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Ot course, W.

from Harrishlll'g, tlia t iI[r. :McCllrter has ming'ham, England. She cUllle to this Telephones,
OUR TOWN heen eleckll Presillent of the Directors'
Dppartment of the Stah' Educational
eountrJ- when a J'oullg girl all ,1 li\'ell
ill Philadelphia lIntil after her JIIIH-
1267 deliver - &D.7
place - &D.7
AssoI'iation of 1'l'lIl1syl\'lIlIia. band's death. Since .lODi she has li\'Cd 1268 time.
An Exp~riment in Co-operative In I'du('atillllal a~ \\'('11 as oth('r lilies in Nal'bcrth \\'ith !tel' daughter, _\I.I'S,
Journalism-No Paid Workers. :\al'hl'l'tli's plaet' 1111 the Illap he('ollles'
IIIIIl'e pl'olllilH'1I1 (Iaily.
Hohert G. Sa "ill.
Her death will be I1lOst ke'!1I1y felt by
The Brightest Spot in Narberth
her family alld lJCr mallY frieJltls. Sh(!

Owned and Published every Saturday
is slIrd"e,1 by 1,\\'0 daughters, Mrs. Hol>- A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
b;r the Narberth Civic Association. FREE MAIL DELIVERY. ert. G. Sa\'ill and ~Irs. Albert H. Clift,
of Narherth, alit! t\\-O SOliS, Mr. Georg'e
Subscription price one clollar aud fifty
cents pCI' year in advance.
rro a gro\\'illg" hllrOt1g"h ~ul'h as ol1r~,
it is \'ery imp0l'tallt tliat th,' matter of
;',[elldenhall alld :\fr. Ed \\,a l'l\ 1'. :\1ell-
dl'lIhall, of Philadl'lphia. NOTICE •
fre(' mail IIPlin'I'.\' should Ill' sp.'edily
dl'l'dpII wit h tl", I~ast pos,;i,hle delay,
:-;('\'1'1':11 of our Jllerehanl,; who llo 110t
l\[rs. Pear] Trigg', ,,,ife of ~rl" Gcorgn
For Good Taxi Service
(llH'OUl'ag"l' this progrcssiv(' Ht('}l of fl'cc
April 24, 1919.
\llail llplin'r,\', ullllouht p(lI~" clo Ilot give
it ~e\'ious ('ollsidl'l'II t ion fro\ll all \'i()\\,-
Tl'ig-g, of Pril'p an'nlle, clil'(l last Sat-
IInla~', after :1 prolongell illll",s,
was a memhel' of the 'YO\lll'lI'~ ('0111-
Hh(' Call Narberth 1633
Presi(lent-Mr. Joseph H. Nash. poillts. whill' Oil.' of thplII COlltl'lIlls that mllllit~· Chlh, an(l although 11('1' illnpss
Yice-President-:Mr. James Ar,tman, Ollr lo('al llIpl'I,hallls might slItrp\, ill the had !,n'Yentpd her attpudi ng flll~ 1IIp('t-
24 Hour Service
Mr. A .•1. Laos, iiII'. H. J. Dothard. l',pllt of t h,' I'o,.t Ollil'" lll'illg rl'lie""ll ings with an~' rt'gllbl'ity, Hhp \I'as al-
Secretury-Mr. R .•1. Edgar.
Treasurer-Miss lIfaizie Simpson.
of Illt, 1I11111111'\' of Ih'Opl" pat\'ollizing the'
P\'l'~pllt '."Sf"III. all,l who u",' the tilllP
of ('allillg' fo\' thpil' IIlIlil as It ~hopping
wa~'s deeply inll'rested in till' ()I'g'anizn'
tion an(l what it \\-as Iloing', Thl' 1'11-
11 l'J'n I took pIn('e Oil TII,',,<lay '11'1('1'110011.
Directors-Mr, .1. J. Cabrey, Mrs. C. l"'\'iod.
P. Fowler, Mr. H. R. Hillegas, Mr. Chas. no\\'e\'pr. f!'l'" lila il ,\Pli \'['1'\' fo\' :\'a 1'-
ht'l't 11 i~ ('ll1l1 i Iq,~'. :1IHl it is it (il1('~t ion of INCOME TAX PAYMENTS.
H. A. Chain, Mr. W. R. D. Hull, Mr. H.
.A.•Tacohs, lIf!'. F. A. Lanahan, Mr.
dH\'~-1l()1 \\"('1,1;;::-: 01' llIoliths. T1J(' ('H-
Ii I:t' 111'1 t I ,'I' ,hOllld llof Ill' jllll;,:,',l fl'o1li
We Invite Your Inquiries Regarding
Daniel I,eitch, 1\ll'. G. Knutzen, Mr. R. a J1('I"ollal 01' ""Ilish st:llidpoint. hilt
f\'O\ll th,' gr,':lf goo(l it \\'ill clo 0111' gro\\'-
"(':1:-;11 pa.'·llIC ' uts of jJl(·()J1Il' 1:tx("~
sholll(\ not ,hI' Sl'llt by mail," says Col.
Narberth Real Estate
J. Nesper, Mr. E. A. lIfusceamp, lIfr.
Fletcher W. Stites, Mr. A. E. Wahlert, ill!! (,ollllll~IJlity, It-etlH of J 11\('1'11:11 H"\'l'lIl1l' LI,tI"J'('r. and Assure You of Our Best Efforts
po"t lIlastpr' IT:1\\'s 11 ",.,,1'\'(S lllu"h "('ash Sl'lIt I,,' mail i~ al\\'II\-' '11th"
Mr. Walter Y. Shaw, Mr. Walton M.
Wentz, Mrs. C. W. Young, Mrs. James
rrellit for fll(' px.','lI('llt sen'il'e gh'l'n oWllel"s risk ,,'1' loss, all,1 if lost or to Answer Your Requirements
ill vie\\' of th" fart that hl' has hall a sloJPIl, th,' SPIII]P1' ma.I' fill(1 hims"lf fa .. -
Foote. great man~' llis:11hnllf:1g"s \\'ith whirh ing' l,ll'lIaltips for failure to pay his tax This office does a strictly brokerage busine!!s and bas no par-
to COlden(1. anll ('ollsi,I,'\'illg th" s,'\'dee Oil hnH'. ticular properties in which it is interested-thus guaranteeing the
\\'hi('h hp has gi"('ll us. \\'(' ha\'[' nothillg ".\ taxpa~-PI' will fill,1 it more 1'1'11"-
hut praise for hi\ll ill hi, untirillg "f- ti,,:11 to !,UI'f'hIlH' II ['ost On},'e IIIOIIP" buyer unbiased information regarding any particular property.
Editor. fort,., 01'11,'1', or drll\\' a I,h.,.·k for thl' 111110111:1
Oar Re!erence5-Anyone with whom we have done business
0(' Ih,' tax, !,lIyahlt- tll ClIIIl"'fol' of Ill'
Mrs. Roy E. Clark, Henry Rose, tpl'lIal HI'I'I' II 11('. l'hil:lI!elphia,
W. T. Melchior A. J. Laos, THAT FIRE BELL. "Tht' first p:l,\·HU1Ilt .• dlll' OIl 01' hPf'IlI'C'
~faJ'('h l;j, shollid hI' IIttlll·hpIl SPI'III'P1\'
Associat;: 'itom. Etlitol' of Our TowlI: Real Estate Broker
to tIll' I'omplt-t,'d rdllrn. Illld fOl'wlIJ'(i-
"Spt\('tatoJ'" hal" :-'t'l'l1 lit to ('ollyert I'd Ill' ,j .. lin'J'(',j to 111.\- onit'l' at th,' I'ost 1001 CHESTNUT S fREET, PHILADELPHIA
I~Ohl"l'I"'PJ"S" oh.st'rvatioll illto a ~Il~­
MAIZIE J. SIMPSON, O!li,'l' Bllildillg. I'hila<l,'ll'hi", I',\. This MEMBER. PHILADELPHIA REAL ESTATE BOARD
;':I',t ion, JIl' ,hou\d 1111\'(' Jllarkl'd th.' first pll.'"lIiPllf lIIust .. O""\' l'ilhl'1' thl' "11-
Cashier. clistilll'1ioll, ('['rlaillly "U])s('\,\'['r" <ii.1 Residence, 104 Grayling Avenue, Narberth
t il'(' tax sholl'lI <llIC, or at. least one-
110t ('()lltt'1IIplaIt ~11t'h an l'Xh:lllstin' (lX-
1 Re.ideDc. PhoDe: Narb.rth 605
fOlll'lh of till' tax Ilul',
Send all advertising and news items to flI'(\:-:sillII. I t is iJltt.'r('~tiJlg Hllli :lIllll:,dng. d Ear],'· paYI1J(\lIt~ :lud ear]r filing' III'
hilt Jllalli1'.',t 1\- 1I01l-'·lIllslrul'Ii\'". :-;illt·(' J't'tUl'll:-- is lIq~'(l(l in 01'111')" that :Ill 0\'1'1'-
P. O. Box 966. •. Ohsl'I'\,['\'" 'Illa,!t' his ohsl'l'\'atioll he 10'1'\ OU thl' filial ,laft'. ~raJ'('h .};jth. lila\,
Our Town is on sale at the depot
newsstand, and at the store of H. Eo
lias \1('1'11 illt'OI'llIt'll }", lIlI,' \dth all ill'
tillla1(' kllCl\\"lt'd;.!(' of ' the ('irtl1l1l:-itall('(':".
ht' :l \'Oil]P,l. ' r'-===============================i1
"Eal·11 taxpa~"'1' ,holl1.1 I'lit filII I"",t-
Davis. to \I'lli,'h PX"t'ptioll has he"11 tak('II, Ihat :lg't\ 011 his mail. If Juai1 is l'et11l'lIplI
Entered as second,class matter iII lila II~- i IIstll II"('S ill th,' past thl' ('011- to flit' taxpa,"l'l' lU\(,:lll:"C' of in~lIlli(·it'llf
tilllllJlI:-' I'illg'illg' of thp gOllg: is !lot Jlt'l.'l','''-
October 15, 1914, at. the Post Office at po:-,f:Jgt" it llIny l't'stllt ill tht' l't'tttrll 11('·
"'".'" It is <i'lll", IIl1t fo\' thp 1l\l\'I1(lS" 01 illg <lpliu([lll'lIt. to \\,hi .. h 1"'11:111 iI'S at-
Narberth, Pennsyh'ania, under the act a\-oidillg" " ('olli:"ioJls" (wht'll "Spp("- ta,'h.
of March, 1879. tatol'" "holll,l hI' asll"'p), hut tn ,gath('r "Tllpl'f' 11:1:-0 11('('11 lin ill('rens(' III flll'
--------- ---------- tip 1111' :1 "j j \'1' 1111'111 hl'I'S, ttl whom Wt' {)Wl~ til'] ,1 fol'("'. [JllIl th"l'l'fol'l' tho,,, Iksir-
,0 11111.-11. If il i,- IIlIl i\ll\ll~ra'iypI,\' illg' illf"l'liiatillll shollld app],,' for it lit
llt·,'(':-::--:tI'\', it~ {'ulltiIlU:lIII'l' b Jlot (ll" (l II ('. '. ~ ,
OUR TOWN will gladly print t'PII:-iildt': I f it 1:-- :t 1l1',·t'~~al'\~ ('nn-
any news it~m about any subject "lIl11italll ,,1' tilt' "'I'\'i"0 to the c~J11lllun­ The REALLY Fine Fellow Gives Only
iI\', th"11 Il'f II" I:a\'l' a sati,f:It'loIT ex- MONTGOMERY COUNTY FEDERA-
that is of interest to Narberth
folks, but in order to meet the piallat iOIl 1'1'0111 "'>111(' 0111' allthlll'il.;',1 to
:--pC'ak for 0111' Firl' COlllpatl~·. 11 i~
printing schedule, all "copy" President-Mrs. R. J. Rolston, Fort
1I1l(it'r:--:tond 111nt n ::-irt'll i:-: tIl 11(' ill- No prettier compliment can be paid to the J'ecipient than
-manuscripts-must reach the Washington.
editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each
"alIl'd. ill li"11 of 11:" I'I'I'St'lIt IIIt'all:i of
IlI1 a 1:: 1'111. ThaI 1'I'ol>,tlJ1,'- \\'ill 1>1' a
III II \'l' ill tIl(' right din\('tioll :t 11 11 illl1i·
Vice-Presidellt-;'1rs. D. T. ,Tones,
is expressed by a box of Bell e Mea d
('afl':" tlll\l't\ b :"1Jl]H' IlIt'ri1 ill "Oh~('r\'­ Delicious fruits, nut kernels,
Secretary-llfrs. C. P. Fowler, Nar-

SATURDAY, February 14, 1920

l'r~:.:'· \'il'\rplIillt. 111:l~lll11('h :1:-: tlll\ Fil't'
('Olll!':lIlY is appt':dilq.~' for l1It' (·lHlllllllll·
it."'" ""1'101'1'1, all,] it shollI,1 Illlt 11(' wilh-
Trensul'er-:\frs, W. H. Pugh, Merion.
pure sugar, butter, cream and
chocolate perfectly blended arc
packed into l>eautiful boxe"
hl'ld, ],ot llii" 1", 1'I';!'lI',]l'tl '''' all a"('('pt- and make acceptable gifts
:lilli' till1(' to Ill:lkt' lluhlir tlit' rlllt'~ :1l1.1 everywhere,
They are made for those who appreciate
EMERGE~CY rllO~E CALLS l'l'g,tJ1:Jtioll:': ~(l'-I'l'IliJlg fire :llanus and
Phone, Narberth 1687 delicacy of flavor and the utmost in purity.
tlll' ]"(''';IIUII:':I'' t!lpn'll). \\·ith fht' 111011,'.!ht
Fire, 350 111' l':ll"l]i':-it t'j)'O]lt'l':lt iOIl h," ('\"l'l',,-htld~'. 80 cents to ;. 10.00 the pound
Police, 1250

Editorial Narberth Loses Several REAL ESTATE



Well-Known Residents and INSURANCE
\'(11'" ftlW :-'Ohlll'h:lll ttl\Ul~ (\Iljtl\" :-:lll'h
ex,·('II;'lIt 1Iaill ,<,n'i.", ,I' ,\al'I":,,,'h, The
011 ~"tlll'da,- 11Il1J'oinc:, .1:llll1al'\' ;;1. NARBERTH, PA. "You'll Like It "
Pl'lllls\'1 \'a II ia 1::1 i lUI all lIa:-: 11I:H!.· l'\'I'I'\· ~arhl'rth IGst' Ullt' or i't:" ilt':"l },'II 0 \\' I;
eitizl'Jls who thJ'(Jug'hout his IUIlg" l'l':.-i-
'cll'ol't'tll 1'1,,'1"" it:< 1''1111111' l' 1'0 III th'!'
H v('al' 101illtl !Iulll\' {!t\\'II."
O:i" "'1',,,, h"" 101"'11 "1'1"",'i"t"tI h.\' the
anti that dl'I"'!' hpl'p h"ld t lip Sill"l'J'l' fl'il'llll,liil'
of a great Jlllllilltll' (If'hi:; Ill'ighbo!'s witlt
Ic:--idt'lJlS of tltlI' 1lOl'ull~h tlu'1'l' i:-; no \\'holll hp ,'allll' in "olllal'l scll'ialh- and
doubt. TIlt· l'XI'J't.:":-iI' .... ' put Oil dtll'il1~
the }last 11'W IIIOlllh:-: :ll't' a gTl\Ut ('011-
Y('BieH('I' :llld 11:1\',· hl't'll OIlL' of 1'11('
gTl'att'st ad\'!,l'l i:--:l'Il11'lIt:-i :'\arlH'l'th l'ollhl
thl'ulIg'h htlsilll'~~ (l('alillgs. ~
~rr, GOllfl'l',\' \I'as hol'll in Bl'idg'l'(oll.
:\, .J., in U-i;ji', alld 1l1OH'rl to XarlH'J'lh
ill lfll0, aud ]I:l:-O sillc:e hcelL ('IIg-:q..rp ,1 in
Cotter's Market " Domestic" Coke
('\',,1' ha "I'
hOI','tI 1'01'. th,' 1'1',11 pstall' I>lIsin('ss fl'o11l his 1](1 III P, Prime Beef, Spring Lamb, Order now from your dealer
Olll,\' th,' gll'att',,1 pl'ai,,1' all,l fair 114 \\"ootlsid,' an'IIIH'. Country Dressed Veal and
COIlIII"'1I1 "lllIlIlti 101' gi""11 Ihl' I'aill'o'ltl
comp"u,\' ill \\'ol'killg with IHII' to\\'1I 01'-
neath ('allll' slllld,'nh'. th(' dir,'l'1 l'allS!'
heing l'1I1al'gt'JilPJlt of 'the IIl~:t1'1, ht' ita\-- Pork, Sugar Cured Hams C. P. COOK
1ki:ds ':Iud oq,!,':lllizatiolls ill Illaldll~ X:n· ing 11('('11 ahout tOWIl just a t'P\\" days and Bacon
hl'rlh 11 h"t 1,,1' 1'111,',' ill \\'hi,'h to li\'l'. I>l'fol'p. IIp slll'\'i\'t'd his good wifl' jllst. Price chuted, $9.50 Carried $10.00
nhout ~I\V('II lIlonths, :-;hp havillg' pas:.:('(1 PHONE us YOUR ORDER TO.DA Y
awa\' ill .11111" of lasl \,('ar. You will find our prices right PrIce of Pea Coal $9.25 chuted in
HONORS FOR MR. McCARTER. :\1'1'. Gllllt'l'p~' a lit \ h'i, \\'ifp 1"';':lIlarly
Good service by using this coal
attpllllpd tlll; Ikra('hah Christiall Asse\ll- Groceries and Provisions
hl.\' i II Ph iladl'lph ia.
Th,' :\arl\('rth Sl'hool ha" a \'l'l',\" high aflil'pl's of thp Xarlll'J'lh Rlliltling alld
fo'talltling alll()Iq.~' thl' ftull1i(' sl·hoob; of Loall .\s"ol·iation. of whil'h org-allizatillll
the Statl' of 1','ulI:<\'h'llllia, :\0 tlollht :'II,., G,"lt'J'l',\' \\'as tr,'a,IIJ'l'r, al'll'd ''''
a larg'e JlH':l:-illIP (If'thi:-: i:-, dUt' to tllt\
loyal Illltl l'aiu"lakillg l'lrort" or th,'
]'I'("itl"lIt of till' :\'111",1" h ~,'hool HIIlll'tI,
~lr. ('. lIo\\'alti ~1"<'aI'II'I', nllarl" ilia\'
('Ollie Illld BIIIlI,h III"," ,l:", 1'"1 :11"(''11'1':1'
t-!-{\(l~ 011 fun\\ l't. alld il';-; well 111:11' it
l'all-hpaJ'l'J's at th,' flllll'ral, fl'Ol1l his
l'l't·;jt1PIJ('P. 011 Tu('s(l:!v. )l\'hnt:tIT :--:.
tl'rnll'llt \I'a" pl'i,'al;' at thp ~\rd\llol'l!
Lllthl'l'I1l1 (\'IIIl'!('I'\'.
~I is;-; F}or('w'(' 'God fl'l'\", his ~istpr~
(':lilli' to X:ll'hpl'th frOTll \"hi(':l!!1l ·tll Sl't-
lit' ~fl'. Gllllfl'l',\-'~ TH'l'snn:11 :dl'ail's allll
Raymond Weiss, Proprietor

SIIOIlI.! h,' ,fI, ~II', ~1('('IlI"t'l' \I ill Il'a,'h
his ~;j1h alllli\'{'I:-:ar\, :IS ~1·ll(llll flirl'l·tll!" his hlt:"ill(l~s illtl'lt'sts :It'(' hpin,C' H,ll1liJl·
EXPERT REPAIRING Everything needed fortheGarden. Greenhouse. Lawn and Farm. including
the best varieties of VClletllble and Flower Seeds, Lawn Grass Seeds. Faron
Seeds, Roses, Dahlias. Uardy Perennials and other Plants, Garden 101·
durin!! 1111' (lol1lil1~ .111111\. Flll':l Ilumh!'!' i"ll'I'I'd In' thp "'aYIIl' Titll' allli '('rll,1 T .Iephone Narberth 1633 plements, Lawn Mowers, Lawn ,RoUers, ~crtlllzers, Inscctlc:idcs, etc..
of y('al~ hI' h::" lil'ltI "Ili,'" ill Illl' Y:ll'iOIl" ('I1I1II':lll,\" or I'hila,i,'lpllia all,l \\'a,\'JII'. DREER'S GARDEN BOOK FOR 1920
cll!;,'atioll:t1 J,1'::1I"l", Id' Ih,' ~1::ll' Clo\'- A 1,)\'1'1' or IIII1,il' 111111 all 1l1'('olllpli"h,',1 Will toll you how to obtain the bost results from
rl'lltllPIIL ill a.1ditiol1 to 11l'ilJ~' PII';.;id.'111 ,01,,;,t ill hi, YOllllgl'l' <lIIYS. ::\TI'. God- your home aarden.
of our 111('::1 nll::ltI, \\'t' l'III1!.:I'::IIII::Il'
him, al"o tIlt' :-;1::1" :111,1 :01,," :\::I'I\(,l'tli
OIl the tll'\\':-- whi(/ll JIll\\" l'OJlH\~ to \1~
t'I"P." "'as nl\\'il.'·S \\"illillg' to ]1('1" ill
IIIIl,i"1I1 a 11'11 iI',. HI' \\,IIS a pl'ofil'il'lIt 01'-
gallist as \1'1'11 liS a pi:lui,1. 7\":ll'h"l'th
GOOD VALUE Call or Write for a copy-FREE

,HENRYA.DREBR 714·1<, Chestnut St"Pbila.

",iii ('l'l'tII iu1\' mis, :\fl'. GOllt'I""', \\'ho In the following up.to-date home!:
\IllS 1\'1,11 kll;)\\,11 1111,] \\'1'11 likp,l'h~' P\"
208 Grayling Avenue


ee s (jarage
l\fake sure no\\" of thl·ir start. their etlura· 34 Avon 'Road
tion, their cllant.'l.' ill life hy the 11Io~1 certain
means available~a hi~h-gradc endowt11c11t MRS. MARGARET MENDENHALL. 107 ESSEX AVENUE
poliC).. closely ralctllall'll 10 rover tltt., specific
36 Avon Road
purpose intendcll. allli at a rate :"ou can well It is \\'ith (!t'Pp !'t'grpt thnt we all-
100 Avon Road NARBERTH
afford to pay. T4 l't I11l' show ynu how easily IlIl1ln('1' tlll' 11"ath, Oil .1:111 UII n" 2li. of
this important maUL'!" call he arranged, ::\TI'~. ;'fal'g'arpt ~fpIII]PnhalI. ~f Essex OTHERS BEING BUILT Phone 1505

P. O. Uox
~n.j rortl!'oit .t\'·Nlur
1'hou('. NlIl'bl'l'th :J'H n,
111111 S:1hitLfl U\'elllll'S.
:\Ir~. l\felldenhall 11'1\8 born in Bir- WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY I
S1iorage Aooessor:l.es :a.epa:lr:lXl.&1

1!l20, we celehrated our twenty-fifth 11'1'; Messrs. William Durbin, Norman

anniversary as the Borough of ::\ar- Kriehle, .John Nash, Norman :Magill, ,COLDS breed and
berth N-arbcrth was iucorporated as Donald Failf', Horace Wanamaker, 'iViI-
Rev. John Van Ness, Minister. a borough Januarv 21, 18!l5. It is now Ham .JetTrie~, Lester Smith, Thomas Spread INFLUENZA
lL quarter of It century old and one of Knutzen. A cordial invitation is ex-
~r ept i ng~ for npxt Sunday: til(' hPRt subnrbs ill or ncar the thil'll t ended to all young people of the bor'
10 A. ~f.-SU1111av 8chool. city of the land. ough that are not eonnected with any ONCE WITH
. Merion Meeting House, Merion, Pa..
11 A. ~L-Puhlic worship. Sprmon othpr church, wlwther ladies or gentle- tltLL'S
thpnll', "Spiritualism and thl' \Vord of Ua \'(' J'ou Rent J'ollr con trihution to men, to join the elass. Ten 0 'clock, in
Merion Meeting is open for worship God." the Narberth Fire COlli IJllnyI Contribut- the l'r!'sbyterian Church, every Sunday.
every First·day morning at 11 0 'clock.
We cUldially welcome any visitors who
6.4;) 1'. ;\L-.]unior C. Eo meeting.
:.Irs. 'frowhridge. SllpPl'illtendclIt.
ing lIIembership per year is but $3.00,
lLnd this Rl1Iall Rum is indel'd low cOst
Come one, come all. An excellent oppor-
tunity to get acquainted. CASCARAlkQUININ£
7.00 P. ;'L-Senior C. Eo Leadprs, insul'llnce in case a fire wpre discovere(1
desire to worship with us. Austin Hartzell anll ;rohu ~IcKiven. in your homp. If YOll are fortunate in
Fir~t day school opens at 10 A. M. ,.4:; P. ~L-E\'l'ning' worship. Ser- 1I0t having' to pall on the hoys for as- SCHOOL NOTES. BaOMIDf.
Clas5~s are hehl for both adults and mon t h('m,·, "Thc Erda I'gel! ViRion." siRtallee the $:UlO ,,'ill sureh- henpfit Standard cold remedy for 2D years
(Continued from Page 1.) -in tablet form-safe, sure. no
chil,lren. Those inteI'L'sted arc invited Pra~'!'r and praiRP Illpeting nl'xt ."'cd· SOIllP one else who might not he able opiates-breaks up a cold in Z4-
to attend. npsda.\' p\'pning, followf'(1 by RtlH]y of to atTord a fire as \Iluch as you eou1<1. hours-relieves grip in 3 days.
lIN'X! 8ullda Y'S IpRson. planned the following schedule for the Money back if it fails. The
genuine box has a Red
On 'I'hurs,i'ay !'\'f'ning of nl'xt ",pck At the cornel' of Kllrbertlt and Chest- :;,'a80n 1919-20: top wit h Mr. Hill's
ST. MARGARET'S R. O. CHURCH. thf' IIlpmhers of th,' \\'OIlll'II'S Bih]" nnt a\-eIl11l'S there Rtands a hlack oak February 17-Darby, home. picture.
ClasR :11\11 thpir friprH]R \\'ill 1101(1 a hus- tree Revl'ral hundred ~'cars old, a per- A t A Ii Drull Star••
f,'l't slll'eim('n and one of the mOst F('bruary 24-Haudonfie]d, hOllie.
inPRs IIlpeting find social at the home
Rev. R. F. Cowley, Rector. of 1rrs. Lamhert. heantiful oak tre!'R to he fonlld in the February 27-Lower Merion, night
On npxt Friday e\'pning thp Sunda~' Ens!. Its fa llIe has sprpatl 'around the home.

A ~S~VT~.2!A
Early Mass on Sunday frolll April 1
8phool tpachprs will han a dinner at !'onntr,\', alld many peopl(' ha\-e jour- ~Iarch 2-Woodbury, hoUlo.
to October 31 at 6.30 A. M. From Ko· the ehu,rch, followpl! h~' a hnsinPRs n('\'ed to this corl1er to spc the Narberth
~[arch 5-Upper Darby, night away.
vember 1 to Murch 31, at 7 A. :M. Lato nll"l(lti11 g'. oak. Finest Photoplay The-
Thp Lig-ht BparPl'R Illp('t at 3.~O n('xt ~[arch 9-Darby, away. atre ot Its Size In the
Mass, 10.00 A. M. throughout the yoa r .
Frida" nftprnooll. Up ulltil twpnty-th'c ~'pars agoo. Xar- ,March 12-Uaddon Heights, away. EnlireWorld.
},{assos on holy day,s, 6.30 and 8.30
berth was kllOWII aR Elm Statioll, alld :\[arch 19-Ambler, away. Pb.toplays-Continuous 10 A. M. to 11.3.
A. M. Weekdays at 8. Evcning devo· was naul('d aftpr tho ma.il'8tie elni tre~ ~larch 26-Uadnor, night home. P.M.
tions and other services at regular BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE that, now Rtands ill the rl'ar of '01'.
FarieR' home at Fonpst and '\'indsor Phlla.. Pa.
times. EVANGEL. The hOyR' baRkctball schedule is as
avellues. This elm is claimed to be olle
of the largest III](] filll'st in the country, follows:
Rev. Avery S. Demmy, Pastor. although it iR llardly appreeiated on February 1,-Darby, home.
account of tIl(' houses having IlCl'n hnilt February 2,-Lo\\'er ~[erion, night PROGRAM
Scrvices Suuday, February 15, 1!l:!0: around it. -
Rev. Gibson Bell, Locum Tenens. home,
!J.30-Pra \'cr service.
~[arch 2-
Rev. Malbone Birckhead, Associate. DA5-Suu"<lay Schuol.
1 1.00-~[oruiug worship. Children's
Palace Th('atrp, Al'llmorf', Pn .. iy('pk
hpgillningo }'l'bruary ]r" Ifl20: :\[onda~', ~[arch 5-Upper Darby, night awaj',
talk ou the subj!'ct, "Growing Up," Tom 1[00l'p ill "The Gay Lor,l Quex"; ~[arch !l-Darby, away.
8.15-Holy Communion.
9.45-Sunday School.
Pro\,. 22: 6. Sel'mou on the subject,
"Christianity alltl 'l'oday's N ecds,"
TUPRllav. Yiola Dana in "Please Get
1[anif';I' '; \V("]IH'silaJ-' June Eh-edgl'
~rarch 12-Villa Nova, homp. Robert Warwick
11.00-~[orning prayer and sermOn. ~larch 16-Hlllltingdon Valley, away,
Luke 19: 42. ill "Th(' Poi Ron Pf'n"; ThnrRi!ay and
Confirmation Classes. Friday, hig t\\'o-.]nys' pl'olludion, Clara Jlight.
'.OO-Young People's meeting. Suh-
j('l't, "Wh:lt Prayer "'ill Accomplish," Kimball Youllg in "E~-eR of Youth ": ~[arch l!l-West Chester, home.
Sunday, 9.45-Reetor '5 study. S:tlurdaJ-, 1rargnprite Clark ill "A Girl
Fridav, 8.00-Upsidence of ]\[1'. A. B. Psalm 34.: 1·:!2. Leader, Mr. George ~[areh 26-IIat!Joro, night home.
Ross. •
i.45~E,'cning worship. Inspiriug
SOliI;' R\'I'\'ice, led by )[1'. J. DeWitt Mur-
::\am('d 1[al'\'." A,lmissiou, matin\'e and.
('\-ening. 22,:,; ehih]l'l'n's 8atllr,1:Iy mat-
illep, l]p.
"Jack Straw"
METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Officers of the Women's Community
phy. Splelllli(l musie hy the quartetl('.-
di}'(,et,~<l by ~[rs. Tillman O. Lime. 8\'1'- Final spring danc(', Amprican Legion, Club, Narberth..
, 'The Little Church on the Hill.' ,
nlon b~- the pllstor on the subjcct "The Fric1ay p\-ening', April 30. Presidpnt-Mrs, C. P. Fowler.
81'iritu:tliRnl of the Biblp," I Cor: 2: 1:;' 'iVasllington's Birthda J' dance, Elm Corresponding Secretary-Mrs. Ed-
Rev. F. M. Gray, Pastor. The ~Jen 's CII1 h Monday eyenin no will Hall, Satunlny e\'ening, Fehruary 21, MAIN PRODUCTION STARTS AS NBAB
ward Batchelor.
hp addressed hy Dr. Ho\\~a]'(l 8.' J~ldrl's hy the Am('rican Lpgion. Recording Spcretary-Mrs. N. Ander-
AS POSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. M•• 12.00, 2.00,
ou the suhjPl'1. "Inside Stuff Ahollt the On :March 17, ,V pdn('sday e\'Cuin,'!. the 3.·J5. 5.45, 7.45. 9.30 P. 111.
Sunda~', :February 15th: son.
9.45 A. :r-L-Sunday School. Owing TltflIH'nza. " 81. Patrick's Day dance of thc Amer- 'I'rpaslll'er-~Irs.•Jesse E. Harris.
to a lack of 1'0011\ we are ha yi ng our 'fht' \\'ollla n', ~fis,ion Circle will i"an Lcgion will he hplc1 in Elm Hall.
Illept '1'1\('sd:l\' al'te!'liOOIl at th,' home of S('nator's Noyplt.y Jazz Orchestra bas Chairmen of Committees. Cash Business and Low Prices will
llIain school lllPd in the I'1lurch au,li·
tOriUlll and our pl<'n)('lItary depart\llpnt ~rl's. Wnl. 1>. SlIll',ll,'y, 2:!, XOl'th Xar. 1H'<:11 ('ngagpd for the mid·winter dance E,]ueational-lIrs. \Vm. Livingston. enable you to
down stairs':l1Id the ~[l'n 's Class ill their lH'rth a\-,'I1UP. ~riss .fan,' Super will "lid tl108(, to ht: hpld on 'iVashington '.- HORpitality-l\rrs. H. A . .1acobs.
!'l'g-ular room. 'fhis will make room for '11I'ak (In "Christian Am\'l'il'anization" TIirthday, St. Patrick's Day and April J..,f'gislatiYe-]\[rs. A. B. Hoss. BUY MORE THRIFT STAMPS
a 11. anI] )fiss Lnul'a Hop)", I' will. '['t'ak ~O, and as long as thp Ameripan Legion ~r IIsic-~[rs, .J ospph Ba rclny.
II A, ~L-~rorllin'g s"1'\'i('('. The pas- about" )fission \\'ork in T'lllia." lllallagcs tTl(' (]ances wp pan all 100], ~["mbf'rship-Mrs. \V..J. l\Iullholland.
tor will )1I'(':lch 011 "Sav·ed-for'\\'hat?" \\'PI]lIl'sday e\'('ning' nt S o'e!Ol'k tIll' forwarl1 to :I Ion!" e""ning of pnjoy- Publieity-1[rs. Edgar Cockrill.
This will h!'g-in our speeial 1'l'\-)\':11 Sl'1'\'- IlIil]-Wl't'k ~Pl'dl'p \\'ill hp in chnrg-e of III('n t. Jo'inance-~Irs. Charles \V. Young.
ie"s to quicken the spiritual lift' of our thp la~-Ill\'n. Plans a1'l' lH'ing millIe to Deeoratiolls-~Irs..J. \V, JoycP.
pcople :lnl] win oth!'l's to .'!'HIS Chris!. Ill:lkr this a gn'lat llH"l('ltitlg'. 'rh('l pastilI'
wJll hp at th(' Pastol's' Conference of
The Rl11J1,('nlll Clu], !llpm])('rs of thp
Sunllay School I'la"R of ~[I'R. A11(1 I'e\\'
Club Chorlls-~rrs. A. B. UO"', :\11'.<.
Tillman O. Lane.
:: I'. ~r.-Chil(]n'n 's Chnrch. Ohjel'!
I't'nlls~'l\'allin hplrl in Hnrrisburg hy the P. A II ',I ('rROI1 , of the 1'I'Ps11\'tel'iall RUII-
talk h~' pastor. Chihll'clI's \'esh'd choir
will sing.
, P. ~r.-Erworth Leagup. A wi,ll'-
Tllte1'l'hnl'l'h \Yol'l,l ~rO\'Plllt'nt. Ilny S('hool, llld nt the h~mp of ~rl'''.
AI1,krsol1. 321 ~[,,('til1!!houR(, La Ill', \\'''1]-
Meat Market
nwal,e Ulcctillf!. IIPRI1:ly a ftprnool1. 'ril" fnl1o\\i IIg 1lI('!ll-
7AG P. :\f,-SoHg :-il'l'\·j(,P. f';l'1'I110tl hy
pastor on thp text, "IR It Xolhillg t,l ,
The Fireside h('rR W(')'P Ill'('S('l1t: Kathpril1e LOll[(hlil1,
('a ni(' LOl1isp Dou)!las..1a n('t CallI,] \\",11, Frank Coradetti John B. Hertzler
(Continued from Page 1.) Hplt~· .TOI1PR, Arthl1J' Edwp, Stnal't
You'!" ~peeial evangelistic ser\·i('('. t\llll I
,,:wh night l'xeel't Saturday. :\rills. HOlyard "'ilson, HOIlIl'r E",'x. 212 Merion Avenue
('haR. H(,l'kpl, .TnI11('S Hag-('rt~- al1(] Hom-
~r01l(]:lY,. S P. ~L-PaRtor will ]\r":lch.
'I'ltt' "Lett!'!'s to th,' )';ditor" appe:u- eI' ']'rout'rllllll. 'I'h" following- om('pr, Narberth. 205 Haverford Ave.
SI"'l'ial Illusie h~' wOlllen'R c1lOi r. Wl're CIIORPll: Stllart 'Mill~. PI'l'"iclellt;
TIIl'sll:l\·. S P. ~[,-S,'rll\on ],\' H,'\'. iug; ill last Wl'l~k 's isslte wert: ,"cry in-
tel'estillg, [,,'U\,!'s to the Ellitor arc al- Kath('r;I1(' LOllghlil1. 'rl'('aSlll'('r: ('ani" PHONE 1689 Delicious Meats
Hi('har,] '\"('lls. of East Lans,low;IP. Ep, Louise' nOll:2,'lHf.:, Rper("ltaI'Y. Tht"l Slln-
worth J.,l'agu(' ehoir. So]oisl" ~[r. and ways a"l,,'plahl,' alld afford excpllent
rt'adill)! IlIatl,'I'. pal'ti"nlarly \l'here th,')' lH'allls hril1.[( c1,,'('1' al1(] g-r'a,ln"'8 to the A 1 High Grade Chickens
;'ll's. Eo Stanley.
Ill'al' ,lin,,·t Oil III at tel's pCl'taining to OUI' littl,' I'hillll'('11 of the hospital h.\· thpil' Contractor in Hauling,
,,,,,,ltll'sl1:t~·, S P. ~r.-S\'rlll(ln ],y thp hl'ight goifts \\'hi"h the\' llIa],(' at tlIe
liltle (·l)llIlIllIlIil.,-. Eggs and Butter
]~l'\'. Dr. II. Chalfallt. of ::\ar1wrth. !,arti,,;;. . Cement Wark, Labor and
~[usic h~' hoys' choir.
'I'hl'1'l' is a I'ollstant Ilplllalld at till'
Thurs,lav, 8 P. )[,-Serlllon hl- the 11\'.1 CI'OSS II 011\1' :-:;el'\,j",~ for pm"t i"a \ ~rr. "-. ('. POOl'. tt"1"hpl' of tIll' ~'Olll1g­
all work requiring services
TIp\·. PI'. , Ill1~'''t'~. of Sf'. n,l;It'1-!I'l ':-: IlIlrSI'S. ~I\'s. \\,:\1hlllalln ask, tlwt SUl·1t JOBBING ALTERATIONS
lleo!,I" 'R Bihl(' C]nR;; iu t]1(' Prf'shvterinn
(,hun·h. ~fusil' b.\' g-irls' ~hoil'. S"I,,· 11111':-;(':-\ !'l'gi:-:tt'" at ulll'P at the XlIlstone. S1I11I1:I\' 5(·honl. (,l1terfail""] 11i~ ,'la8~ of experienced men in the
ist. ~rl's. \IO\l':II'l! Hon'lIJ:ln.
Frida'" S P. ~['-8l'I'IlIOn h\, t1,,' 11,,\'.
Bryn ~faw\'. Th"l'p is also a dellland for
\\(;Ult'll to <1" daYs work at th\' lI~ual
at th,"hom(' of Dr. lTnll'llIall last Fl'i,!n\'
Jli~·ht. .A \"('r.\~ plp·as:l1lf. 1'\'(,lliJl~ \\':"ls
upkeep of lawns and gar- Clarence A. Speakman
.T. 1'. 1;, (il'a,\', P. n., (If H;'~'n ~fawr. ('IlIll)lt'Il:,atioll ill i':lIlli1i('~ Whl'l"l' tlil'I't ' i~ enjo~·('tl. Tho;;(' l)J'('~"lIt
th,' ':'IriR~(,R \','('1'<'
dens, etc.
.\rusi .. ],\' lI1('n'~ (·hoir. Soloi,,!. ~Irs, iIItH'ss, ':'If:lI]:llil1,' ~rI'Co~·. EI]it]1 Hump11l'p,vs, Carpenter and Builder
,.10s"l'h 11al'l'lay. Rnll1i(' Holi"],, ~ral'inll TTa\l'R. Rllth
All aI'<' \\'('leome to all thes,· sPJ'\'i" ..s. ])" yOIl IUIO\I' that Oil .1:1 II l1a 1',\' :!], ITaws. Lillian H('llif('\,. Plnrpl1t'il1f' :\[11('1- Phone 1652-R Narberth

~ ""',.'" ""'.'.' . . . " " ",., . ." .. ", . .",. , .

" ,.,,, . ,,,. ...
. . ,.::,,";;''.:c''0.'\'\'"'''':S..~,.''''0.~.,.,'''''',0.'''"",,' " . " " "",,",, ".. . ..
,,' ,."".,'S:'.."''''''''''i;::\'''''''~''~,\,\'''''t'''''\'''''\~'\'\'\'\'\''i..,\,\,\'''S;;'':'''\''''--';/;:;

F OR 20 YEARS the standard of all flat work laundries, the recognized peer in the washing
of bed ard table linen of the hig'hest class clubs, hotels and restaurants in Philadelphia, is
~ about to extend its service to the household. §j
f; This decision is a departure from our established custom of only handling worl\ in wholesale aa Heating
~; lots, but the pressure brought to bear on us by hundreds of patrons of our present customers,
~ who at home have been greatly inconvenienced by the scarcity and incompetence of household ;! and
~ labor, has induced us to recede from our former attitude. ~
f;1 Ours will be a service in which you will find all that is best in cleanliness, in sterilization i'31 Roofing
~ and ill the saving of clothes, with a collection and delivery at a definite time. Collections will ~
~, be made in Narberth on Wednesdays, rl
oo ~
~ Fortune Gas


~ Bell Phone, PRESTON 5576 319-2 7 North T~irty·second Street, Philadelphia m Day Phone, Narberth 302 J
~ 0v;
Night Phone, !' arberth 344 J

- - - ------------ --1


"T saw yOIl at: thc moying- pidure

SUCCESSOR TO 1: oung and Old Have Read About It, ,how last c\'ening-,' , sni<1 the fat plllm-
1",1', "hut ",h,'n 1 looked for vou :1 little OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED
WALTON BROS. But Location Is Misty.
The oldest alII] Ihe young('s! of us

Phone 672 tOO ESSEX AVENUE '·;111 t<,H glibly about Robinson Cruso<',
"\""s. I got.l1p ".11,1 \\"ent homc."
11111 who (':In tplJ \\"h,'r(. is Rohinson ern,
"\Vhell was that:"
"I It'ft \\·h('11 til(' \·main Iwg-an to lay Pasteurized Milk 1 DELIVERIES
TAXI SERVICE :-'t1P ' S fallll\(l 1:-']:\1111? Lt'wiR H. l~l'eetnun
;,as IIHIlk a ,·]os" stllllv of the elaims of
Loth 'ro!>ago all'] .llIa·1I F"f1HI1111e7., and
;, SIHIJ'(' foJ' th(' \\"ifp of thc mall who
ha,1 to stny al his ofliee 011 Ill'l,ollnt of
Brynclovls Cerlilled
(Pedrlallc Society)
IHI:·dn('~~.' ,
Automobiles meet all trains throughout the day and evening. gi,-ps ill flit' ('\ll'1'('I1t rrr:\,-el a yivid pie-
" /lidn 't .\"111 Sf'P ;111.\' mol'<' of thp pie,
Special .. Guernsey" MERION
~ 111'<' of ],oth islall,ls a,"1 Ihpir peoplc. Milk WYNNEFIELD
Packages and Trunks promptly called for and delivered. n.\· lh<, way, .In yOIl IUlO\\" whprc To, fun"'? "
":"0, ~, (Roberts'.& Sharpless' BALA-CYNWY
Moving Furniture and Hauling Freight, etc. lingo L-i? ",\11,1 \'oll l,'fl at tll(' most int(,J'<'st- NARBERTH
illg pnl't~'" Cream Buttermilk ARDMORE
" Y('S," Table and Whipping WYNNEWOOD

LIBERTY BONDS Regular Meetings Nar· " \Vhv?"

" I k'II"w if Ihin!-!s kept 011 as thpy

berth Organizations \\"('1',' hl':111,"1, thpl'(' ,,"ollM he [l fuss

W E suggest for investment United States lib-

erty Bonds, which at current prices yield
;·rl'tt:y soon l",tw('PII the t\\'o m"l1 or
h!'1 \\·;'l'1I t Ii" lila n a 1111 his wife, an'(l r
Iliad!' up my 111 in<1 1 \\'oul<1I1't Ill' mixt'<1
1'1' ill allyh()<1~' 's dOllll'stic trouh]l'~."­ 45th and Parrish 5ts.
over Five per cent. BOROUGH COUNCIL '-(~111Ig:-:town Ttl]pgranl.
W. G. HOPPER WM. G. HOPPER & CO. ~[ollth]y, SceoJ1l1 :!\Iol1uny
Member Phila. Stock Exchange Fire Honse, 8 P. ~r.
Member Phila. Stock Exchange
28 South Third St., Philadelphia H. C. FRITSCH HARRY B. WALL
NARBERTH BUILDING AND LOAN Prtpertles For Bent and . Sah
Plumbing, Gas Fitting
Frell('h GovernlllPllt ('olle]u,led in All'
ANew Series of '~lIst, .l!llS, prodding for the ('I'l'ation
Id· tIll' eUllllllission illlnlcdiat.ely aft,'r re·
~[olllhl.", First Thnrsllay
Pire lIous(', 7.30 tu !J P. ~L
Fire Insur.nee
BeD Pbone IDB lY.
B. and L. Shares p;, tria t iOIl of a II Alllericall t fllllpS ill
["ranl'e. The agreelllcllt lluthori7.ecl t hi' ,,_,U BuUdJng. Narberth, Pa.
"ollllnis"ion to "exaJJlinc mC,10ures to he NARBERTH CIVIC ASSOCIATION
The t\\,pnt"'lIillth scries of the Nar-
bcrth Bnil,lil;!! all,l 1.oall Association is
;akell to iIlSIIl'" in ('onforlllitv with
l-'n'lll'h 1;l\l"s and police regulations re·
~al'dillg hy;.!i('Jll~ the )'('tUI'I1 to ~\1I1eri(':t
~ronthly, Third ThllJ'sday Frank Reginelli
to be opelle,l Thnrsday ,'vl'nillg, ~larch Y. ~L C. A., 8.15 P. 1IL A COMPLETF LINE OF
4th, at Elm Hall, at 7.:10 0 'e!oel,.
The ?\arherth BlIil,lil1g all,l Loall As·
of "\lIIel'i";l1I J.'ad. The FI'l'IIl,h JJl"lnliers
of the "ol1lllli"sioll, the \Var Ih'part' SCHOOL SUPPLIES Narberth Shoe Stor~
sociatioll has had allothl'r sll"ees"fnl
year, al1u ha" jnst I'ai,l 011" ;11111 lllat nred
ha~ bl'{'JI advis('fl, will Illl I'!H:SI'II
their l1illlh seri,'s. all,l it is eXI""'1<',l
that th" a1l 11 lI;I I l'l'l'lIrl \\ill h., n'ady at :3"l'ollll ,11ld l"ourth FriJay
DAVIS' Repair Shop
thc ~[al'l'h JII"pt ill~. :;112,742,973 VALUE OF JANUARY Fir" House, 8 P. ~L CIGARS ICE CREAM CANDY
The Associatioll· ha" 10"1, hv death. BUILDING. 209 HAVERFORD AVENUE
its ']'n'asHrer, ~rr. \\'illinlll B. 'Gorlfrey,
who has sl'r\"ed i II I ha 1 posit iOIl sill,'"
the start of IIIl' ,\"",..i:llioll, alit I n'soln- Nation's Permits Show Year GOt Offi Last TUl's<1ay
The Narberth Electric Shop NARBERTH, PA.
tio1ls W('l'l' ad"I'1t'd at th,' F.'hnl;ll-:- to Strong start Despite Obstacles. Pi I'l' IT ouse, 8 P. ;\[. Will ..olve all your electric trouble..
nlcptilq,r w1Ji~·1J art' }ll'i II 1t. (1 (\l:-'I'\\"ht~l'e

ill this is''lI''. ,\11 ullpn,,·(',I"nt,',l volulllc of wid,

We wire old hou8e8 like new quickly and without
damallre. Let Us cetimatc on your work. We cnn
For - Good - Work - See
• 1\t- t11(' ,1-"'('1II'U;II'.'" lll('t\tjlq,~' J1olllinatioll:-; 'o,·i1l1t'l' ]dal\:' for liP'" building l·lI11:-:tnlt'· save you money on fixtures. portnbles. floor lamps
for Dir('l·t(Jr~ to :-;l'l'\"t' tllp ('oming yf':lI' lioll is iudil'at",1 in returns 10 Brad-
~~ ll'I't ':-; Ilf IH'I'lHi1:-' allil building fill' : jH
E\"l~ry Uonday and appliancc8. H. PREMOST
were Iliad", nlld :tli th(' old !lin'l·tors Y. ~r. ('. :\., 7.:W P. ~r. W. G. CASE, 323 Conway Ave.
"'f're rPllolllill:ltl'cl and ill Hcldit ion ~rl'. ull'lIth of .Iallnar,\'. ('ollJl':Jrl'd with :J Phone. Narherth 395 W
J. S. Kl'l"hlllli \',n" 1I<'llIillal,'d to Jill tli.,
pla,·p v;lI'atl'd 1111 :II·,'lIl1l1t of thl' ,lPath
~i:lt·l\ IH'riwl a ,"('ar :l:,!.'o, 111(' ,'(llltra:,,: ;-i
'dl:lr!\l'd. although tht~ llt'I'(·('1l1n;..!,'t' 0 1 OFFICERS OF THE WOMEN'S AUX- The Home Town Tailoring Parlor
of ~[r. Godfrl·'·. ~11'. (', II. ~1 .. ('art"l' ;...:nill ill IH'l'llli1:-- :Il1d ill valul' :l1'(' II lit :,,0 ILIARY, NARBERTH Y. M. C. A.
"'ns npl'oilitl'd' ily tilt' BO:iHI to ;-.t'r\"u ;.!Il'at ;I:" ill t':ll'li('1' 11I1l1l1h:-" p()~:-oild~' 1)(·- ~ 234 Haverford Avenue
GI a.I"a.~M~Ginle~'O
as TJ'(la~l1l't'r :ll!d abu 1101l1illatt'd :l:-; :':Ill~l' ,I:lllll:ll'\' i~ I} (11 l';o;1l'1'1I11',1 a 1'a,"or- l'rt',i<l.'nt-~[I'''. D. D. 8Iil'1'11C".
Ladies' and Gents' Garments Dyed
rrrt\a~l1l'(\1' 1'01' 1111\ COlli illg' ,\"t':I r. ,,jd,' IlIOllt1l I'~·"II for lilill.l' ,d' pia liS. \'i("',Prcsie!ent-~[rs.•1. B. ])ariingto11. 23 South 17!1!S!. PhiiadeIPhJd:~ Cleaned, Pressed and Remodeled '
..·\rr:lIl;!C'1lI1'1I1:-: 11:1\'(' IH'.l'll iliadI' to :ld~ TIlt' l'Ollditioll of liJl' JH01H'V llIurkl't ~I'l'retary--~[rs. C. L. ;\[1'1,,"'11.
Work Called for and Delivered
Yerti~t' tll,· Ill'\\' ~t'ril\:' :-;0 tllat t,,'('I'\" or I:ltt' IJ:l~ IIcd bl't'll :'\Ilt'h a~ \'(1 t'IL (1\::'- TI'l'aslIJ'('r-1I[rs. II. C. Keinl.
French Dry Cleaning a Specialty
residl'nt of :\al"I,,'rth will ha\"(' thl' n",i,
tl'r !>rou~ht til tl"';r att"ntioll. all,1 it
',g(' talk of a buildillg' ho0111, llllt dt'spitl'
;1Iis ],\lilding· nlatl'rial. I's!",,·i:tll.,' Ill,;·'
Cl1airmcn of Committees.
~['~1Il h.'r,hip-~rrs. Samul'l Dickie.
\' isi t illg-~[r,. Homai11P HolIman.
GARAnteed Roofs' Bell "Phone 126'4 J
is hop,',l· that 1111' old st",·1<!1lI1d,'rs \\·ill ht'r, W;l:-- ill \'('1'," at·l i'·l' dt'lll:llld 111 .I:lt:
in(ll't'n:--l' 1l1l'ir holdillg':"" allll that t11(\ Hal','" pril'(':-; Wl'I'l' vl'ry ~trollg-, with ,1"\\ 1II1\1,e""::";\[rs. W. X. ~Iills.
Ill'\\" H'sid"lIls "f :--;arlll'rth alld otlJ('rs iii~11 Ifl"('I:-; a1 It'uding prll1lut'tioll point:', ;\rn"it·-~[rs. '1'. :'\oel Butler.
\\'ho han' 11,,1 1""',, 1l1l'11I11\'I"s of thl' ,\SSO-
ciatioJl will t:lJ.~c' out ;o;h:ll't':o; ill 1111' Ill'\\"
"\11" of th,' ilirt'..t"rs ,.. ill Ill' ~1:1I1 to
,llld llH' 0111\· dl':Iwll:lt'k 111 b:l:-:illl':--:-: wa:,
tll(l Hf1tlll.n,'pt'atl'd 1'1I1l11'1aint of :·",alTi1y
of ,':11':-'.
:3ol'ial-~[rs. G. ;\[prrilt Dayis.

Narberth Register
Two Lines, lOc per iSllue; Sc for each additional line
18,6-10 el'mits Reported.
pxpla'in thl' Bllildillg· a"d L"all ·id,'a of
RaYing", al\(l I'('ft'l' ttl flit· 1l1i1Il,'- l'1':--ic1l\u1s '1'1' lotal lI\11111,,'r of 1"'rJllits n'por1(',1
\\"ho han' 11l"'11 st,,,·kho]jlns in the :\s~o­ Iii Bradstl',"'I's 1'111' .lalillan' at 1::1 (·itil's ACCOUNTANTS ;llILJ~

eia1ioll for :l 111Imbl'!' of "pars. ·,\as IS,liHl, alld I Ill' Y;t!II': as 811~,7-t~., KeIrn, H. O. Certified Public Accountant. 8cott-Powdl Dairle8. Phone, Pre.ton 2398.
202 Dudley aV-. Phone. Narberth aoo-w. See dll!Jplay advertisement· tn tbte l!!laue.
:'\o\\" that th,' Lil"'rl,, 'L"alls art' 0';1'1' !I/::. g:lill~ of. r\'~p('I'1'h'(llr, ;)7.8 anu 47;')
with. 111,' hahit "I' "a~·ill;!; ,'al'h Jllollth ])(.1' ('llllt, O"t')' 1111' ,'(lI'I't's}I(lHdillg' 1I10llt h MUSIC
a ~"('nr :q,.?,·o .. Tht' ",i,h-' 11i:-:l'I'('pall(,~- Itt"- Lee.' Garage-Repairing. ElC. Phone, 1605. L008. l"nIlJl~' II. PinHO tf'ucher.
shoul,l 1... ",,"tillll"'], alld \\"1' kilO\\, flf Nllrberth (iura"e. Phoue Narberth 1633.
th(l IH'nnits Stlll11o, Arcul1e Bldg. Phoue, 31(j'J.
110 hdt('I' ]1\;,11 Illall puttill!! a"id,' lllJ(' iW('I'll illf.'J'(':lSI'S ill :llld Sl'e di"III<I)' ud\'l'rtlsl'ult'llt iu this issue.
dollar or IIPll'" 1':11"]1 1IIonth ill Builtliug' Yall,,'s \\"1I111e! ,,'ell1 til )loinl to I"ss of NOTARl! l'UDLIC
.-\U'1'()~IOIHI,E SJo;ltYICE
:lJ)(l l./oall :--1111·1\, wllll'h will ('arn (light ?il!:dl t'()lI~tl'll('tioll and wort' of 1111' largl 1
Jell'erles. J. II. 111 Narbertb .. ve.
Censore, Sabie. Phone• . ni2, Phone, 666-111.
)ler ('Put. itltt,I't'~t and IH' all ill\"P:-:111H'J1,t 1."1'" of huil,ling-. ~l'e llisplay a<!vprt!st>llll·nt in this issue.
that is sal'". as thl' lar~·('st part of ~'our As ]'l'g':lnls thl' ,'alue of operatillll:-:, DANKS OI'TJCIA~S
inypsfnlrllt will lip 011 your lll'ifrhlulr ':-, tll(' 11l'I't'('llf:q,!,'f'S of gaill har<l1y ~i\'(' a~ Merion Title 4: Trud Co. Phone, Ardmore I. F"lItOIl. Carl "'. 506 ES8ex ave. Phone. 638.W
pro]1l'rt.,· ill th,' Borouih of :'\;~rlH'rth. ,·ll'al· all i,lt'a of Ih,' i1lnease as \\"ollid See dlspla.,\· ad vertlsoment In tbtll tBsue. Phil.....ddr.... 1805 Che.tnut Bt. LoCWlt UI.
whirh (':111 hi' \·i"\\",'<l "ac·h Iilll" ~'ou ,hI' slat ,'111 ('lit that thl' "olistrudioli Zcntma~·er. Josel,h. 228 S. 15th st., Phil...
wa]k a roull<l th" town. 1'1:11111"" ill th(' mOllth .i""t l'!os('d is lin' Shaud, A1<'''' C ••Jr. Phoue, No. lilO. PAINTERS
"'e hop" to 11;1\·1' at !t';ISt 1..;1)(1 II"\\" ,llId oll,',h;lI1' t iI1l('S \\"hat \\"as proj""tl',1 :'\lIrl.ll'rth Statloll. Walzer. Fred.
allan's a<1tll'<l ill thp t\\",,"t~'·nilllh snil''', :1 YPH l' ':t;.!o. Thl' hpa ,'i('~t )h'n't'Jltag(' ::;medle)', Wm. D. &: H. T. Phone, GOO. 117 Wln.or ave. Phoue. 1247.J.
See displaY advertisement In this UUlUe,
an,l gin' this a,1\"alll'" lIoti,'" a],ollt th,' ( I f ill('n'Hs ..' i:-, that r<'!HJrtt'(1 ill the area:" PAPER IIANOEUS
op<,lIing so that pl'opl" \\"ill 1",(,1' thl' ilf slilalll1:,t hnih1illg, ~('\y Eng-lalla, CANDY. ETC. ll'ltte, Goo. A. Falrvl.w ave.
l11atl"r ill milld alld hi' pr"l'al"",l f"r \\ hil" tht' smalh'st 1,,'n"'1Ital,(<' is ill till' Ha\'IH. II. E. Phone, 1254-W. Pbone. Cynwyd 778-J. Flrat-olaa. work.
See dl8play advertl8ement In tbl. l118ue.
Thur~<1a~- ('\',,"illg. ~IaJ',·h -lth. luiddl(' p;rOllJ1. ,,-l!('l'P thl' iIH'J'('a:,,(' i~ Ivy Call(ly ~IIOP, . PIIOTO PLAYS
fllll.\' :!,~!l,(I(1l1.1I01l o\"('r a ,\'l'ar al,(o. 1"01- ~IH Huverford Ave. Phone, Narberth 170;:;.
uArcadla,'· 16th and Cbestnut at. Pbll...
In\\'illg is a ~lIIlIJllar~· of ]l(lrnlits :lllfl CAJtl'J<;NTERS ANH BUILHERS See dlspl ..y ..d vertlsement In tbl~ I••ue.
TWO NAMED TO ACT ON U. S. \;1111"s for the o!,<,lIi1l1,( 11Ionlh of Ihe Jenkin., Cba.. L.
103 Dudley ave. Phone. 382-M. I'I.UMBINO, ETO.
SOLDIER DEAD. ,'('-:11":
S"eakman, Clarence A. Phone 1652·R. Cook Dro,. Phone 1:.!10 .r.
~o. of :'\0. of See dIsplaY adyertlsement in this issue. See display advertisement In thl_ l88l1e.
CONTRACTOlt OJ" PLASTERING Wall. H. D. Phone. 319-J.
~1,,·tiOIl. Cities. 1'erl11 its. " alill's. See display advertisement In tbl. I_.u•.
Washington, 10',']" ]~.-\ll'fillit" st('p~ };'rntButonl, ,himes, & Sons.
looking to\\'ard till' H·tUrII of AIIIl'ri,'a's '",\\' E1Igland. Hi ol70 $:I,(iHl,olSI ~:\H )]'"111',11'11 a \'I'. l'holll'. W!lT- "'. REAL ESTATE
,\lilld]c .• , ~7 :1,~IS ;t:;,ol:!7,ol;;O
qohlier dt'ad frolll J"rHllt'l' Wt'l'(, talo'll HENTI::;TS ('llldwell, fJ. A. PIIOlle, lOS7
W"stt'J'IJ 1S :1,1I1i ~~,iiSii,H 1 See dl8play advertleement In this ts.u.,
to<1a~' \\·h"11 S""rl'lary Hak,'r appointc,; 1)ll\'j!'i, LawrellCt'. Phollt'. Ar11111orc, l:i;jl.
:, ortll\\"l'st .. , 11 1,:1!11 ](j,ll/ 3, ,:17 ~ee Dlspll\~' A(h'l'rttsl'l11l'nt in this issue. FrltHch, II. O. Phone, Z52-W.
CololIl'1 ]fPllry H"th('rs, ill'au of th,;
gray(·:-; reg·jstration spr\"i(,(, III hu~'()p(~, :-;outh\\"('~t· ]ol :! ,1 :~:) !l,O:{S.~~:{ Orr. Dr. A. L. 101 Elmwood avo Phone, all-w. See dl.l'l ..y ..dvertlsement In this I._u•.
::;outhpl'll ~,7111 ]O,SliO,ol~ii Phil... Pbone, Filbert 4252. Keith Bldg. 1I~'''erl:'. Bent T. 1'holle 1713
Hlld CololI,,1 lklltl,'y ~[ott. militarv :It- 0')
Sec dlsJlll1y l1(I\'ertlsement i~ thIs Issue.
taelH ' at Pari:", as" ~'\IlH'ri('an lll('I;lh(\l's Far Wl'stl'rll .. ]7 ;j,1I-l1 1;;' I :l(j,~ 111 SchembH, Dr. ,John. Phone NnrbertlJ 316·'V.
Cor. Grn~'J1ng und WIndsor n,'es. NaRh, Roben iI. Phone. 605.
of tltp 1"ralll'o-~\Ill(']'i('nl1 ('(IJlllllisl"ioll, OUiee Honrs nntil !) P. 111. dUil~·. Money for Flrot and Second Mortgage•.
whit'll will ha Vl' ehnrg" of the work. Total IT. :-;.l:n lS,lHO $]]~,7-!~,!l7:1 fShnlumn. Jumes C. 232 Essex ave.
DRUGOISTS Pbone. 636, or 1420 Che.tnut .t.
The uppointllll'lIts \\"er" iliad., ill a('· Howard's. Pbone, 1267.
~.ordnJll·e with all a;lTI,I('11lt'1I1 with the ('a linda ]0 ;jG, :l,13~.:1:17
See dls'Dlsr advertl8emef~t In tble teeue. lCOOFlNG, ETO.
Smith, T. B. Ardmore, Pu. Gara-lIlcGlnley Co. Phone, 1258-W.
See displuy ndvertlsement in this Issne. See dl.play ad vertleement In thl. Is.ue.
Hiller. ilohn A. 243 Iona ave. Phone, 661-oJ.
ELECTRICIANS Shop, 246 Haverford aVe. Pbone, lU5-J.
Cn",e, " .. G. PhOIH\. 0HG· ".,

LIST YOUR PROPERTY See dlsllhlY udn'rtis(,llIl'nt In thIs Issne.

Pugh. Veri 225 Ion.. ave.
Nar. Phone, 650-W. Ard, Phone. 18l-J.
Good Wear Sboe Ilel.alr Sho",
ConHtuntine, B. G. ~;j~
Pholle. Nllrbt'l'th 170()- W.
Ilnverfor<1 fiVe.

Iml.erlal Grocery Co. Phone, Narbertb 606. II "l:'luell1 , J"runk. ~on Haverford aye.
See display udvertlsement In this issue.
Bowman, Samuel P. (Life;) TAILORS
116 Elmwood ave. Phone. 668-W. Premod, II. Phone. 12M·J.
Jone., Will. d. 108 S. Narberth ave. Phone. See display ad.-ertlsement In this issue.
680-J. Pblla. address. Penn Mutual Bldg.
!l'rotter Bro.. (Fire. etc.)
BENT T. HYBERG 209 Woodside ave. Phone, U62-R.
Ollroy, Jobn 211 ES8ex ..ve. Phone, 1245-R.
Th. above dep..rtment sbould b. or tb.
Irreate.t use to the cOlOm unl ty, the lIet oon·
lalne tbe name of every prof...lon..1 man.
tradesman, mechanIc, shopkeeper. etc.. wb.
Phlla. addreBs, Lincoln Bldg. do.e or can In any way .erve hi. fellow·
townsm..n. ..nd who Ie progreulv. enousb
NARBERTH STATION StiteR. F1etcber W. 413 Haverford ave.
Phone. 372-W Pbll... addreu, Crozer Bldg. to add name to U.t of Regl_ter.
LlGIITING FIXTUBES Ae It Ie dlmcult for thoee contrlbutlnl
their time and elfort. to tbe produotlon or
McDonald John. N..rberth phone, 1288. "Our Town" to pereonally either know or
1533 CbeRt••t.. Phlla. Phone. Spruce Illti.
Cotter, Do.. ard F. Phone, 1298.
Interview ..II _ucb, It would be moat b.IP-
ful If tho.e not now found In the prlnte4
II_t would eend In a memo of their nam...
addreee. phone numb.re and bualne or
See dlRplay advertloement In tht. I_.ue. profe_.lone for U.tlnIr. Thl. wl1l oo.t fol·
Hertzter. John B. Narbertb. lowe: 10 cents eaoh INue ror J line.; Ii O.D18
See display advertisement In tbls I..De. for eaob additional lin••

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