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Chapter -1

Introduction of Brazil
& Paulo Coelho
Life & Works
The word vision is come from the Latin language which means sight
or to see. It has another meaning that is a vivid mental image or a prophetic
vision visionless 1. The meaning of vision is the perceptual experience of
seeing; we say like that “he had a visual sensation of intense light” and
Popular imagination created a world of demons. Vision appears in the religious
mystical experience of a supernatural appearance.Dream vision or dream
allegory, a kind of narrative usually in verse in which the Narrator falls
asleep and dreams the events of the tale.
The dream vision was favored by medieval poets of 13th century Roman
De La Rose by the French poets Guillaume De Lorrls And Jean De Meung.
In English, Chaucer devoted much of his early work to dream visions,
including the parlement of foules, while langland wrote the more substantial
Piers Plowman; another fine 14th century example is the anonymous poem
Pearl. A dream vision is a literary genre, literary device or literary convention.
In the dream there is usually a guide, who imparts knowledge that the dreamer
could not have learned other wise. After waking, the narrator usually resolves
to share this knowledge with other people.
The dream-vision convention was widely used in European Literature
from late latin times until the fifteenth century in French Guillaume De
Lorris And Jean De Meun, Roman De La Rose, also translated into middle
English By Geoffrey Chaucermarie De France, The Legend OfThe Purgatory
OfSt. Patrick. In Italian literature vision is used by Dante Alighieri, in the
divine comedy exemplifies the conventions of dream-vision literature, though
Dante specifically says that his comedy is not a dream vision. In old English
Bede, vision of crycthel manonymous, The dream of the Rood ,The Guide
in Dream of the Rood is the Cross on which christ was crucified. In middle
English Geoffrey chancer has used it in Legend OfGood Women, House Of
Fame, Book Of The Duchess, and Parliament Of Fowls . Fiction is an
imagined story, whether in prose, poetry, or drama. The important thing to
remember is that writers embellish, embroider and alter actual life when
they use real life as the basis for their work. They fictionalize facts, and
deviate from real-life situations as they make things .
History Of Brazil And Its Literary Achievement:
Brazilian literature was bom of the meeting of some factors like
politicians, ideological and historical. So that Brazilian literature if firmed
occurred a paradigm in addition. The letter of pero vaz de caminha
represented a landmark in the literature made in Brazil. Through this letter
they had the first impressions on the country. Up to 1627'literature was
called literature of information. In this type of literature it had the description
of the life of the Indians and its customs. The tonic of informative literature
was the found concern with the gold and precious rocks in the country.
The literature made for the Jesuits also was significance. He used in its
workmanships the Portuguese and tupi. Already we see in the literary career
of Gil Vicente the first document of the Portuguese theater. The files of legal
documents in Brazil showed of alegorica and historical form the Brazilian
scenes here. In 17th century it had a growth of the historiografia in Brazil
appearing studious poets and on Geographic areas of the country. It still had
thus a valuation of the informative and referencial character if basing on the
presence of the European culture in Brazil.3.
Etymologically the word Brazil comes from Brazil wood a tree that
once grew plentifully along the Brazilian coase. Through the 16th century,
massive amounts of Brazilwood were harvested by indigenous peoples
(mostly tupi) along the Brazilian coast, who sold the timber to European
traders (mostly Portuguese, but also french) in return for asinsorted European

consumer goods.The official name of the land was the “land of the holy
cross” but European sailors and merchants commonly called it simply the
“land of Brazil” (terra do brasil) on account of the Brazilwood trade. In the
Guarani Language, an official language of paraguay, Brazil is called
“pindorama”. This was the name the natives gave to the region, meaning
“land of the palm trees”. Portuguese colonization period the first Christian
mass was in 1500 on the arrival of the Portuguese fleet commanded by
Pedro Alvares Cabral.
The Portuguese encountered stone age natives divided into several tribes
most spoke languages of the tupi Gurrani Family. In 1534, when King
Domjoao lii of portugal divided the territory into twelve hereditary
captaincies, but this arrangement proved problematic and in 1549 the king
assigned a governor-general to administer the entire colony. The Portuguese
assimilated some of the native tribes while others were enslaved or
exterminated in long wars or by European diseases to which they had no
immunity. In 1808, the Portuguese royal family and the majority of the
Portuguese nobility, fleeing the troops of the french Emperor I that were
invading portugal and most of central Europe, established themselves in the
city of Rio De Janeiro, which thus became the seat of the entire Portuguese
empire. In 1815 Dom Joao Vi, then regent on behalf of his incapacitated
mother elevated Brazil from colony to sovereign kingdom united with
portugal.Independence and empire of Brazil by the later emperor Dom Pedro
I On 1822 . It is the world fifth largest country both by the geographical and
population.it is the largest protuguese speaking country in the world. It is
bordered on the north by Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and the french
overseas region of french Guiana; on the northwest by Colombia; on the
west by Bolivia and Peru; on the southwest by argentina and paraguay and
on the south by Uruguay. It borders all other south American cories except

ecuador and chile, Brazil was a colony of portugal from the landing of pedro
alvares cabral in 1500 until 1815, when it was elevated to the rank of kingdom
and the united kingdom of portugal, Brazil and the algarves was formed.
Independence was achieved in 1822 with the formation of the empire of
Brazil. The country became a presidential republic in 1889.
Brazilian’s literature refers to literature written in the Portuguese
languages by Brazilians or in Brazil, even ifprevious to Brazil’s independence
from portugal, in 1822. Throughout the 20th century Brazilian literature
progressively changed.In colonial period literature of Brazil began in the
16th century, the first document that might be considered Brazilian literature
is the Carta De Pero Vaz De Caminha (pero vaz de caminha’s letter),
which illustrate the wonders of the new land. The next two centuries the
literary creation was controlled by journals of travelers and descriptive
treatises on “Portuguese America’Miterary example was Jose Basilio Da
Gama s, who wrote epic poem commemorating the conquest of the missions
by the Portuguese.
In the late 17th century, the first native Brazilian writer appeared
Gregorio De Matos Guerra, who created a considerable amount of satirical,
religious or secular poetry-18th century, neoclassicism was extensive. The
literature was often created by associates of temporary or semi-permanent
academies and most of the content was in the pastoral genre.The most
significant poets Were Claudio ManoelDa Costa, Tomas Antdnio Gonzaga,
Indcio Jose DeAlvarenga PeixotoAnd ManuelIndcio Da Silva Alvarenga,
all them implicated in an insurrection against the colonial power.
Romanticism rise in Brazilian poetry on a great range, in 1836,
predominantly through the efforts of the expatriate poet Domigos Jose
Gonsalves De Magalhaes.This first romantic generation was characterized
by its exaggerated affect, nationalism, celebration of nature and the first

introduction of colloquial language. In this period the Brazilian literature
created some of the initial standard works. Some novelists like Joaquim
Manuel De Macedo, Manuel Antonio De Almeida And Jose De Alencar
published their productions the newspapers and became national celebrities.
The romantic genre soon became very popular.The second romantic
generation, started around 1850, and was centered in morbidity and death.
The two movements coincided in one of the most significant achievements
of the romantic period: the establishment of a Brazilian national identity
founded on Indian Ancestry and the wealthy nature of the country.The two
main Brazilian romantic poets were Antonio Gonsalves Dias, who exalted
the native people and the native soil, and Antonio De Castro Alves, an
organizer in the fight for the abolition of slavery. He initiated a new dimension
into the emerging Brazilianism.
REALISM: In the middle of the 19th century, a new type of prose
writing appeared with a series of social transformations including analysis
of the native people and narrative of the environment, in the authors such as
Franklin Tdvora And Jodo Simoes Lopes Neto., but it took on unusual
significance became of Machado De Assls And Euclides Da Cunha.
PRE-MODERNISM: The Period Between 1895 an 1922, there is no
clear dominance of any style; there are some early demonstrations of
modernism. Some authors of show a distinctly modem nature of
contemporary. Brazilian literature is centered on city life and all its features:
loneliness, hostility, political problems and media control. Some writers such
as Rubem Fonseca, Sergio Sant’anna have written significant books with
these subjects in the 70s, breaking new land in Brazilian literature, up until
then generally having dealt with rural life.some poets such as Ferreira Collar
And Manoel De Barros are the most celebrated in Brazil; the former had
been nominated for the Nobel Prize.Other writer is Paulo coelho, he is the

all time the best-selling Portuguese language author:.Another author of
importance is Joyce Cavalcante, who appeared in the 1990s as a writer
able to communicate the experience of women in modem Brazil as well as
the enduring social problems of the north east.
Brazilian literature:
Brazil has a rich literature tradition stretching fxomMachadoDeAssis,
Clarice Lispector And Jorge Amado To The Modem Day Writers Paulo
Coelho, Chico Buarque And Luiz Alfredo Garcia-Roza. Brazilian
literature encompasses oftypes of fiction from the vivid, lyrical and colourful
stories of Jorge Amado to the Magical Realism and mysticism of Paulo
coelho to the “female kafka” clarice lispector. Brazilian literature is written
in the Portuguese language by Brazilian or Brazil its independence from
protugal in 1822. It was shifted in different mode in 20th century. In colonial
period the first extant document that might be considered Brazilian literature
is the Carta De Pero Vaz De Caminha (pero vaz de caminha’s letter). It is
written by Pero Vaz De Caminha To Manuel I Of Portugal, which contains
a description of what Brazil looked like in 1500.
The key features of the literature are exaggerated affect, nationalism,
celebration of nature and the initial introduction of colloquial language.
Romantic literature soon became very popular. Novelists like Joaquim
Manuel De Macedo, Manuel Antdnio De Almeida And Jose De Alencar
published their works in serial form in the newspapers and became national
celebrities. At the same time, poets such as Castro Alves, who wrote of the
horrors of slavery {navio negreird), began writing works with a specific
progressive social agenda. The two trends coincided in one of the most
important accomplishments of the romantic era the establishment of a
Brazilian national identity based on Indian ancestry and the rich nature of

the country. The consolidation of this sub-genre (indigenism) is found in
two famous novels by Jose De Alencar.

Realism started in Brazil by die decline of romanticism along with a series

of social transformation occurred in the middle of the 19 century. Prose
form emerged authors such as Franklin Tavora And Joao Simoes Lopes
Neto. Under the influence of naturalism and of writers like Emile Zola,
Aludio Azevedo wrote about social classes.Machado De Assis (1839-
1908 ) the most important writer of Braziliam realism. In his early career he
wrote several best selling novels including^ Mao EA LuvaAndResurreicao
which despite their over zealous romanticism already show his vivacious
humour and some of his pessimism toward the conventions of society.
Pre-modernism The period between 1895 and 1922 is called pre-
modernism by Brazilian scholars because, though there is no clear
predominance of any style, there are some early manifestations ofmodernism.
The pre-modem era is curious, as The French School OfSymbolism d\d not
catch on and most authors of realism still maintained their earlier styles and
their reputations {including Machado de assis and poet Olavo bilac).
Modernism began in Brazil with the week of modem art, in 1922 by Mario
De Andrade, Oswald De Andrade, Manuel Bandeira, Cassiano Ricardo
and others. Some new movements such as surrealism were already important in
Europe, and began to take hold in Brazil during this periodMario De Andrade
was bom in sao Paulo.
He researched Brazilian folklore and folk music and used it in his books,
avoiding the European style. His Brazilian anti-hero is macunaima, a product of
ethnical and cultural mixture. Oswald de andrade another participant in the
week of modem art in 1922, worked as a journalist in sao Paulo. Bom into a
wealthy family, he travelled to Europe several times. Of the generation of 1922,
Oswald De Andrade best represents the rebellious characteristics of the

modernist movement. He is the author of the manifesto antrbpofago (cannibal
manifesto) (1927), in which he says it is necessary that Brazil, like a cannibal,
eat foreign culture and, in digestion, create its own culture.
Post-modernism defined experimentalism in language and an enhanced
social consciousness, or a mix between the two as was the case with Osvald
De Andrade, who was briefly attracted towards the communist movement
Brazilian Literature, both colonial and national, as it reflects the vast variety
of ethnic backgrounds present in that nation, developing in tandem with
other latin-American literatures to produce a body of work that reflects the
diversity of its origins.
Literature of Brazil began with the development of a Brazilian national
identity and culture .Brazilian literature can be divided into two major periods:
colonial and national. Comprised ofnative Indians, white European settlers,
and a large black population, mostly brought to Brazil as slave labor, Brazil
provides a varied cultural background for its indigenous literature, which
often reflects the ethnic background of its writers. Colonized by portugal in
the mid-1500s, the country adopted Portuguese as the language of common
discourse, and most colonial literature was composed in this
language.Brazilian colonial literature largely focused on Historical And
Geographical Issues, often telling stories of the Portuguese conquest, the
wars fought by various native peoples, and the explorations of the Brazilian
interior in epic narratives. In addition to narratives of war and explorations,
many Jesuit missionaries also contributed to the body of Brazilian writing.
Although colonial subjects continued to be a significant part of Brazilian
literary activity in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, there was
simultaneous development of writing that was concerned with more
nationalistic subjects. In the late-nineteenth century, with the advent of such
authors as Jorge De Lima, Carlos Drummond DeAndradey And Joaquim

Maria Machado DeAssis. Brazilian literature shifted focus, becoming more
concerned with local and nationalist themes. With the works of novelist
Mario De Andrade, Brazilian literature moved from the realm of romanticism
and naturalism, with its focus on social and realistic themes, to experiments
in language and folklore. In the twentieth century, authors such as Jorge
Amado And Clarice Lispector, as well as a variety of others, continued
the focus on Brazilian history and culture in their works.
One of the most enduring themes of Brazilian literature and most other
Latin American writing as well, has been the issue ofnational identity. Like
many other south American nations, Brazil’s colonization and resulting
oppression and inequities have had a deep impact on Brazilian writing. After
gaining independence from portugal in the early 1820s, Brazil was governed
by some form of monarchy until the 1930s, when a Brazilian republic was
established under the leadership of Getulio Vargas. The next major change
in the Brazilian literary scene occurred in the 1930s, following the Brazilian
revolution of 1930. Conflict between the country’s colonial and European
past, emerging sense of nationalism, the struggle between modernism and
technology versus the traditionally powerful sectors of the country, and the
imbalance of power between society and state, all affected the literature
produced during this time.
Modernist writing in Brazil is characterized by a break from traditional
forms of writing, and is reflective of the struggle between the
cosmopolitanism of pre-revolutionary, culturally and nationally conscious
Brazil following the revolution. This tension is reflected in the works of
such authors as Carlos Drummond De Andrade. The modernist movement
was given even further impetus by president vargas’s call to. Brazilian
intellectuals to integrate and address issues of everyday reality in their works
and thus participate actively in the act of nation-building. In the mid-1940s,

Brazilian modernism was being slowly'replaced by a new generation of
poets and writers known for their innovative poetry and prose, writers such
as Amado, Lispector, De Lima, and De Melo Neto have brought new
perspectives to Brazilian literature. Influenced by experimental techniques
in the works of many french and American novelists, Brazilian writers have
continued to merge a distinctly latin American point of view with issues that
have universal appeal. Portuguese royal family has transferred to Brazil and
it was with the spriti of the incipient European romantic movement. The
writers of Brazil began to emphasize individual freedom, subjectivism and
a concern for social issues. Brazil independence from portugal romantic
literature expanded to exalt the uniqueness of Brazil tropics and its Indians
concern for the Afrucanslaves and to description of urban activites.
Some of the best known literature figures of the romantic period were
poets, such as Castro Alves (1847-1871) who wrote about Afrucanslaves
and Gongalves Dias (1823-1864) who wrote about Indians. ManuelAntonio
De Almeida (1831-1861) is credited with initiating picaresque literature in
Brazil. Jose de alencar (1829-1877) wrote a number of popular novels
including iracema about Indians, O Guarani a historical novel, and novels
on regional, social, and urban affairs. Machado de assls became greates
Brazilian writer of the nineteenth century because of its universality of his
novels and essays .His works encompassed both the romantic style and
realism as exemplified in Europe by Emile Zola and the protuguese novelist.
The prose of Eulides Da Dcunha1866-1908 was portrayed social
realities. His famous work rebellion in the baclands about to revolt in the
north east led by a religious fanatic was published in 1902. At the turn of the
century the Brazilian literary imagination was drawn to symbolism,
represented by poets Cruz E Souza (1861-1893) And Alphonsus De
Guimaraes (1870-1921), The symbolists were interested in mysticism and

used metaphor and allegory to express their ideas. In the twentieth centuries

an innovative state of mind of Brazilian artists celebration of modem art in

sao Paulo .Oswald De Andrade (1890-1953) wrote a collection of poems
entitled pau-brasil which evaluated Brazilian culture, superstitions, and family
life in simple language, economically, and, for the first time in Brazilian
poetry, with humour. The transition to a more spontaneous literary approach
is represented by poets Carlos Drummond De Andrade (1902-1987), who
used irony to dissect the customs of the time, Manuel Bandeira (1886-
1968), who built language associations around proverbs and popular
expressions. Bandeira wanted his last poem to be eternal, saying the simplest
and least intentional things.The modem Brazilian novel took on a new shape
and social content after Jose America De Almeida (L887-L969)wrote a
bagaceira, a pioneer story about the harsh conditions of life in the backward
northeast. He was followed by Jorge Amado (1902- ), Graciliano Ramos
(1892-1953), Jose Lins Do Riga (1901-1957% And Rachel De Queiroz
(1910- ), all noted for the power of their images in evoking the problems
and hard ships of life in the northeast region where they were bora.
Jorge Amado’s First Novels, Translated into 33 languages, were heavily
influenced by his belief in marxist ideas and concentrated on the sufferings
ofworkers on the cocoa plantations of his homestate of bahia and on humble
fishermen at seaside villages. In the 1950’s he opted for a more jovial
approach to the joys and sorrows of the middle classes of bahia, producing
a succession of books which have received worldwide acclaim. There are
many other noteworthy Brazilian writers. Gilberto Freyre (1900-1987), a
master of style and a pioneer of the new school of Brazilian sociologists, is
the author oicasa grande &senzala (the masters and the slaves) a perceptive
study of Brazilian society. His publication of Gabriela Cravo E Canela he
leaves his political party and begins the practice of a literature. The bahian

novelist introduced the socialist realism in Brazilian literature also known
as zdanovism, formula of literary confection to preach the communist ideal,
conceived by the Russian writers Maksim Gorky. In the countries where
he was translated, Amado is seen as a writer who does Brazilian literature,
but in reality he was obeying an awkward formula, more propagandists
than aesthetic, produced by theorists from moscow. In a historia da
inteligencia brasileira (history of the Brazilian intelligence) wilson martins
clearly translates the characteristics of the new genre.Wilson Martins
continues in detail a listing of other stereotypes used in this kind of novel,
among them the police, the notary public, the leaseholder, the governor, the
plantation owner, the peasant.
Paulo coelho was bom in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. He attended a Jesuit
school. As a teenager, coelho wanted to become a writer. Upon telling his
mother this, she responded with my dear, your father is an engineer. He’s a
logical, reasonable man with a very clear vision of the world. At his parents’
wishes, coelho enrolled in law school and abandoned his dream ofbecoming
a writer. One year later, he dropped out and lived life as a hippie, traveling
through South America, North africa, Mexico, and Europe and becoming
immersed in the dmg culture of the 1960s. Upon his return to Brazil, coelho
worked as a songwriter, composing lyrics for elis regina, rita lee, and Brazilian
iconraul seixas. Composing with raul led to Paulo being associated with
satanism and occultism, due to the content of some songs. In 1974, coelho
was arrested for “subversive” activities by the mling military government,
who had taken power ten years earlier and viewed his lyrics as left-wing and
dangerous. Coelho also worked as an actor, journalist, and theatre director
before pursuing his writing career. In 1982 coelho published his first book,
Hell Archives, which foiled to make any kind of impact. 1986 he contributed
to the Practical Manual Of Vampirism; although he Later tried to take it off
the shelves since he considered it .After making the Pilgrimage to Santiago
de compostela in 1986, coelho wrote the Pilgrimage. The Alchemist has

gone on to sell tnore than 65 million copies, becoming one of the best­
selling books in history, and has been translated into more than 70 languages,
the 71st being Since the publication of the Alchemist, coelho has generally
written one novel every two years including By The River Piedra I Sat
Down And Wept, The Fifth Mountain, Veronika Decides To Die, The
Devil and Miss Prym, Eleven Minutes, Like The Flowing River, The
Valkyries And The Witch Of Portobello. In total, coelho has published 29
books. Two ofthem Thq Pilgrimage And The Valkyries are autobiographical,
while the majority of the rest are fictional, although rooted in his life
experiences. Others, like Maktub And The Manual Of The Warrior Of
Light, are collections of essays, newspaper columns, or selected teachings.
He traveled throughout South America, North Africa, Mexico, and Europe.
Returning to Brazil after two years, he began a prosperous career as a popular
In 1974 he was incarcerated for a short time by the military dictatorship
then ruling in Brazil. In 1986, he experienced one of the most important
moments of his life: he walked the road of Santiago de compostela in
northwestern Spain and later to be documented in his book the
Pilgrimage.Paulo coelho is considered the best-selling Portuguese language
author; after Gabriel Garcia Marquez, he is the latin America’s most
read novelist.
His books have emerged on bestseller records in countries not only in
Brazil but in the Uk, The United States, France, Germany, Iran, Canada,
Italy, Israel, Finland, Serbia, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Russia, Cuba, and
Poland And Lithuania. Coelho’s more recent productions, such as Veronika
Decides To Die, The Fifth Mountain, are more refined than the new-age
spiritual fables with which he was done acquaintance in the mid-1990s,
such as the Alchemist and the Pilgrimage. He has received several literary
prizes from a diversity of countries.
Coelho’s Most Important Works :
• The Winner Is Alone (2008)

• The Wizard, Fernando Morais (2008)
• The Witch Of Portobello (2006)
• Like The Flowing River (2006)
• The Zahir (2005) -
• Eleven Minutes (2003)
• Children And Grandchildren (2001)
• The Devil and Miss Prym (2000)
• Veronika Decides To Die (1998)
• The Manual Of The Warrior Of Light (1997)
• Love Letters From A Prophet (1997)
• The Fifth Mountain (1996)
• By The River Piedra I Sat Down And Wept (1994)
• Maktub (1994)
• The Valkyries (1992)
• Dom Supremo: The Greatest Gift (1991)
• Brida(1990)
• The Alchemist (1988)
• The Pilgrimage (O Diario De Um Mago)(1987)
Wear > English title

■ 1974 ■ O manifesto de krig-ha ■ The manifest of krig-ha

■ 1974 ■ Teatro da educate ■ Theater for education

■ 1982 ■ Arquivos do inferno ■ Hell archives

■ O manual pratico do ■ Practical manual of

- 1986
vampirismo vampirism

■ 1987 ■ O diario de um mago ■ The pilgrimage

■ 1988 ■ O alquimista ■ The alchemist

■ 1990 ■ Brida ■ Brida

■ 1991 ■ 0 dom supremo ■ The greatest gift

■ 1992 ■ As valkirias ■ The valkyries

■ Maktub ■ Maktub

■ 1994 ■ Na margem do rio

■ By the river piedra i sat down and
piedra eu sentei e
■ 1996 ■ O monte cinco ■ The fifth mountain
■ Letras do amor de
■ Love letters from a prophet
■ 1997
■ Manual do
■ The manual of the warrior of light
guerreiro da luz
■ Veronika decide
■ Veronika decides to die
■ 1998
■ Palavras
■ Essential words
■- O demonio e a
■ 2000 ■ The devil and miss prym
srta prym
■ Historias para
■ 2001 pais, filhos e ■ Fathers, sons and grandsons
■ 2003 ■ Onze minutes ■ Eleven minutes
■ And on the seventh day (collection
of the novels by the river piedra i
■ E no setimo dia sat down and wept, veronika
decides to die and the devil and
■ 2004 miss prym)
■ O genio e as rosas ■ The genie and the roses

■ Viagens ■ Journeys

■ OZahir ■ Thezahir

■ 2005 ■ Caminhos
■ Revived paths

■ Ser comb um rio

■ Like the flowing river
que flui
■ 2006
■ A bruxa de
■ The witch of portobello

■ Vida: citapoes
■ 2007 ■ Life: selected quotations

- 2008 ■ O vencedor esta so ■ The winner stands alone

■ The aleph (published in brasil and

■ 2010 ■ O aleph turkey, to be released worldwide
in 2011)

In the selected novels of Paulo Coelho there is a Vision of life giving

importance to the human values such as religion, love, spirituality, faith in
ourrself. Paulo coelho writes his novels with strong universal themes that
come down to basic questions that human are often asking various problems
in life. While the themes of his novels vary from story to story, strong
patterns can be found throughout a collection of his works. Central themes
of love, religion, as well as the timeless good versus evil are some obvious
topics that make coelho’s novels cohesive with one another. Coelho through
the narrator of his novel By The River Piedra I Sat Down And Wept is a
novel of forgiveness, and it proves to be so. However, in essence it is really
about the power of love, and provides an experience and description of this
emotion of passion. Coelho describes love as something that is always new
it can consign us to hell or to paradise but it always takes us somewhere.
Coelho ’s ability to turn the experience of love into a journey of sorts. Love
is also described as the substance that “nourishes our existence” and gives
us courage to “pluck the fruit from the branches of the tree of life.” In this
novel, love comes to life in the story and its characters as they learn that “the
moment we begin to seek love, love begins to seek us.” This assertion
personifies love, as well as supports the theme that love is something we
seek to find, and in that search we must journey through experiences in our
lives that bring us closer to what we desire. Again in the Alchemist, coelho
refers to love, but this time as a means ofcommunication, "the most important
part ofthe language that the entire world spoke the language that everyone
on earth was capable of understanding in their heart. ”
In contrast to coelho’s definition of love as “always new,” he calls it
“something older than humanity, more ancient than the desert. Combining
the similar with the dissimilar in multiple novels ofthis author, love becomes
not only a powerful emotion, but also an infinite journey that existed before
time itself, and continues on into the future of humanity.Another strong
theme that coelho appears to include in his writing is the battle between
good and evil which is represented in The Devil and The Miss Prym. In
many well-known fairy tales, as well as classic fiction and even modem
screenplays, Good And Evil seems to be present almost constantly.
In The Devil and Miss Prym, coelho explores this theme by getting
an inside look at a small community that faces the temptation of evil while
being influenced by greed and fear. In her battle that she faces with an angel
and a devil at her side, she learns to overcome her evil tendencies, and choose
the best side of herself. By The River Piedra I Sat Down And Wept, the
main character struggles to release her from the influence of “the other,”
which is the representation of temptation and evil. In this novel pilar must
free her from “the other” and listen to her heart instead. Coelho defines this
evil part of ourselves as “the other,” and explains it through the dialogue of
a stranger: “In the context of the novel, it becomes apparent throughout
pilar’s experiences that she possesses the power to loosen “the other’s” grip

on her life and choose the path towards a better future. These examples
illustrate coelho’s strong theme of humanity’s power to overcome evil.
He has portrayed the picture of Strong references to a supreme power,
great divine, Allah, and God, among other names for a higher power, is also
present in many of coelho’s novels. It would not be unfounded to assume
that coelho writes with the conviction of one who aspires to understand and
communicate with such a divine world, and it is apparent in the works he
produces. In the Alchemist, the universe is discussed frequently; it influences
every person’s journey toward their “personal legend” and works with them
every step of the way to prepare them for their future. In The Devil and
Miss Prym we see the role of the priest in a tight-knit community, as well as
the role that the saints play in the everyday lives of the villagers. This display
of religion connects the novel’s other chief themes to the idea of a God
providing a lens through which we can look and see with a different
The theme of religion is also extremely relevant in coelho’s By The
River Piedra I Sat Down And Wept as the characters of the novel explore
the feminine side of God. Since the man of the story went to seminary,
readers get a glimpse into the religious life of a man who broke down barriers
in the religious world and taught others of the healing power of God. All
these allusions to a great divinity are a common theme throughout many of
coelho’s novels, suggesting perhaps a greater meaning behind the words
themselves that make up each individual story.As we can see consistently
through the works of Paulo coelho, fundamental questions and themes
surrounding humanity itself are regular subject matter for this author. The
universality of his writing is evident in the types of messages and the
suggestions given by the visionary poit of view.
His first novel was “The Pilgrimage” In 1986, Paulo coelho sets out for

the Pilgrimage towards Santiago de Compostela. “In those days- -Says the
author- my spiritual quest was linked to the idea that there were secrets,
mysterious ways, and people capable of understanding and controlling things
which would be unavailable to most mortals. And Paulo is transformed for
ever as he learns to understand the nature of truth through the simplicity of
life. He learns that the extraordinary is always found in the way of the
common people. As a writer, he devotes himself to show, in a plain and fluid
style, the richness of our inner reality with the intention of sharing his
experiences with all of us. Thus, the Pilgrimage has a very important place
in the work, not just because it is the first of his major books, after which
came the Alchemist, but because of the complete way in which it expresses
the humanity of Paulo’s philosophy and the depth of his search.
His another book whose copies sold around the world “The Alchemist
in 1988”the book that makes the world dream.’when you want something,
the whole universe conspires to help you realize your dream.’’Santiago, the
hero ofthe novel, already forms part of a select gallery of illustrious characters
and leads us through his story to experience a remarkable adventure of
Santiago and pursuing his dream in life to find a hidden treasure.
Brida In 1990"in Brida, third novel which the story of a young woman
that dives into sorcery and experiences with different magical traditions.
There are many themes that are dear to me, such as the great mother, pagan
religions and the perceptions of love. As written on the book, “the noblest
thing a human being can experience is acceptance of the mystery. The world
is accepting more and more the mystery and the story of this young woman
today.” This is the story of Brida, a beautiful young irish girl, and her quest
for knowledge. On her journey she meets a wise man who teaches her about
overcoming her fears, and a woman who teaches her how to dance to the
hidden music of the world.She struggles to find a balance between her

relationships and'her desire to transform herself. Brida is a moving tale of
love, mystery and courage, of the the spiritual side of eros and the erotic side
of spirituality.
O Dom Supremo: The Greatest Gift In 1991 based on the book “the
greatest thing in the world”, in which the priest henry dmmmond discourses
on a section of st. Paul’s letter to the corinthians.The valkyries In 1992Paulo
coelho faces in this story of his confrontation with his past. ‘The valkyries’
is a compelling account of his journey, as Paulo and his wife embark on a
forty day quest into the searing heat of the mojave desert, where they
encounter ‘the valkyries’, strange warrior women who travel the desert on
motorcycles. This is not only a modem day adventure; it is also an exploration
of one man’s battle with self doubt and fear, as well as a true story of two
people striving to understand one another through adversity. Ultimately, ‘the
valkyries ’ delivers a powerful message about forgiving our past and believing
in our future.
Maktub in 1994 maktub is a collection of stories, parabolas that don’t pretend
to constitute an apprenticeship but offer a coloured treasure of fragmented
wisdom from different cultures. Those short stories, inspired to the writer
by vary different sources and folklores, were bom from Paulo coelho’s
collaboration with the daily folha de sao Paulo. Coelho selected texts
published between June 1993 and June 1994, to offer readers around the
world this maktub, which deepends through the prism of a universal mosaic
of oral tradition. According to Paulo coelho himself, “maktub is not an advice
book, but an exchange of experiences”, an excellent occasion to reflect and
meet one again.
By The River Piedra I Sat Down And Wept In 1994 in all stories of love
there is always something that moves us closer to eternity and the essence of
life because the stories of love hold within all the secrets in the world. What

happens When, 11 years later, destiny brings the lovers together again. In the
meantime, life has taught her to be strong and to hide her feelings. As for
him, he is now a handsome spiritual teacher with a reputation for performing
miracles who has turned to religion as a refuge from his inner conflicts.
But By The River Piedra, in a small village in the french Pyrenees, they
find a way to discuss many of life’s big questions and re-evaluate their won
special relationship.By The River Piedra is a wonderful novel, with a poetic
and transcendent narrative, that reflects all the mysteries of love and life.The
Fifth Mountain in 1996"there are inevitable moments of misfortune which
interrupt our lives..The story of the prophet Elijah is an invaluable lesson of
hope for the contemporary man. To what point can we predict our own
destiny. This is the question that hangs in the air over The Fifth Mountain,
and every one of us has tried to grasp it. evoking all the drama and intrigue
of the colourful, chaotic world of the middle east, Paulo coelho turns the
trials of Elijah into an intensely moving and inspiring story one that powerfully
brings out the universal themes of how faith and love can ultimately triumph
Love letters from a prophet in 1997 our perception of life is influenced
with the tradition and standards which are considered correct. The big challenge
is to discover our authentic self, by asking questions and searching for answers.
The work of Kahlil Gibran has helped many of the ones who are searching for
these questions and enjoying the adventure of personal discovery. But where
the kindness of soul ofKahlil Gibran is revealed is in his letters to mary haskell,
a great love of his life. Aiming to uncover the man who stands behind the
prophet, Paulo coelho, the author of the Alchemist, has compiled a part of this
intimate correspondence. In it, gibran reveals an internal world of pain and
laughter which served as the force for the inspiration of his beautiful work.
The Mammal Of The Warrior of Light in 1997 presents a collection

ofphilosophical thoughts and stories that will delight seekers everywhere. A
warrior of the light does not spend his days trying to play the role that others
have chosen for him. A warrior of the light does not waste his time listening
to provocations; he has a destiny to fulfil. A warrior of the light knows his
own faults, but he also knows his own qualities. A warrior ofthe light always
does his best and expects the best of others. A warrior knows that the farthest-
flung star in the universe reveals itself in the things around him. The manual
of the warrior of the light is an invitation to each of us to live our dream, to
embrace the uncertainty of life, and to rise to meet our own unique destiny.
In his inimitable style, Paulo coelho helps us to discover the warrior of the
light within each of us. With inspiring short passages, we are invited to
embark upon the way of the warrior the one who appreciates the miracle of
being alive the one who accepts failure and the one whose quest leads him
to become the person he wants to be.
Veronica Decides to Die in 1998 veronika seems to have everything
she could wish for. She goes to popular night spots, she meets and dates
attractive young men and yet she’s not happy. Something is lacking in her
life. That’s why, in the morning of 11th november 1997, veronika decides to
die. After taking an overdose, veronika is told she has only a few days to
live. This story follows veronika through these intense days as to her surprise,
she finds herself drawn into the enclosed world of the local hospital she is
staying in. In this heightened state she discovers things she has never really
allowed herself to feel before: hatred, fear, curiosity, love - even sexual
awakening. Her experiences lead her gradually to realise that every second
of her existence is a choice between living and dying. Paulo coelho’s new
book is about those who do not fit into patterns considered normal by society.
It is about madness and the need to find an alternative way of living for

people who frequently have to face other people’s prejudices because they
think in a different way.
The Devil and Miss Prym in 2000 a community devoured by greed,
cowardice and fear. A man persecuted by the ghosts of his painful past. A
young woman searching for happiness. In one eventful week, each of them
will face questions of life, death and power, and each of them will have to
choose their own path. The remote village of viscos is the setting for this
extraordinary struggle. A stranger arrives, carrying with him a backpack
containing a notebook and eleven gold bars. He comes searching for the
answer to a question that torments him: are human beings, in essence, good
or evil. In welcoming the mysterious foreigner, the whole village becomes
an accomplice to his sophisticated plot, which will forever mark their lives.
In this stunning new novel, Paulo coelho dramatizes the struggle within
every soul between light and darkness, and its relevance to our everyday
struggles to dare to follow our dreams, to have the courage to be different
and to master the fear that prevents us from truly living. The Devil and Miss
Prym is a story charged with emotion, in which the integrity of being human
meets a terrifying test.
Eleven minutes In 2003 once upon a time, there was a prostitute called
maria like a fairy-tale for adults; this is the beginning of the novel that shook
the world. “Eleven minutes does not intend to be a manual or a treatise on
men and women faced by the still unknown world of sexual relationships. It
is an analysis of my own journey, without wanting, at any time; to judge
what I experienced.1 wrote this book in order to discover whether I had had
the courage to learn everything life had taught me in this respect.
The Zahir In 2005 it begins with a glimpse or a passing thought. It
ends in obsession .one day a renowned author discovers that his wife, a war
correspondent, has disappeared, leaving no trace. Though time brings more

success and new love, he remains mystified and increasingly fascinated by
her absence. Was she kidnapped, blackmailed, or simply bored with their
marriage.His search for her - and for the truth of his own life takes him
from france to Spain, Croatia and, eventually, the bleakly beautiful landscape
of central asia. More than that, it takes him from the safety of his world to a
totally unknown path, searching for a new understanding of the nature of
love and the power of destiny. With the zahir, Paulo coelho demonstrates
not just his powerful and captivating storytelling, but also his extraordinary
insight into what it is to be a human being in a world full of possibility.
Like the flowing river in 2006 rather like a cross-section of Paulo coelho’s
literary work, like the flowing river is a compilation of tales, opinions and
ideas drawn from articles published in various newspapers between 1998
and 2005.
The Witch Of Portoheilo In 2006 who is this mysterious woman called
Athena. The orphan abandoned by her gypsy mother in transylvania. The
child taken to beirut by her adoptive parents. The clerk working in a large
bank in london. The successful real estate agent in Dubai . He wants to
explore the feminine side of divinity and the feminine side of God. I wanted
to talk about the prejudice that modem witches face in modem society.
The Magician, Fernando Morais In 2008 the incredible story of Paulo
coelho, the boy who was bora dead, flirted with suicide, suffered at mental
asylums, dove into drugs, tried several varieties of sex, met the devil, was
arrested during the dictatorship, helped revolutionize Brazilian rock,
rediscovered his faith and became one of the most-widely read writers in
the world.
The Winner Stands Alone In 2008 he never breaks a promise.Igor malev.
has one thing on his mind - his ex-wife ewa. He’s handsome, rich, and
effortlessly personable - but she left him for a successful fashion designer, a

sting he’s never recovered ffom.so he travels to the glamorous Cannes
international film festival where they’ll be appearing, intent on winning back
her love. But Igor is a man of rare intensity and cold intelligence - and this is
to be no ordinary reconciliation. For igor made a promise to destroy whole
worlds to get to his beloved. Now, the conflict between an individual evil
force and society emerges as the novel unfolds, and as morality is derailed.
He always keeps his word.a profound meditation on personal power and
innocent dreams that are manipulated or undone by success.The
Winner Stands Alone is set in the exciting worlds of fashion and cinema.meet
the players and posers behind the scenes at Cannes the “superclass” of
producers, actors, designers and supermodels, as well as the aspiring starlets,
has-been stars, and jaded hangers-on. Paulo coelho uses his twelfth novel to
paint an engrossing picture of a world overrun by glamour and excess, and
shows us the possibly dire consequences of our obsession with fame.
• 1 Collinsenglish Dictionary - Complete And Unabridged ©
Harpercollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003(1)
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