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The First 30 Days

A day by day guide to improvement

Who this is meant for

You’re reading this guide because you know you can improve your life and you just need
an executable plan to follow. This guide will give you exactly that. The guide itself has a certain
person in mind. This person follows the standard American diet, has a fair amount of social
anxiety, isn’t great with women, and tends to live a fairly common lifestyle. Unfortunately, the
world we live in, with all of these wonderful technologies and resources, also brings with it many
drawbacks that prevent self-development. This guide aims to provide guidance to
self-improvement in order to make you feel as though you are getting the most out of life.

The ideal outcomes:

● You genuinely feel happier and are better able to handle your emotions.
● You’re more social and better in your handling of people. While you may not be a master
of social situations yet, you’re on the path to learning how to better interact with people.
● You’re able to talk to women without having a meltdown. Maybe you’re even able to
attract them, although 30 days isn’t necessarily enough to learn the ins and outs of how
this works.
● You’re healthier since you cleaned up your diet and exercise at least 3 times a week
now. This contributes to your general sense of wellbeing.
● You’ve decreased your anxiety by meditating regularly and learning to be present in the
moment. While the anxiety still exists, you’re better equipped to handle it.
● You’ve started building muscle and losing fat. While 30 days isn’t much, you will
probably be able to see some changes in your body.
● You dress better, which helps your confidence and game.
● You’ve started reading regularly.

Some notes:
● If you already are successful in one of these areas, don’t bother following this guide in
that area. For example, if you already have a successful gym routine or already dress
well, no need to do the activities related to those topics.
● For the gym, if you miss the weights on one of the movements, repeat the weight you did
on the previous exercise. Also, download the Stronglifts 5x5 app on your phone and use
that. This guide is just giving an overview; it’s important to learn the proper form for every
movement. The app will help you with that.
● These 30 days can be repeated by anybody who feels like they need a kick in the ass in
improvement or feels that there are sections they aren’t covering properly.
Let’s get started
Day 1: Preparation (Sunday)
❏ Get a journal. Write down what your life is like right now in your first entry and write down
what you would like it to be like. Write down any goals you may have and possible
hobbies you’d like to adopt. Along with the below tasks, begin making a plan to get some
of these goals that aren’t directly related to what we’re going to cover. Examples include
getting a new job, learning computer science, or picking up the guitar.
❏ Assess your current diet and make note of what you typically eat. Identify your problem
foods - these are the foods that you’re going to attempt to lessen.
❏ Talk to some of your friends about the changes you’re going to attempt to make in the
next 30 days. See what their reactions are and write those down. If friends seem
supportive and even interested in joining you, bring them in according to how much they
want to commit.
❏ Buy a gym membership. Make sure you’re joining a gym with serious lifters, not one of
those shitty gyms where nobody is using barbells and they’re trying to sell you a
personal training program.

Day 2: The first day (Monday)

❏ In the morning, write for a bit in your journal about how you feel when you get up. Write
down what time you got up, etc.
❏ Gym time:
❏ Deadlift: 95x3x5 (three sets of 5) - 1.5-3 minutes rest
❏ Squat: 45x5x5 (five sets of 5) - 1.5-3 minutes rest
❏ Overhead Press: 45x5x5 (five sets of 5) - 1.5-3 minutes rest
❏ Meditate for 5 minutes. This will probably be difficult
❏ Take your first cold shower. This will also be difficult. When the water hits your back,
you’ll probably be in shock and gasp for air and want to turn the water to warm. Don’t.
You only have to stand in the water for around 3 minutes.
❏ Avoid sugary foods and processed foods. If you don’t have any such foods, go ahead
and eat the shitty food for today. We’ll take a day to learn about diet this week in which
you’ll go to the grocery store and get better foods.

Day 3: Practicing Gratitude (Tuesday)

❏ In the morning, write for a bit in your journal about how you feel when you get up. Write
down what time you got up, etc. Also, write down what you did in the previous day. Now,
write down 3 things you are thankful for. They don’t have to be extremely significant.
They could be as simple as being thankful for the ability to hear the birds in the morning
or the fact that you have a good friend. This process will now be referred to as morning
❏ Meditate for 5 minutes.
❏ Take another cold shower. We’re gonna do cold showers until Sunday, on which you can
take a small break.
❏ Clean diet. If you haven’t got the healthy food, go ahead and eat the unhealthy food.
Tomorrow you’ll learn about a healthy diet and go get the foods you need.

Day 4: Learning a bit about diet (Wednesday)

❏ Morning journaling
❏ Meditate for 5 minutes
❏ Cold shower
❏ Gym time:
❏ Squat: 50x5x5
❏ Bench press: 45x5x5
❏ Barbell Row: 45x5x5
❏ From here on out, I’ll only list the exercises you’re doing since some people have
different weights that they end up using, depending on how their workouts are
going. If you increase by 5 lbs each workout, at the end of the 30 days you
should have:
❏ Bench: 70 lbs
❏ Deadlift: 155 lbs (increases by 10 each workout)
❏ Squat: 105 lbs
❏ Overhead press: 75 lbs
❏ Row: 70 lbs
❏ Watch the following videos about diet. They will teach you the truth about sugar and
processed foods and why you should be cutting them out of your diet. It’s important to be
really specific about this, since the modern Western diet is filled with sugars and
processed foods.
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5S6-v37nOtY​ : The Story of Fat: Why we
were Wrong about Health
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRSeyCZwEUI​ : Why Calories are NOT
important | (Food & Weight Gain Part 1)
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHaCKudtVi0​ : Why your Body makes you
Fat AND Hungry | (Food & Weight Gain Part 2)
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPxIssabhTc​ : Food Industry's Secret
Weapon (WHY Sugar is addictive & in 80% of Food)
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_4Q9Iv7_Ao&t=5s​ : WHY Sugar is as Bad as
Alcohol (Fructose, The Liver Toxin)
❏ Build a grocery list using what you’ve learned in the above videos. Go to the grocery
store and begin eating healthy. Don’t worry, you’ll get a cheat day in a few days.

Day 5: Learning about meditation (Thursday)

❏ Morning journaling
❏ Meditate for 5 minutes
❏ Cold shower
❏ Watch the following videos and read these articles about meditation. This should
convince you that meditation is something you should do more regularly.
❏ http://liveanddare.com/benefits-of-meditation
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgwxn9mRpAY​ : LESS Breath: Better
Health? | Mouth Breathing vs. Nasal Breathing
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvJLmVYVvVM&t=227s​ : Benefits Of
Meditation - TOP 6 BENEFITS
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmhkmLFc74E​ : What Is Meditation - Why
There's So Many Benefits

Day 6: Your first time going out (Friday)

❏ Morning journaling
❏ Meditate for 5 minutes
❏ Cold shower
❏ Gym time: Deadlift, squat, overhead press
❏ Tonight, you’re going to go out to talk to people, including girls. If you don’t go out much,
or you typically need to drink, tonight will be fairly difficult, since you won’t be drinking.
Go to a party, a bar, or a club, and interact with people. Talk to girls and note the
differences in how you interact with girls and guys. This is anxiety manifesting, and when
you’re talking to girls, you’re likely getting more nervous. This is fine. Tonight will likely
be a disaster for you (if it isn’t, fantastic!). Go back home after staying out for at least an
hour and write down in a notebook what your night was like. Write about any friends you
made, any social mistakes made, etc.

Day 7: Learning to read (Saturday)

❏ Morning journaling
❏ Meditate for 6 minutes
❏ Cold shower
❏ Begin reading the book “How to Win Friends and Influence People”. This book is a staple
in learning social skills and will be the 20% of reading that accomplishes 80% of your
improvement. Read for an hour today and continue this until we get the the next book.

Day 8: Monitoring social media and internet usage (Sunday)

❏ Morning journaling
❏ Meditate for 6 minutes
❏ Warm shower. Congratulations on making it through a week of cold showers! Enjoy this
warm shower and get ready for the next week of cold showers.
❏ Read for an hour
❏ Today you will learn about social media and the internet’s effects on mental health,
happiness, and social interactions. Watch the following videos:
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWI4_Oe-Qbs​ : How the Internet Redesigns
your Mind | Choose your Default Mode
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Lx1kIrempw​ : How the Internet Ruins
Productivity (by Design)
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UsI9CXHm6o&t=632s​ : The Science of
Internet Addiction & Brainpower
❏ Starting today, you’re going to monitor your social media and internet usage. Download
RescueTime on Google Chrome and keep track of what you do on the internet. Don’t
think too much about cutting internet down right now.
❏ Have a cheat day for your diet today. You’ve done a good job in eating clean recently.
Your next cheat meal will come after a week now.

Day 9: An honest look at your hygiene (Monday)

❏ Morning journaling
❏ Meditate for 6 minutes
❏ Cold shower
❏ Gym time: Squat, bench press, barbell row
❏ Read for an hour
❏ Today, we’re going to take a look at your personal hygiene. You’re going to need the
help of others to get an objective assessment of each of these areas. Get a friend who
has good personal hygiene and ask for their opinions. Please assess the following areas
and more:
❏ How often and how well you brush
❏ Whether your breath smells
❏ How often and how well you shower (should be daily now with the cold showers!)
❏ If you have body odor
❏ If your nails are short/clean
❏ If you have bad hair (dandruff or greasy hair)
❏ Now that the assessment has been made, anything that you didn’t get the green light on
needs an action plan. For example, if you’re not brushing your teeth well, you can plan
on buying an electronic toothbrush and brushing twice a day. Another example is to go
out and buy deodorant if you have body odor. Beginning tomorrow, you will pay attention
to your personal hygiene.

Day 10: An honest look at your wardrobe (Tuesday)

❏ Morning journaling
❏ Meditate for 6 minutes
❏ Cold shower
❏ Read for an hour
❏ Take all of your clothes and take a good look at yourself in each article of clothing. If
necessary, take pictures of yourself in them. We need to see if the clothes you are
wearing fit well and look good on each other. While you may scoff at the idea of dressing
well, it really doesn’t cost much and will cause you not only to be more respected, but
you’ll feel confidence because you know you’re presenting yourself in the best way
possible. For each piece of clothing, decide whether the clothes fit on you. If you don’t
know what’s a good fit, send pictures to a friend who dresses well or get the opinions of
people from the internet on forums dedicated to men’s dressing. Today, we’re only going
to focus on identifying which pieces of clothing need to be replaced. Getting a new
wardrobe is a task for another day.

Day 11: Setting up a morning ritual (Wednesday)

❏ Morning journaling
❏ Meditate for 6 minutes
❏ Cold shower
❏ Read for an hour
❏ Gym: Deadlift, squat, overhead press
❏ A morning ritual is a ritual that’ll prepare you to kick ass for the rest of the day. Most
successful people have developed a morning ritual that helps them prepare for a
successful day. Today, you’re going to design your morning ritual, which should take
about an hour. Please watch the following videos on morning rituals to get an
understanding of their important and what exactly makes a morning ritual:
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmcCmJBFA80​ : Morning Rituals: Why you
need them + What I do in the mornings
❏ http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/7-morning-rituals-empower-your-day-cha
❏ http://tim.blog/2015/09/18/5-morning-rituals/
❏ Make your own morning ritual. Take the ideas from above and possibly add in other
things that make you feel ready for the day. Here is a sample morning ritual:
❏ Wake up, run to the restroom
❏ Brush your teeth
❏ Meditate
❏ Morning journaling
❏ Take supplements and drink a bottle of water
❏ Do some morning stretches
❏ Figure out your tasks for the day
❏ Affirmations and visualizations (these will be covered later in the day)

Day 12: A small wardrobe upgrade (Thursday)

❏ Morning ritual
❏ Cold shower
❏ Read for an hour
❏ Today, you’re going to go out and get a nice outfit that you’re going to wear on your
nights out and other social occasions (including tomorrow). Go onto a men’s fashion
forum and figure out how to dress in clothes that fit well. Now, go buy a button down shirt
and a nice pair of khaki pants. Also, if you don’t have nice shoes, buy a nice pair of
shoes that fit well and are comfortable. It’s best to get advice from somebody who
dresses well, or from men’s forums.
Day 13: Time to go out again (Friday)
❏ Morning ritual
❏ Cold shower
❏ Gym time: Squat, bench press, barbell row
❏ Read for an hour
❏ Time to go out again. However, we’ve made some major improvements this week. You
now have a nicer outfit to wear when going out and you have some idea of how you act
in social interactions. Perhaps you learned that you aren’t smiling enough when talking
to people, or that you having severe anxiety in larger groups. No matter what, you have
things to work on that you’re going to attempt to address today. One big task for today:
❏ Try to find somebody to go out with beforehand. You can ask a friend to join you.
If you don’t have a friend who’s willing to go out with you, try making friends at a
venue and getting their contact info so you’ve got somebody to go out with in the

Day 14: Your next book (Saturday)

❏ Morning ritual
❏ Cold shower
❏ By now, you should’ve finished “How to Win Friends and Influence People”. Starting
today, you’re going to do the Carnegie 30 day challenge, linked here:
❏ Today, you’re going to start your next book, “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck”. This
book is all about learning to appreciate the right things in life and not letting idealizations
and other unrealistic standards harm your emotional wellbeing. Read for an hour.

Day 15: Learn about habit formation (Sunday)

❏ Morning ritual
❏ Warm shower
❏ Read for an hour
❏ Have another cheat day on your diet. You’ve done a fantastic job. Your next cheat meal
will come on the 24th.
❏ Today, you’re going to learn about habits and habit formation. This will be key in case
you’ve had trouble sticking to some of the habits we’ve been trying to adopt such as
meditation. Watch these videos:
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olEMIohTgzQ​ : HOW to quit Sugar &
Unhealthy Habits
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ls_VFIU1Dv4&t=262s​ : WHY Habits form &
HOW to build them
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktlTxC4QG8g​ : THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxy8dDSHHaw​ : THE POWER OF HABIT BY
❏ Think about the habits you want to adopt or get rid of. Using what you learned above,
make action plans for each of these habits and figure out how you’re going to stick to
these plans.

Day 16: Improving your sleep quality (Monday)

❏ Morning ritual
❏ Cold shower
❏ Read for an hour
❏ Gym: Deadlift, squat, overhead press
❏ Today, you’re going to learn about sleep quality and why it’s important, and then you’re
going to take steps to improving your sleep quality. Watch these videos:
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTlJnyF3REs​ : WHY Sleep is critical for the
Body and Brain | Science of Sleep
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9q3hfsPYpM&t=288s​ : HOW to get more
quality sleep | (Science of Sleep Pt 2)
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urrgtqNVp0E​ : How To Wake Up EARLY And
NOT Feel Tired
❏ Now that you know a lot of details about sleep and why it’s important, figure out how to
take actionable steps to improve your sleep, including changing your sleep timing etc.
Aim to get at least 8 hours a night initially and then figure out what your body needs from

Day 17: An evening ritual (Tuesday)

❏ Morning ritual
❏ Cold shower
❏ Read for an hour
❏ Today, you’re going to make an evening ritual similar to your morning ritual. In your
evening ritual, you should aim to do some journaling and meditation similar to your
morning ritual. There aren’t as many resources on evening rituals specifically since
they’re so similar to morning rituals. Read the following:
❏ https://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-22522/7-evening-rituals-to-have-a-stress-free
❏ Rewatch the sleep videos and create a ritual to optimize for sleep

Day 18: Beginning to do affirmations (Wednesday)

❏ Morning rituals
❏ Cold shower
❏ Read for an hour
❏ Gym time: Squat, bench press, barbell row
❏ Evening ritual
❏ Affirmations are used by many successful people to put themselves in a mindset to
succeed. Please watch the following:
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1F7GP9mKkiM&t=324s​ : How To
BRAINWASH Yourself To SUCCEED - Affirmations
❏ Now that you know why affirmations are useful, incorporate them into your morning ritual

Day 19: Visualizations (Thursday)

❏ Morning rituals
❏ Cold shower
❏ Read for an hour
❏ Evening ritual
❏ Similar to affirmations, visualizations are a great way to prime yourself for success by
getting you to manifest success in your mind. Start visualizing your success at the end of
your goals and add these visualizations to your morning rituals.

Day 20: Time to destroy your social anxiety (Friday)

❏ Morning rituals
❏ Cold shower
❏ Read for an hour
❏ Gym time: Squat, deadlift, overhead press
❏ Evening ritual
❏ This one will be painful. Follow exactly what is detailed in this video:
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVXgk97VbCo&t=416s​ : How To Overcome
Social Anxiety - The video here asks you to go out and talk to girls until you have
minimum 3 nasty rejections. Do this exercise once a week for 10 weeks, and you
will have destroyed your fear of rejection. This will also decrease your social
anxiety greatly.
❏ While you are doing the above exercise, make it a goal to talk to at least 10
people without any particular reason to do so. Take notes of how each interaction
goes and begin to fine tune your interactions so these issues end up getting
resolved. You don’t need success; you only need the effort.
❏ Go out and implement what is detailed in the video. You don’t only have to go out during
the evening to get this done.

Day 21: One more book (Saturday)

❏ Morning rituals
❏ Cold shower
❏ Evening ritual
❏ Now that you’ve finished the Subtle Art, you’re going to read Mark Manson’s other
masterpiece “Models”, which is a book for people with social anxiety and awkwardness
to learn how to navigate the dating scene. Read for an hour.

Day 22: Talk to one girl a day (Sunday)

❏ Morning rituals
❏ Cold shower
❏ Read for an hour
❏ Evening ritual
❏ Starting today, you’re going to attempt to talk to one new girl per day. Initially, this may
be difficult, although it shouldn’t be too difficult after Friday’s exercise. Initially, focus on
just trying to get an interaction. If you manage to get this far, then continue on to getting
into conversation. After every interaction, you will have something to improve upon. Just
keep hammering away and then talking to girls will become easier.

Day 23: Studying Social Skills (Monday)

❏ Morning rituals
❏ Cold shower
❏ Gym time: Squat, bench press, barbell row
❏ Read for an hour
❏ Evening ritual
❏ Today, you will learn some more intricacies about social skills and social situations.
Watch the following videos:
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMliNd2b2K0​ : Why Tyrion Can't Be Killed -
Video discussing how a character from a TV show uses specific tactics to make
himself more persuasive
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewXizeMorkw​ : How Negan Rose To Power
In The Walking Dead - Video discusses power dynamics
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8GvTgWtR7o​ : 6 Public Speaking Tips To
Hook Any Audience - Good advice on how to get people interested in what you’re

Day 24: Reevaluating your hobbies (Tuesday)

❏ Morning rituals
❏ Cold shower
❏ Read for an hour
❏ Evening ritual
❏ Today, you’re going to look at how you’re spending your time every day and seeing if
you need to change how you spend that time. A lot of people tend to waste their free
time on the internet, watching TV, or playing video games. While these aren’t exactly
bad on their own, too many people spend too much time doing these activities. Today,
write down what you spend your time doing and also write down at least 2 interesting
hobbies that you’d like to adopt. You may have written a few down at the beginning of
the 30 days, but we didn’t expect you to be diligent enough to really Here are some
ideas for hobbies:
❏ Playing the guitar
❏ Learning Spanish
❏ Going rock climbing weekly
❏ Hiking
❏ Ballroom Dancing
❏ You should aim for your new hobby to be social. This is one of the best way to make
more friends and meet people. Now that you’ve picked one or two, create an action plan
to do each at least once per week. Perhaps you could invite a friend to joining you in this
new hobby to keep you more accountable. The whole idea is that you will be exchanging
wasted time for these hobbies to enrich your life.

Day 25: Learning a bit about personal finances (Wednesday)

❏ Morning rituals
❏ Cold shower
❏ Gym Time: Squat, deadlift, overhead press
❏ Read for an hour
❏ Evening ritual
❏ Part of improving your life involves making sure your finances are in order and that you
understand how money works. While you won’t be able to get a full overview of how to
work with money today, you will at least be introduced to the ideas of careful spending
and financial independence. Please watch the following videos:
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQnZO8-s8T0​ : HOW TO GET RICH - RICH
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKnbpGnir8c​ : HOW TO BECOME RICH -
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9MonD2m-rc​ : The New Rich - The Four
Hour Workweek

Day 26: Finding mentors (Thursday)

❏ Morning rituals
❏ Cold shower
❏ Read for an hour
❏ Evening ritual
❏ At this point, you may have some broader goals that you’d like to accomplish. Or at
least, you have a drive to get more done in life. For these purposes, getting a mentor is
crucial. Here is an article detailing what makes somebody a good mentor:
❏ https://www.inc.com/jayson-demers/7-key-qualities-of-an-effective-mentor.html
❏ Now that you know what makes up a good mentor, begin your search for a mentor. A
good way to meet mentors is to attend meetups in your field of interest in your area. A
good place to find these meetups is ​https://www.meetup.com/​. Just know that initially it’ll
be very difficult finding a good mentor, since people don’t necessarily have an obligation
to listen to you or help you. However, if you stick with the search, you’ll find a mentor.

Day 27: Going out - monitoring your own body language (Friday)
❏ Morning rituals
❏ Cold shower
❏ Gym Time: Squat, benchpress, barbell row
❏ Read for an hour
❏ Evening ritual
❏ Tonight when you go out, you’re going to observe your own body language and what
you do when you get nervous. Initially when you start going out, you’ll get nervous.
Tonight, you may notice that when you get nervous or overwhelmed, you start putting
your hands in your pockets or you start looking down at the ground. Don’t badger
yourself about this right now, just stick to identifying your reactions to social anxiety and
how it ends up affecting your interactions with people. Otherwise, continue to talk to
people, meet girls, and make friends. Enjoy yourself, you’ve come far.

Day 28: Another book (Saturday)

❏ Morning rituals
❏ Cold shower
❏ Evening ritual
❏ You should be done with Models at this point. It’s time to pick up another book. You
have some options now. If you want to think about a new career or think about financial
independence, read “The Four Hour Workweek” by Tim Ferriss. If you are interested in
reading some philosophy, ready “The Obstacle is the Way” by Ryan Holiday, a book that
teaches Stoicism in a modern setting. If you want to continue on the inner confidence
path, then read “No More Mr. Nice Guy” by Robert Glover.

Day 29: Frame and mindsets (Sunday)

❏ Morning rituals
❏ Cold shower
❏ Read for an hour
❏ Evening ritual
❏ Much of social anxiety can be battled by adopting mindsets and holding the frame within
them. Mindsets are key to social interactions. Often times, we have mindsets that set us
up for failure, especially when we have the mindset that we’re boring or that girls don’t
want to talk to us. What ends up happening is that we let this mindset manifest itself and
we end up screwing ourselves over in social interactions. Frame is also a key concept to
understand. Everybody has a frame in which they view the world and social interactions.
Often times, the person who resonates the most strongly with their frame leads the
conversation and makes the most friends. In order to understand these concepts, we
have some material here. Watch the following videos:
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjES8831wKc​ : 6 Mindsets That Will Make
You Magnetic
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qj7ZGG_NO88​ : Framing: Making People
Like You
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CfFvtSUDA0​ : How To Be More Confident -
Conor McGregor Confidence Breakdown
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcH6tFugYfo​ : Why You Don't Feel Good
Day 30: Reflection on the first 30 days (Monday)
❏ Morning rituals
❏ Cold shower
❏ Read for an hour
❏ Evening ritual
❏ Well, the 30 days are over. In your journal, you should have 30 entries in your journal at
this point, detailing what you’ve done each day. Write another entry on your current day
detailing how your life is now, how you feel different, what you hope to achieve, and
what did and didn’t go according to what you expected. Now go back to your absolute
first entry detailing how your life was at the beginning of the 30 days. Congratulations,
you’re done…
❏ … or are you?

Life after the first 30 days

If you thought that life would be perfect after these 30 days, you were dead wrong. Of
course, there’s no way you expected that to be the case. Self-improvement is a lifetime process
and the rewards become greater the longer you stick with it. From here on out, you can tailor
your path according to how you want your life to unfold.

Follow my Youtube channel for

more details/other tips for self

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