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PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Contemporary Dance 1

PE 103

Unit: Contemporary Dances

PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Contemporary Dance 2

I. Competencies
• Point out the importance of contemporary dance.
• Show creative skills in expressing emotions through performing contemporary dance.
• Execute the basic steps in contemporary dance naturally.
II. Development of Concept


Contemporary dance is
a style of expressive dance that
combines elements of several
dance genres such as ballet and
jazz. The dance in itself is all
about flexibility and connection
of both body and mind through
fluid movements. It also stresses
versatility and improvisation,
unlike the strict, structured
nature of ballet.

Contemporary dancers focus mostly on floor work, using gravity to pull them down to the
floor. This dance genre is often done in bare feet. Contemporary dance can be performed to many
different styles of music with the help of its elements. (click the links for sample video for Modern dance
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgjJju5L7gQ and for Contemporary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSKAMW8iHco , watch sample video
stored in your flash drive PE103- Unit 4 sample videos 1)

During the 19th century, theatrical dance performances were
synonymous with ballet. Ballet is a formal technique that developed
from court dance during the Italian Renaissance and became popular
as a result of the support of Catherine de' Medici.

Contemporary dance was developed in the mid-20th century

when a ballet dancer in the United States, Isadora Duncan, decided
to break away from the rigid technique of ballet and was able to
develop her own style which she called contemporary dance. This
was between the years 1878 and 1927. She was able to emphasize
her technique and based it on ease of movement using the body’s natural energy and lines, allowing
more range in fluidity of movement than other conventional techniques
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Contemporary Dance 3

Another icon in the field of contemporary dance is said to be Merce Cunningham who
was considered to be the first choreographer to actually develop an independent attitude towards
modern dance and defy all the ideas that was established by it.

Today's contemporary dance is an eclectic mix of styles, with choreographers drawing

from ballet, modern, and "post-modern" (structureless) forms of dance. While some contemporary
dancers create characters, theatrical events, or stories, others perform entirely new creations as
they improvise in their own unique style


It is a type of performance dance that originated in the Italian Renaissance
courts of the 15th century and later developed into a concert dance form in
France and Russia. It is a theatrical dance in which a formal academic
dance technique that is combined with other artistic elements such as
music, costume, and stage scenery. The academic technique itself is also
known as ballet. It can tell a story or express a thought, concept or
emotion. Ballet can be magical, exciting, provoking or disturbing. There
are some styles of ballet such as romantic, classical, neoclassical and
contemporary that differ from each other.
Learning the art of this classical dance form is not a quick or easy practice;
developing one's technique in ballet takes several years of practice and a lot of discipline and
repetition of the basic steps.
Positions of the Arms and Hands

Your arms should be Preparatory

relaxed, a little position where the
ahead of the body arms are kept at the
slightly bent at the side of the body, a
elbows fingers middle ground
continuing to bend between 2nd
Bras bas the arms to create an Demi seconde position and bras
oval shape. bas.


Arms make an oval Open your arms but keep them It is a fusion of the 1st and
design in front of you slightly in front of the shoulders. 2nd position, each arm is in
and your hands should They should be relaxed and a position.
be bent in the stomach slightly curved but do not let
height. Remember to them fall elbows. Hands should
relax your shoulders, be facing forward and flabby
hold your elbows and fingers and flexible
turn palms for you.
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Contemporary Dance 4


This is a combination of 2nd to the 5th Your arms should be doing an oval
position. While one arm is slightly bent drawing a little farther from the head,
to the side, the other is slightly ahead of framing your face. Do not lift your
the head, also making a graceful curve shoulders and keep your palms facing

The feet should be united and facing out and your heels together,
forming a straight line. Do not forget the entire leg should run
out, not just the feet.

Same “form” with the first position but with your feet apart.
Always keep your knees out.

Cross one foot to the middle in front of the other. The principle
is the same: body, knees out, weight on both legs, while the foot
to give somewhere.

Starting from third position, put the heel of the crossed foot
forward away from the other.

It’s the closed position of the fourth. One foot is fully placed
ahead of the other but should not be left to support the heel on
the fingers of the other foot.
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Contemporary Dance 5


It is a combination of classical ballet

moves mixed with steps from American
popular culture, including African and Celtic
dance influences. While it has become a fine art
form, jazz dance was designed to entertain and
even the basic steps have a showy, extreme feel
to them that made this dance fun and energetic.
Jazz has become one of the most popular dance
styles in recent years, mainly due to its
popularity on television shows, movies, music
videos and commercials.

Basic Steps


This iconic move consists of few basic walking steps but done in a particular order.
1 2 3 4

1. In your starting position, get ready by standing with your feet together. Keep your arms down
by your side and your knees softly bent.

2. Step the right foot and across the left.

3. Step back with your left foot.

4. Step to the side with your right foot.


One of the key skills for any jazz dancer is to be able to move parts of the body individually.
This is almost always a part of any jazz dance warm-up.
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Contemporary Dance 6

1. Back Head Isolation

The head is rotated to the left and to the right. First stand straight with
arms stretched out parallel to the ground and the knees are slightly bent.

2. Right/Left Head Isolation

For this, hold the right shoulder down and tilt your head towards right.
Same movement for the left head isolation.

3. Hip Isolation

Similar to the head isolation technique, you need to stand straight with
the hands hanging to the side. The hip muscles will be loosened while
performing this isolation. Let your shoulders hang and maintain a relaxed
posture. Now move your hips to the right for right hip isolation and left
for the left hip isolation.

4. Ribcage Isolation

Stand in the second position and place your hands on your hips. Bend
your knees slightly and move your ribcage to the right and then to the
left, without moving your waist.

5. Chest Isolation

Stand in the second and bent your knees slightly. Now place your hands
on your hips and push your chest outwards for outward chest isolation
and inwards for inward chest isolation.

C. SASHAY A sashay is a simple, three-count move to get across the floor.

1. Stand with your weight on your left foot and your right foot
extended to the side.

2. Shift your weight to your right foot.

3. Hop off your right foot and quickly draw your left foot in to land
on it.

4. Replace your weight on the right foot.

PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Contemporary Dance 7

A chain turn is a series of half turns you can complete
to put a bit of energy and beauty into your routine.

1. Place your weight on the ball of your left foot and

pivot, turning 180 degrees to the left.

2. Place your weight on the ball of your right foot and

pivot again, continuing to turn 180 degrees to the left.

3. Repeat steps two and three at a steady pace until you run out of floor space.


Since contemporary dance is focused on spontaneity and self-expression, as opposed to

choreography and rigid technique, students in contemporary dance classes tend to develop better
self-awareness, both physical and emotional, along with the fitness and flexibility.

Creative Thinking

The impact that artistic training in general,

and contemporary dance training specifically, can
have on a student’s life is often grossly
underestimated. In study after study, employers list
creative thinking as one of the employability skills
they want most, and the total of a candidate’s
employability skill set weighs as heavily in their hiring decisions as job-specific skills, training,
and experience.

Stress Reduction

Contemporary dance contribute to healthier kids

today and better balanced adults in the future by teaching
students to access their emotions and translate them to
physical motion. Both physical exercise and
introspection help to alleviate stress. The endorphins
produced as a result of a dance will last for as much as 24 hours, giving the student a sense of
peace, well-being, and optimism.
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Contemporary Dance 8


Creatively rendering emotion and thought into

physical movement gives students a kind of unique
“voice” with which to express themselves, so they can
find ways to express themselves, even when words aren’t
sufficient. This can be especially helpful for shy students or students with learning disabilities, and
builds confidence in students who might otherwise feel invisible and unheard.
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Contemporary Dance 9

III. Activities and Exercises

Activity 1. Tell Me!
Answer the following statements below. Write your answers in a the
space provided after each question.
1. On your own words define Contemporary Dance.
2. If you are to choregraph a contemporary dance, what would be the theme of it? Expand your
3. As compared to other dance genres, what makes contemporary dance different from other
dances. Support your answer.


Direction. Read each question carefully and choose the BEST answer by encircling the letter.
Please answer them with all honesty.
1. The following describe the true definition of contemporary dance, EXCEPT ONE:
a. stresses versatility and improvisation
b. connection of body and mind through graceful movements
c. an adaption of urban dance styles
d. a mixture of eclectic styles that is being danced in a “structure less” manner
2. It is a kind of basic step that consists of one or more quick gliding steps with the same foot
always leading.
a. bras bas b. chain turn c. isolation d. sashay (chasse)
3. These people are the pioneers that gave a big contribution during the start of contemporary
dance, EXCEPT ONE:
a. Isadora Duncan b. Merce Cunningham c. Kurt Jooss d. Martha Graham
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Contemporary Dance 10

4. In contemporary dance improvisation is one of the good ways in expressing yourself. What is
a. a stage direction
b. movement which was not pre-choreographed
c. a kind of basic step
d. a planned structure that being portrayed in a dance
5. This iconic move consists of few basic walking steps but done in a particular order.
a. jazz square b. sashay (chasse) c. demi seconde d. isolation
6. This is a theatrical art form using dancing, music, and scenery to convey a story in which
conventional poses and steps are combined with light flowing figures.
a. Jazz b. Concert c. Ballet d. Interpretative
7. A preparatory position in ballet where the arms are kept at the side of the body.
a. pirouette b. demi seconde c. bras bas d. chain turn
8. A jazz square is basic step in Jazz. How is this step dance sequentially?
I. Step back with your left foot.
II. Stand with your feet together. Your arms down by your side and your knees softly bent.
III. Step to the side with your right foot.
IV. Step right foot and across the left.

a. I, IV, III, II c. II, IV, III, I

b. IV, II, I, III d. II, IV, I, III
9. This basic step is being done with a half toe in first position (heels almost together), with the body
weight changing on each foot while making a half rotation in one continuous direction.
a. isolation b. sashay (chasse) c. chain turn d. bras bas
10. It is important to link the body and mind in performing contemporary dance. These are the
importance of contemporary dance to the health and wellness of an individual?
a. self-expression b. creativity c. stress reduction d. all of the above
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Contemporary Dance 11

III. References















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