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REM dbdrv: none
/* $Header: ordtl.sql 115.8 2007/11/05 17:46:00 pupakare noship $ */
set pagesize 1000
set newpage 0
set linesize 500
set verify off
accept ord_num prompt 'ORDER NUMBER please: '
accept dec_prc default 5 prompt 'Please choose decimal precision (5, 10 or 40) O
R just press enter (default 5): '
set echo off
define extn = '.txt'
prompt ===================================
prompt spooling file &ord_num&extn
prompt ===================================
variable hhid number;
variable decprc number;
variable decfmt varchar2(60);
set serverout on
l_header_id number;
l_order_type_id number;
l_version_no number;
l_count number := 0;
l_msg varchar2(200);
not_an_order exception;
:decprc := &dec_prc;
IF :decprc = 10 THEN
:decfmt := '9999999999.9999999999';
ELSIF :decprc = 40 THEN
:decfmt := '9999999999.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999';
:decfmt := '9999999999.99999';
dbms_output.put_line('header id order type
version number');
FOR c_rec IN (
SELECT header_id, ooha.order_type_id, description, version_number
FROM oe_order_headers_all ooha, oe_transaction_types_tl ottt
WHERE order_number = &ord_num
AND ooha.order_type_id = ottt.transaction_type_id
AND language = userenv('lang'))
l_msg:= rpad(c_rec.header_id, 15, ' ')||rpad(substr(c_rec.description, 1, 5
0), 50, ' ')||c_rec.version_number;
l_count := l_count + 1;
l_header_id := c_rec.header_id;
IF (l_count = 0) then
:hhid := -999999; -- ERROR CONDITION!
raise not_an_order;
ELSIF (l_count = 1) then
:hhid := l_header_id;
when not_an_order then
dbms_output.put_line('EXCEPTION: Order '||&ord_num||' does not exist. !!!PR
set term off
col hhid new_value hhid
select :hhid hhid from ic_whse_mst where rownum < 2;
col decfmt new_value decfmt
select :decfmt decfmt from ic_whse_mst where rownum < 2;
set term on
accept hid default '&hhid' prompt 'Please choose appropriate header id from abo
ve OR just press enter if it is <&hhid>: '
accept lineid default 'all' prompt 'Please choose line_id (for a particular line
) OR just press enter for all lines (default = all): '
prompt spooling &ord_num&extn
spool &ord_num&extn
column operating_unit format a40 heading |operating|unit
column cancelled_flag format a6 heading hdr|cancel
column status format a10 heading status
column header_id format 9999999999 heading header_id
column open_flag format a6 heading open|flag
column booked_flag format a6 heading booked|flag
column ord_dt format a10 heading order|date
column inv_org format 9999999999 heading inventory|org
prompt =========== order header info for sales order number: &ord_num ==========
select o.name operating_unit,h.header_id,h.ship_from_org_id inv_org,
h.flow_status_code status,h.open_flag,booked_flag,h.cancelled_flag,h.ord
ered_date ord_dt
from oe_order_headers_all h, hr_operating_units o
where header_id = &hid
and o.organization_id = h.org_id;
column line_num format a11 heading line|number
column line_id format 9999999999 heading line_id
column split_by format a10 heading |split_by
column split_from_line_id format 9999999999 heading |split|from|line_id
column status format a20
column item format a20 heading ordered|item
column inventory_item_id format 9999999999 heading apps|item_id
column dualum_ind format 9999 heading dual|?
column lot_ctl format 9999 heading lot|?
column loct_ctl format 9999 heading item|loct|?
column lot_indivisible format 9999 heading lot|indvsble|?
column noninv_ind format 9999 heading noninv|?
column sublot_ctl format 9999 heading sublot|?
column ont_pricing_qty_source format a10 heading pricing_by|?
column item_id format 9999999999 heading opm|item_id
column qty1 format &decfmt heading ordr|qty
column qty2 format &decfmt heading ordr|qty2
column fqty format &decfmt heading fulfil|qty
column sqty format &decfmt heading ship_qty|ord_uom
column sgqty format &decfmt heading ship_qty|pri_uom
column cqty format &decfmt heading cancel|qty
column open_flag format a4 heading open|flag
column booked_flag format a4 heading book|flag
column cancelled_flag format a4 heading cancel|flag
column ship_from_org_id format 9999999999 heading ship_from|org_id
column loct_ctl format 99999 heading loct|?
column ful_flag format a4 heading fulfil|flag
column open_flag format a4 heading open|flag
column invoice_qty format &decfmt heading invoice|qty
column inv_int_sta_code format a8 heading invoice|intface|sta_cod
column ship_int_flag format a7 heading ship|intface|flag
column cr_dt format a22 heading creation|date
column upd_dt format a22 heading last|update|date
column status_ctl format 999999 heading status|?
column grade_ctl format 99999 heading grade|?
column whse_code format a4 heading opm|whse
column wlc format 9999 heading whse|loct|?
column sta format 99999 heading ship|tol|above
column stb format 99999 heading ship|tol|below
column line_type format a25 heading 'line type'
column sdli format 9999999999 heading source_doc|line_id
column src_type format a10 heading source|type;
prompt =========== order line details for sales order number: &ord_num and line_
id: &lineid =========================
select rtrim(l.line_number||'.'||
l.service_number, '.') line_num,
l.line_id,l.split_from_line_id,l.split_by,l.flow_status_code status,
l.ordered_item item,i.item_id,l.ordered_quantity qty1,l.order_quantity_u
om um1,
l.ordered_quantity2 qty2,l.ordered_quantity_uom2 um2,l.shipped_quantity
sqty,l.shipping_quantity sgqty,
l.ship_tolerance_above sta,l.ship_tolerance_below stb,l.fulfilled_flag f
l.shipping_interfaced_flag ship_int_flag,l.fulfilled_quantity fqty,l.inv
oiced_quantity invoice_qty,
l.invoice_interface_status_code inv_int_sta_code,l.open_flag,l.booked_fl
ag,l.cancelled_quantity cqty,
e, i.noninv_ind,i.dualum_ind,
decode(i.ont_pricing_qty_source,1,'Secondary','Primary') ont_pricing_qty
_source,w.whse_code,w.loct_ctl wlc,
l.source_document_line_id sdli,l.source_type_code src_type,
ott.name line_type,to_char(l.creation_date,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') cr_
to_char(l.last_update_date,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') upd_dt
from oe_order_lines_all l, ic_whse_mst w, mtl_system_items m, ic_item_mst_b i
, oe_transaction_types_tl ott
where l.header_id = &hid
and l.line_id like decode('&lineid','all','%','&lineid')
and l.ship_from_org_id = w.mtl_organization_id
and l.inventory_item_id = m.inventory_item_id
and l.ship_from_org_id = m.organization_id
and m.segment1 = i.item_no
and l.line_type_id = ott.transaction_type_id
and ott.language = ( select fl.language_code
from fnd_languages fl
where fl.installed_flag = 'B')
order by l.line_id;

column source_header_id format 9999999999 heading order|header_id

column source_line_number format a11 heading |order|line|num
column source_line_id format 9999999999 heading order|line_id
column delivery_detail_id format 9999999999 heading delivery|detail
column split_from_delivery_detail_id format 9999999999 heading split_from|deli
column move_order_line_id format 9999999999 heading move_order|line
column rel_sts format a16 heading release|status
column src_requested_quantity format &decfmt heading order|qty
column src_requested_quantity_uom format a4 heading uom
column src_requested_quantity2 format &decfmt heading order|qty2
column src_requested_quantity_uom2 format a4 heading uom2
column requested_quantity format &decfmt heading requested|qty
column requested_quantity_uom format a4 heading uom
column requested_quantity2 format &decfmt heading requested|qty2
column requested_quantity_uom2 format a4 heading uom2
column shipped_quantity format &decfmt heading shipped|qty
column shipped_quantity2 format &decfmt heading shipped|qty2
column cancelled_quantity format &decfmt heading cancel|qty
column cancelled_quantity2 format &decfmt heading cancel|qty2
column delivered_quantity format &decfmt heading delivered|qty
column delivered_quantity2 format &decfmt heading delivered|qty2
column picked_quantity format &decfmt heading picked|qty
column picked_quantity2 format &decfmt heading picked|qty2
column oeif format a10 heading oe|interf|flag
column invif format a10 heading inv|interf|flag
column lotno format a10 heading lot|num
column slotno format a10 heading sublot|num
column ship_set_id format 9999999999 heading shipset|id
prompt =========== delivery line details for sales order number: &ord_num and li
ne_id: &lineid ======================
select source_line_number,source_line_id,delivery_detail_id,split_from_delivery
decode(released_status,'R','R-Ready for rel','S','S-Rel to whse','Y','Y-
atus) rel_sts,
requested_quantity,requested_quantity_uom,requested_quantity2, requested
shipped_quantity,shipped_quantity2,lot_number lotno,sublot_number slotno
,oe_interfaced_flag oeif,
inv_interfaced_flag invif,ship_tolerance_above sta,ship_tolerance_below
stb, ship_set_id, inventory_item_id,
organization_id inv_org,cancelled_quantity,cancelled_quantity2,delivered
to_char(creation_date,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') cr_dt,to_char(last_updat
e_date,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') upd_dt
from wsh_delivery_details
where source_header_id = &hid
and source_line_id like decode('&lineid','all','%','&lineid')
order by source_line_id,delivery_detail_id;

column trans_id format 9999999999 heading trans|id

column doc_id format 9999999999 heading doc|id
column doc_type format a4 heading doc|type
column orgn_code format a4 heading orgn
column co_code format a4 heading cmpny
column whse_code format a4 heading whse|code
column lot_id format 9999999999 heading lot|id
column location format a16 heading location
column trans_qty format &decfmt heading trans|qty
column trans_qty2 format &decfmt heading trans|qty2
column trans_um format a4 heading item|um1
column trans_um2 format a4 heading item|um2
column line_id format 9999999999 heading line|id
column line_type format 99 heading line|type
column lot_status format a6 heading lot|status
column qc_grade format a5 heading grade
column completed_ind format 99 heading cmpl|?
column delete_mark format 99 heading deleted|?
column trans_date format a22 heading trans|date
column line_detail_id format 9999999999 heading line|detail_id
column staged_ind format 999999 heading staged|ind
column gl_posted_ind format 99 heading glpost|?
column pick_slip_number format 9999999999 heading pick_slip|number
column cr_dt format a22 heading creation|date
column upd_dt format a22 heading |last|update|date
column invoiced_flag format a4 heading invc|flag
prompt =========== transaction details for sales order number: &ord_num and line
_id: &lineid ========================
select itp.trans_id,itp.line_id,itp.line_detail_id,itp.item_id,itp.staged_ind,
itp.lot_id, ilm.lot_no lotno,ilm.sublot_no slotno,
itp.whse_code, itp.location, itp.lot_status,itp.qc_grade,itp.doc_type,it
itp.co_code,itp.line_type,itp.gl_posted_ind , itp.pick_slip_number,itp.d
to_char(trans_date,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') trans_date,
to_char(itp.creation_date,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') cr_dt, to_char(itp.l
ast_update_date,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') upd_dt
from ic_tran_pnd itp, ic_lots_mst ilm, oe_order_lines_all lines
where lines.header_id = &hid
and itp.line_id like decode('&lineid','all','%','&lineid')
and itp.doc_type = 'OMSO'
and itp.item_id = ilm.item_id
and itp.lot_id = ilm.lot_id
and itp.line_id = lines.line_id
order by line_id, line_detail_id desc, trans_id;

column delivery_assignment_id format 9999999999 heading |delivery|assignm

column delivery_id format 9999999999 heading delivery|id
column deli_name format a10 heading delivery|name
column deli_status format a10 heading delivery|status
column delivery_leg_id format 9999999999 heading delivery|leg_id
column pick_up_stop_id format 9999999999 heading pick_up|stop_id
column drop_off_stop_id format 9999999999 heading drop_off|stop_id
column pif format a12 heading pending|interf|fl
column trip_stop_status format a10 heading trip|stop|status
column actual_departure_date format a10 heading actual|dep|date
column trip_name format a10 heading trip|name
column trip_id format 9999999999 heading trip|id
column trip_status format a10 heading trip|status
column trip_stop format a50 heading trip|stop
prompt =========== trip details for sales order number: &ord_num and line_id: &l
ineid ===============================
select wdd.source_header_id, wdd.source_line_id,
assign.delivery_assignment_id, assign.delivery_id, assign.delivery_detail
deli.name deli_name, deli.status_code deli_status,
-- legs.drop_off_stop_id,
decode(stops.pending_interface_flag, NULL, 'Not Pending', 'Y', 'Pending',
stops.pending_interface_flag) pif,
stops.status_code trip_stop_status,stops.actual_departure_date,
trips.name trip_name, trips.trip_id,trips.status_code trip_status
from wsh_delivery_details wdd, wsh_delivery_assignments assign,
wsh_new_deliveries deli,wsh_delivery_legs legs,
wsh_trip_stops stops,wsh_trips trips
where wdd.source_header_id = &hid
and wdd.source_line_id like decode('&lineid','all','%','&lineid')
and wdd.delivery_detail_id =assign.delivery_detail_id
and assign.delivery_id = deli.delivery_id
and deli.delivery_id=legs.delivery_id
and legs.pick_up_stop_id = stops.stop_id
and stops.trip_id = trips.trip_id
order by assign.delivery_assignment_id, assign.delivery_id, assign.delivery_deta

column ord_line_id format 9999999999 heading |order|line|id

column line_number format 999999 heading line|no
column line_status format 99999 heading line|sta
column txn_line_id format 9999999999 heading move_order|line_id
column pri_qty format &decfmt heading primary|qty
column qty format &decfmt heading quantity
column sec_qty format &decfmt heading secondry|qty
column qty_del format &decfmt heading qty|deliverd
column sec_qty_del format &decfmt heading secondary|qty|deliverd
column qty_detailed format &decfmt heading qty|detailed
column sec_qty_detailed format &decfmt heading secondary|qty|detailed
column to_subinv format a10 heading to_subinv
column to_locator_id format 9999999999 heading to_locator_id
column orgn_id format 9999999999 heading orgn_id
prompt *************************************************************************
prompt =========== move order details for sales order number: &ord_num and line_
id: &lineid =========================
select line_id txn_line_id, txn_source_line_id ord_line_id, line_number,line_st
to_subinventory_code to_subinv, to_locator_id, quantity qty, uom_code um
,primary_quantity pri_qty,
secondary_quantity sec_qty,secondary_uom_code um2,quantity_delivered qty
secondary_quantity_delivered sec_qty_del,quantity_detailed qty_detailed,
secondary_quantity_detailed sec_qty_detailed, lot_no lotno, sublot_no sl
otno, qc_grade,
organization_id orgn_id
from ic_txn_request_lines
where txn_source_line_id in (select line_id
from oe_order_lines_all
where header_id = &hid
and line_id like decode('&lineid','all','%','&li
order by ord_line_id, txn_line_id;

spool off
set verify on
clear columns

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