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Stanford BlogLuck

Bites ‘n’ Bytes

Intro to the Web

Monday, September 21, 2009 1

Topics- Intro to the Web, Intro to Wordpress, and a word on Edublogs.

The Web as it WAS
HTML: Hyper Text Markup language

The language that your web browser

can speak.

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This is an example of the web as we may have learned about it in High School HTML Class. The down side was
that everythign was coded by hand, and each element (say, a headline with the word “News”) had to be styled
individually. This took forever, and everything was stagnant.
The Web Today
CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
PHP: Hypertext Processor
SQL (Sequel): Manages the “stuff”

They work together (with others).

Monday, September 21, 2009 3

This is an abridged list, but for beginners purposes, its a good place to start. These things make the web
DYNAMIC, and allow all the cool stuff we love about the beb today.
How your stuff looks

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Think of CSS as the designer’s swatchbook. CSS establishes what your site looks like. You set up “Classes” of
objects, and assign them a set of attributes. Then, instead of styling each element by hand, you just make it part
of that class and it gets ALL the attributes (atributes like size, color, font, ect.)
SQL (Sequel)
Where your stuff lives.

Monday, September 21, 2009 5

SQL is your filing cabinet online. It stores the data of your website or blog (data like posts, pictures, tags, videos
The HTML Machine

Monday, September 21, 2009 6

PHP is a programming language, but its a one-trick-pony. It only knows how to write HTML. It goes and gets
stuff from SQL, grabs the appropriate CSS and then combins them to print the proper HTML.
How it works...

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(What you see)

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Extra Terms admin
web 2.0
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HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

Front End: the user/visitor side of a site
Back-end: the andinistration side of a site
UI(GUI)- User Interface, or Graphical User Interface (pronounced gooey)
WYSIWYG- (pronounced wizzywig) means What You See Is What You Get, it is a visual kind of website editor that
allows you to see what the finished product will look like, rather than the “code”
Admin- a website administrator
Permissions- varied levels of administrative access
Flash- Kind of dynamic content written in its own language- bad for search engines, sometimes cool looking
JavaScript- web language that runs certain kinds of web stuff
web 2.0- web protocol that enables certain new levels of interactivity (think google maps)
So, thats a lot of Shit.

Monday, September 21, 2009 10

Content Management System

Monday, September 21, 2009 11

Wordpress is our CMS of choice


(What you see)

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Monday, September 21, 2009 13

wordpress translates commands you give it into the correct actions for CSS, SQL and PHP so that it all “just
Monday, September 21, 2009 14

Wordpress manipulates the code so that it is changeable by a pretty and intuitive panel called “the dashboard”
In the Wordpress
Your Stuff lives in SQL

But its CALLED:

Posts, Media, Links, Pages ect.

Monday, September 21, 2009 15

In the Wordpress
Your have a CSS Swatchbook

But its CALLED:

Your Theme.

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World of Wordpress
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3 Flavors

wordpress MU


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“Instant Blog”


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this is similar to blogger ect. you just sign up and your blog is all ready.
Wordpress MU
Administrate several of blogs, make
them cohesive.

(e.g. WSJ properties)

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This is for organizations that want several blogs but want to display data and posts from them all on one main
100% Delicious

As simple as you want.


Monday, September 21, 2009 21

this is designed for an individual user to make use of the power and ease of Wordpress CMS, but be able to make
as many changes/customizations as their skills allow. I can be as simple as wordpress.com, or as complicated as
you can imagine.

- flexibility for the users

+ admin rights for Comm Staff.

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lots more on this later... short story, we, as J students, will have to use these too.
Its cool because its not just a knife...

Its Expandable.

Monday, September 21, 2009 23

Wordpress.org makes use of plugins and widgets (more on those later) to be expandable.
Intro to Wordpress
Terms and User Interface

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Monday, September 21, 2009 25

Post: content added to the site desgned to be periodic and short lived in importance (like a blog post)
Page: A location on the site that will have more static info (like “About Me”
Categories: a sort of filing system for articles-have as many or as few as you want
Media: Movies, Audio, Pictures
Theme: The syle sheet that tells you wordpress site how to look
Plugins: stand-alone pieces of code that attach to wordpress to give it a new functionality- like adding a calendar to your site.
Widgets: the front-facing side of a plugin- a new functionality added to the site to benefit the user experience.
Plugins &
This is why we like

Monday, September 21, 2009 26

Plugins and Widgets are how we extend Wordpress from a basic blog into a pull featured web presence.
As of Today:
and Themes Plugins & Widgets: 6,651
Themes: 982

JUST through wordpress.org

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lots of options... also, there is a whole industry devoted to making custom wordpress themes, so if its not out there, you can have it made.
Setting up wordpress.org
total flexibility and at yourname.com

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Now some info about setting up your own website with wordpress, first some terms.
Host Server
Your remote hard drive

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This is the physical location where your data lives.

File Transfer Protocol

How you put stuff on your server

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This is a way of acessing that data when it lives on the server.


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your name online (mine is withdrake.com)

How it works...

Monday, September 21, 2009 32

Your Computer
How the world interacts
with your website.

FTP Admin
Server Panel

Server Admin


Domain Name
Web Visitor
Front-end http://www.ilovekittens.com

Host Server
Monday, September 21, 2009 33

overly complicated diagram

So what do we do next?

1. Register a Domain
2. Sign up with Hosting ($5-$6/month)
3. Install Wordpress (easy)
4. Have a popsicle.

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Strap in, we’re gonna do it.

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This is where we (in the meeting) set up a full wordpress install. It took about 10 mins.

Next time we will go over widgets, plugins, multi-media management, content production and developer tools.
Stay tuned. next Blog-Luck is on Sunday, Jan 27th.

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