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слово божие походит на молоток на моей груди

“The Word of God is like a

hammer on my chest.”
- A Russian listener


Like me, I’m sure you have one or two “God moments” that stand
out in your life above all others. I call these the “Aha!” or “Wow!”
moments in time that not only serve as memorial stones of God’s extraordinary goodness
towards you but also spur you on to contend for the plans and purposes God has yet to fulfill
in your life. That’s true whether you’re 8, 18 or 80!

That, of course, is one of our main reasons for what we do at Back to the Bible. You could
say we’re “heaven bent” on engaging people in God’s Word so that it hammers away at us
(in a good way of course.) And just think of all the ways Back to the Bible does that: in-depth,
yet practical, teaching from God’s Word on my daily broadcasts; edgy TV programming like
Footnote, our newest show for the “MTV” generation; informative articles in Connections
newsletters; relevant Meet with God daily devotionals; inspiring scripture verses found on our
yearly calendars; thought-provoking Powered-by-4 emails and Scripture-based motivational
minutes via 411God calls. And, as you know, there are many other ways we get people
engaged daily in God’s Word.

Every day we pour our time, resources, energies, heart––and, most of all, our passion––
into providing these ministries to people all over the world. We do all this for one simple
reason: so people have the opportunity to encounter Jesus in a fresh and more intimate way
every day––experiencing as many life-changing “God moments” as possible. As the
tagline of our ministry says, “It’s not about religion ... it is about a relationship”!

Of course, helping people “walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, pleasing Him in
all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God”
[Colossians 1:10] cannot possibly happen without you, a most faithful friend to this ministry.

Is it worth it? A thousand times, YES! Because as you will discover for yourself when you
read the following “mini-testimonies,” there is indeed life to be found between the pages of that
unique book, The Bible. The words contained there are as “alive and powerful” now as they
were when they were first penned centuries ago by prophets, priests and apostles—under
the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. And when these words are found, read, meditated on and
cherished above all things ... that’s when freedom is found and whole new histories in Christ
are begun.

The true stories you’ll find on the next page—written in Hebrews-Hall-of-Fame style—
demonstrate so powerfully the impact of God’s grace, the power of His eternal Word delivered
to people’s hearts by means of your generous gifts! All of these factors combined have served
to reach …
(over, please)

of FA M
E st. 1 9 3

… the grieving mother who through God’s grace was able to forgive her daughter’s
killer the husband who was delivered from pornography the once self-centered
and depressed Christian who now mentors prison inmates the single immigrant mom
whose only family for years was Back to the BibleT radio the E Jamaican teen who stuck flyers up at her
high school, recruiting 50 teens for 411God the 87-year-old woman who reminded

us all of the meaning of “sacrifice” when as a young farmer’s wife she had to skim the
cream off the milk in order to sow into the then fledgling Back to the Bible radio ministry the 6-year-
old, who struggling with his self-image, declared to ohisf grandfather one day during a car ride, “I’m ugly;
I want to leave and go to heaven”... that is, until he heard Jesus speak to him through a
411God call the autistic second-grader who tormented his parents daily with his erratic sleep
patterns, emotional outbursts and self-mutilation—until 9 he began rising at 5 a.m.
E st. 1 9 3
to study the Book of Judges through Back to the Bible radio … now he’s
healed and his family restored to normalcy the Jamaican mom who was snatched from a cult, then used
the daily broadcasts to help raise her 2 children the new immigrant who learned English
... and about the love of God.

Yes, in all this and even more, God used your prayers and support to …

… bring hope to a mother as she drove every day to see her hospitalized child help
save a marriage plant a church save a hog farmer convert a
physician comfort the grieving father of a 6-year-old inspire a teenager to read the
Bible 10 times jjmotivate a husband and wife to pray and study the Bible togetherk preserve
a marriage—the result of which was 4 children and 7 grandchildren serving the Lord
jjjjcause a backslider to go from being a couch potato to a soul-winner give instant “heart
checks” through daily 411God phone calls receive assurance of salvation start a
church motivate a Christian to become a “fisher of men” see a granddaughter
saved and excited about God ...
Whew! No doubt, that was an eyeful; yet still that’s only a thumbnail of the larger picture
of what God has done through the power of His life-transforming Word—giving inspiring
evidence of so many “obtained promises” and many more promises yet to be fulfilled. Yes,
in all this and even more, you, a faithful friend of this ministry have played a pivotal role
in creating all these testimonies—those “God moments”—through your countless prayers
and financial support! Only in heaven will any of us know the full scope of what God has
accomplished through our partnership, but one thing you can know for certain and that is
this: that “he who sows and he who waters” receives the same reward.

Just as important, I trust that by seeing even just a fraction of God’s love towards a fallen
world for which He sacrificed His only Son, you’ll be motivated to heed what the writer of
the Hebrews Hall of Fame said when he continued that inspiring passage with: “Therefore,
since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside
every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with
endurance the race that is set before us ... fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and
perfecter of faith!”

Standing firm in faith,


P.S. I don’t know about you but reviewing our history (His Story) of what God has done
through your prayers and support over the years fills me with complete faith about the
future—especially when you realize that more people are coming to faith in Jesus Christ
today than in the entire history of the world! But my very real concern is this: What is going
to happen to them? After all, Jesus didn’t say “Go ye and make converts”—He said you and
I are to make disciples! It’s our job—yours and mine—to make sure that these fledglings
in the faith don’t get snatched away by the enemy but instead become true “disciples”. So,
please, won’t you prayerfully consider giving your very best financial gift today?

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