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Participant Instructions

CRF Code Voyager Label Full Question Instructions Section

If you are currently working, or currently employed/self-
employed but not working at the moment, what is the title of
CRF4C1 What is the title of your main job Work
your main job or business? ( e.g., primary school teacher, structural
engineer, etc.) (write N/A if not currently working)
What you mainly do in your main job or business?(please
What do you do in your main describe as fully as possible. For example, please indicate if you
CRF4C2 Work
job/business have any management responsibilities. Write N/A if not
working, as above)
CRF4C3 Occupations/sectors do you work in? Which of these occupations/sectors do you work in? Work
CRF4C3a If other Please Specify Work
Do you currently work in a nursing care home or a residential
CRF4C4 Work in a nursing/residential care home? Work
care home  ?
Definition: healthcare involves the medical
maintenance or improvement of health through
the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, recovery,
or cure, of a physical or mental illness or
disability. Primary care is
defined as:
Primary care is often the first point of contact
for people in need of healthcare, and may be
provided by professionals such as GPs,
dentists and pharmacists.
Do you currently work in healthcare (providing medical care to
CRF4C5 Do you currently work in healthcare? Work
individuals or a community)? Secondary care is defined as:
Secondary care, which is sometimes referred
to as 'hospital and community care', can either
be planned (elective) care such as a cataract
operation, or urgent and emergency care such
as treatment for a fracture.

Other healthcare is defined as:

Other healthcare refers to highly specialised
treatment such as neurosurgery, transplants
and secure forensic mental health services.
Does your current role primarily involve direct contact, in
person, with patients/clients/residents/service users in a
CRF4C6 Direct contact patients/clients/resid? Work
healthcare or social care setting on a day-to-day basis? ( Please
answer ‘no’ if primarily office-based)
If respondent asks what this means: This is
about health conditions, illnesses or
impairments you may have.
Consider conditions that always affect you
Do you have any physical or mental health conditions or
CRF4D1 Have physical/mental health or illnesses and those that flare up from time to time. Work
illnesses lasting or expected to last 12 months or more?
These may include, for
example, sensory conditions,
developmental conditions or learning
If respondent asks what this means: This is
about whether your health condition or
illness currently affects your ability to carry
out day-to-day activities.
Consider whether you are still affected
while receiving any treatment, medication
or using any devices for your condition or
If yes: Do any of your conditions or illnesses reduce your ability to
CRF4D1a Do they reduce your activity ability? illness. For example, if you use a hearing aid Health Status
carry-out day-to-day activities?
and are not restricted in carrying out your
day-to-day activities when doing so, select
“Not at all”.
You should select “Yes, a lot” if you usually
need some level of support from family
members, friends or personal social
services for most normal daily activities.
If respondent asks what regularly means:
CRF4D2 Have you ever smoked regularly? Smoking regularly means usually smoking at Health Status
least one cigarette a week
CRF4D3 Do you currently smoke or vape? Do you currently smoke or vape at all? ( tick all that apply) Health Status
Visit Summary - Instructions
CRF Code Voyager Label Full Question Instructions Section
If the respondent’s working week/month is split
50/50 between an employed and self-employed
job role (i.e. they work the same hours in both
job roles), advise respondents to choose the
CRF4A1 What is your current working status ‘employed’ answer options, 1 or 2. Working Status
If respondent works and attends
college/university the same amount (50/50 split),
advise them to provide
answers for the employed role.
CRF4A2 Where are you mainly working now? Where are you mainly currently working now? Working Status
On how many days a week on average are you If the respondent’s hours vary a lot from week to
currently working somewhere else (not at your week, then please tell them to give their best
CRF4A3 How often do you work elsewhere?  home), or currently attending, in person, your estimate. Ensure respondent also knows this Working Status
place of full-time education, school, nursery, pre- question is about attending school/ nursery etc
school or childminder? too.
Interviewer select work or school or nursery as
If the respondent uses more than one mode of
How do you mainly get to and from transport to travel to work, ask them to choose
work/nursery/school? (tick one only: if use the mode that they
CRF4A4 How do you get to and from work/school?  Working Status
multiple modes, choose the longest part of your spend the longest amount of time travelling on.
journey in time) If an equal amount of time is spent on more than
one mode, ask the respondent to choose the
mode where they are likely to interact with the
most people.
If respondents think more than one answer
option applies, ask them to choose the most
On average how easy is it to maintain 1-2m diffi cult answer option (i.e. if ‘Relatively easy,
between yourself and other people at your place most of the time I can be 2m away from other
CRF4A5 Can you socially distance at work? Working Status
of work/full-time education/school/nursery, etc? people’ and ‘Diffi cult to maintain 2m, but I can
(tick one) usually be at least 1m from other people’ equally
apply to the job role, ask respondents to choose
‘Diffi cult to maintain 2m…’)
Interviewers to check: Can I just check that you
were thinking about the last 7 days when you
Have you had any of the following symptoms in
CRF4B1 Had symptoms in the last 7 days? answered this question? Health Status
the last 7 days?
Change if was not about their health in the last 7
CRF4B1b Date of first symptom onset Health Status
Interviewers to check: Can I just check that you
were thinking about the last 7 days when you
If yes: Which symptoms have you had in the last 7
CRF4B1c Which symptoms in the last 7 days? answered those questions? Health Status
Change any answers that were not about their
health in the last 7 days.
Self-isolating means you are not leaving your
home (for 14 days), and if you or other people
CRF4B2 Are you self Isolating? Are you currently self-isolating due to COVID-19? you usually live with Health Status
have symptoms, then you are isolating in one
room if possible and not sharing facilities etc.
If respondent is confused whether they should
answer ‘yes’ when they have symptoms
consistent with
Do you currently think you have symptoms
CRF4B3 Do you think you have Covid Symptoms? COVID-19 but know they do not have it (e.g. Health Status
consistent with COVID-19 infection?
muscle ache due to over exercise), advise that
they should answer ‘no’
at this question.
CRF Code Voyager Label Full Question Instructions Section
In the last 28 days, have you been in direct
contact, in person, with someone that you
CFF4C1 Contact Known Positive COVID19 < 28 days definitely know, because they had a positive test Contacts
result, was infected with COVID-19 at the time
you were in contact with them?
CRF4C1a If Known; Last contact date Contacts
Was this last person you had this type of contact
CRF4C1b If Known; Type of contact Contacts
In the last 28 days, have you been in direct
contact, in person, with someone that you think
CRF4C2 Contact Suspect Positive COVID19 < 28 d was infected with COVID-19 at the time you were Contacts
in contact with them – whether tested or not and
regardless of result?
CRF4C2a If Suspect; Last contact date Contacts
CRF4C2b If Suspect; Type of contact Contacts
In the last 28 days, have you, or anyone you
usually live with, been inside a hospital for any
CRF4C3 Household been Hospital last 28 days reason (e.g. for work, for consultation or Contacts
treatment, to visit someone, to take someone
In the last 28 days, have you, or anyone usually
live with, been inside a nursing care home or
CRF4C4 Household been in Care home last 28 days Contacts
residential care home for any reason (e.g. for
work, to visit someone, to take someone else)?
Over the last 7 days, how many children and
young adults <18y not living in your home have
CRF4C5 Physical Contact <18yrs Contacts
you had physical contact with (e.g. handshake,
personal care), including with PPE if you wear it?
Over the last 7 days, how many adults 18-69y not
living in your home have you had physical contact
CRF4C6 Physical Contact 18 to 69 yrs Contacts
with (e.g. handshake, personal care), including
with PPE if you wear it?
Over the last 7 days, how many older adults 70y
and over not living in your home have you had
CRF4C7 Physical Contact > 70 yrs Contacts
physical contact with (e.g. handshake, personal
care), including with PPE if you wear it?
Over the last 7 days, how many children and
young adults <18y not living in your home have
CRF4C8 Social Distance Contact <18yrs Contacts
you had direct contact with in person, with social
distancing only?
Over the last 7 days, how many adults 18-69y not
CRF4C9 Social Distance Contact 18 to 69 yrs living in your home have you had direct contact Contacts
with in person, with social distancing only?
Over the last 7 days, how many older adults 70y
and over not living in your home have you had
CRF4C10 Social Distance Contact > 70 yrs Contacts
direct contact with in person, with social
distancing only?
Do you mainly wear any kind of face covering or
CRF4C11 Face Covering or Mask outside of home mask when you are outside your home, because Contacts
of COVID-19? (
Do you think you have had COVID-19 (if not sure,
CRF4D1 Do you think you have had Covid 19? Covid 19 Infection
tick No)?
CRF4D1a If Yes; Did you have Symptoms Covid 19 Infection
CRF4D1b If Yes; Date of first symptoms Covid 19 Infection
CRF4D1c Which symptoms did you have? Covid 19 Infection
Did you contact the NHS when you thought you
CRF4D1d Did you contact NHS? had COVID-19 (e.g. 111, GP, Walk-in Centre, Covid 19 Infection
CRF4D1e Were you admitted to hospital? Covid 19 Infection
Ensure respondents realise that tests recorded
Other than in this study, have you had a swab
CRF4D2 Have you had a swab test here should be only those done outside of this Covid 19 Infection
test of your nose and throat to test for COVID-19?
What was the result/were the results of all tests
CRF4D2a If Yes; What was result? Covid 19 Infection
you’ve had?
If any test positive: Date of first positive test
CRF4D2b If positive; Date of 1st +ve test Covid 19 Infection
you’ve had
If all tests negative: Date of last negative test
CRF4D2c If all negative; Date last test Covid 19 Infection
you’ve had
Ensure respondents realise that tests recorded
Other than in this study, Have you had a blood
CRF4D3 Have you had a blood test for Covid here should be only those done outside of this Covid 19 Infection
test to test for COVID-19 antibodies
What was the result/were the results of all tests
CRF4D3a What was the result of the blood test Covid 19 Infection
you’ve had?
Order of priority for this question: If more than
one test has been done:1) provide data for the
most recent positive test, otherwise; 2) the most
CRF4D3b Where was the test done Where was the test done? Covid 19 Infection
recent negative test, otherwise; 3) the most
recent test that was not positive or negative, i.e
'waiting', 'failed'
If any test positive: Date of first positive test
CRF4D3c If +ve Blood; Date of 1st +ve test Covid 19 Infection
you’ve had
If all tests negative: Date of last negative test
CRF4D3d If all -ve blood; Date last -ve test Covid 19 Infection
you’ve had
CRF4D4 Have you been outside UK since April Covid 19 Infection
CRF4D4a If yes; Country (last) Covid 19 Infection
CRF4D4b If yes; Date last outside UK Covid 19 Infection

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