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Potential Student Survey

For High School Students


This survey is being conducted as part of a senior design project by a group of mechanical engineering students at
the University of TexasPan American_We are interested in gathering your input and learning about your interests
in the engineering discipline. We ask that you take a brief moment of time to fill out the questionnaire below.
Please do not put your name or any other identifiable marks anywhere on this survey_ No personal information is
to be gathered, and participation is completely voluntary_


Please indicate how interested you are in each of the following areas on a scale of 1 to 10_
.- . -. -
No Interest_. -- Very I"terested
Ar ea .-
1 2
._ ..
3 4 5 6 7-_ ... 8 9 10
Airplanes 0 0 -- . " 0
0 0 0 v.:P :J
C 0 0 C 0 0 0 - ~ 0- -

Thermo ~y"amics .- -
Aero dynamics 0 :::J 0 .
0 0 0._- 0 LJ 8-- 0
et Engines 0 0 0 0 0....- 0 lQ> .
- .

Combus tible Fuels

0 0 -
0 :J 0 .
0 0 p 0 0
Fuel Efficiency 0 0 :J 0 C 0 --
0 0 ~::> 0
Atten ding_UTPA :J 0 C 0- . C 0 _.0 IQ 0 0
Science/E ngineering ::::J -
0 0 0 :J 0 0 C 0> 0 ---

Please indicate how much you know about each of the following areas on a scale of 1to 10_
.- .. --
_ Never Heard About Very Knowledgeable
Are a --
1 2 3 4 5 _.6 7 8 9 _. 10
- --
Airplanes C C 0 C 0 CJ ,cJ> 0 .. _"0 -- ...- C
Thermo dynamics 0 0 0 C 0 L.. 0 (iI 0- C
Aero dynamics. 0 ::J 0 ::J 0 0 0 C L.. 0
Je t Engines 0 0
--_. 0 0 0_. 0 0
. -
... -
{ij :J
Combust ible Fuels. . -,-0 0 ::J 0
0 0 0 0 Ell 0
:J 0 0 g;j 0
Fuel Efficiency 0 ~ 0 ~ 0
Attend ing UTPA LJ 0 0.- -~ 0
c, 0 _. ij,jj-- .- C
- '-- - .

_. . .- .
gineering 0 0 C 0 --
:J 0 ~ .@ 0 C

How many science/engineering-related demonstrations have you witnessed? (A number)

Potential Student Survey
For High School Students


This survey is bemg conducted as part of a senior design project by a group of mechanical engineering students at
the UniverSity of TexasPan American. We are interested in gathering your input and learmng about your interests
in the engineering discipline. We ask that you take a brief moment of time to fill out the questionnaire below
Please do not put your name or any other identifiable marks anywhere on this survey. No personal information is
to be gathered, and participation is completely voluntary.


Please indicate how interested you are in each of the following areas on a scale of 1 to 10.

No Interest Very Interes_ted

1 Z 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10
Airplanes D D u B ~ C 0 D C 0
Thermodyna_n:'ic~ D 0 0 0 ~ 0--- C :1 0
Aer~dynamics r::J 0 0 C 0 ::J
-- -
::J cJ 0
Jet Engines ~
.. "'-
D 0 CJ 0-- 0 0 .--' ::::J- 0
., - .
Fuels 0- C 0 ::::J 0 0 ~ ~
- -
Fuel Efficiency C "
'---' 0 ::J C 0 C 0 0'
Attending UTPA C "1 0 0 C 0 "
0 0 0
Science/Engineering D 0 0 0 ~-
C ::::J 0 0 0

Please indicate how much you know about each of the following areas on a scale of lto 10_
Never Heard About Very Knowledgeable
Are a -- -- -
1 Z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
-- -- -- -

A irplanes D 0 0 0 0 r: lJ ::::J 0 [J
--- - -
Thermod ynamic~ 0 0 '----' 0 0 7' 0 0 0 I ----- 0 --
Aerod ynamics ::::J 0 ~ C 0 0- 0 0 0 0
--,. - -
- --
Je t Engines 0 0 --- 0 - ~ 0 0 0 0 0 - f---- 0
Combusti ble Fuels 0 0- -0 D 0 0 IZI
FuelE fficie"cy _ 0 0 0
~ 0 0 C c: L- - -
Attend ing UTPA [!' C
0 0 -
D 0 "
'---' '----' cJ

Science/Eng in~eri"g C C 0 D D 0 7i -~
- 0 -- _L),j
-- - - - - - -

How many science/engineering-related demonstration~ have you witnessed? (A number)

Potential Student Survey
For High School Students


This survey is being conducted as part of a senior design project by a group of mechanical engineering students at
the University of Texas Pan American. We are interested in gathenng your input and learning about your interests
in the engineering discipline. We ask that you take a brief moment of time to fill out the questionnaire below.
Please do not put your name or any other identifiable marks anywhere on this survey. No personal information is
to be gathered, and participation is completely voluntary.


Please indicate how interested you are in each of the following areas on a scale of Ito 10.
_. - _. ..

No Interest Very Interes.~

1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10
Airplanes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- --
Thermodynamics 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _. 0 g
Aerodynamics 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 g
Jet Engines 0 0 [J 0 0 0
0 0 0 1'3
... -.~

Combustible Fuels 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E'--

Fuel Efficiency 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 CJ 0 0'
.-- -
Attending UTPA C 0 0 C 0 [J 0 :J
.- .
0 0
Science/E.ngineering C C 0 [j 0 0 0 0 0 I!J

Please indicate how much you know about each of the following areas on a scale of 1 to 10.
_ ..
Never Heard About Very Knowledgeable
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Airplanes 0 0 0 C 0 0 0
0 ~ ]l..
Thermodyna.mics C 0 0 C 0 0 0 c; 0 GJ .-
Aerodynamics 0 0 0 0 C 0 L 0 0 [tI
Jet Engines 0 [] 0 0 C 0 :J 0 0
0 0 0 0 [] 0 0 0 0 iii
- - . Combustible Fuels - -
Fuel Efficiency 0 0 0 0 :J 0 0 0 0 ~
Attending UTPA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
.. -
- ._ .... -
Science/E~~ineering 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 0_ .. G!

How many science/engineering-related demonstrations have you witnessed? (A number)

Potential Student Survey
For High School Students


ThiS survey is being conducted as part of a senior design project by a group of mechanical engineering students at
the University of TexasPan American. We are Interested in gathering your Input and learning about your interests
in the engineering discipline. We ask that you take a brief moment of time to fill out the questionnaire below.
Please do not put your name or any other identifiable marks anywhere on this survey. No personal information is
to be gathered, and participation IScompletely voluntary.


Please indicate how interested you are in each of the following areas on a scale of 1to 10.
- -
_~o Interest. _ .. Very I_~terested
Ar ea
1 2 3 4 S 6 7_. 8 9 10_._-
Airplanes 0 0 0 LJ _ ...0 0 0 ....J C - If'1 .. -

Thermo dynami~~ LJ
D- I2'J
D ---lill
Aero dyna_mics .- ..- '-
Je t Engines 0--- C D.- 0 _.,D ...
D :J D 0
-- .
Combust ible Fuels ::J ::J IZI :::J D D D D C D
Fuel Efficiency D 0 D -
D 0 D D C ....J
Attend ing UTP!, D -
D 0 D- ~ D . _. D -J :::J ~
Science/En gine~ring C D - D C ;L'I C D D 0
. -- - - -- -

Please indicate how much you know about each of the following areas on a scale of 1 to 10.

Never Heard About Very Knowledg~able

1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10
A~rplanes :::J C D 0 I>:'! D D ....J C

- Thermodynamics
[;;l 0 D
:::J D D D D 0 D
Aerod'(namics D ._-D
[;a D D :::J D D D D
Jet Engines C I;;;l
= D r:

~ C --D D D
- .-:::J
Combustible Fuels
.. -
GIl D 0 [J
_. C_ .. D C D
Fuel Efficiency 0 G2 \jI C 0 D 0 C .- ~
Attending UTPA 0 ~ D 0 D D -D.
:::J 0 D
---,- -
!'Science/Engine~ring CJ C D >ZI D D D D D D

How many science/engineering-related demonstrations have you witnessed? (A number)

Potential Student Survey
For High School Students


This survey is being conducted as part of a senior design project by a group of mechanical engineering students at
the University of Texas Pan American. We are interested In gathering your Input and learning about your interests
in the engineering discipline. We ask that you take a brief moment of time to fill out the questionnaire below.
Please do not put your name or any other identifiable marks anywhere on this survey. No personal information is
to be gathered, and participation is completely voluntary.


Please indicate how interested you are in each of the following areas on a scale of 1 to 10.
. _. .'

- No Interest - .._- Very Interested

Area _ .. , .---
1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10
.- -- .. ----
Airpla"e.s D D C .. 0 -' 0 0 r,
._-- fL'. 0
The rmodynamics 0 C 0 0 0 g" - ::::J _
.. ..
0 0
~ -~
A erodynamics :::J '--'
0 0 0 0 ...
0 0 -
Jet Engines 0 :::J 0 c:: 0/ 0 I!J 0 0 0
Comb ustible Fuels 0 0 0 _.C
'€j 0 CJ 0
-- ..0
F uel.Hfici~ncy 0 -
- .--g/ D 0 ..J
- 0 0
Att endin.g UTPA C 0 [;l' i:J 0 ..'=/ 0
. _. 0 0 0
Science /Engineering c:: 0._. 0 ::::J 0 .
~ ..
0 0 0 0

Please indicate how much you know about each of the following areas on a scale of Ito 10.
~. . .. - _. - . - •.

f---NeverHea!:,d About .
Very Knowledgeable

4 .y 6
Thermodynami.cs D 0 0 c:: tr. r
~ 0 -' -, ..
~ C
Aerodynamics. D
.. _-
0 0/ El 0 - 0 i:J 0 _.-
JetE.ngines c:: 0 -_.-
~ ..J.. - 0 r.
~ 0 0 0 --'
Combustible Fuels c:: 0
0 :J 0 [if 0 i:J 0 :J
-_ .. _ Fuel Efficiency
C 0 ::::J g. _. EJ 0 0 0 0 0--, ..
Attending UTPA D 0 .- 7 -
0 0 0 .0 0
..?cience/E ngineering :J .
0 -' -- 0 C C3' 0 0
0 . 0
_. I
How many science/engineering-related demonstrations have you witnessed? (A number)

Potential Student Survey
For High SChool Students


This survey is being conducted as part of a senior design project by a group of mechanical engineering students at
the University of TexasPan American. We are interested in gathering your input and learning about your interests
in the engineering discipline. We ask that you take a brief moment of time to fill out the Questionnaire below.
Please do not put your name or any other identifiable marks anywhere on this survey. No personal information is
to be gathered, and participation is completely voluntary.


Please indicate how interested you are in each of the following areas on a scale of 1 to 10.

No Interest V~ry Interested

1 Z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Airplanes D D D D D D D D
Thermodynamics D D D D D D D
~erodynamics D D D D D D D
Jet Engines D D D D D 0 D o
Combustible Fuels D D D D D 0 D D
D D ,~ D
Fuel E.!ficiency D D 0 D :...J
Attending UTPA D D :J D D D :...J D
Science/~~gineering D D L.... D CJ D D D D

Please indicate how much you know about each of the following areas on a scale of 1 to 10.

Never Heard About Very Know~ed~e~~le

1 Z 4 7 8 9 10
Airplanes C D D C::J C
Thermodyna!TIics D D D D:J 0
Aerodynamics D D D D CJ
Jet Engines D D D D []
Combustible Fuels D D D D D
E.!ficiency D D D D D
Atte!1~ing UTPA D D D D
Scie':l~~LEngineering D D D D

How many science/engineering-related demonstrations have you witnessed? (A number)

Potential Student Survey
For High School Students


Th" survey" being conducted as part of a senior deSign project by a group of mechanical engineering students at
the University of Texas Pan American. We are interested in gathering your input and learning about your interests
in the engineering discipline. We ask that you take a brief moment of time to fill out the questionnaire below.
Please do not put your name or any other identifiable marks anywhere on this survey. No personal information is
to be gathered, and participation" completely voluntary_


Please indicate how interested you are in each of the following areas on a scale of 1 to 10_
- - - -- ._-- -
No Interest Very Interested
Are a -- -- -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10
-- - -- .....

Airplanes 0' 0-- 0 -C

- ._. 0 CJ r:J 0 C 0
Thermo dynamics C 0 0 C 0 -- ::J D L: 0
~ C 0 0 0 - 0 -- 0 u :J--- 0
Aero dynamics
, -
Je t Engines ~
0 :J D 0 0 C
Combust ible Fuels [j :J 0 0 --
c- D 0 0 ::J--- C
Fuel Efficiency 2'J - - 0 C 0 ?l"
~ 0 -- 0 0 [J ::J- -

Attend ing UTPA :J-- 0 r;

. ---
::J 0- - [J 0 0 :J
Science/En gineering 0 g/ 0 0 0-- - C 0 0 0 --

Please indicate how much you know about each of the following areas on a scale of 1 to 10_

I -l
Never Heard About _: Very Knowledgeable
Are a
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
- - -

irplanes C 0 -_-
[if ::J [] ::J 0 0 0
r~hermo: C 0 [j 0 0 7" 0 0 0 0
y!,~mics - I..----
Aerod ynal"ic_~ 0 0 0 -- C 121 cJ 0 0 0-- -
Je t Engines D C 0 C ILl 0 0 0 0 0
--- 1--
Combusti ble Fuels 0 :J 0 [j
0' 0 0
0 [J 0
Fuel Efficiency :J :J 0
0 Ef --
0 [J 0 0 C
Attend ing UTPA 0 0 0 :::J IA 0 0 [J
-_.- '--' -
Science/Eng ineering
-- --
CJ 0 0 :J E1
-- -
0 0 C c... :J

How many science/engineering-related demonstrations have you witnessed? (A number)

Potential Student Survey
For High School Students


This survey is being conducted as part of a senior deSign project by a group of mechanocal engineering students at
the University of Texas Pan American. We are interested in gathering your input and learning about your interests
in the engineering discipline. We ask that you take a brief moment of time to fill out the questionnaire below.
Please do not put your name or any other identifiable marks anywhere on this survey. No personal information is
to be gathered, and participation is completely voluntary.


Please indicate how interested you are in each of the following areas on a scale of 1 to 10.
- ... - ... - ---
No Interest Very Interested
A rea - - -_._-
... _.

1 2 3 4
-- -
5 6 7 8 9 _.10
.J,irplanes C -
0 0 ::J ::J 0 C 0 C 0
Therm odynamics C [j 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 C- 0
- ... - .. ---
Ae rodynami~s 0 ::J " 0 0 - C- _. ::J C
- _. "
L..J 0
0 0 - .. ~ C 0 - 0 C CJ C .
Jet Eng~nes _ ... - -
Comb uslible Fuels 0 0 C 0 0_. "
0 - ::J C
Fu el Efficiency ::J 0 C C 1-_ 0 ::J 0 ::J .- ::J
Atte nding UTPA. ::J 0 C.- C 0 ::J 0 ::J :J
- - -- ..C
__ ... -
S~!ence/ Engineering 0 0 [j
_. .. -
C 0 0 0 0 []
- .. C

Please indicate how much you know about each of the following areas on a scale of 1 to 10.
. ._. - - - ._-------~
._ Heard About _"-ery KnowJedj!eable __
Area .. - --
1 2- . 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10
~ .• ... _A_irplan~~_ 0 0 _0
0 0 - -
...J ::J ::J :J
.. ..!.~~_~odynamics ::J 0 -
0 0 _.~ 0 0 [] 0
____ A_erodynil!TIics 0 0 -
~ D 0 ~ 0 0. -- 0 0
Jet Engines [] 0
~ C 0 :...J 0 D 0 0
... - --
Combustible Fuels 0 0 C C. -- 0 0 0 -0.. 0 0
_.- Fuel Efficiency :J 0 0 C 0 0 -.0 0 0 0
Attending UTPA ::J 0 0 C 0 0 0 I 0 0 0
Science/E ngineering ::J 0 0 C.. -- 0 0
-- ,-
0 0 0 0

How many science/engineering-related demonstrations have you witnessed? (A number)

"c. I
v , r, ~, .. (

Potential Student Survey

For High School Students


This survey is being conducted as part of a semor design project by a group of mechanical engineering students at
the University of Texas Pan American. We are interested in gathering your input and learning about your interests
in the engineering discipline. We ask that you take a brief moment of time to fill out the questionnaire below.
Please do not put your name or any other identifiable marks anywhere on this survey. No personal information is
to be gathered, and participation is completely voluntary.


Please indicate how interested you are in each of the following areas on a scale of 1to 10.

No Interest Very Interested ...J

1 2 3-- . 4 S 8 9 -
.. -
Airplanes C D D 0 ~ D D D
Thermodynamics D D D c:: D ' . D

Ae!odynamics CJ.. :J D [j D
-- .,
Jet Engines CJ
_. D D CJ D- . w D
Combustible Fuels CJ D CJ :J D . D
Fuel Effici_~ncy '----
A_~tending U_TPA ::J D
::J ::J D D
... -

Scie~ce/ Engine.~ri ng D D ::J ::J D C' D

Please indicate how much you know about each of the following areas on a scale of 1 to 10,
, ... - . - .__ . _.- -
Never Heard About Very Know!e_d.~able
1 2 3 4/ 5 __ 6 7 8 9 10
CJ C.- ,,-
D ct. D D- ...J - D D
.. _-
::J CJ
_. D_ .. - ----,.
¥ D D
.-- . Jet ~ngines D D 0 .
-- D D D._- -----
Combustible Fuels
.. _- ,-- _.D ~ D D D- c..: [j D
Fuel Effi~iency D D D :z] D D
D '---' C D
Attending .. ....
UTPA D D ...J ::J D
,--, D er_. c:: C'/
~_._-_.. ..- '----
0 D ::J-,-- ::J. _ .. D
_._-- .
D D LJ ~ r!t

How many science/engineering-related demonstrations have you witnessed? (A number)

Potential Student Survey
For High SChool Students


This survey is being conducted as part of a senior design project by a group of mechanical engineering students at
the University of Texas Pan American. We are interested in gathering your input and learning about your interests
in the engineering discipline. We ask that you take a brief moment of time to fill out the questionnaire below.
Please do not put your name or any other identifiable marks anywhere on this survey, No personal information is
to be gathered, and participation is completely voluntary.


Please indicate how interested you are in each of the following areas on a scale of 1 to 10.

No Interest Very.lnterested
1 2 3 4 5 6 ..
--_ . _-7 8 9 10
Airpl,lnes D D D D D
. _. __ .. iJ C
_ ... D
Thermo~ynamics C C D iJ
CJ ::J D
Aerodynamics [j ::::J "
'-- D D 1!1 D ::::J--- D----
Jet Engi~es 0 ::::J C D 9 D ::::J
- --.
Combustible Fuels D D 0 [j D D 111' ::::J
.. - .
-- - -- ---
~el Efficiency D D D D D _ ..D B iJ [j
.. - -
Science/E ~gineering
UTPA ::::J
iXt ::::J_ ..

Please indicate how much you know about each of the following areas on a scale of 1 to 10.
Never Heard About Very Knowledgeab!4! _
Are a ----- -- --
I 2 3 4... 5 6 7
8 9 10
A irplan~s D ::J r:::: C -- D D D D-- --
D D . ---,.
- -
Thermod y~~mics D ::::J -- ...J Q
- .. D D _D..
D D -,._-
Aerod ynarnics 0 D ::J I1a' D D [J D D C
Je t Engines 0 D iJ 0 isJl D C - -
D C c
Combusti ble Fuels ::::J- - D D 0 D-- D- - !Z D c:: C
ro' ~
Fuel Effic~ency :J D D 0 D D =--- D C
- .. _._----
Attend ~ng UTPA iJ D
. ...
D :J D r"1 L.
_., C :J CJ
Science/E",g ineering ::::J D-- - D :J D D .. L D ~ :J

How many science/engineering-related demonstrations have you witnessed? (A number)

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