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Faculty of Art and Humanities

Course: Intro to Mass Communication

Course Code: MS 110

Lecturer: Mr. Salim Said Ally

Task: Presentation

Submission: 3/2/2011

Group no: 4

Group Members:







Critically discus the following media-society theories:

1. Marxism

2. Mass Society

3. Functionalism

4. Social Constructionalism
5. Technology Determinism


What is a theory?

A theory is a broad term with many meanings; scientifically, it refers to an explanation of

reality that has been thoroughly tested so that most scientists agree on it. It can be changed if

new information is found.

Media society theories are theories which see the interaction between media and social

structure or functions.

1. Marxism

Marxism is an economic and socio-political worldview that contains within it a political

ideology for how to change and improve society by implementing socialism

This was the theory of Karl Marx in 19th Century.

The Marxism theory in media discusses media in relation to social classes, ownership of

economy, social alienation, message legitimating, and as means of production.

The core concepts

A. Media ownership

Marx believed that economic owners (capitalist) were the ones who own mass media.

At the era of Marx, the capitalism was in deep practice where by every property in society

were own by capitalists, and Marx named them as Bourgeois. Since every property were own

by them and that so during that time book publication and newspapers were own by


B. Message legitimating.
He also believed that, there were these bourgeois, who not only owned the media but also
they owned the message to the audience; that they are the ones who were legitimating
message dissemination. Nothing was allowed to be published without the consent of them.

C. Social alienation.

According to Marx, Alienation means the separation of things that naturally belong together

or antagonism between things that is properly in harmony.

During Marx time, Capitalists uses media to try to classify people in working class and ruling

class which were them. So media were used to transmit messages of capitalists’ interests.

But also, message transmitted were used to create a false consciousness to workers.

They were made to believe certain things of capitalists’ interests, such as

• They are fated to work for them

• That if they don’t work hard they can’t survive

• That no chance they could find other way of leaving

• That some people (in this manner the capitalists) were divine in nature and they are

born to rule.

D. Media as means of Production:

Marx said:

“The class which has the means of material production at its disposal has control at the same

time over the means of mental production, so that thereby, generally speaking, the ideas of

those who lack the means of mental production are subject to it.” (Marx & Engels: The

German Ideology, cited in Curran et al.1982: 22)

It is open to Marx that; when there are some people owning the means of production (media),
they will be also owning the means of mental production; insisting on a point that, the media
exploited the proletarians (workers) for capitalists and that the laborers were not thinking on
their own.

Implication of this theory in today's world

First of all; there is a reality inside ownership of media and the kind of message to be

disseminated. It is so clear that, many media nowadays have that we call “editorial policy"

which direct the reporter to what should and shouldn’t be reported; and it is well known that

the policy is for the interest of owners in most cases. Take a good example on a fight

between Manji and Mengi which led to break off any message from IPP Media (owned by

Mengi) related to Young Sport Club in early 2007 because it was sponsored by Manji.

Second; as Marx argued media is used to exploit ruled class, it has been seen enough in this

world, such that of Rwanda in 1994 when some people with power exploited citizens to kill

others by using media. Also it is seen this in international relations when one country need to

own others like USA and Afghanistan and Iraq.

Lastly; Although Marx wasn’t concerned about governments; his ideas about capitalists and

proletariats are likely the same as that of our governments and citizens these days. There is a

concept of freedom of speech which actually was the idea behind Marxism, and which is well

know as a citizen right all over the world, but the truth is; still the ruling class is what

legitimating the message dissemination; only the difference is “the rules have been made”.

That you speak what you need to but within law boundaries.

2. Mass Society:

Mass refers to multiple groups of people. Mass society is a description associated

with society in the modern, industrial era.

The mass society theory is made upon the concept of mass; which means “things” which are

- Large aggregate

- Undifferentiated

- Lacking order or organization

Many sociologists are associated with this theory such Emile Durkheim and Alexis de

Tocqueville from 19th Century.

The Mass society theorem is a context which explains the power of mass

media and action through the media. It also looks at what kind of audience the media work

with. Furthermore it looks at the way media operate within the society and that it is the fourth

government estate.

Media have been fourth estate of governments since 17th Century during British Monopoly

leadership. And since then it is used as a part of government dealing with correlation,

propaganda, and as manipulation tool.

According to McQuail (2000) the media operate in terms of “mass”, which could be mass

culture, mass politics and that its audience is “large scale society” and atomized public.

Mass society is also centrally controlled by government.

The power of media

Media is used to influence people on some issues and activities. It is used as convincing tool

especially in advertisements, also to manipulate and control people on different maters

psychologically and even in action.

Other concepts of theory

Critically; the theory state that the media should give people the “overview” or “descriptive”

information on some facts and leave the matter to be defined by people themselves. So media

is just used to create identification for people.

Implication of the theory

Mass society theory is indeed applied in. Let take “manipulation function of the media” as

our subject in this. Media are used to feed us wrong information on some what is going on,

for example the war of terror; how America succeeded to manipulate the world into the fight.

Manipulation of “Democratic” against “Republican”, that “to be democratic is to be

civilized”. Manipulation done on “Cockroaches slogan” in Rwanda Genocide.

3. Functionalism

Functionalism is a theory of the mind in contemporary philosophy, developed largely as an

alternative to both the identity theory of mind and behaviorisms.

In functionalism theory; society is looked as a body of different partitions as parts, organs or

systems and that each contributes to the society development or fate. The media is also seen

as one among those body partitions.

This theory was founded by Herbert Spencer and Emile Durkheim

Since media is a part of society; in Functionalism we look deep on what media contribute to

that society as a part of it.

We all know that media conveys information or in other word is the communication channel.

Function of Communication

a) Surveillance of the environment

This is the function of Media which is based on giving information to the audience

According to Dominic this function of surveillance categorize in two major part

a) Beware surveillance

b) Instrumental surveillance

b) Correlation of the parts of society in responding to its environment.

Explaining, interpreting and commenting on events and information

Provide support for authority and norms, Socializing, Consensus building

This proves relationship between media and audience

c) Transmission of cultural heritage

Here different values are transmitted to the audience, example the dressing style, hair style

and even foreign values.

d) Mobilization

This is the function of media in which media is used to mobilize audience into different

matters such as Politics, Social matters, economic and others. Example media were used

effectively to mobilize Tanzanian citizens to vote in 2010 general election

e) Information

In most cases people are informed through media to be active about events and conditions of

society and the world, Facilitate innovation, adaption and progress, Indicating relation of

power for example the results of National examination council of Tanzania (NECTA) and

f) Entertainment

Media create Amusement, Diversion from day to day stress due to works and relaxation from

tension and emotional occurrence.


This is sociological theory of knowledge which considers how social phenomena or objects

of consciousness develop within the society. The theory looks on how social object or

phenomena or realities (norms, traditions and culture) are created.

McQuail (2000) quoting the ideas of Berger and Luckman (1967) and Blumer (1969) and

Alfred Schutz (1972) says that; these social realities are created by human beings themselves

and recreated or reproduced and subjected to changes and challenges.

The mass media influences these social realities in many ways. McQuail (2000) took the

example of “creation of false consciousness in Marxism theory” which is propaganda and

ideology as one among the ways of influencing the so called social realities.

Take also the entertainment function of media such as model shows, music and others as

such way of influencing those social realities.

So Media provide material for social (reality) constructions, which are subject to people

choice whether to adapt or reject. However it’s wrong to think that media perform these

functions objectively because everything reported by media is interpretational.

Implication of this theory in today

In these days media have widely used as political, religious and cultural influential. There are

media like Radio Iman dealing with preaching, constructing Islamic norms in society. There

is also Radio Maria, Radio Tumaini and so on.


Technological determinism is a reductionist theory that presumes that a society's

technology drives the development of its social structure and cultural values. The term is

believed to have been coined by Thorsten Veblen (1857-1929), an American sociologist. The

most radical technological determinist in America in the twentieth century was most likely

Clarence Ayres who was a follower of Thorstein Veblen and John Dewey. William Ogburn

was also known for his radical technological determinism.

In a matter of Communication, technology determinism means or state about the effects of

communication technology inventions from that of writing, invention of printing press,

electronic media and others to the society

According to McQuail (2000) the invention of communication technology has brought or has

influenced social changes and still does.

He stresses also that; communication technology is fundamental to the society.

Another argument is that; each technology has its impacts on media or communication

forms; Such as printing press, was and is concerned with print media. Electronic

communication technology concerns with radio, TV, mobiles and Computers. So it’s wise to

say that technology has a bias to a particular communication forms


Each of the theories discussed has its impacts; however with some weakness, for example;

Functionalism theory only looks on functions of media while ignoring the chance of who

own the message and legitimating of message.


McQuail, Denis. (2000) Mass Communication Theory, Sage Publication Ltd, London, UK.



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