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The Poison of


b y W i l l i a m P. F a r l e y

Many people in India experience the seems so innocuous, so legitimate. It seems like a
nightmare of slow, undetected poisoning. Water normal reaction to disappointment or trouble.
from wells in rural areas contains trace amounts But, as Richard Smith points out,
of arsenic that is killing thousands. Since the
Self-pity can destroy you more quickly than
poison is colorless and tasteless, the villagers have
anything else and is to be resisted with every
no way of detecting it. And since the arsenic
fiber of your being. Yet you will be
comes in such minute quantities, the negative
constantly tempted. We are bombarded
effects appear gradually over many years. The
with opportunities to feel sorry for
symptoms follow a typical pattern.
ourselves. Every day we are misunderstood,
The first outward manifestation is overworked, underappreciated, and even
melanosis, or dark spots, occurring on the abused, and regularly ‘something unfair’ will
chest, back, limbs, and gums. In the more happen: we will become ill, miss a train. We
advanced stage, wart-like skin eruptions may even suspect a conspiracy: “somebody's
develop on the hands, feet, and torso, out to get me.”2
which can lead to skin cancers. Continual
That somebody who is out to get me is myself
poisoning by arsenic results in the
when I am consumed by self-pity. It comes in
enlargement of the liver, kidneys, and
many forms. Consider these examples.
spleen which often develop into malignant
tumors, lung, skin and bladder cancers, and • After twenty years of marriage, Betty’s
gangrene.1 husband left her for a younger, more
beautiful woman. Betty became
At low concentration levels, it takes between
depressed, morose, and self-obsessed.
eight and fourteen years for the physical
Most significantly, she became bitter
symptoms to emerge. By then it is often too late.
toward God.
• Jack felt dejected. He had been married
Spiritual Poison
to Joanne for thirty years. Their children
Spiritual poison works the same way. When
were finally raised, and he retired early to
persistently indulged, it destroys the soul with
enjoy the “golden years.” But those
lethal toxins that, like arsenic, go undetected for
retirement years did not prove to be
years. Such is the deadly sin of self-pity! Self-pity
_______________________________________________ golden. His doctor discovered intestinal
cancer. He faced chemotherapy, sickness,
*William Farley is Pastor, Grace Christian
and no guarantee of recovery. He
Fellowship in Spokane, Washington.

16 The Journal of Biblical Counseling • Summer 2007

withdrew from family and friends. verbalize the gloom and doom of life’s existence.
Brooding over his “bad luck,” he spiraled Ultimately, self-pity is self-worship, and that
deeper and deeper into the pit of self-pity. is what makes it so deadly, so evil. At heart, self-
• A truck ran a red light, crushing Fred’s pity expresses the idolatry of “Me, Me, Me.” It
Honda Civic and breaking his back. The demands center stage. It seeks to be worshiped.
accident put him out of work for three And it dethrones God.
months. He lived in chronic pain. “Why
me?” he angrily wondered. He envied Symptoms of Self-Pity
healthy people and became more and Although it is ugly and obvious to everyone
more depressed. except the person sipping this poison, the sinner
himself has difficulty detecting it. Those snared in
Self-Pity self-pity are often completely unaware.
What is self-pity? How can we define it? Thankfully, there are several symptoms to alert us
What does it look like? to its presence.
The roots of self-pity are ‘pride-in-action’. It Depression
is the propensity to feel sorry for yourself because Depression is a first symptom of self-pity.
you are not getting what you think you deserve. Some find perverse joy in the gloominess of
Self-pity assumes that you deserve good feeling sorry for themselves. Sometimes when
treatment from God and other people. It assumes someone says, “I am depressed,” they are really
this because it decrees that you are good, and you saying, “I’m feeling sorry for myself.” They say,
are entitled to good. “I’m completely worn out when I get up, and I’m
Self-pity exposes self-centeredness. The worn out when I go to bed. I am tired all the time.
magnifying glass turns inward on you and your I don’t even have energy for normal everyday
problems. It has no energy for God, no interest in activities.” But self-pity is the debilitating culprit,
the needs of others, no capacity for the outward not fatigue or lack of sleep. It feels so good to feel
focus that signals spiritual health and true so bad. There is a reason for their depression—
happiness. you can’t gain your “life” when you are gripping it
Self-pity is angry. “I can’t believe God (or with all your strength (Matt. 16:25).
fate or bad luck) did this to me!” A garbage truck Envy and Jealousy
runs over the neighbor’s cat, and the owner Self-pity has two other symptoms: envy and
shakes her fist at God. A teen track star dies in a jealousy. “I want what you have” is envy. It can
drowning accident, and his father withdraws into also express itself with resentment because “I
the dark torment of self-pity. He refuses to discuss deserve what you have.” Jealousy is a close
the accident or his son. He resents Christians and cousin: “You might take what I have.” It is a sense
the God they worship. He walls off the world and of threat that I might lose something I own—my
retreats into his personal hell. spouse, my job, or my bank account.
Self-pity comes with the “I am a victim” Cain envied Abel. He could have rejoiced
worldview. It fits nicely into the contemporary in his brother’s success, but Cain felt that he
mind-set. We are victims of tsunamis, deserved the good treatment that Abel was
earthquakes, terrorist attacks, floods, stock getting. In his anger and depression, he plotted,
market crashes, or the rebellion of a twenty- then killed his brother (Gen. 4:5-8).
something child. The entitlement mentality, “you Ahab wanted Naboth’s vineyard, but
owe me,” settles deep in the bones. Victimhood is Naboth would not sell it. Ahab went into his
the trough in which self-pity eventually wallows. house, vexed and sullen, because Naboth the
Self-pity is a vacuum into which gratitude Jezreelite had said to him, “I will not give you the
cannot enter. In fact, self-pity and thanksgiving inheritance of my fathers.” Ahab lay down on his
cannot coexist. They are mutually exclusive. bed, turned his face away, and would eat no food
Although thanksgiving is the antidote to this (1 Kings 21:4).
poison, few bound by self-pity will take the foray That is the textbook description of self-pity:
into expressing thanks for all the blessings they do vexed, sullen, face-to-the-wall, not eating. Ahab
have. It is easier to remain in the status quo and lusted for what Naboth had. He felt entitled to it,

The Journal of Biblical Counseling • Summer 2007 17

but he could not have it. So he withdrew into pride. It was pride which turned angels into
self-pity. Jezebel manipulated Ahab’s sin, and it devils. They would be above others in
cost him his life. heaven—and therefore God cast them
Anger down to hell. Pride is a sin, which of all sins,
Anger gives voice to self-pity. “He or she is makes a person most like Satan. Pride is
an angry, envious person,” notes Jay Adams, Satan’s disease.
“bewailing bitterly the good deals others get in
Because its fundamental cause is sinful flesh,
contrast to what has been meted out to him or
Satan pushes and drives this sin. After Jesus
her.”3 “I want something (happiness, good
predicted His own suffering and death, Satan
treatment, Bob’s wife, more free time), but I can’t
spoke through Peter, “Far be it from You, Lord!
have it.” Anger erupts. It rains down its ugly
This shall never happen to You.”
debris on all those close by—family members,
Jesus could have said, “You’re right. This is
friends, and associates.
a raw deal. I can’t believe the Father is doing this
to Me. After all, I’m the sinless Son of God.” But
Bitterness is another symptom of self-pity.
Jesus did not say that. Instead,
God is the usual target. “If God was really good,
my spouse would not have left me. I would be He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind
married by now. I would have grace to overcome me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For
gluttony, smoking, gossip, and even ________.” Is you are not setting your mind on the things
anything more counterintuitive than bitterness of God, but on the things of man.” (Matt.
toward God? Think about it. He holds all the 16:22-23)
cards. He made you from nothing, and breathed
Self-pity is a flashing neon light that says, “Pride
life into your soul. He gave His Son for you. You
resides here.”
have no “rights.” All is a gift. You belong to your
Should I put self-pity to death because it is
Creator. Even if He were evil, resenting Him
ruining my life? No. Should I put it to death
would be utter folly. God has graciously permitted
because it robs God of His glory? Yes. That might
even the capacity to be bitter. “What is man that
get me thinking. But in order to cut deep, I must
you are mindful of Him?” (Ps. 8:4), should
see what I am doing against God. Self-pity
constantly reprimand us.
removes God from His rightful place on His
“Out of the abundance of the heart the
throne in my heart. God gives us grace to enable
mouth speaks” (Matt. 12:34). A heart saturated
us to glorify Him as God. Unless my motive is
in self-pity expresses itself through constant
fundamentally God-centered and God-
complaints, negative speech, critical speech, and
dependent, self-pity will still sit on my personal
malicious gossip. These are self-pity’s calling
throne. The root of self-pity will remain intact. Its
cards. So often the problems that surface in
roots and shoots will spread and entangle those
counseling sessions are due to the pride, self-
around me with painful results.
centeredness, and self-pity of the counselee.
Overcoming Self-Pity
Self-Pity De-Thrones God
I recently heard about a Vietnam vet who
Self-pity draws its life through a taproot
lost both legs to a land mine explosion. As he lay
embedded deep in pride. Self-pity says, “I
recovering in a veterans’ hospital, self-pity
deserve__________.” “I should not have to go
oppressed him. One day his nurse wheeled him
through _________.” Self-pity speaks
into an adjoining ward. There he saw a man with
aggressively. It reminds me that I haven’t received
severe burns to his face, another had lost all four
a fair shake in life. It says, “You deserve better.”4
limbs, others were completely paralyzed, and one
Thomas Brooks made the following comment on
had lost both sight and hearing. The contrast
the pride that fuels self-pity.
between his problems and theirs completely
Other sins strike at the word of God, the changed his perspective. He returned to his ward
people of God, and the creatures of God, filled with gratitude for how blessed he was to
but pride strikes directly at the very being of have his sight, hearing, and upper-body
God. He bears a special hatred against movement. And with artificial legs, he would
18 The Journal of Biblical Counseling • Summer 2007
even walk again. endured the cross. So, rejoice! No matter how
In a similar way, the cross of Jesus wheels us bad your circumstances, you are getting better
into an adjoining ward. It shows us what we than you deserve. And Jesus will give you the
deserve. Jesus died as my substitute. He went to very best.
the cross in my place. Therefore, the cross The cross shows how God feels about sin,
proclaims this truth: I deserve crucifixion. I don’t including the sin of self-pity. The appropriate
deserve good things from God. In fact, such is the punishment for self-pity, and the pride that fuels
measure of my sin (in God’s eyes) that I deserve it, is death. Those who indulge in this sin usually
to be slowly tortured to death. don’t see it this way. They take “feeling sorry for
Crucifixion was a barbaric form of capital themselves” lightly. But, anyone who sees self-pity
punishment. Since blood loss was minimal, death through the lens of the cross will increasingly
came slowly, usually after two or three days. detest this sin and flee it. The alternative to the
Spasms tore the wounds against the hard nails. self-imposed misery of self-pity is God-given joy
Waves of excruciating5 pain surged through the and thankfulness.
victim. Thirst was unbearable. The person being Finally, the cross shows the way out to the
crucified longed for a death that would not come. one trapped in self-pity. The only man who has a
It was a great mercy when he finally lapsed into right to pity is Jesus Himself. But He did not
unconsciousness. indulge in this form of self-indulgence. Instead,
To the person wallowing in self-pity the from the cross He worshiped God. “You are
cross says, “You have it upside down and enthroned on the praises of Israel” (Ps. 22:3). He
backwards. Because of your sin, you don’t deserve was too busy praying for His tormentors to feel
good. You deserve death by slow torture. sorry for Himself. “Father, forgive them. For they

To see self-pity through the lens of Christ’s cross is to

receive both conviction and vast forgiveness.

Anything short of crucifixion is infinite grace know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). Here is
bestowed by a loving God on someone utterly the glorious Good News. When we believe, God
unworthy.” The cross not only removes just imputes Christ’s lack of self-pity, His gratitude
punishment, it brings all joy. and thanksgiving, to you and me. Many people
The repentant thief spoke the truth to the stuck in the sin of self-pity do not know what they
unrepentant criminal hanging with him: are doing or how God sees it. To see self-pity
through the lens of Christ’s cross is to receive
“Don’t you fear God? We are punished both conviction and vast forgiveness.
justly, for we are getting what our deeds
deserve. But this man has done nothing Helping Betty, Jack, and Fred
wrong.” How can a counselor apply the cross to men
Then he turned to Jesus and said, “Jesus, and women like Betty, Jack, and Fred, who are
remember me when You come into Your trapped in self-pity? Hear them out, then share
kingdom.” the truth of the cross with them. Betty’s betrayal,
Jesus answered him, “I tell you the truth, Jack’s cancer, and Fred’s chronic pain are hard
today you will be with Me in paradise.” sufferings. But Christ died in their place. He took
(Luke 23:41-43) the punishment they deserve in order to give
them the reward that He deserves. But
The agonizing work of the cross offers full
remember, saying this once will not settle the
matter. You may need to wheel them many times
You are in Jesus, the Son of God, who for
into the adjoining ward where the cross stands
the joy set before Him—God’s purpose!—

The Journal of Biblical Counseling • Summer 2007 19

Often those trapped in self-pity cannot see perfect, but in light of what you deserve, the glass
their sin or apply the message of the cross to is not half empty. It is half full.”
themselves. That is because the foundation of “I deserve crucifixion?” Joe said. “That
self-pity is pride, and the nature of pride is means nothing to me. I don’t understand what
blindness. It follows that those bound by self-pity you mean.”
will often be blind to both its presence and its I repeated the explanation about Jesus’ gift
underlying cause. on the cross, and Joe said a second time, “The
Joe came to me for marital counseling. For phrase, ‘You deserve crucifixion’, where did you
thirty minutes, he complained about his wife, get that? It is meaningless to me.”
Mandy. “She does not listen to me. She does not I was thankful for Joe’s honesty. He spoke
satisfy my sexual needs. She does not clean the for many other counselees whom we serve who
house adequately. She does not submit to my do not understand the gospel message. Never
leadership. She is demanding and assume that people understand it. Although Joe
argumentative.” had attended another evangelical church for
In short, he described Mandy as a “high- fifteen years and had listened to my preaching for
maintenance woman.” He was angry and over a year, the concepts of what the cross tells us
depressed. He displayed symptoms that exemplify about sin, and what we deserve for our sin, were
self-pity: depression, anger, and bitterness. But his new to him.
complaints seemed somewhat out of context. I Mandy has problems, that much is true. But
knew Mandy. She attended our church faithfully. the first step in healing his marriage is not
She was cheerful and amiable in public, and their changing Mandy. Joe needs to change his own
children were well-behaved. It was apparent that attitudes first. He needs grasp hold of the

He needs a fresh, penetrating view of the cross of Christ

and all that it says about God’s love and his own sin.

some of Joe’s complaints were valid. But it gratitude that slays self-pity. He needs to see his
seemed as though he exaggerated his problems. own sin and what it deserves. He needs a fresh,
Looking at his marriage through the lens of pride, penetrating view of the cross of Christ and all
he could not see any of Mandy’s positive that it says about God’s love and his own sin.
contributions. He could not see and of Mandy’s
positive contributions to their marriage. Counseling Homework
“You have described Mandy’s deficiencies For counselees struggling with self-pity,
sincerely,” I finally said. “Tell me, what does she assignments such as the following may be helpful.
do well? Where do you see God’s grace at work in These assignments come at the problem from
her life?” many angles. They aim to help counselees build a
“God’s grace? What does that have to do whole new way of looking at the world and at
with anything? Haven’t you heard me? She is their relation with God.
making me miserable. I deserve better than this.”
1. Assign biblical character studies on men and
After a pause I said, “I want to help you, but
women who suffered: Noah, Joseph, Moses,
first God wants you to put on thanksgiving. You
Naomi, David, Jeremiah, and others. Point
should be grateful. The cross says that your
out their faithfulness to God despite their
marriage should be much worse. It says that you
suffering. Read the psalms of David and
and Mandy both deserve crucifixion. Compared
others and point out how, although they
to this, God has been gracious. Your wife loves
start out with complaints, they end up with
you. Your children are healthy. You have a good
praise for God and His faithfulness.
job. And God has given you saving faith. You
2. Assign chapters from the book of Job and
should be jumping with joy. I know Mandy is not
follow up with discussion. Job suffered

20 The Journal of Biblical Counseling • Summer 2007

through many trials, but he ultimately deserved. He acknowledged his gratefulness for
acknowledged God’s plan for his life. (Job what Christ had done for him. Thanksgiving for
42) Mandy began to slowly trickle forth from him. As
3. Read the passion narratives and study he grew in humility, he began to see where God
Christ’s reaction to suffering. He suffered was at work in Mandy’s life. As Joe noticed this,
unjustly. The only truly innocent man was Mandy responded. Their marriage slowly
condemned and crucified by sinners for sins improved. Joe is a different man today.
He didn’t commit (Luke 23:39-43). The Self-pity is a trap that clamps shut and holds
only man who had a right to self-pity did not fast. Release from this trap often takes time and
have it. Instead, He praised God and patience. Be prepared to graciously persevere
worshiped (Ps. 22:3). Passages such as 1 with those you counsel. Work until the trap
Peter 3:18-4:19 describe His suffering and springs open, and your counselees find the liberty
exhort us to imitate Him. These verses that Christ earned for them through His death
should motivate thanksgiving from those and resurrection.
trapped in self-pity.
4. Study about propitiation together: our sin Conclusion
deserves the wrath of God and alienation No matter how bad the circumstances, the
from Him. But Christ paid the penalty. Read person who truly sees the cross of Jesus Christ will
Romans 3:21-26, Romans 5:1-11, and overcome self-pity with joyful gratitude.
Hebrews 10:19-24, and other related Because Paul understood the cross, he
passages. would not yield to self-pity. Though bound in
5. Have your counselees read related articles stocks in a Philippian jail, he sang God’s praises
on biblical gratitude and thanksgiving. (Acts 16:25). Confined in a Roman prison, he
Follow up to discuss what they have read wrote to the church at Philippi,
and how they have reacted to the reading.
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say,
6. Help your counselees focus on eternity. No
Rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known
matter how great this life’s suffering, it is
to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be
short-term compared to the infinite, eternal
anxious about anything, but in everything,
happiness that awaits those who persevere
by prayer and supplication, with
in faith. Point your counselees to passages
thanksgiving, let your requests be made
like 2 Corinthians 4:16-5:5, Colossians 3:1-
known to God.
4, and Psalm 90. Clothe them in an eternal
(Phil. 4:4-7)
perspective, one that fires the imagination
with hope and gratitude. New Testament scholar P. T. O’Brien notes, “Paul
mentions the subject of thanksgiving in his letters
Bathe all of these assignments in the knowledge
more often, line for line, than any other
and reality of God’s amazing love, grace, and
Hellenistic author, pagan or Christian.”6 Why?
mercy for the undeserving.
Paul knew what he deserved. At the end of his
It is true that Joe’s marriage did not meet his
life, he wrote to Timothy, “Christ Jesus came into
expectations. I could not guarantee that it ever
the world to save sinners—of whom I am the
would. But I could call him to focus on Christ.
worst” (1 Tim. 1:15). He saw both himself and his
For the joy set before Him, Christ endured the
sins nailed to the cross. This revelation banished
cross (Heb. 12:2). For Christ, even the empty
all thoughts of self-pity.
glass would one day overflow. At the end of His
Every circumstance in Paul’s life—beatings,
life, he would receive His reward—eternity with
shipwrecks, hunger, betrayal, persecution,
His Father.
imprisonment, sleeplessness, hard work, and
Joe saw Mandy’s sin, but was utterly blind
more—became an occasion for joyous
to his own. In his eyes, Mandy did not give him
thanksgiving (2 Cor. 11:21-29). Do you see that?
what he deserved. However, as he began to see
Despite deplorable circumstances, Paul was
the message of the cross and to internalize the
grateful. He knew what he deserved. He knew
reality of his sin, he began to see what he
what Christ had given for him. To the degree that

The Journal of Biblical Counseling • Summer 2007 21

we see ourselves at the cross, self-pity will gain 1 Liz Mantell, “Millions in Bangladesh Face Slow Poisoning
little traction in our thought life. from Arsenic-Contaminated Water,” World Socialist
Take God’s antidote—the work of Christ website (wsws.org) December 2, 1998.
on the cross—an inexpressible gift. Give God’s 2 Richard Smith, “Self-Pity Will Destroy You,” BMJ.com,
gift to those you counsel. Don’t allow the poison June 26, 2004.
of self-pity to destroy your spiritual life. Help 3 Jay Adams, “Self Pity,” Journal of Biblical Counseling, 9:4
others find deliverance from self-pity’s addiction. (1989).
Preach the gospel to yourself and others daily. 4 These comments are adapted from “Queries and
Meditate on the cross. Remember what we Controversies,” Alan D. Medinger, Journal of Biblical
Counseling, 16:2 (1998).
deserve. See sin as God sees it, nailed to the cross.
5 The word “excruciate” comes from the Latin root, crux,
Our slight, momentary afflictions—life’s most
or cross.
painful trials and losses—cannot compare with
6 Martin and Reid, eds., Dictionary of Paul and His Letters
what we have been given, what cannot be taken
(Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 1993), 69.
away. Gratitude will overflow. Joy will permeate
your heart. You will become more than a
conqueror of self-pity through Him who loves

22 The Journal of Biblical Counseling • Summer 2007

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