
Figures were given their own particular attitudes instead of being set into particular patterns and
more lively and realistic.

Resurrection of the Virgin

End of 12th century

Architecture from the early age

Pre-Historic Architecture

Man has developed aform of architecture based on megaliths (a big rock) from Greek word
lithos(stone) and megas (big)

This architecture is made of huge stone blocks which were probably intended for burial.

Megalithic monument have always ignited man’s imagination.

Provided plenty of legends and superstition.

During this era, stones and rocks were associated with divinity.

Three main types of Megaliths

1. Menhir: a huge stone standing vertically on the ground, usually standing in the middle of
the field or arrange in rows.

2. Dolmens: the word dolmen originated from the expression taolmaen, which means”stone
table”, these structures are in form of table consisting of two ugestanding stones supporting a
horizontal giant stone. It is believed that it served as grave or as an altar

3. Cromlech: a Brythonic word where “crom” meansbent or curcve and “llech” which mens
slab orflagstones. Literary it is a circle o standing stones.


Best preserved megalithic site in Europe. A group of stones arranged in concentric circles, with
a large external circle oftriliths (Greek word meaning three stones), two internal circles built in
a similar manner and altar shape stone in the center.

It is a temple where rituals were held.

The structure and the movement of the sun in the sky has a relationship in terms of identifying
the change of the seasons which helped the primitive man on their rituals and on their
agricultural practices.

Egyptian Architecture, 4,000 BC


1. The structure has thick sloping walls with few openings to obtain stability.

2. The exterior and interior walls along with columns and piers were covered with
heirogluphics and pictorial frescoes and carving painted in brilliat colors.

3. Ornamentations were symbolic including scarab(sacred beetle), solar disc and vultures,
common motifs (palm leaves, buds, flower of lotus, and papyrus plants)

4. Temples were aligned with astronomically significant events like solstices (comes from latin
word, sol, meaning sun and stitium meaning stoppage, as the sun appears to stand still on the
first day of winter) and equinox (a time or date when day and night are equal length)with
precise measurements required in determining the moment of that particular event.

Pyramids of Giza

It is the most substantial ancient structure of the world.

The three pyramids are the funerary structures of the three kings of the fourth dynasty (2575 to
2465 BC)

1. Khufu (Cheops) – whom the Great Pyramid was attributed

2. Khafa (chepren- whom the pyramid next to the great pyramid is attributed

3. Menkaura(mycerinus) - Smallest

Pyramids of Giza


It is a type of Egyptian tomb in the form of a flatroofed, rectangular structure with outward
sloping sides. It was made of mud-bricks or stone

Greek Architecture

Temples consisted of a central shrine or room in an aisle surrounded by rows of columns.

These buildings were designed in one of the three architectural style orders:

The Parthenon,
447-432 BC, Athens

The greatest classical temple, ingeniously engineered to correct an optical illusion.

The columns were slightly contorted, swollen at the center and leaning inward to correct what
would otherwise have been an impression of deadness and top heaviness.
Roman Architecture

They built sturdy stone structure both for use and to perpetuate their glory.

The emperors erected huge halls and arens for public games, baths and procession.

They built them of gigantic arches of stone, bricks and concrete or with barrel vaults

The Colosseum,70-82 AD, Rome

Byzantine Architecture

It has a lot in common with the early christian architecture.

Mosaic decoration was perfeceted by the Byzantine, as was the use of clerestory to bring light
in from high windows.

Byzantine’s advancement in developing the dome created a new style in global architecture.

Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, 537 BC

Hagia Sophia means “Holy Wisdom”.

It narrates how a magnificent construction transformed from being a church, into a mosque and
what is now known as the Hagia Sophia museum.

One of the biggest domes ever created with 108 feet in diameter and because of its grand size it
can still be seen from miles away.

Romanesque Architecture

Romanesque architecture displayed solid masonry walls, rounded arches and masonry vaults.

It is the period of great building activities in Europe, castle, churches, monasteries arose

The doorways of Romanesque’s churches are often grand sculptured portals.

Wood or metal doors are surrounded by eleborate stone sculpture arranged in zones to fit
architectural elemenents.

The Groin-vaulted Crypt of Worcester Cathedral

Gothic Architecture

This design included two new devices: pointed arch, which enable builders to construct much
higher ceiling vaults and stone vaulting bourne on a network of stone ribs supported by piers
and clustered pillars.
Cathedral of Chartres, 1145-1260
(Notre dame Cathedral)

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