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Prayer: Maybe It’s Not What You Thought It Was.

Ephesians 1:15-23
21 March 2010

Last week we looked at Ephesians 1:1-14 and rejoiced in being chosen, redeemed and sealed. Jesus Christ
has, for those who have called on His name, blessed you with all spiritual blessing and has marked you as
one of His.

Today let’s take a look at Ephesians 1:15-23. If any of us could read the Greek language (the language the
New Testament was written in) we would see vv. 1-14 is just one very long sentence of praise to God for
salvation. The same is true of vv. 15-23 but it is one long sentence of prayer, by Paul, for the saints at

If you re-read 1:1-14 you will see where Paul basically tells you that not only have you been saved but he
also suggests God has all things planned out according to His own will. Basically Paul says, “God’s plans
never fail.” This is true but if you are not careful you can get caught in the trap of thinking, “Since God
has everything planned out and His plans never fail then what is the point in praying?”

We know this is not the way Christians should think because immediately following 1:1-14 the Apostle
Paul PRAY’S! If Paul needed to pray then how much more do you and I need to? Prayer is an important
part of walking with God. It is being exampled by one of the finest Christians the world has known.

Let me put it like this: God does have a plan and His plan is always going to win. Nevertheless, His plan
includes YOU and I: PEOPLE. He has chosen to work out His plan and will through Christians (and
sometimes non-Christians who are unaware). Prayer is how you and I, as Christians, discover the will of
God because in prayer we get to know JESUS better!

Prayer is one of those things in the Christian community that has been either neglected as unimportant or
it has been used as a way to manipulate Jesus into being the big “idol giver.” Today let’s look at Paul’s
prayer for the church at Ephesus and you and I just might find out prayer may not be exactly what we
thought it was.

Scripture Focus


For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the
saints, I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.

For this reason: Paul is saying that because you have been chosen, redeemed and sealed; and because God
Prayer: Maybe It’s Not What You Thought It Was.
Ephesians 1:15-23
21 March 2010
has a plan to use you in the expansion of His kingdom, I will pray for you.

Heard about your faith…and love…giving thanks…remembering: Now when Paul is writing this letter he
is on house arrest (like prison) in Rome. Think about it folks; he is in living under guard and preparing for
trial but his mind is not on his own rights or getting parole. His mind is on praying for the SAINTS.

• While Paul is in prison he writes 4 books: Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians and Philemon. He
isn’t just sitting around waiting for the end. No! He is busy about the work of God.

One of the questions I get a lot about prayer is, “How do I start praying?” The first thing you have to
remember about prayer is there are no “perfect prayers.” The book of Romans (8:26) tells us there are
times we do not know what to pray. YOU CAN’T MESS IT UP! YOU CAN’T DO IT WRONG! Just talk
and when you don’t know what to say let the Spirit of the Lord speak to your mind and then pray that way
(He will bring people, events, problems, things to rejoice over, etc…than pray those things).

Prayer is like talking to a GOOD FATHER (because that’s who Jesus is). Question: What if I have never
known or had a good father in my life? Then think about what you would want to say to a dad who loves
you, who cares about what you have to say and who has the ability to do something about your situation –
then just pour your heart out to Him – JESUS will NEVER REJECT YOU!

Just in case that doesn’t help I will give you a good hint on starting your conversation with Jesus -
praying for OTHERS.

• The church, the members (saints), your neighbors

• The scriptures tell us to pray for: our enemies & those who persecute us; mainly though it
encourages us to pray for EACH OTHER (those we are connected to in the body) and for workers
to be SENT INTO THE HARVEST (Mt. 9:37-38).


I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit
of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.

I keep asking…may give you… Paul tells the church that he is continually in prayer for them. He didn’t
just pray for them once but he “KEEPS ASKING.” Again, Paul is in prison but his concern is for the
SAINTS and not SELF! But what does Paul ask for?

• THINK ABOUT IT - What would you ask for if you were in prison with the possibility of facing
Prayer: Maybe It’s Not What You Thought It Was.
Ephesians 1:15-23
21 March 2010
a death sentence? Freedom, deliverance, and rescue; or would you be praying, “Jesus you let
Peter out of prison! You broke me out of the Philippian jail! Won’t you do it again for me?

• But this is not the prayer of Paul – he prays for God to GIVE THEM some things (contrast -
instead of giving things to him). He asks the Lord to give them…

The Spirit of wisdom and revelation… wisdom is simply asking the Lord to be the main influence
(governor) of your soul and actions (some would call it making Him the Lord of your life). Revelation is
asking the Lord to open up TRUTH to us so we can live that truth.

BUT….look at the last phrase of this verse…why does Paul ask that they would be influenced by God

Turning Point this is what prayer is – GETTING TO KNOW JESUS BETTER!

Knowing God has to affect every aspect of our lives: our daily working, walking and talking
lives. That is wisdom! Knowing God and letting Him have the chief influence over you through
his revealed truth is the result of prayer. Not praying means we forfeit these things in our life!

But still there is a lot of confusion about prayer among Christians and non-Christians…

Question: Whom do we pray too and what do/do not we ask for in prayer? I get asked this question

This may sound funny to some of you because you would say, “We pray to God.” But who is God?
Prayer is not just a topic for Christians: even today those who are not believers in Christ pray, but to
whom? (As a matter of fact I think some of them pray more than Christians do).

Some define god as nature and some say Allah; the world has a very big definition of god. The same was
true in Ephesus…people were worshipping Artemis and whole host of other gods (little g). In Acts 19 the
sorcerers in Ephesus burnt their “scrolls.” Most believe these were their “prayer books” they were using
to speak to other gods (demons).

Illustration: We had a lady in our church many years ago who was having some major
problems. Her family convinced her to go and see a “prophet.” She went and the prophet made
all kinds of loud prayers and screams; danced around a bit and then began to prophesy to her.
He told her what her problem was (he was absolutely wrong). Then he says to her, “If you want
to be healed of this problem it will cost you R500 and you will be required to by some of our tea
Prayer: Maybe It’s Not What You Thought It Was.
Ephesians 1:15-23
21 March 2010
to drink in order to be completely healed.”

Who was he praying too? He may have thought he was praying to God (big G) but in reality he was
praying to a god (little g). How do I know this? Because any man who truly loves God and God’s people
would not tell them their answer to prayer is in gifts and magic tea! He would help them find Jesus
because He alone is the source of all power – not the amount of money you give or the number or
religious trinkets you buy.

We also see people praying to a man who lives in KZN who they consider to be God. They travel their
every year to stock up on magic Vaseline and Holy water. Why? Because people are desperate to get
answers but they want answers that appeal to the FLESH and nothing that smacks of submitting
themselves to the complete influence and truth of Jesus Christ. They would rather act as if they submit to
a man because they no the man really has no authority.

We Christians aren’t much different than these folks. People buy magic water, magic towels, and all kind
of “Christian witchcraft” in order to not have to submit their lives to the Lordship of Jesus and accept His
plan for them (just take a look at the latest Christian TV shows). WE WANT THE ANSWERS WE
WANT! Or we go and buy the latest book hoping that by reading it we will find the power we have been
looking for but all these things fall short compared to the power of God.

ILLUSTRATION: As I was driving here today I saw a sign advertising, “blessing oil” for sale.
Apparently this oil has some sort of great power. This is just “witchcraft” with a Christian
theme. We do use oil in prayer for people who are sick but we do it out of command in the
scriptures and we recognize the oil has no power – ONLY JESUS! It is easier to sell oil than to
help people trust in Christ and submit their lives to His plan.

As Christians we are often guilty of begging God for stuff (cars, houses, clothes, jobs, healing) and we
make God promises to do this or that if He will just answer my prayer THE WAY I WANT IT
ANSWERED! THIS IS MANIPULATION NOT PRAYER! “Lord if I give my tithe then you will give
me a new house!” That is manipulation not prayer. We give our tithe because the scriptures tell us it is the
best way to support the work of the ministry, and to be good stewards of God’s blessings. It is not so we
can GET THINGS from God.

As a Christian we pray to Jesus Christ and Him alone! We pray not to gather possessions but so we can
know Him better. As we bring our problems and anxieties to Him He comforts us and reveals how He
will use these things as a tool to know Him better.
Prayer: Maybe It’s Not What You Thought It Was.
Ephesians 1:15-23
21 March 2010
Illustration: Friend who had heart problem. Thanked God everyday for it because it helped him
to know the Lord in a better and fresher way.


I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope
to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his
incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty
strength, which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his
right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and
every title that can be given, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.

I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order…. Paul continues to pray for the saints
and asks Jesus to “enlighten” their hearts. To enlighten someone is to make something or some truth
“evident” or to “shed light on…” Paul is asking the Lord to help the church see the evidence of…

• The hope to which he has called them…

• The riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints…

• And his incomparably great power for us who believe…

Paul is telling the church that he wants there to be evidence that God is working through them with all His
grace (that is the hope and riches). God is giving all of His energy and His boundless strength to energize
the church (incomparably great power). Why does He want the church to be energized? SO THEY WILL
KNOW HIM BETTER. That is why Paul explains himself in 1:19b…

That power is like the working of his mighty strength: What power? The incomparably great power (v.
19a) but what is that kind of power. IT IS RESURRECTION POWER!

• The same power God used to bring Jesus out of the grave is the same power he is “exerting” to
bring us to salvation! The power that energized the lifeless body of Jesus after 3 days in the grave
is the same power God uses to energize the church to know him better – HOW DO WE

• Now I want you to understand something. We do not have to be POWERFUL people we just
need to know the ONE WHO IS ALL POWERFUL

Illustration: There was a time in my life when I thought I was a very powerful man of God. In
other words, I had the idea that the power for healing, miracles, and so on was in my hands. I
Prayer: Maybe It’s Not What You Thought It Was.
Ephesians 1:15-23
21 March 2010
would scream and yell; lay hands on people nearly breaking their necks commanding God to do
things as if I was the one in control of Him and He had to do what I told Him.

I have come to understand something very wonderful – I AM NOT THE ONE WITH ALL
POWER AND AUTHORITY – HE IS! I had a wrong idea of prayer and power. In the end God
worked to deliver and heal people but it WAS IN SPITE OF ME NOT BECAUSE OF ME. I
had become arrogant and thought it had something to do with my personal ability. I HAD TO
WHERE IT BELONGED – as the Lord of all things!

Does this mean I don’t pray –NO! It simply means I realize God is in control and He determines
the outcome…my job is to know him better so I can understand the purpose of the blessing OR
the suffering.

I came to realize there is nothing more powerful than the resurrection and that same power is
available to us as believers – why? So we can know Him better! Prayer is about personal intimacy
with our Lord – a King who let’s us come into His house at anytime and talk too Him about


And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the
church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.

Paul is telling the church who the head is: Jesus. What he is trying to show us in this verse is the union
between Christ (the head) and His body (believers).

• If you have a body with no head then all you have is a church that is fruitless and frustrated.

• If there is head but no body then the resurrection was for nothing.

• There is cooperation between Jesus and the body – BUT THE BODY UNDERSTANDS THAT

• Think in natural terms…before I speak a word my mind has to process that word. Before I move
my fingers my mind (head) has to tell it what to do. This is the same in the body of Christ.
Prayer: Maybe It’s Not What You Thought It Was.
Ephesians 1:15-23
21 March 2010
The Big Question:

If Jesus is all-powerful, has all authority and if all things are under His feet THEN WHY ARE MY

• I prayed about my job but still lost it.

• I prayed about my marriage but my wife still left.

• I prayed about being healed but I remained sick.

One of the great tricks of Satan is to convince you that God has not heard or answered your prayers. His
goal is to get you to doubt your connection with Jesus. If he succeeds then you and I begin to think…

• Maybe I need to manipulate God with works or alms. So, we make promises to do things or give
things to get what we want from Him.

• Maybe I need to find something more powerful and tangible (feel). So, we go and buy magic
Vaseline or tea; or we send seed money to some preacher who doesn’t have a clue about our life
and situation.

• Or I make myself god and quit talking to Jesus because obviously He isn’t listening or doing what
I tell Him to do. So, we begin to make decisions based on selfishness and pride instead of the will
of God.

All of these actions are a lie from the enemy to try and break down your connection with Jesus.

So how should we view this thing called prayer?

First and foremost we pray to know the Lord better. Secondly we get a firm grip on what I am about to
tell you…


Question: “But wait I prayed about this or that and God did not answer!” Yes he did – but it may have
not been the answer you wanted or thought he should give!

Illustration: My children come to me and ask me for things. I am trying to be a good father so I
listen to what they ask for. Then I make a decision based on what is in their best interest. My
answer is always YES, NO or LATER! I constantly see people who only answer yes to their
children. This is not good parenting; as a matter of fact it is terrible parenting. There are times
Prayer: Maybe It’s Not What You Thought It Was.
Ephesians 1:15-23
21 March 2010
as parents we have to say NO and then sometimes we say LATER. For example when Wade
was about 4 or 5 years old he asked me for a pocketknife (because boys like knives). What was
my answer? It was NO! When he was about 7 he asked me again and my answer was WHEN
YOU ARE 8 (later). Then at 8 the answer was yes.

Jesus is your Good Father and when you talk to Him (prayer) He hears you. He hears your asking and he
always answers YES or NO or LATER. The problem is you and I come to God expecting a certain
answer (usually the one that pleases us most) and when He answer NO instead of YES (or vis-à-vis) we
say, “God didn’t answer my prayer.” Then you and I get mad and angry with God and start acting like
little children.

God always gives you and I the answer to our prayer that is IN OUR BEST INTEREST! Throw all the
tantrums you want, buy all the potions and magic herbs you want but He knows the end from the
beginning and He knows what is best for your life. If we expect God to ALWAYS SAY YES we will

Can I share a secret with you – when God says NO He is really giving you an opportunity to know Him
better! In your frustration at God’s answer of LATER you can know Him better – if you keep your
attitude straight.

You have to ask yourself what is the MOTIVATION of my prayer, is it…

• Self or others?

• To get stuff or know Jesus better?

BIG CHALLENGE: Do You Have Anything to Pray For?

• Church and the city (starting new services, Kids Church starting, need new people to join
leadership, praise teams, ushers, teachers, cleaners…and more)

• People (to be saved, to he healed, to know God better or for the first time)

• The growth of the church

• Those who will be baptized

• Those who are having babies…

• The list could go on and on….

If you are not a Christian here’s how you can pray (thandaza) today and come into a relationship
(ubuhlobo) with Jesus. Pray that you could know Him, pray (thandaza) in repentance, and pray (thandaza)
Prayer: Maybe It’s Not What You Thought It Was.
Ephesians 1:15-23
21 March 2010
for revelation (bonakalisa) of whom He is and what He has done for you in order to save you from Hell

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