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VO L UM E 5, I S S U E 2 F EB R UA R Y 2 01 1

harsh truth and were non-confrontational .

However, they believed in the wrong thing.
They were biblical in their practice but not in
their belief. They asked Jesus a question
about a widower who married her husbands
brother. Who’s wife would she be? First of all, By: Deanna Alarcon
the Sadducees didn’t believe in the resurrec-
tion. Their understanding of the scriptures was
January Sermon Recaps based on what they personally perceived the
Greetings to Grace Covenant Church in
the name of the Hispanic Bible Study
By: Nicole Stroud scripture to say, not what it truly meant. Being group. We thank God for this group that
January began with a recap of all the a Christian is more then saying the right thing has become a highlight in the week for us.
events that GCC had in 2010. Pastor Danny went at the right time or practicing religion. The Usually we are a group of eight. Two of
through every months events and at the end the Sadducees missed the mark. They were good
the ladies only come on Wed. nights as
church would pray. 2010 was a great year for people, who lived good lives, but that wasn’t
they bring their children to LEAP, Carmen
GCC but 2011 will be even greater. enough. Are you going to live a life that only
and Angelica. The rest of us also worship
The second sermon was preached by practices Biblical truth or will you have faith
on Sundays at Grace on a regular basis,
Pastor Russ Camp. He spoke on Mark 12:13-17. and seek the truth through God’s eyes?
The leaders sent the Pharisees and Herodians How do you love your neighbor in
Rick & Maria, Fidela, Gloria, Maribel and
who didn’t get along together to go trip up Jesus. the church who is different from you or you I.
The Pharisees didn’t want to pay taxes and the have conflict with? This was the topic of the There rarely is enough time on
Herodians didn’t mind paying taxes and were fourth sermon from Mark 12:28-34. Grace Wednesday nights but, usually the eve-
willing to take from King Herod anything they Covenant is striving to be a multicultural ning includes sharing, prayer and a short
could get. They asked Jesus who they should church. Every culture brings something to the Bible study. We are using a book pub-
pay taxes to and although they used flattery by service and the church is better because eve- lished by the Covenant called Crecer (To
calling him teacher, Jesus saw right through them. ryone is different. However, often times peo- Grow), that presents very short studies to
Pastor Russ’ message was on rendering yourself ple love their brother or sister who is different disciple new believers. Though I have
to God. Don’t be stamped in the world’s mold. from them as long as it doesn’t affect them. taken the leadership, Rick & Maria are our
There is always going to be pressure to be con- The way you love God determines how you music support and Bible study leaders as
sumed by world’s ideas and values. You need to love yourself which determines how you love well. My hope is that soon, all of the
be transformed by the renewing of your mind others. Being a Christian is not just about hav- members of the group can take turns to
daily. Let scripture fill your lives. If you take in ing a relationship with God but also with oth- lead the study as we all have so much to
garbage, it will come out of you. Meditate on ers. Pastor Danny encouraged the congrega- share.
God’s word and hide it in your heart. The more tion to pray on how the church can love the We have some bittersweet
you know God’s word different people who will be coming in 2011. news. Maribel and her husband Ivan
H I G H L I G H T S I N the better you will be God doesn’t say love your brother or sister have decided to return to their homeland,
THIS ISSUE: able to respond to unless… He says love them period! Bolivia. Maribel and the children leave on
God’s will. As January came to a close, Roger Feb. 9th with Ivan following in the sum-
• January Marriage at Dawson spoke on Mark 12:35-40. By this mer. But, Maribel has shared that she
Sermon Recaps the resurrection, Mark point all the religious and political elite had has found a relationship with Jesus here
12:18-27 was the third come to question Jesus and now from this in the U.S., something she never would
• Why Guate- sermon. Jesus is con- point on they are quiet. Jesus now asked have imagined. We send them off with
fronted by the Saddu- them a question about the teachers of the law much love, prayers and a Bible.
cees, who are also calling the Messiah the son of David. They No one understands better than
trying to trap Jesus. were so wrapped up in tradition that they the Lord, the way people move from place
• Volunteer
The Sadducees were failed to see the truth. What the scribes did to place. In fact, the Lord required Abra-
Opportunities not bad people. They not realize is that their tradition was not more ham to migrate to a new and unknown
were the kind of people important than God . Tradition and religious land. The U.S. has been a place where
• Sermon Central who would never make establishment are not profitable. The profit-
so many have found a better life, but,
you mad, who always able thing is to follow Christ even much more, they have found salva-
• said the right things.
tion through a relationship with Jesus
They didn’t tell you the For full recaps go to: Faccebook.com/
gracecovenantchurch Christ.
P A G E 2

to those celebrating their

Birthdays in FEBRUARY.... As difficult as it is to believe, the 2011 Guatemala Mis-
sion Trip will mark the 12th year in a row that Grace
2/1– Rob Camp
has undertaken a major trip. After a trip in 2000 to Ec-
2/1– Esteban Manuel
uador, this will be the 11th year in a row that we have
2/8– Rick Enns
gone to the village of San Juan La Laguna, Guatemala
2/9– George Stayboldt to work with the New Dawning Christian School.
2/11-Donna Erickson
2/11-Shironda Jones
This year’s trip is being planned for July 10 to 24, with
an optional trip to the Maya ruins at Tikal at the end of
2/12– Betty Hollar
the two weeks. There is still time to sign up to be part
2/13-Bill Salo
of the team. Activities for this year will include a con-
2/18-Roger Dawson struction project, teaching classes in English and mu-
2/19-Desirae Rodriguez sic, a community concert, study and worship times
2/25– Marlan Enns with teachers and students, and hopefully a return to a
weekend of camp with the students of the school.

Planning is still in the infancy stage, but some details

have been roughed out. They include:

Dates: July 10-24, or dates very close to that,

Children's Church depending on airfare prices
Susana is looking for people to help Cost of trip: $620 plus the cost of airfare (hopefully
with Children church on Wed. Nights airfare will be under $500).
and Sunday Mornings. If interested, you Total cost of about $1100
will be placed on a rotating schedule
Location: New Dawning Christian School in San
Juan La Laguna, Guatemala
Benefit Concert Committee
Deadlines: $400 airfare deposit, must be in by
Nicole is looking for people who are
March 1
willing to help plan the 2011 Guatemala
Remainder of trip cost will be due on
Benefit concert. If you are interested
May 31
please contact her at the office or sign-
up on the board in the back Fundraisers: Several are planned or encouraged,
including:Valentines Dinner in February;
Rummage Sale, Saturday, March 26;
Locking Up Church Fundraising Concert, May 28;
If you have a key to the church and Support letters sent out by individuals
would like to help lock up on Sunday
Mornings after the service please see Contact Adam Moore for more info or any questions
Nicole on the 2011 Guatemala Missions Trip
V O L U M E 5 , I S S U E 2 P A G E 3

Sermon List for the month of

February: A LETTER TO
2/6- Mark 12:41-44-The Widow’s

2/13– Mark 13:1-36-Signs of the end Dear Pastor Danny,

of Age
I just want to thank you for
such a meaningful service this
2/20– Mark 14:1-11– Jesus Anointed
past Sunday. It was such a good
at Bethany
example of the church being
the body of Christ. I appreci-
2/27- Mark 14:12-26– The Lord’s
ated your sending off Sarah to a
new job, sending out a mission-
ary from our church, and pray-
ing for healing for Dave. Thank
you for including these things
in the morning worship.
Your sermon was also very
meaningful! We were with oth-
ers from GC at dinner in the
"One Night With The King Village and we were sharing
chronicles the life of the
your sermon with oth-
ers. Thank you for preaching a
young Jewish girl, Hadas- straight forward message right
sah, who goes on to be- from scripture as you always
come the Biblical Esther, do.
the Queen of Persia, and You are in my prayers.
saves the Jewish nation
from annihilation at the
hands of its arch enemy Sue Garland
while winning the heart of
the fiercely handsome King
Xerxes.” Send your letters to:
Written by Susan Zahn, gracecovchurch@hotmail.com

9140 Akard St. Spring Valley, Ca 91977 (619)-267-7090

gracecovchurch@hotmail.com www.gracecovchurch.net
31 1 2 LEAP 3:30p-5p 3 4 5
Prayer @ 10a Ruth
Women’s Bible Study Little League Fullers MMCV #1110
9AM Wed. Night District Mtg. 6p LJC Mercy Ministries Fellow-
Activities-5p-7p ship 11a-1p
◄ Mid –Winter ►
6 COMMUNION 7 8 9 LEAP 3:30p-5p 10 11 12
SUNDAY SCHOOL-9AM Women’s Bible Study Prayer @ 10a Ruth
Fullers MMCV #1110
Worship Celebration 10AM
Leadership Meeting Wed. Night LJC Mercy Ministries Fellow-
Prayer Mtg-5pm 6p Activities-5p-7p ship 11a-1p
13 14 Valentine’s Day 15 16 LEAP 3:30p-5p 17 18 19
SUNDAY SCHOOL-9AM Community Group 1 Women’s Bible Study- Operation:Outreach Prayer @ 10a Ruth
8:30-10A Fullers MMCV #1110
Worship Celebration 10AM 5 pm @ Kim Shell’s 9AM
Wed. Night
Community Group 2 Activities-5p-7p LJC Mercy Ministries Fellow-
6 pm –MMCV 500 Lounge ship 11a-1p
20 SUNDAY SCHOOL-9AM 21 President’s Day 22 Washington’s Birthday 23 LEAP 3:30p-5p 24 25 26
Worship Celebration 10am Women’s Bible Study Youth Prayer @ 10a Ruth
Fullers MMCV #1110
Prayer Mtg-5pm 9AM Wed. Night Overnighter LJC Mercy Ministries Fellow-
NA Meets-6p Activities-5p-7p 6p ship 11a-1p
3RD Sunday Youth Service
Worship Celebration 10am Community Group 1
5 pm @ Kim Shell’s
Community Group 2
6 pm –MMCV 500 Lounge

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