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Home > Love Drawing: Part 1: Animus Anima work ( breaking the old patterns)

Love Drawing: Part 1: Animus Anima work ( breaking the

old patterns)
By andrieh
Created 02/11/2011 - 09:58
Submitted by andrieh [1] on Fri, 02/11/2011 - 09:58 Transformational [2]

Love Drawing: Part 1: Animus Anima

work ( breaking the old patterns) by
Andrieh Vitimus

Jung in his notes said he believed that shadow integration was only the beginning
and that the real hard work was in developing a connection to the Animus or Anima.
The Animus (for a guy), and anima (for a woman), is the encapsulation of the
qualities of the opposite sex. Ideally, if you read through Jung, the idea is to get to
the point that you can experience all of the qualities of the opposite sex from within
yourself. The true Animus and Anima represent a connection to the abstract of the
Male and Female and are thus nearly formless. Roughly speaking, the animus and
anima have 3 parts; the collective imagine of the internalized man or woman, the
collective experiences with men or woman, and the latent opposite principle within.
In both cases, a large part of the animus or anima is formed by the mother for a man,
or the father for a woman.

Overtime, however, we become more and more conditioned to accept a certain type of lover. This hidden personification is often,
in some literature, referred to as the demon lover. All women or men are measured against this internal standard. Sexual
encounters with the opposite (or same sex) further imprint this construct, as does biology, culture and even internal thoughts. We
have biological imperatives to seek out similar. More then one study has shown that couples who have long term relationships
tend toward even having similar facial structures, race and even beliefs. Some of these factors are sociological, however, some
are biological. The internal construct, being an angulation of both good and bad conditioning, biological factors and experience,
becomes the standard for what people will compare the suitability of a mate against. This happens automatically at the
subconscious level, however most people are very well aware they have a “type”. Given the increasing level of memetic and
psychic toxicity in our culture, it is necessary to forcefully recondition ourselves at deep levels. My reason for releasing this ritual
is profoundly selfish and at the same time altruistic. I simply do not want to live in a world where people are unable to connect to
each other because of sick cultural memetics. Releasing this then, increases the happiness in the world, and because your
reading my page and at the end of the process will be happier, you can more positively contribute to those around you and me if
we meet.
See the appendix for more resources on the animus/anima.

What does all this have to do with love magic? Bear with me.

Both men and women fall into these patterns of selecting against the internalized construct they have as their perception of
perfection and this “ideal” encapsulates the subconscious response to it. This ideal being a creation of the experiences the
person has had, can never really exist.

While I do know some people say its “hogwash” to be able to love and be alone with oneself before trying a love spell, the real
gem behind that statement has to do with the sorting mechanisms we actually choose lovers on. The idea being if you cannot
love yourself, how will someone else love you? This comes directly from hermetic principles. When a person does love magic or
asks a Houngan, Mambo, or magician for help, usually they have a specific person in mind or a specific type of person.
Arguably, if that type of person was working, they would not be asking for help to bring that type of person to them. Almost
always in every love reading I have ever done, there is this element were people are usually asking for very specific qualities.
For men, these are usually physical, but not always. For women, it really does depend. When you listen and ask more
questions, the type almost certainly was like their last couple lovers, all which did not end very well. Add to this, the people in an
abusive relationship who “love” the other person. Psychology has studied the effects of abuse and how people identify with the
abuser. So what happens? A talented magician can get those types of people to come into the personʼs life and it just repeats a
similar pattern.

Let me use an example- I had a client who basically wanted to date supermodels. This client wanted me to do fairly aggressive
magic to make someone love him, and it was often a different woman different weeks. He really did not care what happened to
them. Now, of course, I did a reading. The first thing that reading and the spirits I work with kept harping on was the fact that this
person lacked the confidence to be able to be of interest to those types of women. Now, the client argued with me that was not
the case. When I got a chance to meet the client, he could not look women in the eye, was skittish around more attractive women
and basically confessed that he was a virgin. Not only did he have a very specific IDEAL body type and woman, he had a very
specific set of reactions to that IDEAL and a preset script to follow while engaging with those types of women. With no
confidence and very little self love, any priest or priestess would have a difficult time drawing a new love into that personʼs life.
On trying to work with this client, several very attractive women came into his life. Each time, he would become passive
aggressive and attract the woman while being clingy, stalkerish and generally the very thing women hate very early on. This
pattern again comes from an automatic comparison against that Demonic Lover. The spirits who tried to help said he refused
many very pretty women who were just not at that level of having the flair of the supermodel. So at the same time, he had access
to quality women, he was comparing each to an IDEAL, and their behaviors to that IDEAL that no one could live up to. In a way,
that particular demon lover had been developed almost entirely from media and cultural sources. It demanded to be fed at all
times, and his life suffered for it.

This client was not alone- several people I know have to some varying degree fallen into similar patterns and those patterns
attached to that IDEAL have so much control that it often seems impossible to start realizing the internal structures for what they
are. Now, when people come to me for love wanga, I will do the reading. If the reading comes up certain ways, I will not do the
wanga until they do the needed self-work (which I help them with) to overcome their own self-sabotage before doing the
attraction spell. Those that have gone through the process, usually end up with a very happy relationship.

Some of the selection process on that “ideal” is far less adaptive. People who were blessed with a good family upbringing, a
solid set of healthy relationships, and a good sense of self esteem seem to “have” luck in love. I am sure you know a maybe one
or two of those people. If you look closely enough, even they have patterns in who/why they chose people. These patterns are
a mirror of selecting against that internal ideal, in their case this Ideal is actually adaptive for them. If you are sorting and selecting
on criteria for a mate, that is hurtful in some ways, because the ideal is limiting. In this case, when it becomes a problem, other
parts of your subconscious will at the time sabotage any relationship to protect you. This pattern actually becomes an ingrained
pattern attached to the “ideal” itself. While most people hope for the best, they at many levels know how the situation will end
because it has ended that way several times before. Add to this ideal, the cumulative effect of advertising. Most men and women
have a distorted concept of their ideal mate based on over plasticized Barbie/Ken fetishism and expect that mate to act in a
peculiar manner that ultimately suppresses that personʼs individuality. Simply put, Attraction is not only not unconditional
because of this Ideal, it does not allow for much more then a comparison against a projection to measure the quantity.

“How many times have your sexual desires, career aspirations, financial dealings and aesthetic inclinations been
squashed, twisted, rejected, and minimized by cultural values?” --Terence McKenna
Ultimately, there is a whole host of expectations that get embedded into this so called IDEAL mate. From behavioral
expressions, to look, to even the sound of voice, how sex is supposed to feel and work to every detail about what you expect.

By now, the point is probably clear.


It is in the construct which no man or woman (depending) can live up to. In this way, it often acts in a way akin to ancient
Succubi or other darker entities, which feed off the individual not having the ability to manifest happiness, compassion toward a
mate, or a real connection. The Succubi is ultimately consuming, not regenerating. In a similar way, love with another becomes
merely an equation against that ideal while we ignore tons of good opportunities for solid and good relationships because the
person fails to meet some criteria in our subconscious ideal. Each relationship becomes consuming and strengthening to that
IDEAL without real connection.

Properly named, some ceremonial magic texts have called this ʻThe Demonic Loverʼ, not because it is spooky, but because the
metaphor is that this is a construct which is consuming and not empowering.

The process that leads to this Demonic lover will repeat, recondition and even reform what is the ideal. Personally, I believe that
each move which expands the ideal allows a person to experience more and more of the real formless Anima and Animus. It
opens new areas of exploration and experience.

It is still possible to meet enough criteria on the list of Ideals, that yes, you do an attraction spell and BAM-O someone walks into
your life. I have gotten success with spellwork I have done for people that way. People get the full on rush of a new love, and the
sex is fantastic. Once the endorphins run out though, the pattern repeats since once the endorphin soup trails out, then the
comparison to that Ideal start anew. I think as a part one of an attraction process that I would be irresponsible to not touch on
these issues.

For most individuals, the more self work they have done the greater flexibility this Ideal starts to have. After that rather long
introduction, what follows is a ritual to cause the process of the Demon lover to short circuit. Multiple have done this ritual and
explored different facets of their own sexuality from trying bisexuality to dating a radically different type which worked a lot better.

Slaying of the Ideal false Anime/Animus

Sorcery Version 3.1
Warning, this ritual is extremely effective and is extremely visceral. This is not a ritual for the faint of heart.


A cauldron or fire proof container.

A small piece of meat on a small plate

Florida Water (or other flammable perfume)

Good ventilation

A ceremonial dagger
Chalk or masking tape

Optional Cleaning Bath (or soap such as Florida Water Soap)

Extended length lighter, or extremely long fireplace match

Fire Extinguisher.

A couple notes on safety. Please be aware this ritual involves open flame. Please make sure to use common sense.


Draw out a triangle with chalk or masking tape. Place the cauldron or fire proof container in side the triangle with the flammable
material, key and dagger and the meat outside the triangle.

Before doing this ritual, I highly recommend taking a spiritual bath to cleanse yourself or do other cleansing procedures. If you do
not know how to do this, and would like some advice and formula for a personalized cleaning bath email me at andriehvitimus
[4] @ [4] gmail [4] . [4] com [4] and schedule an appointment.

This is a ritual to be performed nude.

Ritual Performance

All of the techniques in this ritual are covered in My first book, Hands On Chaos Magic and the book will add tremendous insight
into all the techniques used below.

Banish and cleanse your space by your preferred method (again Hands On Chaos Magic has several effective banishing rituals).

Relax and meditate. Clear your mind of all thoughts.

Focus your intention around the triangle. Imagine the edges of the triangle glowing with blue flames. What does it feel like,
sound like and look like. Imagine the flames forming a column that rises to the ceiling.

Sit while using Glossalalia (random speech) while holding the piece of meat. Close your eyes while holding that meat, imagining
that the meat is the heart of that IDEAL. See, feel, hear, smell and even taste the details. If you do not have a good image of the
ideal, just imagine with all of your five senses various fantasies and experiences you have had with various members of your
preferred sex.

Keep going while getting more and more aroused. The Demonic lover should cause an emotional reaction from lust to absolute
shame. Regardless of what the emotion is, keep going with the random speech while feeling and seeing a presence take form
around the meat you are holding. This is a type of Evocation, and this type of technique is covered in Hands On Chaos Magic.
Eventually, the conjurer will get stuck on a certain phrase. These made up syllables are the name of the aspect of the False
Animus/Anime that is most present right now. There may be one form that sticks in the mind. Either way, keep going repeating
the name or phrase that stuck as you imagine the form getting more and more present, next to you.

Image that the Demon lover will be in direct skin to skin contact with you. The physical meat should at this point have direct skin
to skin contact. It is the Demonic Lover. Often this is extraordinarily sexual. Regardless of how good it feels, stay the course
through the ritual.
Once the Demonic Lover is full present and you can feel, see, hear, smell etc the lover next you, imagine pushing the spirit away
from you a little. Feel see and hear pushing it about a foot away while you are still holding it. Physically move the meat 1 foot
away from you. At this point, take the ceremonial dagger (which must have been blessed ahead of time), and physically plunge it
into the meat. Imagine you are plunging the dagger into the heart of the form you called out. With your dagger, force the creation
into the triangle.

Physically put the meat into the cauldron.

Reinforce the triangle by focusing your intention around the triangle. Imagine the edges of the triangle glowing with blue flames.
What does it feel like, sound like and look like. Imagine the flames forming a column that rises to the ceiling.

At this point, imagine with all five of your senses as you can, seeing the False Animus/Anima bleeding into the cauldron. As it
bleeds command it to show you its true form and effect on your life.

Physically, pour the Florida Water into the cauldron, and light the cauldron on fire. Now imagine that the creature is screaming
wildly while burning and bleeding in the cauldron. These should be blood curtailing and chilling screams. Florida water burns
fast, so you may need to really fill the cauldron. After the cauldron is lit, move back from the cauldron.

Immediately reinforce the triangle by focusing your intention around the triangle. Imagine the edges of the triangle glowing with
blue flames. What does it feel like, sound like and look like. Imagine the flames forming a column that rises to the ceiling.

Keep going, melting the Demon Lover and seeing their blood start to boil, the flesh melt, and the bones crumble in the flame.
Imagine with as many of your five senses as you can, fire streaming from your hands into the cauldron. While sitting, start shaking
(Seething), which will raise even more energy. Just keep imagining fire pouring into the cauldron.

After the flesh is melted, and the bones are crumbled of the Demonic Lover, imagine that the flesh, bones and blood vaporize.
Keep shaking and imagining fire pouring into the fire. Imagine the fire become extremely hot. Imagine the vapor of remnants of
the Lover superheating and transforming becoming a white hot, formless vapor. Keep shaking and directing the fire into the
cauldron until the Florida Water has burned off.

Now after the Florida water burns off, imagine the remaining vapor cools. See feel and hear it becoming a key that opens up
radically different expressions of the Animus/Anime. Reach into the cauldron and pick up the key. As you pick up the key, pay
attention to any impressions you get.

Write down all the details about the key quickly, as you are scrying it out. When you are done writing the details of the key,
imagine pulling the key inside of your heart.

Stand up

Laugh as loud

Do something else.

This concludes Part 1 of 3


In it solo form this ritual works better as a sorcery ritual. It frees up tons of hidden patterns relating to our interactions. However, I
have found great success using this process with hypnosis, and can create an experience hypnotically that will achieve the

If you need or would like to experience a life freeing session to run through this and become more free to love in the world,
contact me at andriehvitimus@gmail.com [4] .
Preview of Part 2 and 3

Part 2 uses this key as a means to gain access to different aspects of the Animus and Anime which greatly enhances the ability
to experience and successfully seek out vastly different experiences with vastly different types of people. While I will write out the
procedure in the next couple days, it requires extensive meditation. Usually, this second part would be included in a session to
create the above changes. While the first part causes the Demonic Lover to short circuit, essentially freeing the person. The
second allows the person to experience different aspects of the Animus and Anime. It effectively allows the mind and spirit to
love more freely. The third part of this is having broken down some of the limitations, how do we bring a new lover to us with the
qualities that we need.



http://www.psychoideology.com/The-Animus.html [5]

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anima_and_animus [6]

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Source URL: http://andriehvitimus.com/content/love-drawing-part-1-animus-anima-work-breaking-old-patterns

[1] http://andriehvitimus.com/users/andrieh
[2] http://andriehvitimus.com/category/ritual-catagories/transformational
[3] http://www.addtoany.com/share_save?linkurl=http%3A%2F%2Fandriehvitimus.com%2Fcontent%2Flove-drawing-part-1-animus-anima-work-breaking-old-
[4] mailto:andriehvitimus@gmail.com
[5] http://www.psychoideology.com/The-Animus.html
[6] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anima_and_animus

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