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INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................... 2

HOUSEHOLD QUESTIONNAIRE:..........................................................................................................................................3
ADULT QUESTIONNAIRE: .................................................................................................................................................3
CHILD QUESTIONNAIRE: ..................................................................................................................................................3

SAMPLING DESIGN FOR KHAYELITSHA STUDIES ..................................................................................................... 4

KHAYELITSHA 2002 AND 2004.........................................................................................................................................4

KHAYELITSHA 2003 AND 2005.........................................................................................................................................4

SAMPLING DESIGN FOR AGINCOURT STUDIES ....................................................................................................... 5

AGINCOURT 2002: ........................................................................................................................................................5

AGINCOURT 2004: ........................................................................................................................................................8

THE DATA ............................................................................................................................................................ 10

GENERAL INFORMATION: ...............................................................................................................................................10

HOUSEHOLD QUESTIONNAIRE RESPONSES ARE IN THE FOLLOWING DATASETS: ..........................................................................10
ADULT QUESTIONNAIRE RESPONSES ARE IN THE FOLLOWING DATASET: ...................................................................................11
CHILD QUESTIONNAIRE RESPONSES ARE IN THE FOLLOWING DATASET: ....................................................................................11
KHAYELITSHA DATA: .....................................................................................................................................................11
KHAYELITHSA VARIABLES: HHID AND HHID_IND:..................................................................................................................12

PUBLIC RELEASE DATASETS .................................................................................................................................. 13

AGINCOURT 2002........................................................................................................................................................13
AGINCOURT 2004........................................................................................................................................................14
KHAYELITSHA 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 .........................................................................................................................15


CROSSWALK FOR AGINCOURT 2002 HH_H DATASET TO THE HOUSEHOLD QUESTIONNAIRE: ........................................................16
CROSSWALK FOR AGINCOURT 2002 HH_P DATASET TO THE HOUSEHOLD QUESTIONNAIRE:........................................................20
CROSSWALK FOR AGINCOURT 2002 HH_MOVED DATASET TO THE HOUSEHOLD QUESTIONNAIRE: ................................................21
CROSSWALK FOR AGINCOURT 2002 HH_DIED DATASET TO THE HOUSEHOLD QUESTIONNAIRE: ....................................................22
CROSSWALK FOR AGINCOURT 2002 AD DATASET TO YOUNGER, OLDER ADULT QUESTIONNAIRES: ...............................................22
CROSSWALK FOR AGINCOURT 2002 CH DATASET TO THE CHILD QUESTIONNAIRE ......................................................................30
CROSSWALK FOR AGINCOURT 2004 HH_H DATASET TO THE HOUSEHOLD QUESTIONNAIRE: ........................................................31
CROSSWALK FOR AGINCOURT 2004 HH_P_PINC DATASET TO THE HOUSEHOLD QUESTIONNAIRE: ................................................38
CROSSWALK FOR AGINCOURT 2004 HH_MOVED DATASET TO THE HOUSEHOLD QUESTIONNAIRE: ................................................40
CROSSWALK FOR AGINCOURT 2004 HH_DIED DATASET TO THE HOUSEHOLD QUESTIONNAIRE: ....................................................40
CROSSWALK FOR AGINCOURT 2004 AD DATASET TO THE ADULT QUESTIONNAIRE: ....................................................................42
CROSSWALK FOR AGINCOURT 2004 HH_CH DATASET TO THE CHILD QUESTIONNAIRE: ...............................................................49

QUESTIONNAIRES: ........................................................................................................................................................ 62
QUESTIONNAIRES: ........................................................................................................................................................ 65
OF 2002, YOUNGER AND OLDER ADULT QUESTIONNAIRES): ................................................................................................ 66


From 2002-2005, we collected data in Limpopo Province, at the Agincourt Demographic

Surveillance Site, and in Khayelitsha, a township outside of Cape Town, through the auspices
of Philani Nutrition and Development Project. Our work was funded by the National Institute on
Aging under grant numbers R01 AG20275-01, P01 AG05842-14, and P30 AG024361.

We used integrated health and economic surveys in South Africa, to investigate the links
between health status and economic status. Our survey instruments collected data on a range of
traditional and non-traditional measures of well-being including income and consumption,
measures of health status (including mental health), morbidity, crime, social connectedness,
intra-household relationships, and direct hedonic measures of well-being.

In 2002, there was a cross-sectional study conducted in Agincourt. Random household selection
was stratified by age-eligibility for the Old Age Pension and nationality. In 2004, there was a
second cross-sectional study conducted in Agincourt. Random selection of households was
stratified on the basis of both citizenship, (South African or Mozambican), and whether or not a
death had occurred in the household.

The study in Khayelitsha was longitudinal. Part 1 of the first wave was conducted in 2002; part 2
of the first wave was conducted in 2003. In 2004, the households who had been interviewed in
2002 were re-interviewed (if they were willing and if they could be found), for part 1 of the
second wave. In 2005, the households who were interviewed in 2003 were re-interviewed (if
they were willing and if they could be found), for part 2 of the second wave.

For all of the studies, the methodology for conducting the surveys was the same. The questions
varied some from year to year. The crosswalk (see table of contents) identifies these variations.

In 2002, there were separate adult modules for younger and older adults. In subsequent years,
there was simply one questionnaire for all adults.

In study years 2003, 2004, and 2005, detailed questions in the household questionnaire about the
impact of the most recent death in the household were asked of the most knowledgeable
household member.

Household Questionnaire:
The most knowledgeable household member (khhm) was the initial person interviewed within
the household. He or she would list all of the members of the household. This list of household
members was then used as a guide for the entire interview process. The khhm first answered
questions about the individual members of the household: age, gender, education, marital status,
is that person‟s partner in the household, is that person‟s parent in the household. Additionally,
the khhm was asked about the source and amount of income of each household member.

Summary information was gathered from the khhm about the household members who had died
and the household members who had moved. In study years starting in 2003, detailed questions
were posed about the effect the most recent death had on the household.

Detailed questions were asked of the khhm about the living conditions: is there a toilet, is there
running water, do you have a stove, a phone. Questions about household expenditures were
asked: how is the money spent on health care, on children‟s schooling expenses, etc.

Adult Questionnaire:
In 2002, there were two separate adult questionnaires. One questionnaire was for adults whose
ages fell between 18 and 54; the second questionnaire was for adults 55 years old and up. In
subsequent study years there was one questionnaire for adults 18 and older. Every adult from the
household, who was available and willing to, answered these questions. Questions about age,
marital status, number of living children, and number of children who have died were included.
Detailed questions were asked about their sources of income and their expenditures. For older
adults, there were questions about pensions and grants, for mothers there were questions about
childcare grants. Individuals described the type of jobs they held over the years, how much
money they earned and how they spent that money. Detailed health questions were posed; both
physical and mental health issues were covered. Physical measurements were taken of the
individuals interviewed: their height, weight, waist size; blood pressure and pulse.

Child Questionnaire:

The parent or guardian of each child was questioned about the child. Questions included: birth
weight, history of breastfeeding and health of the child. With the parent‟s or guardian‟s
permission, the child‟s height and weight were measured. Detailed information was recorded
about the child‟s immunization history.

Khayelitsha 2002 and 2004
In 1994, Ingrid le Roux conducted a census of dwellings in Khayelitsha and surveyed a random sample of
households from that census. We used the random sample of households surveyed in 1994 to draw a
random sample of households to survey in 2002, with a follow up survey in 2004. In total we
interviewed members of 203 households in 2002, and 165 households in 2004. The majority of
interviews in 2002 were conducted between May and September. The majority in 2004 were
conducted between March and July.

Khayelitsha 2003 and 2005

The second part of the Khayelitsha panel is a stratified random sample of 300 households. The
township was divided into sampling blocks, and aerial photographs were used to count the
number of dwellings in each block. 15 sampling blocks were then selected, with probability
proportional to the number of dwellings in each block. A total of 20 households were then
randomly sampled within each block. In 2005, 264 of the original 2003 households, and 7 split
off households from the original 300 were interviewed. The majority of interviews in 2003 were
conducted between March and September. The majority in 2005 were conducted between
February and July.

The Agincourt Health and Population Unit (AHPU) is an educational and research unit located
within the School of Public Health at the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. Since
1992, AHPU has been collecting information on birth, death and migration for all individuals
identified as members of the approximately 11,700 households under surveillance in a rural sub-
district in (what is now) Mpumalanga Province, South Africa. (For more information on the
Agincourt Unit, see http://web.wits.ac.za/Academic/Health/PublicHealth/Agincourt/ .) The area
is home to South Africans and Mozambicans, the latter group settling here legally during the
civil war in Mozambique. Most Mozambicans here have permanent residency status which,
according to the South African Constitutional Court, allows them access to government transfers.
However, it is more difficult for Mozambicans to access government grants, largely because they
lack the documents necessary to do so.

Agincourt 2002:
Sample selection was to extract a sample of households, stratified by age-eligibility for the Old
Age Pension and nationality. Age eligibility is defined as having either a woman aged 60 and
older or a man aged 65 and older within the household.

The frame from which the sampling was done was provided by the 2001 census round of the
Agincourt demographic surveillance system.

The sampling design for Agincourt 2002 had the following characteristics:
1. The villages within the population were stratified into two: a set of “Mozambican villages”
and a set of “South African” ones.
2. 11 villages were selected, 4 “Mozambican” and 7 “South African” ones. Villages were
selected with probability proportional to number of households.
3. The households within each village were assigned to two strata: age-eligible households and
non-age-eligible ones.
4. Within each selected Mozambican village twenty households were selected at random, ten
from each stratum. In each South African village, thirty household were selected, twelve
from the “age-eligible” stratum and eighteen from the “non-age-eligible” stratum.

The final sampling design was:

Strata SA villages Mozambican villages

age-eligible 84 40

not age-eligible 126 40

1. We did not explicitly stratify on nationality, but did so implicitly via the villages. This was
not only because we were not 100% confident of the “nationality” identifiers, but also
because a clustered design seemed advisable in any event. Clustering was decided on because
it would make the logistics of fieldwork easier and because cluster effects might be

interesting in their own right. Location is related both to social factors (“Mozambican”
villages are somewhat stigmatized) and to geographical ones (there are differences in
microclimates and hence crop patterns and also in access to infrastructure)
2. The design ensured that we would have at least twenty households in each cluster which
should ensure that some of these cluster effects could be taken into account.
3. The final sample size was 290 households.

The sampling frame for the selection of the villages:

The Agincourt Demographic Surveillance System has information on 21 villages. These formed
the initial population from which our sample was drawn. Prior to sampling we excluded four
villages from consideration:

 The RDP Housing project

The reason for excluding this settlement was that the dwelling units are apparently not the
base of a “household” in the sense in which we wanted to investigate it in this project.
Apparently many households send one or two junior members to occupy the RDP house
(to maintain a claim to the property), but most of the household activities remain centered
on dwellings elsewhere within the study site. It seemed sensible, therefore, to exclude the
housing project from consideration.

 Ireagh A, Ireagh B and Kildare A

We were requested by Mark Collinson, the fieldwork manager of the Agincourt Health
and Population Unit, not to include these villages in our sample, since other studies
would be run (or were currently running) in these villages. The grounds for exclusion
were that:
o Overstressing villages might contaminate the field results from our and other
o It might make fieldwork in future studies more difficult

There were no visible differences between the excluded villages and the other “South African”
villages that did not fall within the range of sampling variability.

Stratification within villages by age-eligibility and selection of households

All households within the selected villages were assigned to one of two strata: age-eligible and
non-age-eligible. This was done on the basis of the information available in the data base. Age
eligibility was calculated as at the 23rd January 2002 (the date on which the sampling was done).

Sampling within each of the strata was done by means of simple random sampling, without

Sampling weights:

Combining the village selection probabilities with the conditional selection probabilities, we
calculated the overall inclusion probabilities of households in each of the strata and hence the
appropriate inflation factors. This was carried out for us by Martin Wittenberg at the University
of Cape Town. These inflation factors are included in the household data set under the name
Sampling weights for households in each stratum

Inflation factors

Primary Nationality
Age-eligible for pension?
in Village

No Yes

12 MZ 24.391 9.973

17 MZ 22.961 10.059

19 MZ 19.197 8.506

20 MZ 13.717 5.062

1 SA 55.305 36.425

3 SA 48.013 30.695

8 SA 47.758 27.207

11 SA 51.749 32.437

13 SA 39.061 26.821

14 SA 38.745 17.972

15 SA 39.407 23.470

Procedures for dealing with refusals and households that cannot be located:
The procedures above were followed for extracting the sample. In practice it may not be possible
to locate the households concerned, or the households may refuse to be interviewed. The
following procedures will be used in these cases:
1. In the case of a refusal, the household to the right will be interviewed
2. If the dwelling can be located, but the household within it has changed, we will interview the
new residents at that dwelling
3. If the dwelling cannot be located, either because the map has been badly drawn or because
the structure no longer exists, a replacement household will be drawn from the same stratum.

Agincourt 2004:
Sample design

In January 2004, using Agincourt Health and Population Unit (AHPU) census information, we
drew a stratified random sample of 475 households across all villages in the Agincourt
Demographic Surveillance Site, with stratification on both citizenship (South African versus
Mozambican) and on whether the household had lost a member to death in the period from June
1, 2002 to May 31, 2003. By “Mozambican household” in the sample design we mean that the
nationality of the head of household is Mozambican. Our sample design and the actual number of
households interviewed in each stratum are shown in Box 1.

Box 1. Sample design for Agincourt field work

Number of South African Mozambican
households households households
No death in Design 190 127
household Actual 187 127
Death in Design 95 63
household Actual 96 63

The sample was designed to be 60 percent South African, and 40 percent Mozambican. In
execution, slightly fewer South African households without a death were interviewed (187
instead of 190), and one extra South African household with a death was interviewed (96 instead
of 95).

These discrepancies were the result of confusion over which households were considered to have
a „complete‟ interview in cases where the head of household refused to be interviewed. The
survey is composed of a household module, to be completed by a knowledgeable household
member; an adult module, to be completed by each member aged 18 or older; and a child
module, to be completed for each child aged 12 or younger. Some adult household members
were migrants who were not in the field site to be interviewed (although the field team made a
great effort to make appointments with the household to return at month-end, or at Easter, to
interview returning migrants). In addition, some adult members refused to be interviewed. We
decided that if the household module was completed, and at least one adult was interviewed, the
household had a „complete‟ interview.

In the South African-Death Stratum, an extra household was interviewed because the household
head came home for Easter, after the rest of the household had been interviewed, and refused to
participate. The field team then interviewed a replacement household, but need not have: we had
made a decision that if the head refused to participate, but did not stop other members from
doing so, then that household‟s information would be used. However, if a returning head refused
to let any members participate (even if they had already been interviewed), we did not use that
household in our analysis.

Sampling weights
We calculate household inflation factors as the inverse of the product of the probability that
an individual household i in strata s was chosen times the number of households surveyed in
strata s:

wis  (ns is )1 .

(See Angus Deaton, Analysis of Household Surveys, 1997, page 50, for details.)

The inflation factors, calculated using actual sample sizes from Box 1, and the number of
households of each type in the field site, are given in Box 2. These inflation factors are also
included in the household level data file under the name “Hweight.”

Box 2. Inflation factors for the 2004 data

Type of household Number of Inflation factor
households in the
field site
No death in South African 7927 42.39037
household Mozambican 3107 24.46457
Death in South African 420 4.375000
household Mozambican 192 3.047619

General Information:

For each study (or studies in the case of Khayelitsha), the responses to the questionnaires were
keyed, and then rekeyed by two separate groups. The original keyed data was compared to the
rekeyed data. When there was a mismatch, the paper documents were consulted and the correct
answer identified. Corrections were applied to the original keyed data using Stata 10.

The datasets were created from the responses to the questionnaires based on the logic detailed

Household Questionnaire responses are in the following datasets:

hh_h: This datasets include all of the responses to the questions asked of the khhm at the
household level in the household module. This includes household expenditures, description of
household contents (including type of toilet and water supply). The cross walks for the different
studies will tell which specific questions in each survey are included in the hh_h dataset. There is
one record for each household.
hh_p: This dataset includes the responses to the questions asked of the khhm about individual
member of the household. These questions were asked in section A.1 of the household
questionnaire and included information about age, gender, relationship to household head,
education level and marital status. There is a separate record for each member of the household.

hh_mrd: The khhm in every year but 2002, answered detailed questions about the member of
the household who had died most recently. These questions appeared within section A.3 of the
household questionnaire. For the Most Recent Death, there is one record for each household that
experienced the death of a resident.

hh_comrd: If the person who died most recently in the household had children under 18, the
khhm was asked to list them and answer a few questions about these children. These questions
appeared within section A.3 of the household questionnaire. This dataset on Children Of the
Most Recent Death include a record for each child under 18 of the resident who died most

hh_died: The khhm was asked to list all of the household residents who died within the 5 years
prior to the study. In the second wave of the Khayelitsha study, the khhm was asked to list the
residents who died since they had been interviewed the first time. These questions appeared
within section A.3 of the household questionnaire. There is one record per each person who died
per household.

hh_moved: The khhm was asked to list all of the household residents who moved within the 5
years of prior to the study. In the second wave of the Khayelitsha study, the khhm was asked to
list the residents who moved since they had been interviewed the first time. These questions
appeared within section A.4 of the household questionnaire. There is one record per each person
who moved per household.

Adult Questionnaire responses are in the following dataset:

ad: The individual household members who were over 18 were asked detailed questions from
the Adult Questionnaire. In the 2002 surveys there were two separate questionnaires, one for
individuals from 18 to 54 and the second for individuals 55 and older. These two datasets were
combined into the ad dataset. Use the crosswalk for the appropriate study year to see how the
questions cross-correlate from the younger adult to the older adult questionnaires. This dataset
has one record per each adult in the household who was willing to be part of the survey.

Child Questionnaire responses are in the following dataset:

ch: The responses of the parent or guardian of each child in the household are included in this
dataset. The height and weight of the child, along with the child‟s birth weight, and history of
breastfeeding are also included. Not included: the immunization history of the child. There is one
record per child per household.

Khayelitsha Data:

The Khayelitsha data differ from the Agincourt 2002 and 2004 data in that they are in
longitudinal format. Instead of one record per household in the hh_h dataset, there will be two
records per household, except in the cases where the household residents refused to be
interviewed again or could not be found. What makes each observation unique, then, is the
household identification number plus the year the study was conducted. For hh_p, what will
make each observation unique will be the year plus the household identification number plus the
individual or personal code (pcode).

Khayelithsa variables: hhid and hhid_ind:
Household ID: (hhid)

Study year 2002: 20029999 where 9999 = the original hhid (padded to four digits if necessary)

Study year 2003: 20039999 where 9999 = the original hhid (padded to four digits if necessary)

Study year 2004: 20029999 where 9999 = the original hhid (padded to four digits if necessary)
 Use this ID when the 2004 household is the same as the 2002 household
44449999 where 9999 = the hhid assigned at the time of the study
 Use this ID when the 2004 household interviewed is not the same as the 2002
household interviewed OR the 2004 household was not interviewed at all

Study year 2005: 20039999 where 9999 = the original hhid (padded to four digits if necessary)
 Use this ID when the 2005 household is the same as the 2003 household
55559999 where 9999 = the hhid assigned at the time of the study
 Use this ID when the 2005 household interviewed is not the same as the 2003
household interviewed OR the 2005 household was not interviewed at all

Household indicator: hhid_ind)

The household indicator will only be used on the second year of the study years (2004 and 2005). It will
be equal to 0 if this household is the same as the household interviewed in study year1. It will be equal to
between 1 and 12 if there are problems.

hhid_old will contains the hhid from study year1 where appropriate

hhid_ind Label value of hhid_ind

0 Same hh as other study year
1 Not interviewed--hh moved
2 Not interviewed--they refused
3 No one living in house--death, jail, demolition, tenant chased away
4 House sold--new owner
5 Splinter household
6 Interviewed no mems in common with other study year
7 Data lost for hh
10 Not interviewed--wrong hh
11 Not Interviewed--Can't find hh
12 No hh module, head of hh refused

Year variable: This will contain the year that the study was conducted.

Agincourt 2002
Agincourt 2002 Household Module Datasets: Most knowledgeable household member answers all
questions in the household module (sometimes with the help of a proxy)

# of # of Unique
File name Description households records Identifier File Structure
Household level One record per
Agincourt2002_hh_h_200906.dta questions 290 290 hhid household
Resident member
questions including One record per
Agincourt2002_hh_p_200906.dta income 290 1869 hhid + pcode household resident
Household members One record per
who died within the hhid + household resident
Agincourt2002_hh_died_200906.dta last 5 years 79 95 died_pcode who died
Household members One record per
who moved within the hhid + household resident
Agincourt2002_hh_moved_200906.dta last 5 years 154 497 moved_pcode who moved
Agincourt 2002 Adult Module Dataset: Any adult resident of the household (individual most be 18
or older) who is willing to be questioned

# of # of Unique
File name Description households records Identifier File Structure
One record per
adult household
Younger Adult Module member who
combined with Older agreed to be
Agincourt2002_ad_200906.dta Adult Module 290 865 hhid + pcode interviewed
Agincourt 2002 Child Module Dataset: Any resident child 12 or younger with the permission and
assistance of adult in the household

# of # of Unique
File name Description households records Identifier File Structure
Child Health
measurements for One record per
each child in the household child (LE
household who was to 12) who was
allowed to be allowed to be
Agincourt_2002_ch_200906.dta measured 213 562 hhid + pcode measured

Agincourt 2004
Agincourt 2004 Household Module Datasets: Most knowledgeable household member answers all
questions in the household module (sometimes with the help of a proxy)
# of Unique
File name Description # of HHs records Identifier File Structure
Household stratum + One record per
Agincourt2004_hh_h_200906.dta level questions 473 473 hhid household
about hh
resident who One record per hh where
died most stratum + a death occurred in the
Agincourt2004_hh_mrd_200906.dta recently 198 198 hhid last 5 years
about children
< 18 of hh
resident who stratum +
died most hhid + On record per child of
Agincourt2004_hh_comrd_20090428.dta recently 84 204 comrd_pcode most recent death
including stratum + One record per
Agincourt2004_hh_p_pInc_20090428.dta income 473 2992 hhid + pcode household resident
HH members
who died stratum + One record per each
within the last hhid + household resident who
Agincourt2004_hh_died_20090428.dta 5 years 198 239 died_pcode died
HH members
who moved stratum + One record per
within the last hhid + household resident who
Agincourt2004_hh_moved_20090428.dta 5 years 239 688 moved_pcode moved

Agincourt 2004 Adult Module Dataset: Any adult resident of the household (individual most be 18
or older) who is willing to be questioned
# of # of Unique
File name Description households records Identifier File Structure
Adult Module:
asked of One record per
individual stratum + household member who
Agincourt2004_ad_20090428.dta residents 472 1313 hhid + pcode agreed to be interviewed

Agincourt 2004 Child Module Dataset: Any resident child 12 or younger with the permission and
assistance of adult in the household
# of # of Unique
File name Description households records Identifier File Structure

Child Health
for each child One record be
in the hh who household child (LE to
was allowed to stratum + 12) who was allowed to
Agincourt2004_ch_20090428.dta be measured 367 897 hhid + pcode be measured

Khayelitsha 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
Khayelitsha 2002 2003 2004 2005 Household Module Datasets: Most knowledgeable household member
answers all questions in the household module (sometimes with the help of a proxy)
# of
File name Description Year # of HHs record File Structure
2002 203 203
Khayelitsha02030405 2003 300 300 year + One record per
Household level questions
_hh_h_200906.dta 2004 165 165 hhid household per study year
2005 264 264
2002 40 40 One record per hh per
2003 48 48 study year where a death
Khayelitsha02030405 Questions about household resident year +
occurred (This is about
_hh_mrd_200906.dta who died most recently 2004 11 11 hhid
the most recent death
2005 19 19 only)
2003 48 61 year +
Khayelitsha02030405 One record per child of
questions about children of household hhid +
_hh_comrd_200906.d 2004 8 12 most recent hh death
resident who died most recently comrd_pc
ta 2005 19 27 under 18 per study year
2002 203 979
Khayelitsha02030405 2003 300 1242 year +
Resident member questions including One record per hh
_hh_p_pInc_200906.d hhid +
income 2004 165 951 resident per study year
ta pcode
2005 264 1311
In the case of the 1st study year (2002 2002 40 44
or 2003), questions about hh year +
2003 48 51 One record per each hh
Khayelitsha02030405 members who died within the last 5 hhid +
2004 11 11 resident who died during
_hh_died_200906.dta years, for 2nd study year, hh died_pcod
the specified time period
members who died since initial e
2005 19 19
2002 84 143
In the 1st study year, hh members year +
Khayelitsha02030405 2003 113 173 One record per hh
who moved within the last 5 years--in hhid +
_hh_moved_200906.d resident who moved per
the 2nd study year, hh members who 2004 96 196 moved_pc
ta study year
moved since the initial interview ode
2005 126 258
Khayelitsha 2002 2003 2004 2005 Adult Module Dataset: Any adult resident of the household (individual
must be 18 or older) who is willing to be questioned
# of
File name Description Year # of HHs record File Structure
2002 203 543
One record per hh
2003 299 715 year +
Khayelitsha02030405 Adult Module: Questions asked of member who agreed to
hhid +
_ad_200906.dta individual residents 2004 166 397 be interviewed per study
2005 264 594
Khayelitsha 2002 2003 2004 2005 Child Module Dataset: Any resident child 12 or younger with the
permission and assistance of adult in the household
# of # of
File name Description Year househo record File Structure
lds s
2002 137 258 One record per hh child
Child Health measurements for each 2003 176 310 year +
Khayelitsha02030405 (LE to 12) who was
child in the household who was hhid +
_ch_200906.dta 2004 110 195 allowed to be measured
allowed to be measured pcode
2005 147 261 per study year

The first column contains the variable name as it appears in the Stata dataset. The last
columns contain the question identifier as they appear in the questionnaire.

Crosswalk for Agincourt 2002 hh_h dataset to the Household questionnaire:

varname vardesc 2002 varnames
hhid Cover 1.Household ID hhid
H_resp_code Pcode of respondent cov3
H_visitd Day of visit cov4_1
H_visitm Month of visit cov4_2
H_visity Year of visit cov4_3
H_interviewer1 First interviewer cov5
cov_nmems Number of HH members cov6_1
cov_n55p Number 55 or older cov6_2
cov_n1854 Number 18.54 cov6_3
cov_n017 cov_n017 cov6_4
age_0to17 N of hh mems age 0 to 17
age_18to54 N of hh mems age 18 to 54
age_55plus N of hh mems age 55 and up
age_999 N of hh mems age unknown
H_others Names/Codes of persons present a0_1
H_hourst Hour module started a0_2_1
H_minst Minute module started a0_2_2
headcode Code of HH head a0_3
khm1 Most knowledgeable hh member--first mentioned a0_4_1
khm2 Most knowledgeable hh member--second mentioned a0_4_2
boarders Not mentioned boarders etc. a2_0
boarders_n How many such people? a2_1
H_died Has anyone in house died? a3_0
H_moved Has anyone moved out? a4_0
H_resp_race Race of respondent a5
H_hh_ang Language of household a6
H_Yheadinhh Years head lived in HH a7_0
H_YheadinhhU =1 if unknown how many years lived in HH a7_0_ind
H_Yfirstmovedin Year first member came here a7_1
H_YfirstmovedinU =1 if unknown year moved family moved in a7_1_ind
dwell Single/Multiple dwelling a8_0
dwell_type1 Housing Type first mentioned a8_1_1
dwell_type2 Housing Type second mentioned a8_1_2
dwell_type3 Housing Type third mentioned a8_1_3
dwell_toilet_flush Flush toilet in dwelling a9a_1
dwell_none None in dwelling a9a_5
dwell_water Water source in dwelling a9a_6
onsite_flushtoilet Flush toilet on site a9b_1
onsite_chemtoilet Chemical toilet on site a9b_2
onsite_pitlatrine Pit latrine on site a9b_3
onsite_buckettoilet Bucket toilet on site a9b_4
onsite_notoilet None on site a9b_5
onsite_water Water source on site a9b_6

varname vardesc 2002 varnames
offsite_toilet Flush toilet off site a9c_1
offsite_chemtoilet Chemical toilet off site a9c_2
offsite_pitlatrine Pit latrine off site a9c_3
offsite_buckettoilet Bucket toilet off site a9c_4
offsite_notoilet None off site a9c_5
offsite_water Water source off site a9c_6
phone_own Have Telephone? a10_1_1
phone_exp Telephone explain a10_1_2
cellp_own Have Cellular telephone? a10_2_1
cellp_exp Cellular telepone explain a10_2_2
stove_elecgas_own Have Stove, electric or gas? a10_3_1
stove_elecgas_exp Stove elec/gas explain a10_3_2
stove_coalwood_own Have Stove, coal, wood, paraffin? a10_4_1
stove_coalwood_exp Stove, coal, wood, paraffin explain a10_4_2
elec_own Have electricity? a10_5_1
elec_exp Electricity explain a10_5_2
TV_own Have TV? a10_6_1
TV_exp Television set explain a10_6_2
DSTV_own Have DSTV/M-Net? a10_7_1
DSTV_exp DSTV/M-Net explain a10_7_2
frig_own Have refrigerator? a10_8_1
frig_exp Refrigerator explain a10_8_2
radio_own Have radio? a10_9_1
radio_exp Radio explain a10_9_2
sewmach_own Have sewing machine? a10_10_1
sewmach_exp Sewing machine explain a10_10_2
car_own Have car? a10_11_1
car_exp Car explain a10_11_2
bike_own Have bicycle? a10_12_1
bike_exp Bicycle explain a10_12_2
cycle_own Have motorcycle? a10_13_1
cycle_exp Motorcycle explain a10_13_2
pc_own Have Personal computer? a10_14_1
pc_exp Personal computer explain a10_14_2
H_inc_unassigned Unassigned sources of income b1_20
H_inc_unassigned_Desc Unassigned sources of income described b1_20_DESC
H_inc_unassignedU b1_20_ind: =1 if unknown amt spent on unassigned sources b1_20_ind
H_exp_maize Maize and mealie -- monthly expenditure b2_1
H_exp_bread Bread -- monthly expenditure b2_2
H_exp_breadU =1 if unknown exp for Bread b2_2_ind
H_exp_groc Groceries -- monthly expenditure b2_3
H_exp_grocU =1, if expense for groceries unknown b2_3_ind
H_exp_veg Exp. for veg/fruit b2_4
H_exp_meat Exp. for meat b2_5
H_exp_rent Rent or bond payment -- monthly expenditure b2_6
H_exp_rates Rates -- monthly expenditure b2_7
H_exp_ratesU =1 if unknown monthly expend. for rates b2_7_ind
H_exp_elec Electricity -- monthly expenditure b2_8
H_exp_fuel Fuel -- monthly expenditure b2_9
H_exp_telephone Telephone -- monthly expenditure b2_10

varname vardesc 2002 varnames
H_exp_telephoneU =1, if expenses for telephone unknown b2_10_ind
H_exp_hirep Hire purchase -- monthly expenditure b2_11
H_exp_hirepU =1 if unknown monthly hire purch exp b2_11_ind
H_exp_uniforms Uniforms,etc -- monthly expenditure b2_12
H_exp_uniformsU =1 if unknown monthly uniforms/fees exp b2_12_ind
H_exp_bursociety Burial Society -- month expenditure b2_13
H_exp_stokvelgooi Stokvel gooi-- month expenditure b2_14
H_exp_stokvelgooiU =1 if unknown monthly stokvel/gooi exp b2_14_ind
H_exp_savings Savings -- month expenditure b2_15
H_exp_savingsU =1 if monthly expend for savings unknown b2_15_ind
H_exp_business Business-- month expenditure b2_16
H_exp_businessU =1 if monthly expend for business unknown b2_16_ind
H_exp_other1 Other -- monthly expenditure b2_17_1
H_exp_other_Desc Description other monthly exp. b2_17_Desc
H_exp_other1U =1 if Amt of money spent is unknown for Other b2_17_ind
H_growsfood HH grow own food? b3_0
H_growsfood_value Value of grown food? b3_1
H_growsfood_valueU =1, if value (monthly) for food grown unknown b3_1_ind
H_supplementmeals Supplemental meals? b3_2
H_pooledmoney Pooled money? b4_0
H_samepot HH eat from the same pot? b4_1
H_spendingmostsay Most say about spending pcode b4_2
H_bankacct Have bank or savings acct? b5_0
H_bankacct_who Who has bank/savings account? b5_1
H_stokvel Participate in stokvel? b6_0
H_stokvel_who Who participates in stokvel? b6_1
H_lifeins Life insurance? b6_2
H_lifeins_who PCode of person with life insurance b6_3
H_livestock Livestock? b7_0
H_chickens How many chickens? b7_1
H_chickensU =1 if unknown how many chickens b7_1_ind
H_pigs How many pigs? b7_2
H_horses How many horses etc? b7_3
H_sheep How many sheep/goats b7_4
H_cows How many cows? b7_5
H_hp Hire purchase? b8_0
H_hp_what What items on hp b8_1
H_hp_nopay Could not make hire-purchase payments? b9_0
H_hp_nopay_what What was the item? b9_1
H_hp_nopay_why Why not make payment? b9_2
H_buyfood_cashorcredit Groceries bought with cash or credit? b10
H_buy_mealie Mealie meal amt kilograms b11a_1
H_buy_flour Flour amt. kilograms b11a_2
H_buy_samp Samp amt. kilograms b11a_3
H_buy_mealie_cashexp Mealie meal cost, cash b11b_1
H_buy_flour_cashexp Flour cost, cash b11b_2
H_buy_flour_cashexpU =1 if unknown cash cost for flour b11b_2_ind
H_buy_samp_cashexp Samp cost, cash b11b_3
H_buy_samp_cashexpU =1 if unknown cash cost for samp b11b_3_ind
H_buy_mealie_credexp Mealie meal cost, credit b11c_1

varname vardesc 2002 varnames
H_buy_flour_credexp Flour cost, credit b11c_2
H_buy_flour_credexpU =1 if unknown credit cost for flour b11c_2_ind
H_buy_samp_credexp Samp cost, credit b11c_3
H_borr_bank Borrowed from bank? b12a_1
H_borr_employer Borrowed from employer? b12a_2
H_borr_family Borrowed from family/friend? b12a_3
H_borr_moneylender Borrowed from money lender? b12a_4
H_borr_stokvel Borrowed from Stokvel/Gooi Gooi? b12a_5
H_borr_other Borrowed from other? b12a_6_1
H_borr_otherdesc Description of other b12a_6_2
H_borr_bank_why Borrowed from bank for what? b12b_1
H_borr_employer_why Borrowed from employer for what? b12b_2
H_borr_family_why Borrowed from family/friend for what? b12b_3
H_borr_moneylender_why Borrowed from moneylender for what? b12b_4
H_borr_stokvel_why Borrowed from stokvel for what? b12b_5
H_borr_other_why Borrowed from other for what? b12b_6
H_borr_bank_amt How much borrowed? b12c_1
H_borr_employer_amt How much borrowed? b12c_2
H_borr_family_amt How much borrowed? b12c_3
H_borr_moneylenderamt How much borrowed? b12c_4
H_borr_stokvel_amt How much borrowed? b12c_5
H_borr_other_amt How much borrowed? b12c_6
H_borr_bank_paying Still paying back? b12d_1
H_borr_employer_paying Still paying back? b12d_2
H_borr_family_paying Still paying back? b12d_3
H_borr_moneylender_paying Still paying back? b12d_4
H_borr_stokvel_paying Still paying back? b12d_5
H_borr_other_paying Still paying back? b12d_6
H_borr_bank_Mamt Monthly payment? b12e_1
H_borr_bank_MamtU =1, if monthly due to bank is unknown b12e_1_ind
H_borr_employer_Mamt Monthly payment? b12e_2
H_borr_family_Mamt Monthly payment? b12e_3
H_borr_moneylender_Mamt Monthly payment? b12e_4
H_borr_moneylender_MamtU =1, if monthly payment owed to money lender is unknown b12e_4_ind
H_borr_stokvel_Mamt Monthly payment? b12e_5
H_borr_stokvel_MamtU =1, if monthly payment owed to stokvel, gooi gooi is unknown b12e_5_ind
H_borr_other_Mamt Monthly payment? b12e_6
H_borr_bank_Mtopayn How many months will it take to pay off debt to bank? b12f_1
H_borr_bank_MtopaynU =1, if months to pay back bank is unknown b12f_1_ind
H_borr_employer_Mtopayn How many months will it take to pay off debt to employer? b12f_2
H_borr_family_Mtopayn How many months will it take to pay off debt to friend/family? b12f_3
H_borr_family_MtopaynU =1, if months to pay back family, friend is unknown b12f_3_ind
H_borr_moneylender_Mtopayn How many months will it take to pay off debt to moneylender? b12f_4
H_borr_stokvel_Mtopayn How many months will it take to pay off debt to stokvel? b12f_5
H_borr_other_Mtopayn How many months will it take to pay off debt to other? b12f_6
mealsY_adult_skip Adults skip, reduce meals? b13_0
mealsY_adult_skip_freq How often skip, reduce meals? b13_1
mealsY_adult_allday Adults not eat for whole day? b13_2
mealsY_adult_alldayfreq How often this happen? b13_3
mealsY_child_skip Cut, skip child’s meal? b13_4

varname vardesc 2002 varnames
mealsY_child_skip_freq How often happen? b13_5
H_current_finsit Financial situation? b14
H_moneyforcomfort Money for comfort? b15
H_moneyforcomfortU =1 if unknown amt needed for comfort b15_ind
H_hourend Ending hour of module b16_1_1
H_minend Ending minute of module b16_1_2
H_language Language used for interview b16_2
H_comprehension Comprehension level b16_3
H_cooperation Cooperation level b16_4
H_assistance Assistance? b16_5
H_assistance_who Who helped respondent with answers? b16_6
H_add_info Additional information b16_7

Crosswalk for Agincourt 2002 hh_p dataset to the Household questionnaire:

varname vardesc 2002 varnames
hhid Household ID cov1
pcode Person Code a1_1
H_sex Sex of HH member a1_2
H_relhead Relationship to head a1_3_1
H_relheadOTH Description of other a1_3_2
H_yob Year born a1_4_1
H_age Age now a1_4_2
H_ageU =1 if age of individual unknown a1_4_ind
H_higheduc Highest education level a1_6
H_educ_matric Matrix exam experiences a1_7
H_educmore Further formal education? a1_8
H_educmore_type Type of further formal education a1_9_1
H_educmoreDESC Description of other education a1_9_Desc
H_educmore_done Completed education a1_9_2
H_educmore_age Age achieved highest ed a1_10_1
H_educmore_year Year achieved highest ed a1_10_2
H_educmore_ageU `=1 if Unknown age/year achieved highest ed a1_10_ind
H_school In school/studying? a1_12
H_notinschool_why Why not in school? a1_13_1
H_notinschool_why_desc Description of other a1_13_2
H_marstat Marital Status a1_15
H_partnerpresent Partner live in hh? a1_16
H_partner_pcode1 Code of partner 1 a1_17_1
H_partner_pcode2 Code of partner 2 a1_17_2
H_partner_pcode3 Code of partner 3 a1_17_3
H_polygamous Involved in a polygamous marriage? a1_18
H_divorcedied_year Year divorced, died a1_19
H_divorcedied_yearU =1 if unknown what year divorced a1_19_ind
H_mominhh Mother alive and in house a1_20
H_mompcode Mothers code from board a1_21
H_dadinhh Father alive and in house a1_22
H_dadpcode Fathers code from board a1_23
H_staysaway Living in another home a1_24
H_staysaway_weeksn Weeks away in past 12 months a1_25
H_away_town Town live when away a1_26
H_away_province1 Province live when away: 1 a1_27_1
H_away_province2 Province live when away: 2 a1_27_2

varname vardesc 2002 varnames
H_away_why Reason for absence a1_28_1
H_away_whyDesc Description of other a1_28_2
H_permhome Permanent home a1_29
H_townborn Town born a1_30
H_townborn_prov Province located a1_31
H_livedhere Lived most/all life here a1_32
H_livedelsewhere Lived somewhere else? a1_33
H_mvdbkwhen Years ago moved back a1_34
H_mvdbkwhenU `=1 if Unknown years ago moved back a1_34_ind
H_movedfrom What town moved from a1_35
H_movedfromprov In what province is that? a1_36
H_inc_OAP State old age pension b1_1
H_inc_veteranpens Veteran's pensions b1_2
H_inc_DG Disability grant b1_3
H_inc_pension Employer pension for old age b1_4
H_inc_workercomp Employer pension for worker's comp b1_5
H_inc_UIF Unemployment insurance b1_6
H_inc_UIF_U = 1 if unknown unemployment insurance b1_6_ind
H_inc_MG_orig Private maintenance grant b1_7
H_inc_MG_clean Private Maintenance Grant (clean)
H_inc_CSG_orig New child grant b1_8
H_inc_CSG_clean New child grant (cleaned)
H_inc_FCG Foster care grant b1_9
H_inc_SCG_orig Care dependency/single care grant b1_10
H_inc_SCG_clean Care dependency/single care grant (clean)
H_inc_annuity Personal retirement fund / annuity b1_11
H_inc_annuityU =1 if unknown personal retirement fund b1_11_ind
H_inc_earn_work Earnings from work b1_12
H_inc_earn_workU =1, if unknown amt earnings from wor b1_12_ind
H_inc_savings Savings/interest b1_13
H_inc_savingsU = 1 if unknown Savings/interest b1_13_ind
H_inc_relig Religious organization b1_14
H_inc_rentals Lodgers property rent b1_15
H_inc_money_outsidehh Money from outside hh b1_16
H_inc_money_outsidehhU =1 if unknown amt from outside hh b1_16_ind
H_inc_outsidehh Goods from outside hh b1_17
H_inc_outsidehhU =1 if unknown goods from outside hh b1_17_ind
H_inc_money_othersources Other sources of money b1_18_1
H_inc_money_othersourcesU =1 if unknown amount of other moneys b1_18_1_ind
H_inc_money_other_desc Description of other b1_18_2

Crosswalk for Agincourt 2002 hh_moved dataset to the Household questionnaire:

varname vardesc 2002 varnames
hhid Cover 1.Household ID cov1
moved Has anyone moved out? a4_0
moved_pcode Name from grid moved out a4_2
moved_sex Sex of person moved out a4_3
moved_relhead Relationship to head moved a4_4
moved_relheadOTH Description of other a4_4_desc
moved_agenow Moved age now a4_5_age
moved_agenowU =1, if both age and yob for moved unknown a4_5_ind
moved_yob Year of birth a4_5_yob
moved_why Why moved? a4_6_1

moved_whyOTH Why moved -- description of other? a4_6_1_2
moved_town HH Migration - Town moved to a4_7
moved_prov HH Migration - Province moved to a4_8

Crosswalk for Agincourt 2002 hh_died dataset to the Household questionnaire:

varname vardesc 2002 varnames
hhid Household ID hhid
died Has anyone in house died? a3_0
died_pcode Death code of person who died a3_2
died_sex Sex of person who died a3_3
died_hhhead Was this head of HH? a3_4
died_relhead Relationship to current head a3_5
died_yrborn HH Death - Year born a3_6
died_yrbornU =1 if year born unknown a3_6_ind
died_educ HH Death - Highest level of education a3_7
died_matric HH Death - matric experience a3_8
died_moreeduc HH Death - Further formal education? a3_9
died_educ_highest_age HH Death -Age achieved highest educ a3_11_1
died_educ_highest_year HH Death -Year achieved highest educ a3_11_2
died_educ_highest_ageU HH Death -unknown age/year achieved highest educ a3_11_ind
died_cause Cause of death a3_12

Crosswalk for Agincourt 2002 ad dataset to Younger, Older Adult questionnaires:

varname vardesc YA_var OA_var
hhid Household ID hhid hhid
pcode Respondent Code pcode pcode
A_visitd Day of visit cov3_1 cov3_1
A_visitm Month of visit cov3_2 cov3_2
A_visity Year of visit cov3_3 cov3_3
A_intvwr Interviewer Code cov4 cov4
A_respORproxy Respondent or Proxy answering? h0_1 c0_1
A_proxycode Code of proxy h0_2 c0_2_1
A_otherscode Names of other persons present? h0_3 c0_3
A_modstH Starting hour of module h0_4_1 c0_4_1
A_modstM Starting minute of module h0_4_2 c0_4_2
A_age Calculated Age c1_0
A_yob Year born h2_0_1 c1_0_1
A_agelisted Age now h2_0_2 c1_0_2
A_ageU =1 if age and yob unknown c1_0_ind
A_edlevel Highest level of education h3_0 c1_1
A_matric Matric Experience h3_1 c1_2
A_edmore Further formal education? h3_2 c1_3
A_edmoretyp Kind of further formal education h3_3_1 c1_4_1
A_edmoreDESC Description of other formal education h3_3_2 c1_4_2
A_edmoredone Education complete? c1_4_2
A_edmoreage Age achieved highest level of educ. h3_5 c1_5
A_edmoreageU =1 if unknown age achieved highest education c1_5_ind
A_inschool Respondent-still in school h3_4
LC_ntot H4 How many living children do you have? h4_0
LC_nm H4.1 How many are boys? h4_1_1
LC_nf H4.1 How many are girls? h4_1_2

varname vardesc YA_var OA_var
LC_agech1 Age of living child 1 h4_2_1
LC_agech2 Age of living child 2 h4_2_2
LC_agech3 Age of living child 3 h4_2_3
LC_agech4 Age of living child 4 h4_2_4
LC_agech5 Age of living child 5 h4_2_5
LC_agech6 Age of living child 6 h4_2_6
LC_agech7 Age of living child 7 h4_2_7
LC_agech8 Age of living child 8 h4_2_8
LC_agech9 Age of living child 9 h4_2_9
LC_agech10 Age of living child 10 h4_2_10
LC_agech11 Age of living child 11 h4_2_11
LC_agech12 Age of living child 12 h4_2_12
LC_agech13 Age of living child 13 h4_2_13
LC_agech14 Age of living child 14 h4_2_14
LC_agech15 Age of living child 15 h4_2_15
LC_agech16 Age of living child 16 h4_2_16
DC Children died h4_3
DC_agech1 Age of child 1 who died h4_4_1
DC_agech2 Age of child 2 who died h4_4_2
DC_agech3 Age of child 3 who died h4_4_3
DC_agech4 Age of child 4 who died h4_4_4
DC_agech5 Age of child 5 who died h4_4_5
DC_agech6 Age of child 6 who died h4_4_6
DC_agech7 Age of child 7 who died h4_4_7
MG Ever received a maintenance grant? h5_1 c3_1
MG_curr Currently receiving a maint. grant? h5_2 c3_2
MG_months How long have you been receiving it, months? h5_3_1 c3_3
MG_fromgov From government or father of child? h5_4 c3_4
MG_father_amtsnt_same Does father pay same amount each month? h5_5 c3_5
MG_father_amtsnt_reg Does he send money regularly? h5_6 c3_6
MG_father_amtsnt_avgamt Avg. amount of grant sent? h5_7 c3_7
MG_father_court Court ordered changed amt of grant? h5_8 c3_8
How much did you receive per month before court
MG_father_precourt_amt h5_9 c3_9
MG_whofor Grant for self/children/both? h5_10 c3_10
MG_child_n For how many children receive grant? h5_11 c3_11
MG_monthly_amt How much do you receive each month in total? h5_12 c3_12
MG_applied Have you applied for a new child grant? h5_13 c3_13
MG_applied_month When did you apply, month? h5_14_1 c3_14_1
MG_applied_year When did you apply, year? h5_14_2 c3_14_2
MG_applied_status What has happened with your application? h5_15 c3_15
OA_wrk_type Work done in life c4_0
OA_wrk_desc Occupation for most of working life c4_1
OA_wrk_stop Did you stop working? c4_2
OA_wrk_reducehrs Older change work or reduce hours? c4_3_1
OA_wrk_reducehrsOTH Describe other c4_3_2
OA_wrk_stopage Age stopped work c5_0_1
OA_wrk_stopyear Year stopped work c5_0_2
OA_wrk_stopageU =1 if unknown when or what age stopped work c5_0_ind
OA_wrk_stopwhy Reason stopped work c6_0
OAR_why_eligible_statepens Eligible for state pension c7_1
OAR_why_age Reached retirement age at place of work c7_2
OAR_why_eligible_workpens Eligible for pension from employer c7_3
OAR_why_retrench Retrenchment or early retirement c7_4

varname vardesc YA_var OA_var
OAR_why_lostjob Lost job/or business bad c7_5
OAR_why_hatework Did not enjoy work c7_6
OAR_why_tooold Too old to work c7_7
OAR_why_lowwage Wages too low c7_8
OAR_why_health Had health problems c7_9
OAR_why_caretaker Had to care for others c7_10
OAR_why_spouseretired Spouse retired c7_11
OAR_why_OTH Other reasons c7_12_1
OAR_why_OTH_DESC Describe other c7_12_2
OA_ret_regpay Did respondent retire from regular pay job? c8
OAR_worked_pensfund Member of provident or pension fund c9_1
OAR_worked_pensfund_provfund Paid something from provident or pension fund? c9_2
OAR_worked_pensfund_use What did you do with the money? c9_3
OAR_worked_pensfund_whofrom Pension income from former employer? c9_4
OAR_worked_pensfund_amt Amount received from pension h7_1_3 c9_5
OAR_worked_pensfund_age How old when received pension c9_6
OAR_worked_pensfund_ageU =1 if age unknown received funds c9_6_ind
OA_ret_pckg Receive retirement or retrenchment package? c10_0
OA_ret_pckgamt How much extra received? c10_1
OA_ret_pckgamtU =1 unknown how much extra received? c10_1_ind
OA_ret_pckg_spenton What did you spend the money on? c10_2
OA_ret_earnbefore_amt How much were you earning at retirement? c11
OA_ret_earnbefore_amtU =1 can't remember earnings when left job c11_ind
A_work Do you do anything to earn now? h6_0 c12
A_work_regjob1 Do you have a regular job? Ans. 1 h6_1 c13_0
A_work_regjob2 Do you have a regular job? Ans. 2 c13_0_2
A_work_regjob_desc Regular job occupation (description)? h6_2 c13_1
A_work_regjob_yrs How long at this job, years h6_3_2 c13_2_2
A_work_regjob_yrsU =1 if unknown how long working at this job c13_2_ind
A_work_regjob_hrsperwk How many hours do you work? h6_4 c13_3
A_work_regjob_hrsperwkU =1 if unknown hours worked in a week c13_3_ind
A_work_regjob_wksperyr How many weeks do you work each year? h6_5 c13_4
A_work_regjob_wksperyrU =1 if unknown weeks worked c13_4_ind
A_work_regjob_amtmthly How much do you earn from this job per month? h6_6 c13_5
A_work_regjob_amtmthlyU =1 if unknown how much erned in a month c13_5_ind
A_work_oddjob If odd jobs, what kind? h6_7 c13_6
A_work_oddjob_yrs How long at this job, years h6_8_2 c13_7_2
A_work_oddjob_yrsU =1 if unknown how long working c13_7_ind
How many hours do you work per week at odd
A_work_oddjobs_hrsperweek h6_9 c13_8
A_work_oddjobs_hrsperweekU =1 if unknown hours worked in a week c13_8_ind
A_work_oddjobs_wksperyr How many weeks do you work each year? h6_10 c13_9
A_work_oddjobs_wksperyrU =1 if unknown weeks worked in a year c13_9_ind
A_work_oddjobs_earn_amt What do you earn doing odd jobs each month? h6_11 c13_10
A_work_oddjobs_earn_amtU =1 if unknown amt earn in odd jobs c13_10_ind
A_work_forself_desc If work for self, what type of work? h6_12 c13_11
A_work_forself_yrs How long at this job, years h6_13_2 c13_12_2
A_work_forself_yrsU =1 if unknown how long at this job c13_12_ind
A_work_forself_hrsperweek How many hours do you work a week? h6_14 c13_13
A_work_forself_hrsperweekU =1 if unknown how many hours worked in a week c13_13_ind
A_work_forself_wksperyr How many weeks do you work in a year? h6_15 c13_14
A_work_forself_wksperyrU =1 if unknown how many weeks worked in a year c13_14_ind
A_work_forself_earn_amt How much earned from this job per month? h6_16 c13_15
A_work_forself_earn_amtU =1 if unknown amt earned weekly c13_15_ind

varname vardesc YA_var OA_var
A_unemp_looking Are you looking for work? h6_17 c13_16
OAP Currently receive state old age pension? c14_0_1a
OAP_age How old when began receiving old age pension? c14_0_1b
OAP_ageU =1 if unknown age began receiving pension c14_0_1b_ind
OAP_amtrec Amt. received per month from old age pension? c14_0_1c
OAP_amtrecU =1 if unknown pension amt received monthly c14_0_1c_ind
OAP_disability Currently receive disability pension? c14_0_2a
OAP_disability_age How old when began receiving disability pension c14_0_2b
OAP_disability_mthly_amt Amt. received per month from disability pension h7_1_2 c14_0_2c
A_amtrecM_emppens Employer pension for worker's comp. h7_1_4 h7_1_4
OAP_veterans Currently receive veteran's/apartheid pension? c14_0_3a
OAP_veterans_age Age began receiving veteran's/apartheid pension c14_0_3b
Amt. received per month from vet./apartheid
OAP_veterans_amt h7_1_1 c14_0_3c
OAP_whynot Why not receiving a state old age pension now? c14_1
OAP_whynotOTH Description of other reason not receiving pension c14_2
OANP_getinfuture Do you expect to receive one in the future? c14_3
OANP_getinfuture_howspend What will you do differently when you receive it? c14_4
OANP_getinfuture_better How will life be better? c14_5
OANP_getinfuture_worse How will life be worse? c14_6
OAP_sameasjob Income from pension more or less than job? c14_8
OAP_giveto Do you give all/part of pension to someone else? c14_9
OAP_givetowho To whom you hand it over? c14_11
OAP_toother_amt How much of pension is handed over? c14_12
OAP_toother_amt1 What is the first payment? c14_14
OAP_toother_amt2 What is the second payment? c14_15
OAP_toother_amt3 What is the third payment? c14_16
OAP_toother_amt4 What is the fourth payment? c14_17
OAP_toother_amt5 What is the fifth payment? c14_18
OAP_toother_amt6 What is the sixth payment? c14_19
OAP_amtleft How much of pension is left over after payments? c14_20
OAP_amtleft_towho Who keeps the pension money left over? c14_21
OAP_mostsay Who has most say on how pension is spent? c14_22
OAP_morecredit Does pension make it easier to buy on credit? c14_23
OAP_dodiff What did you do differently? c14_24
OAP_lifebetter How did life become better? c14_25
OAP_lifeworse How did life become worse? c14_26
A_amtrecM_UIF Unemployment insurance (UIF) h7_1_5 c14_28_1
A_amtrecM_UIFU =1 if unknown unemployment insurance c14_28_1_ind
A_amtrecM_annuity Retirement annuity h7_1_6 c14_28_2
A_amtrecM_annuityU =1 if unknown personal retirement fund/annuity c14_28_2_ind
A_amtrecM_savings Savings, interest h7_1_7 c14_28_3
A_amtrecM_savingsU =1 if unknown amt savings/interest c14_28_3_ind
A_amtrecM_childgrant New child grant h7_1_8 c14_28_4
A_amtrecM_FCG Foster care grant h7_1_9 c14_28_5
A_amtrecM_SCG Care dependency/single care grant h7_1_10 c14_28_6
A_amtrecM_church Religious organisation (Church) h7_1_11 c14_28_7
A_amtrecM_rentals Money from lodgers/Property rental h7_1_12_1 c14_28_8
A_amtrecM_oth Other h7_1_12_2 c14_28_9_1
A_amtrecM_othdesc Description of other c14_28_9_2
A_amtrecM_othU =1 if unknown amt from other sources c14_28_9_ind
A_loanedtoyou Money given/loaned from inside or outside house h8 c15
A_expM_eatout Normal month Food eaten out h10_1_1 c16_a1
A_expM_eatoutU =1 if unknown amt spent monthly on Food eaten c16_1_ind

varname vardesc YA_var OA_var
A_expM_clothesyours Normal month clothing and shoes h10_2_1 c16_a2
=1 if unknown amt spent monthly on clothing and
A_expM_clotheseyoursU c16_2_ind
A_expM_healthyours Normal month health h10_3_1 c16_a3
A_expM_healthyoursU =1 if unknown amt spent monthly on health c16_3_ind
A_expM_persitems Normal month personal items h10_4_1 c16_a4
=1 if unknown amt spent monthly on personal
A_expM_persitemsU c16_4_ind
A_expM_trans Normal month transportation h10_5_1 c16_a5
A_expM_transU =1 if unknown amt spent monthly on transportation c16_5_ind
A_expM_church Normal month church dues h10_6_1 c16_a6
A_expM_churchU =1 if unknown amt spent monthly on church dues c16_6_ind
A_expM_gambling Normal month lottery/gambling h10_7_1 c16_a7
=1 if unknown amt spent monthly on
A_expM_gamblingU c16_7_ind
A_expM_alctob Normal month alcohol/tobacco h10_8_1 c16_a8
=1 if unknown amt spent monthly on
A_expM_alctobU c16_8_ind
A_expM_leisure Normal month leisure h10_9_1 c16_a9
A_expM_leisureU =1 if unknown amt spent monthly on leisure c16_9_ind
A_expM_outsidehh Normal month money,goods,food for outside h10_10_1 c16_a10
=1 if unknown amt spent monthly on
A_expM_outsidehhU c16_10_ind
money,goods,food for outside
A_expM_burialsoc Normal month burial society h10_11_1 c16_a11
A_expM_burialsocU =1 if unknown amt spent monthly on burial society c16_11_ind
A_expM_stokvel Normal month stokvel h10_12_1 c16_a12
A_expM_stokvelU =1 if unknown amt spent monthly on stokvel c16_12_ind
A_expM_savings Normal month savings h10_13_1 c16_a13
A_expM_savingsU =1 if unknown amt spent monthly on savings c16_13_ind
A_expM_business Normal month business h10_14_1 c16_a14
A_expM_businessU =1 if unknown amt spent monthly on business c16_14_ind
A_expM_other Normal month other h10_15_1 c16_a15
A_expM_other_desc Description of other c16_15_DESC
A_expM_otherU =1 if unknown amt spent monthly on other h10_15_3 c16_c15
A_expM_remainder Money left for self at end of month h11_0 c17_0
A_expM_remainderU =1 if unknown money left for self c17_0_ind
A_expM_remainder_howspend What do you do with this money? h11_1 c17_1
A_bank Bank or savings account? h11_2 c18_1
A_stokvel Participate in a stokvel h11_3 c18_2
A_lifeins Do you have life insurance c18_3
borrowedfromyou Given money to anyone in past 12 months? h12_0 c19_0
A_SRHS Health at present? i1 d1
A_SRHS_betterornot Health better or worse than 1 year ago? d2
hlt_heart Heart trouble/angina i2_1a d3_1a
hlt_heart_when First time told? i2_1b d3_1b
hlt_heart_recmed Received medication? i2_1c d3_1c
hlt_stroke Stroke? i2_2a d3_2a
hlt_stroke_when First time told? i2_2b d3_2b
hlt_stroke_recmed Received medication? i2_2c d3_2c
hlt_hicholest High cholesterol i2_3a d3_3a
hlt_hicholest_when First time told? i2_3b d3_3b
hlt_hicholest_recmed Received medication? i2_3c d3_3c
hlt_diab Diabetes i2_4a d3_4a
hlt_diab_when First time told? i2_4b d3_4b
hlt_diab_recmed Received medication? i2_4c d3_4c

varname vardesc YA_var OA_var
hlt_emphysema Emphysema/Bronchitis i2_5a d3_5a
hlt_emphysema_when First time told? i2_5b d3_5b
hlt_emphysema_recmed Received medication? i2_5c d3_5c
hlt_asthma Asthma i2_6a d3_6a
hlt_asthma_when First time told? i2_6b d3_6b
hlt_asthma_recmed Received medication? i2_6c d3_6c
hlt_cancer Cancer i2_7a d3_7a
hlt_cancer_when First time told? i2_7b d3_7b
hlt_cancer_recmed Received medication? i2_7c d3_7c
illM_lostweight Lost weight in past 6 weeks? i3_0 d3_8
illM_nightsweats Night sweats? i3_1 d3_9
illM_cough Persistent cough? i3_2 d3_10
illM_seeMD Seen a health person for symptoms? i3_3 d3_11
illM_seeMD_diagnose Did they tell you what was wrong? i3_4 d3_12
illM_treatment Have you had any treatment? i3_5 d3_13
illM_treatment_yes Are you still taking the treatment i3_6 d3_14
ilM_treatment_no Why not taking treatment? i3_7 d3_15
hlt_TB Ever been diagnosed with TB? i3_8 d3_16
hlt_TB_when First time told had TB? i3_9 d3_17
hlt_TB_recmed Received medication/treatment? i3_10 d3_18
hlt_BP Ever told you have high blood pressure? i3_11 d4_0
hlt_BP_onmeds Currently taking medication? i3_12 d4_1
BPY_measured Blood pressure measured? i3_13 d4_2
BPY_measured_high Blood pressure high normal low? i3_14 d4_3
medservice Used a medical service in past 12 months? i3_15 d4_4
medservice_exp How were medical expenses paid? i3_16_1 d4_5_1
medservice_expOTH Describe other way med exp paid? i3_16_2 d4_5_2
hlt_3mon_seeany Seen anyone for health in past 3 months? i3_17 d5_0
hlt_3mon_seeany_who Who did you see? i3_18 d5_1
hlt_3mon_seeany_who2 See anyone else? i3_19 d5_2
hltY_checkup Routine checkup in past 12 months? i3_20 d6
ADL_dress Level of difficulty dressing d7_1
ADL_bath Level of difficulty bathing d7_2
ADL_eat Level of difficulty eating d7_3
ADL_toil Level of difficulty toiletting d7_4
ADL_bus Level of difficulty bus, .taxi d7_5
ADL_lightwork Level of difficulty light work d7_6
ADL_money Level of difficulty managing money d7_7
ADL_stairs Level of difficulty climbing stairs d7_8
ADL_lift Level of difficulty lifting objects d7_9
ADL_walk Level of difficulty walking 200-300m d7_10
vision_glasses Use spectacles or glasses d8_0
vision_tested When was your vision last tested (years)? d8_1
vision_withglasses How is vision with glasses? d8_2
hearing_hearingaid Do you use a hearing aid? d8_3
hearing_howisit How is your hearing? d8_4
mobility_cane Cane, crutch or walking frame? d8_5
mobility_howisit How is your mobility? d8_6
dental_problems Tooth or mouth problems? d9_0
abletocook Able to cook for self? d9_1
A_Minhh Mother in household? i4_0
A_Minhh_pcode Mother's code i4_1
A_Malive Mother alive or deceased? i4_2 d10_0
A_Mdead_age Mother age died? i4_3 d10_1

varname vardesc YA_var OA_var
A_Mdead_ageU =1 if unknown age mother died d10_1_ind
A_Mdead_gt50 Older or younger than 50 when mom died? i4_4 d10_2
A_Mdead_cause Cause of death? i4_5 d10_3
A_Malive_age How old is she? i4_6 d10_4
A_Malive_ageU =1 if unknown age of mother d10_4_ind
A_M_educ Highest level of education of mother i4_7 d10_5
A_Finhh Father in household? i4_8
A_Finhh_pcode Father's code i4_9
A_Falive Father alive or deceased? i4_10 d10_10
A_Fdead_age Father age died? i4_11 d10_11
A_Fdead_ageU =1 if unknown age of father at death d10_11_ind
A_Fdead_gt50 Older or younger than 50 when dad died? i4_12 d10_12
A_Fdead_cause Cause of death? i4_13 d10_13
A_Falive_age How old is he? i4_14 d10_14
A_Falive_ageU =1 if unknown how old father is d10_14_ind
A_F_educ Highest level of education of father i4_15 d10_15
MH_mis I Could not stop feeling miserable j1_1 e1_1
MH_dep I felt depressed j1_2 e1_2
MH_sad I felt sad j1_3 e1_3
MH_cried I cried a lot j1_4 e1_4
MH_eat I did not feel like eating j1_5 e1_5
MH_effort I felt everything was an effort j1_6 e1_6
MH_sleep My sleep was restless j1_7 e1_7
MH_getgoing I could not get going j1_8 e1_8
MH_worried One month or longer worried j2_1 e2_1
MH_worried_morethanmost Worry more than others j2_2 e2_2
MH_worried_ended If yes, has that period ended? j3_1 e3_1
MH_worried_years How long before it ended years? j3_2_2 e3_2_2
MH_worried_yearsU =1 if unknown how long it went on e3_2_ind
MH_worried_mostdays Did/do you worry most days? j4 e4
MH_worried_hardtostop Did/do you find it difficult to stop worrying? j5_1 e5_1
MH_worried_diff Did/do you have different worries at same time? j5_2 e5_2
MH_worried_desc What are you worried about? j5_3
MH_worried_tell1 Do you plan to tell anyone about worries: 1 j6_1_1 e6_1_1
MH_worried_tell2 Do you plan to tell anyone about worries: 2 j6_1_2 e6_1_2
MH_worried_tellOTH Description of other e6_1_OTH
MH_worried_interfere How much did\do problems interfere? j6_2 e6_2
MH_dreams Troubling dreams in past 12 months? j6_3 e6_3
MH_P_health Cause of unhappiness your health? j6_5 e6_5
MH_P_health_import Importance of health j6_6 e6_6
MH_P_money Not enough money j6_7_1 e6_7_1
MH_P_futuremoney Future finances j6_7_2 e6_7_2
MH_P_food Not enough food j6_7_3 e6_7_3
MH_P_famdeath Death of family members j6_7_4 e6_7_4
MH_P_famhealth Health of family members j6_7_5 e6_7_5
MH_P_famed Education of family members j6_7_6 e6_7_6
MH_P_famunemp Unemployment of family members j6_7_7 e6_7_7
MH_P_famquar Quarrels in the family j6_7_8 e6_7_8
MH_P_famdrink Family member drinking/taking drugs j6_7_9 e6_7_9
MH_P_safety Safety in neighborhood j6_7_10 e6_7_10
MH_P_jealousy Someone being jealous of you j6_7_11 e6_7_11
MH_lifebetter Do you expect life to get better j6_8 e6_8
MH_lifebetter_how In what ways do you expect life to get better? j6_9 e6_9
MH_lifebetter_plans Plans for making things better? j6_10 e6_10

varname vardesc YA_var OA_var
MH_lifebetter_plans_what What are these plans? j6_11 e6_11
MH_memloss Is memory loss a problem? j7 e7
MH_smoke Do you smoke or use snuff? j8_1 e8_1
MH_smoke_n Amount smoke? j8_2 e8_2
MH_smokereg Have you regularly smoked? j8_3 e8_3
MH_alc Drink alcohol? j9_1 e9_1
MH_alcN Do you drink more than once per week? j9_2 e9_2
MH_famalc_toomuch Does anyone drink too much? j9_3 e9_3
mem_church Church or mosque k1_1a f1a
mem_church_freq How often go to church/mosque k1_1b f1b
mem_charity Social charity at church/mosque k1_2a f2a
mem_charity_freq How often social charity k1_2b f2b
mem_choir Choir? k1_3a f3a
mem_choir_freq How often choir k1_3b f3b
mem_srcenter Senior centre or luncheon club f4a
mem_srcenter_freq How often sr centre f4b
mem_union Labor or trade union k1_4a f5a
mem_union_freq How often labor or trade union k1_4b f5b
mem_profassoc Professional association k1_5a f6a
mem_profassoc_freq How often prof assoc k1_5b f6b
mem_sportsclub Sports club or exercise group k1_6a f7a
mem_sportsclub_freq How often sports k1_6b f7b
mem_other Other f8a
mem_otherOTH Describe other k1_7a_1 f8a_1
mem_other_freq How often other k1_7b f8b
fam_respect Family respect? k2_1 f2_1
comm_respect Community respect? k2_2 f2_2
comm_trusted Community trust? k2_3 f2_3
comm_jealous Jealousy a problem in community? k2_4 f2_4
comm_jealous_more Is jealousy increasing? k2_5 f2_5
comm_jealous_who1 Who is jealous of you: 1 k2_6_1 f2_6_1
comm_jealous_who2 Who is jealous of you: 2 k2_6_2 f2_6_2
comm_jealous_who3 Who is jealous of you: 3 k2_6_3 f2_6_3
comm_jealous_who4 Who is jealous of you: 4 k2_6_4 f2_6_4
comm_jealousOTH Who is jealous of you: Others k2_6_OTH f2_6_OTH
onetotalkto Someone to speak to? k3_0 f3_0
onetotalkto_1 Person speak to? # 1 k3_1_1 f3_1_1
onetotalkto_2 Person speak to? # 2 k3_1_2 f3_1_2
onetotalkto_3 Person speak to? # 3 k3_1_3 f3_2_1
onetotalkto_1freq How often do you speak to person 1? k3_2_1 f3_2_2
onetotalkto_2freq How often do you speak to person 2? k3_2_2 f3_2_3
onetotalkto_3freq How often do you speak to person 3? k3_2_3
rel_import How important is religion? k4_0 f4_0
rel_desc What is your religion? k4_1_1 f4_1_1
rel_descOTH What is your religion: Other k4_1_2 f4_1_2
church_mem_length How long have you been a member k4_2
church_mem_lengthU =1 if unknown how long a member of church k4_2_ind
church_fromothchurch What church did you move from? k4_3
crimevictim Crime victim in last 12 months? k5_0 f5
crimevictim_desc What crimes? k5_1 f6_0
crimevictim_muti Victim of someone using muti? k5_2 f6_1
vote_1994 Did you vote in the 1994 elections? k6_0 f7_0
vote_1999 Did you vote in the 1999 elections? k6_1 f7_1
howhappy How happy are you taking all things together? f8

varname vardesc YA_var OA_var
mainproblems What are the main problems in your life now? k7
mainsourcefhappy Main source of happiness? k8 f9
moreaboutlife Anything else about life? f10
A_height Respondent's height k9 f11
A_weight Respondent's weight k10 f12
bmi BMI calculation based on height and weight bmi bmi
A_no_measure_why Why weren't the measurements taken no_measure_why no_measure_why
A_mod_end_h Ending hour of module k11_1_1 g1_0_1
A_mod_end_m Ending minute of module k11_1_2 g1_0_2
A_lang Languages used in interview? k11_2_1 g1_1_1
A_complevel Comprehension level of respondent k11_3 g1_2
A_cooplevel Cooperation level k11_4 g1_3
A_assistedlevel Level of assist k11_5 g1_4
A_assistedpcode Code of person who helped answer? k11_6 g1_5
A_addlcomm Additional comments k11_7 g1_6

Crosswalk for Agincourt 2002 ch dataset to the Child questionnaire

varname vardesc 2002 varnames
hhid Cover1_Household ID Cov1
pcode Cover2a_Child Code Cov2a
acode Cover2b_Adult Code Cov2b
C_visitd Cover3_Day of visit Cov3_1
C_visitm Cover3_Month of visit Cov3_2
C_visity Cover3_Year of visit Cov3_3
C_interviewer Cover4_Interviewer code Cov4
C_hourst Cover5_Hour Start cov5_1
C_minutest Cover5_Minute start cov5_2
C_hourend Cover6_Hour end cov6_1
C_minuteend Cover6_Minute end cov6_2
C_coop Cover7_Resp. coop level; 1=excellent, 2=good, 3=avg, 4=poor cov7
C_addtlcomm Cover8_Additional comments cov8
C_age Age of child as of interview
C_ageU =1 if age of child as of interview unknown
C_age_in_months Age of child in months as of interview
C_dayborn Day born L1_day
C_mthborn Month born L1_month
C_yrborn Year born L1_year
height Height in centimeters L2
heightU =1 if Height in cm unknown
weight Weight in kilograms L3
weightU =1 if Weight in kg unknown
bmi bmi (based on height and weight)
immcard Immunization card: 1=yes; 2=no; 3=no, you cannot see it L4
immcurr Immunization is current parental report: yes=1, no=2 L5
birthweight Birth weight in kilograms (999=don't know) L6_1
birthweightU =1 if birth weight unknown
bwsource Source of birth weight: 1=card; 2=recall L6_2
breastfed Ever breast: 1=yes; 2=no; 3=still breastfeeding L7
bfexclusiv Months breastfed with no other food or drink L8
bfexclusivU =1 if unknown months exclusive breastfeeding
bfoverall Months child was breastfed with food L9

varname vardesc 2002 varnames
bfoverallU =1 if unknown months overall breastfeeding
tot_bf Total months child was breastfed
creche Attends crèche: 1=yes; 2=no L11
crchlgth Attends crèche: 1=half-day, 2=full-day, 3=can't remember L12

Crosswalk for Agincourt 2004 hh_h dataset to the Household questionnaire:

varname vardesc survey varname
Stratum-1=SA no death 2=SA death 3=Mozambique no death
stratum 4=Mozambique death stratum
hhid Cover 1.Household ID hhid
H_resp_code Pcode of respondent cov2
H_visitd Day of visit cov3_1
H_visitm Month of visit cov3_2
H_visity Year of visit cov3_3
H_interviewer1 First interviewer cov4_1
H_interviewer2 Second interviewer cov4_2
cov_nmems Number of HH members cov5_1
cov_n18p Number aged 18 or older cov5_2
cov_n1317 Number 13.17 cov5_3
cov_n012 Number 0.12 cov5_4
H_others Names/Codes of persons present a0_1
H_hourst Hour module started a0_2_1
H_minst Minute module started a0_2_2
headcode Code of HH head a0_3
khhm Most knowledgeable hh member a0_4
H_proxycode Code of proxy respondent a0_6_1
H_proxyreason Reason for proxy respondent a0_6_2
boarders Not mentioned boarders etc. a2_0
boarders_n How many such people? a2_1
H_died Has anyone in house died? a3_0
H_died_missinginfo_why Reason why no more info for this person who died a3_missinginfo_why
died_pcode Death code of person who died a3_2
died_sex Sex of person who died a3_3
died_hhhead Was this head of HH? a3_4
died_relhead Relationship to head a3_5_1
died_relheadOTH Description of other a3_5_2
died_age Age when passed away? a3_6
died_ageU =1, if age at death unknown a3_6_ind
died_ageest Age estimate when passed away? a3_6b
died_cause Cause of death a3_9
died_year Year passed away a3_10
died_yearU =1, if year of death unknown a3_10_ind
died_name died_name died_name
H_moved Has anyone moved out? a4_0
dwell Single/Multiple dwelling a8_0
dwell_type1 Housing Type 1 a8_1
dwell_type2 Housing Type 2 a8_2
dwell_toilet_flush Flush toilet in dwelling a9a_1
dwell_water Water source in dwelling a9a_6
onsitePriv_toilet Flush toilet on site private a9b_1
onsitePriv_chemtoilet Chemical toilet on-site private a9b_2

varname vardesc survey varname
onsitePriv_pitlatrine Pit latrine on site private a9b_3
onsitePriv_buckettoilet Bucket toilet on site private a9b_4
onsitePriv_notoilet None on site private a9b_5
onsitePriv_water Water source on private a9b_6
onsiteShare_toilet Flush toilet on site shared a9c_1
onsiteShare_chemtoilet Chemical toilet on-site private a9c_2
onsiteShare_pitlatrine Pit latrine on site shared a9c_3
onsiteShare_buckettoilet Bucket toilet on site shared a9c_4
onsiteShare_notoilet None on site shared a9c_5
onsiteShare_water Water source on site shared a9c_6
offsitePriv_toilet Flush toilet off site Private a9d_1
offsitePriv_chemtoilet Chemical toilet off site Private a9d_2
offsitePriv_pitlatrine Pit latrine off site Private a9d_3
offsitePriv_buckettoilet Bucket toilet off site Private a9d_4
offsitePriv_notoilet None off site Private a9d_5
offsitePriv_water Water source off site Private a9d_6
offsiteShare_toilet Flush toilet off site Share a9e_1
offsiteShare_chemtoilet Chemical toilet off site Share a9e_2
offsiteShare_pitlatrine Pit latrine off site Share a9e_3
offsiteShare_buckettoilet Bucket toilet off site Share a9e_4
offsiteShare_notoilet None off site Share a9e_5
offsiteShare_water Water source off site Share a9e_6
phone_own Have Telephone? a10_1_1
phone_exp Telephone explain a10_1_2
phone_stillpay Phone: Still paying? a10_1_3
cellp_own Have Cellular telephone? a10_2_1
cellp_exp Cellular telephone explain a10_2_2
cellp_stillpay Cell Phone: Still paying? a10_2_3
stove_elecgas_own Have Stove, electric or gas? a10_3_1
stove_elecgas_exp Stove elec/gas explain a10_3_2
stove_elecgas_stillpay Stove: Still paying? a10_3_3
stove_coalwood_own Have Stove, coal, wood, paraffin? a10_4_1
stove_coalwood_exp Stove, coal, wood, paraffin explain a10_4_2
stove_coalwood_stillpay Stove: Still paying? a10_4_3
elec_own Have electricity? a10_5_1
elec_exp Electricity explain a10_5_2
elec_stillpay Electricity: Still paying? a10_5_3
TV_own Have TV? a10_6_1
TV_exp Television set explain a10_6_2
TV_stillpay TV: Still paying? a10_6_3
VCR_own Have VCR? a10_7_1
VCR_exp VCR explain a10_7_2
VCR_stillpay Still paying for VCR a10_7_3
frig_own Have refrigerator? a10_8_1
frig_exp Refrigerator explain a10_8_2
frig_stillpay Fridge: Still paying? a10_8_3
radio_own Have radio? a10_9_1
radio_exp Radio explain a10_9_2
radio_stillpay Radio: Still paying? a10_9_3
stereo_own Have stereo? a10_10_1

varname vardesc survey varname
stereo_exp Stereo explain a10_10_2
stereo_stillpay Stereo: Still paying? a10_10_3
sewmach_own Have sewing machine? a10_11_1
sewmach_exp Sewing machine explain a10_11_2
sewmach_stilllpay Sewing machine: Still paying? a10_11_3
car_own Have car? a10_12_1
car_exp Car explain a10_12_2
car_stilllpay Car: Still paying? a10_12_3
bike_own Have bicycle? a10_13_1
bike_exp Bicycle explain a10_13_2
bike_stilllpay Bicycle: Still paying? a10_13_3
mattress_own Have mattress? a10_14_1
mattress_exp Mattress explain a10_14_2
mattress_stillpay Still paying for mattress a10_14_3
sofa_own Have sofa set? a10_15_1
sofa_exp Sofa set explain a10_15_2
sofa_stillpay Still paying for sofa set a10_15_3
earn_minors Earnings from minors? b1_20
H_recgoods HH receives goods from outside HH? b1_21
H_recgoods_cost Cost of goods recv'd from outside HH b1_22
H_recgoodsU =1, if cost of goods for last 12 months unknown b1_22_ind
H_recmoney_unassigned Unassigned sources b1_23
H_recgoods_costU =1, if extra money received monthly unknown b1_23_ind
H_exp_maize Maize and mealie -- monthly expenditure b2_1
H_exp_maizeU =1, if expense for maize unknown b2_1_ind
H_exp_bread Bread -- monthly expenditure b2_2a
H_exp_breadU =1 if expense for bread unknown b2_2a_ind
H_exp_milk Milk -- monthly expenditure b2_2b
H_exp_milkU =1 if unknown expense for milk b2_2b_ind
H_exp_colddrinks Cold drinks -- monthly expenditure b2_2c
H_exp_colddrinksU =1, if expense for cold drinks unknown b2_2c_ind
H_exp_sweets Sweets -- monthly expenditure b2_2d
H_exp_sweetsU =1, if expense for sweets unknown b2_2d_ind
H_exp_vegfruit Vegetables & fruit -- monthly expenditure b2_3
H_exp_vegfruitU =1, if expense for meat, chicken, fish unknown b2_3_ind
H_exp_meat Meat, chicken, fish -- monthly expenditure b2_4
H_exp_meatU =1, Amt paid for meat chicken fish unknown b2_4_ind
H_exp_groc Groceries -- monthly expenditure b2_5
H_exp_grocU =1, if expense for groceries unknown b2_5_ind
H_exp_rent Rent or bond payment -- monthly expenditure b2_6
H_exp_rentU =1 if unknown monthly expend. for rent b2_6_ind
H_exp_rates Rates -- monthly expenditure b2_7
H_exp_ratesU =1 if unknown monthly expend. for rates b2_7_ind
H_exp_elec Electricity -- monthly expenditure b2_8
H_exp_elecU =1, if expense for electricity unknown b2_8_ind
H_exp_fuel Fuel -- monthly expenditure b2_9
H_exp_fuelU =1, if expenses for fuel unknown b2_9_ind
H_exp_telephone Telephone -- monthly expenditure b2_10
H_exp_telephoneU =1, if expenses for telephone unknown b2_10_ind
H_exp_cellphone Cell phone -- monthly expenditure b2_10a

varname vardesc survey varname
H_exp_cellphoneU =1, if expenses for cell phone unknown b2_10a_ind
H_exp_hirep Hire purchase -- monthly expenditure b2_11
H_exp_hirepU =1 if unknown expense for hire purchase b2_11_ind
H_exp_uniforms Uniforms,etc -- monthly expenditure b2_12
H_exp_uniformsU =1 if unknown expense for uniforms b2_12_ind
H_exp_other Other -- monthly expenditure b2_13
H_exp_otherOTH Other -- monthly expenditure described b2_13_DESC
H_exp_otherU =1 if Amt of money spent is unknown for Other b2_13_ind
H_growsfood HH grow own food? b3_0
H_growsfood_value Value of grown food? b3_1
H_growsfood_valueU =1, if value (monthly) for food grown unknown b3_1_ind
H_spendmostsay_food Most say about food spending pcode b4_2a
H_spendmostsay_educ Most say about educ spending pcode b4_2b
H_livestock Own Livestock? b7_0
H_chickens How many chickens? b7_1
H_chickensU =1 if unknown how many chickens b7_1_ind
H_pigs How many pigs? b7_2
H_sheep How many sheep/goats b7_4
H_cows How many cows? b7_5
H_bankacct Have bank or savings acct? b8_0
H_bankacct_who Who has bank/savings account? b9_0
H_stokvel Participate in stokvel? b10
H_stokvel_who Who participates in stokvel? b11
mealsY_adult_skip Adults skip, reduce meals? b13_0
mealsY_adult_skip_freq How often skip, reduce meals? b13_1
mealsY_adult_allday Adults not eat for whole day? b13_2
mealsY_adult_alldayfreq How often this happen? b13_3
mealsY_child_skip Cut, skip child’s meal? b13_4
mealsY_child_skip_freq How often happen? b13_5
H_current_finsit Financial situation? b14
H_tidiness Tidiness of yard and house b15_1
H_garbage Garbage disposal on property b15_2
H_flies Number of flies b15_3
H_smell Smell of property b15_4
H_hourend Ending hour of module b16_1_1
H_minend Ending minute of module b16_1_2
H_language1 Language used for interview b16_2_1
H_language2 Language used for interview (2nd used) b16_2_2
H_comp Comprehension level b16_3
H_coop Cooperation level b16_4
H_assistance Assistance? b16_5
H_assistance_who Who helped respondent with answers? b16_6
H_add_info Additional information b16_7

Crosswalk for Agincourt 2004 hh_mrd dataset to the Household questionnaire

(most recent death):
varname vardesc survey varname

varname vardesc survey varname
Stratum-1=SA no death 2=SA death 3=Mozambique
stratum stratum
no death 4=Mozambique death
hhid Cover 1.Household ID hhid
H_died Has anyone in house died? a3_0
mrd_edlevel MRD highest education achieved a3_14a
mrd_job MRD Most recent job? a3_14b
mrd_incM MRD avg monthly income a3_14c
mrd_incMU =1, if unknownavg monthly income a3_14c_ind
mrd_financcontrib MRD importance of financial contribution a3_14d
mrd_atdeath_inc MRD - income during month of death a3_14e
mrd_atdeath_incU =1 if unknown income during month of death a3_14e_ind
mrd_illlength MRD length of illness? a3_16
mrd_returnhomesick MRD person returned to hhold b/c of illness? a3_17
mrd_ill_consult MRD anyone consulted about illness? a3_18
mrd_ill_consult_who1 MRD: who consulted 1st mentioned a3_20a_1
mrd_ill_consult_who2 MRD: who consulted 2nd mentioned a3_20a_2
mrd_ill_consult_who3 MRD: who consulted 3rd mentioned a3_20a_3
mrd_ill_consult_who4 MRD: who consulted 4th mentioned a3_20a_4
mrd_ill_consultOTH MRD: desc of other consulted a3_20a_desc
mrd_ill_consult_pubdr_cost MRD cost of pub.doctorl treatment? a3_20b_1
=1, if MRD cost of MD/RN at pub. clinic/hospital
mrd_ill_consult_pubdr_costU a3_20b_1_ind
mrd_ill_consult_privdr_cost MRD cost of priv. doctor treatment? a3_20b_2
=1, if MRD cost of MD/RN private clinic/hospital
mrd_ill_consult_privdr_costU a3_20b_2_ind
mrd_ill_consult_pubspec_cost MRD: cost of public spec. dr. treatment? a3_20b_3
mrd_ill_consult_pubspec_costU =1 if unknown cost of public spec. dr. treatment? a3_20b_3_ind
mrd_ill_consult_privspec_cost MRD: cost of private spec. dr. treatment? a3_20b_4
mrd_ill_consult_privspec_costU =1 if unknown cost of private spec. dr. treatment? a3_20b_4_ind
mrd_ill_consult_nurse_cost MRD: cost of nurse treatment? a3_20b_5
mrd_ill_consult_nurse_costU =1 if unknown cost of nurse treatment? a3_20b_5_ind
mrd_ill_consult_chemist_cost MRD: cost of chemist treatment? a3_20b_6
mrd_ill_consult_healer_cost MRD: cost of healer treatment? a3_20b_7
mrd_ill_consult_healer_costU =1 if unknow cost of healer treatment a3_20b_7_ind
mrd_ill_consult_inyanga_cost MRD: cost of inyanga treatment? a3_20b_8
mrd_ill_consult_inyanga_costU =1 if unknow cost of inyanga treatment a3_20b_8_ind
mrd_ill_consult_prophet_cost MRD: cost of prophet treatment? a3_20b_9
mrd_ill_consult_prophet_costU =1 if unknow cost of prophet treatment a3_20b_9_ind
mrd_ill_consult_other_cost MRD: cost of other treatment? a3_20b_10
mrd_ill_consult_pubclin_site MRD: location of public doctor treatment? a3_20c_1
mrd_ill_consult_privclin_site MRD: location of private doctor treatment? a3_20c_2
mrd_ill_consult_pubspec_site MRD: location of public specialist treatment? a3_20c_3
mrd_ill_consult_privspec_site MRD: location of private specialist treatment? a3_20c_4
mrd_ill_consult_nurse_site MRD: location of nurse treatment? a3_20c_5
mrd_ill_consult_chemist_site MRD: location of chemist treatment? a3_20c_6
mrd_ill_consult_healer_site MRD: location of healer treatment? a3_20c_7
mrd_ill_consult_inyanga_site MRD: location of inyanga treatment? a3_20c_8
mrd_ill_consult_prophet_site MRD: location of prophet treatment? a3_20c_9
mrd_ill_consult_other_site MRD: location of other treatment? a3_20c_10
mrd_ill_trtmnt_who1 MRD: who prescribed treatment #1 a3_24a_1
mrd_ill_trtmnt_who2 MRD: who prescribed treatment #2 a3_24a_2

varname vardesc survey varname
mrd_ill_trtmnt_who3 MRD: who prescribed treatment #3 a3_24a_3
mrd_ill_trtmnt_who4 MRD: who prescribed treatment #4 a3_24a_4
mrd_ill_trtmnt_who_OTH MRD: who prescribed treatment other a3_24a_DESC
mrd_ill_trtmnt_pubdr_cost MRD: cost of public dr. treatment? a3_24b_1
mrd_ill_trtmnt_pubdr_costU =1 if unknown cost of public dr. treatment a3_24b_1_ind
mrd_ill_trtmnt_privdr_cost MRD: cost of private dr. treatment? a3_24b_2
mrd_ill_trtmnt_privdr_costU =1 if unknown cost of private dr. treatment a3_24b_2_ind
mrd_ill_trtmnt_pubspec_cost MRD: cost of public spec treatment? a3_24b_3
mrd_ill_trtmnt_pubspec_costU =1 if unknown cost of public spec treatment a3_24b_3_ind
mrd_ill_trtmnt_privspec_cost MRD: cost of private spec treatment? a3_24b_4
mrd_ill_trtmnt_privspec_costU =1 if unknown cost of private spec treatment a3_24b_4_ind
mrd_ill_trtmnt_nurse_cost MRD: cost of nurse treatment? a3_24b_5
mrd_ill_trtmnt_nurse_costU =1 if unknown cost of nurse treatment a3_24b_5_ind
mrd_ill_trtmnt_chemist_cost MRD: cost of private chemist treatment? a3_24b_6
mrd_ill_trtmnt_chemist_costU =1 if unknown cost of chemist treatment a3_24b_6_ind
mrd_ill_trtmnt_healer_cost MRD: cost of nyamusoro treatment? a3_24b_7
mrd_ill_trtmnt_healer_costU =1 if unknown cost of nyamusoro treatment a3_24b_7_ind
mrd_ill_trtmnt_inyanga_cost MRD: cost of inyanga treatment? a3_24b_8
mrd_ill_trtmnt_inyanga_costU =1 if unknown cost of inyanga treatment a3_24b_8_ind
mrd_ill_trtmnt_prophet_cost MRD: cost of prophet treatment? a3_24b_9
mrd_ill_trtmnt_prophet_costU =1 if unknown cost of prophet treatment a3_24b_9_ind
mrd_ill_trtmnt_other_cost MRD: cost of other treatment? a3_24b_10
mrd_ill_trtmnt_other_costU =1 if unknown cost of other treatment a3_24b_10_ind
mrd_ill_trtmnt_homerem MRD other treatmetns undertaken? a3_25_1
mrd_ill_trtmnt_homerem_cost MRD cost of other treatmetns undertaken? a3_25_2
=1, if unknown cost of treatment not prescribed by
mrd_ill_trtmnt_homerem_costU a3_25_2_ind
mrd_ill_hospstay MRD sleep in a hospital or clinic? a3_26_1
mrd_ill_hospstay_cost MRD cost of sleep in a hospital or clinic? a3_26_2
mrd_ill_hospstay_costU =1, if unknown cost of hospital/clinic stay a3_26_2_ind
mrd_hospstay_nightsN MRD nights of sleep at hospital a3_26a
mrd_hospstay_nightsNU =1 if unknown nights of sleep in hospital a3_26a_ind
mrd_inyangastay MRD sleep at Inyanga? a3_27_1
mrd_inyangastay_cost MRD cost of sleep at Inyanga? a3_27_2
mrd_inyangastay_costU =1 if unknown cost of sleep at Inyanga? a3_27_2_ind
mrd_inyangastay_nightN MRD: nights of sleep at Inyanga a3_27a
mrd_inyangastay_nightNU =1 if unknown nights of sleep at Inyanga a3_27a_ind
mrd_trtmnt_whopaid1 MRD who paid for treatment? (1st mentioned) a3_29_1
mrd_trtmnt_whopaid2 MRD who paid for treatment? (2nd mentioned) a3_29_2
mrd_trtmnt_whopaid3 MRD who paid for treatment? (3rd mentioned) a3_29_3
mrd_trtmnt_whopaidOTH MRD desc. of other who paid for treatment? a3_29_DESC
mrd_caregiver MRD . who took care of person while ill? a3_30
mrd_caregiver_prim MRD who was main caregiver? a3_31
mrd_caregiver_prim_stopwork MRD main caregiver reduced work to give care? a3_32
mrd_deathmanmade MRD - death man-made? a3_33
mrd_funeral_arrangedby1 MRD - who arranged funeral? #1 a3_38_1
mrd_funeral_arrangedby2 MRD - who arranged funeral? #2 a3_38_2
mrd_funeral_arrangedbyOTH MRD - desc of who arranged funeral? a3_38_OTH
mrd_bursoc MRD - bur. society contribution for funeral? a3_38a
mrd_bursoc_type1 MRD -- insurer type # 1 a3_39_1

varname vardesc survey varname
mrd_bursoc_type2 MRD -- insurer type # 2 a3_39_2
mrd_bursoc_typeOTH MRD - desc. of other insurer? a3_39_DESC
mrd_bursoc_money MRD - burial society contributed money to the hh a3_39a
mrd_bursoc_money_amt MRD - how much bur. society contribution to hh? a3_39b
=1 if unknown how much bur. society contribution to
mrd_bursoc_money_amtU a3_39b_ind
mrd_bursoc_coffin MRD bur. society contributed coffin? a3_40_1
mrd_bursoc_funlfood MRD bur. society contributed food for funeral? a3_40_2
mrd_bursoc_funltrans MRD bur. society contributed transport for fune a3_40_3
mrd_costs_coffin MRD additional costs for coffin? a3_46_1_1
mrd_costs_coffin_amt MRD amt. of additional costs for coffin? a3_46_1_2
mrd_costs_coffin_amtU =1, if add'l cost of coffin unknown a3_46_1_2_ind
mrd_costs_meat MRD additional costs for meat? a3_46_2_1
mrd_costs_meat_amt MRD amt. of additional costs for meat? a3_46_2_2
mrd_costs_meat_amtU =1, if add'l cost of meat unknown a3_46_2_2_ind
mrd_costs_groceries MRD additional costs for groceries? a3_46_3_1
mrd_costs_groceries_amt MRD amt. of additional costs for groceries? a3_46_3_2
mrd_costs_groceries_amtU =1, if add'l cost of groceries unknown a3_46_3_2_ind
mrd_costs_cemetery MRD additional costs for cemetery costs? a3_46_4_1
mrd_costs_cemetery_amt MRD amt. of additional costs for cemetery costs a3_46_4_2
mrd_costs_cemetery_amtU =1, if add'l cost of cemetery unknown a3_46_4_2_ind
mrd_costs_clothing MRD additional costs for clothing? a3_46_5_1
mrd_costs_clothing_amt MRD amt. of additional costs for clothing? a3_46_5_2
mrd_costs_clothing_amtU =1, if add'l cost of clothing unknown a3_46_5_2_ind
mrd_costs_flowers MRD additional costs for flowers? a3_46_6_1
mrd_costs_flowers_amt MRD amt. of additional costs for flowers? a3_46_6_2
mrd_costs_flowers_amtU =1, if add'l cost of flowers unknown a3_46_6_2_ind
mrd_costs_taxis MRD additional costs for taxis/transport? a3_46_7_1
mrd_costs_taxis_amt MRD amt. of additional costs for taxis/transpor a3_46_7_2
mrd_costs_taxis_amtU =1, if add'l cost of taxis/transport unknown a3_46_7_2_ind
mrd_costs_food MRD additional costs for food for prayer svcs.? a3_46_8_1
mrd_costs_food_amt MRD amt. of additional costs for food for praye a3_46_8_2
=1, if add'l cost of refreshments for pre-funeral prayer
mrd_costs_food_amtU a3_46_8_2_ind
services unknown
mrd_costs_other MRD additional costs for other? a3_46_9_1
mrd_costs_other_amt MRD amt. of additional costs for other? a3_46_9_2
=1, if add'l cost of other items not covered by burial
mrd_costs_other_amtU a3_46_9_2_ind
society unknown
mrd_CFE_hhfamily MRD contributions from family in hhold? a3_55_1
mrd_CFE_hhfamilyU =1, if amt contributed by hh family is unknown a3_55_1_ind
mrd_CFE_nothhfamily MRD contributions from family outside hhold? a3_55_2
mrd_CFE_nothhfamilyU =1, if amt contributed by other family is unknown a3_55_2_ind
mrd_CFE_community MRD contributions from community? a3_55_3
mrd_CFE_communityU =1, if amt contributed by community is unknown a3_55_3_ind
mrd_CFE_church MRD contributions from church? a3_55_4
mrd_CFE_churchU =1, if amt contributed by church is unknown a3_55_4_ind
mrd_CFE_employer MRD contributions from employer? a3_55_5
mrd_CFE_employerU =1, if amt contributed by employer is unknown a3_55_5_ind
mrd_CFE_other MRD contributions from other? a3_55_6_1
mrd_CFE_otherU =1, if amt contributed by others is unknown a3_55_6_1_ind

varname vardesc survey varname
mrd_CFE_otherOTH MRD desc. of other a3_55_6_2
mrd_hhborrow MRD hhold borrowed to cover expenses? a3_56
mrd_hhborrow_amt MRD amt. hhold borrowed to cover expenses? a3_57
=1, if unknown how much the hh had to borrow in
mrd_hhborrow_amtU a3_57_ind
mrd_postfuneralfeasts MRD post.funeral feasts/svcs? a3_58
mrd_postfuneralfeasts_cost MRD cost of post.funeral feasts/svcs? a3_59
=1, if unknown how much post-fueral
mrd_postfuneralfeasts_costU a3_59_ind
memorials/feasts cost
mrd_lifeins MRD deceased had life insurance? a3_61
mrd_lifeins_money MRD family recv'd money from life insurance? a3_62
mrd_lifeins_money_how MRD payment of insurance company? a3_63
mrd_lifeins_money_amt MRD how much recv'd from life insurance? a3_64
MRD - how much per month recv'd from life
mrd_lifeins_amtpaid_amt_monthly a3_65
mrd_anyonemovedin MRD anyone moved into hhold b/c of death? a3_66
mrd_anyonemovedin_name MRD who moved in? a3_67
mrd_havechildren MRD decased have children under 18? a3_68
mrd_othermisfortunes MRD other misfortunes related to death? a3_79

Crosswalk for Agincourt 2004 hh_comrd dataset to the Household questionnaire

(child of most recent death):
varname vardesc survey varname
Stratum-1=SA no death 2=SA death 3=Mozambique no death
stratum stratum
4=Mozambique death
hhid Cover 1.Household ID hhid

mrd_havechildren Most recent death . deceased have children under 18? a3_68

comrd_pcode Child of most recent death -- name of deceased's child under 18 a3_69

comrd_sex Child of most recent death -- sex of child a3_69a

comrd_inhh Child of most recent death -- child living in hhold? a3_70
comrd_otherparentalive Child of most recent death -- other parent alive? a3_71
comrd_liveswith1 Child of most recent death -- who does child live with? Person 1 a3_72_1
comrd_liveswith2 Child of most recent death -- who does child live with? Person 2 a3_72_2
Child of most recent death -- hhold mems visit at least 1x per
comrd_hhmemsvisit a3_73

comrd_hhmemsvisit_pcodes Child of most recent death -- codes of those who visit child a3_74

comrd_memberofhh_before Child of most recent death -- was child mem of hhold before death a3_75

comrd_whodecidedres Child of most recent death -- who decided where child would live a3_76

Crosswalk for Agincourt 2004 hh_p_pInc dataset to the Household questionnaire:

varname vardesc survey varname
Stratum-1=SA no death 2=SA death 3=Mozambique no death
stratum stratum
4=Mozambique death

varname vardesc survey varname
hhid Household ID hhid
pcode Person Code pcode
H_sex Sex of HH member a1_2
H_relhead Relationship to head a1_3_1
H_relheadOTH Description of other a1_3_2
H_age_calc Calculated age a1_4
H_yob Year born a1_4_1
H_age Age now a1_4_2
H_ageU =1 if age of individual unknown a1_4_ind
H_readwrite Able to read and write? a1_5
H_higheduc Highest education level a1_6
H_school In school/studying? a1_12
H_child_shoes Child has a pair of shoes? a1_13b_1
H_child_spareclothes Child has spare set of clothes? a1_13b_2
H_child_uniform Child has school uniform? a1_13b_3
H_child_whopays1 Who pays for these things? (1st) a1_13c_1
H_child_whopays2 Who pays for these things? (2nd) a1_13c_2
H_child_whopays3 Who pays for these things? (3rd) a1_13c_3
H_child_whopaysOTH Description of other a1_13c_OTH
H_marstat Marital Status a1_15
H_partnerpresent Partner live in hh? a1_16
H_partner_pcode Code of partner a1_17
H_polygamous Involved in a polygamous marriage? a1_18
H_mominhh Mother alive and in house a1_20
H_mompcode Mothers code from board a1_21
H_dadinhh Father alive and in house a1_22
H_dadpcode Fathers code from board a1_23
H_staysaway Living in another home a1_24
H_staysaway_empl Away primarily for employment? a1_24a
H_staysaway_weeksn Weeks away in past 12 months a1_25
H_movedin_last12mo Moved into hhold in past 12 months? a1_26
H_townborn Town born a1_30
H_townborn_prov Province located a1_31
H_inc_OAP State old age pension (monthly) b1_1
H_inc_PenOth Other pensions (monthly) b1_2
H_inc_PenOthU =1 if unknown Other pensions (monhly) b1_2_ind
H_inc_DG Disability grant (monthly) b1_3
H_inc_UIF Unemployment insurance (mpnthly) b1_6
H_inc_UIF_U `= 1 if unknown unemployement insurance (monthly) b1_6_ind
H_inc_MG Private maintenance grant (monthly) b1_7
H_inc_CSG Child support grant (monthly) b1_8
H_inc_FCG Foster care grant (monthly) b1_9
H_inc_SCG Care dependency/single care grant (monthly) b1_10
H_inc_SCGU =1 if unknown care dep./single care grant (monhly) b1_10_ind
H_inc_earn_work Earnings from work (monthly) b1_12
H_inc_earn_workU =1, if unknown amt earnings from work (monthly) b1_12_ind
H_inc_rentals Money from lodgers (monthly) b1_15
H_inc_rentalsU =1 if unknown earnings from lodgers (monhly) b1_15_ind
H_inc_money_outsidehh Money from outside hh (monthly) b1_16
H_inc_money_outsidehhU =1 if unknown amt from outside hh (monthly) b1_16_ind

varname vardesc survey varname
H_inc_money_othersources Other sources of money (monthly) b1_18_1

H_inc_money_othersourcesU =1, if unknown amount of other moneys (monthly) b1_18_1_ind

H_inc_money_other_desc Description of other b1_18_2

Crosswalk for Agincourt 2004 hh_moved dataset to the Household questionnaire:

varname vardesc survey varname
Stratum-1=SA no death 2=SA death 3=Mozambique no
stratum stratum
death 4=Mozambique death
hhid Cover 1.Household ID hhid
moved Has anyone moved out? a4_0
moved_pcode Name from grid moved out a4_2_ID
moved_sex Sex of person moved out a4_3
moved_relhead Relationship to head moved a4_4_1
moved_relheadOTH Description of other a4_4_2
moved_agenow Moved age now a4_5
moved_agenowU =1, if both age and yob for moved unknown a4_5_ind
moved_yob Year of birth a4_5_1
moved_age Moved age given at survey a4_5_2
moved_why1 Why moved? # 1 a4_6_1
moved_why2 Why moved? # 2 a4_6_2
moved_whyOTH Why moved -- description of other? a4_6_DESC

Crosswalk for Agincourt 2004 hh_died dataset to the Household questionnaire:

varname vardesc survey varname
Stratum-1=SA no death 2=SA death 3=Mozambique no death
stratum stratum
4=Mozambique death
hhid Cover 1-Household ID hhid
H_died_missinginfo_why Reason why no more info for this person who died a3_missinginfo_why
H_died Has anyone in house died? a3_0
died_pcode Death code of person who died a3_2
died_sex Sex of person who died a3_3
died_hhhead Was this head of HH? a3_4
died_relhead Relationship to head a3_5_1
died_relheadOTH Description of other a3_5_2
died_age Age when passed away? a3_6
died_ageU =1, if age at death unknown a3_6_ind
died_ageest Age estimate when passed away? a3_6b
died_cause Cause of death a3_9
died_year Year passed away a3_10
died_yearU =1, if year of death unknown a3_10_ind
died_name died_name died_name

Crosswalk for Agincourt 2004 ad dataset to the Adult questionnaire:
varname vardesc Survey variable

Stratum-1=SA no death 2=SA death

stratum stratum
3=Mozambique no death 4=Mozambique death
hhid hhid: Household identification number hhid
pcode pcode pcode
A_visitd Day of visit cov3_1
A_visitm Month of visit cov3_2
A_visity Year of visit cov3_3
A_intrvwr1 Interviewer Code (1st) cov4
A_respORproxy Respondent or Proxy answering? c0_1
A_proxycode Code of proxy c0_2_1
A_otherscode Names of other persons present? c0_3
A_modstH Starting hour of module c0_4_1
A_modstM Starting minute of module c0_4_2
A_age Calculated age c2_0
A_yob Year born c2_0_1
A_agelisted Age now c2_0_2
A_ageU =1 if age unknown c2_0_ind
A_readwrite Respondent able to read and write? c2_1
A_edlevel Highest level of education c2_2
A_inschool Still in school? c3_4
A_married Marital status c3_6
A_married_spouseinhh Spouse/partner in hhold? c3_7
A_married_spouseinhh_pcode1 Code of spouse/partner #1 c3_8_1
A_married_spouseinhh_pcode2 Code of spouse/partner #2 c3_8_2
A_married_spouseinhh_pcode3 Code of spouse/partner #3 c3_8_3
A_married_polyg Polygamous marriage? c3_9
LC_ntot Number of living children c4
LC_nm Number of boys c4_1_1
LC_nf Number of girls c4_1_2
LC_agech1 Age of living child 1 c4_2_1
LC_agech2 Age of living child 2 c4_2_2
LC_agech3 Age of living child 3 c4_2_3
LC_agech4 Age of living child 4 c4_2_4
LC_agech5 Age of living child 5 c4_2_5
LC_agech6 Age of living child 6 c4_2_6
LC_agech7 Age of living child 7 c4_2_7
LC_agech8 Age of living child 8 c4_2_8
LC_agech9 Age of living child 9 c4_2_9
LC_agech10 Age of living child 10 c4_2_10
LC_agech11 Age of living child 11 c4_2_11
LC_agech12 Age of living child 12 c4_2_12
LC_agech13 Age of living child 13 c4_2_13
LC_agech14 Age of living child 14 c4_2_14
LC_agech15 Age of living child 15 c4_2_15
LC_agech16 Age of living child 16 c4_2_16
DC Any children that died? c4_3
DC_agech1 Age of child 1 that died c4_4_1
DC_agech2 Age of child 2 that died c4_4_2

varname vardesc Survey variable

DC_agech3 Age of child 3 that died c4_4_3

DC_agech4 Age of child 4 that died c4_4_4
DC_agech5 Age of child 5 that died c4_4_5
DC_agech6 Age of child 6 that died c4_4_6
DC_agech7 Age of child 7 that died c4_4_7
DC_agech8 Age of child 8 that died c4_4_8
DC_agech9 Age of child 9 that died c4_4_9
MG Ever received a maintenance grant? c5_1
MG_curr Currently receiving a maint. grant? c5_2
MG_years Years receiving grant? c5_3
MG_CSG Grant from government? c5_4
MG_CSG_nkids For how many children receive grant? c5_5
MG_CSG_amt Amt each month from govt.? c5_6
MG_father Maintenance from father of child? c5_7
MG_father_amtsnt_same Does father pay same amount each month? c5_8
MG_father_amtsnt_reg Does he send money regularly? c5_9
MG_father_amtsnt_avgamt Avg. amout sent? c5_10
MG_CSG_applied Have you applied for maintenance grant? c5_12
MG_CSG_applied_whynot Why have you not applied? c5_13
MG_CSG_applied_month When did you apply, month? c5_14_1
MG_CSG_applied_year When did you apply, year? c5_14_2
MG_CSG_applied_status What has happened with your application? c5_15
OA_work_type Work done in life c5_17
OA_work_desc Occupation for most of working life c5_18
OA_work_stop Did you stop working? c5_19
OA_work_reducehrs Older change work or reduce hours? c5_20_1
OA_work_reducehrsOTH Describe other c5_20_2
OA_work_stopyr Year stopped work c5_21_1
OA_work_stopage Age stopped work c5_21_2
OA_work_stopageU =1 if unknown age/year stopped working c5_21_ind
OA_work_stopwhy Reason stopped work c5_22
OA_ret_regpay Respondent retired from reg. pay job? c5_23
OA_ret_pckg Retrenchment/retirement package? c5_24
OA_ret_pckgamt Amt. recv'd from retrenchment/retirement? c5_25
=1, if unknown how much extra money recvd when
OA_ret_pckgamtU c5_25_ind
left job
OA_ret_pckg_spent What did you spend money on? c5_26
OA_ret_earnmth_amt Monthly earnings before retirement? c5_27
=1, if unknown how much earnings were when left
OA_ret_earnmthamtU c5_27_ind
OAP Receiving state pension? c5_28
OAP_age How old when began pension c5_29
OAP_ageU =1 if unknown how old when began pension c5_29_ind
OAP_amtrec Amt. recv'd from pension monthly? c5_30
OAP_amtrecU =1 if unknown amt received monthly c5_30_ind
OAP_mostsay Who has most say in pension spending? c5_31
OAP_whynot Why not receiving pension now? c5_32_1
OAP_whynot_oth Description of other c5_32_2
A_work Do you do anything to earn now? c6
A_work_t1 Do you have a reg job for 1 employer? (1st ) c6_1_1

varname vardesc Survey variable

A_work_t2 Do you have a reg job for 1 employer? (2nd) c6_1_2

A_work_desc Reg. pay job occupation (description)? c6_2
A_work_hrsperwk How many hours do you work(per week)? c6_4
A_work_wksperyr How many weeks do you work each year? c6_5
A_work_earn_amtmthly How much do you earn from this job per month? c6_6
A_work_bens1 Job benefits . private pension? c6_7_1
A_work_bens2 Job benefits . medical aid? c6_7_2
A_work_bens3 Job benefits . UIF? c6_7_3
A_work_oddjob If odd jobs/work for self, what kind? c6_12
A_work_oddjob_yrs How many years at this job? c6_13
How many hours do you work per week at odd
A_work_oddjob_hrsperwk c6_14
=1, if unknown how many hours worked in a typical
A_work_oddjob_hrsperwkU c6_14_ind
A_work_oddjob_wksperyr How many weeks do you work each year? c6_15

A_work_oddjob_wksperyrU =1, if unknown how many weeks worked each year c6_15_ind

A_work_oddjob_earn_amt What do you earn doing odd jobs each month? c6_16
A_work_oddjob_earn_amtU =1, if unknown how much earned from this work c6_16_ind
A_work_oddjob_earn_timeper Amt for week month or year? c6_17
A_unemp_support1 Means of support if not working? 1st response c6_18_1
A_unemp_support2 Means of support if not working? 2nd response c6_18_2
A_unemp_support3 Means of support if not working? 3rd response c6_18_3

A_unemp_support_oth How do you support yourself (Other) c6_18_DESC

A_unemp_looking Looking for work? c6_19

A_work_lookingfor Looking for additional/different employment c6_20
A_amtrecM_othpen Pensions (excl. OAPen) etc. c7_1_1
A_amtrecM_DG Disability grant c7_1_2
A_amtrecM_UIF Unemployment insurance (UIF) c7_1_3
A_amtrecM_FCG Foster care grant c7_1_4
A_amtrecM_SCG Care dependency/single care grant c7_1_5
A_amtrecM_lodgers Money from lodgers or property rent c7_1_6
A_amtrecM_oth Other c7_1_7_1
A_amtrecM_othdesc Description of other c7_1_7_2
A_amtrecM_othU =1 if unknown amt recd Other c7_1_7_ind
Was Money given/loaned to you from inside or
A_didyouborrow_lastY c8
outside house
A_expM_eatout Normal month: amt spent Food eaten out c10_1
A_expM_eatoutU =1 if unknown food eaten out monthly exp c10_1_ind
Normal month: amt spent clothing and shoes for
A_expM_clothesyours c10_2
=1, if unknown how much spent on clothing and
A_expM_clotheseyoursU c10_2_ind
shoes for you
Normal month: amt spent clothing and shoes for
A_expM_clothesforkids c10_2a
=1 if unknown amt spent clothing & shoes for
A_expM_clothesforkidsU c10_2a_ind
A_expM_healthyours Normal month: amt spent health for you c10_3
A_expM_healthyoursU =1 if unknown monthly amt spent on health c10_3_ind
A_expM_healthforkids Normal month: amt spent health for children c10_3a

varname vardesc Survey variable

A_expM_healthforkidsU =1 if unknown health for kids monthly exp c10_3a_ind

A_expM_persitems Normal month: amt spent personal items c10_4
A_expM_persitemsU =1 if unknown personal items monthly exp c10_4_ind
A_expM_cellp Normal month: amt spent personal cellular phone c10_4a
A_expM_cellpU =1 if unknown Personal cell phone monthly exp c10_4a_ind
A_expM_trans Normal month: amt spent transportation c10_5
=1 if unknown amt spent monthly- on
A_expM_transU c10_5_ind
A_expM_church Normal month: amt spent church dues c10_6
=1, if unknown how much spent on church dues,
A_expM_churchU c10_6_ind
social clubs
A_expM_uniformsyours Last month amt spent uniforms etc for you c10_7
=1 unknown amt spent Last month on uniforms etc
A_expM_uniformsyoursU c10_7_ind
for you
A_expM_gambling Normal month: amt spent lottery/gambling c10_8
A_expM_gamblingU =1 if unknown lottery/gambling monthly exp c10_8_ind
A_expM_alctob Normal month: amt spent alcohol/tobacco c10_9
A_expM_alctobU =1 if unknown alcohol/tobacco monthly exp c10_9_ind
A_expM_leisure Normal month: amt spent leisure c10_10
Normal month: amt spent money,goods,food for
A_expM_outsidehh c10_11
A_expM_outsidehhU =1 if unknown monthly amt spent for outside hh c10_11_ind
A_expM_burialsoc Normal month: amt spent burial society c10_12
A_expM_burialsocU =1 if unknown burial society monthly exp c10_12_ind
A_expM_other Normal month: amt spent other c10_13
A_expM_otherU =1 if unknown amt spent other c10_13_ind

A_expM_otherdesc Normal month: amt spent other: description c10_13_DESC

A_bank Bank or savings account? c11_2

A_stokvel Participate in a stokvel? c11_3
A_haveyouloaned_lastY Given money in past 12 months? c12_0
A_SRHS Health at present? d1
hlt_heart Ever had Heart problems d2_1a
hlt_heart_when First time told about heart problems? d2_1b
hlt_heart_recmed Received medication for health problems? d2_1c
hlt_stroke Ever had Stroke? d2_2a
hlt_stroke_when First time told about stroke? d2_2b
hlt_stroke_recmed Received medication stroke? d2_2c
hlt_diab Ever had high blood sugar/Diabetes d2_3a
hlt_diab_when First time told about diabetes? d2_3b
hlt_diab_recmed Received medication for diabetes? d2_3c
hlt_emphysema Ever had Emphysema/bronchitis? d2_4a
hlt_emphysema_when First time told about emphysema d2_4b
hlt_emphysema_recmed Received medication for emphysema? d2_4c
hlt_asthma Ever had Asthma/Tightchest? d2_5a
hlt_asthma_when First time told about asthma? d2_5b
hlt_asthma_recmed Received medication for asthma? d2_5c
hlt_cancer Ever had Cancer? d2_6a
hlt_cancer_when First time told about cancer? d2_6b

varname vardesc Survey variable

hlt_cancer_recmed Received medication for cancer? d2_6c

hlt_TB Ever had Tuberculosis (TB)? d2_7a
hlt_TB_when First time told about TB? d2_7b
hlt_TB_recmed Received medication for TB? d2_7c
hlt_BP Ever had high blood pressure? d2_8a
hlt_BP_when First time told about high BP? d2_8b
hlt_BP_recmed Received medication for high BP? d2_8c
illM_flu Flu symptoms in past 30 days? d3_1a
illM_fever Fever in past 30 days? d3_1b
illM_cough Persistent cough in past 30 days? d3_1c
illM_cough_withblood Cough with blood in past 30 days? d3_1d
illM_chesttight Tight chest in past 30 days? d3_1e
illM_chestpain Chest pain in past 30 days? d3_1f
illM_bodyache Body ache in past 30 days? d3_1g
illM_headache Headache in past 30 days? d3_1h
illM_backache Back ache in past 30 days? d3_1i
illM_jointpain Joint pain/arthritis in past 30 days? d3_1j
illM_vomiting Vomiting in past 30 days? d3_1k
illM_diarrhea Diarrhea in past 30 days? d3_1l
illM_feltweak Felt weak in past 30 days? d3_1m
illM_wormsinstool Worms in stool in past 30 days? d3_1n
illM_pain_upperabd Pain in upper abdomen in past 30 days? d3_1o
illM_pain_lowerabd Pain in lower abdomen in past 30 days? d3_1p
illM_painfulur painful urination in past 30 days? d3_1q
illM_swolenank Swelling ankles in past 30 days? d3_1r
illM_rash Rash in past 30 days? d3_1s
illM_weightloss Severe weight loss in past 30 days? d3_1t
illM_memoryloss Memory loss in past 30 days? d3_1u
illM_paralysis_partial Partially paralyzed in past 30 days? d3_1v
illM_paralysis Paralyzed in past 30 days? d3_1w
ill_no_consult If no to all, time of last visit? d3_2
ill_yes_consult If yes to at least one, did you consult anyone? d3_3
ill_yes_consultwho Who did you consult? d3_4
ill_yes_consultwhoOTH Who was consulted: Other d3_5
ill_yes_medexppast_how How were most med expenses paid? d3_6_1
ill_yes_medexp_past_howOTH Description of other med exp paid d3_6_2
ill_yes_medexp_curr_how In general, how are most med expenses paid? d3_7_1
ill_yes_medexp_curr_howOTH Desc of other: how are most med expenses paid? d3_7_2
checkupY Routine checkup in past 12 months? d3_20
ADL_dress Level of difficulty dressing d3_21_1
ADL_bath Level of difficulty bathing d3_21_2
ADL_eat Level of difficulty eating d3_21_3
ADL_toil Level of difficulty toiletting d3_21_4
ADL_bus Level of difficulty bus,taxi d3_21_5
ADL_lightwork Level of difficulty light work d3_21_6
ADL_money Level of difficulty managing money d3_21_7
ADL_stairs Level of difficulty climbing stairs d3_21_8
ADL_lift Level of difficulty lifting objects d3_21_9
ADL_walk Level of difficulty walking 200-300m d3_21_10

varname vardesc Survey variable

vision_glasses Use spectacles or glasses d3_22

vision_tested When was your vision last tested? d3_23
vision_withglasses How is vision with glasses? d3_24
hearing_hearingaid Do you use a hearing aid? d3_25
hearing_howisit How is your hearing? d3_26
mobility_cane Cane, crutch or walking frame? d3_27
mobility_howisit How is your mobility? d3_28
dental_problems Tooth or mouth problems? d3_29
abletocook Able to cook for self? d3_30
A_Minhh Mother in hhold? d4_0
A_Minhh_pcode Code of mother d4_1
A_Malive Mother alive or deceased? d4_2
A_Mdead_age Mother's age when died? d4_3
A_Mdead_ageU =1, if unknown age of mom when she died d4_3_ind
A_Mdead_gt50 Older or younger than 50 when she died? d4_4
A_Mdead_cause Cause of death? d4_5
A_Malive_age How old is she? d4_6
A_Malive_ageU =1, if unknown age of mom now d4_6_ind
A_Finhh Father in hhold? d4_7
A_Finhh_pcode Father's pcode d4_8
A_Falive Father alive or deceased? d4_9
A_Fdead_age Father age died? d4_10
A_Fdead_ageU =1, if unknown age dad when he died d4_10_ind
A_Fdead_gt50 Older or younger than 50 when he died? d4_11
A_Fdead_cause Cause of death? d4_12
A_Falive_age How old is he? d4_13
A_Falive_ageU =1, if unknown age of dad now d4_13_ind
MH_mis I Could not stop feeling miserable last week e1_1
MH_dep I felt depressed last week e1_2
MH_sad I felt sad last week e1_3
MH_cried I cried a lot last week e1_4
MH_eat I did not feel like eating last week e1_5
MH_effort I felt everything was an effort last week e1_6
MH_sleep My sleep was restless last week e1_7
MH_getgoing I could not get going last week e1_8
MH_worried One month or longer worried last year e2_1
MH_worried_morethanmost One month or longer worried last year e2_2
MH_worried_ended If yes, has that period ended? e3_1
MH_worried_years How many years has it been going on? e3_2
MH_worried_yearsU =1, if unknown how much respondent worried e3_2_ind
MH_worried_mostdays Did/do you worry most days? e4
MH_worried_hardtostop Did/do you find it difficult to stop worrying? e5_1
MH_worried_diff Did/do you have different worries at same time? e5_2
MH_worried_desc What were/are you worried about? e5_3
MH_worried_tell1 Person who you plan to tell? #1 e6_1_1
MH_worried_tell2 Person who you plan to tell? #2 e6_1_2
MH_worried_tell3 Person who you plan to tell? #3 e6_1_3
MH_worried_tellOTH Description of other e6_1_DESC
MH_worried_interfere How much did\do problems interfere? e6_2

varname vardesc Survey variable

MH_dreams Troubling dreams in past 12 months? e6_3

MH_P_health Is your health a problem for you right now? e6_5
MH_P_money Not enough money a problem? e6_7_1
MH_P_food Not enough food a problem? e6_7_2
MH_P_famdeath Death of family members a problem? e6_7_3
MH_P_famhealth Health of family members a problem? e6_7_4
MH_P_famunemp Unemployment of family members a problem? e6_7_5
MH_P_famquar Quarrels in the family a problem? e6_7_6
MH_P_famdrink Family member drinking/taking drugs a problem? e6_7_7
MH_P_safety Safety in neighborhood a problem? e6_7_8
MH_P_jealousy Someone being jealous of you a problem? e6_7_9
MH_lifebetter you expect life to get better e6_8
MH_smoke Do you smoke or use snuff? e8_1
MH_smoke_cigN How many cigarettes/cigars per day? e8_2_1
MH_smoke_snuffN How many pipefuls of snuff in a day? e8_2_2
MH_smoke_chewN How many pinches of chew in a day? e8_2_3
MH_smoke_chewNU =1 if unknown how much tobacco used e8_2_ind
MH_smokereg Have you regularly smoked? e8_3
MH_alc Drink alcohol? e9_1
MH_alcN Do you drink more than once per week? e9_2
MH_famalc_toomuch Does anyone in hh drink too much? e9_3
mem_church Church or mosque f1_1a
mem_church_freq How often go to church f1_1b
mem_charity Social charity at church/mosque f1_2a
mem_charity_freq How often social charity f1_2b
mem_choir Choir? f1_3a
mem_choir_freq How often choir f1_3b
mem_union Labour or trade union f1_4a
mem_union_freq How often trade union f1_4b
mem_profassoc Professional association f1_5a
mem_profassoc_freq How often prof. assoc f1_5b
mem_sportsclub Sports club or exercise group f1_6a
mem_sportsclub_freq How often sports club f1_6b
mem_other Other f1_7a_1
mem_otherOTH Describe other f1_7a_2
mem_other_freq How often f1_7b
fam_respect Family respect you? f2_1
comm_respect Community respect you? f2_2
comm_trusted Community trust you? f2_3
comm_jealous Is jealousy a problem? f2_4
comm_jealous_more Is jealousy increasing? f2_5
onetotalkto Someone to speak to? f3_0
onetotalkto_1 First person speak to? f3_1_1
onetotalkto_2OTH Description of other to speak to f3_1_2
onetotalkto_1_freq How often speak to this person? f3_2
rel_import How important is religion? f4_0
rel_desc What is your religion? f4_1_1
rel_descOTH What is your religion Other f4_1_2
church_mem_length How long a member of this church(years)? f4_2

varname vardesc Survey variable

=1, if unknown how long respondent has been a

church_mem_lengthU f4_2_ind
member of this church
church_fromothchurch Did you move from another church? f4_3
church_fromothchurch_desc What church did you move from? f4_4
crimevictim Crime victim in last 12 months? f5
crimevictim_desc What crimes? f5_1
crimevictim_muti Victim of someone using muti? f5_2
vote_1994 Did you vote in the 1994 elections? f6_0
vote_1999 Did you vote in the 1999 elections? f6_1
mainproblems Main problems in life right now? f7
mainsourcefhappy Main source of happiness? f8
height Respondent's height f9
weight Respondent's weight f10

nomeasure_reason Why is there no height or weight measurement? nomeasuretaken

bmi BMI based on height and weight variables bmi

armcircum Respondent's arm circumference f11
SBP1 Respondent's SBP1 f12_1
DBP1 Respondent's DBP1 f12_2
pulse1 Respondent's pulse 1 f12_3
SBP2 Respondent's SBP2 f13_1
DBP2 Respondent's DBP2 f13_2
pulse2 Respondent's pulse 2 f13_3
SBP3 Respondent's SBP3 f14_1
DBP3 Respondent's DBP3 f14_2
pulse3 Respondent's pulse 3 f14_3
A_mod_end_h Ending hour of module f15_1_1
A_mod_end_m Ending minute of module f15_1_2
A_lang1st Languages used in interview? f15_2_1
A_lang2nd Languages used in interview? f15_2_2
A_complevel Comprehension level of respondent f15_3
A_cooplevel Cooperation level f15_4
A_assistedlevel Level of assistance f15_5
A_assistedpcode Code of person who helped answer? f15_6
A_addlcomm Additional comments f15_7

Crosswalk for Agincourt 2004 hh_ch dataset to the Child questionnaire:

varname vardesc Survey Name
Stratum-1=SA--no death 2=SA--death 3=Mozambique--no death
stratum stratum
hhid Cover1_Household ID hhid
pcode Cover2a_Child Code pcode
acode Cover2b_Adult Code cov2b
C_visitd Cover3_Day of visit cov3_1
C_visitm Cover3_Month of visit cov3_2
C_visity Cover3_Year of visit cov3_3
C_interviewer Cover4_Interviewer code (1st) cov4
C_hourst Cover5_Hour Start cov5_1
C_minutest Cover5_Minute start cov5_2

varname vardesc Survey Name
C_hourend Cover6_Hour end cov6_1
C_minuteend Cover6_Minute end cov6_2
Cover7_Respondent cooperation level; 1=excellent, 2=good,
C_coop cov7
3=avg, 4=poor
C_addtlcomm Cover8_Additional comments cov8
C_age Calculated age C_age
C_dayborn Day born l1_1
C_mthborn Month born l1_2
C_yrborn Year born l1_3
C_yobU =1 if all or part of birth date unavailable or refused to be given l1_ind
height Height in centimeters l2
weight Weight in kilograms l3
bmi bmi
immcard Immunization card: 1=yes; 2=no; 3=no, you cannot see it l4
immcurr Immunization is current parental report: yes=1, no=2 l5
birthweight Birthweight in kilograms l6_0_1
birthweight_ind =1 if birthweight unknown l6_0_ind
bwsource Source of birthweight: 1=card; 2=recall l6_0_2
homebirth Child was delivered at home: 1=yes; 2=no l6_1
breastfed Ever breast: 1=yes; 2=no; 3=still breastfeeding l7
bfexclusiv Months breastfed with no other food or drink l8
bfoverall L9 Months breast-fed (total)? l9
bf_ind =1 if unknown months exclusive breastfeeding bfU
creche Attends creche: 1=yes; 2=no l11
crchlgth Attends creche: 1=half-day, 2=full-day, 3=can't remember l12
General health- caregiver's report: 1=excellent, 2=very good,
3=good, 4=f
nomeasurewhy Reason height or weight not recorded nomeasurewhy

Crosswalk for Khayelitsha 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 hh_h dataset to the four different household questionnaires:
varname vardesc 2002 varnames 2003 varnames varnames 2005 varnames
hhid Cover 1.Household ID hhid cov1 cov1 cov1
hhid_ind Relationship of this hh to hh in other study year hhid_ind hhid_ind hhid_ind hhid_ind
year Year study was conducted year year year year
H_resp_code Pcode of respondent cov3 cov3 cov3 cov3
H_visitd Day of visit cov4_1 cov4_1 cov4_1 cov4_1
H_visitm Month of visit cov4_2 cov4_2 cov4_2 cov4_2
H_visity Year of visit cov4_3 cov4_3 cov4_3 cov4_3
H_interviewer1 First interviewer cov5 cov5_1 cov5_1 cov5_1
H_interviewer2 Second interviewer cov5_2 cov5_2 cov5_2
H_interviewer3 Third interviewer cov5_3
H_interviewer4 Fourth interviewer cov5_4
cov_nmems Number of HH members cov6_1 cov6_1 cov6_1 cov6_1
cov_n55p Number 55 or older cov6_2 cov6_2a cov6_2
cov_n18p Number aged 18 or older cov6_2
cov_n1854 Number 18.54 cov6_3 cov6_2b
cov_n017 cov_n017 cov6_4
cov_n1317 Number 13.17 cov6_3 cov6_3 cov6_3
cov_n012 Number 0.12 cov6_4 cov6_4 cov6_4
H_others Names/Codes of persons present a0_1 a0_1 a0_1 a0_1
H_hourst Hour module started a0_2_1 a0_2_1 a0_2_1 a0_2_1
H_minst Minute module started a0_2_2 a0_2_2 a0_2_2 a0_2_2
headcode Code of HH head a0_3 a0_3 a0_3 a0_3
khm1 Most knowledgeable hh member--first mentioned a0_4_1 a0_4_1 a0_4_1 a0_4_1
khm2 Most knowledgeable hh member--second mentioned a0_4_2 a0_4_2 a0_4_2 a0_4_2
khm3 pcode knowledge hh mem #3 a0_4_3
H_proxycode Code of proxy respondent a0_6_1 a0_6_1 a0_6_1
H_proxyreason Reason for proxy respondent a0_6_2 a0_6_2 a0_6_2
boarders Not mentioned boarders etc. a2_0 a2_0 a2_0 a2_0
boarders_n How many such people? a2_1 a2_1 a2_1 a2_1
H_died Has anyone in house died? a3_0 a3_0 a3_0 a3_0
H_moved Has anyone moved out? a4_0 a4_0 a4_0 a4_0
H_resp_race Race of respondent a5
H_hh_ang Language of household a6
H_Yheadinhh Years head lived in HH a7_0
H_Yfirstmovedin Year first member came here a7_1

varname vardesc 2002 varnames 2003 varnames varnames 2005 varnames
H_YfirstmovedinU =1 if unknown year moved family moved in a7_1_ind
dwell Single/Multiple dwelling a8_0 a8_0 a8_0 a8_0
dwell_type1 Housing Type a8_1 a8_1_1 a8_1_1 a8_1_1
dwell_typeOTH Description of other housing type a8_1_2 a8_1_2
dwell_toilet_flush Flush toilet in dwelling a9a_1 a9a_1 a9a_1 a9a_1
dwell_none None in dwelling a9a_5
dwell_water Water source in dwelling a9a_6 a9a_11 a9a_11 a9a_11
onsite_flushtoilet Flush toilet on site a9b_1
onsite_chemtoilet Chemical toilet on site a9b_2
onsite_pitlatrine Pit latrine on site a9b_3
onsite_buckettoilet Bucket toilet on site a9b_4
onsite_notoilet None on site a9b_5
onsite_water Water source on site a9b_6
onsitePriv_toilet Flush toilet on site private a9b_1 a9b_1 a9b_1
onsitePriv_pitlatrine Pit latrine on site private a9b_2 a9b_2 a9b_2
onsitePriv_buckettoilet Bucket toilet on site private a9b_9 a9b_9 a9b_9
onsitePriv_notoilet None on site private a9b_10 a9b_10 a9b_10
onsitePriv_water Water source on private a9b_11 a9b_11 a9b_11
onsiteShare_toilet Flush toilet on site shared a9c_1 a9c_1 a9c_1
onsiteShare_pitlatrine Pit latrine on site shared a9c_2 a9c_2 a9c_2
onsiteShare_buckettoilet Bucket toilet on site shared a9c_9 a9c_9 a9c_9
onsiteShare_notoilet None on site shared a9c_10 a9c_10 a9c_10
onsiteShare_water Water source on site shared a9c_11 a9c_11 a9c_11
offsite_toilet Flush toilet off site a9c_1 a9e_1 a9e_1 a9e_1
offsite_chemtoilet Chemical toilet off site a9c_2
offsite_pitlatrine Pit latrine off site a9c_3 a9e_2 a9e_2 a9e_2
offsite_buckettoilet Bucket toilet off site a9c_4 a9e_9 a9e_9 a9e_9
offsite_notoilet None off site a9c_5 a9e_10 a9e_10 a9e_10
offsite_water Water source off site a9c_6 a9e_11 a9e_11 a9e_11
phone_own Have Telephone? a10_1_1 a10_1_1 a10_1_1 a10_1_1
phone_exp Telephone explain a10_1_1a a10_1_1a a10_1_1a a10_1_1a
phone_hirep Use hire purchase for phone? a10_1_2
phone_stillpay Phone: Still paying? a10_1_3
cellp_own Have Cellular telephone? a10_2_1 a10_2_1 a10_2_1 a10_2_1
cellp_exp Cellular telephone explain a10_2_1a a10_2_1a a10_2_1a a10_2_1a
cellp_hirep Use hire purchase for cell phone? a10_2_2
cellp_stillpay Cell Phone: Still paying? a10_2_3
stove_elecgas_own Have Stove, electric or gas? a10_3_1 a10_3_1 a10_3_1 a10_3_1

varname vardesc 2002 varnames 2003 varnames varnames 2005 varnames
stove_elecgas_exp Stove elec/gas explain a10_3_1a a10_3_1a a10_3_1a a10_3_1a
stove_elecgas_hirep Use hire purchase for stove a10_3_2
stove_elecgas_stillpay Stove: Still paying? a10_3_3 a10_3_3 a10_3_3
stove_coalwood_own Have Stove, coal, wood, paraffin? a10_4_1 a10_4_1 a10_4_1 a10_4_1
stove_coalwood_exp Stove, coal, wood, paraffin explain a10_4_1a a10_4_1a a10_4_1a a10_4_1a
stove_coalwood_hirep Use hire purchase for stove a10_4_2
stove_coalwood_stillpay Stove: Still paying? a10_4_3 a10_4_3 a10_4_3
elec_own Have electricity? a10_5_1 a10_5_1 a10_5_1 a10_5_1
elec_exp Electricity explain a10_5_1a a10_5_1a a10_5_1a a10_5_1a
elec_hirep Use hire purchase for electricity a10_5_2
elec_stillpay Electricity: Still paying? a10_5_3
TV_own Have TV? a10_6_1 a10_6_1 a10_6_1 a10_6_1
TV_exp Television set explain a10_6_1a a10_6_1a a10_6_1a a10_6_1a
TV_hirep Use hire purchase for TV? a10_6_2
TV_stillpay TV: Still paying? a10_6_3 a10_6_3 a10_6_3
DSTV_own Have DSTV/M-Net? a10_7_1
DSTV_exp DSTV/M-Net explain a10_7_1a
frig_own Have refrigerator? a10_8_1 a10_7_1 a10_7_1 a10_7_1
frig_exp Refrigerator explain a10_8_1a a10_7_1a a10_7_1a a10_7_1a
frig_hirep Use hire purchase for fridge? a10_7_2
frig_stillpay Fridge: Still paying? a10_7_3 a10_7_3 a10_7_3
radio_own Have radio? a10_9_1 a10_8_1 a10_8_1 a10_8_1
radio_exp Radio explain a10_9_1a a10_8_1a a10_8_1a a10_8_1a
radio_hirep Use hire purchase for radio? a10_8_2
radio_stillpay Radio: Still paying? a10_8_3 a10_8_3 a10_8_3
stereo_own Have stereo? a10_9_1 a10_9_1 a10_9_1
stereo_exp Stereo explain a10_9_1a a10_9_1a a10_9_1a
stereo_hirep Use hire purchase for stereo? a10_9_2
stereo_stillpay Stereo: Still paying? a10_9_3 a10_9_3 a10_9_3
sewmach_own Have sewing machine? a10_10_1 a10_10_1 a10_10_1 a10_10_1
sewmach_exp Sewing machine explain a10_10_1a a10_10_1a a10_10_1a a10_10_1a
sewmach_hirep Use hire purchase for sewing machine? a10_10_2
sewmach_stilllpay Sewing machine: Still paying? a10_10_3 a10_10_3 a10_10_3
car_own Have car? a10_11_1 a10_11_1 a10_11_1 a10_11_1
car_exp Car explain a10_11_1a a10_11_1a a10_11_1a a10_11_1a
car_hirep Use hire purchase for car? a10_11_2
car_stilllpay Car: Still paying? a10_11_3 a10_11_3 a10_11_3
bike_own Have bicycle? a10_12_1 a10_12_1 a10_12_1 a10_12_1

varname vardesc 2002 varnames 2003 varnames varnames 2005 varnames
bike_exp Bicycle explain a10_12_1a a10_12_1a a10_12_1a a10_12_1a
bike_hirep Use hire purchase for bicycle? a10_12_2
bike_stilllpay Bicycle: Still paying? a10_12_3 a10_12_3 a10_12_3
cycle_own Have motorcycle? a10_13_1
cycle_exp Motorcycle explain a10_13_2
pc_own Have Personal computer? a10_14_1
pc_exp Personal computer explain a10_14_2
H_exp_maize Maize and mealie -- monthly expenditure b2_1 b1_1 b1_1 b1_1
H_exp_maizeU =1, if expense for maize unknown b2_1_ind b1_2a_ind
H_exp_bread Bread -- monthly expenditure b2_2a b1_2a b1_2a b1_2a
H_exp_milk Milk -- monthly expenditure b2_2b b1_2b b1_2b b1_2b
H_exp_colddrinks Cold drinks -- monthly expenditure b2_2c b1_2c b1_2c b1_2c
H_exp_colddrinksU =1, if expense for cold drinks unknown b1_2c_ind
H_exp_sweets Sweets -- monthly expenditure b2_2d b1_2d b1_2d b1_2d
H_exp_sweetsU =1, if expense for sweets unknown b1_2d_ind
H_exp_vegfruit Vegetables & fruit -- monthly expenditure b2_4 b1_3 b1_3 b1_3
H_exp_vegfruitU =1, if expense for meat, chicken, fish unknown b1_4_ind
H_exp_meat Meat, chicken, fish -- monthly expenditure b2_5 b1_4 b1_4 b1_4
H_exp_meatU =1, Amt paid for meat chicken fish unknown b1_4_ind
H_exp_groc Groceries -- monthly expenditure b2_3 b1_5 b1_5 b1_5
H_exp_grocU =1, if expense for groceries unknown b2_3_ind b1_5_ind b1_5_ind
H_exp_rent Rent or bond payment -- monthly expenditure b2_6 b1_6 b1_6 b1_6
H_exp_rentU =1 if unknown monthly expend. for rent b2_6_ind
H_exp_rates Rates -- monthly expenditure b2_7 b1_7 b1_7 b1_7
H_exp_ratesU =1 if unknown monthly expend. for rates b2_7_ind
H_exp_water Water -- monthly expenditure b1_8a b1_8a b1_8a
H_exp_waterU =1, if expenses for water unknown b1_8a_ind b1_8a_ind
H_exp_elec Electricity -- monthly expenditure b2_8 b1_8 b1_8 b1_8
H_exp_elecU =1, if expense for electricity unknown b1_8_ind
H_exp_fuel Fuel -- monthly expenditure b2_9 b1_9 b1_9 b1_9
H_exp_fuelU =1, if expenses for fuel unknown b1_9_ind
H_exp_telephone Telephone -- monthly expenditure b2_10 b1_10 b1_10 b1_10
H_exp_telephoneU =1, if expenses for telephone unknown b1_10_ind
H_exp_cellphone Cell phone -- monthly expenditure b2_10a b1_11 b1_11 b1_11
H_exp_hirep Hire purchase -- monthly expenditure b2_11 b1_12 b1_12 b1_12
H_exp_uniforms Uniforms,etc -- monthly expenditure b2_12
H_exp_bursociety Burial Society -- month expenditure b2_13
H_exp_stokvelgooi Stokvel gooi-- month expenditure b2_14

varname vardesc 2002 varnames 2003 varnames varnames 2005 varnames
H_exp_savings Savings -- month expenditure b2_15
H_exp_savingsU =1 if monthly expend for savings unknown b2_15_ind
H_exp_business Business-- month expenditure b2_16
H_exp_businessU =1 if monthly expend for business unknown b2_16_ind
H_exp_other1 Other -- monthly expenditure b2_17_1 b1_13 b1_13 b1_13
H_exp_other2 Other -- monthly expenditure b2_17_2 b1_13OTH b1_13_desc b1_13OTH
H_exp_other1U =1 if Amt of money spent is unknown for Other b1_13_ind b1_13_ind
earn_minors Earnings from minors? b2_20 b2_20 b2_20
H_recgoods HH receives goods from outside HH? b2_21 b2_21 b2_21
H_recgoods_cost Cost of goods recv'd from outside HH b2_22 b2_22 b2_22
H_recgoodsU =1, if cost of goods for last 12 months unknown b2_22_ind b2_22_ind b2_22_ind
H_recmoney_unassigned Unassigned sources b2_23 b2_23 b2_23
H_recgoods_costU =1, if extra money received monthly unknown b2_23_ind
H_growsfood HH grow own food? b3_0 b3_0 b3_0 b3_0
H_growsfood_value Value of grown food? b3_1 b3_1 b3_1
H_growsfood_valueU =1, if value (monthly) for food grown unknown b3_1_ind
H_supplementmeals Supplemental meals? b3_2
H_pooledmoney Pooled money? b4_0
H_samepot HH eat from the same pot? b4_1
H_spendingmostsay Most say about spending pcode b4_2
H_lifeins Life insurance? b6_2
H_lifeins_who PCode of person with life insurance b6_3
H_livestock Livestock? b7_0 b7_0 b7_0 b7_0
H_chickens How many chickens? b7_1 b7_1 b7_1 b7_1
H_pigs How many pigs? b7_2
H_horses How many horses etc? b7_3
H_sheep How many sheep/goats b7_4 b7_2 b7_2 b7_2
H_cows How many cows? b7_5 b7_3 b7_3 b7_3
H_mostsay_food1 Who in the hh has the most say about food? b7_4_1 b7_4_1 b7_4_1
H_mostsay_food2 Who in the hh has the most say about food? b7_4_2 b7_4_2 b7_4_2
H_mostsay_food3 Who in the hh has the most say about food? b7_4_3 b7_4_3
H_mostsay_food4 Who in the hh has the most say about food? b7_4_4
H_mostsay_educ1 Who has most say about educ spending? b7_5_1 b7_5_1 b7_5_1
H_mostsay_educ2 Who has most say about educ spending? b7_5_2 b7_5_2 b7_5_2
H_mostsay_educ3 Who has most say about educ spending? b7_5_3 b7_5_3
H_mostsay_educ4 Who has most say about educ spending? b7_5_4
H_hp Hire purchase? b8_0
H_hp_what What items on hp b8_1

varname vardesc 2002 varnames 2003 varnames varnames 2005 varnames
H_bankacct Have bank or savings acct? b5_0 b8 b8 b8
H_hp_nopay Could not make hire-purchase payments? b9_0
H_hp_nopay_what What was the item? b9_1
H_hp_nopay_why Why not make payment? b9_2
H_bankacct_who1 Who has bank/savings account? b5_1_1 b9_1 b9_1 b9_1
H_bankacct_who2 Who has bank/savings account? b5_1_2 b9_2 b9_2 b9_2
H_bankacct_who3 Who has bank/savings account? b5_1_3 b9_3 b9_3 b9_3
H_bankacct_who4 Who has bank/savings account? Order mentioned 4 b9_4 b9_4
H_bankacct_who5 Who has bank/savings account? Order mentioned 5 b9_5
H_buyfood_cashorcredit Groceries bought with cash or credit? b10
H_stokvel Participate in stokvel? b6_0 b10 b10 b10
H_stokvel_who1 Who participates in stokvel? b6_1_1 b11_1 b11_1 b11_1
H_stokvel_who2 Who participates in stokvel? b6_1_2 b11_2 b11_2 b11_2
H_stokvel_who3 Who participates in stokvel? b11_3 b11_3
H_stokvel_who4 Who participates in stokvel? Order mentioned: 4 b11_4
H_buy_mealie Mealie meal amt kilograms b11a_1
H_buy_flour Flour amt. kilograms b11a_2
H_buy_samp Samp amt. kilograms b11a_3
H_buy_mealie_cashexp Mealie meal cost,cash b11b_1
H_buy_flour_cashexp Flour cost,cash b11b_2
H_buy_samp_cashexp Samp cost,cash b11b_3
H_buy_mealie_credexp Mealie meal cost,credit b11c_1
H_buy_flour_credexp Flour cost,credit b11c_2
H_buy_samp_credexp Samp cost,credit b11c_3
H_borr_bank Borrowed from bank? b12a_1 b12a_1
H_borr_employer Borrowed from employer? b12a_2 b12a_2
H_borr_family Borrowed from family/friend? b12a_3 b12a_3
H_borr_moneylender Borrowed from money lender? b12a_4 b12a_4
H_borr_stokvel Borrowed from Stokvel/Gooi Gooi? b12a_5 b12a_5
H_borr_other Borrowed from other? b12a_6_1 b12a_6_1
H_borr_otherdesc Description of other b12a_6_2 b12a_6_2
H_borr_bank_why Borrowed from bank for what? b12b_1 b12b_1
H_borr_employer_why Borrowed from employer for what? b12b_2 b12b_2
H_borr_familyb_why Borrowed from family/friend for what? b12b_3 b12b_3
H_borr_moneylender_why Borrowed from moneylender for what? b12b_4 b12b_4
H_borr_stokvel_why Borrowed from stokvel for whatr? b12b_5 b12b_5
H_borr_other_awhy Borrowed from other for what? b12b_6 b12b_6
H_borr_bank_amt How much borrowed? b12c_1 b12c_1

varname vardesc 2002 varnames 2003 varnames varnames 2005 varnames
H_borr_bank_amtU =1, if money borrowed from bank is unknown b12c_1_ind
H_borr_employer_amt How much borrowed? b12c_2 b12c_2
H_borr_employer_amtU =1, if money borrowed from employer is unknown b12c_2_ind
H_borr_family_amt How much borrowed? b12c_3 b12c_3
H_borr_family_amtU =1, if money borrowed from family/friend is unknown b12c_3_ind
H_borr_moneylenderamt How much borrowed? b12c_4 b12c_4
H_borr_moneylender_amtU =1, if money borrowed from money lender is unknown b12c_4_ind
H_borr_stokvel_amt How much borrowed? b12c_5 b12c_5
H_borr_stokvel_amtU =1, if money borrowed from stokvel, gooi gooi is unknown b12c_5_ind
H_borr_other_amt How much borrowed? b12c_6 b12c_6
H_borr_other_amtU =1, if money borrowed from other sources is unknown b12c_6_ind
H_borr_bank_payingb Still paying back? b12d_1 b12d_1
H_borr_employer_paying Still paying back? b12d_2 b12d_2
H_borr_family_paying Still paying back? b12d_3 b12d_3
H_borr_moneylender_paying Still paying back? b12d_4 b12d_4
H_borr_stokvel_paying Still paying back? b12d_5 b12d_5
H_borr_other_paying Still paying back? b12d_6 b12d_6
H_borr_bank_Mamt Monthly payment? b12e_1 b12e_1
H_borr_bank_MamtU =1, if monthly due to bank is unknown b12e_1_ind b12e_1_ind
H_borr_employer_Mamt Monthly payment? b12e_2 b12e_2
H_borr_employer_MamtU =1, if monthly payment owed to employer is unknown b12e_2_ind b12e_2_ind
H_borr_family_Mamt Monthly payment? b12e_3 b12e_3
H_borr_family_MamtU =1, if monthly payment owed to family, friend is unknown b12e_3_ind
H_borr_moneylender_Mamt Monthly payment? b12e_4 b12e_4
H_borr_moneylender_MamtU =1, if monthly payment owed to money lender is unknown b12e_4_ind b12e_4_ind
H_borr_stokvel_Mamt Monthly payment? b12e_5 b12e_5
H_borr_stokvel_MamtU =1, if monthly payment owed to stokvel, gooi gooi is unknown b12e_5_ind b12e_5_ind
H_borr_other_Mamt Monthly payment? b12e_6 b12e_6
H_borr_other_MamtU =1, if monthly payment owed to other sources is unknown b12e_6_ind
H_borr_bank_Mtopayn How many months will it take to pay off debt to bank? b12f_1 b12f_1
H_borr_bank_MtopaynU =1, if months to pay back bank is unknown b12f_1_ind b12f_1_ind
H_borr_employer_Mtopayn How many months will it take to pay off debt to employer? b12f_2 b12f_2
H_borr_employer_MtopaynU =1, if months to pay back employer is unknown b12f_2_ind b12f_2_ind
H_borr_family_Mtopayn How many months will it take to pay off debt to friend/family? b12f_3 b12f_3
H_borr_family_MtopaynU =1, if months to pay back family, friend is unknown b12f_3_ind b12f_3_ind
H_borr_moneylender_Mtopayn How many months will it take to pay off debt to moneylender? b12f_4 b12f_4
H_borr_moneylender_MtopaynU =1, if months to pay back moneylender is unknown b12f_4_ind b12f_4_ind
H_borr_stokvel_Mtopayn How many months will it take to pay off debt to stokvel? b12f_5 b12f_5

varname vardesc 2002 varnames 2003 varnames varnames 2005 varnames
H_borr_stokvel_MtopaynU =1, if months to pay back stokvel, gooi gooi is unknown b12f_5_ind b12f_5_ind
H_borr_other_Mtopayn How many months will it take to pay off debt to other? b12f_6 b12f_6
H_borr_other_MtopaynU =1, if months to pay back other is unknown b12f_6_ind
mealsY_adult_skip Adults skip,reduce meals? b13_0 b13_0 b13_0 b13_0
mealsY_adult_skip_freq How often skip,reduce meals? b13_1 b13_1 b13_1 b13_1
mealsY_adult_allday Adults not eat for whole day? b13_2 b13_2 b13_2 b13_2
mealsY_adult_alldayfreq How often this happen? b13_3 b13_3 b13_3 b13_3
mealsY_child_skip Cut, skip childs meal? b13_4 b13_4 b13_4 b13_4
mealsY_child_skip_freq How often happen? b13_5 b13_5 b13_5 b13_5
H_current_finsit Financial situation? b14 b14 b14 b14
H_moneyforcomfort Money for comfort? b15 b15 b15 b15
H_tidiness Tidiness of yard and house b15_1 b15_1 b15_1
H_garbage Garbage disposal on property b15_2 b15_2 b15_2
H_flies Number of flies b15_3 b15_3 b15_3
H_smell Smell of property b15_4 b15_4 b15_4
H_moneyforcomfortU =1, if total monthly money needed is unknown b15_ind b15_ind
H_hourend Ending hour of module b16_1_1 b16_1_1 b16_1_1 b16_1_1
H_minend Ending minute of module b16_1_2 b16_1_2 b16_1_2 b16_1_2
H_language Language used for interview b16_2_1 b16_2_1 b16_2 b16_2_1
H_language2nd Language used for interview (2nd used) b16_2_2
H_language2 Other language name b16_2_2 b16_2_2
H_comprehension Comprehension level b16_3 b16_3 b16_3 b16_3
H_cooperation Cooperation level b16_4 b16_4 b16_4 b16_4
H_assistance Assistance? b16_5 b16_5 b16_5 b16_5
H_assistance_who1 Who helped respondent with answers? b16_6_1 b16_6_1 b16_6_1 b16_6_1
H_assistance_who2 Who helped respondent with answers? b16_6_2 b16_6_2 b16_6_2 b16_6_2
H_assistance_who3 Who helped respondent with answers? b16_6_3
H_add_info Additional information b16_7 b16_7 b16_7 b16_7

Crosswalk for Khayelitsha 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 hh_mrd dataset to the four different household questionnaires:
2002 2003 2004 2005
varname vardesc varnames varnames varnames varnames
hhid Cover 1.Household ID hhid cov1 cov1 cov1
hhid_ind Relationship of this hh to hh in other study year hhid_ind hhid_ind hhid_ind hhid_ind
year Year study was conducted year year year year
H_died Has anyone in house died? a3_0 a3_0 a3_0 a3_0
mrd_edlevel Most recent death: highest education achieved a3_14 a3_14 a3_14

2002 2003 2004 2005
varname vardesc varnames varnames varnames varnames
mrd_job Most recent job? a3_14c a3_14c a3_14c
mrd_financcontrib Most recent death: importance of financial contribution a3_15 a3_15 a3_15
mrd_returnhomesick Most recent death: person returned to hhold b/c of illness? a3_16 a3_16 a3_16
mrd_migrant Most recent death: person migrated for work before illness? a3_17
mrd_illlength Most recent death: length of illness? a3_18 a3_18 a3_18
mrd_ill_consult Most recent death: anyone consulted about illness? a3_19 a3_19 a3_19
mrd_ill_consult_pubclin Consult MD/RN at public clinic about treatment? a3_20a_1 a3_20a_1 a3_20a_1
mrd_ill_consult_privclin Consult MD/RN at private doctor about treatment? a3_20a_2 a3_20a_2 a3_20a_2
mrd_ill_consult_hlr Consult traditional healer about treatment? a3_20a_3 a3_20a_3 a3_20a_3
mrd_ill_consult_none No treatment? a3_20a_4 a3_20a_4
mrd_ill_consultOTH Consulted other about treatment? a3_20a_996 a3_20a_996 a3_20a_996
mrd_ill_consult_pubclin_cost Most recent death: cost of pub. clinic/hospital treatment? a3_20b_1 a3_20b_1 a3_20b_1
U =1, if most recent death cost of MD/RN at pub. clinic/hospital unknown a3_20b_1_ind
mrd_ill_consult_privclin_cost Most recent death: cost of priv. doctor treatment? a3_20b_2 a3_20b_2 a3_20b_2
U =1, if most recent death cost of MD/RN private clinic/hospital unknown a3_20b_2_ind a3_20b_2_ind
mrd_ill_consult_hlr_cost Most recent death: cost of trad. healer treatment? a3_20b_3 a3_20b_3 a3_20b_3
mrd_ill_consultOTH_cost Most recent death: cost of other treatment? a3_20b_4 a3_20b_4 a3_20b_4
mrd_ill_consult1st Most recent death: who consulted first? a3_21 a3_21 a3_21
mrd_ill_consultnext Most recent death: who consulted next? a3_22 a3_22 a3_22
mrd_ill_consultlater Most recent death: who consulted after that? a3_23 a3_23 a3_23
mrd_ill_trtmnt_pubclin MD/RN at public clinic prescribed treatment? a3_24a_1 a3_24a_1 a3_24a_1
mrd_ill_trtmnt_privclinic MD/RN at private doctor prescribed treatment? a3_24a_2 a3_24a_2
mrd_ill_trtmnt_healer Traditional healer prescribed treatment? a3_24a_3 a3_24a_3 a3_24a_3
mrd_ill_trtmnt_none No treatment prescribed? a3_24a_4 a3_24a_4
mrd_ill_trtmnt_OTH Other prescribed treatment? a3_24a_996 a3_24a_996 a3_24a_996
mrd_ill_trtmnt_UNK Don't know is treatment prescribed a3_24a_999 a3_24a_999
mrd_ill_trtmnt_pubclin_cost Most recent death: cost of pub. clinic/hospital prescriptions? a3_24b_1 a3_24b_1 a3_24b_1
=1, if most recent death treatment cost presribed by MD/RN at pub. Hosp
mrd_ill_trtmnt_pubclin_costU unknown a3_24b_1_ind
mrd_ill_trtmnt_privclin_cost Most recent death: cost of priv. doctor prescriptions? a3_24b_2 a3_24b_2 a3_24b_2
=1, if most recent death treatment cost presribed by MD/RN at priv. Hosp
mrd_ill_trtmnt_privclin_costU unknown a3_24b_2_ind
mrd_ill_trtmnt_hlr_cost Most recent death: cost of trad. healer prescriptions? a3_24b_3 a3_24b_3 a3_24b_3
=1, if most recent death treatment cost presribed by traditional healer
mrd_ill_trtmnt_hlr_costU unknown a3_24b_3_ind a3_24b_ind
=1, if most recent death treatment cost presribed by traditional healer
mrd_ill_trtmntOTH_costU unknown a3_24b_4_ind
mrd_ill_trtmntOTH_cost Most recent death: cost of other prescriptions? a3_24b_4 a3_24b_4 a3_24b_4

2002 2003 2004 2005
varname vardesc varnames varnames varnames varnames
mrd_ill_trtmnt_other Most recent death: other treatmetns undertaken? a3_25a a3_25_1 a3_25a
mrd_ill_trtmnt_other_cost Most recent death: cost of other treatmetns undertaken? a3_25b a3_25_2 a3_25b
mrd_ill_trtmnt_other_costU =1, if unknown cost of treatment not prescribed by doctor/healer a3_25b_ind a3_25b_ind
mrd_ill_hospstay Most recent death: sleep in a hospital or clinic? a3_26a a3_26_1 a3_26a
mrd_ill_hospstay_cost Most recent death: cost of sleep in a hospital or clinic? a3_26b a3_26_2 a3_26b
mrd_ill_hospstay_costU =1, if unknown cost of hospital/clinic stay a3_26b_ind
mrd_inyangastay Most recent death: sleep at Inyanga? a3_27a a3_27_1 a3_27a
mrd_inyangastay_cost Most recent death: cost of sleep at Inyanga? a3_27b a3_27_2 a3_27b
mrd_trtmnt_whopaid1 Most recent death: who paid for treatment? (1st mentioned) a3_29_1_1 a3_29_1 a3_29_1_1
mrd_trtmnt_whopaid2 Most recent death: who paid for treatment? (2nd mentioned) a3_29_1_2 a3_29_2 a3_29_1_2
mrd_trtmnt_whopaid3 Most recent death: who paid for treatment? (3rd mentioned) a3_29_1_3
mrd_trtmnt_whopaidOTH Most recent death: desc. of other who paid for treatment? a3_29_2 a3_29_2
mrd_caregiver Most recent death. who took care of person while ill? a3_30 a3_30 a3_30
mrd_caregiver_prim Most recent death: who was main caregiver? a3_31 a3_31 a3_31
rk Most recent death: main caregiver reduced work to give care? a3_32 a3_32 a3_32
mrd_buried Most recent death: where is person buried? a3_33 a3_33 a3_33
mrd_insurer_contribut Most recent death: burial society/funeral policy contribution? a3_34 a3_34 a3_34
mrd_insurer_typ1 Most recent death: type of insurer? (1st mentioned) a3_35_1_1 a3_35_1 a3_35_1_1
mrd_insurer_typ2 Most recent death: type of insurer? (2nd mentioned) a3_35_1_2 a3_35_2
mrd_insurer_typOTH Most recent death: desc. of other insurer? a3_35_2 a3_35_2
mrd_bursoc_mon Most recent death: bur. society contributed money to hhold? a3_36_1 a3_36 a3_36
mrd_bursoc_mon_amt Most recent death - how much money provided to hh? a3_36a a3_36a
mrd_bursoc_mon_amtU =1 if mrd money provided to hh unknown a3_36a_ind
mrd_bursoc_coffin Most recent death: bur. society contributed coffin? a3_36_2 a3_36b_1 a3_36b_1
mrd_bursoc_funlfood Most recent death: bur. society contributed food for funeral? a3_36_3 a3_36b_2 a3_36b_2
mrd_bursoc_funltrans Most recent death: bur. society contributed transport for fune a3_36_4 a3_36b_3 a3_36b_3
mrd_costs_coffin Most recent death: additional costs for coffin? a3_39a_1 a3_39_1_1 a3_39a_1
mrd_costs_meat Most recent death: additional costs for meat? a3_39a_2 a3_39_2_1 a3_39a_2
mrd_costs_groceries Most recent death: additional costs for groceries? a3_39a_3 a3_39_3_1 a3_39a_3
mrd_costs_cemetary Most recent death: additional costs for cemetary costs? a3_39a_4 a3_39_4_1 a3_39a_4
mrd_costs_clothing Most recent death: additional costs for clothing? a3_39a_5 a3_39_5_1 a3_39a_5
mrd_costs_flowers Most recent death: additional costs for flowers? a3_39a_6 a3_39_6_1 a3_39a_6
mrd_costs_taxis Most recent death: additional costs for taxis/transport? a3_39a_7 a3_39_7_1 a3_39a_7
mrd_costs_food Most recent death: additional costs for food for prayer svcs.? a3_39a_8 a3_39_8_1 a3_39a_8
mrd_costs_other Most recent death: additional costs for other? a3_39a_9 a3_39_9_1 a3_39a_9
mrd_costs_coffin_amt Most recent death: amt. of additional costs for coffin? a3_39b_1 a3_39_1_2 a3_39b_1
mrd_costs_coffin_amtU =1, if add'l cost of coffin unknown a3_39b_1_ind a3_39b_1_ind

2002 2003 2004 2005
varname vardesc varnames varnames varnames varnames
mrd_costs_meat_amt Most recent death: amt. of additional costs for meat? a3_39b_2 a3_39_2_2 a3_39b_2
mrd_costs_meat_amtU =1, if add'l cost of meat unknown a3_39b_2_ind a3_39b_2_ind
mrd_costs_groceries_amt Most recent death: amt. of additional costs for groceries? a3_39b_3 a3_39_3_2 a3_39b_3
mrd_costs_groceries_amtU =1, if add'l cost of groceries unknown a3_39b_3_ind a3_39b_3_ind
mrd_costs_cemetary_amt Most recent death: amt. of additional costs for cemetary costs a3_39b_4 a3_39_4_2 a3_39b_4
mrd_costs_cemetary_amtU =1, if add'l cost of cemetery unknown a3_39b_4_ind a3_39b_4_ind
mrd_costs_clothing_amt Most recent death: amt. of additional costs for clothing? a3_39b_5 a3_39_5_2 a3_39b_5
mrd_costs_clothing_amtU =1, if add'l cost of clothing unknown a3_39b_5_ind a3_39b_5_ind
mrd_costs_flowers_amt Most recent death: amt. of additional costs for flowers? a3_39b_6 a3_39_6_2 a3_39b_6
mrd_costs_flowers_amtU =1, if add'l cost of flowers unknown a3_39b_6_ind a3_39b_6_ind
mrd_costs_taxis_amt Most recent death: amt. of additional costs for taxis/transpor a3_39b_7 a3_39_7_2 a3_39b_7
mrd_costs_taxis_amtU =1, if add'l cost of taxis/transport unknown a3_39b_7_ind a3_39b_7_ind
mrd_costs_food_amt Most recent death: amt. of additional costs for food for praye a3_39b_8 a3_39_8_2 a3_39b_8
mrd_costs_food_amtU =1, if add'l cost of refreshments for pre-funeral prayer services unknown a3_39b_8_ind a3_39b_8_ind
mrd_costs_other_amt Most recent death: amt. of additional costs for other? a3_39b_9 a3_39_9_2 a3_39b_9
mrd_costs_other_amtU =1, if add'l cost of other items not covered by burial society unknown a3_39b_9_ind
mrd_CFE_hhfamily Most recent death: contributions from family in hhold? a3_40_1 a3_40_1 a3_40_1
mrd_CFE_hhfamilyU =1, if amt contributed by hh family is unknown a3_40_1_ind a3_40_1_ind a3_40_1_ind
mrd_CFE_nothhfamily Most recent death: contributions from family outside hhold? a3_40_2 a3_40_2 a3_40_2
mrd_CFE_nothhfamilyU =1, if amt contributed by other family is unknown a3_40_2_ind a3_40_2_ind a3_40_2_ind
mrd_CFE_community Most recent death: contributions from community? a3_40_3 a3_40_3 a3_40_3
mrd_CFE_communityU =1, if amt contributed by community is unknown a3_40_3_ind a3_40_3_ind a3_40_3_ind
mrd_CFE_church Most recent death: contributions from church? a3_40_4 a3_40_4 a3_40_4
mrd_CFE_churchU =1, if amt contributed by church is unknown a3_40_4_ind a3_40_4_ind a3_40_4_ind
mrd_CFE_employer Most recent death: contributions from employer? a3_40_5 a3_40_5 a3_40_5
mrd_CFE_employerU =1, if amt contributed by employer is unknown a3_40_5_ind a3_40_5_ind
mrd_CFE_other Most recent death: contributions from other? a3_40_6_1 a3_40_6_1 a3_40_6_1
a3_40_6_1_i a3_40_6_1_in
mrd_CFE_otherU =1, if amt contributed by others is unknown a3_40_6_1_ind nd d
mrd_CFE_otherOTH Most recent death: desc. of other a3_40_6_2 a3_40_6_2 a3_40_6_2
mrd_hhborrow Most recent death: hhold borrowed to cover expenses? a3_41 a3_41 a3_41
mrd_hhborrow_amt Most recent death: amt. hhold borrowed to cover expenses? a3_42 a3_42 a3_42
mrd_hhborrow_amtU =1, if unknown how much the hh had to borrow in total' a3_42_ind
mrd_postfuneralfeasts Most recent death: post.funeral feasts/svcs? a3_43 a3_43 a3_43
mrd_postfuneralfeasts_cost Most recent death: cost of post.funeral feasts/svcs? a3_44 a3_44 a3_44
U =1, if unknown how much post-fueral memorials/feasts cost a3_44_ind a3_44_ind a3_44_ind
mrd_propertyconflict Most recent death: conflict over deceased's property? a3_45_1

2002 2003 2004 2005
varname vardesc varnames varnames varnames varnames
mrd_propertyconflict_desc Most recent death: conflict over deceased's property? (explain) a3_45_2
mrd_lifeins Most recent death: deceased had life insurance? a3_46 a3_46 a3_46
mrd_lifeins_amtpaid Most recent death: family recv'd money from life insurance? a3_47 a3_47 a3_47
mrd_lifeins_amtpaid_how Most recent death: payment of insurance company? a3_48 a3_48 a3_48
ch Most recent death: how much recv'd from life insurance? a3_49 a3_49 a3_49
chU =1, if unknown how much you or family received from insurance a3_49_ind
mrd_lifeins_annualpayments Most recent death: how much per year recv'd from life insuranc a3_50 a3_50 a3_50
mrd_anyonemovedin Most recent death: anyone moved into hhold b/c of death? a3_51 a3_51 a3_51
mrd_anyonemovedin_name Most recent death: who moved in? a3_52 a3_52 a3_52
mrd_havechildren Most recent death: decased have children under 18? a3_53 a3_53 a3_53
mrd_othermisfortunes Most recent death: other misfortunes related to death? a3_65 a3_65 a3_65

Crosswalk for Khayelitsha 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 hh_comrd dataset to the four different household questionnaires:
varname vardesc 2002 2003 2004 2005
hhid Cover 1.Household ID cov1 cov1 cov2
hhid_ind Relationship of this hh to hh in other study year
year Year study was conducted
mrd_havechildren Most recent death . deceased have children under 18? a3_53 a3_53 a3_53
comrd_pcode Child of most recent death -- name of deceased's child under 18 a3_54 a3_54 a3_54
comrd_sex Child of most recent death -- sex of child a3_55 a3_55 a3_55
comrd_inhh Child of most recent death -- child living in hhold? a3_56 a3_56 a3_56
comrd_otherparentalive Child of most recent death -- other parent alive? a3_57 a3_57 a3_57
comrd_liveswith Child of most recent death -- who does child live with? a3_58 a3_58 a3_58
comrd_hhmemsvisit Child of most recent death -- hhold mems visit at least 1x per month a3_59 a3_59 a3_59
comrd_hhmemsvisit_pcodes Child of most recent death -- codes of those who visit child a3_60 a3_60 a3_60
comrd_memberofhh_before Child of most recent death -- was child mem of hhold before death a3_61 a3_61 a3_61
comrd_whodecidedres Child of most recent death -- who decided where child would live a3_62 a3_62 a3_62
comrd_morethan1home Child of most recent death -- child has more than one home? a3_63 a3_63 a3_63

Crosswalk for Khayelitsha 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 hh_p_pInc dataset to the four different household questionnaires:
varname vardesc 2002 2003 2004 2005

hhid Household ID cov1 cov1 cov1 cov1

hhid_ind Relationship of this hh to hh in other study year hhid_ind
pcode Person Code a1_1 a1_1 a1_0 a1_0

varname vardesc 2002 2003 2004 2005

pcode_ind addl' info about this individual pcode_ind pcode_ind

year Year study was conducted year
hh_member Currently a member of household? a1_1 a1_1
hh_mem_new Person moved into household? a1_1a a1_1a
hh_mem_new_date When did person move into household? a1_1b a1_1b
H_sex Sex of HH member a1_2 a1_2 a1_2 a1_2
H_relhead Relationship to head a1_3_1 a1_3_1 a1_3_1 a1_3_1
H_relheadOTH Description of other a1_3_2 a1_3_2 a1_3_2 a1_3_2
H_agenow Age of hh member (calculated) age a1_4
H_yob Year born a1_4_1 a1_4_1 a1_4_1 a1_4_1
H_age Age now a1_4_2 a1_4_2 a1_4_2 a1_4
H_ageU =1 if age of individual unknown a1_4_ind a1_4_ind
H_readwrite Able to read and write? a1_5 a1_5 a1_5 a1_5
H_higheduc Highest education level a1_6 a1_6 a1_6 a1_6
H_educmore formal education? a1_8
H_educmore_type Type of further formal education a1_9_1
H_educmoreOTH What kind of education a1_9_1OTH
H_educmoreDESC Description of other education a1_9_2
H_school In school/studying? a1_12 a1_12 a1_12 a1_12
H_school_which Which school/institution attending? a1_12a a1_12a a1_12a
H_notinschool_why Why not in school? a1_13_1
H_notinschool_why_desc Description of other a1_13_2
H_child_uniform Child has school uniform? a1_13b_1 a1_13b_1 a1_13b_1
H_child_spareclothes Child has spare set of clothes? a1_13b_2 a1_13b_2 a1_13b_2
H_child_shoes Child has a pair of shoes? a1_13b_3 a1_13b_3 a1_13b_3
H_child_whopays1 Who pays for these things? (1st) a1_13c_1_1 a1_13c_1 a1_13c_1_1
H_child_whopays2 Who pays for these things? (2nd) a1_13c_1_2 a1_13c_2 a1_13c_1_2
H_child_whopays3 Who pays for these things? (3rd) a1_13c_1_3 a1_13c_3 a1_13c_1_3
H_child_whopaysOTH Description of other a1_13c_2 a1_13c_2
H_marstat Marital Status a1_15 a1_15 a1_15 a1_15
H_partnerpresent Partner live in hh? a1_16 a1_16 a1_16 a1_16
H_partner_pcode Code of partner a1_17 a1_17 a1_17 a1_17
H_polygamous Involved in a polygamous marriage? a1_18 a1_18 a1_18 a1_18
H_divorcedied_year Year divorced, died a1_19
H_divorcedied_yearU =1 if unknow what year divorced a1_19_ind
H_mominhh Mother alive and in house a1_20 a1_20 a1_20 a1_20

varname vardesc 2002 2003 2004 2005

H_mompcode Mothers code from board a1_21 a1_21 a1_21 a1_21

H_dadinhh Father alive and in house a1_22 a1_22 a1_22 a1_22
H_dadpcode Fathers code from board a1_23 a1_23 a1_23 a1_23
H_staysaway Living in another home a1_24 a1_24 a1_24 a1_24
H_staysaway_empl Away primarily for employment? a1_24a a1_24a a1_24a
H_staysaway_weeksn Weeks away in past 12 months a1_25 a1_25 a1_25 a1_25
H_staysaway_weeksnU =1 if unknown how many weeks hh member was away a1_25_ind
H_movedin_last12mo Moved into hhold in past 12 months? a1_26
H_away_town Town live when away a1_26
H_away_province Province live when away a1_27
H_away_why Reason for absence a1_28_1
H_away_whyDesc Description of other a1_28_2
H_permhome Permanent home a1_29
H_townborn Town born a1_30 a1_30 a1_30 a1_30
H_townborn_prov Province located a1_31 a1_31 a1_31 a1_31
H_livedhere Lived most/all life here a1_32
H_livedelsewhere Lived somewhere else? a1_33
H_mvdbkwhen Years ago moved back a1_34_1
H_mvdbkwhenDESC Years ago moved back desc a1_34_2
H_movedfrom What town moved from a1_35
H_movedfromprov In what province is that? a1_36
H_inc_OAP State old age pension b1_1 b2_1 b2_1 b2_1
H_inc_PenOth Other pensions b1_2 b2_2 b2_2 b2_2
H_inc_PenOthU =1, if amount other pensions unknown b2_2_ind
H_inc_DG Disability grant b1_3 b2_3 b2_3 b2_3
H_inc_pension Employer pension for old age b1_4
H_inc_workercomp Employer pension for worker's comp b1_5
H_inc_UIF Unemployment insurance b1_6 b2_6 b2_6 b2_6
H_inc_MG Private maintenance grant b1_7 b2_7 b2_7 b2_7
H_inc_MGU =1, if amount of private maintenance grant unknown b2_7_ind
H_inc_CSG_orig Child support grant b1_8 b2_8 b2_8 b2_8
H_inc_CSG_clean Child support grant (cleaned)
H_inc_FCG_orig Foster care grant b1_9 b2_9 b2_9 b2_9
H_inc_FCG_clean Foster Care grant (cleaned)
H_inc_SCG Care dependency/single care grant b1_10 b2_10 b2_10 b2_10
H_inc_annuity Personal retirement fund / annuity b1_11
H_inc_earn_work Earnings from work b1_12 b2_12 b2_12 b2_12

varname vardesc 2002 2003 2004 2005

H_inc_earn_workU =1, if amount of earnings from working unknown b1_12_ind b2_12_ind b2_12_ind b2_12_ind
H_inc_savings Savings/interest b1_13
H_inc_relig Religious organisation b1_14
H_inc_rentals Lodgers property rent b1_15
H_inc_money_outsidehh Money from outside hh b1_16 b2_16 b2_16 b2_16
=1, if amount of money received from one outside of hh is
H_inc_money_outsidehhU b2_16_ind b2_16_ind b2_16_ind
H_inc_outsidehh Goods from outside hh b1_17
H_inc_outsidehhU =1 if unknown goods from outside hh b1_17_ind

H_inc_money_othersources Other sources b1_18_1 b2_18_1 b2_18_1 b2_18_1

H_inc_money_othersourcesU =1, if amount of other moneys received is unknown b1_18_1_ind b2_18_1_ind b2_18_1_ind

H_inc_money_other_desc Description of other b1_18_2 b2_18_2 b2_18_2 b2_18_2

H_inc_unassigned Unassigned sources b1_20
H_inc_unassignedU =1 if unknowned about unassigned sources b1_20_ind

Crosswalk for Khayelitsha 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 hh_moved dataset to the four different household questionnaires:
varname vardesc 2002 varnames 2003 varnames 2004 varnames 2005 varnames
hhid Cover 1.Household ID cov1 cov1 cov1 cov1
hhid_ind Relationship of this hh to hh in other study year
year Year study was conducted year
moved Has anyone moved out? a4 a4 a4_0 a4
moved_pcode Name from grid moved out a4_2 a4_2 a4_2 a4_2
moved_sex Sex of person moved out a4_3 a4_3
moved_relhead Relationship to head moved a4_4 a4_4
moved_relheadOTH Description of other a4_4_desc a4_4_desc
moved_agenow Moved age now: calculated a4_5_age a4_5_age
moved_agenowU =1, if both age and yob for moved unknown a4_5_ind a4_5_ind
moved_yob year of birth a4_5_yob a4_5_yob
moved_yobU =1, if moved yob unknown a4_5_yob_ind a4_5_yob_ind
moved_why1 Why moved? Answer 1 a4_6_1_1 a4_6_1_1 a4_6_1 a4_6_1_1
moved_why2 Why did he/she move out? Answer 2 a4_6_1_2 a4_6_1_2 a4_6_2 a4_6_1_2
moved_whyOTH Why moved description of other? a4_6_desc a4_6_desc a4_6_2_Desc a4_6_desc
moved_town HH Migration - Town moved to a4_7
moved_prov HH Migration - Province moved to a4_8

Crosswalk for Khayelitsha 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 hh_died dataset to the four different household questionnaires:
2004 2005
varname vardesc 2002 varnames 2003 varnames varnames varnames
hhid Cover 1.Household ID cov1 cov1 cov1 cov1
hhid_ind Relationship of this hh to hh in other study year hhid_ind
year Year study was conducted year
died Has anyone in house died? a3 a3 a3_0 a3
died_pcode Death code of person who died a3_2 a3_2 a3_2 a3_2
died_sex Sex of person who died a3_3 a3_3 a3_3 a3_3
died_hhhead Was this head of HH? a3_4 a3_4 a3_4 a3_4
died_relhead Relationship to head a3_5 a3_5 a3_5_1 a3_5
died_relheadOTH Description of other a3_5_desc a3_5_desc a3_5_2 a3_5_desc
died_yrborn HH Death - Year born a3_6
died_yrbornU =1 if year born unknown a3_6_ind
died_educ HH Death - Highest level of education a3_7
died_moreeduc HH Death - Further formal education? a3_9
died_moreeduc_type1 HH Death - Desc of other educ 1 a3_10_1
died_moreeduc_type2 HH Death - Desc of other educ 2 a3_10_2
died_moreeduc_typedesc HH Death - Description of other education a3_10_desc
died_age Age when passed away? a3_6 a3_6 a3_6
died_ageU =1, if age at death unknown a3_6_ind a3_6_ind a3_6_ind
died_ageest Age estimate when passed away? a3_6b a3_6b a3_6b
died_cause Cause of death a3_12 a3_9 a3_9 a3_9
died_year Year passed away a3_10 a3_10 a3_10
died_yearU =1, if year of death unknown a3_10_ind a3_10_ind

Crosswalk for Khayelitsha 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 ad dataset to the four different adult questionnaires (In the case
of 2002, Younger and Older Adult questionnaires):
varname vardesc 2002 OA 2002 YA 2003 2004 2005
year year: Year of this survey year year year year year
hhid hhid: Household identification number cov1 cov1 cov1 cov1
hhid_ind hhid_ind: Was this hh surveyed in other study year hhid_ind hhid_ind hhid_ind hhid_ind hhid_ind

varname vardesc 2002 OA 2002 YA 2003 2004 2005
pcode_ind: Information about this individual's
pcode pcode cov2 cov2 cov2 cov2 cov2
A_visitd Day of visit cov3_1 cov3_1 cov3_1 cov3_1 cov3_1
A_visitm Month of visit cov3_2 cov3_2 cov3_2 cov3_2 cov3_2
A_visity Year of visit cov3_3 cov3_3 cov3_3 cov3_3 cov3_3
A_intrvwr1 Interviewer Code (1st) cov4 cov4 cov4_1 cov4_1 cov4_1
A_intrvwr2 Interviewer Code (2nd) cov4_2 cov4_2 cov4_2
A_respORproxy Respondent or Proxy answering? c0_1 h0_1 c0_1 c0_1 c0_1
A_proxycode Code of proxy c0_2 h0_2 c0_2 c0_2 c0_2
A_otherscode Names of other persons present? c0_3 h0_3 c0_3 c0_3 c0_3
A_modstH Starting hour of module c0_4_1 h0_4_1 c0_4_1 c0_4_1 c0_4_1
A_modstM Starting minute of module c0_4_2 h0_4_2 c0_4_2 c0_4_2 c0_4_2
resphhmod Answered HH Module c1
A_age Age age age c2_0 c2_0 c2_0
A_yob Year born c1_0_yob h2_0_1 c2_0_1 c2_0_1 c2_0_1
A_agelisted Age now c1_0_age h2_0_2 c2_0_2 c2_0_2 c2_0_2
A_readwrite Respondent able to read and write? c1_0_1 h2_1 c2_1 c2_1 c2_1
A_edlevel Highest level of education c1_1 h3_0 c2_2 c2_2 c2_2
A_edmore Further formal education? c1_3 h3_2
A_edmoreedtyp Kind of further formal education c1_4_1 h3_3_1
A_edmoreDESC Description of other formal education c1_4_1OTH h3_3_2OTH
A_edmoredone Completed education? c1_4_2 h3_3_2
A_edmoreyear Year achieved highest level of educ. c1_5_1 h3_5_2
A_edmoreage Age achieved highest level of educ. c1_5_2 h3_5_1
A_edmoreageU =1 if age stopped school unknown h3_5_ind
A_inschool Still in school? h3_4 c3_4 c3_4 c3_4
A_married Marital status c3_6 c3_6 c3_6
A_married_spouseinhh Spouse/partner in hhold? c3_7 c3_7 c3_7
A_married_spouseinhh_pcode Code of spouse/partner c3_8 c3_8 c3_8
A_married_polyg Polygamous marriage? c3_9 c3_9 c3_9
haveid Have ID book? c3_10 c3_10 c3_10
LC_ntot Number of living children nLiving h4_0 c4 c4 c4
LC_nm Number of boys nboys h4_1_1 c4_1_1 c4_1_1 c4_1_1
LC_nf Number of girls ngirls h4_1_2 c4_1_2 c4_1_2 c4_1_2
LC_agech1 Age of child 1 age_live1 h4_2_1 c4_2_1 c4_2_1 c4_2_1
LC_agech2 Age of child 2 age_live2 h4_2_2 c4_2_2 c4_2_2 c4_2_2
LC_agech3 Age of child 3 age_live3 h4_2_3 c4_2_3 c4_2_3 c4_2_3
LC_agech4 Age of child 4 age_live4 h4_2_4 c4_2_4 c4_2_4 c4_2_4

varname vardesc 2002 OA 2002 YA 2003 2004 2005
LC_agech5 Age of child 5 age_live5 h4_2_5 c4_2_5 c4_2_5 c4_2_5
LC_agech6 Age of child 6 age_live6 h4_2_6 c4_2_6 c4_2_6 c4_2_6
LC_agech7 Age of child 7 age_live7 h4_2_7 c4_2_7 c4_2_7 c4_2_7
LC_agech8 Age of child 8 age_live8 c4_2_8 c4_2_8 c4_2_8
LC_agech9 Age of child 9 c4_2_9 c4_2_9
LC_agech10 Age of child 10 c4_2_10 c4_2_10
DC Any children that died? DC h4_3 c4_3 c4_3 c4_3
DC_ntot Number of children that died nDead c4_4a c4_4a c4_4a
DC_agech1 Age of child 1 that died age_dead1 h4_4_1 c4_4_1 c4_4_1 c4_4_1
DC_agech2 Age of child 2 that died age_dead2 h4_4_2 c4_4_2 c4_4_2 c4_4_2
DC_agech3 Age of child 3 that died age_dead3 h4_4_3 c4_4_3 c4_4_3 c4_4_3
DC_agech4 Age of child 4 that died age_dead4 c4_4_4 c4_4_4 c4_4_4
DC_agech5 Age of child 5 that died age_dead5 c4_4_5 c4_4_5
DC_agech6 Age of child 6 that died age_dead6 c4_4_6 c4_4_6
DC_agech7 Age of child 7 that died c4_4_7
MG Ever received a maintenance grant? c3_1 h5_1 c5_1 c5_1 c5_1
MG_curr Currently receiving a maint. grant? c3_2 h5_2 c5_2 c5_2 c5_2
MG_years Years receiving grant? c3_3 h5_3_2 c5_3 c5_3 c5_3
MG_yearsU =1 if Years receiving grant unknown c3_3_ind c5_3_ind
MG_CSG Grant from government? c5_4 c5_4 c5_4
c3_4 h5_4
MG_father Maintenance from father of child? c5_7 c5_7 c5_7
MG_CSG_nkids For how many children receive grant? c3_11 h5_11 c5_5 c5_5 c5_5
MG_CSG_amt Amt each month from govt.? c3_12 h5_12 c5_6 c5_6 c5_6
MG_father_amtsnt_same Does father pay same amount each month? c3_5 h5_5 c5_8 c5_8 c5_8
MG_father_amtsnt_reg Does he send money regularly? c3_6 h5_6 c5_9 c5_9 c5_9
MG_father_amtsnt_avgamt Avg. amout sent? c3_7 h5_7 c5_10 c5_10 c5_10
=1, if unknown how much father sends in avg
MG_father_amtsnt_avgamtU c5_10_ind
Maintainance grant amount changed by court
MG_father_court c3_8 h5_8
MG_father_court_amt How much did you receive before court order? c3_9 h5_9
MG_whofor Is this grant for self/child/both? c3_10 h5_10
MG_CSG_applied Have you applied for maintenance grant? c3_13 h5_13 c5_12 c5_12 c5_12
MG_CSG_applied_whynot Why have you not applied? c5_13 c5_13 c5_13
MG_CSG_applied_month When did you apply, month? c3_14_1 h5_14_1 c5_14_1 c5_14_1 c5_14_1
MG_CSG_applied_year When did you apply, year? c3_14_2 h5_14_2 c5_14_2 c5_14_2 c5_14_2
MG_CSG_applied_status What has happened with your application? c3_15 h5_15 c5_15 c5_15 c5_15
OA_wrk_type Work done in life c4_0 c5_17 c5_17 c5_17
OA_wrk_desc Occupation for most of working life c4_1 c5_18 c5_18 c5_18

varname vardesc 2002 OA 2002 YA 2003 2004 2005
OA_wrk_stop Did you stop working? c4_2 c5_19 c5_19 c5_19
OA_wrk_reducehrs Older change work or reduce hours? c4_3_1 c5_20_1 c5_20_1 c5_20_1
OA_work_reducehrsOTH Describe other c4_3_2 c5_20_2 c5_20_2 c5_20_2
OA_work_stopyr Year stopped work c5_0_2 c5_21_1 c5_21_1 c5_21_1
OA_work_stopyrU =1, if unknown in what year stopped work c5_21_1_ind c5_21_1_ind c5_21_1_ind
OA_work_stopage Age stopped work c5_0_1 c5_21_2 c5_21_2 c5_21_2
OA_work_stopwhy Reason stopped work c6_0 c5_22 c5_22 c5_22
OAR_why_eligible_statepens Eligible for state pension c7.1
OAR_why_age Reached retirement age at place of work c7_2
OAR_why_eligible_workpens Eligible for pension from employer c7_3
OAR_why_retrench Retrenchment or early retirement c7_4
OAR_why_lostjob Lost job/or business bad c7_5
OAR_why_hatework Did not enjoy work c7_6
OAR_why_tooold Too old to work c7_7
OAR_why_lowwage Wages too low c7_8
OAR_why_health Had health problems c7_9
OAR_why_caretaker Had to care for others c7_10
OAR_why_spouseretired Spouse retired c7_11
OAR_why_OTH Other reasons c7_12_1
OAR_why_OTH_DESC Describe other c7_12_2
OAR_worked_pensfund Member of provident or pension fund c9_1
OAR_worked_pensfund_paid Paid something from provident or pension fund? c9_2

OAR_worked_pensfund_paid_use What did you do with the money? c9_3

OAR_worked_pensfund_rec Pension income from former employer? c9_4

OAR_worked_pensfund_rec_age How old when received pension c9_6

OA_ret_regpay Respondent retired from reg. pay job? c8 c5_23 c5_23 c5_23
OA_ret_pckg Retrenchment/retirement package? c10_0 c5_24 c5_24 c5_24
OA_ret_pckgamt Amt. recv'd from retrenchment/retirement? c10_1 c5_25 c5_25 c5_25
=1, if unknown how much extra money recvd when
OA_ret_pckgamtU c5_25_ind c5_25_ind
left job
OA_ret_pckg_spent What did you spend money on? c10_2 c5_26 c5_26 c5_26
OA_ret_earnmth_amt Monthly earnings before retirement? c11 c5_27 c5_27 c5_27
=1, if unknown how much earnings were when left
OA_ret_earnmthamtU c5_27_ind c5_27_ind
OAP Receiving state pension? c14_0_1a c5_28 c5_28 c5_28
OAP_age How old when began pension c14_0_1b c5_29 c5_29 c5_29
OAP_ageU =1 if unknown how old when began pension c5_29_ind

varname vardesc 2002 OA 2002 YA 2003 2004 2005
OAP_amtrec Amt. recv'd from pension monthly? c14_0_1c c5_30 c5_30 c5_30
OAP_mostsay1 Who has most say in pension spending? c14_22 c5_31_1 c5_31_1 c5_31_1
OAP_mostsay2 Who has most say in pension spending? c5_31_2
OAP_whynot Why not receiving pension now? c14_2_1 c5_32_1 c5_32_1 c5_32_1
OAP_whynot_oth Description of other c14_2_2 c5_32_2 c5_32_2 c5_32_2
OAP_disability Currently receive disability pension? c14_0_2a
OAP_disabilityage How old when began receiving disability pension? c14_0_2b
OAP_veterans Currently receive veteran's/apartheid pension? c14_0_3a
Age when began receiving veteran's/apartheid
OAP_veterans_age c14_0_3b
Amt. received per month from vet./apartheid
OAP_veterans_amt c14_0_3c
OAP_whynotOTH Description of other c14_2_2
OAP_sameasjob Income from pension more or less than job? c14_8
OAP_giveto Do you give all/part of pension to someone else? c14_9
OAP_givetowho To whom you hand it over? c14_11
OAP_toother_amt How much of pension is handed over? c14_12
OAP_toother_amt1 What is the first payment? c14_14
OAP_toother_amt2 What is the second payment? c14_15
OAP_toother_amt3 What is the third payment? c14_16
OAP_toother_amt4 What is the fourth payment? c14_17
OAP_toother_amt5 What is the fifth payment? c14_18
OAP_toother_amt6 What is the sixth payment? c14_19
OAP_amtleft How much of pension is left over after payments? c14_20
OAP_amtleft_towho Who keeps the pension money left over? c14_21
OAP_morecredit Does pension make it easier to buy on credit? c14_23
OAP_dodiff What did you do differently? c14_24
OAP_lifebetter How did life become better? c14_25
OAP_lifeworse How did life become worse? c14_26
OANP_getinfuture Do you expect to receive one in the future? c14_3
OANP_getinfuture_howspend What will you do differently when you receive it? c14_4
OANP_getinfuture_better How will life be better? c14_5
OANP_getinfuture_worse How will life be worse? c14_6
A_work Do you do anything to earn now? c12 h6_0 c6 c6 c6
A_work_t1 Do you have a reg job for 1 employer? (1st ) c13_0 h6_1 c6_1_1 c6_1_1 c6_1_1
A_work_t2 Do you have a reg job for 1 employer? (2nd) c6_1_2 c6_1_2
A_work_desc Reg. pay job occupation (description)? c13_1 h6_2 c6_2 c6_2 c6_2
A_work_reg_yrs How long at this job, years c13_2 h6_3_2
A_work_hrsperwk How many hours do you work(per week)? c13_3 h6_4 c6_4 c6_4 c6_4

varname vardesc 2002 OA 2002 YA 2003 2004 2005
A_work_hrsperwkU =1 if unknown how many hrs worked per week h6_4_ind c6_4_ind
A_work_wksperyr How many weeks do you work each year? c13_4 h6_5 c6_5 c6_5 c6_5
A_work_wksperyrU =1, if unknown how many weeks worked each year h6_5_ind c6_5_ind c6_5_ind c6_5_ind
A_work_earn_amtmthly How much do you earn from this job per month? c13_5 h6_6 c6_6 c6_6 c6_6
=1 if unknown how much money earned per month
A_work_earn_amtmthlyU h6_6_ind c6_6_ind c6_6_ind
in job
A_work_bens1 Job benefits . private pension? c6_7_1 c6_7_1 c6_7_1
A_work_bens2 Job benefits . medical aid? c6_7_2 c6_7_2 c6_7_2
A_work_bens3 Job benefits . UIF? c6_7_3 c6_7_3 c6_7_3
A_work_oddjob If odd jobs/work for self, what kind? c13_6 h6_7 c6_12 c6_12 c6_12
c13_11 h6_12
A_work_oddjob_yrs How many years at this job? c13_7_2 h6_8_2 c6_13 c6_13 c6_13
c13_12 h6_13_2
A_work_oddjob_yrsU =1 if unknown how many yrs at this job c13_12_ind
How many hours do you work per week at odd
A_work_oddjob_hrsperwk c13_8 h6_9 c6_14 c6_14 c6_14
c13_13 h6_14
=1, if unknown how many hours worked in a typical
A_work_oddjob_hrsperwkU h6_14_ind c6_14_ind c6_14_ind c6_14_ind
A_work_oddjob_wksperyr How many weeks do you work each year? c13_9 h6_10 c6_15 c6_15 c6_15
c13_14 h6_15
A_work_oddjob_wksperyrU =1, if unknown how many weeks worked each year h6_10_ind c6_15_ind c6_15_ind c6_15_ind
A_work_oddjob_earn_amt What do you earn doing odd jobs each month? c13_10 h6_11 c6_16 c6_16 c6_16
c13_15 h6_16
A_work_oddjob_earn_amtU =1, if unknown how much earned from this work h6_11_ind c6_16_ind
This question is not asked in
2002, it is assumed it is per
A_work_oddjob_earn_timeper Amt for week month or year? c6_17 c6_17 c6_17
month. make it for month for
2002 oa and ya
A_unemp_support1 Means of support if not working? 1st response c6_18_1 c6_18_1 c6_18_1
A_unemp_support2 Means of support if not working? 2nd response c6_18_2 c6_18_2 c6_18_2
A_unemp_support3 Means of support if not working? 3rd response c6_18_3 c6_18_3
A_unemp_support_oth How do you support yourself (Other) c6_18_1a c6_18_1a c6_18_1a
A_unemp_looking Looking for work? c13_16 h6_17 c6_19 c6_19 c6_19
A_unemp_looking_whynot Why not? c6_19a c6_19a c6_19a
A_work_lookingfor Looking for additional/different employment c6_20 c6_20 c6_20
A_amtrecM_veteranspen Currently receive veteran's/apartheid pension? c14_0_3c h7_1_1

varname vardesc 2002 OA 2002 YA 2003 2004 2005
A_amtrecM_othpen Pensions (excl. OAPen) etc. c9_5 c7_1_1 c7_1_1 c7_1_1
pension for
old age
=1, if unknown how much money recvd from
A_amtrecM_othpenU c7_1_1_ind
pension monthly
A_amtrecM_DG Disability grant c14_0_2c h7_1_2 c7_1_2 c7_1_2 c7_1_2
A_amtrecM_UIF Unemployment insurance (UIF) c14_28_1 h7_1_5 c7_1_3 c7_1_3 c7_1_3
A_amtrecM_FCG Foster care grant c14_28_5 h7_1_8 c7_1_4 c7_1_4 c7_1_4
A_amtrecM_SCG Care dependency/single care grant c14_28_6 h7_1_9 c7_1_5 c7_1_5 c7_1_5
A_amtrecM_oth Other c14_28_9_1 h7_1_12_1 c7_1_6_1 c7_1_6_1 c7_1_6_1

A_amtrecM_othU =1 if amt for other unknown c14_28_9_1_ind c7_1_6_1_ind c7_1_6_1_ind

A_amtrecM_othdesc Description of other c14_28_9_2 h7_1_12_2 c7_1_6_2 c7_1_6_2 c7_1_6_2

A_amtrecM_emppens Employer pension for worker's comp. h7_1_4
A_amtrecM_annuity Retirement annuity c14_28_2 h7_1_6
A_amtrecM_savings Savings,interest c14_28_3 h7_1_7
A_amtrecM_childgrant New child grant c14_28_4
A_amtrecM_church Religious organisation (Church) c14_28_7 h7_1_10
A_amtrecM_rentals Money from lodgers/Property rental c14_28_8 h7_1_11
A_loanedtoyou Money given/loaned from inside or outside house c15 h8 c8
A_expM_eatout Normal month: amt spent Food eaten out c16_1 h10_1 c10_1 c10_1 c10_1
Normal month: amt spent clothing and shoes for
A_expM_clothesyours c16_2 h10_2 c10_2 c10_2 c10_2
=1, if unknown how much spent on clothing and
A_expM_clotheseyoursU h10_2_ind c10_2_ind c10_2_ind
shoes for you
Normal month: amt spent clothing and shoes for
A_expM_clothesforkids c10_2a c10_2a c10_2a
=1 if unknown amt spent clothing & shoes for
A_expM_clothesforkidsU c10_2a_ind
A_expM_healthyours Normal month: amt spent health for you c16_3 h10_3 c10_3 c10_3 c10_3
A_expM_healthyoursU =1 if unknown monthly amt spent on health c16_3_ind h10_3_ind c10_3_ind
A_expM_healthforkids Normal month: amt spent health for children c10_3a c10_3a c10_3a
A_expM_persitems Normal month: amt spent personal items c16_4 h10_4 c10_4 c10_4 c10_4
A_expM_cellp Normal month: amt spent personal cellular phone c16_5 h10_4a c10_4a c10_4a c10_4a
A_expM_trans Normal month: amt spent transportation c16_6 h10_5 c10_5 c10_5 c10_5
=1 if unknown amt spent monthly- on
A_expM_transU h10_5_ind
A_expM_church Normal month: amt spent church dues c16_7 h10_6 c10_6 c10_6 c10_6

varname vardesc 2002 OA 2002 YA 2003 2004 2005
=1, if unknown how much spent on church dues,
A_expM_churchU c10_6_ind c10_6_ind
social clubs
A_expM_uniformsyours Last month amt spent uniforms etc for you c10_7 c10_7 c10_7
=1 unknown amt spent Last month on uniforms etc
A_expM_uniformsyoursU c10_7_ind
for you
A_expM_uniformsforkids Last month amt spent uniforms etc for children h10_7 c10_7a c10_7a c10_7a
A_expM_gambling Normal month: amt spent lottery/gambling c16_8 h10_8 c10_8 c10_8 c10_8
A_expM_alctob Normal month: amt spent alcohol/tobacco c16_9 h10_9 c10_9 c10_9 c10_9
A_expM_leisure Normal month: amt spent leisure c16_10 h10_10 c10_10 c10_10 c10_10
Normal month: amt spent money,goods,food for
A_expM_outsidehh c16_11 h10_11 c10_11 c10_11 c10_11
A_expM_outsidehhU =1 if unknown monthly amt spent for outside hh c16_11_ind
A_expM_burialsoc Normal month: amt spent burial society c16_12 h10_12 c10_12 c10_12 c10_12
A_expM_other Normal month: amt spent other c16_16 h10_16 c10_13 c10_13 c10_13
A_expM_otherU =1 if unknown amt spent other c10_13_ind
A_expM_otherdesc Normal month: amt spent other: description c16_16DESC h10_16OTH c10_13OTH c10_13OTH c10_13OTH
A_expM_stokvel Normal month amt spent stokvel c16_13 h10_13
A_expM_savings Normal month amt spent savings c16_14 h10_14
A_expM_business Normal month amt spent on business c16_15 h10_15
A_expM_remainder Money left for self at end of month c17_0 h11_0
A_expM_remainder_howspend What do you do with this money? c17_1 h11_1
A_bank Bank or savings account? c18_1 h11_2 c11_2 c12_9 (p.26) c12_9 (p.25)
c12_10 (p.
A_stokvel Participate in a stokvel? c18_2 h11_3 c11_3 c12_10 (p. 25)
A_lifeins Do you have life insurance c18.3
ate_bf Eat breakfast? c11_1a c11_1a
ate_bf_desc Description of breakfast c11_1b c11_1b
ate_bf_sz Size of breakfast c11_2 c11_2
ate_btwbflun Eat between breakfast & lunch? c11_3a c11_3a
ate_btwbflun_desc Desc. of meal between breakfast & lunch? c11_3b c11_3b
ate_lunch Eat lunch? c11_4a c11_4a
ate_lunch_desc Description of lunch c11_4b c11_4b
ate_lunch_sz Size of lunch c11_5 c11_5
ate_btwlundin Eat between lunch & supper? c11_6a c11_6a
ate_btwlundin_desc Desc. of meal between lunch & supper? c11_6b c11_6b
ate_din Eat supper? c11_7a c11_7a
ate_din_desc Description of supper c11_7b c11_7b
ate_din_sz Size of supper c11_8 c11_8
drank_teaN Number of times drank tea and/or coffee c11_9a c11_9a

varname vardesc 2002 OA 2002 YA 2003 2004 2005
drank_tea_cupsN Cups of tea and/or coffee at each instance c11_9b c11_9b
drank_tspN Spoons of sugar in each cup of tea/coffee c11_10a c11_10a
drank_tspsz Size of spoon used for measuring sugar c11_10b c11_10b
drank_acidN Glasses of acid drink drank c11_12 c11_12
drank_alc Drink alcohol? c11_13a c11_13a
drank_alc_bttlesN Glasses/bottles of alcohol drank c11_13b c11_13b
borrowedfromyou Given money in past 12 months? c19_0 h12_0 c12_0
chldhdhh_tobedhungry Gone to bed hungry? c12_1a c12_1a
chldhdhh_tobedhungryN How many times gone to bed hungry c12_1b c12_1b
chldhdhh_toschlhungry Went to school hungry? c12_2a c12_2a
chldhdhh_toschlhungryN How many times went to school hungry c12_2b c12_2b
chldhdhh_eatout Eat at other's houses because no food? c12_3a c12_3a
chldhdhh_eatoutN How many times eat at other's b/c no food c12_3b c12_3b
chldhdhh_dadjob Father has regular pay job c12_7a c12_7a
chldhdhh_dadjob_desc Father's regular-pay occupation c12_7b c12_7b
chldhdhh_momjob Mother worked outside of home c12_8a c12_8a
chldhdhh_momjob_desc Mother's occupation c12_8b c12_8b
chldhdhh_finances Financial situation as a child c12_9 c12_9
finances_now Financial situation today c12_10 c12_10
EC_ownhome Do you have a home in the Eastern Cape? c13_1 c13_1
EC_goto How often do you travel to Eastern Cape? c13_2 c13_2
EC_lastthere When were you last there? c13_3 c13_3
EC_bringmoney Do you bring goods/money with you? c13_4 c13_4
EC_bring_food Did you bring food c13_5_1_1 c13_5_1_1
EC_bring_money Did you bring money c13_5_1_2 c13_5_1_2
EC_bring_clothing Did you bring clothing? c13_5_1_3 c13_5_1_3
EC_bring_OTH Desc. of other c13_5_2
EC_sendmoney Do you send money/goods there? c13_6 c13_6
EC_sendwhat What do you send? c13_7 c13_7
EC_sendto1 To whom do you send it? c13_8_1_1 c13_8_1_1
EC_sendto2 To whom do you send it? c13_8_1_2 c13_8_1_2
EC_sendtoOTH Desc. of other c13_8_2 c13_8_2
EC_cometoyou Have family/friends come to stay with you? c13_9 c13_9
EC_cometoyou_bringgoods Did they bring goods/money with them? c13_10

EC_cometoyou_bringgoods_what What did they bring c13_11

EC_cometoyou1 Who has come to stay? c13_12_1_1 c13_12_1_1

EC_cometoyou2 Who has come to stay? c13_12_1_2 c13_12_1_2

varname vardesc 2002 OA 2002 YA 2003 2004 2005
EC_cometoyou3 Who has come to stay?
EC_cometoyouOTH Desc. of other c13_12_2 c13_12_2
EC_cometoyou_stay1 How long do they stay in Khayelitsha? (1st person) c13_13_1 c13_13_1
How long do they stay in Khayelitsha? (2nd
EC_cometoyou_stay2 c13_13_2
EC_recfrom Do they send things when not visiting? c13_15
EC_recfrom_food Do they send food c13_16_1_1
EC_recfrom_money Do they send money c13_16_1_2
EC_recfrom_clothing Do they send clothing? c13_16_1_3
EC_recfromOTH Desc. of other c13_16_2
EC_contributiontohh_importance How important is their financial contribution? c13_17
EC_return Do you plan to return to E. Cape? c13_18 c13_18
EC_return_when If yes, when? c13_19 c13_19
EC_own_land Own in ECape plot of land? c13_20_1 c13_20_1
EC_own_house Own in ECape house? c13_20_2 c13_20_2
EC_own_livestock Own in E Cape livestock? c13_20_3 c13_20_3
EC_own_other Own in E Cape other? c13_20_4_1 c13_20_4_1
EC_own_otherOTH Own in E Cape desc of other c13_20_4_2 c13_20_4_2
EC_plantobeburied Plan to be buried in E. Cape? c13_21 c13_21
A_SRHS Health at present? d1 i1 d1 d1 d1
A_SRHS_betterornot Health better or worse than 1 year ago? d2
hlt_TB Ever had Tuberculosis (TB)? d3_16 i3_8 d2_1a d2_1a d2_1a
hlt_TB_when First time told about TB? d3_17 i3_9 d2_1b
hlt_TB_recmed Received medication for TB? d3_18 i3_10 d2_1bmeds d2_1bmeds d2_1bmeds
hlt_TB_onmeds Currently taking medication d2_1c d2_1c
hlt_TB_nomeds Reason why medication no longer taken d2_1d d2_1d
Desc. of other reason why medication no longer
hlt_TBnomedsOTH d2_1e d2_1e
hlt_BP Ever had high blood pressure? d4_0 i3_11 d2_2a d2_2a d2_2a
hlt_BP_when First time told about high BP? d2_2b
hlt_BP_recmed Received medication for high BP? d2_2bmeds d2_2bmeds d2_2bmeds
hlt_BP_onmeds Currently taking medication d4_1 i3_12 d2_2c d2_2c
hlt_BP_nomeds Reason why medication no longer taken d2_2d d2_2d
Desc. of other reason why medication no longer
hlt_BPnomedsOTH d2_2e d2_2e
hlt_diab Ever had high blood sugar/Diabetes d3_4a i2_4a d2_3a d2_3a d2_3a
hlt_diab_when First time told about diabetes? d3_4b i2_4b d2_3b

hlt_diab_recmed Received medication for diabetes? d3_4c i2_4c d2_3bmeds d2_3bmeds

varname vardesc 2002 OA 2002 YA 2003 2004 2005
hlt_diab_onmeds Currently taking medication d2_3c d2_3c
hlt_diab_nomeds Reason why medication no longer taken d2_3d d2_3d
Desc. of other reason why medication no longer
hlt_diabnomedsOTH d2_3e
hlt_stroke Ever had Stroke? d3_2a i2_2a d2_4a d2_4a d2_4a
hlt_stroke_when First time told about stroke? d3_2b i2_2b d2_4b
hlt_stroke_recmed Received medication stroke? d3_2c i2_2c d2_4bmeds d2_4bmeds d2_4bmeds
hlt_stroke_onmeds Currently taking medication d2_4c d2_4c
hlt_stroke_nomeds Stroke: why meds no longer taken d2_4d
hlt_heart Ever had Heart problems d3_1a i2_1a d2_5a d2_5a d2_5a
hlt_heart_when First time told about heart problems? d3_1b i2_1b d2_5b
hlt_heart_recmed Received medication for health problems? d3_1c i2_1c d2_5bmeds d2_5bmeds d2_5bmeds
hlt_heart_onmeds Heart: Currently taking medication d2_5c d2_5c
hlt_heart_nomeds Heart: Reason why medication no longer taken d2_5d d2_5d
Heart: Desc. of other reason why medication no
hlt_heartnomedsOTH d2_5e d2_5e
longer taken
hlt_cancer Ever had Cancer? d3_7a i2_7a d2_6a d2_6a d2_6a
hlt_cancer_when First time told about cancer? i2_7b d2_6b
hlt_cancer_recmed Received medication for cancer? i2_7c d2_6bmeds d2_6bmeds d2_6bmeds
hlt_cancer_onmeds Cancer: Currently taking medication d2_6c d2_6c
hlt_cancer_nomeds Cancer: Reason why medication no longer taken d2_6d d2_6d
hlt_cancernomedsOTH Cancer: desc of other why meds no longer taken d2_6e
hlt_cancer_trtment What type of cancer treament? d2_6d
hlt_asthma Ever had Asthma/Tightchest? d3_6a i2_6a d2_7a d2_7a d2_7a
hlt_asthma_when First time told about asthma? d3_6b i2_6b d2_7b
hlt_asthma_recmed Received medication for asthma? d3_6c i2_6c d2_7bmeds d2_7bmeds d2_7bmeds
hlt_asthma_onmeds Asthma: Currently taking medication d2_7c d2_7c
hlt_asthma_nomeds Asthma: Reason why medication no longer taken d2_7d d2_7d
Asthma: Desc. of other reason why medication no
hlt_asthmanomedsOTH d2_7e d2_7e
longer taken
hlt_hicholest High cholesterol d3_3a i2_3a
hlt_hicholest_when When was the first time you were told? i2_3b
hlt_hicholest_recmed Have you received any medication or treatment? i2_3c
hlt_emphysema Emphysema/Bronchitis d3_5a i2_5a
hlt_emphysema_when First time told? d3_5b i2_5b
hlt_emphysema_recmed Received medication? d3_5c i2_5c
hlt_surgery Ever had surgery? d3_1a
hlt_surgery_type What type of surgery? d3_1b
hlt_caeasarian Ever had Caesarian section? d3_2 d3_2 d3_2

varname vardesc 2002 OA 2002 YA 2003 2004 2005
hlt_sterilized Undergone sterilisation? d3_3 d3_3 d3_3
illM_flu Flu symptoms in past 30 days? d3_4_1 d3_4_1 d3_4_1
illM_fever Fever in past 30 days? d3_4_2 d3_4_2 d3_4_2
illM_cough Persistent cough in past 30 days? d3_10 i3_2 d3_4_3 d3_4_3 d3_4_3
illM_cough_withblood Cough with blood in past 30 days? d3_4_4 d3_4_4 d3_4_4
illM_lostweight Lost weight in past 6 weeks? d3_8 i3_0
illM_nightsweats Night sweats? d3_9 i3_1
illM_seeMD Seen a health person for symptoms? d3_11 i3_3
illM_seeMD_diagnose Did they tell you what was wrong? d3_12 i3_4
illM_treatment Have you had any treatment? d3_13 i3_5
illM_treatment_yes Are you still taking the treatment d3_14 i3_6
ilM_treatment_no Why not taking treatment? d3_15 i3_7
illM_chesttight Tight chest in past 30 days? d3_4_5 d3_4_5 d3_4_5
illM_chestpain Chest pain in past 30 days? d3_4_6 d3_4_6 d3_4_6
illM_bodyache Body ache in past 30 days? d3_4_7 d3_4_7 d3_4_7
illM_headache Headache in past 30 days? d3_4_8 d3_4_8 d3_4_8
illM_backache Back ache in past 30 days? d3_4_9 d3_4_9 d3_4_9
illM_jointpain Joint pain/arthritis in past 30 days? d3_4_10 d3_4_10 d3_4_10
illM_vomiting Vomiting in past 30 days? d3_4_11 d3_4_11 d3_4_11
illM_diarrhea Diarrhea in past 30 days? d3_4_12 d3_4_12 d3_4_12
illM_feltweak Felt weak in past 30 days? d3_4_13 d3_4_13 d3_4_13
illM_wormsinstool Worms in stool in past 30 days? d3_4_14 d3_4_14 d3_4_14
illM_pain_upperabd Pain in upper abdomen in past 30 days? d3_4_15 d3_4_15 d3_4_15
illM_pain_lowerabd Pain in lower abdomen in past 30 days? d3_4_16 d3_4_16 d3_4_16
illM_genitalulc Genital ulcers in past 30 days? d3_4_17
illM_painfulur painful urination in past 30 days? d3_4_18 d3_4_18 d3_4_18
illM_swolenank Swelling ankles in past 30 days? d3_4_19 d3_4_19 d3_4_19
illM_rash Rash in past 30 days? d3_4_20 d3_4_20 d3_4_20
illM_weightloss Severe weight loss in past 30 days? d3_4_21 d3_4_21 d3_4_21
illM_memoryloss Memory loss in past 30 days? d3_4_22 d3_4_22 d3_4_22
illM_paralysis_partial Partially paralyzed in past 30 days? d3_4_23 d3_4_23 d3_4_23
illM_paralysis Paralyzed in past 30 days? d3_4_24 d3_4_24 d3_4_24
illM_menstrualproblems Menstrual problems in past 30 days? d3_4_25
illM_whitedischarge White discharge in past 30 days? d3_4_26
Did respondent answer 'yes' to at least one
illM_yes d3_5
ill_no_consult If no to all, time of last visit? d3_16 d3_16 d3_16
ill_no_consult_who Who was consulted? d3_16_a
ill_no_consult_whoOTH Who was consulted: Other d3_16_aOTH

varname vardesc 2002 OA 2002 YA 2003 2004 2005
ill_no_consult_fee Was there any consultation fee? d3_16_b_1
ill_no_consult_fee_amt How much was consultation fee? d3_16_b_2
ill_no_consult_whopaid Who paid for consultation? d3_16_c
ill_no_consult_whopaidOTH Who paid for it: Other d3_16_cOTH
ill_no_seeoth Was there any one else seen? d3_16_d
ill_no_seeoth_fee Was there a consult fee? d3_16_e_1
ill_no_seeoth_fee_amt How much was this visit d3_16_e_2
ill_no_seeoth_whopaid Who paid for this visit fee? d3_16_f
ill_yes_consult If yes to at least one, did you consult anyone? d3_17 d3_17 d3_17
ill_yes_consultwho Who did you consult? d3_18 d3_18 d3_18
ill_yes_consultwhoOTH Who was consulted: Other d3_19 d3_19
ill_yes_consult_fee Was ther consultation fee for this visit? d3_18_a_1
ill_yes_consult_fee_amt How much was consulation fee for this visit? d3_18_a_2

ill_yes_consult_fee_amtU =1 if unknown amount amount paid for consult d3_18_a_2_ind

ill_yes_consult_whopaid Who paid for this consultation? d3_18_b

ill_yes_consult_whopaidOTH Who paid for it: Other d3_18_bOTH
ill_yes_consult_meds Was there any medical prescription? d3_18_c_1
ill_yes_consult_meds_amt How much was this prescription? d3_18_c_2

ill_yes_consult_meds_amtU =1 if unknown amount paid for visit d3_18_c_2_ind

ill_yes_consult_meds_whopaid Who paid for this presciption? d3_18_d

ill_y_consult_meds_whopaidOTH Who paid for it: Other d3_18_dOTH
ill_yes_consultmore Did you see anyone else? d3_19 d3_19
ill_yes_consultmore_fee Was there consultation fee? d3_19_a_1
ill_yes_consultmore_feeamt How much was this consultaion fee? d3_19_a_2
ill_yes_consultmore_whopaid Who paid for this consulation? d3_19_b
ill_yes_consultmore_meds Was there any medical presciption? d3_19_c_1
Was there any one consulted in the last twelve
illY_consult d3_19_e
illY_consult_who Who was consulted? d3_19_f
illY_consult_whoOTH Who was consulted: Other d3_19_fOTH
illY_consult_fee Was there consulation fee? d3_19_g_1
illY_consult_fee_amt How much was this consultation fee? d3_19_g_2

illY_consult_fee_amtU =1 if unknown amount paid for visit d3_19_g_2_ind

illY_consult_whopaid Who paid for this consultation d3_19_h

illY_consultmore Was there any one else seen? d3_19_i
illY_consultmore_fee Was there consultation fee for this visit? d3_19_j_1

varname vardesc 2002 OA 2002 YA 2003 2004 2005
illY_consultmore_fee_amt How much was the consulation fee? d3_19_j_2
illY_consultmore_whopaid Who paid for this consultation? d3_19_k
dis_know_stroke Knowledge about high BP and Stroke d3_20_1a d3_20_1a
dis_know_cancer Knowledge about high BP and Cancer d3_20_1b d3_20_1b
dis_know_hdaches Knowledge about high BP and Headaches d3_20_1c d3_20_1c
dis_know_heart Knowledge about high BP and Heart problems d3_20_1d d3_20_1d
dis_know_norisk Knowledge about high BP and no risk d3_20_1e d3_20_1e
BPY_measured Blood pressure measured? d4_2 i3_13
BPY_measured_high Blood pressure high normal low? d4_3 i3_14
medservice Used a medical service in past 12 months? d4_4 i3_15
medservice_exp How were medical expenses paid? d4_5 i3_16_1
medservice_expOTH Description of other i3_16_2
hlt_3mon_seeany Seen anyone for health in past 3 months? d5_0 i3_17
hlt_3mon_seeany_who Who did you see? d5_1 i3_18
hlt_3mon_seeany_who2 See anyone else? d5_2 i3_19
hltY_checkup Routine checkup in past 12 months? d6 i3_20
ADL_dress Level of difficulty dressing d7_1 d3_21_1 d3_21_1 d3_21_1
ADL_bath Level of difficulty bathing d7_2 d3_21_2 d3_21_2 d3_21_2
ADL_eat Level of difficulty eating d7_3 d3_21_3 d3_21_3 d3_21_3
ADL_toil Level of difficulty toiletting d7_4 d3_21_4 d3_21_4 d3_21_4
ADL_bus Level of difficulty bus,taxi d7_5 d3_21_5 d3_21_5 d3_21_5
ADL_lightwork Level of difficulty light work d7_6 d3_21_6 d3_21_6 d3_21_6
ADL_money Level of difficulty managing money d7_7 d3_21_7 d3_21_7 d3_21_7
ADL_stairs Level of difficulty climbing stairs d7_8 d3_21_8 d3_21_8 d3_21_8
ADL_lift Level of difficulty lifting objects d7_9 d3_21_9 d3_21_9 d3_21_9
ADL_walk Level of difficulty walking 200.300m d7_10 d3_21_10 d3_21_10 d3_21_10
vision_glasses Use spectacles or glasses d8_0 d3_22 d3_22 d3_22
vision_tested When was your vision last tested? d8_1 d3_23 d3_23 d3_23
vision_withglasses How is vision with glasses? d8_2 d3_24 d3_24 d3_24
hearing_hearingaid Do you use a hearing aid? d8_3 d3_25 d3_25 d3_25
hearing_howisit How is your hearing? d8_4 d3_26 d3_26 d3_26
mobility_cane Cane, crutch or walking frame? d8_5 d3_27
mobility_howisit How is your mobility? d8_6 d3_28
dental_problems Tooth or mouth problems? d9_0 d3_29 d3_29 d3_29
abletocook Able to cook for self? d9_1 d3_30 d3_30 d3_30
exercise Do you do any exercise? d3_31 d3_31
sports_freq Play sports regularly d3_32 d3_32
bodyshape Which best describes your actual body shape? d3_33 d3_33

varname vardesc 2002 OA 2002 YA 2003 2004 2005
bodyshape_prefer Which body shape would you most like to have? d3_34 d3_34
I4 Mother in
A_Minhh Mother in hhold? d4_0 d4_0 d4_0
A_Minhh_pcode Code of mother Mother's d4_1 d4_1 d4_1
A_Malive Mother alive or deceased? d10_0 i4_2 d4_2 d4_2 d4_2
A_Mdead_age Mother's age when died? d10_1 i4_3 d4_3 d4_3 d4_3
A_Mdead_ageU =1, if unknown age of mom when she died i4_3_ind d4_3_ind d4_3_ind d4_3_ind
A_Mdead_gt50 Older or younger than 50 when she died? d10_2 i4_4 d4_4 d4_4 d4_4
A_Mdead_cause Cause of death? d10_3 i4_5 d4_5
A_Malive_age How old is she? d10_4 i4_6 d4_6 d4_6 d4_6
A_Malive_ageU =1, if unknown age of mom now i4_6_ind d4_6_ind d4_6_ind d4_6_ind
A_M_educ Highest level of education of mother d10_5 i4_7
A_Finhh Father in hhold? i4_8 d4_7 d4_7 d4_7
A_Finhh_pcode Father's pcode i4_9 d4_8 d4_8 d4_8
A_Falive Father alive or deceased? d10_10 i4_10 d4_9 d4_9 d4_9
A_Fdead_age Father age died? d10_11 i4_11 d4_10 d4_10 d4_10
A_Fdead_ageU =1, if unknown age dad when he died i4_11_ind d4_10_ind d4_10_ind d4_10_ind
A_Fdead_gt50 Older or younger than 50 when he died? d10_12 i4_12 d4_11 d4_11 d4_11
A_Fdead_cause Cause of death? d10_13 i4_13 d4_12
A_Falive_age How old is he? d10_14 i4_14 d4_13 d4_13 d4_13
A_Falive_ageU =1, if unknown age of dad now i4_14_ind d4_13_ind d4_13_ind d4_13_ind
A_F_educ Highest level of education of father d10_15 i4_15
MH_mis I Could not stop feeling miserable last week e1_1 j1_1 e1_1 e1_1 e1_1
MH_dep I felt depressed last week e1_2 j1_2 e1_2 e1_2 e1_2
MH_sad I felt sad last week e1_3 j1_3 e1_3 e1_3 e1_3
MH_cried I cried a lot last week e1_4 j1_4 e1_4 e1_4 e1_4
MH_eat I did not feel like eating last week e1_5 j1_5 e1_5 e1_5 e1_5
MH_effort I felt everything was an effort last week e1_6 j1_6 e1_6 e1_6 e1_6
MH_sleep My sleep was restless last week e1_7 j1_7 e1_7 e1_7 e1_7
MH_getgoing I could not get going last week e1_8 j1_8 e1_8 e1_8 e1_8
MH_worried One month or longer worried last year e2_1 j2_1 e2_1 e2_1 e2_1
MH_worried_morethanmost One month or longer worried last year e2_2 j2_2 e2_2 e2_2 e2_2
MH_worried_ended One month or longer worried last year e3_1 j3_1 e3_1 e3_1 e3_1
MH_worried_years How many years has it been going on? e3_2 j3_2 e3_2 e3_2 e3_2
MH_worried_yearsU =1, if unknown how much respondent worried j3_2_ind e3_2_ind e3_2_ind e3_2_ind
MH_worried_mostdays Did/do you worry most days? e4 j4 e4 e4 e4
MH_worried_hardtostop Did/do you find it difficult to stop worrying? e5_1 j5_1 e5_1 e5_1 e5_1

varname vardesc 2002 OA 2002 YA 2003 2004 2005
MH_worried_diff Did/do you have different worries at same time? e5_2 j5_2 e5_2 e5_2 e5_2
MH_worried_desc What were/are you worried about? j5_3 e5_3 e5_3 e5_3
MH_worried_tell1 Person who you plan to tell? e6_1_1 j6_1_1 e6_1_1_1 e6_1_1_1 e6_1_1_1
MH_worried_tell2 Person who you plan to tell? j6_1_2 e6_1_1_2 e6_1_1_2 e6_1_1_2
MH_worried_tell3 Person who you plan to tell? j6_1_3 e6_1_1_3 e6_1_1_3
MH_worried_tellOTH Description of other e6_1_2 j6_1_OTH e6_1_2 e6_1_2 e6_1_2
MH_worried_interfere How much did\do problems interfere? e6_2 j6_2 e6_2 e6_2 e6_2
MH_dreams Troubling dreams in past 12 months? e6_3 j6_3 e6_3 e6_3 e6_3
MH_P_health Is your health a problem for you right now? e6_5 j6_5 e6_5
MH_P_money Not enough money a problem? e6_7_1 j6_7_1 e6_7_1
MH_P_food Not enough food a problem? e6_7_2 j6_7_2 e6_7_2
MH_P_famdeath Death of family members a problem? e6_7_3 j6_7_3 e6_7_3
MH_P_famhealth Health of family members a problem? e6_7_4 j6_7_4 e6_7_4
MH_P_famunemp Unemployment of family members a problem? e6_7_5 j6_7_5 e6_7_5
MH_P_famquar Quarrels in the family a problem? e6_7_6 j6_7_6 e6_7_6
MH_P_famdrink Family member drinking/taking drugs a problem? e6_7_7 j6_7_7 e6_7_7
MH_P_safety Safety in neighborhood a problem? e6_7_8 j6_7_8 e6_7_8
MH_P_jealousy Someone being jealous of you a problem? e6_7_9 j6_7_9
MH_lifebetter you expect life to get better e6_8 j6_8 e6_8 e6_8 e6_8
MH_lifebetter_how what ways do you expect life to get better? e6_9 j6_9
MH_lifebetter_plans Plans for making things better? e6_10 j6_10
MH_lifebetter_plans_what What are these plans? e6_11 j6_11
MH_memloss Is memory loss a problem? e7 j7
MH_smoke Do you smoke or use snuff? e8_1_1 j8_1 e8_1 e8_1 e8_1
MH_smoke2 Do you smoke or use snuff? (answer 2) e8_1_2
MH_smoke_cigN How many cigarettes/cigars per day? e8_2_1 j8_2_1 e8_2_1 e8_2_1 e8_2_1
MH_smoke_cigNU =1, if unknown how many cigarettes per day e8_2_1_ind e8_2_1_ind e8_2_1_ind
MH_smoke_snuffN How many pipefuls of snuff in a day? e8_2_2 j8_2_2 e8_2_2 e8_2_2 e8_2_2
MH_smoke_snuffNU =1, if unknown how many pipes per day e8_2_2_ind
MH_smoke_chewN How many pinches of chew in a day? e8_2_3 j8_2_3 e8_2_3 e8_2_3 e8_2_3
MH_smoke_chewNU =1 if unknown how much tobacco used j8_2_ind e8_3 e8_2_3_ind
MH_smokereg Have you regularly smoked? e8_3 j8_3 e8_3 e8_3
MH_alc Drink alcohol? e9_1 j9_1 e9_1 e9_1 e9_1
MH_alcN Do you drink more than once per week? e9_2 j9_2 e9_2 e9_2 e9_2
MH_famalc_toomuch Does anyone in hh drink too much? e9_3 j9_3 e9_3 e9_3 e9_3
mem_church Church or mosque f1_1a k1_1a f1_1a
mem_church_freq How often go to church f1_1b k1_1b f1_1b
mem_charity Social charity at church/mosque f1_2a k1_2a f1_2a

varname vardesc 2002 OA 2002 YA 2003 2004 2005
mem_charity_freq How often social charity f1_2b k1_2b f1_2b
mem_choir Choir? f1_3a k1_3a f1_3a
mem_choir_freq How often choir f1_3b k1_3b f1_3b
mem_union Labour or trade union f1_5a k1_4a f1_4a
mem_union_freq How often trade union f1_5b k1_4b f1_4b
mem_profassoc Professional association f1_6a k1_5a f1_5a
mem_profassoc_freq How often prof. assoc k1_5b f1_5b
mem_sportsclub Sports club or exercise group f1_7a k1_6a f1_6a
mem_sportsclub_freq How often sports club k1_6b f1_6b
mem_other Other f1_8a_1 k1_7a_1 f1_7a_1
mem_otherOTH Describe other f1_8a_2 k1_7a_2 f1_7a_2
mem_other_freq How often f1_8b k1_7b f1_7b
mem_srcentr Senior centre ? f1_4a
mem_srcentr_freq How often f1_4b
fam_respect Family respect you? f2_1 k2_1 f2_1 f2_1 f2_1
comm_respect Community respect you? f2_2 k2_2 f2_2 f2_2 f2_2
comm_trusted Community trust you? f2_3 k2_3 f2_3 f2_3 f2_3
comm_jealous Is jealousy a problem? f2_4 k2_4 f2_4 f2_4 f2_4
comm_jealous_more Is jealousy increasing? f2_5 k2_5
comm_jealous_who Who is jealous of you? f2_6_1 k2_6_1
Who do you worry is jealous of you. Second
comm_jealous_who2 k2_6_2
Who do you worry is jealous of you. Third
comm_jealous_who3 k2_6_3
comm_jealousOTH Description of others f2_6_2 k2_6_OTH
onetotalkto Someone to speak to? f3_0 k3_0 f3 f3 f3
onetotalkto_1 First person speak to? f3_1 k3_1 f3_1
onetotalkto_1_freq How often speak to this person? f3_2 k3_2 f3_2
rel_import How important is religion? f4_0 k4_0 f4_0 f4_0 f4_0
rel_desc What is your religion? f4_1_1 k4_1_1 f4_1_1 f4_1_1 f4_1_1
rel_descOTH What is your religion Other f4_1_2 k4_1_2 f4_1_2 f4_1_2 f4_1_2
church_mem_length How long a member of this church(years)? f4_2 k4_2 f4_2
=1, if unknown how long respondent has been a
church_mem_lengthU k4_2_ind f4_2_ind
member of this church
church_fromothchurch Did you move from another church? f4_3 k4_3 f4_3
church_fromothchurch_desc What church did you move from? f4_4 k4_4 f4_4
crimevictim Crime victim in last 12 months? f5 k5_0 f5 f5 f5
crimevictim_desc What crimes? f6_0 k5_1 f5_1 f5_1 f5_1
crimevictim_muti Victim of someone using muti? f6_1 k5_2

varname vardesc 2002 OA 2002 YA 2003 2004 2005
everhurt Ever been physically hurt by someone? f5_2 f5_2 f5_2
everhurt_when If yes, when did this occur? f5_3 f5_3 f5_3
=1, if unknown when respondent was physically
everhurt_whenU f5_3_ind f5_3_ind
pastyr_govtprog Participated in govt. training prog. in last year? f5_4 f5_4 f5_4
pastyr_povallevprog Participated in pov. alleviation prog. in last yea f5_5 f5_5 f5_5
pastyr_pubwrksprog Participated in public works prog. in last year? f5_6 f5_6 f5_6
vote_1994 Did you vote in the 1994 elections? f7_0 k6_0 f6_0 f6_0
vote_2004 Did you vote in the 2004 elections? f6_2
vote_1999 Did you vote in the 1999 elections? f7_1 k6_1 f6_1 f6_1
mainproblems Main problems in life right now? k7 f7 f7 f7
mainsourcefhappy Main source of happiness? f9 k8 f8 f8 f8
howhappy How happy are you taking all things together? f8
moreaboutlife Anything else about life? f10
height_orig Respondent's height f11 k9 f9 f9 f9
height_cleanU =1, if respondent's height unavailable k9_ind f9_ind f9_ind
height_med_exam Respondent's height recorded at med. exam
height_clean Respondent's height cleaned
weight_orig Respondent's weight f12 k10 f10 f10 f10
weight_med_exam Respondent's weight recorded at med. exam
weight_clean Respondent's weight
waist Respondent's waist f10_1 f10_1 f10_1
hip Respondent's hip f10_2 f10_2 f10_2
SBP2 Respondent's SBP1 f10_3_1 f10_3_1 f10_3_1
DBP2 Respondent's DBP1 f10_3_2 f10_3_2 f10_3_2
pulse2 Respondent's pulse 1 f10_3_3 f10_3_3 f10_3_3
SBP3 Respondent's SBP2 f10_4_1 f10_4_1 f10_4_1
DBP3 Respondent's DBP2 f10_4_2 f10_4_2 f10_4_2
pulse3 Respondent's pulse 2 f10_4_3 f10_4_3 f10_4_3
nomeasure_reason Why no measurement f10_mis f10_mis f10_mis
A_mod_end_h Ending hour of module g1_0_1 k11_1_1 f11_1_1 f11_1_1 f11_1_1
A_mod_end_m Ending minute of module g1_0_2 k11_1_2 f11_1_2 f11_1_2 f11_1_2
A_lang1st Languages used in interview? g1_1_1 k11_2_1 f11_2_1_1 f11_2_1_1 f11_2_1_1
A_lang2nd Languages used in interview? g1_1_2 f11_2_1_2 f11_2_2
A_complevel Comprehension level of respondent g1_2 k11_3 f11_3 f11_3 f11_3
A_cooplevel Cooperation level g1_3 k11_4 f11_4 f11_4 f11_4
A_assistedlevel Level of assistance g1_4 k11_5 f11_5 f11_5 f11_5
A_assistedpcode Code of person who helped answer? g1_5 k11_6 f11_6 f11_6 f11_6
A_addlcomm Additional comments g1_6 k11_7 f11_7 f11_7 f11_7

varname vardesc 2002 2003 2004 2005
hhid Cover1_Household ID hhid hhid hhid hhid
hhid_ind Relationship of this hh to hh in other study year
year Year study was conducted
pcode Cover2a_Child Code pcode pcode pcode pcode
acode Cover2b_Adult Code acode acode acode acode
C_visitd Cover3_Day of visit cov3_1 cov3_1 cov3_1 cov3_1
C_visitm Cover3_Month of visit cov3_2 cov3_2 cov3_2 cov3_2
C_visity Cover3_Year of visit cov3_3 cov3_3 cov3_3 cov3_3
C_interviewer1 Cover4_Interviewer code (1st) cov4 cov4 cov4 cov4
C_interviewer2 Cover4_Interviewer code (2nd)
C_hourst Cover5_Hour Start cov5_1 cov5_1 cov5_1 cov5_1
C_minutest Cover5_Minute start cov5_2 cov5_2 cov5_2 cov5_2
C_hourend Cover6_Hour end cov6_1 cov6_1 cov6_1 cov6_1
C_minuteend Cover6_Minute end cov6_2 cov6_2 cov6_2 cov6_2
Cover7_Respondent cooperation level; 1=excellent, 2=good, 3=avg,
C_coop cov7 cov7 cov7 cov7
C_addtlcomm Cover8_Additional comments cov8 cov8 cov8 cov8
C_age C_age
C_dayborn Day born L1_dd L1_dd L1_dd L1_dd
C_mthborn Month born L1_mm L1_mm L1_mm L1_mm
C_yrborn Year born L1_yy L1_yy L1_yy L1_yy
height_orig Height in centimeters L2 L2 L2 L2
height_med_exam Respondent's height recorded at med. exam
height_clean Respondent's height cleaned
weight_orig Weight in kilograms L3 L3 L3 L3
weight_med_exam Respondent's weight recorded at med. exam
weight_clean Respondent's weight
waist Child's waist in centimeters L3_1 L3_1 L3_1
hdcircum Child's head circumference in centimeters L3_2 L3_2 L3_2

varname vardesc 2002 2003 2004 2005
birthcertif Child has birth certificate: 1=yes; 2=no L3_3 L3_3 L3_3
immcard Immunization card: 1=yes; 2=no; 3=no, you cannot see it L4 L4 L4 L4
immcurr Immunization is current parental report: yes=1, no=2 L5 L5 L5 L5
birthweight Birthweight in kilograms (999=don't know) L6 L6 L6 L6
birthweight_ind =1 if birthweight unknown L6_ind L6_ind
bwsource Source of birthweight: 1=card; 2=recall L6_source L6_source L6_source L6_source
homebirth Child was delivered at home: 1=yes; 2=no L6_1 L6_1 L6_1
breastfed Ever breast: 1=yes; 2=no; 3=still breastfeeding L7 L7 L7 L7
bfoverall Months child was breastfed L9 L8 L8 L8
bfoverall_ind =1 if unknown months overall breastfeeding L8_ind
bfexclusiv Months breastfed with no other food or drink L8 L9 L8 L9
bfexclusiv_ind =1 if unknown months exclusive breastfeeding L9_ind
creche Attends creche: 1=yes; 2=no L11 L11 L11 L11
crchlgth Attends creche: 1=half-day, 2=full-day, 3=can't remember L12 L12 L12 L12
General health- caregiver's report: 1=excellent, 2=very good, 3=good,
CGRHS L13 L13 L13 L13
comment1 comment1: Comments: Part 1 comment
comment2 comment2: Comments: Part 2
comment3 comment3: Comments: Part 3
comment4 comment4: Comments: Part 4
comment5 comment5: Comments: Part 5
comment6 comment6: Comments: Part 6
comment7 comment7: Comments: Part 7
comment8 comment8: Comments: Part 8
flagbirthdateagewrong Flag- Birthdate/Age wrong? flagbirthdateagewrong
flagbreastfeeding Flag-Breastfeeding flagbreastfeeding
flagidneedstobeverified Flag-ID needs to be verified flagidneedstobeverified

flagnewcardcardunclear Flag-New card/card unclear flagnewcardunclearcard

flagoddimmunization FLAG-ODD IMMUNIZATION

flagtooold Flag- Too old? flagtooold
flagtwins Flag-TWINS? flagtwins
fullyimmunizednocard Fully immunized though we have no immunization records for this child. fullyimmunizednocard
flagverystrangeimm FLAG VERY STRANGE IMM flagverystrangeimm

Questionnaires are available for each survey on the DataFirst site.


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