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Good morning Turning Point! It’s great to be in the house of God today and to feel the power and
presence of the Lord Jesus Christ.

• Self-introduction.

• Women’s Day.

• Introduce sermon series.


I have often wondered (even though it is kind of a morbid thought) if I died today what would people say
at my funeral? Again, I am not trying to be cold or callous but other than my wife and children what
impact have I made on other peoples life.

(TRANSITION) What would people say about you at your funeral?


Now I realize in South Africa we spend a lot of time thinking about and planning for our funerals. We
belong to funeral societies (which causes some of you not to be in church on the first Sunday of the
month) and many of attend funerals almost every Saturday of the month.

When the funeral service asks your friends and family to write your eulogy and they sit down to do it
what impact has your life had on your neighbors, your community and your world?

(TRANSITION) Today is women’s day and I want to take a look at a lady in the scriptures who made a
difference in other peoples life. Let’s look at it together at Acts 9:36-42.


Outline (Acts 9:36-42)

I. Introduction of Dorcas (vv. 36-38)
a. Dorcas/Tabitha was always doing good (v. 36)
b. Dorcas dies and prepared for burial (v. 37)
c. The disciples in Joppa send for Peter (v. 38)
II. Peter and the Mourners (v. 39)
a. Peter agrees to come to Joppa and upon arrival he finds Dorcas surrounded by
friends/mourners (v. 39a)
b. The friends/mourners show Peter the beautiful handiwork of Dorcas (v. 39b)
III. The Resurrection of Dorcas (vv. 40-42)
a. Peter prays and Dorcas is raised from the dead (v. 40)
b. Peter brings in the believers (v. 41)
c. The miracle of Dorcas spreads and many believe (v. 42)

Reading this passage of scripture causes me to ask several questions. The big question on my mind is,
“Who was Tabitha (Dorcas) and why do we read about her story in the scriptures?”

The Bible tells us some key facts about this lady.

• We are told she lives in a city called Joppa
o The word Joppa means “beautiful.”
• We are also given her name in two languages, “Tabitha” and “Dorcas.”
o Both of these names means “female gazelle”
o This would be like naming your daughter “springbok” or “impala.” Now this is not a bad
thing because the gazelle was considered to be beautiful. Thus, her name suggests that
Dorcas was a beautiful woman (or at least her parents thought so).
• Further the Bible tells us Dorcas was “always doing good and helping the poor.”
o But how did she help the poor?
o Dorcas, had a gift for making clothing, or better put, she was a seamstress.
o She used this gift as a way to BLESS OTHERS, especially she helped out widows.
o Her willingness to use her gift to be a blessing to others caused her to be known all over
the city of Joppa. It would appear that Dorcas was well respected and liked by the
disciples and those in the community.

The scripture then tells us Dorcas became sick and then she died. We are not told the reason or the source
of the illness that lead to her death.

After she passed away her friends washer her body and then put her in an upstairs room. I believe Dorcas
was either, not married, or she was a widow, because, there is no mention of anyone going to fetch her
husband before preparing her body. Basically that would mean Dorcas was a widow or a single woman
who helped other widows in need!

When you read this you might ask, “Why put her in the upstairs room?” Basically houses during this time
were built with flat roofs. And that roof was the place where people would gather for large celebrations
and it was often the place where the ladies of the house would sleep. So taking Dorcas to the upstairs
room tells us there were a lot of people at her “viewing.” Usually people would have the funerals in a
room in the house but Dorcas was taken upstairs because there was not enough room downstairs. This
tells me she was a very well liked and respected woman in the community. She did not just make clothes
but somehow she made an impact on people’s lives and they came out to mourn her death.

After she had died and her body was put out for viewing the disciples in Joppa heard about what had
happened. They had heard the Peter the Apostle was in a place called Lydda. Lydda was 15km’s from
Joppa so the disciples decided to send two men to urge Peter to come and pray for their friend Dorcas.

Folk’s thing about this for a moment, Dorcas’ reputation in Joppa must have been remarkable. So
remarkable that is seems the disciples did not want her ministry to cease. It is possible her ministry may
have been the cause of many people coming to the Lord. No matter – for some reason the disciples felt
like a 30km round trip was worth on foot was worth it in order for Dorcas’ ministry to continue. But the
Apostle Peter also had a reputation for miracles and wonders so they sent for him. If you read earlier in
Acts 9 you will see Peter was in Lydda to preach and while he was there he had healed a man names
Aeneas. This miracle caused many to come to the Lord.

Remember earlier I said the word Joppa meant beautiful? Joppa, the beautiful city, is where Dorcas, the
beautiful gazelle, was living. Peter was staying the city of Lydda, which means “strife.” So, Peter had to
leave “strife” to go to a place called “beautiful.” Now, it should not have bee too hard to convince Peter to

The two men who had been sent by the disciples and Peter walked from Lydda to Joppa. When they
arrive Peter is immediately taken to the upstairs room where the body of Dorcas lay.

• The widows are weeping and screaming

• They were holding up the garments Dorcas had made for them to show Peter the good work she
had done. They were testifying to her ability to help the poor and needy.
• Then Peter tells all of them to LEAVE – GET OFF THE ROOF! Before you think Peter is a
terrible and uncaring person take a moment and put yourself in his shoes.
o Have you ever been to a funeral where: the ladies were weeping and screaming; some
were doing the Zulu war call, the widow or the mothers are passing out on the floor,
people are throwing themselves on the casket – have you ever seen these things happen?
o Now imagine all of this is happening and then someone says, “Hey, will you pray to
Jesus and raise our friend from the dead?” If I was being asked that question I would
need some time to get alone with God, focus and, not be distracted by noisy mourners!

After he put everyone out Peter falls down on the floor and begins praying. Then the scripture tells us
something interesting, “Peter turned to the body.” It seems Peter had positioned himself in such a way as
to NOT be able to see the dead body of Dorcas. To me this makes sense! If I was praying for someone to
be resurrected but I was constantly staring at the lifeless body I think my faith might waiver! (Peek-a-

It seems that until Peter had the courage, through prayer, to speak a word of faith he removed all
distractions (the people, and the sight of death). But then when he was ready to act in faith he turns to
Dorcas and says, “GET UP!”

Tabitha opens her eyes, she sees Peter and she sits up

The Peter takes Dorcas by the hand to help her up. Then he calls for the “widows” and the “believers” to
come back up to the top of the roof to see what God has done. In my mind I can just see Peter leaning
over the edge of the flat roof and yelling or whistling to get there attention and then saying, “Hey
everyone – you might want to come up here and see this for yourself!”

This lady who was now alive had been dead for some time. Even if the two disciples were dispatched
immediately upon her death it would have taken some time to walk 30km. We know they were not sent
immediately but time had been taken to wash the body and the viewing was happening – so it must have
been a few days but that did not stop the resurrection power of Christ who raised his lady servant to
life. Dorcas was dead but now she is alive!

Finally, (v. 41) tells us Peter “presented her alive.” This is an interesting phrase in the original language
of the Bible. It can literally be translated to say Peter, “put her back among them or back into the crowd.”
In other words Peter took Dorcas, who was dead but is now alive, and puts her back among the people she
had been serving! I believe Peter is telling her, “OK get back to serving! This is what you are and the
reason God has raised you up – now go and serve! God has given you more time to demonstrate
your love to your neighbors so they will know Jesus Christ!”

The end result of this miracle (v. 42) is what should always be the end result of a miracle, “and many
believed.” Why did they believe – because Dorcas had been a woman who served her community and
God used her remarkable reputation as a way for the gospel to be preached and many souls saved. This is
something, I think, Dorcas was happy about.


Ladies of Turning Point – young and old – dream with me for a little while. What if you took those
amazing talents and gifts God has given you and began to use them to serve others? What kind of
reputation would this church build for itself in our community? But more than that, what kind of impact
could we make on the lives of the poor, the needy and widows? What if we took the human resources
God has placed into each of your lives and used them to testify of God’ goodness?
We can be known for a lot of things in our community but we should be known as a place where people
who are poor, who are needy, who are without father or mother and those who have lost their spouse
could come and find comfort, hope, restoration and power to live an overcoming life! What if we were
known as the church that ministers to anyone and everyone regardless of their problem or circumstance?

(TRANSITION) But let’s take this a little bit farther. Many want the church to be known for its ministry
but where do you fit into the whole scenario?


Follow this line of thought with me this morning. The church consists of people, who are individual,
singular but who belong to the body – THAT MEANS YOU! Each of YOU has been given special gifts
(some may sew, some may paint, some may work on computers, some are accountants, some are
preachers, etc.). The question is not whether God has gifted you – this is a settled fact! The question is,
“What will you do with the gift God has given you and how will you use that gift to expand God’s

Dorcas used her gift of sewing and making garments to bless others. We are not sure if making the
garments was how she ministered or whether the income she earned from making them was a means to
support her ministry. Nevertheless, we know this – this woman used her gift to bless others and
because she blessed others God honored her by raising her from the dead and putting her back into
the ministry! The disciples did not have to send for Peter but they did! This woman was dead but they
loved her so much – because had loved so much – and they went the extra mile to come to her rescue.

James 1:27

What will people say about you at your funeral? Like you, I have been to a lot of funerals and I have
preached many. The easy ones are then the deceased has left behind a testimony of service and kindness
to others. The hard ones are when you sit with the family to help write the eulogy and struggle to find
something good and kind in their lives.

Ladies and Gentlemen: we write our own eulogy every day by the choices we make; by the way we treat
OTHERS. Each day God gives you a chance to serve others, to be kind, to be helpful; to be a servant!
When you serve OTHERS you are really serving Jesus! A choice to serve God and PEOPLE is a choice
to build a reputation of caring and selflessness. (I have never heard a eulogy say, “This was a selfish
man/woman, he loved him or herself and no on else…)

Dorcas chose to use her gifts to be a blessing to OTHERS. Again, I believe Dorcas was either single or a
widow but she was willing to help others and not focus on the fact that she was not married or had lost
her spouse. Instead – SHE SERVED!!!!! When she was suddenly taken from this life those who had been
blessed by her ministry were there for her.

Who will be there for you? What OTHERS have you helped along the way? Who are those who, if you
died, would go the extra mile to pray for your resurrection because of your good works?

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