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A caloric deficit is any shortage in the amount of calories consumed relative to the

amount of calories required for maintenance of current body weight (energy

homeostasis). A deficit can be created by reducing input/calories consumed
(lower food intake, aka dieting). This is what you need to lose weight, 300 to 500
less that your maintenance.

A calorie surplus is a state in which you eat more calories than you burn.
If you eat 3,000 calories per day and burn 2,500, you've created a surplus
or excess of 300 to 500 calories per day. When you create a calorie
surplus, your body uses the extra energy to build muscle and/or store fat.

How we build muscles : By lifting weights, you are actually causing tiny
tears (known as “micro-tears”) in the muscle fibers, which the body then
repairs and adapts the muscles to better handle the stimulus that caused
the damage. This is the process by which muscles grow (scientifically
termed hypertrophy).


Nutrients are environmental substances used for energy, growth, and bodily
functions by organisms. Depending on the nutrient, these substances are needed
in small amounts or larger amounts. Those that are needed in large amounts are
called macronutrients.

There are three macronutrients required by humans: carbohydrates (sugar), lipids

(fats), and proteins. Each of these macronutrients provides energy in the form of
calories. For example:

In carbohydrates, there are 4 calories per gram.

In proteins, there are 4 calories per gram.

And in lipids, there are 9 calories per gram.

These are the basics knowledge wise that are needed for health and fitnes

I will be making a course on introductory guide to health and fitness so no fear,

it is one of my specialties after all.

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