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NIM : 185070201111010


This video about contains important information about discharge planning and health care team
discuss with Eileen towards planning her discharge home. In this video, Eileen stated that little
scared about going home and she would like to know what kinds of things she need to worry about
or ask. In this part, Susan as a health care team discuss with Eileen about :

- Why she were in the hospital, because this important to she and family know exactly why you
were here, and if you had surgery what the operation was that you had done. Susan recomended
for Eileen to ask the health care team, if she don’t understand their explanation, please ask
repeated again, explain it differently, and remind health care team to speak in plain english and
simpler language.
- Medication : Susan recomended Eileen to ask health care team whether or not the medications
she were on before should be continued when she do get home, and certainly, if she have any
question about her medications, ask to speak with a pharmacist so he can check your medication,
for possible side effects. They will be able to give you written information and things like that.
- For pain medication, Pain control’s an extremely important part of she recovery. Susan
recomended Eileen to ask about pain medication to the health care team, the doctors, nurses,
and pharmacists will all be able to explain your pain medication to you the possible side effects,
the dosages, and those types of things.
- Side effect pain medication is constipation and she can aware of that and stay on top of that.
- Reminder Eileen to give a prescriptions for the pain medications to get them filled at the
pharmacy downstairs before you even leave the hospital.
- Aware of will be determained by either the surgery that she had done or the illness that she were
hospitalized for. She need to ask the team what a specific things need to be aware of.
- She need to monitor incision for signs and symptoms of an infection like redness, a sudden
increase in swelling, if there is any increase the pain at the incision, and if there’s any drainage of
pus or discharge coming out of it.
- She need to be aware if she got a fever, cough up any yellow or green mucus, that could be
indicative that starting with a respiratory infection.
- Limitation to activity or she may need to change some lifestyle things when she get home. Susan
ask she not to lift anything heavier than ten pounds for about four to six weeks after surgery.
Susan also don’t want just pulling pushing things, so no shoveling snow, mowing the lawn, those
types of things.
NIM : 185070201111010


Continued From Part 1

- Susan was recomended for showering and bathing after she had surgery and incision well healed.
She can use mild soap or something without parfumes or deodorants. Rinse all the soap off
throughly and then take a nice soft towel and pat the incision dry. Don’t rub it, because that’s
going to hurt, but you need to get the incision very dry.
- When she can go back to doing her housekeeping, exercise, having sex, all those things are very
important to discuss with a health team care. Physiotherapist is good person to talk about an
exercise program and safely returnng back to what she can do.
- If she feeling tired, she may need to schedule some rest period.
- She is required to be off all pain medication before she start driving or operating any sort of
heavy machinery because the pain medication can sometimes make you groggy or drowsy. It
could be 6 weeks.
- Susan usually recommend thay she try to have someone there to help you out with daily chores
and regular activities.
- Before she leave the hospitals, she is going to requires visiting nursing care or CCAC (community
care access centre).
- For the diet, she can speak with a dietitian before she leave the hospital. If she is not the one who
is doing the meal preparation or cooking when she get home, have the person there when you
talk to the dietitian and they go over everything.
- She is important to ask a team when they want to see her back and who they want she to follow
up with. It might be a doctor or surgeon who cared in hospital or they may ask her to follow up
her family doctor.
- If she coming back to a clinic here at the hospital, it’s important tha she book appointment well in
advance, the clinics here often book up very quickly. And if the doctors tell she that they want she
back in 4 to 6 weeks, please call the office within the first couple of days of going home and book
the appoinment for the future.
- If she following up with her family doctor, she may be going home with stitches or staples in the
need to be removed. The nurse will give her the equipment to take with her, as sometimes the
family doctors don’t have that equipment out at their offices in the community.
- If she has any question, she can ask to health care team before her leave the hospital.

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