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 Peter, Interviewer, Choir ?
à Peter (biblical clothes), Interviewer (black bow tie,
white shirt and top hat), Choir (biblical clothes, or choir robes).?
ñ  Ã Microphones, table for interview

  It¶s a busy sight here this evening in Jerusalem. The
night is fairly quiet with hardly any wind blowing. The temperature
is about 70 degrees with a full moon. It will be a tough day
tomorrow for those teachers of the little Jerusalem kids in school.
Peter, a Disciple of Jesus, is here from Jerusalem with me today.
Peter, can you tell me how you know this man Jesus who has made
the headlines recently? He has made the front page for several
weeks now. Let¶s see, we read about the Last Supper, then the
Feast of Unleavened Bread that He spoke at. That one really caused
quite a scene among the chief priest and teachers. And what was
the name of that little man who climbed a tree? Zachkus, Zackrus,
Zacchaeus that¶s what is was. You can¶t get every name pronounced
right even as a Talk Host. Ok, back to my question, how do you
happen to know this man, Jesus? ?
ñ  One evening, we had been fishing for quite some time
without any luck. As it was getting late, along came Jesus and told
us to cast out our net into the deep water. I told Jesus that we had
been fishing all night without any success. He insisted that we cast
out our nets one more time for a catch. So we did. We got the
biggest catch I have ever seen. After that catch, he told us that we
would be not catching fish any longer, but men.?
 Ã WFJC tuning in tonight for the biggest catch you ever
did see. Listen to this. What am amazing story. Peter had been
fishing all night without a catch when along comes Jesus who tells
him to try again, and his nets are loaded. I bet there are not many
of you who would mind to come up with a catch like that. Hmmmm!
Salmon, tuna, lobster, shark, what a catch that must have been.
Back to our scene here in Jerusalem. A few over clouds expected
tonight with 20 percent chance of rain. Drive carefully, and watch
for those other drivers. A small crowd has gathered around here in
Jerusalem since last evening when a riot broke out. By the way,
why do you use the word supper? Isn¶t that an ancient word??
ñ Ã Supper is a light meal in the evening. We use the word since
it best describes the social event we had with Jesus that night. It
was a word traditionally used for a main meal of the day normally.?
 Ã You are tuned in to WFJC this evening. It is 7Ã00
p.m. and we have with us Peter, the Disciple of Jesus with us here
tonight. He has just told us that he had supper with Jesus. Peter can
you tell us about that evening you had supper? For example, what
did you eat, was it a formal supper, light supper, who was in
attendance and was this dinner only by invitation??
ñ Ã The Supper was in the evening around 7Ã00 p.m. There
were 13 of us present which included the guest of honor, Jesus. It
was a light supper of unleavened bread and juice in honor of our
Lord. Our Lord did not send out invitations, but we knew who was to
be present ± us disciples. He did send John and me to make the
preparations for the supper. Jesus told us to go to the city and find
a room that was all furnished with what would be needed. And that
is what we did.?
 Ã So others were excluded. How did you feel about
ñ Ã Jesus selected 12 of us to work with him in doing the
Father¶s work. We did not question our Master but was honored that
we were chosen. ?
 Ã Again, we have Peter with us this evening. He has
been sharing with us the events of the last supper in case you have
just tuned in to the station. There is a chilly wind out there, so put
on a sweater this evening. You don¶t want to catch a cold. If you do,
Revco is promoting a special this week on their new cough
medicine. It will make your mouth curdle. These strong cough drops
are made with the finest syrup around. Stop in at Revco today to
get your bag before they sell out. Now back to Peter, who is our
guest here today. He has been telling us about the last supper with
Jesus. Peter, we have yet to hear the purpose of this last supper.?
ñ Ã This is confident and probably should not be on radio. He
gave us to drink of the fruit of the vine and unleavened bread. We
distribute this among us ourselves, and accepted this supper. He
told us that we were doing it in remembrance of Him. We were
instructed that it was to be repeated always in remembrance of him.?
 Ã This is news! You are tuned in to WFJC and we have
with us a guest who is a disciple of Jesus. Many of you have
probably heard some strange things about this man. Peter has had
supper with him, and it was done in remembrance of this man
Jesus. Don¶t go away as we will hear more of this story after the
break. See you after the break.?
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 ?That was a lovely song! I used to listen to music as a
child around our fireplace on the homestead. My dad would play the
guitar and we would sing for hours ± or so it seemed. We have
Peter with us here this evening who is a disciple of Jesus. Peter
could you tell us exactly the purpose of this supper and the events
that followed it??
ñ Ã I would be glad to. One of the disciples left the supper. We
did not know why until later. He came back with his sack empty of
the money he left with. We found out later that he had betrayed our
Lord to the officials of the city. It did upset us somewhat when
Jesus told us that someone would betray him, because none of us
felt that we could ever do such a thing.?
 Ã Then??
ñrà Jesus left to go to the Garden, a quiet place to pray. We
went with him but were so sleepy we could hardly stay awake.
While we were there some soldiers came and took him away. Jesus
did not even protest, but went quietly with them. He said it was his
time. Of course, we did not understand it all, at that time.?
rà You are tuned in to WFJC. The temperature is about
70 degrees with a full moon tonight. There is a chilly wind out there,
so put on a sweater this evening. You don¶t want to catch a cold.
We have Peter with us this evening as a guest. He has a lot of
interesting things to share with us about a man who has been
getting a lot of publicity lately. His name is Jesus. Peter you told us
that Jesus was taken away by some solders here. Can you elaborate
ñ Ã I was frightened myself as the soldiers did look pretty
dangerous. So, I did not get too close and stayed in the
background. They did take him to Pilate and charged him with
things that make no sense at all. ?
 Ã Such as??
ñ Ã Things like, misleading the people, opposing taxes to
Caesar, claiming to be a Messiah, and building the temple in three
days. They were ridiculous accusations made that evening. Pilate
asked him if he was the Messiah of the Jews, and Jesus told him he
was. This really got them stirred up. Pilate sent him to Herod who
sent him back to Pilate. I did hear that Harold was really glad to see
him, because he wanted to see some of the miracles that he had
heard about.?
  Did he get to see any??
ñ Ã Jesus would not even answer him as word. This probably
made Herod think it was all in the heads of the people, or made up
 Ã It sounds like you had quite a night. You are tuned in
to WFCJ. Let us hear our forecast for the evening. Temperatures are
in the low 70s. There is a chilly wind out there, so put on a sweater
this evening. You don¶t want to catch a cold. If you do, Revco is
promoting a special this week on their special cough medicine. It
will make your mouth curdle. These strong cough drops are made
with the finest syrup around. Stop in at Revco today to get your bag
before they sell out. Pick up a jelly bean on the way out. We have
Peter, Disciple of Jesus, here with us today. He is a disciple of Jesus
and has an interesting story this evening for us. Peter, what did the
officials then do with this Jesus. If they did not want him, who did??
ñ Ã The people wanted to get rid of him. Actually, certain official
leaders. The next day, Pilate brought Jesus before the people and
asked them if they wanted to release Barabbas who was a criminal
or Jesus. Pilate told the people he did not think Jesus was guilty or
deserved to be punished. However, the people thought otherwise.
They shouted, ³Away with Him! Release to us Barabbas.´ Pilate then
washed his hands and said, ³His blood will not be on me. Do what
you want to do with him.´?
rà That sounds like serious stuff. How did you feel about
all this when you heard it??
ñ Ã I was angry that they treated our Lord that way. He did not
deserve any of it. It made me think back to all the various times
when he left little hints of what was to come. I feel so stupid that I
did not foresee this coming. ?
 Ã We are with Peter, a disciple of Jesus, this evening.
He is sharing with us his story of this man Jesus who has been quite
popular these days. What did the people decide to do then??
ñ Ã They beat him and led him away to be crucified on a cross.
A certain man name Simon came and helped Jesus carry the cross
for it was too much for him to carry after his beating. ?
 Ã That does sound like it would have been hard to take
being your friend and all. You are tuned in to WFJC this evening and
our guest speaker is Peter, a disciple of Jesus. Stay with us
throughout the break to hear the remaining of this recent
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 ?Peter you told us that Jesus was nailed to a cross.
What more can you tell us about this happening??
ñ Ã Two criminals were nailed on each side of Jesus. One
believed in him as the true Messiah and the other one did not. Many
people stood around watching. Some were sobbing. The soldiers
divided his clothes between them. It was heartbreaking to see the
sneers by the soldiers for they underestimated his power, because
he did not come down from the cross and save himself.?
 Ã Again, we are with Peter, the disciple of Jesus. He is
telling us his version of a recent crucifixion that has taken place.
Peter, can you tell us about what time Jesus died??
ñ Ã It was about the 6th hour when darkness came over all the
land. The veil in the temple tore in to. About the 9th hour, Jesus
cried out in a loud voice, ³Father, into your hands I commend my
spirit´. People seemed amazed at such a spectacular event in the
middle of the day.?
 Ã I did see the eclipse, but did not know the nature of
it. There have been reports that the body was stolen. Can you give
us any feedback on this report as to validity??
ñ Ã That is what I have heard as well. His body was placed in a
tomb by a man named Joseph who had asked for it. He was placed
in a new tomb, and it was sealed tightly with guards outside
guarding the doorway.?
 Ã Can you tell me about these guards. Who were they,
and were they reliable??
ñ Ã They were guards assigned by Pilate who at the request of
the chief priest had them put there. However, they were terrified
when the tomb opened and Jesus came out of the grave after three
days. ?
 Ã You would think a body would smell after being dead
for three days. Did a physician see Jesus to make sure he had not
suffered brain damage??
ñ Ã He was the Son of God. He did appear to us in the upper
room, and again later because Thomas was not present the time he
first appeared. He ate some baked fish that we offered him. Later,
he appeared at Bethany to all of us and then disappeared into sight
in the heavens.?
 Ã This does sound like some story and I am sure many
will find it hard to believe. Did he give any final words to you??
ñ Ã He did instruct us to be witnesses to this event and to tell
others all about his Amazing Grace.?
 Ã It is an amazing event. Thanks, Peter, for being with
us today. It has been a pleasure to have you as our guest. It has
been interesting to hear from you, your perspective of the story.
Amazing«.Tune in again tomorrow again at 7Ã00 p.m. to hear what
has been happening in Jerusalem. Again, don¶t forget to stop in at
Revco to pick up your jelly beans and special cough syrup.?
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â 2009 Kidzministry.net Jeanne McIntosh. All rights reserved. ?

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