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August 31, 2008 Volume 7 • Number 16

Ophthalmology Contemporary

A Biweekly Publication for Continuing Medical Education in Ophthalmology

Glaucoma Visual Field Testing Update

Sarwat Salim, MD, FACS, and Peter A. Netland, MD, PhD

Learning Objectives: After reading this lesson, the participant should be able to:
1. Describe the differences between the Swedish interactive threshold algorithm (SITA) and full-threshold strategies.
2. List the criteria used with glaucoma progression analysis to determine progressive visual field loss in patients with
3. Describe the underlying principles and clinical applications of short wavelength automated perimetry and frequency-
doubling technology perimetry.

Visual function assessment is an integral component of LD 400 (Paradigm Medical Industries), Henson Pro (Tinsley
glaucoma evaluation and management. Advances in com- Medical Instruments), Oculus Centrefield (Oculus), Med-
puter technology have allowed more sensitive and repro- mont, and Ophthimus (Hi-Tech Vision). This article concen-
ducible visual field loss detection than was possible with trates on the HFA, one of the most commonly used perime-
manual perimetry.1,2 In recent years, strategies have been ters in clinical practices.
introduced to simplify the procedure for patients and to pro-
vide results in a more timely manner. In addition, emphasis Efficient Threshold Strategies
has been placed on the early detection of glaucomatous dam- Currently, standard automated perimetry (SAP), or
age and the ability to monitor progression in order to initiate white-on-white perimetry, is the most common form of
or modify therapy, as deemed necessary. This article discuss- visual field testing performed in glaucoma practices.
es new efficient threshold strategies such as the Swedish With this procedure, achromatic stimuli of various inten-
interactive threshold algorithm (SITA) and new approaches sities are projected on a white background to determine
to identify progressive visual field loss in patients with estab- threshold sensitivity values.
lished glaucoma, including the glaucoma progression analy- Traditionally, a staircase or bracketing technique has been
sis (GPA) software for the Humphrey Field Analyzer (HFA; employed to determine the retinal threshold measurement at
Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.). New perimetric tests also are dis- each test point on both Octopus perimeter and HFA. With
cussed, including short-wavelength automated perimetry the full-threshold (FT) algorithm, a presumed suprathresh-
(SWAP) and frequency-doubling technology (FDT) perime- old stimulus is presented, and its value then is increased or
try, which are designed to detect early glaucomatous damage decreased by increments of 4 dB until the patient’s threshold
before it manifests on conventional perimetry. is crossed.3,4 The instrument then recrosses the threshold
Many types of perimeters are used for visual field test- with 2-dB steps to further refine the accuracy of the thresh-
ing, including HFA, Octopus (Haag-Streit USA), Dicon old values. Although these double-reversal threshold meas-
urements are more accurate, they add significantly to the
Dr. Salim is Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, and Dr. Netland is Siegal total testing time, taking at least 15 minutes per eye to com-
Professor of Ophthalmology, Hamilton Eye Institute, University of Tennessee plete the standard 30-2 program. In patients with glaucoma
with preexisting visual field loss, the test may be prolonged,
Health Science Center, Department of Ophthalmology, 930 Madison Avenue,
Suite 470, Memphis, TN 38163; E-mail: ssalim@utmem.edu.
The authors have disclosed that they have no significant relationships with resulting in considerable fatigue and reduced reliability. In
or financial interests in any commercial organizations pertaining to this educa-
addition, FT demonstrates significant variability with
increasing deficit depth, limiting the ability to determine
tional activity.
All faculty and staff in a position to control the content of this CME activi-
ty have disclosed that they have no financial relationships with, or financial progression in these damaged areas.5
An alternative strategy, the FASTPAC threshold program
interests in, any commercial companies pertaining to this educational activity.
Lippincott CME Institute, Inc., has identified and resolved all faculty and
staff conflicts of interest regarding this educational activity. (Humphrey), was introduced. This program determines the
The continuing education activity in Contemporary Ophthalmology is intended for ophthalmologists and other physicians
with an interest in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of ocular disorders.
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Contemporary Ophthalmology August 31, 2008

threshold with a single reversal using an itive responses are measured using “listen
increment of 3 dB. Although the FASTPAC time data,” in contrast to the use of tradi-
strategy cuts the total time in half compared tional catch trials. With this technique,

with FT, it has been reported to underesti- periods during the test when no positive
C. Stephen Foster, M.D.,

mate the severity of visual field defects.6 answers are expected are used to establish

In response to issues encountered with more accurate estimation of false-positive

Clinical Professor of

FT and FASTPAC, SITA, for use on the responses. One such period is the time

HFA II 700 series, and tendency-oriented

Harvard Medical School

interval after the stimulus onset to the min-

perimetry for use on Octopus 101 and 300
Boston, MA

imum reaction time. Positive answers dur-

series, have been developed. Both of these
Founder and President

ing this period, which lasts for 180 to 200 ms,

efficient threshold strategies reduce the
Massachusetts Eye Research

are recorded as false-positive responses.

and Surgery Institute

total testing time significantly compared The use of data from many of these peri-
Cambridge, MA

with traditional strategies, without com- ods compared with a limited number of
Founder and CEO

promising the accuracy and reliability of catch trials improves overall accuracy with
Ocular Immunology and

the data.7,8 SITA has demonstrated similar reduction in total testing time.
Uveitis Foundation

test–retest variability compared with FT.5 The SITA is available as SITA Standard
Cambridge, MA

It has been suggested that SITA may be (SS) and SITA Fast (SF), with mean test

more sensitive to early loss.4

times of 7 and 4 minutes per eye, respec-
SITA uses various approaches to obtain
Kimberly C. Sippel, M.D.*

tively. SS often is used to diagnose glauco-

Weill Cornell Ophthalmology

threshold sensitivities in a more time-effi-

ma in patients in whom it is suspected and to

cient manner. Unlike the traditional stair-

monitor progression in patients with estab-
New York, NY

case techniques using discrete intervals,

lished glaucoma, whereas SF is reserved for
stimuli used in SITA represent threshold
estimates with a high likelihood of being screening purposes in patients likely to be
Fahd Anzaar, M.D.*

seen by age-matched normal individuals. normal. SITA can be performed for the cen-
Research/Education Coordinator

Subsequent presentations of the target are tral 10-2, 24-2, and 30-2 programs (Figure
Massachusetts Eye Research

1) and the peripheral 60-4 test.

and Surgery Institution

modified depending on the patient’s initial

The single-field analysis printout for
Cambridge, MA

response.4,5 The test also is paced accord-

SITA is similar to the standard FT or FAST-
ing to the patient’s responses. SITA
repeats testing at a given point when the PAC layouts. The only exceptions are that
Yonca Akova, M.D.

reliability indices are presented as percent-

Ankara, Turkey

difference from the initial presentation is

ages rather than fractions, and short-term
Esen Akpek, M.D.

more than 12 dB, in contrast to the 4-dB

Baltimore, MD

difference used with FT. In addition, SITA fluctuation and corrected pattern standard
Richard L. Anderson, M.D.

does not involve double threshold deter- deviation values are not recorded. The
Salt Lake City, UT

minations at 10 preselected points to grayscale appears slightly lighter than tradi-

Sofia Androudi, M.D., Ph.D.

determine short-term fluctuation. All data tional strategies, and this has been attrib-
Thessaloniki, Greece

analysis is performed with StatPac statis- uted to improved sensitivity detection from
William Ayliffe, M.D.

tical software (StatPac, Inc.). reduced fatigue due to shorter test time.5,9
London, England

SITA employs a new method to estimate SF, although requiring shorter test time,
Dimitri T. Azar, M.D.
Chicago, IL

the frequency of false answers.8 False-pos- may underestimate scotomas. SS generally

Elizabeth Davis, M.D.
Bloomington, MN
Yosuf El-Shabrawi, M.D.
Graz, Austria
Arnd Heiligenhaus, M.D., Ph.D.
Dr. Foster has disclosed that he is/was the recipient of grant/research support from Allergan, Cerimon, Eyegate, Ista, Merrimack, Novartis
Munich, Germany and Sirion; is/was a consultant/advisor for Allergan, Bausch and Lomb, Eyegate, Merrimack, Novartis, Sirion, and Therakine; and is/was
Neil R. Miller, M.D. a member of the speakers bureau for Alcon, Allergan, Bausch and Lomb, Inspire, Ista, Medpointe, and Merrimack. Dr. Sippel has dis-
Baltimore, MD closed that her spouse is/was a consultant to Alcon Laboratories, OptiMedica, Jerini Ophthalmic, and Neurotech. Dr. Anzaar has disclosed
that he has no significant relationship with or financial interest in any commercial organizations pertaining to this educational activity.
Peter A. Netland, M.D., Ph.D.
Contemporary Ophthalmology (ISSN 1537-5846) is published bi-weekly by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc., 16522 Hunters
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August 31, 2008 Contemporary Ophthalmology

detect glaucoma progression and is

designed for use with the SS and
SF examinations. GPA cannot be
performed for FASTPAC, central
10-2, or SITA-SWAP tests. GPA
highlights any change from base-
line that exceeds the expected clin-
ical variability. GPA analysis is
based on visual field information
obtained from multicenter clinical
trials involving patients with glau-
coma exhibiting the full spectrum

of the disease. Statistical methods

used for this analysis of progres-
sion also were developed in clini-
cal trials. Variations observed
between different tests were used
to define the limits of expected
variability. GPA also corrects for
media opacities, enhancing the
ability to focus on localized glau-
coma damage. Once consistent and
significant change is noticed, the
Figure 1. Swedish interactive threshold algorithm (SITA) Standard Tests 24-2 (A) and 30-2 GPA provides a simple plain lan-
(B) of the same eye show a nasal defect and an inferior arcuate defect. The defects are bet- guage message, the GPA alert, to
indicate progression.
For GPA, a baseline is estab-
ter defined with SS 30-2.

is used, rather than SF, for long-term monitoring of patients lished with an average of two tests. Up to 14 follow-up
with glaucoma. tests may be compared with the baseline. If the examiner
does not choose baseline fields, the GPA automatically
Glaucoma Progression Analysis selects baseline tests, with preference for SITA tests. If
Detection of progressive visual field loss in patients FT tests are used as baseline, follow-up tests must be
with glaucoma continues to be a challenge for clinicians. either SS or SF. Once a certain number of SITA tests are
Several methods have been used to judge progression, available, a new baseline should be established with one
including point-wise comparison, glaucoma change prob- of the SITA versions and the previous baseline with FT
ability analysis (GCPA) for FT tests, various algorithms should be deleted. GPA verifies examination reliability
used in multicenter clinical trials, and analysis of global and excludes unreliable tests from analysis. GPA also
indices, such as mean deviation. 10 provides mean deviation graph and linear regression
Nouri-Mahdavi et al. compared point-wise linear regres-
11 analysis to help verify the similarity between two base-
sion, GCPA, and the Advanced Glaucoma Intervention line visual fields.
Study (AGIS) method to predict visual field progression Three types of printouts are available with GPA, includ-
using the longitudinal visual field data from AGIS. For both ing the single field analysis with GPA summary (Figure 2),
point-wise linear regression and GCPA analyses, the criteri- GPA baseline printout, and GPA follow-up printout. The
on for progression was defined as the presence of three or follow-up printout contains four columns of data for each
more test locations that demonstrated worsening. These test, including the graytone, pattern deviation, deviation
points were not necessarily contiguous, and the changes were from baseline, and progression analyses (Figure 3). The
confirmed on three consecutive visual fields. For the AGIS deviation from the baseline plot compares the pattern
criteria, progression was defined as an increment of four or deviation of a test point to the average of the pattern of
more points greater than the baseline value, with confirma- deviation values from the baseline tests. The change at
tion requiring three subsequent field tests. The authors con- each test point is recorded in dB notation. A zero value
cluded that all algorithms had low false-prediction rates and means no change from the baseline, whereas a –4 value
that different methods might be more appropriate at different indicates that the current tested point is 4 dB lower than
stages of follow-up. For example, point-wise linear regres- the pattern deviation for the same point in the baseline.
sion is sensitive to the number of points available for analy- The progression analysis plot demonstrates statistical sig-
sis; therefore, it performs well once a number of visual fields nificance of the decibel changes and uses a set of symbols to
are available for interpretation. GCPA, on the other hand, identify a point that exceeds the expected variability. A single
may predict outcomes better during early follow-up. white dot represents no change. An empty triangle indicates a
A new change analysis program, GPA, has been intro- point that has changed compared against the previous base-
duced on the HFA 700 series.12 This software helps to line test. A half-filled triangle indicates that change at that test
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Contemporary Ophthalmology August 31, 2008

age-corrected, where 100% represents

a normal visual field and 0% repre-
sents perimetric blindness. The GPI is
plotted against the patient’s age, and
the linear regression analysis of GPI
over time can assist clinicians in mon-
itoring stability or progression of the
disease. The authors compared the per-
formance of GPI with the current stan-
dard index, the mean deviation index
(MDI), and they reported that glauco-
ma progression rates calculated using
the GPI were significantly less influ-
enced by cataract and cataract surgery
compared with rates based on MDI.
The GPI and its accompanying trend
analysis graph will be a new enhance-
ment on the GPA printout.

New Perimetric Technologies

Histologic studies have shown that a
significant number of ganglion cells,
up to 50%, may be lost before visual
deficits are manifested on SAP.14,15
Because of considerable redundancy
in neural pathways and the nonselec-
tive nature of conventional perimetry,
the visual deficits may not represent
the underlying neuronal damage truly.
There is some evidence that large
diameter ganglion cells may be prefer-
entially lost in early glaucoma.15,16 An
alternative hypothesis related to
redundancy in the visual pathways
suggests that by targeting a specific set
of ganglion cells with sparse distribu-
Figure 2. Single field analysis with glaucoma progression analysis (GPA). In this field, an

tion, the sensitivity to detect early

inferior arcuate defect is present with no progression noted.

point has been documented on two consecutive tests. A filled functional loss may improve.17–19 These theories have led to
triangle indicates presence of change at that test point on three the development of new perimetric tests, such as SWAP and
consecutive tests. All triangles identify points that have FDT perimetry.
changed by an amount that is significant at the p < 0.05 level. Retinal ganglion cells have been classified into several
X indicates a point that has data out of range for analysis. types, including parvocellular, magnocellular, and konio-
When applicable, the GPA alert appears. When significant cellular.20–22 The most abundant of these are the parvocel-
change is seen in the same three or more points on two con- lular cells, constituting about 80% of total cell population.
secutive tests, the GPA interprets the pattern as “possible pro- The parvocellular pathway transmits information mostly
gression.” When significant degradation is seen in three or about color and form. The magnocellular and koniocellular
more points on three consecutive tests, the GPA interprets the cells represent the remaining 20%. The magnocellular path-
pattern as “likely progression.” These three points do not have way is responsible for transmitting information regarding
to be clustered to document progression. flicker or motion, whereas the koniocellular pathway is
Although GPA simplifies and standardizes analysis for involved with transmission of short or blue wavelength.
change in glaucomatous visual fields, its significance SWAP selectively measures the blue wavelength func-
should be interpreted in the full context of a patient’s clini- tion by using a large size (V) blue stimulus (440 nm) on a
cal situation when determining the effectiveness of an yellow background (100 cd/m2), taking advantage of the
existing therapy or a need for more aggressive intervention. known glaucoma-induced color vision deficit.23 The yel-
Bengtsson et al. introduced a new perimetric index, the
low background desensitizes the green and red cones,
glaucoma progression index (GPI), to calculate the rate of sparing blue cones. The transmission of this short wave-
glaucomatous progression. GPI is calculated based on sig- length is thought to be mediated by the koniocellular path-
nificantly depressed points in the pattern deviation probabil- ways. SWAP is available on HFA II series and Octopus 1-
ity maps and is recorded in percentage after these values are 2-3 perimeters. With the exceptions of a different color
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deviation plot, which are not influ-

enced by generalized reduction and are
more sensitive indicators of localized
glaucomatous damage.
SITASWAP adds the efficient testing
methodology of SITA to the benefits of
SWAP testing, resulting in considerable
reduction of test time (3 to 6 minutes
per eye).30,31 It is available only on the
24-2 program. SITA SWAP has its own
normative data, and in a small number
of eyes tested, it revealed less inter-
subject variability and increased
dynamic range of the procedure.
However, these results have not yet
been validated in a larger sample.
FDT perimetry uses the frequency
double illusion, in which a sinu-
soidal grating of low spatial fre-
quency (<1 cycle/degree) is coun-
terphased with a high temporal fre-
quency (>15 Hz).32 The resultant
perceptual effect of doubling is
thought to be mediated by My gan-
glion cells of the magnocellular path-
way. These cells, representing only
2% to 4% of the total ganglion cell
population, characteristically have
large axon diameters with fast con-
duction velocities and are sensitive to
motion and contrast. Recently, there
have been suggestions that doubling
percept is not only a retinal phenome-
non, and that cortical mechanisms
may also play a role.33,34
FDT has shown high sensitivity
and specificity for the detection of
Figure 3. GPA baseline and follow-up printouts. Improvement in visual field defects is

glaucomatous visual field loss.35–38

documented with learning curve. The GPA follow-up printout shows an inferior arcuate
defect with no progression.

By selecting a specific subset of gan-

stimulus and the yellow background, SWAP is essentially glion cells with reduced redundancy, it can detect damage
a static threshold perimetry in which Goldmann stimuli earlier than SAP. FDT also seems to have less test–retest
are presented in the standard manner to determine thresh- variability compared with SAP, making it more appealing
old measurements with FT algorithm. Data analysis is to monitor progressive visual loss.37 Although used pre-
performed with STATPAC, and results are printed on the dominantly for glaucoma suspects and patients with glau-
standard single-field analysis layout. coma, it can detect retinal disease and some neuro-oph-
SWAP has been found to detect early glaucomatous thalmologic disorders.39
damage in patients with ocular hypertension, glaucoma Both threshold and suprathreshold (screening) tests can
suspects, and patients with glaucoma with early to mod- be performed with FDT.32 The two threshold layouts are
erate visual field loss.24,25 It may detect loss up to 5 years denoted C-20 and N-30. There are 16 square targets (four
earlier than SAP. SWAP also has been shown to identify per quadrant) along with a central circular target centered
abnormalities in diseases other than glaucoma.26–28 over the macula (Figure 5). The N-30 program incorpo-
Several concerns have been raised with SWAP testing. It rates two additional points in the nasal field. Therefore,
demonstrates higher test–retest variability than SAP and also there are 17 target locations tested in C-20 and 19 target
is more affected by media opacities, making the test less suit- locations tested in N-30. The contrast threshold is deter-
able in patients with coexisting cataract (Figure 4).29 The mined by presenting a stimulus randomly in any of the
duration of the test is relatively long compared with SITA, testing locations by means of a specialized bracketing
which may make it less efficient in clinical practice and can procedure known as modified binary search. The FT tests
be associated with patient fatigue and frustration. When inter- take about 4 to 5 minutes per eye. On the printout, the
preting results, it has been suggested that emphasis should be threshold values are given in dB followed by the total and
placed on the glaucoma hemifield test and pattern threshold pattern deviation probability plots. Reliability indices,
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Contemporary Ophthalmology August 31, 2008

measured with the use of catch tri-

als, are listed along with global
indices at the bottom of the printout.
FDT perimeter is useful for screen-
ing programs, given its qualities of
portability, low cost, tolerance to
refractive error, and short test dura-
tion.32,38 The two screening tests are
denoted C-20-1 and C-20-5. The C-
20-1 has a high specificity, being
suitable for examining large popula-
tion of patients to reduce the number
of people falsely classified as having
an abnormal visual field. The more
sensitive C-20-5 is used to detect
early signs of glaucoma in clinical
settings. The screening test takes
about 45 to 90 seconds per eye.
FDT perimetry can be performed
with a matrix of smaller points that
can be displayed in a format familiar
to clinicians using the Humphrey
Matrix Perimeter. The current version
Figure 4. Short-wavelength automated perimetry (SWAP; A) and SS 30-2 (B) performed

of the Humphrey Matrix FDT pro-

on the same eye show diffuse reduction of sensitivity on SWAP secondary to the pres-

vides several enhancements over the

ence of concomitant cataract.

original model. It has built-in statisti-

cal analysis software and a hard drive
that allows data storage, thereby facil-
itating retrieval of fields for future
comparison. It uses smaller and an
increased number of targets, allowing
earlier detection and more accurate
progression of the visual field deficits.
With the newer target patterns, neuro-
logic deficits are also more precisely
defined. By use of the ZEST (zippy
estimation of sequential thresholds)
algorithm, which is similar to SITA
strategy of HFA, the total testing time
Figure 5. An inferior nasal defect

is reduced and is similar for patients

seen on the SITA Standard Test (A) is

with normal fields and those with

reproduced on FDT testing (B).

visual field defects. This feature con-

siderably reduces variability and
defines field defects more accurately.
The Humphrey Matrix offers five
threshold tests, including N-30-F,
24-2 FDT threshold, 30-2 FDT
threshold, the 10-2 FDT threshold,
and the Macula FDT. The N-30-F
uses the same number of test loca-
tions as the original N-30 program,
but it is more time efficient. The 24-
2 FDT and 30-2 FDT patterns test 55
and 69 points, respectively. The total
duration of the test is 5 minutes with
the 24-2 FDT and approximately 6 to
7 minutes with the 30-2 FDT.
Glaucoma hemifield analysis and
reliability indices are displayed, and
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Contemporary Ophthalmology August 31, 2008


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1. Which one of the following statements regarding threshold 6. Which one of the following statements regarding the inter-
strategies used in automated perimetry is true? pretation of GPA is false?
A. The full-threshold (FT) algorithm determines the thresh- A. A small open triangle identifies a change that was not seen
old by double reversal using 4-dB and 2-dB increments. on the previous follow-up test.
B. FASTPAC strategy determines threshold by single B. A filled triangle identifies change at p < 0.05 that is repeat-
reversal in 3-dB increments. ed in three consecutive tests
C. The Swedish interactive threshold algorithm (SITA) uses C. GPA alert appears when significant degradation is seen
the technique of visual field modeling to estimate thresh- in three or more points on two or three consecutive tests
old values by extrapolating information from adjacent test D. Three points must be clustered to satisfy the criterion
points. for progression.
D. All of the above
7. Which of the following statements regarding retinal ganglion
2. Which one of the following statements regarding SITA is false? cells is false?
A. SITA compromises the accuracy and reliability of the visu- A. There is considerable redundancy in the visual system.
al field defect by employing a “best guess” approach to B. Magnocellular cells are involved in the doubling per-
threshold estimation. cept of frequency doubling.
B. SITA strategies generally have higher values for differen- C. Parvocellular cells are sparsely distributed.
tial light sensitivity compared with traditional algorithms. D. The koniocellular pathway transmits short wavelength.
C. SITA Standard takes only half as much time as FT
8. Which of the following statements regarding SWAP is/are
D. SITA Fast takes only half as much time as FASTPAC
A. SWAP may detect visual field deficits up to 5 years earlier
than SAP by selectively targeting a subset of ganglion cells.
3. Which one of the following statements regarding SITA strat- B. SWAP uses a yellow background to allow adaptation of
egy is false? long and medium wavelength mechanisms.
A. SITA can be used for short-wavelength automated perime- C. SWAP is more affected by ocular media opacities than SAP.
try (SWAP) testing. D. All of the above
B. SITA is available only for central 24-2 and 30-2 programs.
9. Which one of the following statements regarding frequency-
C. SITA does not calculate short-term fluctuation.
doubling technology (FDT) is false?
D. SITA is available only on HFA II.
A. FDT is more affected by inherent and acquired color vision
4. Which one of the following statements regarding glaucoma deficits than SWAP.
progression analysis (GPA) is false? B. FDT demonstrates less test–retest variability compared
A. GPA simplifies analysis to document change in glauco- with standard automated perimetry (SAP).
matous visual fields. C. FDT is a faster procedure than SWAP.
B. GPA uses data of expected range of variability from D. FDT poorly defines hemianopic defects compared with
established patients with glaucoma. SAP.
C. GPA provides simple plain-language alert.
10. Which one of the following statements regarding FDT is true?
D. GPA does not correct for media opacities.
A. Only screening tests can be performed.
5. Which one of the following statements regarding GPA is true? B. Reliability indices are omitted given its short test duration.
A. Only FTs can be used for baseline tests. C. FDT is more resilient to refractive error compared with SAP.
B. Only SITA versions can be used for follow-up tests. D. FDT utilizes the parvocellular pathway sensitive to color
C. GPA does not verify unreliable tests. and form.
D. GPA can be used with the SITA-SWAP test.

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