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Mimicry and Matrices

a surprisingly wide coverage of classical techniques,
including numerical simulation methods, gradient and
his month we bring you reviews of two books. The first
book, Biomimicry for Optimization, Control, and Automa- nongradient search algorithms, and lots of stability analy-
tion by Passino, presents an innovative approach to teaching sis. Classical applications are also included; the gas fur-
control concepts, with motivation from the biological world. nace is here after all [pp. 465–466], as is the
The reviewer considers both the pedagogical and scientific much-maligned thermostat [pp. 10–11].
aspects of this text. The second book, Matrix Mathematics: The book excels in teaching these intelligent and clas-
Theory, Facts, and Formulas with Application to Linear Sys- sical control techniques. The biology provides lively,
tems Theory by Bernstein, is an encyclopedic reference work interesting questions; the writing is exceptionally clear
on matrices. The reviewer discusses the central role that and direct; there are many figures and examples; the
matrices play in systems and control theory as well as the design problems are terrific; and the MATLAB code lets
unique features of this text. you readily reproduce the examples and start working
My goal is to make this column as inclusive as possible, on the problems.
covering everything from research monographs and text- As good as the exposition of control techniques is,
books, to popular books. I encourage suggestions for books even better is the teaching of control principles. The book
to be reviewed as well as volunteers to review books. is superb at explaining fundamental concepts such as
Scott R. Ploen time-scale structure, system stability, overly fine control,
Scott.R.Ploen@jpl.nasa.gov and averaging. Students who learn from this book will
remember these principles for a long time.
One book cannot do the work of three. This book
Biomimicry for would not be effective as a textbook on optimization.
Although there is plenty of coverage of techniques for
Optimization, Control, finding a local optimizer of a nonlinear function, optimiza-
and Automation tion topics are not well represented. Much of what is pre-
sent is more about learning than about optimization per se.
Likewise, the book cannot be used either to learn bio-
“Why is the temperature in this mimicry or as a source of biomimetic examples.
room comfortable?” I ask my In the final chapter, Passino poses a broad class of
class of 210 sophomores. My automation challenges that loosely conform to the metaphor
attempt to enliven an introduc- of group foraging, that is, the collective detection and acqui-
tion to feedback loops is met sition from the environs of a resource such as food, by a
Springer, 2004 with dead silence. No one group of animals. This class includes many important
US$99.00 smiles appreciatively at the unsolved problems in robot and vehicle fleet coordination
ISBN: 1-85233-804-0 answer: heat if too cold, chill if and control. A true biomimetic approach to these challenges
too hot. Instead, says Kevin may advance the design of multifunction, multilevel, dis-
Passino, show a photograph of a desert locust plague, and tributed, and robust automated control systems.
ask the class how 40 million locusts can fly in a dense
swarm over a square kilometer without colliding. The APPROACH
basic answer is the same: move away if too close, move This text is an engineer’s book. Passino assembles dis-
closer if too far. Now my class is buzzing; the students are parate methods and topics into a coherent whole from a
lively and engaged. Such is the pedagogical premise of strict engineering point of view. The goal is to achieve ver-
Kevin Passino’s new book Biomimicry for Optimization, Con- ifiable high levels of autonomy; any other consideration is
trol, and Automation. Don't ask how to predictively control subservient to this engineering goal. Thus for Passino there
a gas furnace, ask how a cheetah can predictively stalk its is no conflict between intelligent and conventional control
prey. As Passino observes: “The analogies are found to be and no fundamental difference between a cheetah tracking
fun by many students and control engineers!” [p. 88]. a rabbit and a missile tracking an airplane.
In this fashion, Passino entices his readers to explore Passino employs a wide variety of expository and
many leading techniques of intelligent control, such as pedagogical techniques. Biology is both a source of inter-
neural networks, evolutionary adaptive control, and genetic esting problems, such as tracking and flocking, and a
algorithms. Alongside these unconventional techniques is source of inspiration for solution techniques, such as

86 IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS MAGAZINE » AUGUST 2006 1066-033X/06/$20.00©2006IEEE

neural networks and genetic algorithms. Passino advises with them are given. The pitfall explanations are a superb
that we should not worry if the biological metaphor backup resource for the active learner.
breaks down or the biology isn’t really known, as long as As a general rule, this book skips over the details of
the end result is a stable autonomous system. Whenever mathematical derivations. For example, the cancellation of
Passino chooses between good engineering and good sci- all terms lower than fifth order in the Runge-Kutta method
ence, he chooses the former. is not discussed. Furthermore, lengthy definitions of the
There are illustrations of nearly every problem and conditions under which a method is valid, notably in the
method and more than 350 figures. Most of these examples section on stability analysis, and proofs of theorems, such
can be reproduced readily with the MATLAB code that as Krein-Milman, are avoided. Some textbooks use most of
accompanies the text. I observed that the pointer given in their pages to explain underlying theory with nonrigorous
the book to access the code was not active; instead go to proofs or by rigorously proving restricted versions of the
Passino’s Web page at http://www.ece.osu.edu/∼passino results. Not this book: it conveys a common-sense under-
and follow the link to his book. Several interesting prob- standing of each technique and shows how to use it. Sec-
lem scenarios including hunter-prey, tanker ship steering, tion 7.5.1 is a rare exception, in which the author includes
and foraging are woven throughout the text. proofs of a couple of his own results regarding the stability
The writing style is exceptionally clear and direct. I of a forager-prey model.
particularly liked the tracking, fuzzy control, and Passino’s handling of numerical issues is also practical.
nongradient optimization portions, but the entire book is He tends to state what is true using prose rather than theo-
praiseworthy for its lucid prose. The exposition is at a rems. For example, when describing numerical issues in
junior or senior undergraduate level, assuming familiarity recursive least squares algorithms, he doesn’t define the
with calculus, elementary linear algebra, the Gaussian dis- condition number of a matrix but rather says that trouble
tribution, and with ordinary differential equations. Here can arise with the inverse when the matrix has small terms.
my list differs from the author’s. Occasionally, such as in He explains that quasi-Newton methods are useful because
Section 18.4 on swarm stability, Passino assumes a more we require fast convergence without having to compute, or
advanced level of mathematics. In the preface, Passino guarantee the existence of, the inverse Hessian.
states that a course on classical control and perhaps an I must call special attention to the superb teaching of
additional course on adaptive control are also necessary principles of control and automation throughout the text.
prerequisites. However, I found the motivations, deriva- Concise sidebar statements reinforce the material. Those
tions, examples, and explanations to be self-contained, so who work through this book will know, in their bones, the
that a mature student with MATLAB skills could do with- following rules of thumb: “Overaggressive pursuit of
out such a prerequisite. The level of difficulty of the home- closed-loop objectives can require continual adjustment of
work problems is a notch above the level of exposition. parameters that can lead to instability” [p. 401]; “predic-
Two kinds of homework questions are given, namely, tion horizon choice is difficult. Prediction too far into the
exercises and design problems. Questions are often pro- future is computationally expensive and sometimes not
gressively more difficult, and, in general, chapters contain useful due to plant uncertainty” [p. 257]; “specification of
at most one exercise per concept, which I doubt is a suffi- gradient update formulas for cluster functions requires the
cient quantity for undergraduates. The design problems same general approach as for approximators [p. 535];
are excellent; they are both intriguing and sufficiently chal- “accurate plant model estimation is not necessarily needed
lenging for graduate students. Unfortunately, these prob- to achieve good tracking performance in indirect adaptive
lems, and even some of the exercises, may be too control” [p. 566]; “swarm optimization exploits a regional
open-ended for the average undergraduate. approximation to a gradient and helps it to climb over
The book strongly encourages active learning. The noise.” [p. 789].
MATLAB code enables readers to jump right in and get
their hands dirty with the appealing problems. Obviously, ENGINEERING AND MATHEMATICAL CONTENT
Passino has taught this material often and has found peda- Many of the learning, planning, and control methods dis-
gogical value in posing simulation problems like foraging, cussed in this book are inspired by biology. Of these “intel-
predation, swimming, and swarming. Besides making the ligent control” methods, the topics covered are neural
learning fun, the experimental domains are relatively easy networks, fuzzy control and functional fuzzy systems,
because they are simulated. In every chapter, Passino expert control systems, online planning with learning and
exposes pitfalls of various kinds that students are likely to feedback, adaptive control, training function approxima-
encounter, ranging from numerical inaccuracies, excessive tors, genetic algorithms, instinct-learning balance algo-
CPU run time, system instability, appropriate data selec- rithms, and evolutionary adaptive control. The book
tion, to overtuning, undertraining, choice of starting point, covers a surprisingly large amount of classical material as
choice of step size, and choice of termination criteria. Like- well. These topics include Lyapunov functions for stability
ly sources of trouble as well as tips for avoiding or dealing analysis, Euler and Runge-Kutta methods to simulate


systems of differential equations, batch and recursive least sion does not necessitate distortion. The trouble arises
squares methods, gradient methods including steepest principally from the treatment of learning as optimization.
descent with Armijo step-size, conjugate gradient meth- In this view, given arbitrary stimulus-response data and a
ods, Newton and quasi-Newton methods, response sur- particular form of the learning function, it then becomes an
faces, and SPSA and Nelder-Mead algorithms. optimization problem to select parameter values that best
As noted, Passino is careful not to overdo the mathe- fit the data. Solving this optimization problem is equiva-
matics. Fortunately, he does not skimp on the issue of lent to learning. In this context, learning is the embodying
stability. Examining a model for stability is a staple into the function as much as possible from the experience
topic all through the text. I think this emphasis is exactly represented by the data. The functional form could be a
the right approach because the goal is to obtain a verifi- neural net with k hidden layers, a linear model, or some-
able high level of autonomy, and verification requires thing more general. Because the data are thought of as
careful analysis. arbitrary, the optimization problem has little structure to
The section on genetic algorithms is quite readable. This work with. This view gives a distorted view of optimiza-
section is more succinct than many books that focus on tion, both in terms of what typical optimization problems
genetic or evolutionary algorithms, yet it fully prepares are like and in terms of which optimization methods are
one to implement the basic algorithm. However, several effective. The truth is that learning is not equivalent to
insights are omitted or misstated. The text describes the optimization, even though the former can be formulated as
effect of the crossover operation as perturbing parameters the latter. No more is it true that number theory is
near good positions [p. 624] and the effect of mutation as optimization. For example, Fermat’s last theorem can be
jumping out of local maxima [p. 625]. In fact, the converse succinctly expressed as the following optimization prob-
is closer to the truth. Instead, the book should point out lem: max n : an + bn = cn ; a, b, c, n ∈ Z.
the devastating effect constant offsets have on fitness- The extreme form of this distortion is found in the no-
proportionate selection [p. 621]. free-lunch theorems cited in the book, which describe
My main concern here is that the discussion fails to models of optimization within which essentially all algo-
sufficiently distinguish between naive uses of genetic rithms have equally poor performance. If such models
algorithms and the principal way genetic algorithms reflected reality, the field of algorithms and indeed most of
can be made effective in practice. The idea is to encode theoretical computer science would have no reason to
the control parameters of an algorithm and to optimize exist. However, reality is quite different. Traveling sales-
over the space of encoded parameters, rather than over man problems can be solved ≈ 10100,000 times faster than
the space of encoded solutions. The former space can enumeration [2]; the ant colony shortest path optimization
have a much smoother topology than the latter, and in method discussed in Section 18.1.3 is absurdly slower than
particular, crossover children in that space are far more classical methods.
likely to be feasible. To my knowledge, this idea was The section on game theory is riddled with omissions
first discovered by R. Storer [1] and is now widely used and errors. Only pure strategy equilibria are discussed;
in artificial intelligence and elsewhere. Without this the concept of mixed strategies is never introduced.
idea, genetic algorithms are rarely competitive with Hence there is no mention of two-person, zero-sum von
standard optimization methods. Neumann-Morgenstern duality nor of Nash equilibrium
Good uses of genetic algorithms, such as setting gains fixed points, which are the most fundamental theorems
for PID controllers and structuring a fuzzy system are of game theory. The section confuses continuous strategy
stated alongside poor uses, without distinguishing games with infinitely repeated games, while incorrectly
which are which. Optimization in parameter space is stating that the extensive and strategic normal forms are
much more deeply biomimetic than optimization in solu- not equivalent in their expressive power, the equivalence
tion space. Your DNA is not a homunculus. It is a formu- of which was established by von Neumann and Morgen-
la for creating your form. Changing one gene in stern. The dynamic games of Section 19.4 are ordinary
drosophila turns an antenna into a leg. These two forms games according to game theory, but are not according
therefore are adjacent with respect to the DNA topology. to the text. The section omits subgame perfect equilibria
However, the two forms look quite different; in the mor- and other equilibrium refinements. Finally, the section
phological solution space, the two forms are not close to misleadingly states that pure strategy Nash equilibria
each other and may be separated by nonviable mor- require cooperation.
phologies. Speaking as a biomimeticist, I believe it is sig-
nificant that the more profoundly biomimetic algorithm WHY TEACH BAD SCIENCE?
is the more effective. Although engineers will be attracted to this book for its
The exposition of optimization is also distorted. The style and its description of various control algorithms, the
author acknowledges that there are omissions in important book does not present a satisfactory treatment of modern
topics such as combinatorial optimization. However, omis- biology and biomimicry. The text constantly confuses


models of organisms with biological knowledge of organ- learning and that the learning becomes encoded in the
isms, while frequently overstating the extent to which the organism’s genes and can be inherited by its progeny.
biology is known or understood. For example, the reader Only the first part of this hypothesis has been supported
is never urged to engage in direct observation of a real ant by data. For evolutionary biologists, the rest of Baldwin’s
colony. There are gratuitous inaccuracies and misstate- idea is obviously Lamarckian, that is, it assumes the heri-
ments. All of these aspects help to convey the wrong idea tability of acquired traits and is not widely believed to
about the nature of science. Similarly, the book presents exist. Evolutionary algorithms seek to maximize a real-
the concept of biomimicry in a superficial way. Bioengi- valued function defined on the space of possible solutions
neering is not just engineering with interesting examples. by iteratively modifying a set of solutions. The function is
The complex, exquisite, multifunctional systems in the called fitness, and the set is called the population. Baldwin’s
natural world offer insight into many unsolved engineer- idea is mimicked in learning theory and genetic algo-
ing problems. Biomimicry ought not be used merely to rithms, typically by training or by locally improving ele-
market material to keep engineers interested. ments of the set at each iteration. The first part of Baldwin‘s
My major complaint is the confounding of the biology hypothesis corresponds to reducing the range of the func-
with the models and ideas drawn from biology. Biology is tion to the set of trained solutions or local optimizers,
a science rooted in observation. One must differentiate which might smooth the function and speed global conver-
models of organisms from biological knowledge of organ- gence. However, to modify the population itself is to imi-
isms. The text often asserts that a descriptive model, rather tate a dubitable Lamarckian process. It might work, but it
than knowledge based on observation and measurement, isn’t biomimicry.
is true. Such assertions overstate the extent to which The view presented of the brain [p. 62] illustrates why
biology is understood. For example, on page 67 we read, the book doesn’t teach true biomimicry. Specifically, the
“we do not yet understand everything about how the brain book provides a simplistic view of the Hebbian model that
operates.” What an unwitting rhetorical meiosis! takes the analogy with computers far too seriously. It
As another example, Passino claims that “animals would be more accurate to say that learning takes place by
search for nutrients to maximize E/T” [p. 75], the rate at changes in pathways so as to inhibit or accentuate patterns
which energy content is acquired. This statement is not of neural firings over time. The material on learning as gra-
known to be true. In fact, we don’t know whether E/T is dient search and neural training is also misleading since
maximized in general. In some cases, we know that, in a there is little evidence that this is how neurons train. From
certain sense, it is not. Indeed, we don’t really know what a neurobiological perspective, the widely used Hodgkins-
optimal means in this context. Passino also asserts that Huxley model would be a better starting point.
groups of animals follow simple rules to achieve complex To his credit, Passino does not think that biologically
group behavior. “Some organisms, such as ants, actually inspired methods should be held to lower standards than
use simple rules to specify how to forage for food and . . . other methods. On the contrary, he subjects these methods
have an emergent intelligence” [p. 885]. This claim has to classical analysis such as Lyapunov stability. Passino’s
not been scientifically verified. It is true that we can rigorous engineering view trumps an all-too-common
sometimes replicate an aspect of group behavior by an view in biomimetic optimization and in artificial intelli-
assemblage of points following simple rules. On the other gence that unconventional methods need only be com-
hand, there is plenty of evidence in many cases suggest- pared amongst themselves. In this respect, the text is
ing that what the animals do is not simple at all [3]. Some missing a reference to the first stability analysis in the for-
ant species can, in effect, compute planar coordinates [4] aging literature [6].
and count to five [5].
Throughout the book, there occur various phrases or CHALLENGES IN BIOMIMICRY
statements that would make a biologist wince. For exam- AND AUTONOMIC CONTROL
ple, the statement “experimental verification that an Passino sums up his philosophy on biology and bio-
organism is optimized is certainly difficult” [pp. 81, 82] mimicry in a sidebar [p. 87]: “Exploit biomimicry for func-
seems absurd to me as a scientist. Clearly, such verifica- tionalities and a cohesive view, get your hands dirty with
tion is impossible in science. We then read that “mating simulations and implementations, and use disciplined
and reproduction drive evolution.” Darwin proposed mathematical approaches.” From this point of view, it
that natural selection, survival, and reproduction in the doesn’t matter whether an idea comes from biology,
environment drive evolution. The generic term used psychology, or artificial intelligence, as long as it works.
throughout the text to refer to a process in need of You don’t need to know biology to practice biomimicry as
automation is, ironically, plant. is practiced in this book.
The Baldwin effect is a much more speculative concept However, if we don’t employ biology and true bio-
in biology than one would infer from this book. Baldwin mimicry, we may miss an enormously important source
hypothesized that an organism may increase its fitness by for automated control. Natural systems are good at


what we do not know how to do. The premise of bio- SUMMARY
mimcry is that life, on every scale from viruses to Biomimicry for Optimization, Control, and Automation is an
whales, from milliseconds to geologic time, and from excellent and engaging engineering book. The author
single organisms to ecologies, must solve problems in comes across as someone who has designed real con-
order to survive and reproduce. As Passino writes, trollers and who has taught real engineers successfully.
“Nature has things to teach us. The most complex and The biological analogies offer a novel way to teach fun-
robust control and automation systems in existence are damentals of intelligent control. The writing in the book
those in living organisms” [p. 89]. is excellent for upper level undergraduates; the problems
Some of the most difficult and general problems in are best for graduate students or for practicing engi-
automation are distributed control problems. These prob- neers. The MATLAB code and illustrations invite readers
lems include integrating different hierarchical levels, to get their hands dirty.
increasing the range of circumstances within which auto- However, the title is somewhat of a misnomer: “Intelli-
nomic control is effective, and detecting when the range is gent control, learning, and automation” would be more
exceeded. The biological world seems to be good at all of accurate. The book lacks the coverage to serve as a text on
these things. Natural systems are complex but stable, per- optimization, and it has insufficient biological accuracy
form multiple functions simultaneously, and are adaptive and biomimetic perspective to serve as an introduction to
and resilient. These systems seem to follow design princi- biomimicry. This book is a first edition and thus may
ples we don’t yet recognize. evolve in future editions.
For example, most robot designs treat sensing and actu- The conclusion challenges us with a robot vehicle fleet
ation as separate systems. But in animals, these two func- control problem that bears some resemblance to forag-
tions are accomplished by the same neuromuscular system ing. If, in response to this challenge, the engineering com-
and cannot always be clearly differentiated. As another munity employs a deeper level of biomimicry in terms of
example, no one knows how to design or test the free-flight both biological specificity and careful inquiry into
air traffic control concept, much less how to implement it nature’s solutions, a fundamental breakthrough in
successfully. But birds, bees, and bats do it. Can we learn automation might be achieved.
design principles from these natural systems? —Craig Tovey
Earlier I remarked that it is not known whether social
insects actually use simple rules to direct their individual REVIEWER INFORMATION
behaviors. The main point is that using simple rules has Craig Tovey received the A.B. degree in applied mathe-
not been confirmed as a sound design principle. It turns matics from Harvard College in 1977 and the M.S. in
out to be quite difficult to make 100 simulated jumping computer science and Ph.D. in operations research from
animals move smoothly in a herd if each animal uses Stanford University in 1981. He is currently a professor in
only local information. It is even more difficult to make the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering and in
the simulated antelope herd divide around a hillock and the College of Computing as well as codirector of the
seamlessly merge on the other side. Our simulations Center for Biologically Inspired Design at Georgia Tech.
cheat by having the individuals know either the destina- His research interests include optimization, probabilistic
tion, mean location, or velocity of either the herd or a analysis, and interdisciplinary work in political science,
supposed leader. Otherwise the animals collide, diffuse, economics, and biology.
or fail to sustain velocity. Since real animals employ
higher level cognitive processes and exhibit other com-
plex behaviors, perhaps components in our human-engi-
neered systems should as well. REFERENCES
[1] R.H. Storer, S.D. Wu, and R. Vaccari, “New search spaces for sequencing
The last portion of Passino’s book challenges the reader problems with applications to job shop scheduling,” Manage. Sci., vol. 37, no.
to build and analyze control systems for several idealized 10, pp. 1495–1509, 1992.
abstractions including swarm movement, individual and [2] W. Cook, “Optimal tour of Sweden” [Online]. Available:
http://www.tsp. gatech.edu/sweden/index.html
group foraging, and foraging games. Although these [3] I. Chase, C. Tovey, D. Spangler, and M. Manfredonia, “Individual differ-
tasks may not be good biology or biomimicry, the chal- ences versus social dynamics in the formation of animal dominance hierar-
lenge is still real and important. These exercises push us chies,” Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., vol. 99, no. 8, pp. 5744–5749, 2002.
[4] B. Holldobler and E.O. Wilson, The Ants. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ.
to build increasingly more complex and autonomous sys- Press, 1990.
tems, and perhaps provide the impetus to discover new [5] O.A. Bogatyreva, “The individual behavior of ants of Formica subfamily,”
fundamental principles. The biomimicry principle sug- Probls. Ecol., vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 144–159, 1981.
[6] J. Bartholdi, T. Seeley, C. Tovey, and J. Vandevate, “The pattern and
gests that we look to the natural world for answers to effectiveness of forager allocation among food sources in honey bee
these challenges. colonies,” J. Theoretical Biol., vol. 160, no. 160, pp. 23–40, 1993.


Matrix Mathematics: not available in the classical matrix theory literature, such
as the Smith-McMillan form. This canonical form for a
Theory, Facts, and general rational matrix is obtained under unimodular
Formulas with transformations, that is, polynomial transformations that
Application to Linear have a polynomial inverse. Other classical canonical forms
such as those of Jordan, Weierstrass, Kronecker, and Smith
Systems Theory play an important role in understanding the different
BY DENNIS S. BERNSTEIN structural properties of dynamical systems and their vari-
ous representations.
In addition, models from the systems and control theo-
MATRICES IN SYSTEMS ry literature often have a specialized structure that
Princeton University Press
AND CONTROL requires diverse results from matrix theory. In the study
US$89.95 Of all engineering fields, sys- of optimal control problems, for example, one encounters
ISBN: 0-691-11802-7 tems and control probably systems with Hamiltonian and symplectic structure; in the
makes the most use of matrix study of econometric and compartmental models, one
theory. This situation is not uses nonnegative matrices; in identification problems one
due to the fact that matrices provide a compact nota- encounters matrices with Hankel or Toeplitz structure; in
tion for systems of differential equations, but rather robotics one uses orthogonal transformation groups; and
because problems occurring in the modeling, analysis, so on. It is fair to say that there are few special matrix
and synthesis of dynamical systems have an incredibly structures that have not been used in the systems and con-
rich structure, for which matrix theory provides trol theory literature. Control engineers are also avid users
invaluable tools. In particular, the literature on linear of matrix equations, where two of the best known are the
time-invariant systems with several inputs and outputs Lyapunov and Riccati equations. These equations are
has always relied heavily on linear algebra because the intrinsically linked to the study of dynamical systems
basic models are sets of differential or difference equa- since they appear in the stability analysis and optimal
tions of the form control of linear time-invariant systems.
Although control engineers make pervasive use of
P(λ)y(·) = Q(λ)u(·), (1) matrix theory, many of those results are scattered in the
matrix theory literature. There are many books in the sys-
where P(λ) and Q(λ) are polynomial matrices of appropri- tems and control literature that discuss specialized matrix
ate dimensions, u(·) and y(·) are time-dependent vectors of topics such as those by Lancaster [6], Rosenbrock [8], and
inputs and outputs, respectively, and λ is the differential Kailath [4]. These and other texts contain a wealth of
operator d/dt in the continuous-time case and the shift properties of polynomial and rational matrices and their
operator z in the discrete-time case. corresponding state-space realizations. Many results
One of the early problems in the systems-theory litera- reported in Matrix Mathematics can also be found in the
ture was that of finding state-space model representations textbooks of Berman and Plemmons [2], Horn and John-
of these dynamical systems. In such models the relation- son [3], and Lancaster and Rodman [7]. Matrix Mathemat-
ship between inputs and outputs is described by a state ics has a different aim, however, since it contains a
x(·) and a system of first-order differential or difference collection of matrix results that are relevant to anyone
equations of the form working in systems and control or closely related areas.
Most of the time, the results are stated without proof, but
λEx(·) = Ax(·) + Bu(·), (2) there are always references to the relevant literature. The
y(·) = Cx(·) + Du(·), (3) book is quite complete in the sense that most topics rele-
vant to control engineers are well covered. The present
where E, A, B, C, and D are real or complex matrices of book is, in terms of concept, similar to the classic book of
appropriate dimension. The Laplace transform or the Beckenbach and Bellman [1], which contains a collection
z-transform of (1)–(3) yields the relation of facts and results on inequalities. Although [1] has a
much narrower scope than Matrix Mathematics, [1]
C(λE − A)−1 B + D = P−1 (λ)Q(λ) (4) became a classic reference.

between these descriptions. The study of these representa- ALL YOU WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT
tions and their structural properties leads to a wealth of MATRICES BUT NEVER DARED TO ASK
matrix problems in which polynomial matrices, rational Matrix Mathematics contains an impressive collection of
matrices, and state-space invariants play a crucial role. definitions, relations, properties, equations, inequalities,
Moreover, this problem motivates matrix results that are and facts centered around matrices and their use in

1066-033X/06/$20.00©2006IEEE AUGUST 2006 « IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS MAGAZINE 91

systems and control. The amount of material that is cov- terms of linear algebra results for linear time-invariant sys-
ered is quite impressive and well structured. There is also tems. However, I did not find Karitonov’s criterion for sta-
a very elaborate bibliography, a good index, and a list of bility of interval polynomials [5] or Rosenbrock’s feedback
symbols organized by chapter. It is clear that the aim of structure theorem [8].
the author is to present a collection of results that are easy
to retrieve and well organized. The book is useful for a CONCLUSIONS
wide range of scientists and engineers but is more specifi- Matrix Mathematics is not a classroom textbook from
cally aimed at systems and control engineers or anybody which one could teach matrix theory or linear systems
using linear time-invariant system models. theory. But the book is very useful for researchers and
The first two chapters deal with basic properties that scientists working in those areas. Matrix Mathematics
can be found in any good textbook of linear algebra, but contains a wealth of useful results and facts on matrices
these chapters introduce the basic notations and provide and provides many references for proofs or further read-
numerous useful facts and results on cones, determinants, ing. The chapters aimed at systems and control theory
commutators, and other topics. The third chapter lists sev- provide enough introductory material to make them
eral classes of matrix structures and pays a lot of attention accessible to nonexperts. I highly recommend the book
to Hamiltonian and symplectic matrices since they play an as a source for retrieving or verifying matrix results that
important role in optimal control problems. The fourth one would otherwise have to search for in the extensive
and fifth chapters discuss how the eigenstructure of literature on matrix theory.
dynamical systems is found from polynomial and rational —Paul Van Dooren
matrix decompositions, including canonical decomposi-
tions of real or complex matrices such as the Jordan nor- REVIEWER INFORMATION
mal form and the singular value decomposition. The Paul Van Dooren received the engineering degree in com-
Kronecker canonical form receives only little attention in puter science and the doctoral degree in applied sciences,
these chapters. both from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, in
Chapter 6 covers various kinds of generalized inverses, 1974 and 1979, respectively. He has held research and
including the Drazin and group inverses, which play a role teaching positions at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
in the matrix exponential and the solution of linear sys- the University of Southern California, Stanford University,
tems of differential equations. Chapter 7 recalls properties the Australian National University, Philips Research Labo-
of Kronecker and Hadamard (or Schur) products. These ratory Belgium, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Cham-
operations play a role in the solution of linear matrix equa- paign, Florida State University, and the Universite
tions and inequalities that typically occur in systems and Catholique de Louvain, where he is currently a professor
control theory. Chapter 8 contains a wealth of results on of mathematical engineering. He received the Householder
positive semidefinite matrices, including inequalities for Award in 1981 and the Wilkinson Prize in Numerical
eigenvalues, properties of submatrices, and relations Analysis and Scientific Computing in 1989. He is an associ-
between eigenvalues and singular values of arbitrary ate editor of several journals in numerical analysis and sys-
matrices. Chapter 9 focuses on norms of matrices and lists tems and control theory. His main interests lie in the areas
many properties involving singular values of matrix sums of numerical linear algebra, systems and control theory,
and products. Functions of matrices and their derivatives and large-scale problems in graphs and networks.
are briefly covered in Chapter 10, which also contains
properties that are useful for convex optimization of
matrix functions. REFERENCES
The last two chapters are more targeted to applications [1] E.F. Beckenbach and R. Bellman, Inequalities. New York: Springer-Verlag,
in the area of systems and control. Chapter 11 looks at the [2] A. Berman and R.J. Plemmons, Nonnegative Matrices in the Mathematical
matrix exponential and stability of linear dynamical sys- Sciences. New York: Academic, 1979, reprinted by SIAM, Philadelphia, 1994.
tems and briefly treats Lie groups, which are relevant to [3] R.A. Horn and C.R. Johnson, Topics in Matrix Analysis. Cambridge:
Cambridge Univ. Press, 1985.
applications in robotics and kinematics. Chapter 12 looks [4] T. Kailath, Linear Systems. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1980.
at state-space models and various system properties that [5] V.L. Kharitonov, “Asymptotic stability of an equilibrium position of a
are typically defined for such models. Optimal control and family of systems of linear differential equations,” Differentialínye
Uravneniya, vol. 14, pp. 2086–2088, 1978.
the matrix Riccati equations are treated in much detail here [6] P. Lancaster, Lambda-Matrices and Vibrating Systems. Oxford, U.K.: Perga-
as well. This chapter probably contains the most proofs mon, 1966, reprinted by Dover, Mineola, 2002.
and best explains the concepts that are being introduced. [7] P. Lancaster and L. Rodman, Algebraic Riccati Equations. Oxford, U.K.:
Clarendon, 1995.
The book provides a rather complete survey of what peo- [8] H.H. Rosenbrock, State-Space and Multivariable Theory. New York: Wiley-
ple working in the area of systems and control need in Interscience, 1970.


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