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An Introduction to the PhotoReading Whole Mind System

How PhotoReading works, and what you can specifically expect to get from the
PhotoReading program

By definition, PhotoReading is "mentally photographing" the printed page at

rates exceeding 25,000 words per minute which is about a flip per second. As you go
through the program, you'll settle into a pace that is comfortable for you. Some will be
doing two flips per second, and some will be doing just one flip per second. It does not
make any difference as long as you are comfortable. Comfort is key throughout the
whole PhotoReading program.

As you learn the techniques, if something doesn't sit right with you, make
adjustments. We are not teaching you the only way to PhotoRead. We are teaching you
a way we have discovered works for most people. If something is not right for you,
change it until you are comfortable with it. It is important to realize from the beginning
that the PhotoReading process bypasses the conscious mind and sends the information
to storage bins in the other-than-conscious. This means that when you are PhotoReading
you will have little or no conscious knowledge of the materials. It is all there some
place, but consciously you may not know it. Don't worry, as long as you can "activate"
it to the conscious mind so that you can use the information however you use
information. We will be soon talking about ways to gain access to the information.
The missing link has only recently been discovered

The concept of "mentally photographing" printed materials has been around

since the turn of the century. The problem was that only a small percentage of the
population could do it, and they didn't know how to teach it to any one else. That's
where Learning Strategies Corporation came in.

In 1985, at the challenge of IDS/American Express, Paul Scheele, a co-founder

of Learning Strategies Corporation, studied people who could do this – input
information and then gain access to it. Using his expertise in neuro-linguistic
programming – which we'll talk about later – he determined how people could do this
and he developed a program to teach everyone to get the same results. In January 1986
the first classes were presented to the public. In March 1986 the first classes were
presented in a Fortune 500 company. In May 1986 Learning Strategies Corporation
became licensed as a Private Vocational School by the Minnesota Department of
Education. The course is now taught around the world in seminars and is available
through a self-study program.

You have already demonstrated that you can PhotoRead

With PhotoReading we get into the 90% part of the brain that Einstein said we
do not tap. He said we do not even use 10 percent of our brain's power. Peter Russell
who wrote the Brain Book said, 10 percent? we do not even use one tenth of one
percent. So there is a lot of natural, brain power that we do not even use: 90-99%. And
that's what we begin to tap into with PhotoReading.

When we teach you to PhotoRead, we don't teach you to do something you don't
already know how to do. It is natural. It is not like learning how to hit a baseball with a
bat – that takes coordination and practice, and some people just can't do it.
PhotoReading, on the other hand, is natural. You have already proven you can do it
because as a child the only way you could have learned your primary language in such a
short time was to absorb it...to get your whole brain and your body involved in learning.
That's how you learned to walk, and that's how you learned to recognize mommy and
daddy. When you started school you learned a new way of learning: a left brain method
of inputting information one word at a time, rehearsing it, and hoping that something
gets stored. By the time you reached adolescence, you lost track of that natural ability to
absorb information.

In the PhotoReading class we say, "hey, you've got this ability," we point you in
the right direction, we give you what amounts to a machete, kind of teach you how to
swing it, and say "Go to it." You start swinging away, cutting back overgrowth from
years of inactivity, until you have your first experience with PhotoReading. The first
book you will PhotoRead is a dictionary, and then you will think of any word and know
where it is on the page. And then the more you use the techniques, the more you swing
away, the more the overgrowth will fall away, and the more access you will have to this
natural ability to absorb information.

That's not to say that the left brain method of learning is not valuable, because it
is. That is how you learn to recognize that squiggly lines on the page are letters, that the
letters spell a word, and that the word has meaning. But did you know that it only takes
your brain four milliseconds to pull up the meaning once you see the word. Yet, we
waste more than four milliseconds per word just moving our eyes across the page. We
say, use the left brain method of learning to learn the language and then use the more
powerful right brain, other-than-conscious, method to process the language.

Your conscious mind is very limited in its capabilities

PhotoReading works because it bypasses the conscious mind. You see, the
conscious mind can only handle seven pieces of information at a time – plus or minus
two. This is why telephone numbers are seven digits long – that's all you can easily hold
in your conscious mind. This is why we'll get to the bottom of the page and not
remember what we just read: the phone is ringing, someone is talking, we're thinking
about what we did before and what we will do later, and we're trying to memorize
everything as we go. Before we know it, we've used up the seven pieces of information
and something has got to go. It is usually what we just read.
The other-than-conscious-mind can handle 20,000 pieces of information.
Twenty thousand. You can imagine seven pieces, like our 800-telephone number, 735-
8273, but can you imagine 20,000? No way. It is physiologically impossible. The little
voice in the back of your head, which is the conscious mind, can only understand seven
pieces of information. You know what this is? Blasphemy. It flies in the face of
traditional education, of everything we were brought up believing. PhotoReading breaks
all the rules. Who does the best with PhotoReading? People who love to break rules.
Who has the most difficult time? Police officers. All day long they are out there telling
people to follow the rules, and then they come into the class and we say, "There are no
rules! If you don't like it change it so that you are comfortable with the process."

PhotoReading is grounded in leading edge technologies

Three powerful technologies of human development make the PhotoReading

course work. The first is superlearning; it is also called accelerative learning, integrative
learning, or suggestology. It was developed by Dr. Georgi Lozanov in Bulgaria in the
60s and 70s primarily for the rapid acquisition of language. Peter Kline, one of the
nation's top accelerative learning experts, hooked up with us in 1985 to integrate
accelerative learning into the PhotoReading program. This is of value to you for two
reasons: the first is that we can teach the PhotoReading system to you in an incredibly
short period of time – just four full day sessions; and the second is so that when you get
out in real life and use the system, you'll be able to process information at an accelerated

The second technology of human development is neuro-linguistic programming,

or NLP. This was developed by John Grinder and Richard Bandler. Among other things,
NLP says that if one person performs a particular task he or she must click a certain set
of circuits in a particular order. If another person is to perform basically the same task,
this person must also click those same circuits in that same particular order. With NLP
you can figure out how one person is clicking and teach another to click the same way.
That is what Paul Scheele did with PhotoReading. He trained with Bandler and Grinder
in the late 70s and early 80s, and he used his expertise in NLP to figure out how natural
PhotoReaders were clicking their circuits. He then developed a program to teach
everyone to click the same way, so that everyone gets the same results, so that everyone
can PhotoRead.

The third technology is with pre-conscious processing. This is about learning

below the threshold of conscious awareness. Subconsciously. Learning with the
unconscious mind, the inner mind. And that is what PhotoReading is all about because
we bypass the conscious mind and dump the information directly into the other-than-

PhotoReading leaves speed reading in the dust

About the only similarity between speed reading and PhotoReading is the word
"reading."Speed reading is basically regular reading hastened up. Instead of going for
words you are going for phrases, complete lines or paragraphs. It's still primarily a
conscious-mind, left-brain function.

PhotoReading, on the other hand, is an other-than-conscious, right-brain process.

You learn how not to rely on the words that are on the page, but on what goes on in
your head. It's not about moving your eyeballs really fast; it's about using your brain
more efficiently.

Speed reading is about getting comprehension of the words on the page while
PhotoReading is about getting comprehension of the meaning of the page. Speed
reading may get you up to 5,000 words per minute, though 1200 words per minute is
more the case. With PhotoReading you start at 25,000 words per minute, and where you
go from there is anyone's guess. With speed reading, 90 percent of people quit using the
techniques within a few months. This has to do with the way it is taught. You are taught
to go faster and faster, and the faster you go the more doubts will start to creep in as to
whether or not you are getting anything. And with these doubts come tensions and
stresses, and who wants that?
With PhotoReading there is no stress; it is a calming, relaxing process. This is
the case for two reasons. The first has to do with super learning, accelerated learning. It
suggests that if you enter a relaxed state of alertness where you slow down the little
voice in the back of your head and relax the body, you will be in an accelerated learning
state in which you can learn and process information more optimally. Guess what?
When you are in this relaxed state, you can not be stressed. The other reason there is no
stress has to do with the fact that you are not worried about whether you are getting
anything consciously while PhotoReading because we tell you up front that you
won't.With PhotoReading you will be relaxed and comfortable.

PhotoReading gives you more than one way to read

When you PhotoRead, the information is blasted into the right brain. Because it
is in the right brain, you cannot perform left brain functions on it.

You cannot think about it, you cannot chew the fat about it, unless somehow you can
bridge the gap from the right brain to the left brain, unless somehow you can activate
the information from the other-than-conscious storage bins into the conscious mind.

There are a half dozen ways to activate information. The technique you choose
at any given time depends on the level of comprehension you desire. If you want full
comprehension, you will follow one process. If you want core concepts, you'll do
something else. If you want specific facts, there is still another process to use. There are
primarily two ways to activate information: automatically or manually. Automatic
activation is when things come to you when you are PhotoReading or after
PhotoReading. It is when information just bubbles up. The challenge is that the
information comes from the intuitive side of you so it feels as if you are remembering a
dream, or a flash of intuition, or a piece of creativity, or a hunch, or as if you may be
making it up, or as if you don't know whether it is true or false. So, the more intuitive
you are, the better you are with automatic activation.

If you are not intuitive, don't worry. PhotoReading stimulates that part of the
brain where your intuition hangs out so as you PhotoReading your intuition improves.
Additionally, we have developed a set of manual activation techniques where you can
manually take chunks of information from the right brain and put it in the left brain,
where you can manually activate information from your other-than-conscious mind into
your conscious mind...so that you can use the information. We recognize that just as
regular reading is deficient because it is primarily a left brain process, PhotoReading is
deficient because it is primarily a right brain process. There are times when
PhotoReading is not the technique of choice. It is easier, for example, to read a one page
letter than to PhotoRead it since PhotoReading works best on multiple pages. It is
probably easier to speed read a letter...so we teach you a simple speed (super) reading

You will have more success with our speed reading technique than you will
from a traditional speed reading school because of the way we teach it. Typically, you
start at 212 words per minute which is the average reading speed and go faster. You get
into the higher speeds but you have the tensions and stresses, and you are primarily in
the left brain. We start you off at 25,000 words per minute, and we say slow down.
Guess what? It is a lot easier to slow down than to speed up. You are in the relaxed state
of alertness so when you slow down for super reading, you maintain the relaxed state.
And, you will actually bridge the gap from the right brain to the left brain when you
slow down. You get your whole brain working for you. The 10% of traditional speed
readers who keep using the technique do so because they've been able to bridge the gap
going from the left brain to the right brain.

To give you the skills so that you can literally approach any type of material,
pull from it what you need, in the time available, we teach a variety of reading skills.
This gives you the flexibility you need to be a skilled reader. It also gives you the power
of your whole brain working for you. You get the benefits of the logical, analytical
nature of your left brain working in tandem with the intuitive, holistic, creative nature of
your right brain. This is phenomenal processing power.
Have you ever wondered how the brain works?

Information goes in. It gets processed. And, it comes out. The quality of the
output depends on the quality of the input. Garbage in. Garbage out. Just like with
computers. The quality of the input depends on your motivation, needs,
expectations and self-image. If your self-image is lousy, guess what? The input is
lousy, the processing is lousy, and the output is lousy. The best way to improve
your self-image as a reader is to listen to the tapes that are a part of the
PhotoReading program including the Memory Supercharger.

Motivation. Well, it is like cleaning the garage. Have you ever cleaned a
garage? Of course not. Cleaning the garage is not possible, unless, maybe, the
neighbors are coming over for a party and you will be sitting around in lawn
chairs. Then the garage gets cleaned. That sparkle of motivation does wonders.

Reading is the same thing: so many people look at reading as being a

tedious, laborious, arduous activity. But if you put a sparkle of motivation in your
reading, miracles can happen! All you have to do is take just 15-20 before you read
anything and ask yourself what you are going to get out of the materials. What is in
this that can benefit me? What did the author intend me to get. What do I need to
know so that I may perform this task. And so on. Don't wait for answers. Just ask,
and that will get the circuits going. Besides, your other-than-conscious mind which
can handle 20,000 pieces of information at a time will begin churning away to find
what you need as soon as you start reading.

Expectations. Then spend 15-20 seconds and tell yourself what you are
going to get from the materials. I'm going to get out of this whatever I need to
perform this task. I'm going to get out of this the author's main points. I'm going to
get out of this whatever I need to talk intelligently on the subject, to give a speech,
to ace a test, to write a report, etc. The power of positive expectancy. The power of
affirmation. It is incredible. Take an attorney who was at lunch with an expert
witness during a court recess. The witness said that what was needed to get the
case thrown out of court was in a book, but it would take hours to find it. The
attorney took the book, entered his accelerated learning state, affirmed his intent,
did a couple other things, and PhotoRead the book. Then he immediately turned to
a page, pointed, and said, "What we need is right here." And sure enough, that very
passage was what they needed.

A heating and air-conditioning specialist was called to a new office tower

in downtown Minneapolis. The system was down. He had never worked on that
system before but he knew that two blinking lights had something to do with the
reason. He went down to his truck to get the operating manual, entered his
accelerated learning state, affirmed his intent, did a couple other things, and
PhotoRead the manual. He was paged, went to the phone, and asked the person
whether he knew anything about that system. As those words were coming from
his mouth, he opened the manual, and his eyes automatically focused on the words
describing the blinking lights. The paragraphs beneath told him exactly what to do
to correct the problem.

An auto mechanic was back at the garage. The workers couldn't find
information on a particular part. He said, "Wait a minute. I've paid for this course.
Give me the book." He got into his accelerated learning state, affirmed his intent,
did a couple other things, and PhotoRead the spec book. When finished he started
talking about the part. He said it was on page 145. And sure enough, it
was...verbatim with what he was saying. None of these three PhotoReaders could
say how they knew the answers, how they automatically activated the information.
All they knew is that they affirmed their intent, set their expectations. They also
didn't fall into the trap of so many people: I'm going to get these techniques and
practice them. When I get good, I'll use them. Bull. I remember back in high
school basketball. During the weekday practice we performed at maybe 80% of
capacity. It wasn't until the Friday night game did we give it 100 or 110%. That is
the same with PhotoReading. Put it to the test right away. Use it now. As Yoda,
from The Empire Strikes Back said, "Try? There is no try. There is only do or not
There are a couple other things which impede the flow of information.
These are perceptual defenses and repression mechanisms of your brain. These
have to do with tapes you may have going on inside your head: Slow down. You
can't possibly read that fast... Go to college? You're not bright enough... You have
to study hard to get ahead. And on and on. The best way to take care of these tapes
is with our tapes. With the PhotoReading class you will also get two additional
accelerated, NLP relaxation tapes-you receive one with the self-study program. We
suggest that you listen to these as you fall asleep at night.

Additionally, the instructors are trained to help you. If you ever have any
questions, feel free to call us during the day. We can help you with most any
challenge.You don't want to eliminate these defenses and mechanisms because
these do serve purposes – you just want to control the ones which impede your
success. For example, what would happen to your conscious mind after you just
PhotoRead a dictionary if you did not have repression mechanisms? You would
have billions of words bouncing in your head. Remember, your other-than-
conscious mind can handle 20,000 pieces of information and your conscious mind
can only handle seven.

There are four types of people who have problems with PhotoReading.

The first are people who are overly analytical. The act of analyzing is a
function of your conscious mind, and PhotoReading is a function of your other-
than-conscious mind. What happens to an absorbing experience when you analyze
it? Poof! It is gone. You cannot PhotoRead and analyze at the same time. If you
are analytical by nature, give yourself permission to take the course without
analyzing the process. Just do it. When you feel the need to analyze, go some place
unusual – like in the basement behind the freezer in the potato bin – and analyze
the process to your heart's content. But don't analyze it wherever you do your
reading; you don't want to pollute the area.
The second type of person is one whose expectations are out of whack. We
can look at it two ways. First, if you are so far behind with your reading whether at
the office or in school, and if PhotoReading is your only salvation, then stay away.
Otherwise you'll cross the fine line from a positive expectancy to wanting it so
much that you force it. This part of the mind does not react favorably to force, and
it will throw up blocks. The other way to look at expectations is, what happens if
you are the one person in the class who does not get the dictionary – maybe you
have some tapes that haven't been taken care of yet, and maybe you just need more
time – but what happens if you don't get the dictionary and you are expecting it?
You will kick yourself and ruin the rest of the learning experience. So expect
nothing. Come with a childlike curiosity, a go with the flow attitude. Come to play
and have fun. Sure, I was just saying that you had to set your expectations, but you
don't want to set yourself up for failure. You want success.

Approach PhotoReading without expectations. Know that it has worked for

others and be open to the possibility of it working for you. If it works, great, you'll
have a whole new set of skills that will dramatically change the way you process
information forever. If it doesn't work, well, you have experienced a mind-opening
class, probably doubled or tripled your reading speed, met some neat people, and
you get your money back. The course has a full satisfaction guarantee which
enjoys 90% success. That means that everyone can do it.

The third type of person is one who has control issues. This is a person who
always needs to be in control. With PhotoReading you need to let go control of
your conscious mind to better build control of your other-than-conscious mind. If
you are controlling by nature, you need to take off your control and leave it in an
invisible bag outside the classroom. This way you can play with being out of
control in the classroom, so eventually you can feel comfortable being out of
control in real life. You can always pick up your control if you need it.

The fourth type of person who has problems is one we can do nothing
about. If you are this type of person, stay away. This is a person who approaches
PhotoReading with the idea that they are going to prove that PhotoReading doesn't
work, because if they can't prove it doesn't work, then it must work. The easiest
thing in the world to do is prove that PhotoReading doesn't work. This is because
the act of proving is done by the conscious mind, that little voice in the back of
your head. This voice can only handle seven pieces of information. It can't
understand 20,000 pieces of information so it is going to do everything in its power
to talk you out of it. Even if you don't want PhotoReading to work that little voice
may drive you nuts. So, if you are this type of person then stay away. Save
yourself, save us, and save the other people in the class aggravation. The reason
I'm writing about these four types of people is because everyone has a little of
each, and you may even have one or two stronger than the others. We have
discovered that just being cognizant of the potential problems is enough to
overcome them. If, however, you have challenges in the class do not hesitate to
talk with the instructor or call us during the day.

There are many benefits for you to take PhotoReading now

If you did nothing but attended the classes, you'll open your mind to the
greater possibilities. You may ask yourself, "If PhotoReading is possible, what else
is possible? What else can I use my powerful inner mind to do?"

If you just listen to the tapes, you will deepen relaxation, stimulate
motivation (even for cleaning the garage!), and study, read and learn in a relaxed,
fun and positive way. You even enhance your memory, not only for reading but for
everything: where you put your car keys, names and faces, things you've read

If you play the peripheral and internal awareness games you'll strengthen
concentration, increase the use of your intuitive processes, you'll be able to
respond effectively to challenges, and you'll learn new ways to recall information.
Right now to remember something you probably just think and X!&$? (grunt) –
there are other ways. And you learn to respond effectively to challenges – pop
tests, angry clients, surprise meetings, etc.

If you use the accelerative learning states you'll be able to reduce stress,
focus on the task at hand, and maintain relaxed alertness all day. One of the
reasons a division of 3M and the State of Minnesota brought us in was stress
management – PhotoReading was a back door way of teaching stress management.

By PhotoReading you will be able to absorb information rather rapidly.

You'll extract key concepts quickly. We'll teach you how to pull the core concepts
from a book in ten or so minutes or from a magazine article in 20-30 seconds. And
if you don't reduce the amount of time you spend reading, you'll be getting a lot
more done in the same amount of time.

By using the whole mind reading system you will employ alternative
reading methods, read in an demanding and purposeful manner, increase creativity
and problem solving, stay on top of current reading, read books you've purchased
but never gotten to finish, and build confidence in handling printed information.
No more will big words, small print, thick books and the ticking clock intimidate
you. If you only have three minutes, you will be able to get a heck of a lot done. It
is amazing how productive you can be with little or no effort.
Do in one hour what it takes others 12 hours to do

The PhotoReading whole mind system is not a replacement for regular

reading. It is an enhancement. Another set of skills to add to your repertoire, or
weapons to add to your arsenal. There are times when you will want to regularly
read – -or analytically read. But you want to create that happy balance. We will
help you in the class to determine when to analytically read and when to use the
whole mind system. When you get this happy balance you'll become an active,
purposeful, questioning reader. You will be able to stick in your thumb and pull
out the plum of whatever it is you are reading.
One of our goals is to get you to read as you would grocery shop.

Have you ever gone grocery shopping? When you want a can of plums,
what do you do? Do you, "A," start at the front of the store and pick up every
single fruit and vegetable in the fruit and vegetable section, every spice in the spice
rack, every soup in the soup aisle, every snack in the snack aisle, until you come to
the can of plums?

Or do you, "B," walk into the store, build a general awareness of the store, walk up
the can of plums, pick it up, and walk out maybe taking a couple other things with
you?"B." Of course. And that is how you should read.

It is ridiculous to think that if you want something from a book, that you
have to start at the beginning of a book and put every single word in and out of
your conscious mind until you come to something useful. Most of the words have
nothing to do with what you want to get out of the book. Only 7-11% of the words
on the printed page has anything to do with the meaning. The next question is
which 7-11% and how do you find them?! Are you going to read each word and
then determine which is of value. Or are you going to PhotoRead the information
into your more powerful other-than-conscious mind which is bubbling away at
20,000 pieces of information at a time?

Back in 1985 when we were developing PhotoReading, Business Week

said that by 1990 the average professional will have to read 10 times as much
information just to stay current. The spooky news is that 1990 has come and 1990
has gone and the deluge of information continues. How you are handling it? By
using reading skills you learned in kindergarten and first grade. These are
elementary reading skills. Chances are you have grown up, but has your reading?
No. You now have much greater amounts of information to read and it is more
important to you. It is time to grow up and learn advanced reading strategies so
that you can approach any type of material, pull from it what you need, in the time
available. Get in, get useful information, and get out.

They say that the human brain is more powerful than the most powerful
computer on earth. If this is the case, wouldn't you think that it could read more
than 212 words per minute? Of course it can. The only reason you aren't doing it
now is that when you were born, no one gave you a user's manual for the brain.

That's what PhotoReading is. It is a user's manual. It is like college for reading. For
comparison purposes, if it takes you 12 hours to read a book to get full
comprehension (for the average person, full comprehension is somewhere between
40 and 60 percent), you'll spend an hour to an hour and a half using our system of
which only a few minutes is actually PhotoReading. The rest of the time is
activating the information. And you'll get at least as much information.

The part of the mind we use for regular reading processes information
sequentially, ABCD, 1234, one word at a time, left to right. So, when you get to
chapter seven, and there is something in chapter seven that relates to chapter one
and chapter 13, will know how it relates to chapter one? Will you remember how it
relates to chapter one? That was probably four hours before. Will you have any
idea how it relates to chapter 13? No! You haven't even gotten there yet. The part
of the mind we use for whole mind reading processes information spatially. It
doesn't make any difference what order you put information in or what order you
take it out. As a matter of fact, we teach you to PhotoRead upside down and
backwards-because it doesn't make any difference. Your brain can certainly handle
it.(It is often handy to PhotoRead upside down because in the library you'll find
many books so worn that you won't be able to comfortably turn the pages fast. But
if you turn it upside down, the pages are crisp. No one has done that before!)

Let's say you PhotoRead the book and turn to the table of contents. You are
drawn to chapter seven-maybe it is intuition or maybe the title suggests
information, which will be of use. When you start to play with chapter seven you
are getting it as it relates to chapter one, as it relates to chapter 13, as the author
intended you to get it, as the author knew the information in the first place. I think
that is the true beauty of PhotoReading. The richness and fullness of the
information you learn from the whole mind reading system is unsurpassed. When
it comes to making informed decisions, to really understand something, nothing
compares. To get that type of understanding using regular reading you'd have to go
through the book two, maybe three times. The time saving with the whole mind
reading system is incredible, but I think the value is in the value of the information
you get from printed materials. We even teach you the ultimate application of
PhotoReading: synoptic reading. On the last day of the course, you will bring in
three or more books on a subject you choose. That afternoon, we'll guide you
through processing all the books simultaneously. There is no better way of learning
a new topic, a new industry, or preparing a paper or a speech.

Knowing about PhotoReading isn't enough

Some people are content knowing that they are indeed capable of
PhotoReading. But that won't get you anywhere. You have to act. You have to
figure out how to take PhotoReading right now. Only then will you be able to use
your God-given, natural capabilities to its fullest extend. Since a lot of attention
needs to be given by the instructor to each student, classes are small. This will
ensure that you get full satisfaction with PhotoReading. But, act today to ensure
there is a place for you.





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