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The statistics of embankment dam failures and

Mark Foster, Robin Fell, and Matt Spannagle

Abstract: The paper describes the results of a statistical analysis of failures and accidents of embankment dams, spe-
cifically concentrating on those incidents involving piping and slope instability. The compilation of dam incidents in-
cludes details on the characteristics of the dams, including dam zoning, filters, core soil types, compaction, foundation
cutoff, and foundation geology. An assessment of the characteristics of the world population of dams was also carried
out. By comparing the characteristics of the dams which have experienced failures and accidents to those of the popu-
lation of dams, it was possible to assess the relative influence of particular factors on the likelihood of piping and
slope instability.

Key words: dams, failures, piping, instability database.

Résumé : Cet article décrit les résultats d’une analyse statistique des ruptures et accidents dans les barrages en terre,
se concentrant spécifiquement sur ces incidents impliquant la formation de renard et l’instabilité des talus. La compila-
tion des incidents de barrages inclut des détails sur les caractéristiques des barrages incluant le zonage du barrage, les
filtres, les types de noyau, le compactage, le rideau d’étanchéité de fondation, et la géologie de la fondation. Une
évaluation des caractéristiques de la population mondiale des barrages a également été réalisée. En comparant les
caractéristiques des barrages qui ont été affectés par des ruptures et des accidents avec celles de la population des bar-
rages, il a été possible d’évaluer l’influence relative que des facteurs particuliers ont sur la vraisemblance de renards et
de l’instabilité des talus.

Mots clés : barrages, ruptures, renard, base de données sur l’instabilité.

[Traduit par la Rédaction] Foster et al. 1024

Introduction or any dam between 10 and 15 m in height which meets one

of the following conditions: (i) the crest length is not less
Embankment dam engineering has evolved over many than 500 m, (ii) the capacity of the reservoir formed by the
centuries, with the major developments occurring since the dam is not less than 106 m3, (iii) the maximum flood dis-
1940s with the development of soil mechanics and charge dealt with by the dam is not less than 2000 m3/s, or
geotechnical engineering. Some aspects are now readily ana- (iv) the dam is of unusual design.
lysed, e.g., the stability of the embankment slopes. Others,
ICOLD carried out analyses of the data compiled to deter-
e.g., piping failure through a dam foundation, remain more
mine the most common cause of dam incidents. Others, in-
difficult to quantify, and the measures taken in design and
cluding USCOLD (1975, 1988), USCOLD Committee on
construction are more experience based. It is particularly dif-
Dam Safety (1996), ANCOLD (1992), Charles and Boden
ficult to assess the safety of dams which do not meet modern
(1985), Olwage and Oosthuizen (1984), and Gomez et al.
design and construction criteria, e.g., dams with no or inade-
(1979), have compiled data on incidents for various coun-
quate filters.
tries. There have been attempts to use the statistical analysis
Recognising the value of the historic performance of dams
of dam incidents to predict the likelihood of failure of dams,
in assessing dam safety, the International Commission on
including those by Silveira (1984, 1990), Blind (1983),
Large Dams (ICOLD) has carried out extensive surveys of
Serafim (1981a, 1981b), Tavares and Serafim (1983), Ingles
dam incidents (ICOLD 1974, 1983, 1995). The ICOLD sur-
(1988), Gruner (1963, 1967), and Von Thun (1985). All of
veys are for large dams, a large dam being defined as a dam
these analyses are limited to the statistics of height, year of
which is more than 15 m in height (measured from the low-
construction, and only basic descriptions of the dam type.
est point in the general foundations to the crest of the dam)
For example, the embankment zoning classification is re-
stricted to two categories in the ICOLD dam incident and
Received February 5, 1999. Accepted February 10, 2000. dam population databases, namely earthfill embankment
Published on the NRC Research Press website on October 6, (TE) and rockfill embankment (ER).
2000. Embankment zoning would be expected to have a signifi-
M. Foster. URS, Level 3, 116 Miller St., North Sydney, cant influence on the likelihood of failure, particularly for
Australia 2060. structural modes of failure which include slope stability and
R. Fell. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, piping. As is well recognised in dam engineering, and de-
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia 2052. scribed in Fell et al. (1992), different embankment zoning
M. Spannagle. Department of Land and Water Conservation, types have varying degrees of control of embankment seep-
GPO Box 39, Sydney, Australia 2001. age. These give varying degrees of control of the potential
Can. Geotech. J. 37: 1000–1024 (2000) © 2000 NRC Canada

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Foster et al. 1001

for piping failure through the embankment and foundation Information on the dam and incident details was extracted
and the pore pressures which affect slope stability. from the data gathered and entered into a database called
This paper presents the results of a statistical analysis of ERDATA1.
embankment dam incidents, specifically concentrating on in- The ERDATA1 database is divided into seven main cate-
ternal erosion and slope instability. While the data can be gories: (i) dam details, e.g., dam name, country, height, year
used in a quantitative risk assessment (QRA) framework, constructed; (ii) dam zoning category, including dam zoning
they also provide useful insights into the factors which con- and description of filters; (iii) foundation cutoff category;
tribute to dam incidents and can therefore be used in a non- (iv) foundation geology; (v) earthfill core characteristics;
QRA, dam safety context. The study has been done as part (vi) incident details; and (vii) references. Sketches of the
of a larger research project studying methods for estimating dam zoning categories used are shown in Fig. 1. A full de-
the probability of failure of embankment dams for use in scription of the variables in the ERDATA1 database is given
QRA. This paper describes only part of the research project. in Foster et al. (1998) and Foster (1999).
Foster et al. (2000) describe the application of these data to
estimating the relative likelihood of failure of embankment Population of embankment dams database
dams by internal erosion and piping, Foster and Fell (2000a) The population of embankment dams database is required
discuss the assessment of filters which do not satisfy modern to determine whether an overrepresentation of a particular
design criteria, and Foster and Fell (2000b) use event trees dam characteristic in the incident cases, such as a particular
to estimate the probability of failure of embankment dams zoning type, is due to this characteristic being common in all
by internal erosion and piping. All components are described existing dams, or whether dams with this characteristic tend
in Foster (1999). to be more susceptible to dam incidents. The data from the
The principal components of the study were as follows: population of dams database are combined with those from
(i) extension of the existing compilations of dam incidents to the incident database to estimate the frequencies of failure
include more details on embankment zoning, including the and accidents for the various dam zoning types.
presence or absence of filters, foundation geology, and em- The ERDATA1 classification system has been used for
bankment material characteristics such as core soil types and collating data on the population of dams, so the databases
compaction; and (ii) analysis of the dam incident database are consistent. The ideal situation for a sound statistical
and comparison to a dam population database to estimate analysis would be to have the characteristics of the
historic frequencies of failure for different modes of failure ERDATA1 classification system for all the existing embank-
and dam zoning types and identify factors, such as founda- ment dams as listed in the World register of dams (ICOLD
tion geology types and core embankment characteristics, that 1984). However, there are insufficient data in the ICOLD
have an influence on the likelihood of embankment dam fail- register to obtain data on dam zoning, foundation geology,
ure for piping and slope instability modes of failure. and other characteristics in the ERDATA1 classification sys-
tem, so it was necessary to select sample populations of em-
bankment dams in an attempt to represent the characteristics
Establishment of databases of the world population. Sample populations of embankment
dams which were used include 356 dams in Australia, 44 in
Compilation of dam incident database New Zealand, 246 in the United States (from the USBR),
A list of dam incidents was compiled primarily from the 174 in Norway, and 642 described in papers in the ICOLD
three ICOLD studies (ICOLD 1974, 1983, 1995) supple- congresses up to 1982, giving a total of 1462 embankment
mented with additional incidents from the other existing dams, or about 13% of the total population.
compilations, from the literature, and from the project spon- These datasets were primarily selected due to the avail-
sors. The criteria set for the selection of the dam incidents to ability of sufficient data required for the ERDATA1 classifi-
be entered into the database are (i) embankment dam failures cation system. Information for the Australian and New
for all modes of failure for large dams; (ii) failures of em- Zealand dams was obtained from the project sponsors and
bankment dams (not necessarily large) by piping and slope from questionnaires sent out to dam owning authorities. The
instability; and (iii) accidents involving piping, slope insta- zoning characteristics for the dams in the United States were
bility, and seepage. The definitions of failures, accidents, obtained from USBR (1994) and the foundation geology
and incidents used are consistent with ICOLD (1983). characteristics from the Safety Evaluation of Existing Dams
The first criterion was used to keep the dam failure and (SEED) databooks held at the USBR office in Denver, Colo-
dam population datasets consistent for proper statistical rado. Data on the Norwegian dams were limited to the dam
analysis. The other two criteria were set to maximise the zoning category which was obtained from K. Senneset (per-
amount of data for the detailed analysis of piping and slope- sonal communication, 1996). Dams described in the ICOLD
instability failures. congress papers from 1933 to 1982 were used to obtain a
Data on the dam and incident details were obtained from representative set of dams to take account of the range of
(i) incident descriptions in ICOLD (1974, 1983) and other trends in dam construction with time and for various coun-
compilations of dam incidents; (ii) published data from an tries.
extensive search through the literature; and (iii) reports col- Information was also collected from the literature, provid-
lected from the sponsor organisations and from the United ing additional data on the distribution of dam zoning categories
States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR), British Columbia in different parts of the world and describing general trends
Hydroelectric and Power Corporation (BC Hydro), and the in dam design. Literature sources included Snethlage et al.
Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. (1958), Leps et al. (1978), Building Research Establishment
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1002 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 37, 2000

Fig. 1. Dam zoning categories.

(1990), Sherard (1953), ICOLD (1984), Skempton (1990), zoning categories. A considerable degree of judgement was
Cooke (1984), ICOLD (1989), and Schnitter (1994). required to make the estimates, but this was facilitated by
The following approach was used for each of the main breaking down the data into the smaller units of construction
categories: (i) dam zoning; (ii) foundation geology; and years and dam height ranges. The analysis was by a trial and
(iii) core material geological origin, soil classification, and error process in which the estimated percentages were modi-
compaction. fied so that they reflected the expected trends in dam design
with time and dam height.
Dam zoning Table 1 shows the assessed distribution of dam zoning for
The general approach used to make the estimates of the the world population of dams accounting for construction
world distribution of zoning types was to subdivide the data period. Rockfill dams, comprising zoned earth and rockfill
into tables according to the country, dam height range dams, central core earth and rockfill dams, concrete face
(<20 m, 20–29 m, 30–49 m, and >50 m), and construction rockfill dams, and rockfill with corewall dams, make up 21%
year period (before 1900, 1900–1929, 1930–1949, 1950–69, of the world population based on the dam zoning categories.
and 1970–1986). This is significantly higher than the proportion of rockfill
The dam zoning distribution estimates were made for dams (ER), namely 9%, given by the ICOLD register
Australia, France, India, Japan (post-1950 only), New Zea- (ICOLD 1984). This difference is attributed to the differ-
land, Norway, United Kingdom, and United States. These ences in classification of rockfill dams of the ERDATA1 and
countries had sufficient data in the sample population avail- ICOLD systems. Zoned earth and rockfill dams with less
able to give reasonably reliable estimates of the zoning char- than 50% rockfill by volume are classified as TE by ICOLD.
acteristics of the population. The dams from remaining
countries were grouped into a category called other coun- Foundation geology
tries. Dams constructed in China, and in Japan prior to 1930, The distribution of foundation geology types was assumed
were excluded from the analysis of the population due to the to be dependent on the spatial distribution of dams. Esti-
lack of information in the literature on these dams and low mates were made for countries where sufficient data were
reported failure rates despite them making up a significant available from the sample population, namely United States,
proportion of the dam population. India, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zea-
The number of earthfill (TE) and rockfill (ER) dams for land. This subset of countries was carried through into the
each of the countries, construction periods, and height cate- analysis of the dam incidents when comparing the distribu-
gories were obtained from the ICOLD register (ICOLD tion of foundation geology types of the accident and failure
1984). The information from the sample populations and cases to the population. The distributions of geology types
data gathered from the literature were used as a basis to from the sample population database were determined for
make estimates of the number of dams for each of the dam each of the countries and were used as a basis together with
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Foster et al. 1003

Table 1. Estimated dam zoning (%) for the world population of embankment dams by construction period.
Zoning category Before 1900 1900–1930 1930–1950 1950–1970 1970–1986 All years
Homogeneous earthfill 16 14 16 9 6 10
Earthfill with filter 0 1 11 18 18 15
Earthfill with rock toe 5 5 6 7 6 6
Zoned earthfill 7 18 37 37 40 36
Zoned earth and rockfill 0 7 8 10 10 9
Central core earth and rockfill 0 0 5 8 12 8
Concrete face earthfill 5 4 5 5 3 4
Concrete face rockfill 1 5 2 2.5 3 3
Puddle core earthfill 58 24 4 0.5 0 5
Earthfill with corewall 5 11 4 2 1 2
Rockfill with corewall 0.5 3 1 1 1 1
Hydraulic fill 2 8 1 0 0 1
Number of embankment dams 370 819 1167 4436 4400 11 192

the use of geology maps of the countries to make estimates which to estimate the proportion of dams in these countries
of the percentage distribution of foundation geology types. with dispersive soils actually present in the core, but the
value is probably less than 25%. If it is assumed that say 5–
Core material geological origin, soil classification, and 10% of the dams in these countries have dispersive soils
compaction present in the core, then a very approximate estimate of the
Estimation of the distribution of the geological origin of proportion of dams in the world with dispersive soils is 2–
the core material was made on the assumption that the core 4%.
geology would be influenced by the regional geology and
was therefore analysed by country. The distributions of core Other dam characteristics
geological origin types from the population database and the Estimates for the distributions of the other dam character-
foundation geology distributions described above were used istics, such as foundation cutoff details, embankment and
as a basis to make estimates of the core geology distribu- foundation filters, and the location of conduits, were deter-
tions for United States, Australia, New Zealand, United mined directly from the population database. Details are
Kingdom, Canada, India, Norway, and other countries. The given in Foster et al. (1998) and Foster (1999). The statistics
final world distribution was then obtained by applying a of year of construction, cumulative dam embankment years,
weighted sum of the distributions from the countries based and dam heights were calculated from ICOLD (1984, 1983)
on the number of large embankment dams in each country in and used in the analysis. More details on the databases are
1982 (from ICOLD 1984). given in Foster (1999) and Foster et al. (1998).
The distribution of core soil types, classified by the
Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), was determined
directly from the percentages of core soil types from the Analysis methodology
population database. It was assumed that there were suffi-
cient data in the population database to give a representative There are two components of the analysis of the
sample of core soil types. Typically, the core material com- ERDATA1 database, namely analysis of the overall statistics
prises more than one soil type and so the percentages in the of failure, and detailed analysis of piping and slope-instability
distribution do not necessarily sum to 100%. The percent- failures.
ages were normalised such that they sum to 100% for com-
parison with the incident statistics. Mode of failure
Estimates of the distribution of the degree of compaction The philosophy of the analysis of the ERDATA1 data was
of the core materials were made using the population data- to categorise dam accidents and failures into modes of fail-
base, assuming it to be dependent mainly on the period of ure as opposed to causes of failure. This is compatible with
construction. Hydraulic fill and puddle core dams were not the methods used in event-tree analysis.
included in the analysis because their compaction is inherent The failure mode categories used are flood overtopping,
in the dam zoning. Information provided by Sherard (1953) gate–spillway failure, piping, slope instability, and earth-
and Skempton (1990) was used to adjust the database values. quake. Piping failures were further subdivided into piping
An attempt was made to estimate the relative abundance through the foundation and piping from the embankment
of the presence of dispersive soils in the cores of embank- into the foundation. Slope-instability failures were subdi-
ment dams due to their prominence in the piping failure vided into upstream slides and downstream slides.
cases. There was insufficient information in the population Dam incidents sometimes involve more than one failure
database on which to make such an estimate and so informa- mode, so for example, development of piping through the
tion from the literature was used. ICOLD (1990) lists parts embankment may cause saturation of the downstream slope
of the world which have experienced problems with which then initiates a downstream slide. In these cases, all
dispersive soils, and combined these countries have approxi- the modes of failure that were involved in the dam incident
mately 35% of large embankment dams. There is no basis on are assigned in the database.
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1004 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 37, 2000

Fig. 2. Stages of development of piping failure.

Overall statistics of failure tions. The historical average frequency of failure of large
The frequencies of failure are estimated from the number embankment dams is estimated to be 1.2% over the life of
of dam incidents compared with either the total number of the dam (136 embankment dam failures out of 11 192 large
large (i.e., >15, high) embankment dams (or dams of a par- embankment dams constructed up to 1986, excluding China
ticular zoning) up to 1986 to give the average frequencies of and Japan pre-1930). This reduces slightly to 1.1% over the
failure over the life of the dam, or the total number of em- life of the dam for dam failures occurring only while the
bankment dam-years, allowing for the estimated average age dam was in operation. The historical annual probability of
of each zoning type (up to 1986) to give annual frequencies failure of large embankment dams is estimated to be 4.5 ×
of failure. 10–4 per dam per year (136 embankment dam failures in an
estimated 300 400 embankment dam-years up to 1986). This
Analysis of piping and slope instability incidents reduces slightly to 4.1 × 10–4 per dam year if failures occur-
This analysis involved comparing the frequency of occur- ring during construction are excluded. These figures would
rence of the dam characteristics such as dam zoning type, reduce by about 30% if none of the dams in the 11 192 had
foundation geology, and embankment core type in the dam failed up to 1999.
incidents to that in the dam population. An overrepre- Table 3 presents the statistics of failure by failure mode
sentation of a particular feature, such as a particular dam and dam zoning. These overall statistics are useful if one
zoning or foundation geology type, in the dam incidents rel- makes the assumption that the performance of dams in the
ative to the dam population suggests dams with that particu- past is a reasonable prediction of what may happen in the fu-
lar feature are possibly more vulnerable to that failure mode. ture. It is apparent from the statistics combined with the con-
The analysis method utilises the concept that piping and ventional understanding of dam stability and piping that
slope-instability failure modes can be broken down into sev- factors such as dam zoning and core material properties have
eral stages of development. Typically these stages are taken an influence on the likelihood of failure or accidents and can
to be initiation, progression, and breaching, as shown in be used to get an idea of which dams are more or less likely
Fig. 2 for piping through the embankment. This concept has to experience stability and piping problems.
been suggested by several authors, including Von Thun An analysis was carried out of the frequency of embank-
(1996). Accidents involve initiation of piping, but the pro- ment dam failures for each mode of failure for the failures
gression stage is limited and breaching does not occur. occurring before and after 1950 (excluding failures during
Therefore, by comparing the characteristics of the accident construction). The failure statistics for dams constructed be-
cases to the failure cases of a particular failure mode, it may fore and after 1950 are shown for all modes of failure and
be possible to identify factors that influence the progression structural modes of failure in Table 4. Structural modes of
stage of the failure mode. failure are those involving piping, slope instability, or earth-
The analysis of the data has kept all failures as one quake. The analysis showed the proportion of failures by
dataset, rather than, for example, separating dams by zoning, piping increases from 43% before 1950 to 54% after 1950.
separating first-filling failures from those which occur later, Over the same period, the proportion of failures by flood
or separating failures due to piping around conduits from overtopping and appurtenant works modes of failure de-
other piping failures. An initial assessment of the data creases from 53% to 41%. There is a significant reduction in
showed there did not appear to be big differences in the geo- the proportion of failures due to sliding with time, reducing
logical and core material characteristics for these sets, but from 7% before 1950 to only 1.5% after 1950.
this was not proven in a rigorous statistical way. Separation The following sections present the outcomes of further
of the data had the major disadvantage that already small analysis of the incidents for piping and slope instability to
samples (of the dams which had failed or had accidents) further assess the factors affecting the frequency of incidents
would become smaller. of piping through the embankment and slope instability. The
population database consists of over 11 000 dams, with over
Overall statistics of failure of embankment 300 000 dam-years of performance, so the analysis of the re-
dams lationship of zoning to incidents is based on a large sample.
For the assessment of other factors, e.g., core material prop-
Table 2 gives the overall statistics of failure for all failure erties, there is a greater reliance on the characteristics of the
modes, separating for all failures and failures during opera- dams that have experienced incidents, and the sample size is
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Foster et al. 1005

Table 2. Overall failure statistics for large embankment dams up to 1986, excluding dams constructed in Japan pre-1930 and in China.
% failures Average frequency of
No. of cases (where known) failure (×10–3)
All Failures in All Failures in All Failures in
Mode of failure failures operation failures operation failures operation
Overtopping and appurtenant
Overtopping 46 40 35.9 34.2 4.1 3.6
Spillway–gate 16 15 12.5 12.8 1.4 1.3
Subtotal 62 55 48.4 47.0 5.5 4.9
Through embankment 39 38 30.5 32.5 3.5 3.4
Through foundation 19 18 14.8 15.4 1.7 1.6
From embankment into foundation 2 2 1.6 1.7 0.18 0.18
Subtotal 59 57 46.1 48.7 5.3 5.1
Downstream 6 4 4.7 3.4 0.54 0.36
Upstream 1 1 0.8 0.9 0.09 0.09
Subtotal 7 5 5.5 4.3 0.63 0.45
Earthquake–liquefaction 2 2 1.6 1.7 0.18 0.18
Unknown mode 8 7
Total no. of failures 136 124 12.2 (1.2%) 11.1 (1.1%)
Total no. of failures where mode of failure known 128 117
No. of embankment dams 11 192 11 192
Note: Subtotals and totals do not necessarily sum to 100%, as some failures were classified as multiple modes of failure.

smaller. For this reason it has been necessary to group all studies or in the literature, but this trend suggests that these
the dams experiencing incidents together, rather than keep- dams are more likely than other dams to fail (i.e., breach)
ing them separate, for this part of the analysis. once piping initiates.
Embankment dams with downstream rockfill zones have a
Factors affecting the frequency of incidents particularly low incidence of failure due to piping through
the embankment. There is only one dam failure due to pip-
of piping through the embankment ing through the embankment for zoning categories with
Incidents have been classified as piping through the em- downstream rockfill. This was Avalon Dam, a zoned earth
bankment if the incident involved any type of internal ero- and rockfill dam which failed in 1904. It had no filter be-
sion process occurring primarily through the embankment tween the core and the dumped rockfill. The large number of
dam. Cases of piping along and into conduits through dams piping accidents but no failures of central core earth and
are included. Cases where piping initiated at the embank- rockfill dams indicates that these dams have a low frequency
ment–foundation contact are not included but analysed sepa- of failure because they are less likely to progress to breach-
rately under piping from the embankment into the ing if piping initiates compared with dams with earthfill ma-
foundation. terials in the downstream zones. Review of the descriptions
of the accidents to rockfill dams suggest that this is probably
Dam zoning due to the inherent stability of the downstream rockfill zones
The failure and accident statistics for piping through the under large seepage flows.
embankment are summarised in Table 5. It is evident that the Some specific points about the failures are as follows:
dam zoning categories with high average frequencies of fail- (1) Failures of homogeneous earthfill dams have generally
ure by piping through the embankment tend to be the zoning been associated with one or more of piping around conduits
types with inherently poor control of seepage through the passing through the dam (in nine cases), piping through
embankment. Homogeneous earthfill dams, which have no poorly compacted fill materials (in 12 cases), and piping
zoning of materials, have the highest frequency of failure, through dispersive fill materials (in four cases). The average
nearly five times higher than the average of all dams com- frequency of failure of homogeneous earthfill dams con-
bined. Other dam zoning categories with higher than average structed prior to 1900 is about 10 times higher than that for
frequencies of failure by this mode of piping are earthfill dams constructed after 1950.
with rock toe, concrete face earthfill, and puddle core (2) The failures of earthfill dams with filter drains have
earthfill dams. These four zoning categories combined make generally been associated with piping through dispersive fill
up nearly 80% of the failure cases but only 25% of the pop- materials around outlet conduits passing through the dam (in
ulation. For homogeneous earthfill dams, earthfill dams with three cases) or at the contact with concrete spillway struc-
rock toe, and concrete face earthfill dams, there are the same tures (one case). Embankment filters were present in two of
number or more failures than accidents. It is possible that the failures, and in both cases failure was attributed to piping
many piping accidents have not been reported to the ICOLD around the outlet conduit where locally there were no filters
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Table 3. Failure statistics for large embankment dams by dam zoning categories (up to 1986).
Mode of failure
Piping Slope instability
No. of % of From Spillway–
% of failure failure Through Through embankment Downstream Upstream gate
Dam zoning type population cases cases embankment foundation into foundation slide slide Earthquake Overtopping failure Unknown
Homogeneous earthfill 9.5 23 (17) 28 (32) 14 2 0 1 0 1 6 0 0
Earthfill with filter 15 4 (2) 5 (4) 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
Earthfill with rock toe 6.1 9 (9) 11 (17) 5 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Zoned earthfill 35.9 7 (5) 9 (9) 4 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
Zoned earth and 9.3 4 (3) 5 (6) 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0
Central core earthfill 8.4 4 (1) 5 (2) 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0
and rockfill
Concrete face earthfill 4.1 4 (4) 5 (8) 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Concrete face rockfill 2.8 1 (0) 1 (0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Puddle core earthfill 4.7 5 (4) 6 (8) 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Earthfill with concrete 2.4 11 (3) 13 (6) 0 2 0 0 1 0 4 3 1
Rockfill with concrete 0.9 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Hydraulic fill 0.9 5 (3) 6 (6) 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 2 0
Other — 5 (3) 6 (6) 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
Unknown — 54 (13) 6 5 0 1 0 1 26 9 7
Total 100 136 (66) 100 (100) 39 19 2 6 1 2 46 16 8

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Note: The values in parentheses refer to statistics for structural modes of failure, comprising piping, slope instability, and earthquake modes of failure. The number of failure cases for the modes of failure do not necessarily sum
to the total number of failure cases because some dams were classified as multiple modes of failure.
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Foster et al. 1007

Table 4. Average frequency of failure for large embankment dams constructed before and after 1950.
Dams constructed Dams constructed
Class of dams before 1950 after 1950 All dams
No. of large embankment dams constructed 2356 8836 11 192
No. of large embankment dam failures by all modes of failure 88 48 136
No. of embankment dam failures by structural modes of failure 41 25 66
Average frequency of failure over life of dam 3.8×10–2 0.5×10–2 1.2×10–2
Average frequency of failure over life of dam by structural modes of failure 1.7×10–2 0.3×10–2 0.6×10–2
Average annual frequency of failure by all modes of failure 8.6×10–4 2.7×10–4 4.1×10–4
Average annual frequency of failure by structural modes of failure 3.6×10–4 1.6×10–4 2.0×10–4

Table 5. Average frequency of failure due to piping through the embankment by dam zoning categories for large dams up to 1986.

Average Average Average annual frequency of

frequency frequency of failure (×10–6)*
No. of No. of of failure accident First 5 years After 5 years
Zoning category failures accidents (×10–3) (×10–3) of operation of operation
Homogeneous earthfill 14 9 16.0 9.2 2086 188
Earthfill with filter 2 1 1.5 0.6 189 37
Earthfill with rock toe 5 5 8.9 8.0 1160 158
Zoned earthfill 4 9 1.2 2.4 158 25
Zoned earth and rockfill 1 7 1.2 7.3 152 24
Central core earth and rockfill 0 (1) 19 (<1.1)† 22.0 (<143)† (<34)†
Concrete (or other) face earthfill 2 1 5.3 2.4 691 75
Concrete (or other) face rockfill 0 1 (11)‡ (<1)§ 3.5 (<130)§ (<17)§
Puddle core earthfill 4 10 9.3 20.7 1205 38
Concrete corewall, earthfill 0 2 (<1)§ 8.1 (<130)§ (<8)§
Concrete corewall, rockfill 0 2 (<1)§ 21.6 (<130)§ (<13)§
Hydraulic fill 0 3 (<1)§ 32.4 (<130)§ (<5)§
Zoning type unknown 7 6
All dams 39 75 3.5 6.7 453 56
*The percentages of failures by piping through the embankment occurring at the different times after construction are as follows: 49% during first
filling, 16% during the first 5 years operation, and 35% after 5 years operation. Calculations of annual frequencies of failure are made as follows: annual
frequency of failure (all years) = (average frequency of failure)/(average age); annual frequency of failure (first 5 years) = (average frequency of
failure)0.65/5; and annual frequency of failure (after 5 years) = (average frequency of failure)0.35/(average age – 5).

Upper bound value of the average frequency of failure determined by assuming one dam failure.

Eleven accidents to concrete face rockfill dams involving leakages through the concrete face (not included in % statistics).
Assume average frequency of failure of < 1 × 10–3.

provided. For the other three failures, only foundation filters 5000 L/s through the rockfill. It took 2 days to stabilise the
were present. flow through the dam by placing sandbags on the crest.
(3) Earthfill dams with a rock toe have one of the highest (5) There are a total of 21 piping accidents to central core
frequencies of failure by piping through the embankment. earth and rockfill dams, 15 of these involving piping of
The failure and accident cases have generally been the result broadly graded core materials of glacial origin into coarse or
of outlet conduits passing through the dam, piping of the fill segregated filters. At Matahina and Bullileo dams, no down-
materials into coarse rockfill materials, or piping through stream filters were present and the core and transition mate-
cracks which formed through the dam over irregularities in rials were eroded into the downstream rockfill zone.
the foundation or steep abutments. Zoned earthfill dams have (6) In all three cases of failures of concrete face earthfill
a relatively low probability of failure; three of the four dams dams, piping occurred around the conduits. The cause of
failed on first filling and the other dam (Walter Bouldin failure was attributed to problems associated with the con-
Dam) failed after 8 years operation. The construction peri- nection of the conduit to the upstream face in two of the
ods for the dams that failed range from 1947 to 1975. cases and in the other case as a result of settlement and rup-
(4) In four of the seven accidents to zoned earth and ture of the conduit within the embankment.
rockfill dams, no embankment filter was provided and core (7) Concrete (or other impervious) face rockfill dams have
materials were eroded into the downstream rockfill. The pip- a low incidence of piping through the embankment, with no
ing incidents at McMillan and Scofield dams demonstrated failures and only two piping accident cases. Both accident
the high discharge capacity of rockfill zones (in both cases, cases were attributed to internal erosion of the bedding layer
dumped rockfill zones). At Scofield Dam, leakage during the of the upstream face into the rockfill zone. Neither of the
piping incident was estimated to be in the range 1400– two dams had concrete upstream faces: one was constructed

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1008 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 37, 2000

Table 6. Geological origin of core material of dams with poor control of erosion experiencing piping incidents.
Dams with poor control of erosion Dams with good control of erosion Population
No. of No. of No. of No. of with core
Core geology failures accidents failures accidents geology
Aeolian 0 (0) 1 (5) 0 (0) 2 (10) 7
Alluvial 9 (38) 6 (31) 0 (0) 2 (10) 22
Colluvial 2 (8) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 6
Glacial 3 (12) 2 (11) 0 (0) 15 (70) 22
Residual 10 (42) 10 (53) 0 (0) 2 (10) 38
Lacustrine 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 2
Marine 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) <1
Volcanic 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 2
Unknown 19 28 2 14
No. of piping incidents 41 35 2 28
No. of soils 24 (100) 19 (100) 0 (100) 21 (100) 100
Note: Percentages are given in parentheses. Zoning categories with poor control of erosion through the dam are homogeneous earthfill, earthfill with
filter (foundation filter), earthfill with rock toe, zoned earthfill (with no filter), concrete face earthfill, and puddle core earthfill. Zoning categories with
good control of erosion through the dam are earthfill with filter (embankment filter), zoned earthfill (with filter), zoned earth and rockfill, and central core
earth and rockfill.

with a plastic membrane (Martin Gonzalo Dam), and the suggested for hydraulic fill dams on the basis that the hy-
other with a bituminous concrete membrane (Scotts Peak draulic filling process would tend to give good zoning of
Dam). There are also 11 cases involving leakages through materials similar to that of zoned earthfill dams.
the concrete face in the dam incident database, but these are (10) Only two dams, Zoeknog and Ghattara, are known to
classified as seepage accidents because they did not involve have failed by piping through the embankment despite an
piping of materials. An upper bound average frequency of embankment filter being present. Both were earthfill dams
failure of <1.0 × 10–3, as shown in Table 5, for concrete face with a chimney filter, and in each case failure was attributed
rockfill dams is selected on the basis that the frequency of to piping through dispersive backfill materials around the
failure would be expected to be lower than those of any of outlet conduit. It is evident from the descriptions of these
the other dam zoning categories due to the effect of the cases that no filters were present to protect against piping
rockfill zone. through the backfill material of the outlet conduit. Approxi-
(8) Puddle clay core dams have relatively high average mately 30% of accidents involving piping through the em-
frequencies of failure and accidents due to piping through bankment occurred in dams with no embankment filters. In
the embankment. Of the four failures of large dams, three 21 of the 31 accidents where embankment filters were pres-
are early British dams constructed before 1865 and in each ent, the initiation of piping was due to coarse or segregated
case failure was attributed to piping of puddle core materials filters being placed adjacent to broadly graded core materials
into permeable shoulder fill following hydraulic fracturing (generally of glacial origin).
of the thin puddle cores. After the failure of Dale Dyke in (11) About half of all piping failures and a quarter of acci-
1864, nearly all puddle core dams constructed in the United dents through the embankment are associated with the pres-
Kingdom used zoning of materials against the puddle clay ence of conduits. Conduits influence the likelihood of piping
core (Skempton 1990). However, it is evident from the acci- because they can increase the likelihood of initiation (partic-
dents that problems still persisted even after this period, but ularly if there is poor compaction of the soil around the con-
they generally did not lead to failure of the dam. Deteriora- duit) and progression (by providing a wall for the pipe to
tion of the dams appears to have been a factor in many of form against). A review of the case data shows that virtually
the accident cases, with more than half of the piping acci- all failures for which there are data occurred where poor
dents occurring after 50 years of operation. Failure of the compaction was a contributing factor. Erosion into the con-
5 m high Clandeboye Dam, which occurred after 80 years of duit was a common cause of accidents but is not by itself
operation, was attributed to collapse of a wooden conduit likely to lead to failure.
that passed through the embankment. The majority of the ac-
cidents to puddle core dams involved either piping of thin
puddle cores into the shoulder fill or piping of fill materials Core material properties
into cracks in old masonry conduits passing through the
dam. At Yan Yean Dam in Australia, a leak developed Geological origin
through the puddle core after 92 years of operation due to The statistics of failures and accidents for dams with dif-
the presence of tree roots in the embankment. ferent geological origin of the core material and for zoning
(9) Hydraulic fill dams have a low incidence of piping which gives good and poor control of erosion are shown in
through the embankment, with no recorded failures and only Table 6. By comparing the percentage of failures and acci-
4% (three cases) of the accidents to large dams, but the pop- dents to the percentage of the population, one can assess
ulation of these dams is small (less than 1% of the total pop- whether the geological origin of the core has any influence
ulation). An average frequency of failure of <1.0 × 10–3 is on the incidence of piping.

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Foster et al. 1009

Table 7. Statistics of compaction of the core for the dams experiencing piping incidents.
No. of cases in the piping % of % of % of total
incidents piping piping population
Method of compaction Failures Accidents failures accidents of dams
No formal compaction 11 8 38 17 8
Rolled, modest control 13 25 45 52 32
Rolled, good control 5 15 17 31 60
Unknown 17 35
Total (where known) 29 48 100 100 100

Table 8. Summary of data relating piping incidents to internal erosion control and compaction of the core material.

Class of dams % of piping failures % of the population

All dams (excluding hydraulic fill and puddle core)
Well compacted 38 60
No or poor compaction 62 40
Dams with limited internal erosion control
Well compacted 24 60
No or poor compaction 76 40
Note: Dam types with limited zoning are homogeneous earthfill, earthfill with foundation filter only, and earthfill with rock toe.

It is evident that dams with core materials of glacial origin Dams constructed of dispersive clays are particularly sus-
have experienced more piping accidents (i.e., initiation of ceptible to piping failures. Dispersive clays are recorded as
piping) than those built from other materials but have experi- present in 18% (nine out of 51 cases) of the piping failures.
enced fewer failures. The erodibility of some glacial soils However, the actual proportion is likely to be higher, as the
has been shown by pinhole tests (Ravaska 1997) to be simi- majority of piping failures occurred prior to knowledge of
lar to that of highly dispersive clays (category D1). It is pos- the nature of dispersive clays. All nine of the piping failures
sible that these glacial soils are more erodible because their where dispersive clays were known to be present occurred
fine silt and clay size fractions are finely ground rock, rather on first (and usually rapid) filling of the reservoir. In six of
than more common clay minerals. The piping accidents in- the cases, piping occurred around conduits or adjacent to
volving glacial core materials have mostly occurred in dams spillways. In one spectacular case, La Escondida Dam, 50
where embankment filters were present. Review of these independent piping tunnels and eight breaches formed
cases indicates problems have been attributed to the use of through the dam on first filling.
coarse or segregated filters adjacent to the broadly graded
glacial core materials in central core earth and rockfill dams. Compaction of the core material
Failures involving piping of glacial core materials have only Tables 7 and 8 present the statistics of the incidence of
occurred where no filters were present. piping related to the compaction of the core material. The
Dams with core materials of alluvial origin have experi- piping incidents for hydraulic fill or puddle dams are not
enced more than the average number of piping failures but considered in the analysis because these forms of compac-
an average number of piping accidents. In all but one of the tion are directly related to the zoning of the dams, which is
nine failure cases involving alluvial soils, low-plasticity silts analysed separately.
(ML) or silty and clayey sands (SM, SC) were present. It is concluded that dams with no or poor compaction of
Dams constructed of residual soils experience an average the core material experience many more piping incidents
number of piping failures. However, in three of the 10 piping than the average, and those with good compaction somewhat
failures, the residual soils were dispersive, and therefore the less than the average. Dams with limited control of erosion
frequency of piping failures in nondispersive residual soils through the dam and with no formal compaction are more
tends to be less than the average. likely to fail than experience accidents.

Factors affecting the frequency of incidents

Unified Soil Classification and dispersivity
of piping through the foundation
The relationship between the classification of the embank-
ment core materials and the incidence of piping through the Incidents are classified as piping through the foundation
embankment was analysed. Dams constructed of low- where they involved any type of internal erosion process oc-
plasticity silts (ML) experienced more piping failures than curring primarily through the foundation of the dam. The in-
average, those constructed of low-plasticity clays (CL) mar- cidents have been classified into categories depending on the
ginally less failures than average, and those constructed of nature of the internal erosion as shown in Table 9. The ratio
high-plasticity clays marginally less incidents than average, of the number of accidents to the number of failures by pip-
but if dispersive soils are excluded dams experienced much ing through the foundation (77 accidents to 19 failures) is
fewer incidents than average. significantly higher than that for piping through the embankment,

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1010 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 37, 2000

Table 9. Incidence of piping through the foundation.

Type of piping No. of failures No. of accidents
Piping through soil foundation
Dam foundation 7 16
Abutment 1 10
Reservoir foundation 1 3
Subtotal 9 (43) 29 (34)
Piping foundation soil into foundation rock
Dam foundation 0 5
Reservoir foundation 0 1
Subtotal 0 (0) 6 (7)
Piping through rock foundation 6 (28) 7 (8)
Piping spillway foundation 1 (5) 10 (12)
Piping foundation soil into relief wells – toe drains 0 (0) 9 (11)
Sand boils in foundation 0 (0) 22 (26)
Unknown 5 (24) 2 (2)
Total 21 (100) 85 (100)
Note: Percentages are given in parentheses.

Table 10. Average frequency of failure due to piping through the foundation by dam zoning types for large dams up to 1986.
Average annual frequency of
Average Average failure (×10–3)
No. of No. of frequency of frequency of First 5 years After 5 years
Zoning category failures accidents failure (×10–3) accident (×10–3) of operation of operation
Homogeneous earthfill 2 9 3.0 11.2 447 25
Earthfill with filter 0 5 3.9
Earthfill with rock toe 3 2 7.0 3.9 1044 88
Zoned earthfill 1 14 0.4 4.6 59 6
Zoned earth and rockfill 0 6 7.6
Central core earth and rockfill 0 7 9.8
Concrete (or other) face earthfill 3 2 10.4 5.8 1553 105
Concrete (or other) face rockfill 0 0
Puddle core earthfill 0 0
Concrete corewall, earthfill 2 1 11.8 4.9 1768 68
Concrete corewall, rockfill 0 0
Hydraulic fill 1 7 15.7 91.8 2358 61
Unknown 7 17
All dams 19 70 1.7 6.2 255 19
Note: The percentage of failures by piping through the embankment occurring at the different times after construction are as follows: 25% during first
filling, 50% during first 5 years of operation, and 25% after 5 year of operation. Calculations of annual frequencies of failure are made as follows: annual
frequency of failure (all years) = (average frequency of failure)/(average age), annual frequency of failure (first 5 years) = –(average frequency of
failure)0.75/5, and annual frequency of failure (after 5 years) = (average frequency of failure)0.25/(average age – 5).

suggesting that this mode of piping is less likely to progress with rock toe, concrete face earthfill, earthfill with corewall,
from the initiation stage of piping to breaching of the dam. and hydraulic fill. These zoning categories would be ex-
Self-healing of the piping processes by collapse of the pipe, pected to have relatively poor control of seepage and pore
or self-limitation by the finite width of open joints in the pressures within the downstream foundation, and therefore it
case of rock foundations, may partly explain the relatively is concluded that the zoning of the dam does appear to have
low number of failures by this mode of piping. some influence on the frequency of failure by foundation
piping. The high incidence of piping failures for these zon-
Dam zoning ing categories is not reflected in the accidents, so it is likely
Table 10 shows the statistics of failures and accidents by the poor zoning of these dams contributes to the progres-
piping through the foundation for each of the zoning catego- sion of piping. However, as discussed in the following sec-
ries and for all embankment dams combined. The low num- tions, it is evident from the failures that other factors such as
ber of failure cases for foundation piping makes the type of cutoff and foundation geology are more influen-
comparisons between the dam zoning categories somewhat tial.
doubtful, but the dam zoning categories with above-average The significant proportion of rockfill dams in the founda-
frequencies of failure are homogeneous earthfill, earthfill tion piping accidents (25%) but not in the failures suggests

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Foster et al. 1011

Fig. 3. Foundation cutoff categories: (a) partially penetrating cutoff where cutoff does not extend to bedrock; (b) fully penetrating cut-
off where cutoff extends to bedrock.

Table 11. Presence of foundation filters in piping through foun- etrating. Here cutoff has been taken as cutoff trenches and
dation accident and failure cases. other cutoff types such as cutoff walls as shown in Fig. 3.
The number of foundation piping incidents in which the two
Presence of foundation filter No. of failures No. of accidents general types of foundation cutoff were present is listed in
No foundation filter 13 33 Table 12.
One foundation filter 1 23 The presence of grouting does not appear to have had a
Two foundation filters 0 2 significant influence in reducing the likelihood of initiation
Unknown 7 27 of piping through rock foundations or piping of foundation
Total 21 85 soils into foundation rock, with grouting carried out in ap-
proximately 50% of the incidents. There are five accidents
the high seepage gradients allow initiation of piping, but the where piping occurred through the soil foundation despite
rockfill prevents progression of piping to breaching. fully penetrating cutoffs being present. In these, foundation
erosion occurred through fractured foundation rock below
Foundation filters the cutoff (in two cases), due to an improper seal between
The effect of the presence of foundation filters is summa- the cutoff wall and bedrock (in one case), or due to seepage
rised in Table 11. Comparison with the population suggests through the abutment under the cutoff (in two cases).
they are important in preventing failures but not accidents.
Foundation geology
Foundation cutoff
Foundation cutoff descriptors and other cutoff types used Piping in soil foundations
in the ERDATA1 classification system have been simplified Foundation soil geology types that were involved in inci-
for analysis of the foundation piping incidents into two dents of piping through soil foundations are shown in
broad categories, namely partially penetrating and fully pen- Table 13 with the distribution of foundation geology types
Table 12. Incidence of piping through the foundation related to foundation cutoff types.
No. of failures No. of accidents
Partially Fully Partially Fully
penetrating penetrating penetrating penetrating
Type of piping cutoff cutoff cutoff cutoff
Piping through soil foundation 9 0 23 5
Piping of foundation soil into rock 0 0 1 5
Piping through rock foundation 1 4 0 7
Foundation sand boils 0 0 14 5
Piping of foundation soil into drainage systems 0 0 7 2
Piping in spillway foundation 0 0 5 1
Unknown 1 0 0 0
Total 11 4 50 25
% of piping incidents 73 27 67 33
% of population 15 85 15 85

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1012 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 37, 2000

Table 13. Soil geology types involved in foundation piping inci- Table 14. Statistics of failures and accidents for piping from the
dents. embankment into the foundation for large dams up to 1986.
No. of No. of Population Average annual
Soil geology type failures accidents (%) frequency
Alluvial 5 (50) 10 (32) 56 Average First 5 After 5
Glacial 1 (10) 9 (29) 19 Number frequency years years
Aeolian 0 (0) 3 (10) 6 Failures 2 1.8×10–4 1.9×10–5 3.9×10–6
Colluvial 0 (0) 5 (16) 7 Incidents 22 2.1×10–3 2.3×10–4 4.6×10–5
Lacustrine 0 (0) 2 (6) 3 (accidents and
Residual 3 (30) 1 (3) 8 failures)
Volcanic 1 (10) 1 (3) <1
Unknown 0 2 —
Total no. of incidents 10 (100) 29 (100) 100 Table 15. Characteristics of foundation cutoff for incidents of
Note: Percentages are given in parentheses. Where incidents have piping from the embankments into rock foundations.
involved piping of more than one soil geology type, all the soil types
have been counted (percentages are relative to the total number of soils, Cutoff No. of No. of % of piping % of
where known). Percentages of the population are for the following characteristics accidents failures incidents population
selected group of countries only: United States, India, Canada, Australia, Cutoff, shallow 9 2 52 66
and New Zealand.
Trench, deep 9 1 48 34
Descriptor, 6 0
for the selected group of countries in the embankment dam unknown
population. Grouting
The data suggest dams founded on glacial and colluvial No grouting 12 2 54 42
soils are more likely to experience piping accidents than Grouting 9 1 46 58
other dams but less likely to experience piping failures. Unknown 3 0
Therefore it appears that these soils are more susceptible to Total 24 3
the initiation of piping, but the soil properties and structure
give them good self-healing characteristics or a high likeli-
hood of collapse of the pipes, so the progression of piping is latter case, vertical fractures, with joint openings 50–300 mm
less likely when compared to other soils. wide, were present in the foundation sandstone in the abut-
Table 13 also suggests dams with residual soils in the ments of the dam.
foundation are more likely to experience piping failures than
the average. However, there are limited data, and in two of
the three failures involving piping of residual soils, namely Factors affecting the frequency of incidents
Baldwin Hills Reservoir and Laguna Dam, the residual soils of piping from the embankment into the
were dispersive. Residual soils are not common in the piping foundation
accidents. Therefore dams with residual soils present in the
foundation are less likely to experience piping incidents in Incidents have been classified as piping from the embank-
the foundation unless the soils are dispersive. ment into the foundation in the cases where embankment
materials, including the cutoff trench fill, have been eroded
Piping in rock foundations into the foundation of the dam due to seepage through the
Not unexpectedly, dams constructed on limestone rock foundation or embankment. Table 14 summarises the statis-
foundations appear to be particularly susceptible to piping tics of failures and accidents for piping from the embank-
incidents. Review of the accident and failure cases with ment to the foundation. There are insufficient failure cases
limestone foundations shows that seven of the eight cases in- (four in total) for this type of piping to assess the signifi-
volved piping through infilled solution channels, joints, or cance of the various factors on failures alone, so the analysis
karstic cavities in the limestone. The other incidents were in uses failures and accidents and is likely to identify the fac-
sandstone (one failure) and shale (one failure, one accident). tors that have the most influence on the frequency of initia-
tion of piping.
Piping of foundation soil into foundation rock The statistics given in Table 15 may underestimate the ac-
Foundation soils were piped into granite rock in three of tual frequencies of piping from the embankment into the
the five incident cases involving piping of foundation soil foundation. All of the failure cases for this mode of failure
into foundation rock. These three cases occurred in glaciated occurred after 1976, and it is likely that failures occurring
valleys. Stress-relief effects on granite rocks due to glaci- prior to this were classified by the investigators of the fail-
ation may have contributed to fracturing of the bedrock in ures as piping through the embankment or foundation. The
these cases. These are described in Fell et al. (1992) and dis- well-investigated and well-publicised case of Teton Dam
cussed further in this paper in relation to piping of embank- failure in 1976 highlighted this mode of piping as a possible
ment soils into rock foundations. In the other two cases, the mode of piping for other failures occurring after 1976.
foundation soils were piped into a karstic limestone founda- Piping of embankment materials into rock foundations is
tion (at Walter F. George Lock Dam) and into open fractured more common (24 accidents, three failures) than piping into
sandstone (at Bad Axe Watershed Structure No. 33). In the soil foundations (seven accidents, one failure), possibly

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Foster et al. 1013

Table 16. Foundation rock into which core material piped.

No. of No. of % of failures % in
Foundation rock failures accidents and accidents population
Sandstone 3 14 
1 6  21*
Sandstone and shale 33 
Sandstone and limestone 2 9 
Limestone 3 14 7
Granite 3 14 7
Quartzite 1 4 3
Schist 1 4 7
Tuff 1 4 2
Basalt 1 4 5
Unknown 1 4
* For sandstone.

because of the presence of continuous, open joints in some Erosion control at the core–foundation contact
rock foundations. It is also likely to be easier to identify than Erosion-control measures, in the form of either concrete
piping into soils. covering or filter protection, at the embankment–foundation
contact are present in only two of the incidents involving
Dam zoning piping from the embankment into the foundation. Both of
The analysis of incidents shows that dam zoning has little these are accidents involving piping into fractured bedrock.
influence on the initiation of piping. However, it would be At Brodhead Dam, glacial core materials were eroded into a
expected that dams with good downstream discharge capac- coarse foundation blanket layer which covered an area of
ity, e.g., free-draining rockfill, would be less likely to prog- highly weathered and fractured shale bedrock. At Hallby
ress to breach compared with dams with downstream zones Dam, glacial core materials were eroded into granite bed-
with poor discharge capacity (e.g., zoned earthfill with silty rock despite the presence of foundation treatment in the
sandy gravel in the downstream zone). form of sealing of cracks and partial covering with concrete
slabs. The cause of this incident was attributed to the flush-
Foundation filters ing out of montmorillonitic clay material in the open joints
Foundation filters were present in six of the 31 accidents of the granite bedrock.
and one of the four failures. In two of the accidents with
foundation filters, the accident was partly attributed to the Foundation geology
presence of coarse filters. All cases where foundation filters Table 16 presents the geology of the rock foundations into
were present involved piping into rock foundations, so it ap- which piping occurred. Interbedded sandstone and shale
pears the seepage bypassed the filters, or the filters were foundations are relatively common in the incidents involving
washed into the joints. piping into rock foundations. It is known that the presence
of interbedded layers of sandstone and shale can give rise to
Foundation cutoff open joints due to stress-relief effects, as described in Fell et
All accidents and failures involving piping of embank- al. (1992). All six of the incident descriptions involving pip-
ment materials into rock foundations have fully penetrating ing into interbedded sandstone and shale foundations noted
cutoff trenches to and into rock. The characteristics of the the fractured nature of the bedrock and the presence of open
foundation cutoff present in these incidents are summarised joints. At Fontenelle Dam, open stress-relief joints in the
in Table 15. The presence of deep, narrow cutoff trenches abutment were up to 300 mm wide, and at Cowm Dam very
and poorly treated open joints were believed to have been wide (estimated to be at least 0.5 m), open stress-relief joints
important contributing factors in the failure of Teton Dam are visible in the construction photographs of the foundation
and in accidents involving six puddle core dams. In all of bedrock. Piping of embankment materials into limestone
these cases, it was considered highly likely that hydraulic foundations was also relatively common. In two of the cases,
fracturing within the cutoff trenches had contributed to the Wolf Creek Dam and Apa Dam, embankment materials were
initiation of piping. Even without fracturing, the gradients piped into solution channels in the limestone foundation. At
are often high. These conditions can also make compaction Taibilla Dam, core materials were piped into open joints, up
of the earthfill materials difficult and thereby potentially give to 100 mm wide, in the limestone foundation.
areas of poorly compacted earthfill materials against the At least 10 of the 24 accidents involving piping into rock
foundation. foundations occurred in geological environments previously
The majority of incidents involving piping from the em- affected by glaciation. The presence of highly fractured bed-
bankment into soil foundations have occurred in dams with rock and open joints is noted in all 10 of these cases. Fell et
partially penetrating cutoff trenches with no other cutoff al. (1992) describe the open fractured nature of bedrock be-
present. Two accidents with fully penetrating cutoff trenches neath glacial deposits at several sites. The formation of these
involved puddle core earthfill dams with deep and narrow features is attributed to the effects of stress relief or
trenches. glacitectonic thrusting. The four accidents involving granite

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1014 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 37, 2000

Table 17. Statistics of failures and accidents for downstream slides on large dams up to 1986.

No. of Average Average annual frequency

Category cases frequency First 5 years After 5 years
Failures 6 5.4×10–4 4×10–5 1.5×10–5
Incidents (failures and accidents) 59 5.3×10–3 5.2×10–4 1.2×10–4
Incidents in operation 50 4.4×10–3 4.4×10–4 1.0×10–4

Table 18. Incidence of downstream slide type and dam zoning (failure and accident cases combined).
Zoning type Sloughing Embankment and foundation Unknown
Homogeneous earthfill 5 (1) 12 6 (1) 3 (2)
Earthfill with filter 1 4 4 0
Earthfill with rock toe 1 3 0 0
Zoned earthfill 1 2 3 0
Zoned earthfill and rockfill 1 (1) 0 0 0
Central core earth and rockfill 1 (1) 0 2 0
Concrete face earthfill 0 0 0 0
Concrete face rockfill 0 0 0 0
Puddle core earthfill 0 1 3 0
Earthfill with concrete corewall 1 4 0 0
Rockfill with concrete corewall 0 0 0 0
Hydraulic fill 3 (1) 2 0 1 (1)
Other 0 1 0 1 (1)
Unknown 0 5 (1) 0 2 (1)
Total 14 (4) 34 (1) 18 (1) 7 (5)
Note: Values in parentheses are the number of failure cases.

foundations were in geological environments that had been The downstream slide incidents have been classified ac-
affected by glaciation. The presence of horizontal stress- cording to the location and type of sliding movement. These
relief joints in the granite bedrock was found to be the cause are sloughing (progressive sliding of the downstream slope
of the piping incident at Churchill Falls GJ-11A Dyke. due to seepage through the embankment), through the em-
The three soil foundation types present in piping into soil bankment (slide surface passes through the embankment
foundation, namely glacial (four accidents), colluvial (three only), and through the embankment and foundation (base of
accidents), and alluvial (four accidents), are all characterised slide surface passes through the foundation).
by the potential for great variability, high permeability, and a Table 17 summarises the statistics of failures and acci-
large range in grain sizes. In two of the accidents, the pres- dents for downstream slides. The fact that there are rela-
ence of “open-work” gravel layers in the foundation was tively many accidents compared to failures may reflect the
noted. Soil foundations of glacial and colluvial origin appear fact that movement usually occurs slowly, giving warning of
to be overrepresented, which is not surprising because they a slope-instability problem and allowing remedial action or
often have cobbles and boulders with large voids. drawing down of the reservoir, or the slide is simply too
shallow to directly release the reservoir.
Embankment core characteristics
The effects of the geological origin, Unified Soil Classifi- Dam zoning and type of sliding
cation, and compaction on the frequency of piping incidents Table 18 summarises the types of sliding and how these
are similar to those for piping through the embankment. relate to the dam zoning. There are very few failures in total,
and of these only one (Utica Dam) involved failure through
Factors affecting the frequency of incidents the embankment, and one (Fruitgrowers Dam) failure
of downstream sliding through the foundation. As might be expected, the type of
embankment zoning appears to have a significant influence
Incidents have been classified as downstream slides where on the frequency of initiation of sliding of the downstream
the incident has involved any form of sliding movement of slope. Dam zoning types with poor control of pore pressures
the downstream slope of the dam. Dams which have shown and seepage within the dam and foundation, such as homo-
signs of incipient sliding of the downstream slope have also geneous earthfill, earthfill with foundation filter only,
been included. Downstream slides that have occurred to earthfill with rock toe, and earthfill with concrete corewall
dams during construction have been classified as accidents dams, all have average frequencies of initiation of sliding
unless they have resulted in uncontrolled release of reservoir greater than the average of all the dams combined. The
water. This is consistent with the definition used in the overrepresentation of puddle core earthfill, earthfill with
ICOLD (1995) study. concrete corewall, and hydraulic fill dams in the slide

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Foster et al. 1015

Table 19. Summary of data relating downstream slide incidents to the method of compaction of the
core material.
No. of No. of
rotational-type sloughing-type % of % of
Compaction of core materials slides slides incidents population
Hydraulic fill 2 3 — —
Puddle 6 0 — —
No formal compaction 10 6 48 8
Rolled, modest control 8 2 30 32
Rolled, good control 7 0 21 60
Unknown 19 3 — —
Total no. of slide incidents 52 14 — —
Total no. of incidents (where known) 33 11 100 100

incidents may also be a reflection of the lower standards of ronment, particularly in interbedded sandstone and shales,
design and construction (particularly the lack of compaction may explain why foundation slide incidents are so common.
by rollers) of these older dams compared with more modern
dam types. Dam types which inherently have relatively good Embankment core characteristics
control of pore pressures and high, reliable shear strength in
the downstream zone, such as zoned earthfill, zoned earth Geological origin
and rockfill, central core earth and rockfill, and concrete The geological origin of the core material appears to have
face rockfill, tend to have a relatively low frequency of some influence on the frequency of slide incidents, with
downstream slide incidents compared with the dam popula- cores of lacustrine origin more susceptible, cores of glacial
tion. origin less susceptible, and cores of residual and alluvial
There is a recorded case of a failure of a recently con- soils neutral. Sloughing incidents are more likely with soils
structed concrete face rockfill dam, Gouhou Dam, which is of alluvial and glacial origin, and rotational slides are more
believed to have failed by sliding of the downstream slope. likely to occur in cores built of residual, glacial, and lacus-
The incident is not included in the analysis because dams in trine soils.
China are excluded from the accident and failure statistics in
this study. The cause of the failure is attributed to leakage Unified Soil Classification
through the poorly constructed connection between the crest Dams embankments comprised of high-plasticity materials
wave wall and the concrete face which led to saturation of are much more likely than average to experience rotational-
the gravel fill downstream slope and probable sliding. Poor type slide incidents. Half of the high-plasticity core materi-
zoning of the sandy gravel fill forming the body of the dam als were of either glacial or lacustrine origin, with the other
is believed to have been a major contributing cause of the half unknown. No cases of sloughing-type incidents are
failure. known to have occurred in dams with high-plasticity materi-
als. Dams with embankment materials of low-plasticity clays
Foundation geology and silts (CL, ML) are also more likely to experience slide
The relationship of downstream sliding incidents to foun- incidents by both rotational- and sloughing-type slides. Ap-
dation geology has been assessed and shows that sliding proximately 70% of the cases with low-plasticity core mate-
through the foundation has occurred mainly on soil founda- rials are of either residual or alluvial origin.
tions (16 out of 18 cases). Sliding through rock has only Embankment core materials comprised of clayey or silty
been noted in two cases. The type of rock, or origin of the sands and gravels (SC, SM, GC, GM) are shown to be less
soil, has little influence, but the presence of high-plasticity likely to experience slide incidents. The lower proportion of
clays in the foundation does seem important, with these be- sandy materials in the embankment core materials of the
ing present in 12 of the 18 incidents involving sliding slide incidents is probably indicative of the higher shear
through the foundation. High-plasticity clays are generally strength of these materials compared to the more clayey core
characterised by relatively low shear strength and, probably materials. They may be generally more permeable, facilitat-
more importantly, a large reduction from peak to residual ing dissipation of pore pressures and giving less chance of
shear strength. The presence of fissured high-plasticity clays contractive behaviour in poorly rolled material.
was noted in two of the incidents involving sliding through
the foundation. Compaction
The presence of soft sedimentary rocks and residual soils Table 19 summarises the compaction of dams that have
of sedimentary origin in the foundation appears to be a com- experienced downstream sliding incidents. Hydraulic fill and
mon feature of both upstream and downstream slide inci- puddle core dams are not included because the core compac-
dents where sliding has occurred through the foundation; tion is directly related to the zoning of the dam.
40% of upstream and downstream foundation slides com- As might be expected, the degree of compaction of the
bined (i.e., 14 out of 35 cases) involved sliding through core materials appears to have a strong influence on the like-
these materials. The presence of low-strength bedding fea- lihood of initiation of sliding. Relatively poor compaction
tures such as surface bedding shears in this geological envi- conditions exist in the majority of the downstream slide

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1016 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 37, 2000

Table 20. Statistics of failures and accidents for upstream slides on large dams.

No. of Average Average annual probability

Category cases frequency First 5 years After 5 years
Failures 1 9×10–5 3×10–6 all years
Incidents (failures and accidents) 47 4.2×10–3 4.1×10–4 1.0×10–4

incident cases. The ratio of the percentage of incidents to Table 21. Incidence of upstream slide incidents.
that of the population suggests dams which have no formal
compaction of the core materials are about seven times more No. of No. of
likely to experience slides than the average and about 25 Type of slide failures accidents
times more likely than dams with good compaction of the Sloughing 0 1
core. Poorly compacted core materials would be expected to Through embankment only 0 26
have considerably lower shear strengths and be more perme- Through embankment and foundation 0 17
able compared with materials with poorly compacted clays. Unknown 1 2
The increased permeability of poorly compacted soils can Total 1 46
potentially allow wetting and softening of the core materials
and failure in undrained loading. Slides through the founda-
tion appear to be less influenced by the degree of compac-
tion of the embankment. freeboard is large. The number of cases for each of the three
different types of downstream slides are listed for the acci-
dent and failure cases in Table 21.
Factors affecting the frequency of incidents Sloughing-type slides are relatively uncommon in up-
of upstream sliding stream slide incidents, with only one accident to Holmes
Creek Dam, which was constructed of very uniform, fine,
Incidents have been classified as upstream slides where cohesionless sand. In this case, progressive sloughing of the
the incident has involved any form of sliding of the upstream upstream face was initiated by an explosion and within 5 h
slope of the dam. The upstream slide incidents have been the sloughing had cut 9 m into the crest of the dam (Sherard
classified according to the location and type of sliding move- 1953).
ment in the same way as that for downstream slides. In addi-
tion, upstream slide types have been classified according to Dam zoning and type of sliding
whether or not the slide was initiated by a drawdown of the An analysis of the relationship of dam zoning to upstream
reservoir. slides shows the following embankment dam zoning catego-
Table 20 summarises the statistics of failures and acci- ries which have average frequencies of initiation of upstream
dents for upstream slides. There is only one large embank- slides higher than or similar to the average of all dams com-
ment dam that is known to have failed (i.e., breached) due to bined and the approximate ratios of the average frequencies
sliding of the upstream slope. The incident description of of the dam zoning categories to the average frequency of all
Kaila Dam (ICOLD 1974) describes settlement and piping dams (for example, homogeneous earthfill dams are about
around the conduit giving rise to “the slip of the entire up- three times more likely to experience upstream slides than
stream bank up to the corewall.” It has been assumed the in- all dams combined): homogeneous earthfill 3×, earthfill with
cident at Kaila Dam is a failure (i.e., was breached), which rock toe 1×, concrete face earthfill 1.5×, puddle core earthfill
is consistent with the classification given by both ICOLD 2×, earthfill with concrete corewall 2.5×, and hydraulic fill
(1974) and ICOLD (1995). 12×. All of these dam zoning types generally have earthfill
The average frequency of failure occurring once sliding of material in the upstream slope, making them more suscepti-
the upstream slope has initiated is one failure out of 46 ble to upstream slides under drawdown conditions. The older
cases, giving a ratio of approximately 2%. This is five times dams are also likely to have been poorly compacted.
lower than that for downstream slides. This is considered to All of the dams with rockfill zoning have a low incidence
be an upper bound, as one might expect that a large number of upstream slide incidents. This is related to the relatively
of upstream sliding accident cases have not been reported in high shear strength and high permeability of rockfill materi-
the ICOLD studies or in the literature and the failure of als. Only one of these three incidents was initiated by
Kaila Dam might just as well be classified as a piping fail- drawdown of the reservoir (old Eildon Dam), which was a
ure. concrete corewall dam with an earthfill core and rockfill
A total of 57% of all the upstream slide incidents were shoulders. The other two cases were a construction slide of a
initiated by a drawdown of the reservoir. The one failure central core earth and rockfill dam founded on “soft fat”
case does not appear to be a drawdown slide. Of the 19 inci- clays (Clendening Dam) and an upstream slide initiated by
dent cases which are not drawdown slides, 10 occurred dur- an earthquake (La Calera Dam).
ing construction prior to reservoir filling. Therefore, 73% of Zoned earthfill dams are less likely to experience up-
upstream slides which occurred in operation (i.e., excluding stream slide incidents than the population of dams by a fac-
construction slides) were initiated by drawdown of the reser- tor of approximately 0.5. The majority of upstream slide
voir. This helps explain why so few upstream slides have incidents to zoned earthfill dams have been foundation
caused breaches: the water level in the reservoir is low, so slides, making up six of the nine incidents to this dam type.

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Foster et al. 1017

Table 22. Summary of the factors influencing the frequency of failure by piping through the embankment.
General factors influencing frequency of failure
Factor Much more likely More likely Neutral Less likely Much less likely
Zoning Homogeneous earthfill, Concrete face Earthfill with Earthfill with Central core earth
earthfill with rock earthfill concrete corewall, filter, zoned and rockfill;
toe, puddle core hydraulic fill earthfill, concrete face
earthfill zoned earth rockfill; rockfill
and rockfill with concrete
Embankment filters No embankment Embankment filter
filter present
Core geological Alluvial Aeolian, colluvial Residual, lacustrine, Glacial
origin marine, volcanic
Core soil type Dispersive clays; low- Clayey and silty Well-graded and Clayey and High-plasticity clays
plasticity silts (ML); sands (SC, SM) poorly graded silty gravels (CH)
poorly graded and gravels (GW, (GC, GM);
well-graded sands GP); high-plastic- low-plasticity
(SP, SW) ity silts (MH) clays (CL)
Compaction No formal compaction Rolled, modest Puddle, hydraulic Rolled, good control
control fill
Conduits and other Conduit through the Irregularities in No conduit through
locations of piping embankment foundation or the embankment
abutment, steep

Foundation geology count of general dam engineering principles and the nature
The relationship of upstream sliding to incidents to foun- of soil and rock environments. The allocation into the cate-
dation geology has been assessed and shows that the major- gories “much more likely,” “more likely,” “neutral,” “less
ity of the foundation slide incidents involve sliding through likely,” and “much less likely” is somewhat judgmental. It is
soil foundations, making up 13 of the 17 cases. Sliding oc- recognised that some factors may be surrogates for the other,
curred through rock foundations in only four incidents, e.g., the geological environment and soil classification prop-
namely at Bear Gulch Dam, where sliding was initiated on erties may be linked. However, in some cases, particularly
three occasions, and at Fort Peck Dam. for older dams, there may be little other than the geological
environment available to assess the dams, so we have in-
Embankment core characteristics cluded both factors.
The relationship between geological origin and compac- The analysis of dam zoning, filters, core properties, and
tion of the materials and incidence of slides is similar for compaction from the dam failure statistics, as described in
both upstream and downstream slides. Dams with core mate- the preceding sections, has assessed the factors individually.
rials composed of clay materials are more likely to experi- An analysis was also carried out to assess what combination
ence upstream slide incidents than the average. This is of factors is more likely to lead to piping failure.
evident for dams with low-plasticity clays (CL), which are Dams which failed generally had several poor characteris-
nearly two times more likely to experience slides than the tics, such as limited zoning, no filters, poor compaction, and
average. Embankment core materials comprised of clayey or erodible soils. Dams which suffered accidents commonly
silty sands and gravels (SC, SM, GC, GM) are less likely to had fewer of the poor characteristics and more of the good
experience slide incidents by both upstream and downstream characteristics. The results of this simple analysis indicate
slides. This is probably indicative of the higher shear that dams which have a combination of several poor charac-
strength of these materials compared with the more clayey teristics are much more likely to fail by piping than those
core materials. with only one or two poor characteristics. As an example,
the presence of dispersive soils in itself may not necessarily
influence the likelihood of failure but is more likely to influ-
Summary of the factors affecting the ence a dam with poor compaction around a conduit and ho-
frequency, timing, and location of piping mogeneous zoning.
and sliding
Timing of incidents
Factors affecting the frequency of piping and sliding The timing of piping incidents is summarised in Ta-
Tables 22–24 summarise the factors influencing the fre- bles 27–29 and Fig. 4. The frequency of piping failures is
quency of piping, and Tables 25 and 26 summarise the fac- significantly higher on first filling and early in the life of the
tors affecting the frequency of sliding. These tables have dam. There does, however, appear to be a trend for older
been prepared from the analysis of the data, but also take ac- dams to also experience piping incidents. This may reflect

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1018 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 37, 2000

Table 23. Summary of the factors influencing the frequency of failure by piping through the foundation.
General factors influencing frequency of failure
Factor Much more likely More likely Neutral Less likely Much less likely
Zoning Homogeneous earthfill, Puddle core Earthfill with filter, Zoned earth and
earthfill with rock toe, earthfill zoned earthfill rockfill, central core
concrete face earthfill, earth and rockfill,
earthfill with corewall, concrete face rockfill,
hydraulic fill rockfill with corewall
Filters No foundation filter No foundation Foundation filter(s)
present when required filter present
Foundation type Soil foundation Erodible rock Non-erodible rock
(below cutoff)
Foundation cutoff Shallow or no cutoff Upstream blanket,
(soil foundation) trench partially penetrating
cutoff wall
Foundation cutoff Fully penetrating cutoff Cutoff trench
(rock foundation) wall
Soil geology type Dispersive soils, Residual Aeolian, Alluvial Glacial
(below cutoff) volcanic ash colluvial,
Rock type Limestone, Tuff, rhyolite, marble, Sandstone, shale, Conglomerate,
(below cutoff) dolomite, quartzite siltstone, andesite, gabbro,
soluble rocks claystone, granite, gneiss,
(gypsum), basalt mudstone, schist, phyllite, slate
volcanic breccia

Fig. 4. Time after construction of incidents of piping through the embankment.

deterioration or the design and construction of the older first filling. For the accidents, less than half of the piping in-
dams. cidents occurred on first filling for most of the dam zoning
The time of the incident of piping in the embankment for categories. Piping accidents of puddle core earthfill dams
each of the dam zoning categories has been analysed for tend to occur generally after many years of operation.
failures and accidents. The results suggest that the time of The time of sliding incidents is summarised in Tables 30
incident for failures may be related to dam zoning. Homoge- and 31. An assessment of the different failure types shows
neous earthfill, earthfill with filter, earthfill with rock toe, that slides through the foundation tend to occur at an earlier
and zoned earthfill dams all show a relatively high propor- age than slides through the embankment; 44% of the founda-
tion of failures on first filling, ranging from 50% failures for tion slides occurred during construction or on first filling
homogeneous earthfill dams up to 70–80% for the other compared with only 15% of embankment slides. Sloughing-
three dam zoning types. Less than 25% of the failures in type slides also tend to be more frequent in the early stages.
concrete face earthfill and puddle core dams occurred on The potential for preexisting shear surfaces or other weak

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Foster et al. 1019

Table 24. Summary of the factors influencing the frequency of piping accidents and failures from the embankment into the foundation.
General factors influencing frequency of initiation of piping
Factor Much more likely More likely Neutral Less likely Much less likely
Zoning Appears to be Appears to be Appears to be Appears to be Appears to be
independent of independent of independent of independent of independent of
zoning zoning zoning zoning zoning
Filters Appears to be inde- Appears to be inde- Appears to be inde- Appears to be Appears to be
pendent of pendent of pendent of independent of independent of
presence–absence of presence–absence presence–absence presence– presence–
embankment or of embankment of embankment or absence of absence of
foundation filters or foundation foundation filters embankment or embankment or
filters foundation foundation
filters filters
Foundation cutoff Deep and narrow Average cutoff trench Shallow or no
trench cutoff trench width and depth cutoff trench
Foundation type Founding on or Founding on or
partly on rock partly on soil
foundations foundations
Erosion-control No erosion-control No erosion-control Erosion-control
measures of core measures, open measures measures
foundation jointed bedrock, or present
open-work gravels
Grouting of No grouting on Soil foundation only, Rock foundations
foundations rock foundations not applicable grouted
Soil geology type Colluvial Glacial Residual Alluvial, aeolian,
marine, volcanic
Rock type Sandstone interbedded Dolomite, tuff, Agglomerate, volcanic Sandstone, con- Shale, siltstone,
with shale or lime- quartzite, rhyo- breccia, granite, glomerate mudstone,
stone; limestone, lite, basalt, andesite, gabbro, schist, phyllite, claystone
gypsum marble gneiss slate, hornfels
Core geological Glacial Aeolian, alluvial, col- Residual
origin luvial lacustrine,
marine, volcanic
Core soil type Dispersive clays; low- Clayey and silty Well-graded and Clayey and silty High-plasticity
plasticity silts (ML); sands (SC, SM) poorly graded gravels (GC, clays (CH)
poorly graded and gravels (GW, GP); GM); low-
well-graded sands high-plasticity silts plasticity clays
(SP, SW) (MH)
Core compaction Appears to be inde- Appears to be inde- Appears to be inde- Appears to be Appears to be
pendent of pendent of pendent of independent of independent of
compaction compaction compaction compaction compaction
Foundation Untreated vertical Irregularities in Careful slope Careful slope
treatment faces or overhangs foundation or modification by modification by
in core foundation abutment, steep cutting, filling cutting, filling
abutments with concrete with concrete
Note: The ranking is designed to place those rocks which commonly have open joints, e.g., due to stress relief, as “much more likely” and those with a
low likelihood of open joints as “much less likely.” Some rock types, assumed to occur in large masses, e.g., andesite, sometimes occur as flows, so may
be better in a “much more likely” category in that case.

zones in the foundation of low shear strength may explain peak shear strength, and a large reduction in shear strength
the tendency of foundation slides to initiate at an early age. from peak to residual once sliding is initiated. These all give
The effect of pore pressures generated in high-plasticity conditions conducive to initiation and progression of sliding.
clay foundations during construction may also explain the
tendency of foundation soils to initiate sliding early. In six Location of the initiation of piping
of the eight foundation slide incidents that occurred during The location where piping originated for the piping
construction or on first filling, sliding took place through through the embankment and piping from the embankment
high-plasticity and (or) soft clays in the foundation. High- to the foundation was noted from the incident descriptions.
plasticity and soft clays are generally characterised by low The number of cases where piping initiated for the different
permeability (giving slow dissipation of pore pressures), low types of location for both accidents and failures are plotted

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1020 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 37, 2000

Table 25. Summary of the factors influencing the frequency of downstream slides, accidents and failures.
General factors influencing frequency of initiation of downstream slides
Factor Much more likely More likely Neutral Less likely Much less likely
Zoning Homogeneous Earthfill with rock Earthfill with filter Concrete face Zoned earthfill, zoned
earthfill, earthfill toe earthfill, puddle earth and rockfill,
with corewall, core earthfill central core earth
hydraulic earthfill and rockfill,
concrete face
rockfill, rockfill
with corewall
Foundation type Soil foundations Rock foundations
Geology type High-plasticity clays Residual soils of All other geology
(foundation in foundation, i.e., sedimentary types (due to low
slides) marine, lacustrine origin and “soft” number of founda-
sedimentary rocks tion slide cases)
Core geological Lacustrine Residual, alluvial, Glacial, aeolian
origin colluvial, volcanic
Core soil type High-plasticity clays Low-plasticity silts Clayey sands (SC) Clayey gravels Silty sands and
and silts (for rota- and clays (ML, (GC) gravels (SM, GM)
tional slides) CL)
Core compaction No formal Rolled, modest Puddle, hydraulic Rolled, well Rolled, well
compaction control (accounted for by compacted (for compacted
zoning) foundation (particularly for
slides) embankment slides
and sloughing)

Fig. 5. Piping initiation location of the incidents of piping through the embankment.

in Figs. 5 and 6. The presence of conduits through the em- bankment and concrete structures such as spillways, over ir-
bankment and (or) through the trenches in the foundation regularities in the foundation or abutments, and over steep
has an important influence on the initiation of piping abutments. These are all locations in the embankment which
through the embankment for the reasons discussed earlier. are particularly susceptible to hydraulic fracturing and (or)
Other locations where piping has initiated, but much less differential settlement and where difficulties can be experi-
frequently than conduits, are at the contact between the em- enced with compaction of the core materials.
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Foster et al. 1021

Table 26. Summary of the factors influencing the frequency of initiation of upstream slides, accidents and failures.
General factors influencing frequency of initiation of downstream slides
Much more
Factor likely More likely Neutral Less likely Much less likely
Zoning Homogeneous Concrete face earthfill, Earthfill with rock Earthfill with Zoned earth and
earthfill, puddle core earthfill, toe, rockfill with filter, zoned rockfill, central
hydraulic fill earthfill with corewall earthfill core earth and
corewall rockfill, concrete
face rockfill
Foundation type Soil foundations Rock foundations
Geology type High-plasticity Residual soils of sedi- All other geology
(foundation clays in foun- mentary origin and types (due to
slides) dation (i.e., “soft” sedimentary low number of
marine, rocks foundation slide
lacustrine) cases)
Core geological Glacial, Alluvial Residual, marine, Aeolian, colluvial Glacial
origin lacustrine volcanic
Core soil type Low-plasticity silts and High-plasticity Clayey sands and Silty sands and
clays (ML, CL) clays (CH) gravels (SC, gravels (SM, GM)
Core compaction No formal Rolled, modest control Puddle, hydraulic Rolled, well Rolled, well
compaction (accounted for compacted (for compacted (for
by zoning) foundation embankment slides
slides) and sloughing)

Fig. 6. Piping initiation location of the incidents of piping from the embankment into the foundation.

Conclusions for approximately half of the failures to large embankment

dams. Piping failure account for most of these. The inci-
Overall statistics dence of piping through the embankment is two times higher
The analysis of the dam incidents in the ERDATA1 data- than piping through the foundation and 20 times higher than
base has shown that structural modes of failure, i.e., those piping from the embankment into the foundation. Embank-
involving piping, slope instability, or an earthquake, account ment slides account for only 4% of embankment dam
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1022 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 37, 2000

Table 27. Time after construction of incidents of piping through the embankment.

No. of No. of % of cases (where known)

Time of incident after construction failures accidents Failures Accidents
During construction 1 0 2 0
During first filling 24 26 48 26
After first filling and during first 5 years 7 13 14 13
After first 5 years 18 60 36 61
Unknown 1 3 — —
Total no. of piping cases 51 102 100 100

Table 28. Time after construction of incidents of piping through the foundation.

No. of No. of % of cases (where known)

Time of incident after construction failures accidents Failures Accidents
During construction 1 0 5 0
During first filling 4 23 20 30
After first filling and during first 5 years 10 19 50 24
After first 5 years 5 36 25 46
Unknown 1 7 — —
Total no. of piping cases 21 85 100 100

Table 29. Time after construction of incidents of piping from the embankment into the foundation.

No. of No. of % of cases (where known)

Time of incident after construction failures accidents Failures Accidents
During construction 0 0 0 0
During first filling 2 6 50 20
After first filling and during first 5 years 2 8 50 27
After first 5 years 0 16 0 53
Unknown 0 1 — —
Total no. of piping cases 4 31 100 100

Table 30. Time after construction of incidents of downstream slides.

No. of No. of % of cases (where known)

Time of incident after construction failures accidents Failures Accidents
During construction 2 9 18 15
During first filling 2 7 18 11
After first filling and during first 5 years 0 15 0 25
After first 5 years 7 30 64 49
Unknown 0 1 — —
Total no. of incidents 11 62 100 100

Table 31. Time after construction of incidents of upstream slides.

No. of No. of % of incident
Time of incident after construction failures accidents cases
During construction 0 10 21
During first filling 0 1 2
After first filling and during first 5 years 1 12 28
After first 5 years 0 23 49
Unknown 0 0 —
Total no. of incidents 1 46 100

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Foster et al. 1023

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to 1950 is about seven times higher than that for dams con- Power Corporation (BC Hydro), Norwegian Geotechnical
structed after 1950. Institute, and Alberta Dam Safety.

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