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English Major

Module 3

Management of Technological Resources for the Teaching and

Administration of the English Language (Part III)

Project 2: Vark inventory learning style


The purpose of this study is to understand personal learning styles, and
evaluate the way that I prefer to learn or process information. VARK is a
questionnaire that provides users with a profile of their learning
preferences. These preferences are about the ways that they want to
take-in and give-out information. It also provides how people use
information for effective learning, communicate more effectively, and
perform well in tests and examinations

It is important to know about learning styles, because can help you to

choose a career or make a career change, acquire new information
faster by setting up optimal learning situations, choose satisfying leisure
activities, etc. Each learning style has positives and negatives. There is
no right or wrong style, and one person may use different styles in
different situations. The advantage to knowing your style is that you can
help guide the learning process.
The VARK Questionnaire Results

Your scores were:

• Visual: 2
• Aural: 4
• Read/Write: 2
• Kinesthetic: 8

I have a strong kinesthetic learning preference.

Kinesthetic Study Strategies

The kinesthetic style of learning means that I preferred physical activity, rather
than listening to a lecture or merely watching a demonstration. I preferred
learn through experiencing/doing things.

One advantage of being kinesthetic is that I can learn best when physically
engaged in a "hands on" activity. In the classroom, I benefit from a lab setting
where I can manipulate materials to learn new information. I learn best when I
can be physically active in the learning environment. I benefit from instructors
who encourage in-class demonstrations, "hands on" student learning
experiences, and fieldwork outside the classroom.
The VARK Questionnaire Results : Visual: 2; Aural: 4; Read/Write:2; Kinaesthetic: 8
INTAKE SWOT - Study without OUTPUT
Visual=2 -Lectures who use gestures -Replace words with -Drag things, use diagrams
and pictures symbols or initials
- Look at your pages -Write exam answers
-textbooks with diagrams
and pictures -Practice turning your
visuals back into words
- pictures, videos, posters,

Aural=4 - attend classes - Convert your "notes" into - Imagine talking with the
a learnable package by examiner.
- discuss topics reducing them (3:1)
- Put your summarized - Practice writing answers to
- explain new ideas to notes onto tapes and listen old exam questions.
other people to them.

- use a tape recorder - Read your summarized

notes aloud.
- remember the interesting
examples, stories, jokes...

- leave spaces in your

notes for later recall and

Read/ * glossaries * Read your notes * Write exam answers.

Write=2 (silently) again and again.
* handouts * Rewrite the ideas and * Practice with multiple
principles into other words. choice questions.
* textbooks * Organize any
diagrams, graphs ... into * Write your lists (a,
* readings - library statements, e.g. "The b,c,d,1,2,3,4).
trend is..."
* notes (often verbatim)

* essays

* manuals (computing
and laboratory)

Kinesthetic * all your senses - sight, * Put plenty of examples * Write practice answers,
=8 touch, taste, smell, hearing into your summary. Use paragraphs...
... case studies and
applications to help with * Role plays the exam
* laboratories principles and abstract situation in your own room.
* field trips * Use pictures and
photographs that illustrate
* examples of principles an idea.
* Go back to the
* lecturers who give laboratory or your lab
real-life examples manual.

* applications

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