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Installation and Upgrade Troubleshooting Guide (Printable, PDF)

Added by Danny Thomas , last edited by Danny Thomas on 19 Nov 2009 10:38 PM

This guide is intended to assist in understanding the Blackboard installation and upgrade process and to help troubleshoot common issues.
not an exhaustive reference for known issues, however it should be considered the primary source for technical and troubleshooting
documentation for the installer. This is an early release of the guide to gain feedback and provide a preview of this new Knowledge Base

The Blackboard Installer is used for all installation and upgrade activities and is capable of new installations or upgrades and functions the s
way whether installing Application Packs, Service Packs or Hotfixes. The installer is guaranteed to establish a known state for both
and database, however the installer cannot rollback to an earlier version in the event of an upgrade failure.

Failures during installations and upgrades are typically non-fatal as the installer architecture allows a failed installation to be reattempted onc
condition causing the failure is corrected. This guide details a troubleshooting methodology which explains how to collect and
about the failure. It also demonstrates how to determine the nature of the failure and assist in determining the root cause.

This guide was written primarily to support Blackboard Learn Release 9 and later. However much of the information is applicable to Release
and 8 and further reading links provide legacy and background information where possible.


For any installation, we recommend the following prerequisites:

• Read the Release Notes and Installation Guides

• Check the Blackboard Maintenance Center to verify the supported server configurations for the release
• Refer to Back to School for upgrade assistance
• Run a pre-upgrade change report
• Run a test upgrade on a copy of the production database
• Back up your existing configuration files, as some may get overwritten by the upgrade without backup

Indicates a link to a topic for further information

Indicates a link to a root cause document

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Volker Kleinschmidt, Danny Thomas


If you have comments or suggestions for this guide, please contact Danny Thomas.

View this guide as a single page for printing or exporting to PDF

Log Files
The installer outputs several files which contain information necessary to determine the cause of any failure. These paths are relative to blac


bb-installer-log.txt Primary Blackboard Installer log. When the installer executes, this files temporarily resides in the same direc
Upon completion (success or failure) it is appended to the existing file of the name name in blackboard/logs.
This preserves detailed upgrade history and should be retained to assist Client Support with any issues enc

update-tools/update-tool- Various updater tools log their output here, so is crucial to any installation issue

update-tools/schema-log.txt SQL statement trace information about the statements ran while installing/updating the Blackboard schema

update-tools/sqlerror-log.txt Detailed SQL errors and exceptions raised during the schema update

bb-installer.properties The properties provided to the installer for new installations or determined from config/bb-config.properties a
This can be used to examine failures to detect the correct parameters, and it is used as the basis for buildin

blackboard-license.xml In an interactive installation, a license file must be supplied, but for an upgrade the existing license at
for the upgrade is selected.
If this is a new installation or a license update, you may need to review and provide this file to Client Suppor

Further Reading
For legacy Release 7 Installer information see Running the Blackboard Release 7 Installer-Updater

If an installation or upgrade fails, determining the cause begins with an analysis of the bb-installer-log.txt to discover which phase o
which have a series of component steps. This section of the article discusses each of these phases, how to identify them in the installer log
installer log to understand the installation process as bb-services-log extracts are provided to act as milestones.

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• Installer Launch
• Pre-installation steps
• Client installation steps
• Ant-based tasks
• Java Exceptions

Due to limitations of the layout, the cause links below will open the document individually. View the entire cause section by clicking the appro

Failures during installations and upgrades are non-fatal as the installer architecture allows a failed installation to be reattempted on
completely remove the application and should never be used in the event of an upgrade failure.

Installer Launch
A successful installer launch will result in a version banner being output and you will be prompted to choose an installation type. No changes

Timestamps have been omitted to improve readability throughout the rest of this section, however as the bb-installer-log.txt
the log file and searching for the last occurrence for the version you were attempting to install, ensuring the date and time stamp matches th

[2009/11/18 18:28:17.717] Blackboard Learn 9.0.505.0

A failure to output this banner indicates a fundamental problem with Java or the Installer. Problems with the environment configuration may

See Launch Failures for discussion of environmental and installer failures.

Pre-installation steps
The following pre-installation steps are performed before the core application installation steps are performed:

1. Stop Blackboard Services

2. Validate Installer Properties
3. Write installer properties to bb-installer.properties
4. Remove Obsolete Files
5. Extract Application and Content files

Stop Blackboard Services

If performing an upgrade, the Blackboard installer stops any running Blackboard services to ensure that files that need to be updated by the
ServiceController tool. The output of these commands indicates the Ant task name, details of the service that we were attempting to st

[IIS] Stopping IIS service...
[IIS] The IIS Admin Service service is not started.

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[IIS] More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 3521.

C:\blackboard\system\tooldefs\install\ServiceController\tool-common.xml:48: The following error occu
C:\blackboard\system\tooldefs\install\ServiceController\tool-impl.xml:47: exec returned: 2

Error while running tool: blackboard.apis.updatetools.FatalUpdateToolException: C:\blackboard\system

error occurred while executing this line:

C:\blackboard\system\tooldefs\install\ServiceController\tool-impl.xml:47: exec returned: 2
Review log logs/update-tools/update-tool-log.txt for details

See Ant-based tasks for further details of how to analyze Ant-based task failures.

Validate Installer Properties

Property validators ensure that key installer properties are correct including TCP/IP port availability, database connectivity and

[ERROR] Validation found some incorrectly set properties

See Validation Failures for common failure cases and root causes.

Write installer properties to bb-installer.properties

The installer examines standard properties files to determine installation parameters, then rebuilds bb-config.properties and authentication.p
properties are successfully validated, the installer writes these properties to bb-installer.properties.

Saving user specified properties in bb-installer.properties

See Properties Files for common problems caused by this process.

Remove Obsolete Files

As mentioned in the guide introduction, a key feature of the installer is ensuring the file system conforms to a known layout. Removing files n
Failures at this step are rare, however side-effects of this step include missing custom authentication components, customizations and conte

These files are backed up to a dated/timestamped sub-directory of blackboard/backups and will be listed in the installer log:

Deleting obsolete file /locale/en_US_k12/messages/backpack.properties

Deleting obsolete file /locale/es_ES/messages/metadata.properties

See Obsolete Files for common problems caused by this process.

Extract Application and Content files

The second step of the file system installation process extracts and replaces the application files in the blackboard directory and content i

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Extracting from "payload": ##################################################

Extracting from "content": ##################################################

Client installation steps

The client installation steps is where the core installer logic is executed. This includes creating key configuration files, creating or updating th
There are nine client installation steps, indicated by CLIENT INSTALL STEP banners in the installation log.

CLIENT INSTALL STEP 1: Backing up bb-config.properties to shared content dir...

This step copies the bb-config.properties file generated earlier to content/loadbalancing/bb-config.properties. This file

See Properties Files for potential issues caused by this functionality.

CLIENT INSTALL STEP 2: Preparing the File System...

This step creates the Blackboard directory structure. On Linux and Solaris environment, it also:

• Unzips the Oracle client and adds TNS names list as it's used as part of the installation process
• Creates file system links, selected Blackboard installation directory to /usr/local/blackboard, apps/tomcat/logs
• Sets file ownership to bbuser, chown blackboard, chown content - excludes content/vi/bb_bb60/courses for performance reasons, set

See File System Failures for failures at this step.

CLIENT INSTALL STEP 3: Installing Config Files...

At this step key configuration files are created with replaced files in /backups/templates/yyyy-mm-dd-hh.mm.ss directories.
process the application classpath files, copying key JAR files to the apps/tomcat/common/lib directory.

For Windows clients the ISAPI plugin files are also copied at this step.

See Configuration Files for failures at this step.

CLIENT INSTALL STEP 4: Stopping Web Server...

An additional check to ensure that the web server is still stopped. Failures here should be non-fatal to the installer.

CLIENT INSTALL STEP 5: Creating Databases...

This step is responsible for creating the Blackboard database and updating the schema ('database' is used generically in this context,
database creation and update process ensures that the database meets a defined schema, with the important exception that non
the main VI databases. Progress of these steps can be followed by looking for the following start and completion milestones:

--------------- Creating Admin Database bbadmin ---------------

Completed: overall update of schema in bbadmin-admin after 10060ms

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--------------- Create VI Databases for bb_bb60 ---------------

------------- Create Database bb_bb60 -------------
Completed: overall update of schema in bb_bb60-vi after 171257ms

------------- Create Database bb_bb60_stats -------------

Completed: overall update of schema in bb_bb60_stats-stats after 7635ms

Failures during the database creation/update process will almost always be accompanied by an error from the database server relating to a
should indicate the cause, however update-tools/sqlerror-log.txt and update-tools/schema-log.txt will contain further

The following phases performed for each database schema update. These examples are from an upgrade, however hew installations have t
create these objects.

Pre-schema update SQL Scripts

The scripts here perform tasks that require logic more advanced than basic schema and data structure changes.

== executing SQL script: pre_update_sql/AS_97604_disable_trigger.sql

Starting: script: pre_update_sql/AS_97604_disable_trigger.sql part 1
Completed: script: pre_update_sql/AS_97604_disable_trigger.sql part 1 after 36ms
== executing SQL script: pre_update_sql/conversion-optimizations.sql
Starting: script: pre_update_sql/conversion-optimizations.sql part 1
Completed: script: pre_update_sql/conversion-optimizations.sql part 1 after 52ms


Tables are checked to determine if they need to be internationalized. This is a legacy part of the Release 6 to 7 upgrade process,

checking table activity_accumulator is internationalized

checking table activity_accumulator_queue is internationalized

Table Schema

Table columns are checked for consistency with the schema definitions. If the column data type or default value differs, the table is altered. C

== updating table wkflow_trnstn_event, 5 column(s)

== updating table cms_metadata_changes, 9 column(s)
Starting: altering table cms_metadata_changes altering column pass_id from varchar(200) NULL DEFAU
ALTER TABLE cms_metadata_changes ALTER COLUMN pass_id varchar (200) NULL
Completed: altering table cms_metadata_changes altering column pass_id from varchar(200) NULL DEFAU


Foreign keys are checked and created.

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Starting: creating foreign key [application_fk2] on application

Completed: creating foreign key [application_fk2] on application after 30ms
Starting: creating foreign key [application_label_fk1] on application_label
Completed: creating foreign key [application_label_fk1] on application_label after 34ms


Database procedures are created or updated.

== creating/replacing FUNCTION allowed_course_categories

== creating/replacing FUNCTION allowed_org_categories
== creating/replacing FUNCTION content_is_available

Post-schema update SQL scripts and data templates

At this stage additional SQL scripts and ran and data templates are defined. The data templates provide the default values to be stored

Starting: script: post_schema_update_sql/drop_ods_views.sql part 32

Completed: script: post_schema_update_sql/drop_ods_views.sql part 32 after 4ms
Starting: script: post_schema_update_sql/drop_ods_views.sql part 33
Completed: script: post_schema_update_sql/drop_ods_views.sql part 33 after 3ms
== Parsing data template: C:\blackboard\system\database\vi\as_core\datatemplates\locales.txt
== Updating datatemplate for locales : 0 row(s) inserted, 17 row(s) updated
== Parsing data template: C:\blackboard\system\database\vi\as_core\datatemplates\data_source.txt
== Updating datatemplate for data_source : 0 row(s) inserted, 4 row(s) updated

See Database Upgrade Failures for failures at this step.


This step primarily performs Windows Service installation. It installs or updated the IIS website, removes and reinstalls Tomcat and
Server service.

See Service Configuration Failures for failures at this step.

CLIENT INSTALL STEP 7: Configure VI Databases...

Xythos installation and upgrade steps are performed and the license is applied to the product. Xythos is the technology underpinning the con

See Service Configuration Failures for failures at this step.

CLIENT INSTALL STEP 8: Setting Files System Ownership...

This step performs UNIX file system ownership operations for the newly installed files ensuring that bbuser has appropriate permissions to th

See File System Failures for failures at this step.

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CLIENT INSTALL STEP 9: Start Services...

This is the final step and starts the Blackboard services.

See Service Start Failures for failures at this step.

Installation Complete

The installation will complete with a BUILD SUCCEEDED or BUILD FAILED message. If you see the former, the installation was successful

Total time: 8 minutes 8 seconds

Ant-based Tasks
Blackboard tools such as the ServiceController, PurgeAccumulator and client installation are implemented as Ant tasks. Failures of Ant
name of the task step that is currently running and any output provided by that step. For instance, a failure in a task to stop IIS on Windows

[IIS] Stopping IIS service...
[IIS] The IIS Admin Service service is not started.
[IIS] More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 3521.

C:\blackboard\system\tooldefs\install\ServiceController\tool-common.xml:48: The following error occu
C:\blackboard\system\tooldefs\install\ServiceController\tool-impl.xml:47: exec returned: 2

Error while running tool: blackboard.apis.updatetools.FatalUpdateToolException: C:\blackboard\system

error occurred while executing this line:

C:\blackboard\system\tooldefs\install\ServiceController\tool-impl.xml:47: exec returned: 2
Review log logs/update-tools/update-tool-log.txt for details

Many failures will be obvious based on the command output before the BUILD FAILED message, for instance here we attempted to stop th
additional information will be logged to update-tool-log.txt. The information about exactly where the task failed follows the
being where the problem occurred.

It's possible to find more information about what the tool was doing at the time of the failure by looking closer at the line that failed:

error occurred while executing this line:

C:\blackboard\system\tooldefs\install\ServiceController\tool-impl.xml:47: exec returned: 2

This tells us the error occurred in system\tooldefs\install\ServiceController\tool-impl.xml, line 47 and we were attemptin
impl.xml line 47 is indeed the closing line for an exec task (line numbers added for reference):

39: <target name="impl.services.webserver.stop" depends="impl.services.webserver.getstatus"

40: <if>

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41: <isset property="iis.service.running"/>

42: <then>
43: <echo taskname="IIS">Stopping IIS service...</echo>
44: <exec executable="net"
45: dir="${bbconfig.basedir}/logs/httpd"
46: taskname="IIS"
47: failonerror="true">
48: <arg value="stop" />
49: <arg value="iisadmin" />
50: <arg value="/Y" />
51: </exec>
52: </then>
53: <else>
54: <echo>IIS service is already stopped!</echo>
55: <echo>Run ServiceController "services.status" command to inspect services status.</echo>
56: </else>
57: </if>
58: </target>

The command we're attempting to run is attempting to run is net stop iisadmin /Y, though the condition indicates that it shouldn't be a
ServiceController failures during installations are non-fatal, they don't cause the installer to be terminated.

Not all Ant failures will be straight forward however. Many tasks rely on Java classes to perform their work and will return exceptions with a J
worthwhile searching the Knowledge Base for the line where the failure occurred or messages returned by the tool itself before looking into t

See Java Exceptions for information on how to read a Java stack trace.

Further Reading
Apache Ant User Manual

Java Exceptions
When an error occurs within Java code an exception is raised. Under some circumstances the installer will catch and handle these
valuable as a troubleshooting aid, it will be logged. The output of an exception has two key parts, the exception itself with any

A failure to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server database due to the server being unavailable or a network configuration problem might cause

com.inet.tds.Tds4SQLException: [TDS Driver]java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect

at com.inet.tds.aa.a(Unknown Source)
at com.inet.tds.TdsDriver.connect(Unknown Source)
at blackboard.db.schema.impl.DirectDataSource.getConnection(DirectDataSource.java:52)
at blackboard.db.schema.impl.AbstractDbSchema.<init>(AbstractDbSchema.java:36)
at blackboard.db.schema.impl.MSSqlSchema.<init>(MSSqlSchema.java:46)
at blackboard.installer.db.schema.MSSqlMasterSchema.<init>(MSSqlMasterSchema.java:41)
at blackboard.installer.db.schema.MSSqlInstaller.<init>(MSSqlInstaller.java:26)
at blackboard.installer.db.schema.DbInstaller.getInstance(DbInstaller.java:67)
at blackboard.installer.db.schema.MiscUtil.getBBInstances(MiscUtil.java:184)
at blackboard.installer.validation.MSSqlSettingsValidator.validate(MSSqlSettingsValidator.ja
at blackboard.installer.validation.ValidatorManager.validate(ValidatorManager.java:190)
at blackboard.installer.Installer.install(Installer.java:557)
at blackboard.installer.LaunchInstallerClass.runInstaller(LaunchInstallerClass.java:72)
at blackboard.installer.LaunchInstaller.main(LaunchInstaller.java:39)

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Caused by: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect

at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.doConnect(Unknown Source)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(Unknown Source)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source)
at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source)
at java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source)
at java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source)
at java.net.Socket.<init>(Unknown Source)
at java.net.Socket.<init>(Unknown Source)
at com.inet.tds.g.a(Unknown Source)
at com.inet.tds.g.a(Unknown Source)
at com.inet.tds.g.<init>(Unknown Source)
at com.inet.tds.g.a(Unknown Source)
... 13 more

For those unfamiliar with Java or the Blackboard product, stack traces can be daunting, though it's a simple task to glean some useful inform
very first thing listed in the stack trace com.inet.tds.Tds4SQLException. Following the exception, is the error message returned with t

The TDS Driver has simplified things by including the detail of the cause of the exception in the error message, but that isn't always the case
trace. Where multiple nested blocks exist, the very last one shows the root exception and message, in this case java.net.ConnectExcep

This exception makes it clear that the host actively refused the connection. Further details of standard Java exceptions can be found in
indicate the problem.


Signals that an error occurred while attempting to connect a socket to a remote address and port. Typically, the connection was

Those more experienced with Java applications might look at the call stack itself to understand more about what the application was attemp
was attempting to run a database statement to validate certain settings at the beginning of the installation process. As with Ant
Knowledge Base.

Common causes of installation and upgrade failures fall into the following categories. Some of the categories might not be clear without an u
problem relates to.

• Launch Failures
• Validator Failures
• Properties Files
• Obsolete Files
• File System Failures
• Configuration Files
• Database Upgrade Failures
• Service Configuration Failures
• Service Start Failures

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Launch Failures
Problems with the Operating System, Java or the Installer file itself can cause problems when launching the installer.

Incorrect Java environment

The Blackboard application requires the Java SE Development Kit (JDK), the JDK installation includes the Java Runtime Environment (JRE
problem with Java.


• Avoid running with double-click on Windows. The version of Java associated with JAR files may differ from the one required
• You may be using the JRE instead of the JDK. The Windows installer for Java includes both the JDK and a separate client JRE install
installation and do not accidentally overwrite the JDK by choosing the same path.
• Check the version of Java that is on the path at the location you're installing Blackboard from:

> java -version

java version "1.6.0_16"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_16-b01)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 14.2-b01, mixed mode, sharing)

• Ensure you're using a supported version of the JDK given the version of Blackboard. Check Supported Technologies on the

Installer File Corruption

The Blackboard Installer is a Java application packaged in a JAR file which contains both the installer and the Blackboard application payloa
or otherwise corrupted.

A JAR file is simply a zip file with a manifest meta-inf\Manifest.mf describing the Java class to be executed by default. When launchin

Invalid or corrupt jarfile bb-as-windows-9.0.505.0.jar


• Check the file with the jar utility or zip utility of your choice
• Attempt to download the file again. Use a download manager if connectivity is unreliable
• Verify the md5sum of the installer with Client Support

Further Reading

Java Archive (JAR) Files


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Validator Failures
Property validators ensure that key installer properties are correct including TCP/IP port availability, hostname resolution, database connect

[ERROR] Validation found some incorrectly set properties

All property validators are run sequentially so depending on the cause of the failures, you may have several errors listed. Typically the first v

Port 1521 is not available

Validation failed for bbconfig.database.bbadmin.machine.portnumber ("1521")
Validating: #########
Unable to connect to the database. Check the database configuration settings and passwords.
Validation failed for bbconfig.database.bbadmin.machine.systemuserpassword ("changeme")
Validating: #####################################################
[ERROR] Unable to connect to the database. Check the database configuration settings and passwords.
[ERROR] Unable to connect to the database. Check the database configuration settings and passwords.
[ERROR] Unable to connect to the database. Check the database configuration settings and passwords.
[ERROR] Unable to connect to the database. Check the database configuration settings and passwords.
[ERROR] Unable to connect to the database. Check the database configuration settings and passwords.
[ERROR] Unable to connect to the database. Check the database configuration settings and passwords.
[ERROR] Unable to connect to the database. Check the database configuration settings and passwords.
[ERROR] Validation found some incorrectly set properties

This indicates that the database host port was not connectible, so causes additional failures when attempting to check the system user and
the later errors. Failed values are typically logged, however to confirm exactly which values were checked during the validation process in

Port Validation
The port validator performs connectivity checks against configured TCP/IP port values. Before performing the connectivity checks, the hostn
connectivity checks for the following properties:

Property Default Value Purpose

bbconfig.database.bbadmin.machine.portnumber 1433 for SQL Server, 1521 Oracle Checks host bbconfig.database.bbadmin.machine.fu

bbconfig.webserver.portnumber 80 Checks host bbconfig.webserver.fullhostname

Port validator failures are not accompanied by exceptions, so in the event of a failure it's necessary to isolate the cause based on the
specifically related to SQL Server will throw exceptions, for instance:

Unable to connect to the database. Check the database configuration settings and passwords.
Validation failed for bbconfig.database.bbadmin.machine.systemuserpassword ("mysystempassword")
com.inet.tds.Tds4SQLException: [TDS Driver]java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect
at com.inet.tds.aa.a(Unknown Source)
at com.inet.tds.TdsDriver.connect(Unknown Source)
at blackboard.db.schema.impl.DirectDataSource.getConnection(DirectDataSource.java:52)

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Example Failures

Web server port in use:

Port 80 is already in use

Validation failed for bbconfig.webserver.portnumber ("80")

Oracle Listener down:

Port 1521 is not available

Validation failed for bbconfig.database.bbadmin.machine.portnumber ("1521")

Unable to lookup hostname:

Could not validate hostname bbconfig.database.bbadmin.machine.fullhostname

Validation failed for bbconfig.database.bbadmin.machine.portnumber ("1433")


• Check connectivity manually using telnet <hostname> <port

• Check the value using ping <fullhostname> to ensure that the name resolves and it's the expected IP address on the
• bbconfig.webserver.fullhostname is typically the load balancer address for an environment so will be listening by definition, use a
• For database related connectivity failures, verify that the Oracle listener is running or the SQL Server Network Configuration is correct

Further Reading

Changing the database port or hostname

How to change the hostname of a Windows Blackboard server
How to change the hostname or IP-address of a Unix Blackboard server

Database Connection Validation

The database connection validator verifies that the installer can login using the specified database credentials.

Property Purpose

bbconfig.database.bbadmin.machine.systemuserpassword Oracle SYSTEM user or SQL Server SA user password

bbconfig.database.bbadmin.db.password bbadmin user password, applies only to 'Upgrade and Convert' option

bbconfig.cs.db.systemuser.pass Oracle SYSTEM user or SQL Server SA user password, Content System insta

Example Failures

Unable to connect to the database. Check the database configuration settings and passwords.
Validation failed for bbconfig.database.bbadmin.machine.systemuserpassword ("mysystempassword")

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Actions - Oracle

• Check the failed login using SQL*Plus on the database host

Actions - Microsoft SQL Server

• Check the failed login using Management Studio for SQL Server on the database host, ensure that you test the SQL Server Authentic
• Create a DSN using Administrative Tools\Data Sources (ODBC) on the application server and test the failed login
• View the SQL Server Logs in Management Studio under Management\SQL Server Logs, SQL Server login failures will return a gener
does not indicate the cause. The event in the logs will include the actual error state indicating the cause of the login failure.

Error State Error Description

2 and 5 Invalid userid

6 Attempt to use a Windows login name with SQL Authentication

7 Login disabled and password mismatch

8 Password mismatch

9 Invalid password

11 and 12 Valid login but server access failure

13 SQL Server service paused

16 User does not have access to the target database

18 Change password required

Further Reading

Understanding "login failed" (Error 18456) error messages in SQL Server 2005

Properties Files

This section is incomplete.

• During the update of authentication.properties, only two LDAP servers properties will be preserved and Custom

Obsolete Files
This process doesn't typically cause problems at install time, however side-effects of this step include missing custom authentication compo

Refer to Client files disappeared after updating Blackboard for information on how this process works and how to prevent it

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File System Failures

This section is incomplete.

Further Reading
Installation error - Arg list too long

Configuration Files

This section is incomplete.

Classpath File Copy

A series of .classpath files describes the jar files to be copied to the /apps/tomcat/lib directory and thus be automatically
file no longer exists (such as moved by the obsolete file removal process) this will cause a task failure. In this case, casclient.jar

[install-classpath] /usr/local/blackboard/systemlib/xythos/xssmssql.jar ==> /usr/local/blackboard/ap

[install-classpath] /usr/local/blackboard/systemlib/xythos/xssoracle.jar ==> /usr/local/blackboard/a

/usr/local/blackboard/system/tooldefs/install/CoreClientInstall/production-installer.xml:77: The fol
/usr/local/blackboard/system/tooldefs/install/CoreClientInstall/tool.xml:170: The following error oc
/usr/local/blackboard/config/tomcat/build.xml:181: java.io.FileNotFoundException: Specified file doe


• Update the appropriate .classpath and .classpath.bb file to remove the entry or restore the file to it's previous location

Further Reading

Refer to Client files disappeared after updating Blackboard for information on obsolete file removal

Database Upgrade Failures

This section is incomplete.

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Service Configuration Failures

This section is incomplete.

Xythos Server errors

These errors are benign and can be safely ignored.

[java] [2009-11-18T03:38:12Z] Error ServerRequest:110 Failure to contact server at

[java] [2009-11-18T03:38:12Z] Info XythosAdmin InternalAdminUtil:152 Could not contact se

Service Start Failures

This section is incomplete.


This section is incomplete

Running the Blackboard Release 7 Installer-Updater

Blackboard Academic Suite recommended upgrade paths

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