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A invenção dos óleos corporais

A fragrância também encontrou espaço na vida religiosa e secular através de óleos perfumados. Eles eram feitos (e ainda são
atualmente) por meio da extração e transformação dos óleos de plantas em gordura ou em óleo vegetal e depois filtração do material
usado. Eles eram amplamente utilizados em cerimônias religiosas para consagrar templos, altares, estátuas, velas e sacerdotes.

Utilização religiosa dos óleos perfumados

O Livro do Êxodo (30:22-25) fornece uma das mais antigas receitas de unção com óleo (dada por Deus a Moisés para ser usada na
iniciação dos sacerdotes). Os ingredientes incluiam mirra, canela, cálamo e cássia misturados no azeite de oliva.

Quando Maria Madalena untou os pés de Cristo e os limpou com seus cabelos, ela o fez com um óleo feito a partir do nardo. O nome
Cristo, ou Christos, do grego chriein, significa literalmente "untar", e o franquincenso e a mirra levados pelos reis magos para Jesus
Cristo provavelmente eram óleos de unção. Acredita-se que esses óleos eram mais valiosos do que o ouro carregado pelo terceiro rei

Os egípcios antigos eram conhecidos

devido a sua capacidade de criar óleos perfumados
Os cheiros dos egípcios antigos

O talento egípcio para formular óleos perfumados se tornou lendário e seus óleos eram, com certeza, muito poderosos: potes de calcita
cheios de óleos perfumados ainda tinham um leve odor quando o túmulo do rei Tutancâmon foi aberto 3 mil anos depois de sua morte.
Os egípcios eram especialmente criativos na utilização do cheiro e não o restringiam a ritos religiosos. O cheiro específico de alguém,
ou khaibt, era representado por um hieróglifo de um leque e acreditava-se que ele fosse capaz de influenciar as emoções dos outros.

O primeiro spa de beleza pode ter sido a fábrica de perfume de Cleópatra em En Gedi, perto do Mar Morto. Aparentemente, tratamentos
de saúde e beleza eram oferecidos às pessoas, já que as ruínas da fábrica têm assentos que parecem ter sido parte de salas de
tratamento ou de espera. Ervas perfumadas eram misturadas em um azeite de oliva especialmente preparado. Infelizmente, o livro onde
Cleópatra registrava receitas de seus óleos corporais, Cleopatra Gynaeciarum Libri, foi perdido. Só sabemos de sua existência porque
foi mencionado em textos romanos.

Banhados em fragrância

Os romanos, que não gostavam do processo bagunçado de infusão e filtração dos óleos perfumados, importavam a maioria dos seus do
Egito. Tanto os homens quanto as mulheres se banhavam nas fragrâncias. A utilização dos perfumes era tanta que os romanos
apaixonadamente chamavam seus amores de "minha mirra, minha canela", assim como os norte-americanos chamam seus amados de
"honey" (palavra em inglês para "mel")

Os gregos eram especialmente seduzidos pelo uso de óleos perfumados. Na verdade, Hipócrates recomendava o uso de óleos
corporais no banho. Em Atenas, donos de lojas de ungüentos vendiam manjerona, lírio, tomilho, sálvia, anis, rosa e íris infundidos em
óleo e engrossados com cera de abelhas. Eles embalavam seus ungüentos (derivado de uma palavra que significa manchar ou untar)
em potes de cerâmica pequenos e decorados, assim como fazem até hoje. Entretanto, naqueles tempos os donos de lojas eram
consultados como médicos e seus produtos eram vendidos para várias utilizações com fins medicinais.

Homens e mulheres gregos untavam seus corpos para um realce pessoal e sensualidade. Os homens usavam um óleo perfumado
diferente, escolhido por suas características particulares, para cada parte de seu corpo. A maioria dos óleos que usavam, como hortelã
para os braços, eram quentes e estimulantes.

Os óleos também eram usados para massagear músculos que estivessem rígidos. Os atletas na Índia, na ilha mediterrânea de Creta e,
depois, na Grécia e em Roma, esfregavam óleos especialmente preparados em seus músculos antes (e muitas vezes depois) de
participar de jogos.

A prática tântrica dos indianos orientais transformava as mulheres em um verdadeiro jardim de prazeres da terra. Elas se untavam com
jasmim nas mãos, patchouli no pescoço e queixo, âmbar nos seios, nardo nos cabelos, almiscareiro no abdômen, sândalo nas coxas e
açafrão nos pés. Os homens, entretanto, só aplicavam sândalo no corpo.
O ritual de banho diário na Índia exigia a aplicação de óleos de gergelim perfumados com jasmim, coentro, cardamomo, manjericão,
costus, pandanus, ágar, pinho, açafrão, champac e cravo-da-índia. Os antigos livros védicos religiosos e medicinais davam instruções
sobre como equilibrar a temperatura corporal, o temperamento e a digestão através de aromas e alguns de seus usos terapêuticos com
certeza foram passados para o ocidente.

No Egito, todos usavam óleos corporais, da realeza aos trabalhadores. Operários que construíam um local para enterros entraram em
greve no século 12 a.C. não somente porque a comida era ruim, mas também porque "não tinham óleos". Eles dependiam dos óleos
para aliviar a dor dos músculos depois de um dia rebocando e entalhando pedras enormes e para proteger suas peles do forte sol do

Pelas Américas, a massagem com óleos perfumados também foi usada como terapia e freqüentemente foi o primeiro tratamento
oferecido. Um óleo de massagem preparado pelos incas continha valeriana e outras ervas relaxantes que eram engrossadas com algas
marinhas. Os astecas massageavam os doentes com ungüentos perfumados em suas casas.

Herbal oil is an extract made of herb with vegetable oil. Because

Burdock oil - during the extraction vegetable oil is infused with herbal
Calendula oil - ingredients, herbal oils are also called infused oils. Herbal oil
Celandine oil - extracts contain nutrients, antioxidants and vitamins essential for
Chickweed oil - skin cells metabolism. They have been use since prehistoric time
Gotu Kola oil - in herbal medicine to treat skin problems, help heal skin injuries,
Elecampane oil - improve the conditions of mucous, combat scalp and hair
Melissa oil - diseases. Herbal oils have also been traditionally applied to
Nettle Herb oil - nourish and revitalize the skin, reverse skin aging processes,
Nettle Root oil - promote healthy scalp and combat hair loss. Many herbal oils are
Peppermint oil - rich in unique indispensable nutrients and are utilized as a dietary
Planatain herb oil - supplements.
Rose Hip oil (whole) Herbal oils from Floraleads Gr are produced by cold extraction of
- raw herbs into vegetable oil (usually extra virgin oilve oil) in
Saw Palmetto oil - biocompatible environment. To show the difference from regular
Sea Buckthorn oil - infused oil, one may compare Floraleads herbal oil with sour
St. John's wort oil - cream and infused oil with milk. In fact, Floraleads herbal oil
Yarrow oil - extracts are significantly more concentrated than regular infused
oils. Usually at least three weight parts of dry herb are utilized to
produce one weight part of herbal extract.

Aloe oil - healing and restorative properties of Aloe Vera are

recognized since prehistoric times and utilized around the world. It
has been used traditionally to treat various skin conditions, including
psoriasis, eczema, inflammations, burns and wounds. Aloe oil extract
is manufactured according to proprietary biocompatible technology
has rich dark green color and specific sweet Aloe aroma. Extract
contain full range or oil soluble Aloe nutrients. Due to cold
extraction techniques extract preserves biological activity and
bioavailability of ingredients. Aloe leaves, juice and Aloe oil were
traditionally used to promote healing of cracked skin, especially on
the foot, as well as various bad healing skin injuries, sores, abrasions. It was also used
to help accelerate the healing of hemorrhoids.

Arnica flowers oil - traditionally used to promote healing of bruises and minor skin
injuries help reduce swelling and discoloration. More recently Arnica gained
recognition as potent natural remedy to help combat cellulite. Arnica contains ingredient
apparently able to stimulate local skin blood flow and enhance metabolism of epithelial
Calendula flowers oil - tonic, soothing, restorative oil, good for
any type of skin, but especially suitable for dry skin. Calendula
(Calendula officinalis), or Marigold oil is traditional Mediterranean
skin care used to help preserve skin freshness, protect skin from
overdrying, sun-induced wrinkles and sun caused aging during
summer time. When used regularly the oil imparts deep olive shine to
the skin, helps protect skin from age related thinning and drying out.
Anti-aging properties of Calendula oil, known already to to ancient
Egyptians, may be related to the high content and diversity of
carotenes, phytosterols, polyphenols, EFAs.

Celandine herb oil (Chelidonum majus) - traditionally used to cleanse the skin, help
combat skin infection and relieve skin inflammation. Fresh Celandine juice and oil
extract were used to help heal warts, cold sores. It was also applied to sanitize and
protect wounds and injured skin areas.

Chickweed herb oil (Stellaria media) - traditionally used to help heal minor skin
injuries, wound, abrasions, to nourish and revitalize the skin

Elecampane root oil - Ancient Greeks used preparation of Elecampane (Inula

Helenium) root, also called Elf dock or Elfwood in virgin olive oil to promote healthy
skin and help improve hair and scalp conditions. According to a legend, an olive oil
infused with Elecampane root was applied to beautify and protect skin during sport

Gotu Kola herb oil - Also called Hydrocotyle oil it is obtained by cold extraction of
Gotu Kola herb ( Centella asiatica L., Hydrocotyle asiatica) in virgin olive oil.
GotuKola synonyms are Indian Pennyroyal, Tiger grass or Hydrocotile. The herb is one
of the most popular in traditional Indian medicne, where it has been used in healing of
superficial wounds, skin ulcers, as a dermatitis treatment and as a general restorative
skin care. Referred to in French Pharmacopoeia. In more recent times the oil have been
employed in India, Africa, Europe for the treatment of skin lesions, cellulite as a
stimulant of skin metabolism and restorative functions.

Melissa oil ( Lemon balm oil ) Extract of Lemon balm (Melissa) leaf in olive oil.
Obtained by direct extraction of Melissa (Melissa officinalis) into virgin olive oil.
Melissa or Lemon balm oil is traditionally use as skin cleansing and nourishing
treatment. Due to direct cold extraction process Melissa oil retains deep green color and
attractive Lemon balm aroma.
Traditional herbal medicine recognizes two major actions of Melissa: calming, relaxing,
sleep promoting and anti-inflammatory, antivirus, antibacterial. Both effects have been
confirmed to a degree by modern scientific studies. Lemon balm extracts are used to
support immunity and help enhance body resistance to infectious agents. In fact, a
number of constituents of Melissa have been demonstrated to possess antivirus
properties and in several countries fractions of Melissa extract and oil are utilized in
pharmaceutical preparations intended to combat skin virus infections, including herpes.

Nettle herb oil (Urtica dioica) - Oil extract of Nettle herb obtained
with virgin olive oil. Nettle oil (Oleum Urticae) have been used as
restorative, anti-inflammatory skin and scalp treatment for hundreds
years. The oil is an excellent treatment for hypersensitive or stressed
skin and scalp as it helps reduce irritation, and reverse inflammatory
reactions. Warm Nettle oil has been traditionally used as restorative
anti-wrinkle facial mask for thin sensitive skin. It helps combat
irritations, redness, itching, improve skin conditions in sensitive
areas. Traditionally combined with Plantain oil and/or Burdock root
oil to treat scalp problems and improve conditions of hair follicles.
Combined with Saw Palmetto to help reduce hair loss and treat mens health conditions.

Nettle root oil extract - Nettle root oil have been traditionally
utilized by itself or together with Burdock root to help improve scalp
conditions and promote hair growth. More recently Nettle root has
become popular in combination with Saw Palmetto as a dietary
supplement used to help combat hair loss. Obtained by cold extraction of
Nettle root into virgin olive oil.

Plantain herb oil (Plantago major) - helps relieve skin and scalp
irritations, reduce inflammation heal minor injuries. Plantain oil is
well tolerated by any type of skin and traditionally was utilized as a
restorative and anti-aging skin remedy. It was used to nourish and
treat sensitive, irritated skin and scalp, help restore injured or tired
skin and for daily revitalizing treatment. Plantain oil is also believed
to be helpful in the treatment of conditions of mucous membranes.

Whole Rose Hip oil - Unique herbal oil extract obtained from whole Rose hip
employing low temperature continuous extraction with the aid of virgin olive oil.
Contains liposoluble skin beneficial antioxidants and wide array of Rose hips nutrients
in easily absorbed stable form. Whole Rose hip oil from Floraleads Gr is obtained
following traditional methods used for centuries to produced Rose hip infused oil for
cosmetic and anti-aging skin care. The Rose hip infused oil was believed to possess skin
revitalizing and general health beneficial properties and have been used widely in
cosmetics and herbal medicines. No organic solvents were used in the manufacturing
process. The oil is all natural, free of synthetic or artificial additives. Its superior
stability is due to the presence of multiple Rose hips antioxidants and biocompartible
extraction process. Delightful natural fresh aroma, bright red color and rich array of
nutrients make whole rose hip oil one of the most popular rejuvenating skin care
treatments. Traditionally used as a skin anti-aging treatment. Helps rejuvenate the skin,
reverse wrinkles formation, and maintain young fresh looking skin. Well tolerated by all
kinds of skin and especially useful as nourishing and revitalizing remedy for under eyes
skin. Used also as a dietary supplement, in particularly to help improve conditions of
digestive system, like ulcers, erosions,mucositis, etc

Rose Hip - Sea Buckthorn blend

Blend of equal amounts of Whole Rose hip and Sea Buckthorn oil
extracts. Combines rich variety of Sea Buckthorn carotenoids with Rose
hips liposoluble antioxidants. Offers revitalizing, nourishing, restorative
skin protective action complemented by enjoyable aroma. Directions -
same as for Sea Buckthorn and Rose hip oil extracts.
Saint John's wort oil extract
Cold pressed extract of Saint John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) obtained with virgin
olive oil. Contain hypericin like compounds, bioflavonoids, polyphenols, monoterpens,
phytosterols, EFAs and other nutrients. Traditionally used as a skin nourishment and to
promote recovery of skin and mucous injuries. Helps combat bacterial infections,
reverse inflammation, reduce skin itching and irritability. More recent evidences suggest
that St. John's wort ingredients may be helpful as antiviral agents. Warning: Do not
wear Saint John's wort oil under direct sunlight. It may induce hypersensitivity to
sunlight. Some manuals on herbal medicines suggest to inactivate photosensitive
components of Saint John's wort oil by exposing the oil to direct sun light for two -
three weeks in white glass bottle. Saint John's wort oil from Floraleads GR is not sun

Yarrow oil. Extract of Yarrow flower in olive oil.

Yarrow have been utilized for the treatment of skin wounds and inflammations since
Ancient Greek times. It's botanical name, Achillea Millefolium, is quite possible
reminiscent of Trojan War hero Achilles, who, according to a legends was also a skillful
healer. Achilles, as legends tell, used herbs to treat wounds inflicted on the battlefield.
Yarrow was traditionally used to help stop wound bleeding and promote healing of
minor wounds, lacerations, sores as well as to combat interior bleeding. The plant
contains ingredients, such as azulen, with demonstrated antibacterial and anti-
inflammatory action.
Healing, regenerating Sea St. John's Plantain
Aloe oil
oils Buckthorn oil wort oil herb oil

Tonic, stimulating Arnica oil Calendula oil Elecampane

oils oil

Restorative Chickweed Rose hips oil Plantain herb Yarrow oil

nourishing oils oil oil

Cleansing purifying Melissa oil Celandine oil St. John's

Aloe oil
oils wort oil

Hair care oils and Burdock root Saw Nettle herb

scalp treatments oil Palmetto oil oil
Several summers ago, when my friends heard I was off to Paris, they begged me to

bring back Huile Prodigieuse, France's latest skincare miracle. So I headed for the local
diététique (the closest thing in France to a health food store), where the proprietor sold
me her last precious bottles of the sweet almond and neroli oil. I've been hooked on the
gentle glide of face oil ever since. Buy these oils in facial preparations, look for them as
ingredients in creams or use them on their own.
Rosa mosqueta (aka rose hip seed oil) is great for softening little
linesaround the eyes. My favorites are Aubrey Organics, Rosa Mosqueta Oil and Natura
Bisse Rosa Mosqueta Oil for Dry Skin.
Sweet almond oil is an extremely absorbent oil that's not only a terrific all-around
moisturizerbut calms the skin down fast after waxing or any other irritating event. At $4
a bottle, it's your best health-food store buy. (Store it in the fridge.)
Evening primrose oil softens papery-dry skin and soothes
eczema. I like a cheap balm called Common Sense Chamomile & Primrose Salve, from
Rutland, Vermont, which grandmas, toddlers and everyone in between can share.

Carrot oil moisturizes dry, aging skin and also driesacne; Dr. Hauschka's Facial Skin
Oil is a good source.

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