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IPI:ub1i'5hed b,' Spetd~rt Mot:ob~@ts

f' i!iIilt@tiiil lirM [Book Qo.m 14181111Y [l.tdJ IBerco,urt Hou~e!, 'V,ork. Rood, B I'\i!nrtfl~rd"

Middlll~fx, TWa 00'" EN1Ila'nd. .






IIlIIRIUllmB, ._DIII flc.niDI'S


IF-~ n"st: ilmpr,~h)!i1 N G1Iernber '~9[59 $eooind i __ pn~:~tl,n Jlune 19110' Third mm~plf\~~~i on Oc1il[a;ber' 1'er12'

2nd' rcvis. ed edit.ion February 1 9 73

cbapt1er 1

IiIIEC,I!llIlIifHiISINI N DI 'V'ILIE 1111111111 N,l

chap- tJ~r' 2

, ,

R.E:Y VIII II Eilill


ch,apt,er 8 liS ~~DWIHR





IPri'~:ed i'n Glrl_: llii'tifin by HGA Pri nti fig Com pamy' lttldl.,~ I:Ilfendmd~ M'iddWese~H


1:11 ~,



The 'r,a p id i'nar~Bse i n "'do-i'~"Yc I!Jrn!!iIif~ m o"CI if iCilitio'iflS, Ibr'~nls ~",ith it ,it ne sel for MrtHiB dSllili i ~ ,~~d spe;cial lsed ilnform;ru~i,o 111, lIh iis, V"ie\!!i book oo\le~ a ~ II tlhe stagM, Df h ea;d modi fl cafiiQfiI win ioh ,are f13:iilsil~ tlll' fD:r the' am~ur w\ho does, nat: h'av,e V,lIst knowledge or va st amOuflI;ts, ~'f m@nev, H!, wijli I 'findl ,thartr wh,e n take:n carefu Ily ... mo d~filiJatiolfls to the he'ad! ,!ii!!ie, n @'t olfd "'I' rei ativl!'ly ,srrn'~,~e but 'b'ri Illigi !BXCEd I ant

~et)ljr!"!i~, i n performance.

Th!l ~ hea d doctor' stnou~ d ha~Je a ta~f Ires;e'N8 ,of pat~e nlGe' ~!1d ruOl' 31 i ittl e art1s,uy iln ~d'5 ,m!iik~-u Pi 'for ~".ariOl!Js open~dolil s r-equ'i r~d to tb ring 3 hea:d tol 'its tIf~ nat glea lITI'Ufl,~ oondi'~iion 0.... SJpOriI!h~. ,effici ~Illcy ,am del'i'CiaI1tte and 'fUi9S,Y ,r,a~er thB n rug!~d battles, aga,infi ~rn v'ie~,di ng metsl L 80", ha~illl1l the oorr,Kt 1~_Ul1il~lJd'a 'nOW torti'Ofy '''I oY~~,f

whth th~' eerreet ~!l!!eh [i(iqll!.le.

The ,eniiu[ III ~ Ipa'ges; do not pre'i!tr'Ild t:o daWi I the' offici,alll wiil,rk:5! ~eco:m men deal m~tho d's of 'workJ I'll gl;' 'l!hGV do h ~rINS~,e r ~'xlP!'iil! in n,@w I ha,ve' csrr ied QUrt va~'iOU5 DperIliiICi'Ill'rlS, te my" own 'slilrti~fiB,ct'lon ~

Tnli:l' ,iiI'il1e ]rage ~ ~ g;OI'" Ilt--yollllrst1.I~~'~ meena III ic/rulli,1!!! rr must Sietl~CU'!!!~~'y ODn5~d18i1'" tvrlo fae,tolli bE!'fo,re '{:8rrYlilng OUltt ~ny work. ~hel works,-reocn'f~m ena ~d m1eifncds ,a,[l"a' ,not on~ ¥ based IO'J'l ocm'siderab,~e ell( p:e'rij e nee blllr1l! aiM cardlllil ~y 9IJoi ved to p rre'ili!e~t de mllQ~ to ths ;~II·ticlle be~ng 'wowiked enand thel'\eby' ensure the rreliabilitY and Slafe't~' o,f th~ oonmlp!l}nelir~ or i nde:ed th i!' w.hQ~e ~e'h i~~ e.

On 'lithe' other hand to df). ev@,ry' ja:b tne "'works W'fJIY'~~ WIOIl[J ~d i nIr''iiohte the P ureh are ,olf seuenilll thou sands, po undsM' worth 'Gf equ iprnen.t wI:! h::h is usua ~hl' out of the

qu~,tion ..

Careful tlil rl ugh t ean e~o~ ve a " d!omit'myoun;eH"'~ metb cd inVD IVI i'1Il[I: lITitt:l~ or nQ e,~ pe m;e but ;art the :sa'lflfU!' t iime' proving e.\fery ID~t. a~ 81fl!~ti~e is 'th I' '!'wO!il'1k:s-mrermod II' • tJhough perhap;: ,til~~f'ljg ~ li'fttie ~ang;~r,.

- '

Uf'lffortJUrrui!:te~ ¥ tlhe're ,ar8 1 imes whe n no arnCUrilt ,at ,th ough't or i m prQvl~iilati'o,n, ea 111 ~i"'~V ~de' all faIHswe!!!" (1!iJ!1i11 ass one 'il:S, foi rh~ e'l li'Ve r aRd can Iffla'k;e falilrl~ "ee m pncamtllr'" tool Sj to n@>s€lJ~'r'~ and the n i!iiFlothie r set olf fa ets MUSt. boB eon s:~ d e~eDL n How much does tke :s.peci!ld e:Q1ui,pm!l!nt cost? IHow much wii'~ iii 'f'IlJ~I~V equip~d \Q,alrage ,th~r~g:e ~~, do the W~lrk?' How 'of~eJl1 In'I'iurt tine' salmI' WQ,rk; be ,carfl~d out.l·~

The ansl!.iVefi5 'to wes!!3) '~fueiS~~ o I'll s iii nd 'th.e iln" eff'@CiI1 C n you ~ fKD I~,cy wi II depemd on th~ U~ tt) wtI~,ch your car ~'s be illng put,


NI .. ';j,...", .~ .. " -1·""" .... 11 ; . Ba~fY 1I!!!iI!"-'.1ii

MO!i.t. ptop'lle ,poSsess; ,sund ry Ilai'ilmers .. mO lieu, IDI iers~, tin m"jilt'l- pincms; lte't~1 rules er S'~r,a'ilht e~'1 :$~iI'iew dr~fUers" ha~k;51'WS ,lind 'f.i I.,. alill IOlf i~htse' 'toolrs lila! I1I:GI fiYri,. ti!;i!11 to 'Uw' udb .. :it .. yo~s.eU~'~' O\Il1'h'U~j iiI!it~ MaI1Y'~, urnrf~r~t!llflI'atel'y j' lack 'l'Ie _lJiSllly e;s'sen ~i,~111 h iJgh~qua ~I~t.y spanners" How (lrft@1il doe'S one see 'InQafflat8!U r 's,tfl!tggl in9j' often !Jj Il1suctes~ifiulllll,y ~ wi:'th ,ill ehea Pi Ij'tTin~\j box :spa!llllfn 1!1Il\ ad§l1iU5,tabh! 'wUi1!r1Ldl ,0' r ~ n,~r:s l' How ofwn do 'suoh 'mo,ls !ilI~reh~ !'~Ib1!Jtch BII"'!!' nuts, :al1l,d bo it!;. 'W'~miD!lIt: avsn ~h'~f1ing, theml~ h~.a1i!'inQI on!ly' skinned knuekles .an:d 'furfher prablems aJ~' QI-1!8W,!1Ird?

'Ont!' mu,S,t fI)05:ieM IO~ at ~~eas'iII Iha~ ~u:~~s: to ,iliCOIlll p leta set of Dpen "iBTlded eta n"Ql'ne ~1'lI,adi uml Si~91If1n8'1f:S, of !liti1P mable, makel!' and Iprmr.abl'if a lsol en ,eqil!.d~11 e'n't: s.m: of rifill spsnners, 'The oost?' Aoolut £:~t50p '~or the ope;n-ende-d: and ablDut £4· ro~ '~he' In-i n~. O~h~r ~~e~tua,ls iare ,!ii, d~~€! fliI! IP'~i!J9 ~Ila~n~r (:aPPr'll;)i~ .• 25,p~ ,and a ~~t of' fe~ ~er ~,u.s 112,5:p~.,

Th is o~'mlpriSil'!:S, ;~ ~'jba!![i1i e" iti@o ~ tWit tinolugn II '1~'I'OW! d 'sar\, "[)h,at st ab out :[6 ii!1 'sm a Iii suck-em ~t. iirs ar 'nry 'useiui Slertlili,.,eSS1l!!n1;nI;!l I. Til!' set mould 'ilfiioi ud!!' a 1WO~iay rat~heil!oi' l:-h\ailildle', M@! BXie,1il5:iQHS, i!llnd ill wlliveriSal jo']n.t~ u(JtMhew 'w'i1lJh ,iiJbD~t lIiUI AF socket frem '7/ ~16 i!fil;m ill pwa[lrd~. Alliwavs tHLJV the [best ·toOII!S a\i!aJi lablh~1 of" w..€i'I I kn'rJiWn andl Jlif:,putsl'b'le manUfiC1lYre~ ii hN!i!PfS buy oh,~~ me' van ad~iN.JIm spa fllliU~lr5, ~nd s.oclkels,~ '~1'iI ey in.. 'f,ar less le~pe ns:illi\e 'in 'lihl' Ihllil'[iil flUJfTh an d mJlUch more' rei iabl e th;an Ilhearp i m i1t;aUons, usu any hav~11iI1 tlle at~hr;n'im;e af ~ ll f,@!·time"':5 gu af:anl te s, SiUc'h II toed k ~t wil~111 ,el!ll~ b:1 {;!' one 00 ~g iTTY' OIJ;~ 7:5 per ~ef r t l@if ,iI ~I~ .lQb~, '[hat ~f'vse ilnd will thus; qu~ elkilly pay' for I·nel'f"

~lal!liin 01 ,oon s h:Ser.e.dJ the' ~'~b~!!li,c:"i 'too II k iti' ~et. us now i i1l\!'e5~i'p't:e. ~Qme 11;)": the tasb, ahG\fid 'tOgether' w~ittnl any apec.ial tools; nMd.ool, I rsh'~di lillot explain the routine .. '$Uf.cin ,as rellllil!:Olv~ flI:gl 'n!ilrtS! lu~ll~sli' ~~ss@.Jri es: 1@<'tC1.~ a5, CVi i nder head worlk assumes th e head lIDO h~'Ire been ~I r,elfidy !"IeH1!llo'~edl f!iDn"i! '~he bllO~k.,

chaptel' 1,

DECIIR-IElIIII~S~NI liN 01 V. LVE iii 11110 INI.

Tine s,i mlplld 'of I.he' jl'm.aljo,1l' ID~ri81ih)l!'!I s" i s of: ~OI!Jine the dQ~CQke! wh ich alnvc,Ftl8 oon ~ 0', IPf,ovld i flgi that he h~~ ,a.oC8~:S, 'to ,a \f~ hre ... ·~ Iftet': Ilhe- :si mp leJ!' 'type cons ialoout, SOp andl iii~, perf8e't~v go~:d enough ,allltlnoiJ ~;h a I i1l!tl~' slow iln op8'raJtion" Oth e U' dlan :the ~p~ nlners, needa d to re·mCVi} the c~d i Older he:adll' e~~ 'bom ~ne bl,cc k, the c nlliV I!)i~er essermtij,a.ls ,iU'ie' a ~,a~ ~e s.uckew 1~:,~:OOlJt " 11/2'fJ frillm ,any' 'Qall!"-a~Bl a~d ~ tiiin of ''iI.aJ~e ~riWidij ngl p;as,m (2O;p1 al l11ill ant ffi'OO't. g3Ir,[lges,~. R'E!!gil!i rd i"g the '¥~alllf!Je wckie rs, de 111M be l\eMl?tE~1 '~D bury 211 '!.i\v:all:u,e wier mOfiUj~yj\!i (too ble"ieliuied type elf wcker~

I13rU~' .iI s.bnple :s~ rngle-ernded wdker lo'f' 11tH! eerreet rsk~'e wlt:h ill g,QOO s1l0Ult ha Didl It [:11'00 n d,ePlS~rt-5i ~ooul:~1 idea Ily be re.mo'!lled by t ne. ~e (tv a 'wilrlill' br'l!.ls,h ImllUlnted ilr'i iIlliril lellle-mJIf~~: dr'i II~, He .. we~Eiiii. srnal ~ h:alnd SJ~rapellf'5 !ll!tOO ,EllS lo,~d IbJ~L!ilm: ,solrlewd:fi'~~ri~ k itJmem knm~e!S" eJt\~Ii,. '~{l!gM~f:li'!' \~iuth ,0 IINl PIP~ V of IBlmery clo,th w~,11 IB1i~m ually IdJ~1 1f:h~' Jobl ,il!Ji~ as M'MI. Olrle' word hOWleYler en 'will'€i' b:H.~hei" Illn my experiiuloe' 'there ~·s, ollly' O'iI1e' $l~'rt tlhat ls usebl e! 'the "se I ld" fiOURcd tYIP-e (I'O-Ditg, ~'liR-B' a nmetal '~~ r,lbr ush;11 whic~ carll be purr~ha~d 'foli Ilb@ ut 4D~! and 'IN i III give OOlmIPfl_r:iti~ely IC:1fI1 sewy~:ce",

010 not I~et !l! n,one' tJry to, 1~'r:SUlde' 'vow thi'~ a wirl!ii~ brll!~h is ,any Igood '~Ot anytlh ilr'llg otlhe,li thEU'li the rlellillfUlXU!l11 of; C3'f'tro ill dJei~o5~U,. ~ Iha~e ssen i'~ in IPw:inl: 'f cmn a !SlJpposed ,au~h;o u'i'ty 'ti1a!l: 'wke bru~he5 ,c~n be' u&edi to ~~pol iiSt'N"''; ItVI i nder I1tiad$, :and ri! move rough me~i!l1 pro,tu!ber,~ noes from the l~nblt~l. T1h~s ii:5, oo,mp! ti·.~ly' 'fal~'.

The' omly tool8 WlfJ" th~·s· jo!b, ~.Il'\~ r1D1t_afV 1UhiS and 'stnf!les~ IhOVI~\ev!I;r" IfTHHle!: of tlhis I_e r, ,AIU a 'wiFe bf1usm wil i Ida,- is 10 1~6a¥'e a lot io,f Sicratoo M!),rikJ&;; e~iPt:,cia!lly if tjhe

I~urfil"~! has. prev~:ously been ~I ished~

Two safeW f,aC1oliS wonlh flI.@!1Iti ng~ NIif!.IiiI\E!tIf try 'mlD fi@ m~ 'Ila~_' spri ng:;l; W~tfh,DUi1: ,I 'Ilfo~r '~I'~e·Uftfi~, ~f ,3: Sprilli'li!} ~~I~PS afiLd 'f ~iil!!~ !tl'ut ~:t. -earn dio 'nry :5eF hil'I!lIS, "injury ~

AIIlwaY1S 1fa~8 tbe f!!iprirnlP away be m you 'wnslIiI oompresSl~fJ1!J '(hl!m", pr,efrelliably 'towards, somedlmng sO''' from 'wn ich me.y I~n not 'bounce ~fif ~lh~it't' d @i ha Pipen, 1l!o s~iipl mel fly., A S.,riinll IG.n ~e' Ilnebgu neil is. eVlen mar,e' dangE!]',O'ui rsi "£jEll i15, d hiea:hlfll of travlel is llilrnp·nu!li·,uable. II have, '5·et@D'J B! ~pdng IP"aSS ¢I,ean tilll'lough ,II Iglass W~iOOtiW a 001 s1ifll ' • .a~el ,a.bo~t: ~ 6, 'feet beVOlld., So, bM',~fd! ~ S'tOO'Il'U]I!rY;II ~f 1J~.'inDI ,~ w'jre brlil~h ~n an eleM.i1;rl]c dl!'i II;. ,a~;w,aV,5 'wear goggles", 15 title wi~e br'is,tllS, have a nany' !la;b]t lot: bI'1Bak,iil'l'll off' anal ·nY~Jr'n.lliUp ilil'll)) on:e"'s, faoe'. Thera i~ ~o flumd·to 'elll1~a~. olil 'tjhe da~!J!rs I~f W"e'a'!l"i'ngl no oogg;~e5~ I f ilnd 'thid the ·~;t ai!lidl most eoMiortable ,awe 'tliln!i~ ll'IDil.t al'iB' 1 00 . per Cent!: pl,ElSl:ic ,!:l1i1dJ I~~k I ill/(e ;an ordli n~l'Iry JU!lir of ~ pe~t~J;~ with ~i de flaps.. M 031" s'UIPpl i~rs, mr Ji1\dJultrilla.1 Ip:rC~ctRYe clo,othi ng 'is,todk thG!!€l'~ ~nd t!hev' on~v 1005;'1; :a 'f'erw bob a Jla~,r.

The viiihre· gr i nd su ek elF she i.dd be mQ~ sten edl (by cbvk!! lit; IMeans) and p ~e!;::'ilf!idl 'filrm ~V onto the u'al\fe h eiElld. Wi'ith 3 small ImolJl n t o'f ~ri nd ~n~ paste on tlle seet, rotate ·tlne' :s!e:m of th e gr- rnd Sil' i III ·the palms of tne hall! d'~ w'~th al Ifubb ingl mod on, IUft 'Ulle valve 'every few :51oool'lld:s amd wrn i'~: around a few degfE'e;s, ~ndlbegli'1ll1heli'lIJbbi rig mot1o,n agai ll. ,A:i th e' Vii Iv,fl) beds, in YO<lII shclI.dd 1lIS!e a fi ner paste I1J I!lt.i I VOl!! (I tie sarti,died that the' "alive is sea!~ ftI ~ p{,;:t1Ifectlf y a,

One 5 rnall 'Ii p,. I hay,e' 'fou nd 'tth at 'va! "e grl~n di 09 Ipaste' WoO rks fair IDettler if i1: is di I,uted w~th l!!lI1Q)ilne. 01 ~ to tih un i t ~@WI'!I. Afoor Qiri radii n gl wi'th, 1i ne pa:S:ibe cleen both tli~ valve an d 'seat lttholTO ugh Ill'. Then r'ilJrlar®!!. \the '1I.Cilklle l!rapid Iy 'iID(), sn ~I 'fr,®! 'em the '!ieat.. !lJsilrng the s ~11"l1"l;@ ,acl~.~fiI is whenl '""gri fild ing~' tl1l ~ \!Iahtes in. At the poi flit of een tact ibe1,we!EH"'I1 ttl e ~al v~ ,and ssat ill! ,d alnk sh ~ nino Il'iil'1l e vIii II i be ~eeli! runn i ng iJil"OuflIdl 'Une' seat., This ~I]ne sh(nl~d Ibe Icon1inu@!JJs andl any bre·,ak~ again ilfld~~atel a 'r,;:dl Lillflfl' to 51eBt 'at tlI1at pel nt, Do not worrr-y if the line :s:e!S'm'~ 'very natll"lOW I as Ilon,g' as ~t is u nbreke n ~h is w~111 norm,all i ¥ be 00,,11(. rsj,lI1ce v,a~ Vis i1IWil\l'S; higlli'lil mer i fill atter i8 f~ seGornd~ use ill r1d~h ls GBU sts ,Q 'Ill ~'te 'co ns,ide fab~ e' Ib r,OIiIld e n ~lI"bg ,o,t the' ~€i',~n.

A thil Oif J'~efilg i IIlB~r$ bl UI"' cs n be veTV' l!!iefu I wh~1ll CIa nyii1ng aut aI 'fifjai Cine~ 'that '~hfJ' v~J~.e! are seat illflQ t m e alfter bei ng ~ rO!)J Iildl ln, Ch='aru .~ he '~a live and sea'! 'tthoi'ouQitilly in l)iraffirn, drv off :!iH'iid pu~ at 'thi~ sm _r' of ,billie! CJifil tine' 'valve~ tllten




chapter 2 RIOVI,NG IMEm'AIL

DfJ,a~ ~!'Iil wi"~h c.pe j'",aticms i'!l1'!11',~I'''''~lngl 'mh e' Imoo ilfi,c:ati en (},f: 'itbe ey I i "dar headV mangrfol,d$Jcarlb!;l!lr~ttil!rr ~!1ld 'val~e gear i n D~deir te iirmrpfOiVe thtGl g~s"'~1 ow/iOIil ilti,OIil and Y,aiv-e boUll~ ~tlarilct~d:r:tIics tli!-e pi,tt'l[Jw'E! is r~tti~nn m'O'li't:! ClrJmIP~ln'cate;d. A :S!~Ci81 :aMOrU lilt of spechll th ough R01i! alwaIYs eX,8fi1csi''ile @q u ipril:ul! nt ~Js, n eE!ded~ On the ot'hlr' h.al"ildl 'ih e: ardie:rl1t; '!'·doz'~t·Vou r$eUe(' ~~y ,a~,readv ~OSSE ss th e ba!Sli~:


'TheM: et$sertl,ti ids ,~'If'e an el E!-ctric drill ill or motor capable of dr u\tu ng S!lJ ndrv ~otanl jfi~lesj' stones, la~d 'f ie~.il~r~e 'shaiffil" iil'nd I~referab~:v 'f imd VII it!h a dh u,ek ,cif mli n ilm~ml '% in~h _ta"c·~tV. T'he' ll'nIillllumUm' r .p.m. Ilrate sh~!JJid be 2:,f2C·OI, Thes~ rrequ~remen1ts are eas,'ulr¥ Im~t bV m~t do,milst]c :nai1ldrVlma,n~'s; d~ins eosti fitg between f 5~15CiP i3\1c1i1.

Ui howeljj.er I o,~u~ i nmnd 5 to UlfldJe r1ake a 00 nti'nlUtn,J!j~ ch:f~el,opfn:lte'nt Plr.ogf,amme h1'ij1\@r!\rijI19 eentl !1lual r&1;1S~f~,ow:~ngl then on e rnust le!l1SUr8 'tm a,l: f'i! 0 matter w~ia-t 'type! !Oi~ dr"i~1111 ~'s; UI sed, th e Fourt'i1ng rpa rts m us't be mOlilrnTWd in ball er 11! eedlre·roll ~'e n" !bear! r1I ~ I' lITlot jlus;~ '5~lmlph~ bL!i~he~,~, tine ~li",IH· type telndi ng to w~ar Ir.ap~.dll V i'~ u~ed

toO ahe n or too ~ onl~I'for thl~S, purpooe.

Alii ordi nary' 2000 r. p. rn, P~,li!'S '~..:norsoe 6'i@lctr~ 0 malow ~ ~@;S"~~If!t~1 ,about £3 to £4 ilt 9O'Iernlme nt 'surJPI us sm:res,~ cam be' reon~ejnEd at 5 mall lexpanse to drhr!e I

f ~B~ ilbJI er stn'att IIiI.dI wi,11 ~a~t ~iAd.ef irlfI~,tehf .'

A ~:int worth Ilf!eimelmb€;lij'iirngl ~s mart, tIMe; 'f!'ID!iI1i1!1T the: motor! 'dlernl the' quid<Jlllr wU~ jom b~! com pleudll' though unfertu nau:lv '50m~ 'of [be ve~~ h.igh :speed Imotors U:t.I@OO, Il' Uil,) itffl not iSlllli"tl:bi~e fo,f III eavy gr~jnl d ilDlg or cio$'e a!eCU,f,i)rte deta,ill work,.,

. -

My' OVUFl eQIIJ:irpliiAe~t consiim ~,f an r~lld IBlad!::iilod [)edt'lirr \f'ibro"Cenctri,c va~V~"$Rat ,.indeiil' 'Gi.on\iferted tc' dri'lj,~' :a fl_e:x~iblre! sih:Pt ,i'lnd pu r,ooased '5BtOfii d htllnd for :DL. lili1le CQ]J1wers,ion lI:onsh;,tedlof d Ifi IUlilg Oln: ttle b~!11 ,e:nd IQif 'the: ,sri nder ~nd U'Pip·i~gl a '~h re~dI mfiirto i't", 'iloW 'w'lif~Qh ls ~rewN the' dlliiv,@' ~,'liRdle' Io.f t~e flexn'ble shaft ~s~milafh!l' ttireade5di, Th'~£ se1: up nas a 'free' li@adl r.p.In, Irate of 12,,5001 bUit lean be Ili1un for permodls Ft!;@it !e'l<ol!edlin~1 00 'S~QndtS when }~ mJUS'iE be· s1iOpped ~l'1id 111m: 10r 60 ~~d$, to 1(';001 d:cwn,., Th~'$, ~,s, id~lr how~!Ver 'si f1I'~ ilhe 'OOQ~I~rngl,tin!llJi!~ is 1f18N~ly

liJiied 'to i;nrspeCl: my worik as, I 901 :al,~ IllUt 'whii,cm $5 'eS's;Gifit:i~1 ,~f'liYwarY·,

111111 ,(lddRlli on. 'to ,the! :abil\\!'6 II a!r5i.O ~~ II dl)m~,til!t: d ri'll ftl:r fi n~1 po~ishmr1Lg ;al!ll;di w~rk ~ mn 9 'in tltMe pa rts cl(D~e 'to, tlhe. valve' 5eala, Il't ha'S ~he a;chr,a!fiMu'p1 'thJ!it 'it CaJfill be. SUm1J1P 111'1 ,9 WOQ~n Vil,iCe or '5pe~[Ju;i !dr! II '$tarujl ('f 1 ,:21;$)' '~QiliiU Il'id IJ~OO ss i1 I al~ha" o~ gr'illl'lder h:rll" 'f,(iI ugh wO ~k $um as, h"iitii~1 :Shii,pi11fl9 of ~allve! gu ~dle~ ~nd \l\illlld5,~ er !Ii ghten'llngl o,f rock'E!:I' geJlliU ~ Q,fl)9 'fur1J1ii~r advan'Wg,.e ijl$.. 'limn mis d ri i I earn of 00 ~lIY' lbi llIl5J!'dl fOf o,~rler 'wQrnilk lno,t cOlilnected wHIRr 'ain., ~U'u~nJgti '~I'DWef ~;t IS ,oopabh~' '0'1 ,d'O~!ilg all th~t tlhe '~:a5ig-Hl' Imatof' ,can ,d)O, and 'is f~r .PDi6;' urnirYersal.,


IHljiI[vhii gl a power urn i't !Nt then rnee d the eLI ill!)! I'll g: too lis" I neaJa-I'v' ,gi ~W3Y'S, ,lIS'e :S!tones i n~;tl~ili;~: 'Olf meta I romry filii!:! SiI' t'ney ,are qu i(;k@,r" don!'t chatter ea~i Iy iii" dl tend tel 'g hi' €I' a befter fin~slh '~o r the emate ur plI'Qvid ill'lg he' 'n n ~:!i.ne s Oiff VII lth ~ nnely 'OO)C'[ured ty,pe'.

Do iii ~!~ '~hi ok that stones w~,i I II iii Sit m,re~ef, Th ey wi II iii ot B ut pro'ilid~n ~I one oll1lly buys ~h e ben, they iharve' an ,Dcceptaib'l e: I ihi. Such stones CQ,n a~uJlut: 25p I~ach~

Nlc;,t onlly Ihlve C'he-a[p stones II snol1 IUfe bUit Hu~ 'IncI~s of tl1l~' cutting Ihe~d is fiot a~ MYS '[IUS ually NOT) the sa me' as that O'f t ne sh~h: on whu c<n it ls mOll1Jlnt,ed~, ma!k: irl'g 111m: u~~e-~s, i8 rltyway 'S IJf1i ce it wi ~'I ehaeter e->N:;e~!ii\i'el'y, Thi~ pJFOlm pis Me to mefllrt.h:m en inmporti!lnt: po lnt '0111 ~iflf'ety'., Whiel1ll a stons :~ar U to d19N:er and th is; lei! n hap~n w,-n CD'1Il eXJ)efii s~~e sronas if heJli~ at an awkwar'dl ~ngle'" :mri'tc:n off: the ILl IIi III1 'o:r taike t.he nO Ii"Il e' 8M'V' ft~@m tihesurfiioo be in~ Iground~ A eh ilit'U ri ng sto ne wi II lof~e III shatter and 'm II~W lam~' I Ulffljp:l up ~ Iii your fa oce '" So be carefll.!l ~

The sh~lpe$ ,~nd S,i.~BS; y'Ou wi I ~ need ,3 Ire sh,own ij 111 d iag lIam 1 '. I f yo U can ~ ge'~ at ooarse aJndi fh':te S:-UQ!'iHe of eaeh tVpe'! but do not worry otl'neMiiis9, i'~ will merely mean ,th~t '':('@'i!J Ineed 'to :s.pernd' lo,ngeW' pollmshlifII01 wi~h ,emery 'c:I'othl,,, ,As; '~ime p~:![Sle5, V'O!U wi ~lll 'f iill"ld 'that yoUi IDUI~i d iilJ fai r~ y 00 mlpre'hrens il~"e co,ll@ction of stones and ,~ue.u ~ ~ Ihi!!! VEl abolJl t th ree d02!en di Here nt ty pe'~ I ,alii d' d 1II rl ng !hi s t ~Ime' you wi IIII 'find thet you devellQIP your OWIF'~ l~rE'teman~!i! fnt calrta~rI $h~et. shaiPes and grades,.

,All sha ~:rnlg she uilid bIJ cemded out wi'~h '~~I!I~se ston es; and al fi lIi,all ·"(Je,1 i~!h'r~ obt:alinedi iUS ~lf'Iig emery clotln a nd or d'ry wet/dry papeir i For poll i,shi n!g i nsida ho'~e'~ an d liIIerticu il surfaees (ports a rid 00 mlbust ion cham bel' wa~,~ s I, till ern LUY' 1C,IIoth '~hoLl1ld be· moulrr~e~ on a SilP~ it. (od or p~ece of 5,p'~ii;t heater hose. P'er~Q ir'i:8JIIV ~ pre~e\1i th e fDrlmll'lieir 'for use on dngJm'b~r' w:;i'lis iimd ':mhe latter for Trndd'e ;~hla perts and v~!'iJe thro~'tS!.,

A I,ength of; n'in h eat11U hose II,abolllf~ !libe iiln m~s)" of tine t'Vp~ wh ieh i n cor:p-Qr~t,e~ ·'~iDllotJh f,abric"~ ~n ,~ts; ecnstreetten, lSihou~t~1 halle' a spll i;t ab~o,ut 'three inches 1(00)9 out in i,t with a Ilhack'~s!irw., This SihOIUI,d than be mounted \0'[1 ,iii l!!'ne'tal Sp,iliildle and' t\!m I ha,'iij'~ f'Oull d that the be,st wary is to, U:sel all eld cVI i ndrie~ ~ metal eutter wlTlij eh esn lbti forced '1lJ Pi i nSiide the h ese and: pr,O''Il id~'rh!II it i'S! IiII ¥ery' 't.iglil,1, fit ,th e hos~ wi II~ not i,a III oU iltt in use, The emery cl,odl i5ihou~ d then be wmOIJ nted 0111 th@ hose exa~~Jy 1iI~ wi'~h tlru!!' m iHil III red, Thi:~; latter s~ould be ab;O ut fl@'li!lr ~ndle~ ;vn len.~lh~, wi'H~ iii %-i neh 5~ ot cut i III QIIi e end. PDf tit!rI;i!)h~ nrg..,off flat ~urfg;r:I~H;;' sueh as, !HI Gombust;ion I!l:hamber roof one! should again IIJJs-e le~ry cI~rth~ ilJllIlt t't.~!i tiirrU!' me IIJnted en ,3 fl,at rubbe'l" pad, T he' maxi m I.Y m dij,ii! mHll f at thiis, I~OO 'Wi ~I~ d~!'~nd IJIJpiln t~;@ "tv pel of cv ~ ilflM 11' head be;~ri1 gl used aJnd th!!' min imUlm r ad i Us of th e 'co~busticm spa,ce (e,.g. on ,a Mini 8Sm!' 'Ihi's, pad ImU5,t, molt e)CJ(;eed '~:''', nnofN~;5 d i~mele'r ,aJ!' On e can net pol ish ~h~ chamber roof rli'g;!ht iln t i:ght ,aga ilnn t"he affl(8lm b~r WB I 'I i . Un fortU1fl1 awl'v ~h,ese pad~ a fie f'I o:~ leats\,' t'OII obtB,j n (try ali! efi9i n4!e'ri I1g steeklstl tbough it ls pO!iSib~l! '10 ,j!',educlQ SillV ;i3J ,3 .. incft ,IUam,e1:ef' pad It:,o' tne raqu i lied d'ia meter.

1"" ~


ohapte,r a lAS FLQWlllllli

H8villng relliulrVecl th;e hb~ail, 'f '(l'm Hie c~,r 8~ 'fm'r the ~ilmnplle Idle-cote ~ lfiem~ve rail aoo~G!ii@s sUdh as marni fol,d~~ ~Irbl] rte·mn, tJh~nl!mosta{t~\r. !heartilf!1' t~ps; :!Blndl a~ I :stu:ds,.

!Ii!! 'V'Oti trY' \i!i!'Ofik'ung '@'1i1 a ~'n!lad with any of tlhe a'boVie ~~D'r~ as sUI ~ fined ,{,OLl wffill SODn learn 'WhV ~ :5;3r1/' fema,\U~' the m lbefore stiiirtilrt!lJ serieus work.. 1010 oom! refil'i!!!lve Un;!: '1abres ,@,r Spril~ at: thhsi stage'. VOIU Imay ,erxIPsriti~Jf!' some' diffie!Jj~litV iln re~IW~f\g; SQlme of the studs 'b1Jlt, tile 'fli)lllow;i~1 are three 't:,ecJtifliQ~es II find 'suitabmei.

'Screw two mUlI_S, onto 'tine protifudi 111J1 IP~rl of the 5tJud ,SflLd lock !them together by t.igh~emi rn,g 'ori!iE! ~gaij!fi!st:' the ,~lth~w, Then apply ilfl'tg ,a s,p,allner to 'Ih e LOWE R liUJit attetQpt '~i) url,fiCin'eW it. II t tJne nuts ,are I,@ckied 'to~th~r ~ij!trriv ,e,nO'UJ!ih ~h is sh<o'Ui~d ,effe~, 'tlhe r,e mov:'a~1 of tJh@ '!i,tud wi'tll out dlam~e' '~~I it'. 'Then u n~~revil ing the TOP ntH wm lHl'~OQk. 1.11131 nuts :andl E;'iilaJble '~hem 'W 1M ~errHlllil'ed.

Iii nI ,the ~wnt. of th e s:tud I~e~n~ bi8Jd Iy corrad.E;!d if1!jtome head th e' ,abo'iii',e !!i!!lll!'thod rrurv 1ali I iUl~1 th~5 lNi 1'1 ne~$simte 'ttn e use lof ~, mol'e' 'lJIiilJa' or ~ m ore !Bff~cti~e stilill ~ ,Stilll lsen WlIiefi! ch. U!ilf'DnJJnMel~y' th~ ~I,nenr MO lTI@th-od$ ruilfl!i 'lila stud, Usi ng ,thel afore M'SlI1'th:u'!led ~'j'5DI,hJt' wnru' brl:llsh mio,lmted ~1fi11 In ellie-Ide drill, I~me'an ,rdl loose 'ilJ~roo ttl ifrom withi n the, ~omtuJsti,c n th a mbelrs :and ,arOlll nd an d over' tliU!l v,iI~~les,

The n set thi!' 'h~!td I!!J'P' ~n ~ 'vice O'if 'Dn ,11 S;!il itabl,~' lbefll't~hl and usi no a s pli"'i~' I,eved ijlS an ind iG!1,t.'Q,1I ;ad,~1J st the In~~d pos,itioni 1i9 lt ~so 'mat th!l! face is IP 8rireetJy horij ZO(i'Tim~ il!i1 ;.dl di reetlon S (i .e, ilCrOS$ ,and aJl1ong) ~ Th,~n !JJ S!~ ngl ~ 5W1 c,c. bu fti:,tU ~ which oo&itt"5 about £'2.5QIP fr,o·m ,iii ~!i)d ch~!llIli'n:, meilSUlli'l! th~ voll!1me a,f I&adh C(rmbUiSUon

ch.ambew~, 'tski 11 ~ ·the~ largest as ollLe~ S, guideJ~

F~III 'the burette wU:h '~I tm~ix;ture: of 5, PiA::; piEi1',affi'!i1 to 1 part C:lEAN :lOW' ,engine oilil.. but do fHl:t fi II abO'\i',e~ ~he zero mark ~~ '(he t'Op,. Op~n the ll,P' ind allow' about: '~ IC, .. C~ i!!O ft.ln from tlfue bUUiefl'f!: i nte ,(I n'SI 01) t~,n~"., 'Then, ho,ldiin:1 a pleee of Gle~n wh~W paper belt. II[u1 ,tlhe bu,fiet~e., l!i'i~ta,d en the I,evel~ o,f the meni::IGIJ.!!S! (wh[o1fi is t2he

dark. wrv,ed rirrJlg' at, 'th~ toO pi O'f ttle '~I uid~I~,

Theml... caFehl!~11 V'i' ,ooMpl~tely 'fij II a chamber vvililh ~ i:q ~iid 'fro rn '~"e' tu.n,ette" mik i 119 '\:l1iJJ1lle 1~he I ~ q1u id ls nltt1:: iiillll~iI)~~d "0 'ClVerfliow, 'careh(lll ~lii[PU IMlioO'jl 0,1, the bUl'le''ne up ca n vrary 't'n;B flo,w of I Irq u'~d fro m a stlre~ m to si ng~el rei re pl~IU. thiVi'riig '~il ~'~dI Ith-& chis rnbr:r c~~e the t31P' iiilnd ,illl,'ln read the le'lleil at t~he mlel!i1i SOU~'. Subtr~ the 'first. rei) d ing 'from 'thi,s, ~fiI d 'y'D'~ w'i II olbta'irih 1tt~~ i!iI@l! 1,1 me ,of 'the O~!am'ber,. _lReltiOO~: fow a il~ other eham'ber5;. lMn repe.a't ~III o~er aoa~n~ t1 avi no iilfS,t oolm p118t&ly dried 10m: eaeh cham'tu~r,. This 'win giue twal sets of [Jj,ea,dJings, or :~ o'nl w'ishes, 1:0 be fussy th;j1iee sat~,. T akl@! the a.~erij!iJe' of eadn i !FIi~ftivid ILIa I (i;Mlliinbewi's re'&'dJi ngs: as be ung

the ,~U::tUill Wllu'me for 'tM1 CMlll1ber"

Take th~ ~olum~ of the 'I;n'g'@st chamber as b~lri;ll~ the ena ~o ~hieh y'oUi work I~ij,,!e. all other ,oham'cers must be m_ade equsl 'to it when 'C~rfvinQ out iilIny fiinal 081 !iJ'Clci nI91}1.

One' S rna II poi nt, 'On eha mbe rs wi th a ~ a f'i[le' S!lJ iiTace llii'G',tI it is CD ften ~I most ~moo~~i ble to mil ~ wnen 111~, cha mbslI" h:;l$ been 'com p hne ~y 'fi ~ I ad. The eas,r est way to eUabl~Sih when 'the chamber is tun is tc clelHl tl)e' head f~ce' of earben and t'xo~ssive di rt, gri t, ete., Then pu ~ iii fi ne ~!iilrlrte,ar of e;1i'"~arSe rroulflcH' ~hQ. dh ambe r i gJl'TI d plaCle a pie~ of per!pex, 'iNli th 21, 'lUi rite r i nch he lei In i t o~ar the eh amber, ~I t Ii s tben ,iI marn:'er of s.i ffi1pI i,(;;ll1ty tQ 'fli I i the eh 1lmlmu' 'th rou gh til e h'c,l@ ~n th e IP,er5pe)i: unti II the ~e-vel lust stan'S to ClQlme 1.Jj,j) the hels'ln the Pf."f~,pex. ,A:t.thI$ e~r~y sta. in the' proaedu~, onoe'j5 readingSi neoed! 1iI~liI:: be r:m10re accurate tbl.un te t,ne in~!alr~~t 0.5, e.e, sn dione' dces flI@t ,need to take mOll'l! than to ne set of read ~ngs ..

The i m1p:Jf'tanoo of ttJ,&se' re~dJi III ~" Ihowew.r. e'Ve.11 at ~h ls s:tag;e. wi II b~ apPi!lten t when I tel II you thst it IS 'hom ih is ~ nf'ermat ~on ooupl,ed 1jO S! iklrlowlledge of the mi1l'('~mU'm ,amou nt 'o,f m etaf tt is po~jb 1113' to rem,ove! "r(!!:rm 'thei IltV~ i ndsr head face ,a rid 'the! tfi nail 'OOn1pl'181ssi,@ n ratio reqru ired, 1t:h,at, one Ii s a to ~e te assess ~1!lJst tHlW much me'lal one can rem.ave' from the ma,mbers '~n any '~l~s=fil!OWing oper,a.tiOii1~. i nfluen~fi"g facoo'rs on the am Ii) unt a re a~ 5:0 g~[$klet thi ckrl'es:s~ ann u lsr ~r~ 0 vie Si'~il~ all! d pisrbJ n tU\il}'Wft ~ ~'Onl e, fi nil ~ iC;J leu lat ~on~ ~f'!rVO Ivi no "the l!I,S;1! orf th e 'fo rm u loa shown ,CHi" t ~e '©'PIID!!: flte page.

This opefatiD'il~ to date'rmlin9 the rO!.l!~h eapaei!ty of the onamben:l, can often be avol'ded by oonsllJh'ilng a work!iihop manua~ or WLA.C. Homo,llog9ttOn she'IU. The fi ~lIilrBs ~Iuoted Ci!! ii'i on,l "/' be reI ied u pan 115 be-i rag ao&urate ~,IO a J5 e,c,

I'r Y'CHJ ara n,DW rwande'rii'!1l~ about the maximum amount Q'F metal it is, pOMible 'to take frem 'th e Coy I i nde'u head 'fa Ge, i n ~h e absence ef an a uthor ~ty wh icn '!fO u c'an eensult there. ~'s a 'm mewln~t rc UJgh a rtd read "I (JI!J rd~ wh leh you ean ca rry" OLlrt yourself'..

ICare1l!111y i n~peC:'t the ev I i nder h ead fa ce a 11'0 II.Ind 11i e ho ~e;s ll'eft fur warte r ,I) nd oi I ways, try afl~1 ij'(fent"fy 'Wh~ch ,art!' which. Thera lRS,in9 a depth g~u;g,e, ow @V@rIi a bent pin, meas,urGi as accurate,ly ss p-os~ible the thickness of m~tal ,1111' the thinnest ,poi nt, I f it i:5 01'11 a wa!!te'r ]ackM 0 f anlywhe re near 'th e eemaustlon m ambers, one must ~ea'ljfle' at I:ea:st 2:,5 'W SiQI tlnou s, o'r metal :after rnaeh in r.ng. 0 n 'the oth e r naJl1 d ~ ~n pi aces (rna m'av' be ab~ e' to lea'll! iii s I i'ttt~ e as 15 th D'IUS. or' e'!.l!en brE!'e! k th rOl!!gh into a gt!lllery ~ then all'CM ltd 111 e b'flea k~tlhrough po ilnt a v.d c!:If&f'ul hi rem ove any I u mlps of - w~'lld; this howeve r ls only for til e Vii ry' bra,v!. (F,o r Il!l)(am pie Min i h eaid'$ iI ire usu a ~~ y th,j nnt8st: ,at. the 0 ~I WaY' be fI'! n ~ u mbe r 4, dhlaJmlb~r ~ right on the edge of the h ~a d, !Hen'!' i~ is qui fie silrfJe to Ile,ave a w'arfe II' crf' metal On I y, Q r ~~en break:

throLlt~ h i iilto til ~ g!Slllerv. 01'1 a must rememll'.et howev,e'r to C'ie-dr ~III~ the a ~ I wlay twrizol'll ~a Ii I Y Sine II' ~ rC~'lN'e1 dli rag flli) th~ s U~lh~llIy blocks th,e a~ re.adly rUUrll)w passllga~ I~ ii3 m afra~ d I ca nn Oft be mOire i!'1t: pll'i'ci't t~ a n 'I h is ,iII~ '~he m~;iIi; imum illI11IlOUl'lIrl varies not, only frOM mode! '1t1~1 m,ooel but ahilo 'f'!fom one head '!W' ~r1lother oompiH'irng simu~l!Elr heads). lher'a is. t10Wi!i\!'IU' filli!!'ly ;illw,ays a sa_fe ma:li;t.mllim wJtiich (;OV!eIf'!; aU tnecads, of a paniclJ lar m ode,1 (e .. ~,. Ii:Ibourt eo l1h (.'jus. CUi! M ~n~ ~ ~ th!3' ,absol u i61 Ima)( i m um nor ma! IV :f.1in IV Ii! P p1 ¥ 1"9 in extreme ~in~um ~tanoe~ i!l uch 'Ill when 'Cl'!1e i, fi8'!!iem'~UIiI i ng BlIiI en.gine_


D ';;:;;' ICy I inden· OOI'~

S g Stroke

C. R i C1 COl"ri!lpr.es$:ion raitici

V ~ SWe'rrt vo! urne Q'T '11 clI'l i ru;ler

'II ,C'" ~ T 0111 ten g'itrl1e eiil!lf,l'ae:ity

n ~ 'N U miDI r ~o!,t en~~ne eVil i Hden,

H ~ V'~,IIU rrua' c,l: e,1 i Inter h'aad eh .. mbein" ,. .. ' , ,,_ , " , ,_ ,

A '_, V"ol u me li~en Iby' garsket~ 'itt. leknass, arnl ~ i~1rI ifl'lm .o'f' p~ s:tontS,. arm u lar Qjn'icoy,e,

d ustance Qli' piM:on 'fliol11i tle;.-p o'f' bl,ock ... 'YiDh,n3J_ p--ock1eb e~~+_ _ " _ _ _'I ,

R:i1::mem'oor '1hiSt il~s;t)QI,Ii1S, with 'r,a~sed erO.IIllS will h:a/yeJ tlh~ efo~~cit, '@liIf 'red!J)C!lf'I(gl ;J'O~ Uf!Ii'iie A 'Wilner;.eas, d~ shed piS1l!<o,ns h ~~e, 1'1he af€! et of' U!1i Cl~~SI rng n:t. AI~D ,al1!~' \i\:athre' lOO'ck!eb eut II fili!O 'th I, b~'Q;Ck or pi:itol1!t wi iii niCrease A,.

T:D ~ho:li"I! I!!iow IC~_' 'formulla workt ,Ulk>HI 2 e:X_B_mpl~S1 ~i) ~'f lCY~i~ft~_ mhJ~',.'~ 1~YI~nder~1 250 iC!.C,,~ ~!::IiiTiIblii ~iOtn I!!ieadi :5ip.;liti!i ~'9, 2~ IC.~ • .and A. 11:1 IS e.e, aoo 'we want W, ~'~l'Id OOI'i!ll~r:@'i5I~lCI!iIi1


., V~H+A,

C.FI:, .'

H 'f- A

'~H!O ... 21 of; 6


2'1 ,., 6




HI • [250 ; ~ is Iii ~ ';2~ 'l' -~, I.~' ., '1 ,~lSi ~ 2';7 '1 ,~ .. ~. '~hi, is U\i~' h~~1 yol illime H !l'lqr

. Ul-,l 9




rho fO!lG1 otr 81 1I:IIiioo.-.l'" bo~ r'Qm of n ~ I S(:IJ 5


-, _





_ Ilij ~lI,i d ,BlI r'I1(!!5t '''P.I!!!!!'I'!''I'!~!!!I!'''!I'~-_' mUli::hilng ·'stra ight ~dgc

..... .. ' ..

~.... 'X

However we illre d iV(;,frg! n I) 'too, much, H av ~n Q mea:sulrnd trOLl gtrJ II V'~ th e 'I.I!\O I ume of the chambers One CilrI then r~;moil.r@ d'l~ va~v,eis u!dn,g '~he afOii"e'menft~on~d ~iil'!hl'e' s pr~ iii 9 ClC m ~re ssor till nd keepi rII Q: ~ n min di my elU I ler re rna rk'i ~f!I ~!HJfe'ty,

This br in{p us to -the prDblem !l}T WI a rlk ~nQ1 wl'ri i d'il va,lv,e came out O'~ wh ieh holle ~ unless a ne ~'f titti nQ new v,~ I v,es;ll as m OlS! peopl e IPre~EHf dun Vii ~ves are not m ix~d up and r:e~l!i!l.oed on iii j'IStriiliii1ge" seet, 00 not, III repeart do net PI!.Hl!(;;h ~:Gts Or nu mbers onto ·th a va li'!tes en!' ~C( aJtcoh m~ rk.~ '0 III 'tlhe'lll to ide'l'l'tifv fhrem. These marks are neiiU~Y allways di'ff,icullt Or' more llS,llIa~ly impoiSfs'ilblr! to r'em(D.ve' and they attract c~rbon deposits ~ ik~ m;a,gJ'1e~$ attract pins. ~n$u!\ad 'it takas ebout 'N!/O minutes to make a disposa b1 e ,- no-cost vil~v~-hCl,ld il!ilg rs ck .. 'jake a piece of t[HJgh cardbO'~rd an 101 pu nehl as fifHU'ii II hi CD ~es in It, in I ine about. ,a nl iMOO g ~a"', ~iS 1h eire' all'll! v,a i\i'~~; in the n&ad" O['e-ar IV mEl r k th e m ln peril C ~II' from 1 u pwanh. 0 n re.mCD<\I'i I of 'thi@ val Veli put '~he'm i fa the a ~propr~ iii tie IV n IIj mberred h ole. u: the! hol e'S an!i m,ad e' a rreaso,na b~y tight 'fit then :SLlcoh a racik Can b8 eas,ilv moved ,about w,~thout muoh ieer of th[~ iii; ~ves f,a II ~Illg lOut and get.ti I1lg m bee d u ~"

'Soililfie peop~e us:e 'ttTu:~.lr old gis.kets hu iii ii~h but III do net, ~Of tVIIo rsasens, One ''the ",;a IliIfi~ ~a~ ~ out 'toa e:as IIIV, .and tw,o. ~ ahi'!iBly'& 1JJge rn Void gaSlk,et as a gUY d e whren mod rr v I rI g 1~1l!' eorrra !JJ5~.rO n ,ch~ mbe:u [as C!LI'U lined i I'!II the ne')t ~ jf,I!W pa rargr!ilph~. $om& peop'l'e who aTe ~!l!lally fuss,V also keep '~h,e '11111;;,'8 cc,lIa'r~i oolr~e'U. sp Iri Ifl~ etc, lCar,ef IlJ II1I V Inrurtr[!nE!<i to d'le Viii I 'lies" III nfn ~ tu'n,ote,1 V II tClEIln off"li IF WID iii i'mpl,e s.ol~t1D.n to their no-rage ej(ce~t ~mall indT\!"ldlUally mall'ked ,pollvthene bagii or jl.ll51: p1i1li11il :s.n"p~e' undisturbed plaoement on a 'shaU out of hsrm's wey, The 'V~hJe;s are




the iiimpo~tant, tMog however 3151hev wii'll be' mCfvedi around and w!l)rked on ln ~he rG-oune !@rf ca [fry i ":01 Olr~ mod~,fi caUORSi"

Do fij;orilt riB mo~"e 'il1f! V2l,~ve gu iel,,!'!;' at 'ldl is $~age.

I t w~ II be' obv ious tlhat· !U n ~ecS!i 01: rita in pr-e:cfJilJ!itti CH1S ;aiie 'taken tl1e v,alll'ii't ~eat5, eta 111 (Nni,ly' be 'iii'OOlPlr'!:Ib~v diltmag.ed 'Wihiie! ~,odifrying the chambers, The H~$ must t!lfilj~ be blankrOOJ aff, ,~IIili~1 'lite' ea5~les~. a:nd ch,eapest methocl i'5 'to IlJSle 0 ~d lIfal ue~, as b~ ank~ n ~I p]e~,. The"e 'Va'i\l':~:5! :shoUild Inar~e 'the' l!Lpper fa~s: of tJhei r h eaols, ~Jiroolii1d off 'so tilhrrt 'tlhS;y ,o'nl~V standi about. 1 0 tlnoliJ5. - plI'oud of the SUfrD'uodi iii! chamber n)~[t It is ",or 1tiis f[eason ihd I ~Jug!mfls.~ed dl&t Ol'il~ hMiI\iI"€'S the gllllmd1es, ~n p~acili', ferr' tlhey en ab~Jel [one 'to obtain rn ueh better location of' ~he bhiO,k lll'i1il lf18ihres and w~illl prevent 'the \lIIV8 ~\i'l~h,arne~i[ngti' 'w\nen tou~hed Iby the mo~ be in_~ Utsad to re mava rn erta III fr,om 'U~e ch,!}mber. I f one' ijr!ii, wowt ing Wi th lh'e tn eadl i iil al h[o'ifizonttta'il PQ!l,i'tiori w~'tlh ttne chi,[mbe:IF iIlJIP~W most, 'tltef-e i16 [1'10 IIllNd '~Or hold the va i"l~ ~ in Ipo1Si'~i[~'IfI" but othe'rw~,i8 tlhay.' !jlnOUlld be h e'lli~ lin pliaeD usi,ng t£r.!E!i lOrd inf!,ry U'81'~e s,pr'in9S in thtll' fiHllrmal mllilnnr;,l1". Witih the v,aiy,es if1 pla~ oni! tCi,"_Ip8rfillli"m_ ,am~; anv gli"indi fltgj aip' r'~ltion withi n '~h~ chijlmlil~i~ j sarf1i' in ,the k,n!@whedge that, 'th~ ~aUi wijlll fUlt be' hanmetJ i When work i ngr an m'os~ dlh,amJpr' W8~ I s onie' m(uJ~:d 1'l!@:II'mally'

use. ,I leyl i n d II'j,ci[l,lly-~ha'pedi '~tOr1ie' 'tlhou;h pI:! rsOlna~ pffl,fen: fie!' an d experien ee rn list, be' the 'f:j nai deei d!i'iflg factur. Alii IProfi i i ng' Siholull d Jl! annal I y be car ried out wlt h ;, Slone the f:iniSJl 'finish and polish be~110 obtained using vairiou5 gr;ildes, of elmer;; clot ti ~U~ttu~'d te a COIii'~el'll ian thorne m~ul'e moll as :m~ntio ned es rl ie-I". It WO 1lI11d !be, ,a good id!m to i10lint OUf~ :el~ thus 'S"Urge', that poIIJ~!ihj!ng withouJ'!: emery j' IJIn'l!ress y'QU ~p end .ag1os at i ~, lI'e'm~I\N=S ve.rl( I ~U hi!, metal, so ~OIlJ n~ ed net pol ~ sh 1th e eh almb e rs ulntil arfter tthe'y 8!1'e' bf!lI,8n'C!cl ~,~II' 'uo~umH. It ~s daubdul 'wtn!!lU.e:r'~ by USii'rig normal means, ~Jle ehernber \iloClilUnile G.il11 be measured closer thin 0.2 CC'j BI'H~! th~s~ is a'bout, th e a rnou 11:)1' ~ norm u I, ,~~)I ish job w~ II rem O'jJ~, Th i~s m,DY ~s:OtJlll1d I ~ lkie III lot, but lf 'jNlU een $Iidelr '~~e n a sm 1l~ i eharn ber at ~ S!(lY. ~~ 5 ICc \110 lums, 0.2' II:::C d i1f~e renee rsprsserrts l(tinllv 11.3,% ~~rlj'latiai'1" ~ind th1!i j's aJ negl~gabh;!' amount.

Y'IO u may ti nd it r".nne'r d ifficlJll~ t 00 j LJ dge fl ccu jI,ate'i'y wh e~helr' or not yOUl ha~le take 11 si m i IIii!ir (:IlmOUITU of metal fromeach ch amber W~ II, ,3f'i,ej J f VOl!!. altE!!mp'h te do lS'O j ust 'W i 'Ih t ~1E~1 n akiH'J ,eye WI thou~: some, fO:ifm o'r ~ IJj id8' 'yo'ill wi II i iii ~glr~ iii! b ~V f'~n~ s h by' h~fV~ n gl d ilffeunl't prof r~ ss for each cf1~mb~r ~ I usually DVeJlCOme th i$ by cl;alrmpi,ng an old" undllllmaged but we-ii-compressed gask,et 'onto the cyll'ij'li!dl~r head, Thi's g,i v-es one a nne, a II roun d til e cham bel' c ircu IlTIfere,n ee ~ 'to wh ~ti.h ene' ean work. A bettsr liTU!'thod sti II, is 'to rmiillke. !..:!Ip ~ perspeJ( Ibe'mp~ ste to ttn ~ ch ill rnbs ii s hit pe vou inten d to! use, Ma,lke. SUI rfi~ uta at the, g!aske t is c'lam ped T n exacU~' the' S!i!me ~o!irlion as ilt wClI~ld nonn£JlIv 'be on ill 'flJllly~,fjs.seiiObll~d l~nQ~ne. The, g~sklet. ere 11 be c:lalrm~d on LIS ing f'O ur le rig bel ts a nel rl LJ U;'t each fit1:.ed WI t:1'ri tWQ large washers;. These bOil rs can be ~OG3tBd 'iln the nor MlI! ~v I in~ I!!i r-;ne.ad he ~ t or s,uJd hol&!ii.

The~'I,tern;ni ""e to tin ll!i ls even si rmpl e r. btLllt wi H 01"1 I If talpp ~v i't YOU hive not alre1ady cl'ea,rH~d the carrbon from 'th~' hl;iiJId f'fJ,ce. Normailly' the old g~$k~t wi~1 Ileav,~ a CI'Fa£llr p~fttrlrn I~~f i U .0 !:J't I iln e to!i1 the ht!'adi fa Ge I eav i iilQ a eN n rnct 'igll,)!tl i 1ll11! 81111 round th~ ~halmbe,ir cir'\cumfe'Ji~iHlor&. lhu~ one' ,c.aln work to ,th is outlinl~ 8'xactlv ~~ if the IJIIsk:e't w.e r,e claim ped i'1 P os it ion,.

Stone$: ~,if~ dli'fUcull t'O IJse en 'tthechamber roof. The rubbe:r pad, ,SlhoWIfl whh 'V!c'U"iOUSl gr;8;de~ o'f emery c'letti sbJck to lit i,s quite s.uiU!lb,lc tor alllY in;rt:ial removal of rou~hness and 'f! fila~ po,l ish ing. 1111 IT:! a~t CiilS es it vs, Uri tJleDes~rv ,~'Od ilrld€:.ed riJuil d~s'rrabll@ to' re move me re' than me min i mum amOtilln t 'from tJt~ rocr!!' 10 'Sli V~ ;til good j. p:o~ l:sh,j., WI'Mall1 ~ S~fl 9 iii rubbe,r pad you 'W'~ II 'hod that J t isea$ ier to WC)I[ k;, whh j tin 131 t~ It1t1!d p©sitkl n. I 'f "10 I:J at11! mpt. tQ w\ow k rl1 e' Wh·iO Ie fa,ce 'of' t;n,e pad onto t.h ~ me'~all 'surface V"j:) U w ii I lind 'th~lt any abr::i!5,hre' (:,j oth or ptaper wI~ ~ nOli! re'm@!ill! stuck to 'i;t fo F' ~ongl.

Bef',o:re il'e'mo'IJ i rig the vi'li YIi! gu r desj, re'ia~m ble th~ splFi ngs and va Ives e~c, into the 'c'n.l! m ~nfr whichj ;alt !the fi rst me-as uri nQt cam~ lOut 11~r~st~, hall ilng fi r5~ 'QjhrBJI it ill II'Qugh poli$h 8Wld rougl,ly gfoL!rld 'tihe viOllvEi$ in. Set the he'ad up agalirll :!ill) that 'the faCia i s ho~ i ro rita I. G~il eu I~'re the fij I'!l iii I yo I u me: of eacn ,ch a mbe Ii' reQlu i'lfled In ~ive the filecessary oQm'preSsiolil I':atio,. "1ihen u~ing ~nl~ bl!lr,e'u~ ["un into ti'lJ.!a c~a,mber' d"U3' SBJme 'Volume' of pBranin/oil m~,x'ture'. MeaSUre' the dist,BlI1ce of the ,.~ H igh"wartrtJ;i ii" mark j j fro m thG head 'f,ace i iii 'ttn OuS,8ri ths of iii n ilncn.

,.hi $ '!!live S "iUS, the BlmOlUn t, of me:Ui I to be ma chii n ed froml '~1iI e h&.ad! 'face., I 'SiY ffiHge:s:t a ddri., 9 5· '1 0 thou::;. to t!:le read in 9 ,to a Ii ~ow for ~ny meta ~ f\emoved Wi!h6'111 fi n a.ll~ y


pollij,s.hhilg, ma.killl1g finall beJanci'lIlg or profile, ad~'UtS,tll1ftentSj' i!i!nd ".or melll~ rem'rJ,ved from v:8Jlv,es whelll1 gri lid D~g i ii'i or C~lI'ili'V ing 0 IJt rnnd j'HcallicOS tQ' s.1il,ape.

IAl9me mber that I t ls belte~f '~O' ali m at III 51 II g,ht1v h igher comlPre~sliolf'i ~ ~~~o t n.an VOl!! rt,al ~ V wan-t,. You (;t n near ~'V ;8llwa~s lo~m'lhe' C. R. by rem a~ I n I a .~ II ~te_ 01011'8 mf.Pta'l. YOll! canlno! :stick m eta~ back to t!'ClJ~ se it. At ~SO' MaCh ~I"I e shops, ~~:EII'\~!E!i ~ i3 is if ~III lmeta! is rem OVId at, one !lII'o ti:'l,alll ~f' it ~!S rem ©,'vedi iI1 two II ets, Th~y may charse say [3 ~o F@lmOY(i' :8,5, _UU;UJls., at one go'~ bid ~~Ii C~'iliihi'~e say f2.151P to m::'mO\l\! 70 4:11 Q IlJS.! IJ.~ UiSi sbQYlt '[2 it;C, remove Iilooth e!l' 15 th all! S.,

'TIO Ime;nu re' tJhe dfffei'!I! nO! hetweelil the h~ g'n wart,~ Ii" m i3fik. liltS!! s~ Im_pl,e depth g,a,lJJgf. When doing :i:[lJlj do iilO! 'for~@t oo/,aUow f-or Mi~'~5CUS :enect whl~~h C8!JJ:ses the 'II ui ~I to rome up and meell the le'ru~ of 'Uhe. depth ~;aug@;. I f ~ 0. tlhous. (:lIre a~ I Clwed

'for th1:s. ,then f:hRn~ sho!lJ~d be allri'g~ti

R)eim.ov'i ng; V:~I,v'l G,uiidq;

The' next 'Sta~' ~nrv'Olllves m od~fy ~n! th e' por-ts, a nd va I\!'e' th I'\oa~j and ~tc ~o tlh is prope~ ~y it 'is, ,!St5EUfJtiaJl tf.1iilf~ the \!'~II\!'fS' gluh:fes be remeved. ~Or:i I'V~ the ~ n lre~ ~.~ lve guides if lellvhTl~1 dUl' exhaust slcnel, This may pCfSl! tMe ave.rage tiYiner wllth Ilm,~,:red equlipment som~tJhbAg of ,a ~'robllem 'beGa!.ll'Se'~ I~a~ lt is u$~aIIIY _reoolll_m~nde~ dl:at gu~ d~!S on I y be. II"FJ mO'l.iedl ulS:ing :S'Ptci~1 in ~ ~ ~S'j eth ii!lrwl'~e th ey iln~, I,ab!~e to b:6 damaged. (b~ When re pl ating l'lf,al~e '9 u I de;13 rt ~S !ilea II'ly a! ~ai¥'S __ ' _eoes,'SiI, ry . t~~ . rr?~~t t he 'Iii Ive seats, u!S:i In g slp~'i 181 cuttllF'ig tOIDI's mlde' for th e J'o.b~ d ue t~ tl, B f,~~t v~ 1I~ wh@1n I~alph;ld fiI!31 giJ.i ides 0 ne !IJ$UJa~ I it! CI uses th Ii! va Ive 10 ten1ttre 11ji"jj a d~ fferen'it p('ii$li!ll on ~ an dl he'fIi ce' ~'a i I to seat an tt;~, gil d '$e'st§.,

'!lIe [ 1 ii'!! tn~'3!CiJ 'to 01 i Wi with :s~aru: i n gU~de

II lnir\li& dBy!'~olpsd an ,i!I'~~olllutBI "I' CO$,t f-re;e l!IiIliW~,hod of O,1f(;I!i't:omli ng bOitth p:robh!MS 'when rep. aein,gl the OR I G II NIA l'mllUJ ~dle~ BUT N 01 WM I! N R EN E W~I N rei GU I~ D ES. Whe n i do h~\I'e ca use to fi t Iii ew g~~des, I usually 'ral y 10111 '5-croun!fJtri!9: the iii eoestSJUV :i~jf~ CIJt'~!'IS fo;]" a is,hart wM~;! e, '~h(HJflh III s;ti II use 'the: method" IQ IlJt~ ined Ibele,w for re moving and rlefi'ttl filg~ If tth@ lui'des arema.li.k)edilm.pe!r~ "I' 'they ICI n be rt!)pl Iced jln E )C,ACT l Y! the s,am,i!' p05.iilt iOfnl as, tlns'y we Ire ori~g,i n81lly,

IF! nil, make su itabl e' marks on '!J!he' CV~ i nder he'ad c r choose SIU ftable tllU ide' Imi rks, The~ us i ~I ,i lrery f~ifli e' Mck ~w ~!!rt slots in. ~I,c'h 'DiU ide' ~~ the '~81\i'e' ~p~i no ,e rid 'im~1 I ine up w it,ll tinl,s;e 1IIIIIllM'lt$t eurnh'lg en e' s~ot fOlr nllmber' 'OIIiU~' 11.1 idDl!' two 'f,@,r' Ir1Um'bi'f two, e,tG. T,ry 31nd !~Ufit ,~II th:e ~Iots [In 0 nle side Oi~ '~he guir,del oth~rwi$le it h; q ults jl!J~~ibJe 't~1 ri'kDCI.1re mile, 'g.ultOles, ait lIUJol to their ~Qrfe~ po~~tJl;on~ Thils ls !best

i!! ..... 'ii"II,1 ;!I'"'iJ"iJi!I...iI1 ~ n 'tl.. iIIi, 'i511"C"'li"iomli"idn,iul i Ii"IIg ..,IIi' .:!igr)!!i'1ji""i' 11'11,.... ~,i!"Iit .... i II t oftii:..6 ~I' .... t£o ~'rr'- .... i!! Ji(i - .' . ",b . '\

I!Ol""'t" IIIh' !gll.!! ~.. J ~'Il! g_","" ~ II'""Q!~:r .. il lUi I iii! _ !liUllU~. Lilli,;!! ~l~ .... " ""''I.!!, !!o'I'"",, ,i:! 'iJ ~, !I:IL~ Y u"'ll:lper U Illan IS,

id)~o~llu tf!'IV Inet:essary. I ~UJ t: m in~! a'b:ou t 1liM in. deep. Vlltull s by lI'eplaci rag th e '~all\i'e' gui'des in IEL'(~et~y tJleir (mi:Em'i~aJl po~i'~i'c.H'i ,O'i!le' ;3NOids 'thfJ' nece:ssity, to reaout the va~ w, seats,

NI@~xt '0 D1@ Iffil!l !fi1' -rnalk_e. iii d'll'th far removillnQ ,all'ld re'rinhilg ,the: !!l!U~,(hi~~t 'T'a~e aJ ~15nIIB, i Ill. Iboilt ~o r SYloh si lll:e' as wiU I "f.~t sn ugi'Y' i rrt'ci n~ e' guide) !1IlfId 'filile' ilrhe head! ,to :21 few theus, less ,o~e'f,a i~ dia mete Ii 1ha 111 the ~i!lII(v@'gu ide, F it ,a '$ui,t~ble w~~hre r under 1tU! w~ t tll~8ldi a.g~li n wUh o'!il'eJ1't~I~~1 d~~m_eter reduced to that of the: bolt hQ8CL Th is ICOfli[~tJ~tJUJm the! dr rift" wh ich s.hollid b~' pur! ilnto, 'the 19:u~ o:e at me~ va hi,!!'!' sprWrtl1 18ild., e,¥, hi almmef'u~,gI tni,ij dtli"ift one cam then knock the 9il!Jli'de eut 101 the' h~g;d. Carlbo., de'PQsJts aot '~be va ivai 1hlroat end lJIiS~i II~V IPre~en'~ til e guide be ~"g dlrihed @ut 'U'Ie' op~si'w WilIV. WheFt! t1he ooll'~ h*H i s be !F!e'ltlh 1lhe outer 51!Jjllrfaee' of tit! head a 'pLiln C;n wi 1,1 be n eed;ed 'to cOfir~i n ue elf ~vi ng the' glU~,de' 'ilJi n through 'toge~h er whh the: drii f1, an dl ,~ wi IIII t[l,ff'8r ,(me 'word I~)if ad~i~e'" 1)0. NIOT u~e a pun~h maJde ~,f ~~uu~d '~I!" briitde II"iIitetal .. and llTlake. ~t5, diameter IBtS Ilirge a'S practicaL A sllJlvtably

IlrlIQd~ fij e d gilid 'sCI'lE!w"ld,li"iv,8 r bl~de ~ s Ys~:a'illy j W5.t' r;igIU., .

WitJh tile gu [,d'e s, removed on'e' can ~et to ,9,nol ~a,rry' out ALL P P rt and va i'Ve, th f,oot mod~'f'~cat iOfllS IUS. ungl ,I CO nv,en[e ntlv s~apedl ston e, ex,tlend ed ~'f' f1ilE!lCft"SHIii"V as iiilife~dv mUnlti!)n@d. (1IJihis i'5i ~llmost les$ent;~a!1 when pro'fililll1~l1'ne belndi ln 1:tHl port lust Ibeif'Dre" 'tlhe! vahle thr'O~r1tt • .) It i:s as ,e~e,!iltirat 'wiTle'n mod~'fvifiL~1 aerts rand ~all\r~ 1hir1@'ats, te get e~eh tUlle idelii'1Ii elil 'in NS pect O'f' §hape a rid :s;~ ie~, i9;'S it ~:s: 'when modi"fry i !'1I'~1 the ch:aMber~i' ilill fJ,ac·t if ;afill'!tithi IIIg ~:t is m{!! Iii!!, iimlport4llnt., The best w-ary ~f doi I1IQI this i~, by makrnl\,J up metal 'temphnes", one' furm,I' val Q 'tlh ro\it~ and (!ilil@ mlf 'tlhe rna in part ,oif' ~he [pOrt. D'ecid~ wh,i!it si ~e ,and sffiltalp;e VOU w,anrt, an d 1~~'lj\ehl ~llly Cllll~ OLllr! some' sheG't me ta II, [~al"e rns, Mc'ilJnrt 'them 01'11 'ttl i n 1m eta I rods 'Or oo~ ts M ShOWfl. TIt'8U"IJ as y.'ilJi u worik. cOfn~,1iI u~1 ~ y l'l'\se rt '''_eml into th e' po rt lOw" ~~Ive ·tlhroMf carefulll V Qf~;n ding till 'th e' same size' i! nd sh,ape' as the tIDemphillibe 'i~ n'leae'h&d. UrifforfilJJniarm~ 'i.t I have lI1erue r ,..!i:J!liV i,e,e."la sul .. ""i-.,I.r!Ii "'''"i'T;iitnl""t·..c: f ~ -, ifhi-.,n ~: -I: AI • ~

_, .... c __ • _ _. I!.!!... _9 _ U 'Ii..!! i;;!' _. ~~ ..., !JIiii1 ~"t 1"" ;g,,!!Oil _ Df 1Li~ I,,", IJI'I! Ifh;il In

tbe po rt, ilflld I Ic~n oml Y' sug~~,t: 'carel~ul Iiil p;pUcat lon of ,the; h1ldex fi ngEl'1" and l!¥!~s,ight~ I~f us ing ~ tiogaif' to fe~1 the ~h:ape I' ]i~f:ilt: fLU n i'~ I ~rgi:1tlv ova'if ,the, meUl1 :s;u rf-a ~~, Ii! avi ng' first f!ii1;,ade' ~5Ure thai\: Un'! metall ,and V'~ u!!' 'f~ngef' ;a fie' Ic:le~ n. ~lf you 1~[f'eSS t,o'o oord you 'w'~ ~ ~ be' U Itabl B to f,eel the' 't:rUE! ~lha pe. A'~$O you wi II f ilnd t.hat ~he bener the I url,EI tOO' nfiilisii"iL!' '~jrU3! 'easier it ~s, tl~1 feel '~h;s odd ihrl!.lmps li3Jnd blllJiIil!1mps: and !i,haps' tJi~f'Qrenoes. Tlhen it I'S tJ,a,ck to work~ l~r~flY lIy w:~~h !'II sml!l1iE!m [II :sa1y' rci~Jle'f'ulllliy IM~'I1Use onl! 'dnould l!lie~eA1ber '~hilit ~shape ditferEi'nces diS'.cO'iilelted1 ,lilt tihis, !~'lt1i'.' 'wH I .man' 100' 'll!'ery' ,gmalt~ ~sjYmling oi COLi r~a' tJhat th ey weF~ in 'fact: Uti! d;ete~t~

able beftOJie' pol ishi n!!jl,. . .

Cli1ambQr,' voll!lll ~ ~Ing llI'n'ell!!IUfiool. NCIUII ,t li:ic p!i'l r!'~e":!C; pM ~e. wi 'tin 19 ole'. tOIj,jlB ri n!li the clriti m'boer. Ule GfeaM to $g~'1 'the< lidSD~

H~W!f~e'r 'we haY'@ jumpedl the gUil!l ill litll~.

't\'fti3lt, pt'Qf:illmin ~I ~he ~:a.mbers Ildo'~"t IPO~I~ sh them imrn elUatf!e IV)' ,ali d p-'ons wi'th ,9, ~~~ln~Li' ~ntdl the' head m ,th ~ rrulch Ine shop ha~mn,g 1~II~ul:Q.dl h,ow mlllJoo met.El11 YOUlI need to trem 0'\";" ~5 a imady QllJi!I!l hl!f~d .,-

chapter 4,


Set t ne sl ow (~;tOOOI r .Il" rn.l d rill up illl ~ bench sta Illd or su itabl'e wooch!!n vice, Mou nt a 6 i iii. Hi! b'oor IP3d into the dr'~II, I i!lfnd mount a msd i iJ'm grade alu m in~ urn:

Oxi dE albrarsive disC, on 'rlne' pad. Swi'!dl 011., IH o,~dI duf end olf '~h ~ g;Li~dle' th at [pl"ottruc es i fl!1i~1 d~H 'II',al ilifJ: th ~oa.t a.g~i nsrth E!! d ~'C'I Ice ref u'l ~'v rctat ing t'he guide Ibetwe~1l QIII,l!S: f~ngers,., thus f'i,mou'ing metal and t11inning the 'end down ~iII it ~'$, s,h~~ped like the end of a !pelnc~L ~ usu~,IIV 'remove' me,tal coWin to the le¥ed of 'the rCllroon de po~h~ !l)n ,the gu ide' 0 II if the 'gu uO!e has 111 c,t (J'f"igi n ~~ l!if Ip1iatru (hed beyond ,the Ig,Ulide ~ loo~s I remoV~ Inneta~ so that IfinV 'taper staD"!s ab,out U8 ln. 'illlis'ide 'tne lpo:int wI"! elrt~ n 1: €:fFt,en t he' 'val'iJe threat, A f ilna I SlJI itabl e f ifll~'sh can 'be ,o,oti!lined bY' rlubbi ng dow n 'wit h f ne emerv doth h, th e area of the. tsper. M on gu idles a nE! neiutive ~V so'ti, and! powe:r teo ~s ,alre nQ'tt n e~ded to obtai n a SLI itably f in~' 'f~ n ish, II fi Rd '~hat 'thi:~ m~t hod! i $ hlQ" IQ U ~olker and j ust al!i iilOCtUratJe as ra@1lI rlt1nlg ,h e ~u ide itsE!i'lf il~ a d,ri i'~ arnd hoi ding a 'f vh:. 01f' 5~'t:,one ag~ ili"l~-t lt as ij t' re'l!ol va!!;.

If vou r Ihalad 'is. n ~rtt f i'ttied wi m '!:Ill ides and you ~ Ii len d Iii (I,vn III ~ '~ru~m, f ~'tt~d (re.,;,.gi. Fiend 1 eSE] you 5hould h~ve me: head '~ui'tiblv 'bowedl ~Q tik,!:! guides at 'the same ti me ,BS VOU h a~'e ~ t mach lnad,

The, easiest. wary tl@' rn ocHfy t'he v,a~ ~~ prof II ~ is 01'7!, a'n off.·!i1{JJod gr iindier., Th ~ 51 is a cern m'O n tv pe of gfij nder all) dl. ls scmed roes known as ,i clJoub le-e nri!'ed Qf'~nd er. 'By hoi dli illig, ·t~e stem lOf 'tile valve, between m~ ,thum b I!!l!1d foref n9iT iust u nder tlil e' head ,of ~~Ifi' 'v;~hu~.. and wotaidng 'the" va II\I\I! w~ th the thu 1mb :aJnd for,~f:i f!!ge~r of the' mh@if h~nd" '©Jl'U~' csn hold ldhe- Olndell'side OIf the 'v,al ve hi earl ag;aij nst the wh€e~ ~'I!ld gamUy' ~u·\@.iile it ~,"I ,and ,~!roulfld the seart areilll~ as i"!!i dep'[c,1!~d in 'the diagr;am. F!Qmn~ '!!tie ,a,i!J'a~11 albill ~ty o'f en o:ff-hi3:nd Igrinde'f ~ ona ean get; the' "a~ 'lies fEllP roft~ ad at a. rneter moohi rH! she p on ;a ''i,!iildve SHt fa,cin.!;Il'illl~,d1 ~ rra. What, th ev wi II, ~11iI effe et, do ij,~ '~O Igr~lnd ~ series of fh~iit::i On ,the ''!li;"1l,iVi'~, wih i:en 31Pptoxi ma~e the' cur'iJ'e you Ire.~i,dre,. It: us dlien l'Ieasofflatd'v stll'iiI:i;~~tf.~,'Maud to ~'merv the \p~hre 10 bri'rig it to iit~'s, 'fh'll!iill eorn1;lO U lIS," E:meryhng een, o,f eeurse, be done in sn ouHnell'Y pl.~1l0'1 drill

suitably Ine.h1 'in f;!1 vlg:;.e.


Modi'fyin'gl 1he cy~ilnder head v,a~'ilfJ' ~iirt;S .. ,~ iii: jobl whh;h. without the CO~'F~ct tool~i '~$ mo&'tt ,~:Uffi¢l!!'h: .. There are ~avaU'a! Wil:YS [O'f: oba ti n ill'1!) ~e requ ill'ed seat S~i;:Ilpe

01 A~ 16 Le~!t~: S:itIlin doJi'd i IiIII!}'t vaiQ. 1~li Qht: M"H~\1~ inlet vahle.

The~n . th~' . ''(fal've ~ ~eat~lm~'U~!~ 10 n 't~,e ~C'om,buSthJ~ oosmbtu f1CUJrf c:gl'11l be s;jmmH a rly liCr,~Uled , t~ _a n ,ce. radius u:sml~1 aJ, p!,ate 5~~nil,~~. ~f you. h~lve,""'t I~t a ~Cli'apeir 'Y~,u ~n ,mak:.:! OI'1l~ ,LU~mg _ 1"Sn1laU f!,at. fl~e, wl'~h ~he e.nd !HJllf~ablllv fiene'nedl and :shaili1p'" ~~tad. Do nOr~ ,scrape' 'the ntdlU& r~g;ht aernss 'the' 'iia~v.e, seaf~. L,'Eu~ve' at l~lUi~ 20 ~tU)1.!JS, IlJfiI serrl Pled,

~hen , Wlliap ~ pil~ce.~f:.fine~ eomery ,cloth ~ 10' Ipaper ,I !rOUI'lI d y,,(DrU no 'fti filglf :aifHi gan1t1 y IIfiU~. ~er, .v~1 ~~ ,Sil1i'~:S'J ,to remo~e iiiny fill e all' dhraner' rnsrks !8Jnd CO ml~i~ete tlhe IliOO.IUS., rF'lrnl:~h by ilrl!htly I,app~filg 'tne vall~e:s in r3ftLd cfueckirr!m] '~he' seat ijIocl,tlira;c,y',


The ~ecCi nd met~odl ~f5, exa!Ct~lv ,as, thre, ,abodl ex~a ptf'lng ,thait: rDIU; dOlu nM hand '~PO~I;~slh'" 'the S!BarU wUh emal~ Qbra5~ye~ I!nstme'ad Olile' uses 'l1e iSiMrali tej~l WI'Shei' bli!rHltf!!19 pad whh an e)(1.r~1 hu·t:e dU5C O'f' Imedi1ilJIi11 IbJr;flf~ve clo:th ffl@runted on. 11:", the wh,o,ie ~at bel n II $it UI~I mn Drill'S lelh~ ~1IfilC, dr'i~I!I. UH a ne'i.N' rO'li'8s,i'lll diR every '~i ms thf!~ olrdl 1~lne. bemdsr Ulpr areu fie! ~hle tap wl;iher. DO;~(1\'g In is wU I Iql!jj Iddy ghieJ rii

befJluf~i'fu I" PQ~IiI'5l:\ld j 00 nllpi ete radius '~'(i!r tilhe' seats.,

U!i1for1tiufi1'rately ooil~ 'th:e reiooye ffi~t~odsJ 'tend to lbe !i'HTI@~m iMla CCU rate, IBSJMt_c.i a.i~ Iy in i neXlper iem}edl haindl(;~. Oft&1i1 or:rue. esn robta in 'what Hlppean t.o be ,al perfect., hi ~h1!V lpol ished radii us, IO:Il1I~V to '~i rid Imid, Ion 'iapp1ing 'me 1jIal,e~, ~lflI! one rC-81l1 nc,t; get a oo,mpire:!m seMingl O'f 1ihe \IIi!I~ve, Thiii5, wi II l1I!ecsSSilta,W 'flilJAher ~8it rClUni rng arid 10m ICOU rse ~iillns 'th~lt ene haes to Ifflpe~~ tllfle whol e' [lIperatio:1l1 of wradli usl fa)!!!1 tlhe ~eat"

Wittl lIP~aCil!ir[;e the QQ~ ura nee a,f Irepiet]f\g 'theser opIH",ations, ean be I~rleat~iy red uced bUltt r1t{l!r1. 1100 per eent ell nlm;i nated. linus ,a~ltholli~h 'Wi'~n rp,rractii,oo and pe)r~e\lierence o@u'p~,ed to iUiery' .careful work, on e ean irr~'!.I'e at :8 s~tisf'actolrV ~~of!i.olllJJs:io"~ the abD've metllnods, leaver i31 ILO'!, iIil.o be' d,es;illr1m,~, the inaill:cu r,acili!S, :stemlrrn~fill9 f\rom Ithe '~aCil! thlM, ;a~I~1 work mSr dl@ lilt fliee~I'il.Bnd and ;u no tJlm~ ~ s (n'U3l ilibl~e 'to a~urar1;@~y'

,carrtri]Use (Ule~'s: outtintl 'tool:s al"l! 'the 'va!veJ seat,

A'her a I£!re;at d:Bail af tlil,uugh't m have elVB'ntuall y deyelllQlPf!d ,a method wh ich ~ 5, pretty ~'i~~ frQ;Or~~ ~roaf :8Jnd i'nexpen $~ \!i8,. I Ihadl 'OOInS,~d!i!l~d purdniQ~ij,fiI'D ;~ oomlP~ etti! 5e~ of ,eili1gi'flee f1~! y,a!'ve sea,t ,CiunefS rCOl'nlplet:e w'i't)n IprUotS! ;~n dl ,ii'll bOlli"si' the !CiiUtDrs: to be of 16@', 300'~ ,4SP rand 00,0" 'JihilJJ$, by the 1~'IrQgf1eui:llle IIIrI;ht appi I'Mlij,on IOI~ these OudfH"!iii I 00 ~i~d obtai fill Inil aOOlJf,llte Uradli lJied'" seat wi~thi t)he rnl rni mll)fMiIi o:f ref~l@ D1~'11Iher .!.I!'r!ld~IU;S~'j - oo'mpri sing ,al '~I~i&5 of dr~ighft: ~1~lnu!s at. varY~If1i!l an9lias, '1:0 'uh er



chapter' 5

M ANlllf'lJ La I JCHI N m ~ f liN I,L fr I ~ I:SH~NII ~ ~UI I1I,E~ IS,E' I'L Y

Be-fore SU Ifti n gl wo,rk: on th~ actu a~ h eacil agiiB i n r it 'IN i ~ I probabl II be better if on a carries o!Ut. the gasl"Howing operauons en 'Ulf!' manifolds, lE.'Ka,c1.~y tne ~iU'lfU"!' '~@chn ugU8S ell iI1 be ado pled nere. ,as for ,the cv I i nd~ r head ports, and $h 0 u ~d preSienrt' no p'!'@ b te-m.. IF i rst rn aot. i ne to the' req IJ ~ red sh ape Y<S 1 I'1g an eleetr it d rl U ar8d ciJ)n'V~niefil'tlv :)j,l«I ,a.lJ'ldshapJad, stones. Then the surfaces sheuld be polished ilJ5ing ;tne des,er tbed e mer\l eloth i\!! nd me untin Fdl reds etc.

• m' .

On~' IPO~I1't ll'egi'fi'"'Cnng tl'lUl) il1~;et IITu!ln,ufo~,d. You m~ry inler!d '~i1itifl~ ,II ~arOe!l'r carb'!J.Ir~ et:tfil'l' lor mO~J'gng the mo!Urirtlng positton and nuds, in Of\d·ellf '10 ,obtajn a more efHcient gas nOI!Jll hom 'th'e carbln,ett,e r into the aerts. When V D U come to relecate ·the '5'tods tne'Y may oom~ r;g,ht on the edg~' of ,the mani'foid 'uhln:g;e and l,e'CIi\Ul ~ fi!~uni ciel'lit ~lU!ta~ 'to dil' i II th~ nec:es.'s.a ry holes and tap th ~ea.:d~it ~ n 11:11 is (:;8!li! th~' Han-ge' ml!l~t be bu~U cut to leaive 1/S in. of metal sreund ,the stud ho~e ... Unl'e!5s, one is an ex,perhmced weide'r and h,as acces'S t.o welding e"<)uipme!l1t ,ttni'S ]ob ijs be~t falrllu~d Ot/llt 'm those that c~n do i,t. There' is littl~~ point in ,trv~JiI.g to W~ ~d ~,n extral pi,eous o1f 1I1TIe'~;J i '!i;1 nee' the' arne ent 'of bui Id "up Iregultroo is 10 n~ y !.!!,~U a~ I vabo~t 1 is i~ i A good wfiI'lder w~)U Id sundy bui,ld ~nG 'e !(tli',a m eta lion w Iithl a w.e Iidi fiI!jJ to ~cih, Remembe I however j h:a~iing do ne th i'S Qlle m ~st ens ure tha,t the f!~u'l'~ '~aCle is perf'reetl'v ·true' wi,tholJit ~nv lumps Of di,stortion .. A~1¥' tumps can b~' ~refl!J11 "i re m()v~d with .[1 ha j'!I d plate' :iClf3pe II' or 11m;!' fi I,~. If howe'J.tlBf w!iiidi fl gl has ,caused 11~U~ 'frace re di start on e imU51 return '[0 th iJ Ip~o.pl e '~h,at mach ~ n ed 'thf3 hEhld

f,ac€: tIIn d Iget T~i EM to rect ~fy t'he fil!u It.

The ne xt step is to rnerch the manli fOld'S ro, 1:h~ cy lilnde ~ h'Bad po rrs, Ba!.i.ica ~~ V' this 51 m p I,y e~tai~ Is be I dng tine ('[nan ~ folds to 11 he' head and check ~ 11{1 'tn at: th'B trunk of the one ru ['IS- iii mOO'il;hly ; nto the ·t:r'unk D'f the other. Iii i it deeso't ons must rremlQve meta II 'fro~m th~ app~ 0 plii,at.e~ places unti I it doe ~.

IlInfQrtlilif')a~e'l,y thls is not as sifi1pl~ as ~t $O!lJnd~, 'bEH::~llIs.e it is extremellV di'ff1.~ul,t to sei!:3 i n~ide what, a mounts to t~/O very dllok b(mt met;lil tube: sand ,se e' how they m~'e' IJ p, Eve n H ~:on~ M raight tMbe m SI d~ Uku It 'iil'tlQllLgh. COUJpl,ed to ~h i·:f!. we f'~nd that due to modern' met!ncds of. rnountinq mIJnif-o[ds on CVidJnd~f heads, it is :flJimo~t Impossible to clamp i,t in G,:J(act,ly the. same p~'Si~i{jn ,t'I<"1ice runninq, SC'me' G~fS uti ~.~ 5@ remQIVCJ.b'h~· ~,~e!\rt!!5 in the ports ,and m;;llnif,,~ kl:5, 'ttD ens ure t~Hlt .ill ni ct even 'fij t iii ob~ i,ned. fhe'~ s 1,@e\lleS arB mcunted in groo,ve-s. in the .port i! rid manHoldJ. '~ i~U~~'SCHl'~~!V ~'O net lik~ this :SY$~em but must :Eldmi~ that it does j}h/el

vi rlU a ~~ Y' p€!~fiect a ~ ~gn me tnt

if the IP!l:Hrt5 uertW(;J~n m~nlifu~d and ihe'sd ar~ '10 b~ m~tc:hed p,rop9rly then the' ~ccun.cy of ~ocaltion of ths maJmfo,lds CHl the heads beeomes CJif '~~H'amolmt im'ponanc~. The: 1!I·,as.'iies! WSi", to aiOlCunlilt-ehi illlCL:ite a mail1~fo~d ,em II h~8d, is _,to dowel it ij,n po!i tdoo~ This is done by mQUnit~ ng, '~hI man!lto I d em th D iii eaid '!,'I!l wth


tiN,~ , .. ~r dlree psdltsts. be1Ween iit .an d 'itthli! h ~;ad.. One ·rth·ern d ri lis t hm"Q'ugh thB~ ,maliufoh:1 an·Oj Uat gask.ets iand in'~'o ee head w~tht ~aIV" ,ii drUl1 ~f 1/,1: in. or 3116 in. iiifi!1 dila mer~'EHf.. INlOW the driiU needs, te b~e propearly 'sll 0rtpenac! such ttl ai~ it curts 81 hole ~H!~cnalbily near s;j21e', H lillY ifil,g d~rlI,ei th is, onl8 can tilen '~OQ ui rt S1!l)me 1/,8: in, or 3J ~ 8 tn, diameter 'stee'l Ifl~'d 'h'i~H'fi amy IOQd, toel su p,p.~ ill" Dr' enfj ineen, ~sul~plh~'r~ :Stores, an dI from th is il'odi, Ilengths, 000 be' ~5alwrn off to mak.e, dows ls,

The reaSion 'for havirllig 'tWOI or thiree g.r;Isiten is !So ·that veu wilMI be 1m: wi~h i3 ao<l!.I p~ t!j' ()~ spares as' it us' idliff1 ~i!Jlllt itto reprC(l Li~e' ,a Sipar,e !.8iS!k.let ,~f'irelli' tile' daM~!il

hiiili'!!' lbeen fitt.e,d w, the ht!~dl. -

YOU"will 1'1u)ittii:oo that III :s~a~'d llin the< flilfS,t. plaoo!!, dlrH'1 'h;iO, ho~'es f'rg;ht 1fnoug·!t1 ~he 'ffiandol di~ ~hf[5. ,on ~V :alPplies ,~,f co IJJ IiOO tOI en e IPI~eCi£!' in I etlexlhaust 11J.1n lts, !If tlhe ~n let an d ~xhaJ"':ii,t ,gre separat!" un lts one mu~t IQf COlli f:se' d ~i II mo _ holhr::s:· i nea,;th .. M ueh better locatiDn i's ~'bta~J1I ad if th i!51a holes: ar,.' dnlilllllEd ·a15 fIll" ,apln: 1$ 'PQ~iib ~e: '(el.g~ one :filloll1.hiB Inu~,ber ang· br,andlll IfU;l, !O'fUl aiomlgsid!J fUJllflber ',OIUI' hftlndh.,

Mila ke SU_M th~~ t~ o· Sip ~goti 10 ~ve IJi Ii!'i icm snugl UJut· Wiat ta~! 'tight ~ fit in the mani1old. R"e me mbu ~ thoulh a '~iIDht fit y s iUse~1,J11 t yOiU h~:ve to Jie;move this, Im.a nl iffi'c,ld& 'fji'\c m ti me 'Cr(!! 'I me, an d wh ars Irrin~re d ifficultj, p~ nil en; baQk en,

HSi!!iinO 'f~tted tone' 'spi.go't$, cllla~llp 'ifhe m,afiil~ff'ol,~is in'®D p05:vtiorn On the head and see viheth er bY' mi!lch~'ng vou r 'fhll'ger down throu'9h tl1e v,ahu;! t)hlfOit €:Ii u i~n mroul~~


the. manif,oldl YOIUJ can fee'~ 'i!!he poi fit ,at. 'wh jc'h ~he manif,old and hel3d ~D~ n, 1111 "i1L!)!JJ ca n j rs:Oi mwth _ the easler, 'for yOY wi I ~ abviDus.IIV be abh! I@, iee!, III illY u rleHI'Ii runs ,i)lllld d~cide wnti!'r'i to remeva Inne!1ta:l. Such CilltCllIlmS"~a1!lCe5,!. unitDi1~na,te.iv h~W!!\I'Et1i"~, ali;8 f,arej' an d 'we mU15l d~\iI'iS9 some cidrrier me~h ~'d lof dete rm i n ~nl 1he~ iJfesern.c-i ~ Illd d!Jijf\ee of U ll1avtEUl n ~ss! Ind tn i$ is wherl i~n:! 'f\ul'lJj and IO/Bimes s:tart.

M~nv '.tV's h~e bee n ~y:ggested bV many peOpli!! f~ r ,ove ~!",i ng. tlll1'js ~r~'b ~em. F'ra,nkl y I ha,Vle u'i'e,dl 'tk@'ffi ,a! ~ bUll. montfJ· h~s pl'~v~dl l'iea!ll'y' m OO~ lH!!r ,~e~~ ~I"'~ !Ie .. Most have 'beellll deciidecUy hilao~mt'e' ;BJf1Hl 1~'UliVe \.Ian eel 'froml pokrnft!gj I~JIB~ ,011 'IN ure n 1'i:~O ·tth~ wma'li1 if(i~d'lpon~ t>~1 f:i!e~! 'fur the Ull1!ei!tl@iIilfi! e-ss~ 1il01 smeafr'iilill .e mlM;~ na 'r,a:ees of' tllfte head and IM~lrfifo~d with V,iIIs:eline ,and blowi'ra9_ French C11lullk. 'i£hrol!tl~ 'fro~1 the V i!1 I v,s' or mSIlil rtQ'lld lBnolt usl ng ,iii b~:cyclle :tYr'e IP ump I

At the rl1~ak o·f bei r'lI9J wish ed i 1iIi1'O H e:II's firms; tine followi "_9 is the .trt)ni~d I II.waiVs usa, 'CI'~~,n ,a II rJin. and! g~eerie' from 'thre held and man if.o,ld 'in t:~e r8gio:n ·w~.~re 'Uu~,y m-ate. lCle~ n allm ,~J(eeSlS durt aJl1Ld gre-ase from y'O'~r hands ~_ Ima klG' ![~re'~hat they ,iiW'e m"'sa!sornab Iy' '!3lri mil V', ~ TIM 1:YI~ ',10 u 'wow idn ft d~ fS Wilpel 10 n l1i!!Q't.hers or '~I\t mli§I.IJ'S:~ ,cllealll1 'wlhi'~(!' towe I.)

T:aklt ;ii, piece l@tf fa~rIIIV' stiff ChUlfiil white a:1l' brOWl!i"i 'papel!i'. Curt off: ,8 p!i6~ .la~~1 'e jijoU girl to over iap the· head r1IiiI;at ilng f,loe' by ,ab~UI~ 3 iln p. a'~I~ ~OUrJl;~t ~'a~ef1UJIIII,Y la~' it on ~he head Imi,tilng 'face" h.8Y i rig f illfSt wenritoved the rn an~i\old studs (a~~u-:m'l ng you tn:aJd tern por'iMi! I y r;e~'fln~d thenml to tnt head _i In Q,mG"i" to ela ~p 1hl m~n Ito Id on) S~l'et>Cih ttfie pa~if!' ,as ti'mlht as, you can O~&r tihel '111 8Rd iHndl IJii~lnl a 'Ve'ry sh ilrrl~1


fi n~ Ib~ a ded k.nH,e piarea 11u piBlpE!·r dJi t~~~v abo.:ve' ·the stud IhO~I!S., 1"n lis, hi; Iben done' bV sImply pressing the knae rlQ W fill onto the pa~r I~'ilirectly over UU3' ho'IIE!!; ·fwice., each pli ~rci!i1g b~ ill~ at 13'00 tn the othe'r',. SW8W into the stud 1'!Lo,lle one of the SU.im. R e ptl'it '(0 G" th'1ldl helc, At. t "the 1 in i'sh a II ·th e studs $h~'liJ11 d b.e ~n p@siittio§i, an d the' paptlF SlnDla Id ,stH ~ be: ln posti t ion, onl '~hll' ~I1!NlId wi tho ut be i!rlg un dlli iy ~yol!::.h:!di .. It is, ~mlportar'il't .met the holes for ·the studs in the Ipaper are ss tiight a fit as i:5. ~raiCt ica II an d th is is why I~ su Sge~t mel'\B ~Y' p~,arci ng tl1 e ,iJtlIpef" iln the :s.hape o,f a cress rar~her 'tl~!iiUl ·t,ryilflg ll©, eut the p oper ,hoh~$ to ~i~lfiIl~ Illf 'Un1!50 holies, ars teo Ilar~ or the '~illpe'r liars yo u wi'll ha~a to, ~t!ll rt a gom,l n fo r i·t is. ~~®enrt i al th,~t ~If en Ie mi!i'ke'S 3 rnhark on the papa r Wflh th a 'studs i nl - posit:uQ;n" 'theil"li if the s.'uilds, a 1i19' lremcwe,d it' MUST line'main aI sPlmpl,e [ob to keep the m.:firk 010 tlh~' paper in EX,ACTl Y the sams posHion f!i!llatJ:'!I8 'to lh,@' Inead, meJla·lv by locating the ;.r,aJ'r'iOI[.J$ plerlCll11g5 over 'fh~ilr' ap,protpr'iartt:e stud'S holes wi~h a OOUP~I8' of studs olr ShlliJlihiif' dk)lmeot@'r reds, If tne ho!I'es are 't~)O big or torn then this. willll~ be. imposs~bh~.

S1mlitiar~y ~t wi III1 be obV-lol,ll1s tthat ~f 'tlhe ~apew i's, D'udl1::llled up with 'UieJ studs in pl-aoe'~ wh en fehiO'lJifld th~ p~,per wi III flatten iii nd our l~ilI ~k w:f~ I tlihifft its p'~si'tiiO,n.

Yeu may '!hi I'll k th at I h ;ill/,e d'lNie I,t f,o r a IOil"ig t~ me 011 a' sH Iy old p ~eJ(:e of' ~aper. bu t ~ tCiUl:nO t stress the ~ m ptlf'"tance enOlii ~h. UN U2'SS, you Cill ,G,UAIR ANTE E that ,~nv mark s made en 11th e· pape Ii" at 8fi!Y one ·ti me CiJf1 be i"'litPoshiolil!8d whh 'th,e l~ii!I per Q iii 'the he~d ~n E XACTil Y' the Slime, posi ~i on re'lativ>e to tile Ihead yo u mi'g'ht j II.U;:~ as wen 11 at bodii eli' to ·tl~'Y mat<chij'liI[I th!~ Ineed '~nld Ima n i1lf,clld~. Th·en k eepi nlgl 'you Ii p'il€<es of ~a per' Qre1hJ I iy pfEtSsed eVim n IV ,!i1 Dwrrll oJlltiO' tlhe head, gen d II tr~~ the' a]lutl ilne' c¥1f fJne port entraoce, with a grfm'y fi n glr' pmnllii'i91 C'lllto 'the' papa r, Re peat: v'or each pc re, Th I:S wi ~ltJ leave' a IPI rfect b ~a ~k OlJiltUnll!l' I@"~ ,l:1aIcih Ipol1lantwa"~' on the pa!pe r, The pu,pe If th us now bee.om i ng :I'n e~ct liD i~bJte Off '~h'e

head ml't~ n ~ face compllril ¥!.ili'lh stud he litis. '

II: areiifu 11'1 r'te:mOiM'E!' tli!'e jOifi~1r '~rom ·~r.e head._ (T aklLll 'tlne: :sUJd!l, out Hrst Dr yo u wi ~ ~ tsar the j]fiper)m USflrt9 .. a pillir of' sm'a~'I. ~ry :iha~~' selssers, C3l1'iBfiuUy' eut out, thu1!~~' ihol ss to ~ Ilow ~ng exacr:ly the da rk. Quitl ~ n~ c,f the 'tracilngl of tbe p;O ii"t: E!riltrsfii 00. Theif1 c~ a m,p the pa,p8lfi ento ,th e rna n im id U$,inl sl1l i'1!.abh13' num~ bQ~'U aJfild w,8sners. Rem:amoor when do'~n!J t'h'~!!" tnst the palPi!n - must. not bB turn ed round, 1t1-n,e 'man~'fuldl fJang:EI hHC8 s.hould !be :ildja~erl't t:o 'the ,opposlre SlllJrf.a~ of '~he IP~per. Try an d & ma;9~ne' 'dn'E! pi e'l!:e of Pili per '~., !pI ace of' the ma,rg if:orld gask6"I!.. 'Y eu sh ould try aJrid i roogine th at you were doi'ng thi s 'W itln tne \~h ele i et belted UI P t~e1ther.

Us!UaUv V'Ou will find Uun: in p~tC!ces the' IJapilH" 'O\IIi,mnartlg~. 'jllllm the' lIllillll'laitold hQ~e', !rldicating that m!ital rH!i~ds flil'movifilg hom the: hei!d l~n this reglir)l1 to apen it out to the edni!li @If tha rnanlfotd In Ii"itt'l!' her 11"i~e;~,;:;~· '!oJ .... 1!J -, 'P.l11, '~fi~ th"'l1 the 1"IIO!'ii1'!Ie!"" de ~" in; at

.' .. :;:::1.... ~ , - ~ U • . ..... L. If'" "" -..,...., iI' '!;.!! - WI.. !II '"," ~,~ 'L - Ifo'!II! I?" _I ~S ~ 110,

,~o me 1!O the edge of: the ma n irfoilid hole. Thus Imeta II HllJl5t be: lFemcv.ed from '~he 'man~fold in this :reoio.n~ '!Iilliorle reaehes the edge o·f ffU~ paper,

ThL! ~ h&,,,~ n 9 'r;e lWI,ov~rj metal I i n ~hil! app.l'o,p lI'i.rfte pliac&:i one sh,ould f nd t~Bi~ j'T th e' proeedlJVte of makil1g up .9 paper t.tmpl,ate is repeated li'O'ken I!!asi,er man re"cuIU~nl t ne' @!I~ 0 nil) \N hon the paper is dam PiS d Olil tthe m an~ fol d '~lhe holtes ~f'II 'the ,paper j il i n B u~ wi th ·tl1ie ho ~es ~ n th e man i te Id~ an al ,thu!], i"t will bII !lJc,lIhn.l;5 '~~,at ml bolti n!ai '~h e hea d and 1in~!i1 imc ~d '~iOge'th~r ·th e il~ t rllJnk's wi II fOlrm ~ 's_oDth t!!!.Ibe! wi'thoaJt ,lUlIY un !2lVlenn.~S'S.


, .

8ef:ore s@!.meofll! wlri1bes to !Shoot me down in flll!!ilm&s by :s~gpsdng Wr;,al one ~@plli;!el!'S the lP'iE!G~' of p'ap:er wuth a !Tloffliii!al m~f1Iih!i,ld gask:et:" 'itlnereby :sav~l'1Ig the tf1Dubl~e of CLlIlit1:i1'liIg tne var'icu.Jl$ hoh~s;~thi6 b, ,of loowr:se 'Qb50~I!iIlt'ely ~dea~ bLllit; these days, Im~ny' Innan!Uf:amiLJreu, use si m ~111:e! r ICB<nhlgcs f[,@ r d ifTI;!ren~ m_,odels t ~ o .. B. SSC M ilii1~ !~.u'il dl M .'13.. 11001'11 whi,e'" ihI]N8 p~ rts on !5,ilmU II jI' cen nes lb!JJt on di He rent d HaJmsiN!U's. Uln~Ci!litLJIf1l9t\!!i'Y' b~ith mode'ls lJ.~UI1C!i'llliV U1&~' tina' tSiii!mel ,gssk"l, m,e' iho]es bailli1g] aqual to 'the di H IITUlr~e Ii of the I,Brgestt M ~G. , 1 <CliOI but no' so good ~f vou lhave aim 85D M in~l, Th us you halve ,to m;Jk.e your own tern ~II!~~,~ with ho'I'iU tba :sam,a '5 ill!! as, "thu~' Ihead. IDOl not h DW8Ve! I(' j' 'forget to rei ie~e the' man i'f,old ga skat if a"t H$ 't~U'~d 1Ill@1 b e oyer~' IniBn gi n gj t hei POrts: 0 r man i'fold.

HaiJ ~lI1g thus carr ied' out thhi moot i mlp!Drtalil~, j,o:b of ,'!ill~~gn i ng "the PiIl"S Ind llimafilli fol d~ we can ne'xt fi Il'a~ II V PQI ish 'the eorts ,and' 'Ijj!!i) Ive' tlh'r,oats, check i ng as we go for ~ liI,ac!l')uracj~s in our stlaJp;jng a rid b.a~ anci ng of ,!ljJIIHis as DL.!!r~1 i nsd .said i er,

INex~ fit the va Iv~' guid.es", cafe~l!ilIly ,driv"ing 'the m i nrto 'the! h~d ~n rex,act~ "I' 'the r~·ght re'i~tuve pQs,jiHorli and to '[he oorreet depth" It: is, jllll flli!c'ili~ ben:er to drive the' gilJ~des too 'fair' i n~o '~he he~d "thaI'!! i'iI'O"~ far '~U1 iil ugh. I~ n 'mhe hitt@f' caSf! it is ql!!lijte Ip,o~$ible 'f'or 'the v~~ve' ~!!Ipruilg oomllar to It;rus!h '~!ali!lh'1lS1. ,fie guide em '~u'lll lIJalhle 111'iift e! nd 'til i~ O'f course coli Id be' dU5l8S~rOU!l:" A,lw,ays i niSiBft I1the guides frto m 'tli e ~allve! 'sprii r.lr; elFlJd. ~ t is, '0'1 ~(!l ulr~e leqllJilJlIv essentts ~ tlh~t the 'i1I,1jJ ~~.ijl~:S! Q re di'iven i nte Ith l!; h@ad bV eq IU~I ~ mounts ,an d 'ttl is, :sh eu Id De .ch Ei'Ck,ed bV I:ayi fIIg ,9 's;tJ,a i;~Jn'~ edge, ak~fill ,thi!ir ends,. 'Tiel' aVDid ,e')l:~es!in"e'ly d,amsging the gI!JE~h~s when drl'v'h19 them ~ n I ,11~w,avs rest a p]eClE!' of '~E!'rv ihra,rd WOiO,~1 on th em and ham'mer ISgllfiM Sf th irs. One' other ~mPOrt8.,t pO'iinrt. Since yO'liJ have t!1p!!'rotIJl the guu~~~s yl~u wm 'fund 'that it ~ i iaS'l tOI r.n.i:[ 'It; 8 minto tlne head 'Ofil '!1iI I! 'shun. Thn $ d!!OJ~~; not Jiman~1I' tic! 0, fiFMuch Ii f' you dQ n o;~ ,at®e m,~rt 'to dil'ive 'th e m iill too h~rd et 'f irst. Jurs:t ,g,eM~ V ta,p 'the guT d~s, ~ n alii d ,they 'w~~m ,an g n 'tthemse'h,re,~ Ipro\tid ing elJe.ry th ~ rag us -ole.ain al1l d we I ~ '0'1 !edi., IlhIlav ~nll! ~II,~ DW8'd ,3 g;ui'd'ce to al ~'; n its-e Ilf ~ rc ~e 1"1 V 'V"~!lJ 1~ln th e n dlriVf!! it' hard in.

N'~,)(t pol ~ s;h the 00 mbu$tltoll ,chambers. l\hen grind 'en the va~ V€s, so as. to make. ,~ ,tl):od seal. 'Then ;ass..em b,le the va l\res ·illiito Ihe head Icam plet.e wi"th Sl;ui ng$,,, A't t:h'~s s~a~' dOl not beve~ off '~h e ulpipe r 'edge~ Oi~ ttl e' en,amb e~ Wi 11115 !but do remove any f nil ZB Ill,. h wou Id "Of C[HJI f;i!El' be ide'8~ ~'f the O(H'ner~ wei'\e ~e,!Je! hn:l 'off befo lI'1e attem,ptililg to biil~f1Ire tt.he 'Cih8rnbef~ bUrt I have f,ij)lillrmd tllhat thi'~ m:ake~ the ,ar,tclIIrate fi'lIintj of the C:hrambers witJIh li'quiid almost imtllossilb'be :silinoe tihe !~'Q,uid me iri9 I V t,e'!Jld~ to ~p i~ I cut Defore' fine I(;hi mb~ n ia ~e prOp.l!r I y f~;llred, a nd tb~s leads to even gnater inaOOlJlriB,ci'esth,an beY'B'U~n9' ''line 'G'Qrru~rs :aftellf balanCing!.

AI S!O "Pi lot tt. i~ stB~ l{Olil fhul! 'tt1at ,'ttn e S'!aitts, ne:ed Ilf(!jo;t; utfi ng now 'i5 til 8' ti mlfj 'to dOlo.

Y Dlil may ftnd to v,our allaw m th~t 1bhe V,[iid lies s-ti ~k 'tight 'vn-to the g'l:j r,d~s ~J1d wi II not :51 i dle th!FO i)Jghth e m, Ttl !:!:ii i-s btCii u~e oUlf ~a mm e ri 111 {I Dpi81IIta:i ~ons h aVll sl igh·t~ V

,d~maged 'thl!!i gurd~; b~'I~ing the end ever, 'fake ,~ 'SlJIi'~ab!e lliound 'ril,~ ... i,nsert i't. iint'I) tlhe gu'ide at the va ~\!'e s,p Ifi ng end ;find turn d: In'tii ~cl,oekw i~e' seveII' al. tinle:5:,~' arfle'r levery ,3 o,r 4 t~ mes eheck te S12~ wh,~tlher the valve w i ~ II sl ide: f ree'~v· lin IS m,fiV !;OU rid crude Bilild rat!hfJIr brutal ~ burt: 1't i ~ q u i~e !laf~' and your eng;!1i e will il:;liIne~' no :ull reffects" A~IIII Y'OUI lin 'facet, do i'!i, 1i'9~ uce t he ~~I ~e te gl!J~ de ,Ij bearl!illg sraa" by .abo'l!Jt 1 {64 'tt'OI 1/32 in. Wlh~1lI VO III flnd 'tl'llat the va tve w1111 sHde i III ~he <Qui de rea 50nl bl'}I wl2elv. g~ve tine i f'ii'!liidiS of 'Un~ g~ ide.. where 'Yo u hal\ile 'iii I ed i 8: 'f~iN '9,rn!l[II~' r ~bs wi'tth 'f~inei 'we~ and dry abll',asi~e paper \Mr,3IP,ped llrouJlld ~ thin ~1,eiCB of rCMrL

N eXt. after ,a~~ il'nbl i i'lg Un i! ~',a!1 ves", ba ~aJnce t~U!' Ic:ha rnba rs as {jll'\ead V detai led~ re mo-vhl!QJ ,1'IilV meta i neQessary 'froml iBlfQU nd du!! i n ~et, va Ivt Dr ~f' ne~e!isarv 'Hle Ixhaust \!,aive., Do not ,tiilk~ 'iI!OIi} rnuch m,eiltallJ f'lnaml the SqUii!h araa Dr frem eround the' S"$HIWk plug •. Wo-rk slowlY and carefu ~II y.

Aher b!r!~:c]rM~rng the ehamaers and f~f1,~~~V poli~hi'll1g ''!lou can bevell on t'he ,c!t'b;mber w,a! 1 com ers :aft' the j'l!Jl'lLtticn wHih title r:y II~ndelf' head faee, This be~Je:1 '11'i'1'lI gJ is best donie hee h and lH~'i,ng a small very f ns fi I ~ 0 r metsl ®c!l'all~l". Sij,n ce y.ou wi II on~ V' Ibe fie Mev ing VIBlry !tmB I ~ ~Imount~, of metal it. should be poss:ib ~e to get good! accurac,y' ~ili! 'tJ:l'k i lily eCRiJ~,1 ,amijiU nts 'from' each (;hamlbe J' + M1~ke ~lIJre vmen Ibe'l/lell i ng that yOlJii iii re not i ikehl tc cut, back, u ndlell' th e ga:tke<itt. U ~ ~ betiDeJl" not: 'to, be~el ~Iu! ledges tihe!il1 do thn s, F~ n ish off whlh 'f! me ry ~apeiF or cl!ot't1h,


There is, no, pOJi nt ij n pol i:sh iilllg tiihe. Cv I i nder head ·fraoe~, f;trictl ¥ srpe'ak ingl. '~ut ~ al waV1&: gi\rif!' ij t a light PQ!I'iI'sh!!, lliS1 fili9 'fi ne emery ~ioth on my rliib.ber pad, '!lTIOLllllrme.d hl '~tu~ eleen uc d rill. I~! ~s of: '~OlUr:s.e QIUli'M "MY '10 take '~O @' mllJoM meta i off in ORe' place ~ rid gi've ,alii U neven ~y~ ~ n CB<tlf h~'ad f,~ClB w'h ich wi ~ I ,CH!iUlSie the ga ~k~t to ke;8p' j j b~owillllg'''" Tlhus you mllJ~t 'wink c;ar,e1fu ~ ~V. do not tlry ,an d pol isn ,I U!lt a S'['iIIUIIII @!Ir<eai ;at ,a ti me", QO qu ick ~y all g'ij,jler t'h~ $urfuee bu!~ ai'll th@ 'Giia'me ti'm e' buffi IiItg the: wholl e' surface and llilot 1m i )~,ilng ii Fly s.ecticns. Reps'at sewrali ti mer. il! nCi evefil1ttlil,a~l~ V the head w'~~ II :aJtt~li n ,a faii r po! ish" You wi I ~ 'fi nd i't @3S1 ~ f ~'f V,,~u k.eep movinS1l1 tlhe dli"i'lill iTD$e~f ;as i', iii. 'wrlHe ,8 ra.QI wli.th whi,eh you were IPoli:!)ning, fhi's wm enable you to tnvlle'l more. ifree:l'y o,ve r a large a I'@;a at ~ tlli11ie w1:thOl!l 1. m iS1S~ ng large pa,t:chs$ of 'lIT!~tall.

You ask why I do, ,this; wln!1'U' i'u i's, ,not' lS!tr~CitIV l'aieoos:satV'? Well; '~lt1e 'sq['u~:sh illIire8 i~ eff~'ilveIIIY Pill rt 0'1' tinll !Com bu:s'ti,o'Cl dn.aM bar,- V Q'1iJ pol ish tine ,ma,mbe'f$ to Ipre~en:~ exte~$1've '~"~rbQ Iil d'epos~its: 'formi 1'iI'~1 ~Ol 'you mus,t po'llish the sgui'!!jh iii !f8lS1 wl1 ichl ~ s part·of'the h;8!a d f~ ce., The squ i'sh ,area I S ~uU' 6S prone to cuk ~ fii~ up ,as; th'l! cham b:er' I'ttse'if! I

When WQrki IiIg! @ft tlJilfj Iileiilld face v'eLi mlBiV Hnd 'til Ii· ~he h,elle-s, wh ion ~e ~),n'leSe.filt 'th e wMUJ" j ucke-u haYIe ~erv 1I'i~,ugn ftaZ9S all ,1r(illiJnd th ei ~ Col rrIClIi,mfelrernce. Th eSl!! a riSE!' fll"Qm!1 th e' madh inij flJ!) ope'r,ation~; I~n the. fa ce and li'mil.Jlst. be if~m G'iJtd ~ T'h~ best waiY to re mO'll11!! th e m ~ ~ to mourn 8 00!JJ I!lters ~Ink Iblit or- sma II ro und stone' Ii n an ordi l'iHlilry Jctllrperr[ers~ nandib !Fao~, ~nd ge Iil't~y '~lIIlini ng me non,e: Q'[]' ,counters ink ~ n tine tn,g,Ie:. Do not rem ~rve' [more metflll tih~n is neoeS:S'Bry itO r;emOVle th e 'frall.e.!!'" Th'hi'


ls why I suggest us~ng a ha'jiujl operated br~ce' IFath!!,!' '~h,an an e'lecttric drill. lf YOIU take. ~o@, much me:ta~ I1w,a,y th~ 91 skifJ!t w'i I i ~eak.

llhe' ,a~~ mbl "I of tJiIla· heed sh a u lid be' perfecthi ~ttra igh'tfol"\iV,ard iii! nd '$ iimlpl,e. 1~low- 13!l.re'r e !!lEi' main imponan:~ po~l'!Ir!~ OHniea~ eh~al"lllineS:$ i's abs:ohJlt,eIJ.y' e5~j~nt~;:!!.i 3r'iJdl th j,s i,de~llv app~'~e:Sl to all! Y otiher Ilngi ne as~emb ~V operllrtio.lrls, I C;gi n IllIC)t s.t re:ss ''th~!ii, lenough. 10m e I ut~le bl t of: gti t bedded uflIdew a v,a~lvoe Ci11l eli u.u;e ~'t. '!O nan '~O bu en 8111 d deS"'ttro¥, ~i'I@'Ulrca Ifef'lLi~ ~ y' plrvp\aroo seal'S. [) ilW''t. 'UII1l 'tth,e= 'If~lve g~ides '~an Ci lUst :1) v.alilve to 5-ei 2i" Ii'it uode f the val ye spri rtg cc;.11 ~~r or ,eo~'~,et$ ~:ain work en thre S'~!!fm aim d ~1jjlu~e it to be cut ~ Ilitto twa" ,dilOpp'i!Fig 'the val Y'e down i 111 to t:h~ ~ Iilgi ne~ II COlli Id ~o en iilI nd on 1m sdng the d isastreus resu It;!) of f31 t(H tty iilI~sellflb~ y procedu ~e;!i but: !:i,pace 'forbid~"

~ alhfila;ys work en al stH~'-5heet~cQ'''i8 n~d Ibe'n~h" !swabbed (jjlerWTI with pa raffl III ;!;IJl'1Id a el'een cloth, l'h is is the n !(;overed whh elean news,papers wh'iidh ,itre. retQew~d ,at 'fre'Qju.!I!!1'iI1t i n1tew~ls as om e goei:l i The head should be cl earned i n iti iii ~II:V IJS l"~1 Ipalr.ani n and an 0 ~d pali nt brush. 'Til is w'illlll' Irem C\!'!!' 011" ~ (j O~fjn gr-~ me, me'~a II fi II~ i iTlg~~ grease! ete, Havi n9 Ireli"il"j,c,ved or loosened the ~l'Iealsf!' th UI 51 one should thii1!' $U bmerge ,thel head! 'un an 0 ~d batln Or bucket full of clea n, hot, very 'ji03,PV '~Ul$e: wasn i'Dlg-up I iquil d) wat6'f and ,3g3 in work ed Of'! W rtn the .iJi:Fihll U br uslh. Y eu wi I i prcbab~ V 'fi rid itt:

Irt'ece~a ry ~~, re'n~w the 5Qj1IIPY warte II' ilt lea st olf1C8. Wh'e!u"il the' tH~!8d seem s r6\BSOrll& ablv clesn hOlld it under ~ "t8P or ho~ and ril,f1Is;e'jiilH tho, time rub1b'Ing the' iiloc,ks sn d Crillf'a n ies of th,e hehad with Or!IE!"S pali fiI'! bru sh '10' 'P r@w'nt QllI"it lli1lrth::~,GS Icdgi fIlg,. Dr,a ~In the w~t'H' frern the h e;a:d~, p'lliB ce on tlh€l' IC~ ~al1i n~W$;p-aper;s an d dlliv i mmed iat~I II wil th aJ perfieetl'y cl!E!8Jrn, dll'V elofih. II) f'it! vour po ~ ~:shed areas, quij'e!k IIV ,~nd '~horough IV iilr:! dim mediliar'tf!'ly smea!i' 'tt; t:nn wi'th clea n eng Tne 'Di I ,of 'the tV:!le us:ed in you r sJYlmp," INot: ctd V Im!,U'il VOU dlry ,and gr\e1a!!!:e 'the. P-@Iis ned ,areas ,q u iek Iy but '\fou mu:s.-t a~'01 d IPutt'i n~1 '!hle l!head Tn sun! i\ght~., otlherwiSle betfor! your ''Il'~ry' I~V~~ a ttl ~n red OOiiiliit cO,f n.l~! 'W i~ ~forlm {y",iO<u C:i! i1 ~lctua!11 '!I watch it. it\~rm i fig) .

Clean a 1I'llv;ah.1es.. spri ng!i~ col hI r'S~ 00 1!llets, retc" ~n c~ ei~Ull Pi!! rafm-i n i Ii f: lfieQe~$arv I"e· i!'i~Wi ng the lP~raffin. Dlry an d sm~a!l" WM th 'th e s.afnIB' clealn enl£li n~ Q'il~.

Th~O'IJgholut t he:Ge' opE!lf'atiolij,l§: y"o·u r inaJnds, and fing~r naq ~'5i m nJ6,t be 5pad~5~ y ~I'e!]JliI, I t alIso, he II IPS: 'to '!Nlr!!air cl'~a iii Ie I'oth ~:s.5 a lin G~n le~!ti hi nib 'Dff 'y O!Jr ovterall:s ICrlilto y:c urn ioe cllf!~ n head I

111'i '1oufi 1"11 d, '1II'Ulit drv~ rn~ 'WI t n ,8 ,e I atli Ie:a,ves !lOme vi Urf'f b;ehi nd do, I!flOt worry" Wine ... '!{GU epph, the enl~ti:ne oil Y(;I!aJ wUI "fitndJ thrar~ thi's elln O'Hsi~V Ibe iIIhI"iped laf~f wlth VDur bam fill!'lg!!rs~. hI! fa.ct ~ ~llways, gi''Ve I Unall clean !l.IIP u5iing fJrI'ghll' oilll .and my f~ngers 100'!"i~ v'.

Assemble fih~' he8d" b u't do not yet, 'fi't tine Im(IJ ri1 ufo I a:.t SWire '~he he'~ltd out of hi!r m"'s; W,IJY M appe.d in el'ean nlawspalper~ "- If' I~O~ "i til eniEl' s neet.


chapter 6


- - -

H a'lli [1'9 (iomp~Q'ted tlne fly I i neer Ii ead iJild ~s 'n~·w,ed '~he rnanltelds, tihe 1f1f~~t job ~~, to carrty Out all ~rburetter Il'lI!tod~fiC~I'ti6n5 and 'matlFchllf:tgl wh:n ~he m;,JlI1'i:fo'lldl" Wh!l:n pol ~ shi Iii 9) the i fl!i~ dla af a earbu retter QJ1I'I' can ill plpll Y. 'thle!i :Si!lme te{l:h Ll Lqllles .a s used wlith 'the' eli I i fide Ii h~ad ~ bu ~ reime mbe'f t!ha~ mcst earbs are I a Irge ~y :sot"!! illlllDY i!llnd Im~tall i~: lUH"V easi Iy ar; d qwn cltd ¥ r.I!.Moved F 'so take Icaf\e!. If 1th e ~lrlten'iti'@!JI1 is t,O .elr:1h:irge-tthe choke' tube do not &'U1emrp.t. m~s, VCU.l!rse,lf., ~t must ideSlUy be' done by an e:)( ptii'@t!i1C1ed rnaehln lst usi 09 sp:e~ial ist ibQols: ~ f yOll uv hack nng around f1fiee -hand youl wU~ probiEJbly fi nisi" up w~rth one wr@ekj~, esrbu !lietlJer.

I~ 'SlUg~'1! ~'j k n ifJe edgllng' the bunerHy end (::Uft(ing c:i¥f the, J'letahilli ng !iCr,6WS f~~s!h 'w;U1n the but[erflv ~ipfnd ~e .. The Il\;:n ife edgi filg ~s ben (iii rri ed out whh, a 'f'ine fil,lle~ a nd emery Ck~lth, "H owev&r I 'th '~nk th:al: th-t!, best ilJnd s:afe-st method ()I~ euttl 119 'the' S.Ql'\ews se Ulu they alre' fU,UlSh wi tth tll!1e S,Plillfidl es li;!S as to ~ Ilows. 'Yau wi II 'Usua~ IV Hnd t IhM tJhe:s;!! ~c,reM stick '~'!lJt beV',ond ihe !j,P incll e 1i}'V rb 0 I!.It % in. 8rtd '~h is; endl is 'spl it !iii nd ube I'hia d eut", Til is is ·to p'reverlt the' s~rews \r~ br,atil!i1g IC(Jse i:I i1d fall i ng i mo 'the IC'hoke hJ10e and men ee into tne en g'iIli1Q, 0 Dvioosly i'~ y'O!U :$ imply Cl.lI!tt t~.e5e l~rDj BettOn s on you wi ~ I r,e;IiTUO'\Iie 'tbe be II ing an d 1Eih is Imary CiS I!J!J~ d15~ste'r i'~ ,. '::l!.CfJ€!lW 'ljI'ibrarles ! eese i The rem ~dlv '1 Il c' nHill~ 'Out. fne scr,eW5i ,of~. Use ,3 '~"erew drhl'ef' and DWe-li( tlhe,m, aU 'b,y oondil'1! ~I the. spl it rends ,ev.e n f uwln9'i"' ~,r;Uillrt. 'Tliln!i wi II 111&a~e' !II s'lllgh t bell ,and p~~ve[llt: tine $Q~aws Id rio PiP Tin g) imlio "the eng1 ne.

The eli rr'bliJ ratter all'1!d .all g(is;kets and 1IlJ'~~ ®e~ between ill .and til e man ~ fold fi Ing-e (i~ln be! mi3nt,cjled~c tne mal1liifold us iinn: 'sTmpl ifi~d v.~ rS!'@II'I:5, of ~he prot~d UI(i\eS, outlined for the ffiialfiifolld head nlat.dhil[i)g. ~,'f 'trtU!' Cir~s are' 'fined wiith 'Irlumlpeb: 0'11' dll! c-ts 0111 the ai r in~lke ~i de ck~, m~rt fOI~gM b~ match 'th ese to tke cillI'burefle r"

Tin is bri nlg~; us t1O· 'thl!' fa od c,f those! ope r,at ions Ii Ikel'y "to be Cia rll'i ed 0 tit Ib¥ tine ,average. efYthusl]a;n,

HOM\iiier" 'tlio.(Sie! peo(:d,e ~rrrylln!mJ out 'fu~ ~ r,80E! preparations, ~!r oolmplh~·tt,e en~in~' Q'verh3uh, wu MI pro'booly carry Old tt furuun Moo i V~'~grti ons ,Hnd umlprovem e:nu. ,and fall" thenr :linfQrr'mai!l!ic~ the folllll'ow:i09 flaw O'bse'rY!81:io,IllS, mary w~1I be' 0111 ~~.

INeed~'~Sl 'to Stay ~'f' one i~!Ii lilis:llfLg SpeCi;B11 'U,lIb1lih~r PIlJ~hrCid5' their m,alfil.!llf;m~tUlrl! mWii'e!y oo'lllsisu of Htttirill!J 'the II"Ileoe:S'sHII'"Y cups and baUSl ~rrrio the requiredl h~nl!Jth of' tylbe ~nd e ithei" SW6'[ltiln1g theml or bIFci:):z:i no theml '~nto pos.ut ion,,, Thi:iSie cups and ba~ I s mil' lbe l')j,p6cial in Imach inetd Q'r" si ml~11 V S!lndard Indls ell ~ from st;andl'Fd pus.n Ir(ljd!L

find 'that '~he s.im~~e~t method i's to set my '2r.OOO r.p.rn, drm ~IP '~n the bench s:tand ~ nd mount mv f IiJ bbe!!" d i$'cj alu rn jll!1'i Urn (nd d Ll! ahras ~%i\e ~ n i'~. The n Siwi'tcih on and, ii\OIita'ting the push red ibe'M&en one's fiil1gail'sj hold it a~a~l\Slt thu' brasivG' ,Jrsc., IF i rn rsh O'1"f flreiil!"'~1.Em ~ with em:!!lr y cl el,'HI.

One w()rd of warn i ng" DOl Inot Ii"2move meta ~ from 'U'~ e neck,s, Cit 'tlii e pLUsh 1"0 ds wtnere' tha cups, ~Ind ball,s rruH'gfl' into the mDlin rod. lf VOU do the' Fed may flrractlll re ilt verry hi,gh r, P" m" i nd ca use Ylfll't'Qld dam ag,e, Per son a IIII y I a'liway!!, bllilY SIEiW,enlll sen, of reds iii;:!! tha Iloca~ :5!c!I'ap y,a rld for ilbOl.llrt 15p a set, Th,!! n i'F m dQ ace i.d !!!Intal h~ Ic:atdh 'f,ne Ii eeks 'Dn 'tlhe p,uih il'cds, wi til '~he rotart~ rng dh~o I 'til row 'thar~ roo ,a - 5'1$ ;, nd -,e;,e;, .......... tn . F'!i .' t- ba, 'jr" . ·;j,··d ........ ...II, "_1.., . .e . ': II!:"· - tho , ',.. h''''' ,. - _, _ ._ WiIO!!;, ""'. 1!J_'!Ii!!' iU ill! r. bI! Ct no· t;;. lL.@mp'lLe::_ I,.l,.J! 11.l!,i) '0 I!,II' 11i3!1'\Iii1~e., lI:::,v,en . I e .19 "li.'e~1:

nick een eau ~e' b ne~ik;agf!l wh T~!h ('40 cal!!'~~' ~ com plet.th; wre:ckled 9ngi n e. ThtJ s Ii s 'i n '~,ac~ a lpo,i al't 'well wOM1h reme mb~Ji 110.. Un h~s:s you can q]U'~IM a prece d,ent. wh leh has prov~,i"i r~ I iable on an ,/ pa riticular ltern Inev&r remove me'u! I from iii! eonceee radi us, ·thou ~h ii't' us' ,often qui'~e .$afu tlO do so 'from !I oonvex r~dilus;. Q n the o,tils'r hand some concave radii ,are far teo siharp and one :~holJJ~d ,!!'Illcieavo!JJtr to increase the radius, ,AgaIn the '~a'me' state'meri't is (llp,plicab!le' in that O'I"U~ must not r,em,ove metal fro m the eentre O"~ the IiCfld1i us,

Re,memb~1" OJl~ peirrt hO'lNelV!:H"i When, 1I"e."'asseu'i!nbling U'11!1 Ir'OlCke'r gear' rpedeftiJl:s~, s h~'h:~ etc.) ~ 'There i's a wilght: ~nd wron g, WiJJY n)IU i!'icll,. e~e'n the ugh th is, mary not a ppe1ar "ttl!D, be SiO, u~IiJ~II'y th eire is,:a, :$~ ii1g~'e' 0 ~III "fe-ed III 10 Ie i n tine ev II irtd,!r head wlh leh ~ i I'll as up' wi tth f!1!i p.ti rt~ CIJ hi! r pe d'esta~1 wn leh in tu rn II ijifl es, up wi~n a hoi e ~ n 'rhe' ro~er s,haf1'. ~I'f the~e ~Ni; not Ilhud !JJlp 'there wiiU b'D Ii 0' Q~II 'f~ow and 'tl~e vallve 'e,ear wilill fUf1i1 d r V • U nd@r !lOlr mal rQad ICiorLdli tk~ ns most sta,nd.ard e,f': $I;i'm i",~a'iiidii!ljid e ingi nes wi ~ II tolerate, such oondi tl DIU 'fa II" abo'Ult 1101..15 1m ~nlJl t,es (if' tlne I~oc.ker~ wereJ ii!$'se m'c led w'~t!h ~,i II pai flIiti!!d on to 'tru~m, a:s tlii ~V 15'1101..111 d be) ,and tlnen sei :;:!;e' up ~c ~'id, SO! 00 car&hJ! I ,II

Dither' MiD d ificilrd!i'o ns

I f on e has ifi'ttt~d 081 more ·v1:gD).liio us; calmshirf"t ,and '0 r larQl!!f vall vtes, it lillaJV b@, necessawy 't;o' Cl.ilt '&Iolt$ i n '~he pis1:o~ crown ~:n block. faJoe tn '9iave :5;!JJfn~Te'"t cle:.iJ ranee tJO, ·the ~all ve 0 n '~Uill II i·h. 1"n i:s can bel awkward ,an d th Olllg,n lab i).,l!i'Q us wowik witn small f~ Ie'S and $cr.ape r$ c~n cut tl1 ~ tF'U~ce:5iS~ll'r-y' $I~ots ·th ere' ~ ~ a fi ~ s,im'p lew m ethcd th ough h does, 'jin\l!o.lly\e. ,som,e e,)i:lpans@.

On@! r1@ecis: ;ill 'Til at '~,utter moulilrted 0(.1 a rod of Siij m i ~ar d i,ametl!!1F to die ijalve :stems. ltu:!' ~~:Jtdl $h~Hdd be if'll6;E;:rted through ~he 'valve t'Ui,de f,rO,mlhe v.~hi"e gear end. 'The CUJt~,e~r' ~hould be ,attache.d! where tne rod protrude,s; in'lEO ~he combustion chiiMmbiB't", 1lh~n mouni! 't~n!' head ~iii 'to the b~ock. ~ut 'th~ IPunon art T'.IJt.!C., and! ~heril press the ell! ne ~ do:wm C Iflto 'the block ailld piston 'lnd ':i't;,nt lurn ilng" Th i~ wi II g'ilVia ~ Cllea,ri iiilCti!Jlr,at8 v\1!I1lva P:;U;;k;'!!t, t~ough the I~oc~et~: wM~ harve 'iJ11H·'tilCal sidiilS lind a ,s;h'iiI ffP ifJ ngle iilI1 t nf!,i r base" 1111 ~s, ant Ileiiihoulld [be iiliL~~a~ed Bliiidth,e' sid~~ car~fu~ I y

bien ~"d 1"s,inii1'll fd til fi I,",~ nd ,iii 'II ili;,; "'''''r'''II''i!'' "",," "",;n.,ll "'omCi.fV' .... n """,~I.; 'l!jj~, ",,1:..,li"!;iiiii'i '1"iI 't-tL..a ,.-I'ti!iI .-"

: . VI;:! .... _ ~ It:! g - I ..... q' til! !II 'II .1I:r000" "''Wi UI""!ii! 1'.iIi a. ;1,U!iii 1I;i"J"'~ .... ,~11 ~ !Ii!!!ii!' 'lJfIW!Il"l"I'1 ~1·lllll .... u IIII'!!iraml,

~ usual IV Ir~ckon Ula~ t:he ~~I'~ile ii s~ ~ll.iIld flIi'!!'ake 8 po (;kl~t aboU'~ 30 tho~:s '!a;reater in diamete,r' than the '!Ialve. Imy hand f i,rllisl1l I I'll gl DIPlflr,ations, bEl'ing rrtell~ed UlPQfli 't'OI g~lve the fin a ~ desi red c I ~alran,ce'Si ialroU! II1d the v,rililive. The bott!O m '(!If ,th Eli potCkJet can be b~ e fldi! d i rite 'It!; e sides: us ilMig th e small pad and e miry d ~:SlC' prlvtou:sI'1/ mirilit~ oned!

'for LlS,e on oombusdo n ,cihi'J:mbef rc of~~ Agilli n I C!J t to a depth of ,11MbollJt :20-J~1 thous greal~e r 'Uil an the poi I"!I'~ i'lil!I',acneaJ b,y th e lj,Pai~\I'e at full ~ I i'rt ;!"d agai n re I V' en IMY hand fi iii lsh illllg to obtt~ lin the n@t@!lstlry IID- 'Otho~s !C~ aarance. Heme mber 'to dCI. all cu run n 9 with the helid pi'\o.,~'r~ y 'l'~gnt:er'i_ed down wi th 'the ua!ik et i ill P 11~,c9", Ip F'!!Jfer~ ably 8f11r ol'd. ¢t)mlp~e!js'ed~ but sl mill a r gasket, to th Ii! on e' you w~ III be u5i Ilg.

"~{'OUI IMay' as;k jlus~ how can olne' measure 111 II linn euot of rn stal wh I eh one needs, to re:mo~~" Well ,>Byewal mothods, aJ~e OOI'rfnlm,o:nIIIV :SlU{mesltedi i nelu ding P,jl.ft'tti ni~J, p l!a$lij,tine on ti_QP Ol~ the bllo~k and 'pIUtH' andmen OPL!n1in9 th~ ~al'~e Wdulilih by rotating the ,engi net, M iii ad'llioe is 10 U$& the most I abDr lou s b ut iln my lOP ~lI1ii on ,01 n Iy reall y I'i::CllI rate rntethod.,

Caref'ul meas:ure'menttt of tJlile' vall;te ~ uft~ ,an d di$t~noe o,f 'Ual ~e frrom p ~stQi [l CrOW iil and block J~~oe when ful IV cles ed.. 'Then apfl~ "I i flg add iti en cand $U tnr'tr,acti 00., mlcull.arti rilg! the Ploun1t M ffie'ta.~ '00 be [emOll'~d !WO l!Ifiive tine lI'la~:ce'i:Silry' I~ ~fl'~ral1l(:e. 'V au wil~11 need oil stra tght edlge !3nd !ii' de ptt:n iQi;I'!Ugel to Olo ~h is,

The 'vi n,all ,Otperd~,o'n that I ~ lirE! nd te e n ~~rge u pan 'invo,hJ1E!5; co ""!Iilmni'nk~If"i.g) .a ~II thlr'~aClid !holies, i Ii1 the It!i~ o~k orr 'CV~ Ii nder Ihead wh ien ,are: not ~I re\id'v courrte IJSIJ n k and wn.~ch .lIre sit~me'd wi'll! Ii'e two 'f~ alt m~ta~ faces ~o in, U SiU ill I~ Y witlh a gask,,'t in between (e~gJ. ,cylll~ n der heii d to bloel(, or su mp tn crank case]. 1" h is ~ s ne C~SiS3 r'!t s.ince; tJ~U!' 'lOP tJhread often [pull:s up I nd creatas II: Irough pro,~ act ilon en 'the metal 'i,ace" - and th is pl'lO'jettitml e~ n 'eau ie laaecu nn.e IrriiaIti fag of fhE!' m ~t.a!1 f aO!Bs.. b~ ownl rJii'k;etsi @tc.

I d'l eref,orei ~ uw m:al1ti,rr:ally C'o'Unten;Ji r'iI k. tlhecsl! h@,I@!:!!i, wh ~t.her I~ Cil n 'fe eli fr\O ugh Ii! dp CDJf III ot si n~e \N~'lI! 'CiI~n in h!.ct pu II ,il' '~h re ad whe n ell r r"l i ng 0 ut f:i rn a I as.~e mbi V an dl '~:h is is jUst ,3S trl@ub1es@ me..

1"0 diOl t'n ~s I merely U~N~ a $miil~ I b~ ~~ $ha pe'd, 'StOf1t@ or m'etal cotter (pr1llrmra b ~V 1hle1! larneE') tlhougn of COUli"S!t' a proper meta'il oouil1wn~;nk is jl;J$;t ,as good ,(b_ut wn¥ buy extral l!lJnr1ece~ary eJQ,!1.iTipfill'!ent?). This; Icytter :$tnould be mOlUlted lin ~ s~mp,~e ea,rpen1!,e rr.s bra,ce' an d 'th is, set U Il a11J1P~ i ed tD ttl,!!.' Ilho'l'e.

I do no'~ IUisi a Vi el ectr it dri I ~ fo Ii t~ is to'~e:ratiDlrl 3.S III 'fl fIId tJhat :j t ls nO't a Iwf..!Ys easy to !hoi dl -stead v' and a 'I, 5;0' Jot, 'tEH'lUlS 1:'0 ~IUI~e t I:U!l ~8 Mova! of 't!o 0 Imuch meta ~ w'h'ich is ~un as d'a IlFrou~, iii s leal""ii 119 a roul~h prlO.ie(;1:i;o in,

The 't@chfllii que$ and pri fi!,c,l:p!I~~ me ntioned illi1 'th .'s. book halVe been appl ied 'to speci fi C opertlftl DillS ,plnd 'the 1!1! alre rna my I)·tth'~r e,qlUa,llly [es:!i@tl!ti~11 ope Ir,ations not

I~nrt i;ofiltF;;d.

On the' ,oth,er han d ,a~ thou ~'h Hila' s ~e,c ~f ~c ol}8"r arUon s. manti oned are Di IiUl!iCe'Sli~ 'tv ~ mewhl!t 111;'1lTI i U!:d nu mEi ri'~'31Iy j the· ba!Sic:t1e!cn n iquti tJ:li1d equl:pment li!'eCOE!5£awy tna/~e o.en!lll'l fully oovared, ,e')i;C~ l!I d i no 'WOlflki5lhop practioe as t;atl,,!Q'nt to your laea i


garage m~chun r C ,and d!!tai I ed 1 n most work sh Qpi Im~ 1i'n,Ja ls, ,:lin d otner publ ica;t'io ns on Al!!rt'omo il vII e E ng'j nee'lI"i n ~.

CDlmmOrll!!5en'Se she U ~d ~fi a bJ'e you to '~lPply th e method $ set 0 ut bv me to iii ~ry other 0 r,:J(mJtkHlS, nor QC!r~ered. Do n.O,l til i nlk that mv rseem men ~al ions a 11',9, Gos~'I, You IfI1I1'Q¥' wlelll and inde,E:dl probab~v w~~1 di9\!1elop or dlil~oO\l'ell" fair :s:uper'ior Wgrys of de unQI 11'11 i ngs. ~ have mjil r,f! IIV' altern pll:td te P'1Jl1l! mly Ow n til olillQhts and ,~Jb6ir:rv,at!'n'!Ni on 10 papo'r Ii Iii 'Uil e hlope 'U;'Ht the ran k r'ifiwOOMtu '1:0 ~n!m:i n~ mod i f~ catt'~Ofil Si rn illI be' ,abl e' te ,gai"l some Ii dlBa!i II nd oonfl d e !nee ~n his OWfiI abil ilV .

One 'ri rlai we r d ,of Wl!lrril i I11g,. [,1to 11101 attern prt to put thi~ $i;l rles i ntn praet ice unt jl~ '(DIU not en ~y 'fu ~ Ily IJri ~trstancl t ne work i n gs of th e i nlNf'nal1 com b u;s.~ iol'!! e,!!lgi!!lE: an dl all Its COO'ilptln.ent:s, bu t ,131 Sill h.ll.~ liV appll',ec~ ate the w.eak nesses" virtues .Ilnd potenti,alls of iy'lQur own engine'. The' sams way a scientist' Cannot ~rlI'V Dur~, ~s@Qfch , .. ~ rrot lash iCii~; i fro m a '1!e'~r.book j nor can y'lo ItJ h O(Jie to prDp~tJ"ly tu ne' an efll!aine without sericus errors [ust 'foi~oWliilg mv sogg@'~tflorns. TIh~V are mete~y intended to d ilf@C~ and chan nel your thi Ii king a Ion'S! 'til e right ~ ~ n es,


:!Ill:im off 0 Jt'!Ei-CI" ,

,~[ijeck ~hiIJt lll:l(itrw;(nJ)11 wl~e dOl!ls Inot ~ Qui bh:,,:~1(

~~ii!!ii!!!!!!iliiiilllIIIIIiiiiil!!~~~lldm of" Q,,05!t" II;)l'1:i:;I~1< theft !IIxti<SiI!li:i1, y,oJlw dOQ.5; Inot 'foul bl'O~k


!5!k~m cif~ lo"'noo·~'

.lrrniI!iU· to '1051E; '!:l!'nll V' IBlle" for modUled cha rnb-fll'



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IMQ;i!'IJ. >CihlmbIU' wa Illi '[:(;.1 5i1filJi!Jth eo~!t·OUl'J

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