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I hope this will be a bit of a mix of message and humour, at least I hope it works that
way. We all, hopefully, know the context of the term ³P¶s and Q¶s´ as socially
appropriate forms of behaviour.
To start at the last first, the letter ³Q´, this part is more about Queues rather than ³ Q
words´. Most of us know the Xmas queue it is one of the most avoided bits of the
three weeks leading up to December 25 th. It isn¶t just shopping where we queue is
even there before we ge t to the shops, we even queue to park in many places. My
older son was flabbergasted this year when he got all his shopping done in less than
two hours and had no problems finding parking.
What about the queues at Christmas? Well history tells us that at the time of Jesus
birth there was a census being taken right through the region where He was going to
be born. Both the historical record, via a Jewish historian , and the accounts in the
Gospels agree: Jesus was born in a period of high people movement. S o the
queues during the original Christmas would have been for accommodation and food
and the person¶s registration at the Census taker. The birth of a baby excited only a
few people around Bethlehem and apart from nobility from afar the only ones who
heard the news were some shepherds out guarding the sheep; people of no rank to
visit a King of the highest rank.
Ñather than make this an exhaustive list, I plan to select three P¶s from both
celebrations. For the Xmas side of the occasion the y are ³Position, Present, and
Price´ without attempting to appear cynical they seem to represent the standout
elements that characterise the season.
›   may be first in order before the others because the position you occupy
enables you to purchase the present at a price commensurate with you position, and
also your familial position will often dictate the gift you receive and where you sit at
the table.
› is a thing that starts to stir the imagination of retailers up to 3 months out
from December when plans are laid for what people will buy for December 25. As the
jingles build up so the fire increases in customer¶s considerations and thought turn to
the gifts to buy for family, and those who are special to the customer. Finally as the
evidence that Xmas has arrived, usually heralded by that larger than life Santa
Claus¶ in stores the recipients of our love and affection begin to wonder what ³Santa´
will bring.
› , finally, is the measure by which we gauge our capacity to express that love
and affection that seems to flow over the last week of December. I heard a comment
on the news recently where parents were expected to spend around $300.00 per
child this Xmas.
The three P¶s of Christmas are ³Peace, Providence, and Patience´. They tend to
hark back to that original event.
was an historic characteristic of the period, due to the Ñoman Legion having
subjugated the area , mostly, and by the descriptions of the event it also was peace
is related to the ³seeming´ poor timing on God¶s part, but the fact is that
He missed nothing. Had Jesus birth been any time , other that at the time of the
census, the child¶s birth may have been more significant . He was born in the middle
of a human maelstrom where there is no room anywhere except a stable that the
Father provided.
› again is a characteristic of God. Jesus birth was not rushed, it was
thoroughly thought out and as Paul put it
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For me this is the most special difference, Christmas is about God acting on our
behalf by introducing Jesus into our environmen t, but with Xmas we have begun
trying to turn a God event into a celebration without God¶s Son .

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