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NGO’s Role

Non-Governmental Organizations, NGO’s, are nonprofit organizations that work

independently from the government. The purpose of these groups is to address social or political
issues. The US Government has different rules for these (non-governmental) organizations
compared to other organizations. Non-governmental organizations receive funding from different
sources, one of them being the federal government. NGOs are vital to Yemen and it's recovery
from the devastating humanitarian crisis.
NGOs are given very little restriction from the government and can receive tax-exempt
status. The tax-exempt status is only granted to the groups that fit into certain criteria. The extent
of benefits available to these groups depends on the type of NGO and the activities it runs. NGOs
that advocate for educational, religious, charitable, scientific testing for public safety, literary
purposes, some sports, don’t play a role in politics, are non-profit, and registered Internal
Revenue Code could be exempt from all taxes, this includes any income that could be taxed.
NGOs that advocate in politics and criticize the government might have to pay taxes. The US
government doesn’t have specific laws on NGOs, but the laws in place on immigration, visas,
campaign finance, lobbying, terrorism financing, and money- laundering could affect the
flexibility the NGO has (“Non-Governmental”).
There are many ways non-governmental organizations can receive the funds needed to
keep the program running. Most of (almost half) of funding comes from the service and goods
the organization provides, other forms include government contributions and grants, private
contributions, investment incomes, and more (“How Are”). We need to support nonprofits so
they in turn can help with issues around the world.
Yemen is in dire need of help, and the only way it will get any help is through NGOs. All
of Yemen needs help, at least 80% (“Yemen”), that's 24 million people, half of which are
children (“How You”), of its population need some sort of humanitarian aid to just survive.
Because Yemen is in the middle of a civil war, there is a chance of bombing, everywhere, day, or
night, the citizens of Yemen have nowhere to hide for shelter. About 30% of Yemen's
infrastructure, this includes houses, apartments, hospitals, stores, has been turned into rubble.
This also means that for those who were hit with shrapnel, finding medical assistance, won’t be
easy. Half of the country’s hospitals have been destroyed, meaning only half of the hospitals can
be used. Yemen is facing homelessness, famine, disease, the coronavirus epidemic, and civil
war. The death toll caused by all of this only increasing as time goes on (“How You”). Yemen
needs our attention.
Works Cited

“How Are Nonprofits Funded?: Knowledge Base.” ​Candid Learning​,


“How You Can Help People Trapped in Yemen's Humanitarian Crisis.” ​The World from PRX​,



“Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in the United States - United States Department of

State.” ​U.S. Department of State​, U.S. Department of State, 24 Sept. 2020,


“Yemen: The World's Worst Humanitarian Crisis Explained.” ​Sky News​, YouTube, 2020,


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