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Register User

Definitions and Abbreviations

 N/A

This page is used to register new user or in the System.
Business Rules

Business Rules

Each User has Unique User_Id

Users and Securities

Administrator: The Person who manages the Virtual Library

Functional Detail

a) Screen Behavior

There will be one panel on the web page named as 'Form'. This panel will provide
User interface to create new user or edit existing user information.

Controls on screen
a) ‘lblError’ – Label. It display the error messages of the page.
b) ‘Form’ – Panel. This panel contains different controls to
manage the User Information. It provide the User interface adding
new User Information and editing existing User Information.

Controls on ‘Form’ Panel

a)'User Name’ – Textbox. Name of the User. It is Mandatory field.
b) 'Password’ –Textbox. Password of the User. It is Mandatory field.
c) 'Re-Type Password’ –Textbox.Re-Type Password of the User. It is
Mandatory field.
d)‘Security Question’ –DropDownList. List of Security Question. It
contains ‘SecurityMaster.SecurityQuestion’ as ‘DataTextField’ and
'SecurityMaster.Question_Id' ad 'DataValueField'. By default ‘Select
Security Question’ is selected. If no Security Question exists in the
System then display ‘No Data' in ‘Security Question’ DropDownList with
DataValue ‘-1’. It is Mandatory field.
e)‘Answer’ – Text Area. It contain answer to the security question. It is
Mandatory field.
f) 'First Name’ – Textbox. First Name of the User. It is Mandatory field.
g)'Last Name’ – Textbox.Last Name of the User.
h)'Level’- Textbox..Level of the User. Either Administrator,Staff or
i) ‘Registration no”- Textbox.,regd no of the user if he is student that will
be checked by student master and will be unique and incremented if user
has administrator or staff level

Commands on ‘Form’ Panel

a) ‘Register’ – Command Button. It allows to Save the User
Information contained in the ‘Form’. On click, it saves the User
information then makes ‘Form’ panel visibility false and show ‘Search’
b) ‘Check Availability’ – Command Button: It is used to check
whether the specific username already exits in the system or not.

Technical Details
a) On page load, check the value of Session[“UserId”]. If its value is null
then ViewState[“Mode”] will contain value 'New' In 'Edit' mode user will
not be able to view the password .
b) Tables to be used:
1. Lib – Contains User Information.
2. Stdlib – Contains Institute student Information.
3. StdAdmin – Contains employees Information.
4. BookCategory–Contains Subject information
.according to available stream of college
Forgot Password
Definitions and Abbreviations
 User: The Person who use the Virtual Library


This page allows the User to get his Password for Login , if he forgot it .

Business Rules

Business Rules
Each User contains a Unique User_Id

Users and Securities

Administrator: The Person who manages the Virtual Library.
Staff: The Person who is the staff member of Virtual Library

Functional Detail

c) Screen Behavior


There will be one panels on the web page named as ‘ForgotPassword’.

'ForgotPassword’ panel will provide the user interface to get the User Password for
Login in the Virtual Library.

The panel ‘ForgotPassword’ will have controls to get User Password for Login in the
Virtual Library.
Controls on screen

c) ‘ForgotPassword’ – Panel. The purpose of this Panel is to generate the

New User Password for Login in the eGuru.

Controls on ‘ForgotPassword' panel

c) ‘lblErr’ – Label. It shows the execption and message on the page.

d) 'UserName’ – TextBox. Name of the User.It is Mandatory field.
e) 'Select Security Question’ – DropDownList. List of Security
Question(s). It contains ‘SecurityQuestion.SecurityQuestionId’ as
‘DataValueField’ and ‘SecurityQuestion.SecurityQuestion’ as
‘DataTextField’. By default ‘Select’ is selected. If no Qusetion exists in
the System then display ‘No Data' in ‘SecurityQuestion’ DropDownList
with DataValue ‘-1’. It is Mandatory field.
f) 'Answer' – Text Box.Answer of the security question.It is Mandatory

Commands on ‘ForgotPassword 'Panel

1. ‘Get Password’ – Command Button . It allows to generate the New User

Password . On click , if user is enter the valid information then User get the
New Password through Email and Redirct to New
“PasswordSuccessfullyChanged.aspx” page , Otherwise Error message is

Technical Details
j) On Page Load , Bind the 'Select Security Question' DropDownList with
data contain in the 'SecurityQuestion' Table.

k) On Get Password Button Click , Check the value of the UserName ,

SecurityQuestion, Answer.

l) Get Password the User Information

1. Get the user password from ” Lib” table.

m) Tables to be used:
1. Lib– Contains User Information.
Search Tutorial according to Subject

Definitions and Abbreviations

d) Tutorial: A Tutorial is a set or collection of written, printed, illustrated, or
blank sheets, made of paper or other material, usually attached together.


This page allows the user to search the Tutorials Information in the System. Each
logged User can Search existing Tutorial Information.
Business Rules

Business Rules
Each Tutorial contains a Unique Tutorial_Id

Users and Securities

Administrator: The Person who manages the Library.

Functional Detail

2. Screen Behavior

There will be one panel on the web page named as ‘Search’. ‘Search’ panel
will provide user interface to Search the existing Tutorials Information based
on pecified subject.

Controls on screen
d)‘Search’ – Panel. The purpose of this Panel is to Search Information of
Tutorial(s) based on Subject.

Controls on ‘Search’ panel

a) ‘Subject’ – DropDownList. Select subject Name for which
Tutorials are going to be searched.
b) Category - DropDownList. Select Category Stream available in
institute for which subject has to be selected
c) ‘PanelSearch’ – Panel. Advance Search in Tutorials .
d) ‘Tutorials’ – Search. List of Tutorial(s). It contains Tutorial
Information in tabular form. ’Tutorials’ Search provides the paging
and sorting functionality. Initially, ‘Tutorials’ Search shows list of
all Tutorials exists in the System.

Columns in ‘Tutorials’ Search

a) ‘Tutorial Title’ – Link Button. Header shows label ‘Tutorial Title’.
This column contains Title or Name of is cancantate”Tutorial Name
and Version No.” in the corresponding row as a Link Button. On
click, it redirects to ‘View Tutorial Details’ page with the ‘Tutorial
_Id’ of specific Tutorial in Query String.
b) ‘Subject’ – Header shows label ‘Subject’. This column contains the
Subject Name of Tutorial in corresponding row.
c) ‘Date’ – Header shows label ‘Date’. This column contains Date of
Tutorial in the corresponding row.
d) ‘TutorialPath’ - Header shows label ‘Tutorial Path’. This column
contains File Path of Tutorial in the corresponding row.
e) Language - Header shows label ‘Language’. This column contains
Language Medium of Tutorial in the corresponding row.
f) Level - Header shows label ‘Level’. This column contains Level of
Tutorial in the corresponding row.wheter it is for Beginner or
intermediate or Professional Level
g) Open- Open command button used to open selected tutorial of
corresponding selected row

Commands on ‘Search’ panel:

 ‘Search’ – Command Button. It allows the searching of
Tutorial(s) according to the Name or Title of Tutorial contained in
‘Tutorial Title’ Text box of ‘Search’ panel. On click, populate
‘Tutorials’ Search with list of Tutorial(s) which matches the search
criteria. If no Tutorial records match the search criteria then it
displays ‘No Data’ in ‘Tutorials’ Search. If the user does not
specify the search string then all the exiting Tutorials will be listed
in the ‘Tutorials’ Search.

Technical Details
a) On page load,Category dropdown bind with ‘bookCategory’ table and fill with
categories available in college
b) On category selected index change: Subject dropdown filled with subject
corresponding to selected category
c) On clicking Search Button: It will search selected tutorial based on subject in
list View
d) Use paging and sorting the Tutorials record at Data Layer.
e) Tables to be used:
1. BookDetail – It contains Tutorial Information.
2. BookCategory - It contains Category(s) Information.along with
corresponding Subject(s) Information.
Search Tutorial according to Title

Definitions and Abbreviations

e) Tutorial: A Tutorial is a set or collection of written, printed, illustrated, or
blank sheets, made of paper or other material, usually attached together.


This page allows the user to search the Tutorials Information in the System. Each
logged User can Search existing Tutorial Information.
Business Rules

Business Rules
Each Tutorial contains a Unique Tutorial_Id

Users and Securities

Administrator: The Person who manages the Library.

Functional Detail

3. Screen Behavior

There will be one panel on the web page named as ‘Search’. ‘Search’ panel
will provide user interface to Search the existing Tutorials Information based
on pecified subject.

Controls on screen
e)‘Search’ – Panel. The purpose of this Panel is to Search Information of
Tutorial(s) based on Subject.

Controls on ‘Search’ panel

e) ‘Subject’ – DropDownList. Select subject Name for which
Tutorials are going to be searched.
f ) Category - DropDownList. Select Category Stream available in
institute for which subject has to be selected
g) Title – TextBox. Specify Title corresponding to which tutorial has
to be selected
h ) Level- Dropdown.select difficulty Level of tutorial whether
beginner,intermediate or advance level
i) ‘PanelSearch’ – Panel. Advance Search in Tutorials .
)) ‘Tutorials’ – Search. List of Tutorial(s). It contains Tutorial
Information in tabular form. ’Tutorials’ Search provides the paging
and sorting functionality. Initially, ‘Tutorials’ Search shows list of
all Tutorials exists in the System.

Columns in ‘Tutorials’ Search

a) ‘Tutorial Title’ – Link Button. Header shows label ‘Tutorial Title’.
This column contains Title or Name of is cancantate”Tutorial
Name and Version No.” in the corresponding row as a Link
Button. On click, it redirects to ‘View Tutorial Details’ page with
the ‘Tutorial _Id’ of specific Tutorial in Query String.
b) ‘Subject’ – Header shows label ‘Subject’. This column contains
the Subject Name of Tutorial in corresponding row.
c) ‘Level’ – Header shows label ‘Level’. This column contains level
of Tutorial in the corresponding row.
d) ‘Date’ – Header shows label ‘Date’. This column contains Date of
Tutorial in the corresponding row.
e) ‘TutorialPath’ - Header shows label ‘Tutorial Path’. This column
contains File Path of Tutorial in the corresponding row.
f) Language - Header shows label ‘Language’. This column
contains Language Medium of Tutorial in the corresponding row.
g) Level - Header shows label ‘Level’. This column contains Level of
Tutorial in the corresponding row.wheter it is for Beginner or
Advance or Professional Level
h) Open- Open command button used to open selected tutorial of
corresponding selected row

Commands on ‘Search’ panel:

f) ‘Search’ – Command Button. It allows the searching of Tutorial(s) according
to the Name or Title of Tutorial contained in ‘Tutorial Title’ Text box of
‘Search’ panel. On click, populate ‘Tutorials’ Search with list of Tutorial(s)
which matches the search criteria. If no Tutorial records match the search
criteria then it displays ‘No Data’ in ‘Tutorials’ Search. If the user does not
specify the search string then all the exiting Tutorials will be listed in the
‘Tutorials’ Search.
Technical Details
a) On page load,Category dropdown bind with ‘bookCategory’ table and fill with
categories available in college
b) On category selected index change: Subject dropdown filled with subject
corresponding to selected category
c) On clicking Search Button: It will search selected tutorial based on Title
corresponding to subject and Level in list View
d) Tables to be used:
3. BookDetail – It contains Tutorial Information.
4. BookCategory - It contains Category(s) Information.along with
corresponding Subject(s) Information.
Search Tutorial according to Author

Definitions and Abbreviations

f) Tutorial: A Tutorial is a set or collection of written, printed, illustrated, or
blank sheets, made of paper or other material, usually attached together.


This page allows the user to search the Tutorials Information in the System. Each
logged User can Search existing Tutorial Information.
Business Rules

Business Rules
Each Tutorial contains a Unique Tutorial_Id

Users and Securities

Administrator: The Person who manages the Library.

Functional Detail

4. Screen Behavior

There will be one panel on the web page named as ‘Search’. ‘Search’ panel
will provide user interface to Search the existing Tutorials Information based
on pecified subject.

Controls on screen
f) ‘Search’ – Panel. The purpose of this Panel is to Search Information of
Tutorial(s) based on Subject.

Controls on ‘Search’ panel

)) ‘Subject’ – DropDownList. Select subject Name for which
Tutorials are going to be searched.
l) Category - DropDownList. Select Category Stream available in
institute for which subject has to be selected
m) Author – TextBox. Specify Title corresponding to which tutorial
has to be selected
n) Level- Dropdown.select difficulty Level of tutorial whether
beginner,intermediate or advance level
o) ‘PanelSearch’ – Panel. Advance Search in Tutorials .
p) ‘Tutorials’ – Search. List of Tutorial(s). It contains Tutorial
Information in tabular form. ’Tutorials’ Search provides the paging
and sorting functionality. Initially, ‘Tutorials’ Search shows list of
all Tutorials exists in the System.

Columns in ‘Tutorials’ Search

i) ‘Tutorial Title’ – Link Button. Header shows label ‘Tutorial Title’.
This column contains Title or Name of is cancantate”Tutorial
Name and Version No.” in the corresponding row as a Link
Button. On click, it redirects to ‘View Tutorial Details’ page with
the ‘Tutorial _Id’ of specific Tutorial in Query String.
j) ‘Subject’ – Header shows label ‘Subject’. This column contains
the Subject Name of Tutorial in corresponding row.
k) ‘Level’ – Header shows label ‘Level’. This column contains level
of Tutorial in the corresponding row.
l) ‘Date’ – Header shows label ‘Date’. This column contains Date of
Tutorial in the corresponding row.
m) ‘TutorialPath’ - Header shows label ‘Tutorial Path’. This column
contains File Path of Tutorial in the corresponding row.
n) Language - Header shows label ‘Language’. This column
contains Language Medium of Tutorial in the corresponding row.
o) Level - Header shows label ‘Level’. This column contains Level of
Tutorial in the corresponding row.wheter it is for Beginner or
Advance or Professional Level
p) Open- Open command button used to open selected tutorial of
corresponding selected row

Commands on ‘Search’ panel:

g) ‘Search’ – Command Button. It allows the searching of Tutorial(s) according
to the Name or Title of Tutorial contained in ‘Tutorial Title’ Text box of
‘Search’ panel. On click, populate ‘Tutorials’ Search with list of Tutorial(s)
which matches the search criteria. If no Tutorial records match the search
criteria then it displays ‘No Data’ in ‘Tutorials’ Search. If the user does not
specify the search string then all the exiting Tutorials will be listed in the
‘Tutorials’ Search.
Technical Details
c) On page load,Category dropdown bind with ‘bookCategory’ table and fill with
categories available in college
d) On category selected index change: Subject dropdown filled with subject
corresponding to selected category
c) On clicking Search Button: It will search selected tutorial based on Title
corresponding to subject and Level in list View
e) Tables to be used:
1.BookDetail – It contains Tutorial Information.
2.BookCategory - It contains Category(s) Information.along with
corresponding Subject(s) Information.
Upload Tutorial
Definitions and Abbreviations
Upload Tutorial:Learning material that give the Knowledge of the particular topic
of the Subject Or Technology.

This page allows the User to manage the Tutorial Information in the System.
Logged User can upload new Tutorial Information. If he/she is the member of Admin

Business Rules

Business Rules
Each Tutorial contains a Unique Tutorial_Id
Each Subject contains a Unique Subject_Id

Tutorials and Securities

Administrator: The Person who manages the Virtual Library can upload tutorials.

Functional Detail

b) Screen Behavior

. ‘Form’ panel provides Tutorial interface to add New Tutorial(s) Information.

‘Form’ – Panel. This panel contains different controls to manage the Tutorial
Information. It provide the Tutorial interface adding new Tutorial Information

Controls on ‘Form’ Panel

n) 'Title’ – Textbox. Name of the Tutorial. It is Mandatory field.
o) ‘Subject’ –DropDownList. List of Subject. It contains ‘Subject
Master.Subject_Id’ as ‘DataValueField’ and
‘SubjectMaster.Subject_Name' as ‘DataTextField’. By default ‘Select’ is
selected. If no Subject exists in the System then display ‘No Data' in
‘Subject’ DropDownList with DataValue ‘-1’. It is Mandatory field.
p) 'Category’ –ChechBoxList. Category of the Tutorial. It is Mandatory
q) ‘Tutorial_Level’ –DropDownList. List of Tutorial_Level. It contains
‘TutorialMaster.Tutorial_Level ' as ‘DataTextField’. By default ‘Select’ is
selected. If no Tutorial_Level exists in the System then display ‘No
Data' in ‘Tutorial_Level’ DropDownList with DataValue ‘-1’. It is
Mandatory field.
r) 'Description’ –TextArea.Descritpion of the Tutorial.
s) 'Tutorial File Name’ – FileUpload. File Name of the Tutorial.

Commands on ‘Form’ Panel

q) ‘Upload’ – Command Button. It allows to Save the Tutorial Information
contained in the ‘Form’. On click, it saves the Tutorial information then
makes ‘Form’ panel visibility false and show ‘Search’ panel.
r) ‘Clear’ – Command Button. It allows clear the controls on ‘Form’. On
click, in New Mode, it clear all the controls of ‘Form’.
s) ‘Cancel’ – Command Button: It redirects back to ‘Search’ panel. On
click make ‘Form’ panel visible false and show ‘Search’ panel.

Technical Details
1. On page load subject and category dropdown fill with category and
corresponding subject from bookcategory table.

q Save Tutorial Information

1. New Mode: Insert a new record in table ‘TutorialMaster’.

q Tables to be used:
1. BookDetail– Contains Tutorial Information.
2. BookCategory – Contains Subject and available stream Information.

a) UserName: It refers to the name that user uses while Login into the site.
b) Password: It refers to the code that used for authentication of UserName.

This from is used to authenticate the User identity & redirects to the authorized area
according to the authentication.

The webpage have three panels, ‘Message’, ‘Login’. The ‘Message’ panel will provide a
user interface to display all exceptions occurred in the page. The ‘Login’ panel will
provide a user interface to enter the Login information.

Controls on screen
 ‘Message’: Panel. This panel is used to display all exceptions or messages of
the Page.

Controls on ‘Message’ panel

o Label: It is used to display all types of messages on the page, including
exceptions, invalid UserName or Password etc.

 ‘Login’: Panel. This panel is used to provide user interface to Login the website.

Controls on ‘Login’ panel

o User Name: Textbox. UserName of the user. It is mandatory field.
o Password: Textbox (Password Type). Password of the user. It is mandatory

Commands on ‘Login’ panel

t) Login: Command Button. It allows user to Log in the website. On Click, It
authenticates Login information provided by the User in ‘Login’ Panel. If user
is successfully authenticated and User's status is 'Active' then redirects to the
authorized page, if User's status is 'Blocked', 'Login' panel Visible false,
'Verify' panel Visible true. If the User in not authenticated, display the
message ‘Invalid User Name or Password’ in the ‘Message’ Panel.

1. users th category ‘Staff’ or 'Administrator' or 'Student' can be authenticated.

2.On successful Authentication of the User, maintain the UserID in Session[“UserID”].
3.Tables to be used
1.Lib: Contains the User Login Information.
Manage Subject
Definitions and Abbreviations
 Subject:Divide the content by specific category topics.

This page allows the User to manage the Category Information in the System.
Logged User can Add Category/Subject, Delete Existing Category Information.

Business Rules

Business Rules
Each Category contains a Unique Category_Id

Users and Securities

Administrator: The Person who manages the virtual library.

Functional Detail

g) Screen Behavior

There will be one panel on the web page named as ‘Category’. ‘Category’ panel
will provide user interface to manage the existing Category Information.

Controls on screen
u) ‘Category’ – Panel. The purpose of this Panel is to view and
manage Information of Category.

Controls on ‘Category’ panel

g) ‘Label’ – Label.It display the error messages of the page.
h) 'Category Name’ – TextBox. Name of Category .It is
mandatory field.
i) 'Subject Name’ – TextBox. Name of Subject .It is
mandatory field.
Commands on ‘Category’ panel:
1. ‘Reset’ – Command Button. It allows to resetting the controls on ‘Category
’. On click, in New Mode, it reset all the controls of ‘Category ’. In Edit
Mode, it rebinds all the controls with the selected Category Information.
2. ‘Add Category’ – Command Button. It allows to Save the Category
Information contained in the ‘Category’. On click, it saves the Category
3. ‘Add Subject’ – Command Button. It allows to Save the Subject
Information contained in the ‘Category’. On click, it saves the Subject
information corresponding to category
4. Delete Category –Command Button. Used to delete specify category
5. Delete Subject –Command Button. Used to delete specify subject
according to corresponding category

Technical Details
t) On page load, store New in ViewState[“Mode”] to open panel in
New mode .
u) If the mode set Edit for open the all the Panel in the Edit Mode.

v) Tables to be used:
1. BookCategory –Contains Category and corresponding Subject

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