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Machohalli, Bapagram Post, Bangalore-91
Subject: Mathematics
Grade IX
To be written neatly in ruled part of the record.

Date: 01-Oct-2020

• Objective: To represent a linear equation in two variables graphically.

• Pre-requisite knowledge:

(i) Concept of linear equation

(ii) To represent the coordinates on cartesian plane.

• Materials required:

➢ Graph paper

➢ Pencil

➢ Geometry box

• Procedure:

1. Consider a linear equation in two variables, say 2x+4y=20.

2. By taking different values of a variable, say x, find the different values of y.

3. Put different values of x and y in a table as shown below:

x 0 2 4 10

y 5 4 3 0

4. Take a graph paper. Draw two perpendicular lines X'OX and Y'OY on the graph paper.
5. To draw the graph of the equation 2x+4y=20, plot the points (0,5), (2,4), (4,3) and (10,0) on the
graph paper.

6. Draw a straight line passing through these points.

• Observations:

1. We get a straight line, which represents the linear equation.

2. Every point whose coordinates satisfy equation 2x+4y=20 lies on the line AD.

3. Every point (a,b) on the line AD gives a solution x=a, y=b of equation 2x+4y=20.

4. Any point, which does not lie on the line AD, is not a solution 2x+4y=20.

• Conclusion:

A linear equation in two variables is represented geometrically by a straight line whose points
make up the collection of solutions of equation.

Do the activity using graph sheet and paste it in the unruled part

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