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Als inthe Varioram Collected Stes Series: MARIE-THERESE ’ALVERNY nudes sr le symbolisme dela Sagese ct sur iconographic MARIE-THERESE d’ALVERNY ‘La connaissance de 'slam dns !'Occident medieval MAJID FAKHRY Philosophy and Dogma in slam and the Impact of Grek Thought FRANZ ROSENTHAL (Greek Philosophy inthe Arab World GEORGES VAJDA tudes de théologeet de pilosophie arabo-slamiques A époque cassique| VICTOR SAXER ores saints et clte chrétien dans Elise dos premiers sles CYRILLE VOGEL En réission des péchés: Recherches su les ssdmes plbitentels dans FEglise lating WAEL B. HALLAQ [Law and Legal Theory in Clusia and Medical Islam ‘SYDNEY GRIFFITH “Arabic Christianity in the Monasteries of ‘5th-Centary Palestine VALERIE LJ. FLINT. asin the Medieval West Tests and ther Contexts MARGARET GIBSON “Ate and Bible in the Medicval West, SEBASTIAN BROCK Syriac Perspectives on Late Antiguty HAN J.W. DRISVERS. East of Antioch: Stoies in Early Syriac Christianity HAN J.W. DRIIVERS History and Religion in Late Antique Syria La transmission des textes, philosophiques et scientifiques au Moyen Age Marie-Thérése d’Alverny La transmission des textes Philosophiques et scientifiques au Moyen Age Edited by Charles Burnett VARIORUM 1994 ‘This edion copyright © 1994 by Philippe d’Alveray and Helen d'Alvern-Patyn. Published by VARIORUM ‘Ashgate Publishing Limited Gover House, Cro Road, Aldershot, Hampshire QUIT 34R Great Britain Ashgate Publishing Company (id Post Road, Brookfield, Vermont 08036 USA ISBN 0-86078-448-7 British Library CIP Date 'Aneray, Marie-Thérse, La transmission ds textes philosophiques et scientiiques ‘au Moyen Age. — (Varirum Collected Sts Series, CS 463) Tile Series 09.02 US Library of Congress CIP Data ‘@ Alvery, Marie-Thérse, La transmission des textes philsophiqes et scientiiqus a Moyen Age / Marie Tharése d'Alvery 1. cm. — (Collected Stadies Series: C5463) ‘Anicles in Freach and English Includes bibliographical ‘ferences and index ISBN 0-86078-148-7 (alk pape) 1: Philosophy, Medieval. 2, Science, Medieval. 3. Transmission of texts. Bure, Charles. I, Tile IM. Series: Collected Sadie: CSte3 Brie 1996 peas 9420 cP “The paper used in this publication mets the minimum requirements of the “American Natal Standard fo Iformaton Sciences - Permanence ofp Pind itary Matera ANSI Z39481988." GS Printed by Galland Printers) Lid ‘Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, Great Britain COLLECTED STUDIES SERIES C5463 ‘TABLE DES MATIERES Préface Bibliographie 1 1 1 v Survivance de la magie antique Antike und Orient im Mittelaiter, Miscellanea Mediaevalia, I. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1962 ‘Translations and translators Renaissance and Renewal in the Twelfth Century, ‘ed. RL. Benson and G. Constable. Cambridge, MA. Harvard University Press, 1982 Les traductions & deux interprtes,d’arabe en langue ‘vernaculaire et de langue vemaculaire en latin ‘Traduction et traducteurs au Moyen Age, Colloques Internationa chu CNRS, IRHT 26-28 mai 1986. Paris: Etions du CNRS, 1989 Trois opuscules inéts dal Kindt Alten des vierundewanzigsten internationalen Ortentalister-Kongresses Machen, 28. August bis 4. September 1957, ed. H. Franke. Wiesbaden: Deutsche Morgenlandische Gesellschaft, 1988 Kindiana Archives d'histoire doctrinal et litraire du Moyen Age 47. Paris: Librairie philosophique Vein, 1981 154-178 421-462 193-206 301-302 277-287 vw xi Richard Hunt and Avicenna latins ‘Manuscripts at Oxford: An Exhibition in Memory ‘of Richard William Hunt, Exhibition Catalogue, Bodleian Library: $153. Oxford, 1980 Algazel dans V’Occident latin Académie du royaume du Maroc, session de novembre 1985: 125-146. Rabat, 1986 ‘Remarqus surf waiton manuscrite de la Summa Alezandrinoram “Archives d'histoire dotrinale et iérare dtu Mayen Age 49. Pats: Librairie pilsophique I'vnin, 1988 Pseudo-Aristotle, De elements Pseudo-Aristotle in the Middle Ages: the Theologia and Other Texts, ed J. Kraye, WF. Ryan and CB. Schmitt. London: The Warburg Institute, 1986 Conclusion Pseudo-Aristotle, The Secret of Secrets: Sources and Influences, ed. W-F. Ryan and C.B. Schmit London: The Warburg Insitute, 1983 Les ‘Soltiones ad Chosroem’ de Priscanas Lys ft ean Scot, Jean Scot Erigene et l'histoire de la philosophie, Coltoques internation du CNRS, Laon 7°12 Jet 1978. Paris: Baons ch CNRS, 1977 ‘La tradition manuscrite des Quaestiones Nicolar peripatetci ‘Medieval Learning and Language: Essays presented to RW. Hunt, ed. JJG. Alexander ‘and M.T. Gibson. Oxford University Press, 1976 PPietro d’Abano, traducteur de Galien ‘Medioevo 11. Padova: Eaitrice Antenore, 1985 34 265-272 63-83 132140 145-160 200-219 19-64 XIV. Survivances du ‘Systéme d’Héraclide ‘au Moyen Age ‘Avant, avec, aprés Copernic, La représentation de I'Univers et ses conséquences épistémologiques, ACATe semaine de synthése 1-7 jun 1973 Paris: Librairie scienfique et technique, Albert Blanchard, 1975 XV. Ablurd et Pastoogie Pierre Abélad Piers le Venérable, Colloques Intemotionaus du CNRS, Abaye de Chany 2 cu 9 Jule 1972 Pais: Edtions ct CNRS, 1973 XVI Astrologues et théologiens au XIle sicle Mélanges offers & M-D. Chenu, Bibliotheque ‘thomiste 37. Paris: Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, 1967 XVII Les nouveaux apports dans les domaines de la science et de la pensée au temps de Philippe ‘Auguste: la philosophic La France de Philippe Auguste: le temps des ‘mutations, Collogues internationans du CNRS, Paris 29 septembre-4 octobre 1980. Paris: Faitions du CNRS, 1982 XVIIIReview of PS). van Koningsveld The Latin-Arabic Glossary of the Leiden University Library, Bibliotheca ortentalis 37: 98-100. Leiden, 1980 XIX. Review of Averrois Cordubensis Compendia ibrorum Aristotelis qui parva naturalia vocantur, ed. AL. Shields ‘Specuii 26. Cambridge, MA: Medieval Academy of America, 1951 39-50 611-630 31-80 863-880 701-103 XX__ Review of JM. da Cruz Pontes, A Obra filosfica de Pedro Hispano Portugalense: novos problemas textuals Scriptorium 2. Bruxelles, 1976 124126 XXI_ Review of fohannis Alerandrini Commentaria in librum De sectis Galen, ed, C.D. Pritchet 361-366 Seripiorium 2. Bruxelles, 1984 ‘Addenda et corrigenda 12 Index des noms LR Index des manuserits 148 Ce volume est composé de xvi + 350 pages [Note de Fédiveur Les ales dans ce volume, comme dans tus les autres dela Sere Recwis des. ion pas regu une nowele pagination sue fin ster a confusion e de fcter la consultation lorsq'l ext fat refrence ailleurs 3 es ‘memes ude, on @ mainte a pegnation orgie dans a mesure dh posse Tous tos articles on pours dn rumiro en ches romain dans Yordre de ler partion, conformiment au Table des Mares. Ce mamaro se ripe sir chaque page ee remouve ux tires de Index Dans chagu étude, es pasages concerns par les Addenda et Corrigenda sont indiqués dan a marge pars strc. PREFACE “This is the third in a set of volumes published by Varirum a which the cls ofthe late Marie-Théttse a! Alverny’ ate being collected." This Yolume is devoted to 4’Alverny's studies on the transmission of philosophical and scientific texts from Greek and Arabic into Latin aad their reeption Some aicles more specially concerned with magic, astrology and Hermeticism have been let fora later volume, DiAlvemy tes the process of wansmission in general way (CHIN), and in espct to particular scholars or works: a-Kindi (QV and V), Av. ‘enna (VD)? Algazel (VID, Averoes (XD), and the pseudo. Arsoelian ‘De elemerus (IX) and Secreta Secretoran (X) onthe Abie Side, and Prisclanus Lydus (XI) and Galen (XII and XM) 00 the Greok. The im pact ofthese translations is explored in XV-XVIT and works based on {he uanslations are discssed in XII and XX. Most ofthe ates give taltes quis concordaient sur Ben des points avec leurs ville hak ‘de. Trem Ml to wig, Landon, 1995; « TEI, Lo. Anghngatcn male sd mck tirade om he st apn et “Leauge yf. Sess eg Our Cea See, heme wera ee Gk Ton ory of Mage nd experimental an, 1 patie eth. SV et RAV GOO, HIS THA HT "Str mage abe, ce Tarte le semen a3 Ber a pout anus nnn som Ge Pra ean Se Wada ee ee ich Habs nach ye Yep teen Goa ‘Aes de patios magi org indenter DoE, Beg ts Agu da Ror. her 8 Thro chshap. XVI, ast Surrace dea Mase Atgue [Les anecdotes rapportées par des contemporains dans des textes de genres divers dont nous venons de eter quelqies uns témoignent de la Titalité des pratiques anciennes. Leurs réits sont cortoborés par la rurvivance d'un certain nombre de documents of les praticens eux sndinas ont livré une partie de leurs secrets. En premier let, les re ‘cuelle'de reettes méticaes, les herblaies et les binddictons Ita ‘lous, dane lerquel insrent des frmulessuspectes, La cuilette des Simple et ds plantes magiques a été étude par M.A. Datars dans ‘un admirable ouvrage, et a continlté du céeonialusité pour se pro- ccurer le végétal doué de pouvoirsspéifiques, depuis VOdyssée: Ie moly offert par Hermis a Uissejasqu’aux récits de folklore moderne, y es ‘montile par de nombreux exemples! arvive aussi que des scribes pervers tracent des formules, des re- cxttes ou des invocations dans les espacs Blancs une marge ou de la fin d'un cahier. Le déchitfement de ces textes, réservés sans doute 8 dares ints, pose souvent des problémes ards &résoudre pour les paléographes d'aujourd’hu. Mots représentés par une ou deux lettres Initiale, abbréviatons irrégulites,eryplographie, emploi de earac- tires grees plus ou moins dlformés, ou caracteres mystéieux dont 2u- ‘cum alphabet conn ne donne la el, tous les procédés de déguisement [peuvent dre employés afin assuer un secret relatif la tradition des {magiciens. Pour les intrprétr, il est nécusaire de les confronter, ‘ane part, aver les textes antiques qu nous sont parvenus, avec les textes byzantins,hebreux et arabes, els tratésen latin ou en lane ‘gues vulgaires qui se sont répandus en Occident malgré ls interdi- tions ot d'autre part avec les témoignagescontemporains, La devinette ‘sold et ine replace dans un contexte traditionnel qui permet den trouver Ia solution. ‘Un manuscrt provenant de Vabbaye de Saint Martial de Limoges, et actuellement conservé & la Bibliotheque Nationale, ms. It. $713! fontient quelques spésiment remarquables de I'Are noloriz dv Haut Moyen Age. Le corps du manuserita été transrit la fin du XIT*, sitle tle adltions dont nous allons parler sont du début du XILI+ ‘mais Tinfluence des traductons de Varube nvavait pas a encore at- {eindre lee care limousine qui ta sont lends & de tae acacia cart plutot dans Yantiquité classique et la tradition populaire du Haut egal ce mages eg Pr me ‘ohn nu Xai ot ena ater ctor ites None ome iti ane ome de deaon par etopermane one ane ce manne MT Biatwomry, cen momrsge is cnten t anche ive aca Hera (etetnar ore 8 Cove Bras 884 0,103. 188 ‘Moyen Age qui faut leur chercher des modes Crtains moins ont is rellement mis en oeuvre les receltes que nous retrouvons dans les Vox umes de lear biblothéque, ou les ontalséerites par divertssement de calleetionneurs de choses éranges, faint sinsi montre de eette sana furiositas marguée d'une sévére réprobation par les auteurs spit fuels? Ine nous appartient pas d’en décder, mais nous rlevons des Indies troublants, qui ne convennent pas completement& des objets de musts, estes dun paseérevlu, C'est pour ce moti que nous avon préléechoisrun exemple peels, sppartenant Aun des types es pls épandus de la superstition humaine, afin de sls sar le vif a trans- rission des pratique de Vantiquté t lear adaptation & un liew et & tune période détermins. ‘Nous transcrrons, tlle qu'elle se présente au folio 101 du manuserit, 37131" la sire de phrases au premier abord incompréhensibes, et de caractzes mystéreus, et nous présenterons ensuite ls hypothbses ‘que nous paraissent acceptables pour en rendre le sens inteligiblel™, ‘A Yexteémité droite de la marge supérieure, on aperoit, presque ef- acd, la sthovette d'une Gola 4 cing branches accompagnée une ‘courone de petits signes dans lesquls on peut resonate, rent dessinés, des a TIs'agit done dx pentalpha, le sea de Salomon, symbole astral qui apparait dans ia magie gréco-romaine: doué de Ix ‘ertu de donner la santé, puis d’@oigner les mauvais esprits ila per- ‘Sst, tant dans les formulesbyzantines que dans la magie arabe et juve, et n'a pas, nous le constatons 66 oubié en Occident™ 1s Nou sommes cb, dee dnt, avner gue erie terete tae base marge sapeceare ot it eet taeda gu ae owe Sh Si es mm ew cS Sore penatpa, enc oupetgrnins AD Co, Zu I, Comte, 10 3AE~b cn ors Sm sigan a mn mi ‘oar. 32m ie brent tds monument tga, ¢ tom EECCA becerr, Ato Neon 1 097 ina; dae uve cl pot ‘Seapine epee par 9, Tascawntn Joh Magi to epeion, No ‘Yor iad Tels ent pence etna pat Heim name mg (pace Ii in abba farce, Poop Sel SL 1 pS te San ‘ercme cot rsd talents aus em de Slt aly ‘Xai fuori magi tnrune oh Dowreh. op. ct. io ga 159 Sevrace de Male Aatgue ‘Some virgam et de sangfoine 6 se. scribe os PmRHx 695 MaRPe Ack vesper,et de 1 tt ssibe ee nomina et postea fac p, et seribe in carta € Pa Be te mil Si Mcapttaa A, Tome. Tua, Tacobus Barna, Innomine PF tS S| Amen Coniuo te per “PB ot et SS. per Mo" "imatrem D. “per M. " Macdale. et ‘Maria‘T (a) cobi et Salome, "‘Belzebut Lucifer Atonmaton X* Barate, Bermene(?), Laton. Emel. Latter, Lattam. Lips FAH e aes pas ndcestir dtr grand expert en sciences oeeultes pour evinerquil agit Pune, ox de deox frmalesd'amulettes. Le charme Confectnné selon un rite déterminé en Gerivant sur un morocau {de papyrus de parchersin ou de papier est dun waage courant ds TVantiguite t n'a pas eras de trouver des amateurs paces espits ‘rédules. Sous sa forme la plus innocente, au Moyen Age, Vamnuette ‘comporte une pre ou quelques versets de I'Evangle. Cette coutume, Sans Ere approuvée, ext tolere généralement par VEglse. Un canon du coneie de Bracata (Braga), repis parla plat des eanonistes et par les théologiens conde que Yon séclt les plantes médicinales en Fleitant le Symbole oa YOraison dominicale, & Texciusion de toute ‘tre invocation: «Non leat collections herbarum quae medicinales ‘unt aliquas observations ant ineantationes attendee nis tantum cum fymbolodiuine aut Orstione Dominies, ut tanta Deus creator om- ‘hum e¢ Dominus honoretur (Cone Bracara Il ¢. 78; ed. BRUM, I 2, P.8t) Male invocation pieute se mélange souvent de superstition, et Yon peut glaner de nombreux spécimens de pres conjurant tele 0u tele Inaladi, et destings & ttre ineerites sur des phylactres. Nous en ci- terons quelques une, dont le atin est encore ps barbare que celui du anusert de Sant arti, Le premier et une addition du XI sidcle fen marge da {111 v. da ms, lt. 4403 B dele Bibliothéque nationale, furtout remarquable pat si réminiscences invocations liturgiques: ‘aria cancta te cumfondat Sabsoht Trinitas In nomine D. N. 1. C, Sanctus Cassius minatam abuit rogauitque Dominum Nostrum the- ‘un Chistum ut quis eam portaset super oe semper, ¢a non habuis- 360 ses malum illum + Sanctus + Scanctus> + Scanctus> ++ Dominus» “+ Deus) + Sabaot + Mecsas + Emmanuel + Pantaleon (newrehet- wot) + Ischir + Ros (xtpe) -+ Oteos + Atanatos (6 bs ‘ABSneo$) SP'ths + Christus + Dominus qui vit et regnat per omria secala seeulorum, Amen, Amen‘, ‘Une autre, qui orne un des feullets de garde du me, lat, 299, du Ile silcle, provenant de Moissac, commence par invoquer dévote- ‘ment le Sauveur et les évangélistes conte des doules lancinantes ‘mais e souvient en terminant de la Tarra Mate, & Yexemple des ik Istrateurs des rouleu d'Exultet de Fltaie méridionale qul peg- nent de magnifiques Cybéles dans le texte liturgique: «ln nomine Do- ‘mini NostriThesu Christi. Christus quando natus fut in heremo fit Inventus, et lancea fut perforatus, nec trait, nec planxit, nec dalam ae plagam fect. Coniuro vos punctas per Patrem et Flam et Spirtam Sanctum, et per Marehum et Matheum et Luchamn et Tohannem qui sustinent cehim et ferram ut non o beats le Sarwe 1-11. Te tn fie nga ef awe cot le ‘Tien Comoe spas compedy Poa Clin Seah s ace ciate vaermeeteae Be acinomae anda gion OA ree eat orn mo sre te emai aterm Sere eae eee ees Ets ee chmisat a amt [TRANSLATIONS AND TRANSLATORS 49 scholars didnot ncmally eavel to Syia oe Palestine to gee acquainted with “Arabi ence. The lie who sted inthe East ade lle use of thei op portuaiy,chough few exes ciclating among Ease Christians may hate been translated or excerpted for apologetic purpoes. Haskins could mame ‘only one man wth scenic iatress: Seepen, resurer of Antocs, who had probaly stadied medicine ” Besides his new wanslation of ‘Al ibn Abst tnd a Breviarem medicaminam compiled from Greck and Arabic sures, we Should probably accept the seripion of treate contained ia MS Cambs 530: "Liber Mamonss in asconomia a Stephano phiorpho cana Despite the heading, ii noe anton bu sharp cian ofthe old com ‘ography eaten inthe Latin Wer, presented by Macrobis, which i on tested with the Prolemaic-Arabie sstem of the nine spheres. Since the peculiar 5stem of dating Pasione Domini” used by Sepa in isa Vion i found i dis ee, Haskins doubes concerning the authorhip em ‘nfounded, TRANSLATIONS FROM ARABIC Most of the ewelfcentay tasation from Arabic to Latin wa done in Spain. with an ocasional eension to Languedoc, and most of the texts ‘hosenwete scientific and plilowophical, As in lal, sgns of ew en op peated ong befote the weft entry. I wae probably dorng the second halt (ofthe tench cenary that Abie at on the ue of the astolabe and uaa ‘rete uated or adapted in Catalonia, pehape by Morarabs coming fom ‘AbAndalus: a remarkable scqustion for the benefit of stonomy—and asology acy copies andthe use of the tacts by Herman of Reicha inthe leven ceatry ve witness of thei diffs,” A erange compilation “HgIDB) pepe ean af he Ge. Te chi ft any Bre ‘epee a Sn py eo shee. eC KTAME But Conomamt ae sb oe Damar 98) "ise sane od Nomen Os gee Te ain fe age i "Ett parm ped pn ont Veta Sa ‘he sopra En Ehsan ply." fhe ed peo Kin as ST fy Per a fe a eee Valen “Jo M. ili Vall, Ana Suen a rset fog! ¢ mation al mel arco i) 9 2a Note ttc wl pal Sie ei eo hc et ted ‘ed ecu by No Donon «Gre aps memes 975100) a 1) Ms as np fo Mt eh ee “ni ad." a ene pe Sed ro if3 a 98104 Sean uun Vert, es adios seniqe " 40 non a the Liber Alchondhi ot Mathematica Alhandre!cicalaed 00 du ing that period, the oldest copy being late enth century: it contained a chapter of Arabic lunar mansions and thet inueace,Laked to the Cordova Calendar of 96." Wh this promising prelude was not followed immediately Dy an ioreasng seam of warslacions dating the eleventh cena isa ques tion sll unsolved. Ie may imply be dv ro ou ignorance, for an Andalsian Moslem ofthe lt eleven entry bn Abdun, alder o she wasting a ‘vi going on in Spain witha warning addresed wo the faithful: "You mes ot ell book of science to Jens aed Cian, - Because i happens that, they eranae shee scenic books and ature them to their owe people pd to thee bihops, when they are indeed Meer mos." rom what we ksow now, the great movement of aration followed the progres af the Reconquita, Men born n Spain, who spoke Arsbic and the Romance vernacular sometimes knew Lain i thoy were lets, and many schol coming fom fr sway countries edt eat the tenures of ence fiom the Book of the Srtcen, ‘Thee isa notable exception eo his general statement: Adelard of Bath He say hat he vite Salerno and "Gracia aio” (pcb including ily 8 sell ar southern lly); he dedicated hie tract De eodom sero Wil bishop of Syracuse (a 103-15) He could have picked up some Arabic chet, ‘bur he mentions oaly Grek phlompher and physician in De eodem ef doer, He went #9 the Far for several yats to sudy Arabic wisdom and Scicnce; he names Tari in Clin and Ano in Syia in his Quaaiones Dateaer The nature and exen of his Arabic studies sobre; the Ouse ‘omer maturaler contain vague alison rather thin specific teaching from ETRE Tee mom pny ontario 2h oc anor es SUAS ooricereas Sectaeeee ‘ein intr te, and ay € Webern, “ah ws Coe of ri nd See ne nie Eevee Ceny.~ De (8) hand 1 (98226083 Se eas aera ree ago aero Sgisesomnei tar sect one atacamcaeeee a Raercistre teen cot SS a [TRANSLATIONS AND TRANSLATORS “ Arabic "maser." We donot know whether he began his anlar’ carer in the Eas; possibly he brought back vo England some Books tht he ltt ‘endeavored to uanslte ino Latin. His tasations include wo short Asuologial tex, Yugoge minor lephars, «compendium of Aba Mahar feat itoduion co atology. and probably a tact on engraved alopel Images His mote important coneibutions (othe development of astronomy and’ mathematics ate the tansaios ofthe introduction nd tables ofa. ‘watt inthe ecenson of Masha a-Msji forthe meridian of Coudova, and the veson, or vnions, of Bicid's Elements. The fac that Adelard wed {he Masama tables inclined some hisosians to suppore that he had ved Spa. though (despite a tendency to bout) he never mentions that he had leveled o tied inthe Peni Another suggestion was cautiouly offered by Haskins: Adlad ay have collaborated with Peter Alfons, after this converted Spanish Jew had become King Heng's physician; or he may have used document ee by that leatned ‘an, This hypothesis was based on three points: (1) eh heading in a man scrip of Peer Alfons’ Displina ler (a cllecon of eentences and tls ‘easlated or adapted from Arabi), “Dat Pets Amphuleus sees Chit Thesu Heat piney Anglonum medius compitoc huis Hib (MS Cambridge, Univ. Iiviti): (2) tact on the haar nodes, dated 1120, presented as 2 uasation ito Latin of Peter caching by Walcher, pion of Mabvern: “'Semenia Pet Ebtei copoomentoAnphus de Dracone Dominus Wales pie Malverensis cles in fatnam watts’ (sill more important, an Onfod manuseipe (Corpus Chi Col. 283) on ‘ainng a paral copy ofthe lag irodaction ands peculiar redacion of the warzmian ables with reference o Peter Allon, followed by shapers on the various es, insodced by 2 prologue da ro Peter himself The sb. ‘quent publication of the Sentewte de dracone and ofthe plogue, and later oF the material conained inthe Onford mansrpe, teinfaned. the ‘ian Las, The Slain Gaon Intent Hi of Made ond ‘eno ly har wc ORE nO 8 ve Suen the on tk dam Plone na An ‘Slalom’ Mager get Boles Bae tite Ie Senn soe etter ha nt Sie soe neat manor ri 8. ee meme ‘ares end scan a Woda ens ‘atin sages cet") neve mich ifr by JM. Valion, Serie namaste lo ate To a ett ‘Sonoma ech ooo epee mb ht cos ‘pata (Buc 196) " wa hypothesis The editor ofthe Onfrd redaction of the ables proposed the date of 1 Octbet 1116 forthe wok of Peter Alfons: the recension aserbed to ‘Adelard was dated 1126 oc later" Probably chil wrk was preceded by at leas» fngmenary toe linked with Perer Alfons, sch an ssumpion apes svehwhac his orer works, especially the coxmolopcl pars of the Dialogs ‘evel about hi ssttonomical ners and competence. The De dhacome co tain a specie eference eo the atonomia tables serundum eabuls Pet ‘nfl The "waslaon” of this tact by Waldet—in facta fee inter retain of the master's sayings, probably utered ina vernaculat—i ce ices of Pecer’s presence in England during the fist quar of the twefth eoraty The foul gives a clue to iterpretog the peculiar peseration of. Peters works: they beta ia Arabic fathion, "Dixit Ptr Alphunsus.” 20d {he headings refer wo the “composite Ibi" We may stongly suspect that Peter tequited help for the fal redaction ofthe Disopas and Disiplina ‘dencals™ leared Jew coud len Latin, bathe covld not eal wit cor ‘ect pose fluent, especlly when he lated the language oy tein ie Did Adeard collaborate diety with Peter Alfons, 0 id he sean existing session made bythe king's physician “Thee is no hint of an outside collaborator for Adclard's canlation of Eli's ements, xcept pethapea aden of his, lohannesO'Ceath This ‘he mst widely difse of Adela versions, found ia te succesve forms sop re ere tte Fete le ey ed egypan cle * mei iran ait ares te nome eerie eee eerie oe cee ee — erage fe agg enor SS inne Saag rope reer ggg eee Sipe etait non ts adage ta ot cone Tac mena a fpr ee se aaa cine usiaguae gum’ coce Reason asd Semone oe nee ee ene al arias oer eee eet ere veer ee ri a he a te te reece ee Serer alee itm Tome ine beter Saeed ieee {TRANSLATIONS AND TRANSLATORS us tate Ad Re in ent Sana manrunlne cee tte sop nar tie fe oe en sth epee le et nnancen me sen eae hacen ta is ea ep cy Seba Sint rn leg el he cin ne nya uth pete innig eee et Sort pedo be hie ears ae tees at cnn sn aS Py aed Beseacrean ota hen need nnn wee inn Th eo Spl cn ile wan a Sat ay ee Seon fede tea samt eae Niguel ities Sage ont (ss hee eco one Sha ves ee” Bea Bio nad ai co ena ap in Sea wi enog wa eat ca txts ie adr tena es emake Heanednutm atecne sparta tit aces erm re Nl ile nee Fog ‘Ba eden ae Sr ton remo sda ieeecore epeeirne eee i Gis sk Ste, he tee sand by A ose to We Sb Aah See ers at i vente Tbr ee tc ean Gace a Joti fae 9) Boa Pp enmie AER, Gir mene Sng ta eet OY nae ‘cele va efeane Sompee eee enuigon eee oe ‘Lcd of Man nou oy omens, Hagel Sn DEM Na ia, is kb fname fol wanna “4 stats, one on the asoabe, the other an almanac, ex in Latin form. That bre probably had around him fends and local helpers who interpreted is ‘word and were able to produce aversion in mor of les eatect Lan an be Inferred fom a sentence in the tact on the alae: "ut at» Abram rmagier ser eptepis quo ditante et ane dipsionem astolbit con ‘Eipsimus’” Kis quite porble that other Spansh Jews vsting France, England, and uly ha Similar ole and wanstted some Arabic since to Joc amateur. But the serious amateurs went to Spa and often endeavored ‘eam Arabic themsches. “TRANSLATIONS IN SPAIN, (One chapter inthe tail acount of wel century tanlatons in Spain ‘cede to be mended: the legend ofthe Toledo schol of tasatrs supes ‘ily inated under the patronage of archbthop Raymond (1125-52). Te ‘began when Jahn of Sele, = anlar active in he second quarter ofthe seve centiy, was misidentified with a supposed “Tohannes Avendanh.” ‘The Laver was pleated asthe collaborator of a achdeacon Dominios in ttansatingAvienns's De anima, dedicated to Reytond and offered aco pendium of Artorcian teaching: “in quo quidguid Atotle dt in bo 00 de onima ede reno et seao de intel et nel, ab 2018 ibe ca ee eolectum. "9" AS a consequence, a collection of philosophical ttanlaons—of Avicenna, Alpes], and Ib Gabiol(Aviebfon)—as a ‘tibed th colaborstion of nhannes Avendasth ith Domiics Gund ef Sc Lom Ofer te Homage Gee Seon ed MF foley Mowage eee iret i rt te i See Re eens Soe e erator omer eer m cele eerie reer mb ie ple Wg sr er Scone "Dh Rein Obnarnten “ere Smeaton a yareestes ‘8 pci pen ea rfp a inline aren SS es "TRANSLATIONS AND TRANSLATORS as ‘avi: these tes, and a allection of aloe ansatins in which sppeated the name of "Tahanaes Hsplensi’" ot “Hispana” ot Hipanieni,” ete situated in Toledo during Raymond's epcopae, nthe second quar of he enury. Then, Daniel of Moly’ enthusiati desctiption in hs De nates “uperiorum e infononam.™ of his studies in Toledo wndet mater Gerard of Cremona, who had jst wanssted Polemy’s Almaer from Arabi, wat peo- jected back oat the ear period to juny viewing Toledo ws the main enter of transitions during the eel ceatry Haskins did no followin is predeces”eacks withou some eer, He expresed doubss about “Tobannes Aveadsuth,” sod concerning. the ‘school of Toledo" he remarked, “OF formal schol the sures elo ery lle." He pointed to anata active during the fie half ofthe cetaty who ‘worked far from Toledo Plato of Tol Catalonia, Herman of Carinthia and Is fiend Rober of Ketene (or Chen) in nathen Spin, Hugh of Sancalla in Aragon and later Herman in Languedoc." And documeas rm the wel presered Toledo archives have revealed noice of any organized sade ot School of wast. 'A closer examination of dhe manus and docoments published fom the archives has, however, yielded evidence that the fouthing petiod fot ‘tanslations in Toledo was later than Raymond's epicopate—tather, the (nd haf ofthe eel eeu, begining with Raymond's succes, baa ‘nes (1152-66. In wast him, ia fee, that the ranlation of Avicena's De ‘nia was atessed™ silly, the lot of achdeacon Dominios Gun Alali, the Lai collaborator of the Jew schol "“Avendauth has been ‘hfe by documents whch place him a Toledo as late ar 1178-8. He had ‘nother collaborate, "magiterlohannes,” psnbly a member ofthe Toledo sen te lied cen “Pend She on Tale" Hermes ete af onan Norman scp" dnt fre" Goch Sr Nae ‘erat lncnsun epee lowe) es ‘Sad 37 ater! 5h ln sec ben pba by Cea Nhs Dan eM. "Papi, Maan Jabed (99) SS rhe shal ied nts ie ae) at ats euin 9 sng tet ee a ene yond eee ee on ie Se pe: Ons ee una toate fan 9) SA, Al a of ng ps ‘cid Bot emt Siena nee Aenea ee ee cei i Ser ane mi nh an Ju apne” tnd (94) ae, ears Dag Ca i Ar adh) Aw yb nr a Ts “Toledo carla edd by Ange Gone Pale, Los Mouse a Tole em oy go 0 il ee No 3030 Same ded 1 ed M6 shaper, fr the wanton of Algeel and tba Gabi this man cannot be ‘Ssimiated wo "Avendaut,” who name pps alone in the mamserps and ‘thoi deibed aaa philwophus The ideaity of" Avendaut [etl « matter of dicusion ‘As forthe tadition of archbishop Raymond's patronage, is bately jue by 2 single dedication rom Joho of Seville who offered the asa tion of Cons ben Lucs's De alferenta pias 01 animae "Raimundo ‘Toletne achieptopo. Ths prolife anlar may have pene pat af islife { Teedo: some of his wanslatons, however, at sdf have ben executed in ‘imia” of "Lana." His dated veto and hit teatse Epitome foiar rologiae indicate that he mas active manly berween 1153 and 1142; wo Shor tuts, De regime soa exacts om Secerae sereforum), offered to queen of Spain dialer iden, and Casta ben Lacs De afore, might be caer. These widely difed tacts are found io a mid-evefh Caruty manuscript brought to England bya physician, maser Herbert, who ‘bequeathed his boks tothe Duta chaps" sce deep yt aie Hes Hs me adc pr nce Ako Cpraret Tt Nom us nem nor una ah Fimyno,” AbAndas 31966, ued 197) 361-80 He seprduced the as of aoburptoen omg naan ed 17h" Cale sai edd Poamisaas ‘tity ae Cre 1 ge me“ |p a ip et i Ji noes Ababa edo linea. 1. Seperate operate sures See sae ein pecan cee SSUWGU dco ae Pat acme B30 tw) cha ee rae ee ecatte biter erence ety ae ee ee aes See TRANSLATIONS AND TANSLATORS “ ‘The main interest of lohannes Hispalenss was the cence of the tas. He seandatedal-Farghan's Scie asronm and. number of ological twenties bythe Best author dn that field: Metal Zael (Sahl ben Bish, ‘Albums (Abo Ma‘thar)* Omar (Uma al-Taaa), Tabi bn Qurtah on ssclopcl images, and probably Alb (al-Qubis). John of Sei cies ‘Argue (al-Zarga), the great Toledan astconome ofthe eleventh centy Jina short atonomical ec, recenuy eed he may ale have ented the Toledan cables, log befte Gerard of Cremona. The Toledan ables ete cicalating in Soutera France before 141, when Raymond of Marele's iber ‘aun plaetarem intoduced the Masel eles" Jobe of Sele i ery honest wansiaoe: his ieligen remake on the ‘method of tasation, in the preface tothe De regime tanita, show that he understood the difficulty of hits. His terry clare limite, and hit Latins or eegane, monly becate he flows the Arabic lly, fo the point of reproducing the isl euopes. le seems lel from this preface that he was 4 Mozaab, with a sufficient knowledge of Latin eo tanate dict fom ‘nb "ikins dedicated a whole chaper to Hugh of Sancala, with exes fiom the eloquent pielcesaddtesed 10 his protector Michacl, bishop of Serer meet Sap irterees soon: Stee en ee mam te Telit Canty The Ronen of hres Narra Pip tags Brea oe meer ee eee Hee ee Sie caren deecieme [Gece wer tas ta Pte 6 sr us Seah a Oso en wa a vs pant tones" ht heme hal eet sig thn, rh eg Near neh eee uy ele WS Vals raters 9919) Soe “Semel Pee ate ase dena de Mane adn haan dna ty Pre abe sh Seed Mase oases ee, mtn rvs pe sy es 0 ae “Tararona (1119-51). Not much i koown of Hugh's carer Probably he ‘ts fem northern Spain: Arabic ma for hin an aeuited language, wheres tis Latin good, even sophiicated. Unlike Jbn of Seve, is sions ate sometimes fe: he doer 00 slavish follow the Arabi word ere. andthe ‘hoe and vatiey of cme show th he had good aia background. This is parila obvious in his venion ofa hermetic wok, the Liber Apollon de letrets naturae ef oculisreram car peseeed ia 4 unique bot fr rey ealymanuscip.™ Thi fg teatite ends with the famous revelation (fhe ulinate ete of oatute which ceulated independent under vaious eum as Tabula smarapdine the Fundamental texto alchemy. “The ittess of Hugh and his procetr if we can us the pefacs, were ssxonomy and stolgy, plus several Kinds of divination, geomancy, and spat- Ulomancy, The Arabic eign of the fine tanlated wat of sputlomency ‘mendoned by Haskins an be asibed to a-Kind = Hugh gate 2 ee version ff the authors prologue, suppressing the dedication ro the physician Yaya fbn Misawayh (Messe) The second tact of spatulomancy described by Hukins war probably tandated fom an Andalusian autho, judging bythe fonteas, Hugs ven ofa commentry on al-Khwarel by an Andalisian thor, ba a: Muthanna,” and emo Hebrew translations of the same wok tlm us vo appreciate thi anton’ way of woking. Ina preface adres fo the buhop, Hugh interminges at Muthanna's owa prologue, fly ‘ape, and pesonal remark, mentonig for insance that he has not followed dhe datgue form ofthe original. The Lato ext general agrees ith the anonymous Hebiew vein. Hugh hus wansctibed some Arabic echnical terms; he alters the word order and sometimes aves out sentences of adds a0 ‘planation: he wane once that eas omied aus digression concerning ogc hed Jon hits crs, “Dicmesn pu ood dee const reps de ‘tue Onn een 18 (007 peyton fom ah oye Rn tes be ded by Ue Weer Game pn ne ee Noch tr Oe eee see epee i ans i as [TANSLATIONS AND TRANSLATORS 4 ‘Ochertasatrs working in Catsloni and norhers Spain ding this pesod wee of foreign origin: Plato "Tibuctius’” wae presimably frm Ky Roberus Ketenenst or Ceatenss cane from England, his fend Herman Sclavs” was from Cariacia. These last two were studying in the Ebro Valle. searching forthe Almagert when they were ented by Pett the Venerable in 1142 co conuibue to bis gest plan of tasaios: ler they separated. Robett was sppoited archon of Pamplona, more precisely of the Valdonella. New eta fom Spanh archiver cod his ctl Carer; he sem also ro have been atached tothe king of Navara, Catia armies." Considering his aciv role in Spanish af, Robere mus have ‘sited England only belly ding that period of his fe, fat all A evsion ‘ofthe Khaz Masama tables tranlated by Adela i asctbed ro Robe. tus Ceseeni its undated, but a eaten the aolabe i daced London 1147; canoas "ad mesdie ais Londniarsm’” derived fiom the Azarguil tubes fe calalted for 1149 according tothe Toledo meridian, and in fond part according tO the Loadoa meridian for 1130. That Robert mas 2 Segotia in 1145, when he tasted a-Khwarzm’'s Algebra, smote likey. [No additional document have been discovered o coe ot ealarge the tof his tanlaions given by Hatin lchough a recent edo of the alhemics Liber Monn consides tha i asctipin ia ewe manuscripts to "Robewus CCsteass™ is unjustified The tasations of Bold and Theodora, and 1 Liber proporsonam—meationed by "Roberts de Ketene” in his peace © 2 venion of Kind’ lade, added to his rend Herman, have not been recovered, "The Spanish archives have not yielded Herman's name; the presence of| ‘his wandeting scholar i Toulouse and Berit cca 1143 had o pest chance of being teetded. Pethape more imporant were hie relations with other Scholar and anlar. Besides bis fiend Robert, Hettman had ve co ‘coger 1, dated Ju 11) us no up he eed hin: Mager Rober ‘Scat anpoens acim cep Cate sal Spins toms pede ‘Set le nea" Raber pe induc 1, Tt ond 8c toe ‘Sia te apf Ppt bana ih wo li es’ stcamen ‘Riya Toc tana taco opel) Man Bags “Bagh ae dae {ea Hapa te eB je Oak Cae, sap Fries ae ma ‘Sido ts osewe ot as ge as is CE Rater Cate anf es Scie rn Seagn “The gn ef a Mint ‘Amb 97) 1 he, tae A Tina of bony. Bn se Rene of ea A al ed mofo, East ib rp of ‘teh of ee Se of te Magasin Apa of te Ahem ‘moe Ara wey Beta Kaplan eT 8a ‘Banh Gap fh a ns Weta Nero he 490 ection with Hugh of Santll: in his teatie De enenir be quotes “Apollonius in Servs Natura,” the hermetic uae tanlated By Hg, and the eelfrcenury mance of thi works inthe sume ater pecla type ‘ot hand a» ewelftvcentty copy of Herman's De eens and anaaion of ‘Abo Mahar: moreover, Herman and Hugh often wwe the same sintic ‘cabulary. A complete suey of Herman's works and watson, incioding the planed o ls ems, hus ecealy been published. A ierestng Ue [ron in ths aew sd cones 2 venion of boks 1-12 of Ecid's lemons Eeribed to "Hemanntssecundur" in the Bublionomis of Richard of Fou ‘ial and preserved in manuseipe fom Fourial's iat i may be a [ind of now edition ofthe vemion termed "Adela I,” rained wit he help cof an Arabic tent" if, Herman wat awae of Adlird'swork, Several of is leaslatons ate dated: the veson of Zael (Sahl bea Bish s Farida, 1138, ‘Albums’ Iniodactrtm, 114; the tact offered 9 Pete the Veneable tree compleed sn 1142, one in Lnin, The flloming yest Herman was if ‘Toulouse, where his wanton of Ptleny’s amspsere dated Jane Ts Inter inthe same yeat he inished the went De eet 8 Bees. Two com piltons of Arabic aslogy have ben iene, De oral and Liber im dram, ut date ad place se unkaowe. We have no pec deals cone ing his subsequent carer. Plato of Tol collaborated at Barcelona with Abraham bar Hin ‘Savmords,” one of the fist Jewish sientst 10 write his own wots Hebrew. He was however + good Arbist anda ges schol; he must have helped Plato both with iaerpresing the language and understanding mah ‘mats and stronomy, especly a atin vent ulations and commen. tar on bar Hiy's work now enable hisortans af sence to aprecit this ‘Barcelona mates imporatce™ His dip Pato, who besides vesions of ne the i yf rt ind 97), Bre im Gon Mine each orn Te Besant "™nBN o it6Cr ARs, "a Sibiheuc eRe ora pect [Een hr) ned Howe, “Maps epg Raed de WG EBs 1c Sst ment of Ei rom be rin Lie i Camb) va ele hen ke a the mn a he Reo ced we Tyo Chain ey due and pie an hse bm oh so i (io a3 waa of uae and ean aoe 4 shor tenon be cloth Ro Yi a of Ps ae Sabre ber Hope ba Bag aan 36) sade we Ste Hebe mito bs “TRANSLATIONS AND TRANSLATORS 41 Arabic asronomy and assology tanamined Savasorda's geometry the Lber ‘mtbadoram bas not been 0 well eed: modem editions of his ane lation ar scare, anda dy of his methods needed. Thee i no doubt shout Plato's entsisn for a teaainance of iene sn the Wes, for in his prologue tal Bats he eloquently contrasts the wealth of Greek knowledge reserved bythe Aras withthe povery of the Latin." “The fist genetaon of tanto fom Arabic had calsiely scenic Juees, with mathematics and asanomy/astrologyhesly predominant ren occ since was aceped. (The only exepaon waste collection of Feligious tex made by Robert, Herman, and Perr of Toledo for Peter of {Cany, who sid that he ha ows Both persuasion and moaey to induce dhe tw endo set aside fora whl thir search forthe mage) Te Toledan Hansa wee searching for Aciotle aswell a for Polemy. When "Aven haath" and his collabortor Dominics Gund undertook che veto of ‘Avicenna’s philosophical encyclopedia, Kitab al Sif, they intended to ro ‘ide Wester shar witha commentary on Aristotle's works. In fase that these veins, especialy the De ania, cclsted st under Arinrle's ume. The shove tacts of te Arbiepilsophersa-Kind and al-Frbl a et ad mii s) de R.Abaom br Haye bo ‘exe Ln an el Mann Ce, “De Lembo’ ds Sede, se Obenetne es Pn wn Trl” Undead sar Gch Se Matha Maer ar Ea. Ge aren ema 18 Be "bine M. Mil Vas pay eid te un he wt De a ‘Sete cet oe hain) S09 te hdd cer wo ‘int Cag eds ese of hun’ em ae A, wh aoe is Ame ne A igre nae Td eee Seca eeee ee SSUMihedw. Hom, Ane Binet Medi hot? en 42 and ofthe Grek Alexander Aphrodiiaappeed a tefetion of Arsxein teachings a0 part they were in the secoad half ofthe twelfth century, Gerad of Cremona was the moe prolife wamlatr fom Arabic wotkng in Toledo. Acouding tothe Bul um writen shonly after hi death (117) by his former stants and dis ples, cate o Toled forthe lve of Pokey’ mags, seed there, 20d Eee to devote i lifer arsating Arab: book, fr he pte the penury fof the Lavine had Alfano of Salerno» centry before. Preceding the Eulogium is methodic It of his anslatons which has been edited Svea times aoc very sco, forthe manrpe ate ate and compe the a: ‘esion of unknown Arabic ares was elo an engi forthe scribes” Under sich condition denying the orginal fens fequenly «problem, ‘ious sols have wed 0 solve the idles, but al suggestions ae entaive 1 log as am Arabic ogni not aalable. I is posible, om the ober hand, to deny venione as Gerard Several manwseps fea kind ofa thology of Gear's anlacons for instance BN lt 9535,» remarkable coll: tion of mathematical and phiscal uae Other small collections of Gerard's mathemati versions mi derive from the same athe forthe ‘ean ate inthe same order The sme reat aplies o 3 sale colle x ve ee ues eno inhaler oi te 12 dew XI abate, Xo Covingen. Hi “pill 2 (1877) 38-77 Len tere Tor tll i hey 2 10 el ‘cht tr Meo 4 (510 TotW nd ser mana Fa de ene ‘ari tdci Shere Semptchn Cramer ‘Bor 3 sn Gi cling eee se Ei ineenty Geet lame te yo ere ‘ino BE ese Tama ne acd ned Cee A Se ee Calle i Sd ab aC lsh Sey Ub einer apnea dinning em e ang hog nh egress OS es See etmek, Tabu jen" Arche or ery of ia cece 21960) ‘had Bit, be ehh Hanae a em Veh oe ot 1 Buna Die Vrmeunpnn iby Seti by Arma ‘el Som ‘aie hc er ln ara a) ad Co ‘emsrobd tar ON TA, lan ogi press ite ap fo, 1) com TRANSLATIONS AND TRANSLATORS os tion of medical cransaons axrbed 1 Gerad, the opusala of Raa” Another revaiding method of investigation ithe sady of Gerad’ pecali ‘manneriens in anlting, and of his ypu expressions, sich a tld ext quod declare (or demonstra) volume” at the end of «demonstration, of ‘quod et quia rendeving wa dhaliqa an,” The two apptoaches have pe. mitted suggesing that pseudo- Eads De ypecs, contained in BN lt 9335 sd offering chatacterisic pecliaiies of Gerard's syle, might be added to ‘he ffi a Gerad did aot work alone to produce such large number of rane ‘ions, covering almos every field of kaowledge: phlowphy, with Anson nd peeudo-Arsoteian works pls ome Anbie plilowphies: mathemati, ‘seomeny. ops, topes, and the sence of weighs astonomy and sstolgy (though Gerad was an adepe of anolgy he did noe add much to ‘the Ie collection made by his predceso); medicine, wth Galen and pleudo-Galeic tac, seer estes of Ral, the surgery manual of Abs (sim a. Zahawi the ge Canon (Qunan) af Avicenna ahery,geomancy and othe types of divination; and fialy, the Liber Amoe, he walled Ca {ndar of Cordova, a mized monument of Arabic and Moras culture and ‘edition, Accotting © Daniel of Mote, the great walter wat helped by a ‘Moratab named Gali, with whom Daniel used ro chat; “Galippo maczabe inerpeeane, Almagest lina." This information fit tather well Gerard's syle of watson, very ler and with sereoryped tendering’, He ‘ad learned Arabic, bu was reba noe proficient enough ofl such an ambiious progam by himself is Ikely that he eased ao only Gali but ‘her interpreter to hasten the wok. Gerad and "Dominios acidic (Gondisal) ae both aamed in » document from the Toledo chape's Sem eat ie erg cecccratee cael ean SS nt sciuramapanntat fo et, na yt tg he voce ce emi tga ar at aoe gw wae fai pane tertiearenen ae ‘Sead von Cremon,” Glan 38 (199) 14-70 Pal Kanth. Dr Almages De yma See re Pe Seas Se np ga warren ee copay eae a a earte see OLS eee Se ee threes nears E aot eee ae a Sh nas sieke eee Reem a4 ae The hom chines, dated 1176jus afer Gerard ad completed his tarslation of the ‘Almaest Thee simultaneous presence i Toledo maps the posi of Connections berween the two tala, of, moe eats, Between the two {came oftansltors (Geratls contibuton 1 "Arsoccles ais” ate veins of Analytica portenors, Phys, De eco, Degeneration corrptione 2nd Meteor (i par) plas the psead-Aristorelian Liber de bowtie pr, koow ltt 3 [ber de caus. The only vesons widely fed and included in the "Compas eran ae De ceo and Meteors for theft dre tansations fom the Greck were avaiable before the second half of the titenth cota (Grosetete's version is fagmentay). The Alters i only in part Gears trork: when he wae well advanced in his ask, he discovered previous vero, fiom the Greek, by Henicus Arsippas and did not go farther. Grad had finshed books i-3 and seems to have sted on book 4 when he fund ov shout Henrcus’s verso, for tansaion fom Arabic of the fe chapee of book 4 sil exists Ths is very ete inance of a connection between the (Greo-Latia alto andthe Arsbo-Latin anlar staying i Spin, doe psy othe face that Gea had ated to Toledo some of his county ten, of Rep inks with his aative coun "anadition f thre shorechaprertnsated from Avicenna Meteors by Alfied of Sareshel ss noumally found in the manuscips of the “Corpus esis” a fe were 3 part of the Atistotlan seat, The full explct resened in eat copies sts clea the shar ofthe eve coauibuots, but ‘Avicenna i noc mentioned 1 Aled is responsible For this Kind of sandard ‘dition, he may hae ited Toledo, He doc not however mention where Be Studied Arabic and translated Avent etacts and te pudo-Atwtotlan ‘De plans (Nicholas of Damascus, but in hipaa on Meteors be refer tos teacher and probable helper, "magi meus Salomon Aventaa,"™" Tht learned Jew has nor yet been identified, but inthe late rely ceaaty i 8 ‘mos in Spain tat Atbiespeaking Jows could be found, Aled "Cas. Dib. Wey deettot py oie er hcoat ie rae eck ES ee ea a Korte ‘aa nap ea ot “us us as Arup de we Genge Lacombe," Alias Angles Meth,” As der Grisemetde Mil ‘life See eta whinge tg thes ‘ied eS Alka gi od temo ee te guste "TANSLATIONS AND TRANSLATORS 4“ slianisms have been pointed out; the sdy of hit version of De lami ao ‘revels Hebrasms that might come from maser Salomon" “Tice tansation beat the nae of Sali, aon of Palua who wosked in Toledo abour 1218. A fagment ofan astologcl geomancy merbed to “Salcharie Alas" issaid 0 have Been eanslated fom Hebrew int Lain, on Februny 270h in Toledo: att On Nasioies by Abo Bakr al Hasan bal Khasi (Albobecr Alls), wasted from Arabic wit the hep of ened Jew named Davi was completed on 29 December 1218 "in batio Toru’ (epic Spanish expression. the Arabic orginal of his hid (ur ‘ced) aration, “Liber Hermes de wel fxs que dicuntr Beybenie, as tecenly idenited "Sal's ace ls another instace ofthe us of Jewish Matk of Toledo did not aced help, for he had a vent knowledge of| Arabic and could uansate closely and ccratey. This young Toledan et his ‘county to study medicine: enuested by his maser and fellows to eante from Arabic Galenic eats sll unknown in te West, he hastened back to ‘Toledo and complied with thee wiser. Tit ce to have happened ding the last quarer of the telfth century, for Matk appeats in Toledo deeds among members of the chapter frm 1191 onward ht media studies must Ihave been exer Aer having contributed to the rev of Galen, he notably claeged the field of Isami studies with his versions ofthe Koran and Ibn Toman, Haskins was parcial ited in Michael Sot, whom he inclided among the agents of enhance of mudies despite his ate appeance onthe Scene.” Michal made a very important contribution tothe "Avisos latinas": a tanshtion of De awimair in nineteen books, according tothe ‘Arabi aio. It was probly done wile he wa ia Spain. His oly wana ‘ion dated from Toledo, in 1217, iva verson of alBiraj' De monbar Ths a ed HJ Dosa ho ping ion A be pa he ag nd SBI 18 ed Vein Mae Ul pra Ad ‘slscttn theta mo mln Pc). Came A Asma ed urea ‘Aa wd gave ns of mame and ly enn. Ign Toe and Pen Rib aa Ee cmonag ao anton ST GN nT Rol ae SRCEPEE MS Sc epi lange hm. sme bin Zamd sn onan Seg te Bois y aw Mart (09-1995) als Me 929) 2S em al ESS Gelatin tani) toes os ae di emi meme 456 ‘aloram, execsited withthe help of Abutus evita," but a document fom the chaprers aches, concerning the Fourth Lateran Counel in 1215, Ist ‘magiet Michel Scorur"among the “tees de Yspunia” who accompanied the atchbhop of Toledo." So he was ota newcomer at chat ime, andi {cordingly posable tha sever aslacons were completed or begun while he train ae where Arabic manip were avaiable ia plenty and whete i WSs noe difelt s0 find ep. Haskins propoed tentatively 0 iden "Aout with a "iagiter Aden canon of Palencia who was prised in 1229 by pope Gregory IX for his Knowledge of Hebrew and Arabi, this, “entiation being gee by some naught) remarks of Rages Bacon, who cused Michael Seo of pretending ro know Arabic when Jew tamed Andiew Ind the chief eof te anslaons. Is poble indeed tat Michael Scot, listed aot only “Abutet™ but ode cles: one however are mentioned in the manuscripts of his works “Another obucure pone the exten of Michael Scr's share inthe rans tion of dhe huge Averoe corps thet began wo culate inthe second quate: of the threat centr. The oly vein formal inscibed with his ame I dhe erarlacion of Avestoct's commentary on De eal, tha dedication to Stephen of Prova irnot dated, bat Michel alludes othe previous vesion of sbBirj. Le scms likely that the Averoer ansains were begun in “ole, The itllewal connections berween Chistian Spain and Al-Andalus snereappatenly close, though the pla circumstances were not favorable; [Avert work, banned by the Almahads at che end ofthe philosopher's Iie were appreciated by thee neighbors and enenies, Did bichel Scr bing many books wth him when be moved co ely bout 12207 How many pars of the coxa sverosicem were tanated ithe by him or by otber in Spain of when he was Fedetick'sstologer? Frederick was cettaialyinveesed in Arabic cence and philosophy. for he ‘ponored anslon from Arabic. A famous membet af the Tibbonie fa iy Jacob Anacl, collaborated with Michal Sor under redei's agi tw do noc koow in whe capaci, but as Anatol ranlaced into Hebiew the ommentaes of Avetoes on Arsode's Loic he may alo ave hada hand in the tantation of some of Averos's wos “The trnlaton of Avicenna De imal, solemaly dedicated othe emperor, ms date fom the Halen period of Mia's cavet Fredesck ir ‘elf sponsored kindof wandaed edition sn 1282.9 This section of the Kia se foes ee Rens i 25 a1 Cn de ice Sta te pm ie vet cheb.” Red ne phil shige tagger (93) 20. teen cope home po SPs cabonan Metsu Ronee ‘Seco ibe pe plat Me! wh hu mos fr ng ine eee A dIer hes en gel se by oe ene ne fw Ahem nis de De ca feet os fara Ss Mian Raa Cow 8 (3) So, [TRANSLATIONS AND TRANSLATORS “7 al shit isan abridgment of Arse, and often citcuated with the corpus “mittelicum:. Anotes addon to "Ariotles latinos” se more quetionable ‘easton ofthe Estce Nicomacea, rom the Grek, i actbed co Michal Scot. The editor ofthe Eihice non i incined eo acept this scipson, however, and i ao impossible that when Michal mat with Frederic in southern Italy o Sly he managed to lean some Greck and find + Geek ‘peaking asian DIFFUSION OF THE TRANSLATIONS ‘The history of the relftcensny eranslations fom Greck and Arabic is incomplete, and thee diffusion and impact ca rwelfs. and ently thineenh enrury leaning tequie much further inseigation to be adequately sp precited. The lss of versions that can safely be ascribed to ten know ‘eanlator ae sl eave, ete i the mort favorable caer, sch at Gea of Cemons Wose, + aumber of versons, especialy of akhemica tacts, te ‘anonymous, and we donot know thei origin apd date eis ikely dat ome, tr leas, wee executed dung the owelth cena, and the same can be 4 fumed for tact of mie, more righty dan alchemy considered an cecal ‘science Sill ther wets ate eating under an assumed Greek of (mom) ‘Arabic patonage, and are presented as uansaios when they ate etl aly ‘more ot ls oni compilaions realized by Weterners, Phe same kind of feud was commoa in the Arabic world, wth the aston of alchemical ad tions 1 Hermes or ancient sages, “The agens of wansmision were frequent the wandering schol, cher anlar themselves or in occasional oc permaneat conact widh the ‘cantor, Many among them wete probably piscine who died in Sale ro or Monepeizr but uaeled further beste they were smaest of math- ‘mats, astolopy, and physic. "” The great stud, Bologoa and Pci wee ees of meeting 2nd exchange. Arbi science came to England thanks to brillane succession of uaveling schola—Adelard and Peter Alfons, Robert of ‘Ketene, Dane of Mote Aled of Sueael~and to the cpr of oer scholus—Roger of Hetelod, bishop John of Norwich, and. Alexander NNedkam. "Ia ahern Fane, the best men must have been awate of ew for Herman of Cutinsia dediaed is venion of Prlemy't Plonspéser, completed st Toulouse in 143, t0 They of Chars, shorty serene a a Joa cough come hs erin: ele jot pr ne tec be mrs ca a Soe teehee! Suerte Set meta wae ea eae tech (ited Noto aC teen Red Soe 48 before, Abelard scems ante ofthe progees of rater abuse of asuoogy eon, Ala of Lle nares Eudi,Prlemy, and Albumast in the Ante ‘daar, Bernat Silvester in his Cormographia swell a he same Alan inh ‘De planet Natura ae witeses tthe iaftaence ofthe ene ofthe Sas. [At the ead of the century, a cerzin Odo of Champagne offers eact in defense of asology to king Philip's unde Wiliam. achbsbop of Reims Tes however southern Face that a link between altars and lol seholats can esc at an aly date. Raymond of Matelle mote acon he {cole before 1141, then in 114 the Maile ables wih slong introduc Yio, the Liber exam ploetarem, and later 2 Lber indore of which ‘many copies exit; he knew Azarguel and Arabic astooges, and was pethaps in touch wth John of Seville. es in Toulouse and Besser ehat Herman i found in 1143, probably strated by the presence of Occitan arate ‘Abraham bar Hiya and Abvaham iba Bara visited successively the aumerous Jewish communities in Languedoe and Provence. And the Tibboaide fay forming» nucleus of altos from Arabi ino Hebrew, sete in vouthern France before he end of the enty, Tily mas the pevieged land for Greco-Latin transitions and relations vith Byaanium, Wha sess known is chat tadaios fiom Arabic executed {Spa sppented i Taly at an ety date, before Michael Sots asa. We ‘may suppose that among the students attacted to Toledo by Gerard of Cre ‘mona and who scattered fcr his death ome wee his counttyen, they may have ctied the master's works back with them, A commentary on Galen's -Maotegm wien bya master Uso Laude who was vaching a Cremona ‘1198 wes the "old version," but he kaows Gerard's new tasaion anda. Precates iA genuine interest in Gerard's and ocer interpreters tan ‘ons coincided alle later with Fedeck I's dive to develop iene. The anology of Grads rarsltions noted previously (BN lat 9535) was copied in aly This fne volume (wrongly dated wo the fourteenth ency in the I ig fn i Bp ee, ap wien 909. Siti os nt enter ed Bd it. to ‘manore dt gomane present data Sivere da Tou uw) Exernenn einen ao 258 ey meee ed ESIGN eee “REC Be Bears rv hy ‘bane Thee & Alen.” Axegueethcogiem a ie ile” emg 4-0 Ceca fare Se) 0 at pb ew teed by apc Mee, “bn fi so wen Trt sepa SE Se Cama ‘eh sumed nd sina nb ch "TRANSLATIONS AND TRANSLATORS 9 ‘enairesommaie) was wien and decorated dig the fs alo he ti teenth century the texts exclent, the geomet figures carefull drawn ‘This manascpr has evo elovly related cade, withthe sume pe Of cpt snd the same color of abr and decoration, One contains Gena version ‘of Euclid’ Bement; che othe pethapr belonged co the clerared three eataty collet Richard of Fouraival.Althoogh the lac one does a contain any of Gerard's anscions Spanish model can be asumed. I inlades 4 Calendar preceding a ueatie of compute compiled in the twelthcenty (Cables dated 1143-59) and che staf ints mark thi calendar a Spanish ‘more precisely Toledan: on Febuay 1} ir noted the “aslo. Bagen epicopi” his “des aati” on November 1. We tay cautiously inet ‘ha manuscips originating fom Spain, paral fom Toledo, were a tied to Tay and copied with cae ‘These manuscripts ate sent witnees co the imporant role of Kalan scribes and sholis inthe difsion of scenic wasatons, chil inthe feld of medicine, Avcenna’s Canon wat extensively eptuced in Ty. en "iched with gloss; ner when it became the base exe for teaching in the Tealian Schoo. commentaries mee seplay added. an Ie was indeed fra teaewal of leaning in the Ltn wold thatthe wants Inad worked inthe late eleventh and ewelth centres. Thi tim was po. sresively flied. W individual amateurs quickly welcomed the tansations, !ppreciation ofthe versions of Greek and Arabic wence and plop devel ‘oped more slowly inthe otgaized sed and univers. ln the cue ofthe thiteenth cet, however, the progam of tude came wel gel on he iui ofthe wansaton abo. Bibliographical Note ‘The works ied hee te et ied eo ee melhor. Seve ave Ben spe seed, br can sil fer wel noaton the ae ned ith carton Cau (uted ofr cet wk of lage opened wet he sab 9 et od know ofthe tp, tend to be more eae ‘The mo nei od ‘rte femtiseectning the tama et fm Cae a fmm, ab ae ‘reed in he inti octal eden, chm the nthe Aes ata seman Cope ose) se Thee ese he mans eae ge die map one’ hs would paps be a grea rte utp + Sam ote" ace a 9s, 40 ‘GENERAL Gases tenionem et commentrcram: Medial ond Remisnce Trometons ‘od Commntane,Washiagon D.C. 6 Va ye. Pal O. Rated (16 {0 3," Pao ©. Keser aod Fo Edvard Cine (570 wl. 3,40 F Edad ‘Cnr ani Pol ©. Keeler (1976, 90). Anno lesan adele the ‘seo Gree autho ented no Lan, dey wah a8 Annee Hsin’ Sine iil oe ofthe bet suc infomation fr he welt and ea thine erate eng fund dn on tants and oa te mana of tered Moe, J.T. “Geek Wks Tramlated Die it Lain ble 1330," Medal Sri G54) sh42"9 (943 100-1 Son, Goige odin tthe Har of Sine 8 ro. in 3 Balt 1927-8 Senate ctoclopeal mney of wanatone cuds pawl tanto se vargas 12 forte elt ea Sinuhoeer, Mais. De enrpcon ertangen aut dem Areichen Bi Sie se Seibindet, $0 Vicon Pacha KL Te aod TL 2 ae Ven {Sod steep Gr 936 Dis bebrsichn Obeerangen des Mitts wd di Jaden al Da ‘precer Bese ops ep Ors Tse ARISTOTELES LATINUS AND PHILOSOPELY Arites ltinr: Coben, Geape Lcombe, with Alekunder komt, Mate ‘long, sod so Panes Val me 193). The ec resets ory of ‘eka uesaor, emcoded sod soplemcned Oy Lens Nimo Paco {0 3 (Cambege 199) and Supplements tropes as 1961 (AS vo sepe bsea 198). Fane Esa “Soil Araceli hi Set flog ene sneer, edie umanesino 207 vl Paden 193-2. PP. 57-082 Maina ens: TL Ait, Arteria 972 Called ‘ayo the mere tata of Ase. |EAhesy, Mati-Tete, Les wads &Avceae (Moyen Agee Henin) ‘Ancona nal stone sole cre meen Aces de Li, Que 0. ine 3778 "Avie lin," AHDIMA 26-37, 39 (961-70, 1972). Syma cpio mansuepes cng tannin a Avenca's and we ABDI Bhibtpben nes inbo, Atl A "Die Mielec Onenecungen as dem Grcien a de ‘Cece der mnhcratthen Wine, Arf ar Gece de Near ‘ionshgen and er Teh 1190) 583-5 jbo, Ase A and S, Vogl, Adina, Tis amd prea Ea De pte ere Ab rt Gece ser mathemasachen Wanesates 263 epg 1912 ‘Wilh bblopuphy of Bombo’ ui, mporan forte hsv of wens Carmody as). Arabic Atomic and Arai Sims Lai Taio ctl ise Las fava mansrpe an at done mh erence te Arb {TRANSLATIONS AND TRANSLATORS “st heed ic lt 3 he or el cr tte ee CERES I tne SR i nlc lade as ne Sates Ml ‘ct na nr ge a 99 tn te ry getter FSU sees ters pa ian eS ev. eh in i mr Shute arte cre plea gl in Sen See er pr a ce Sema a Fer Aart) eC rt han rs I ee rn ie egress errs Geergiciedinma feta hyp eee Race edt Go Senile tee scares ie ake ira are cca ra Sahat og ban me td pt at EDS Ua ead essence ce Pen a gC of oof la ie Damp ha St aie et Ste RA aS ie ae ee =e lt net Sm lyn Seater a omnes evicie i Hamann Hamden dr nen Ate, Bei, Pi. KL Dor ee tape ting. Real. "Cand al Added Dil’ Galen, 1 Coie esas (an “Genes Cn of eis lo td Tanai of se eras SHS ea Rea ly tla ‘ee. Hipp Wings nth Mile Ae aloft “Medicine 18 (1943) 371-412, = * odd tipi Repeat ppc Wig in theta le ep Trah e eg Ssn93 om y98 a orm Sin iy St itl SH? a poy hi Les, ai Hi del mde Exp compe de rd ge {emer en erat ans 57 ele nade ae Fete ye ee Yor uw 4s Sehippees, Hen, Dic Auimtion er araichen Metin ch dt tine ‘hauler So Arch for Geshe det Me in det Narre, Beet 5 Wieden 940 The flowing ors, conerng Aric test cote nfrencs 0 lata rawlaon: Petes Fant E Aiton Ambar The Oneal emleon amd Comment ‘Be hnttelan Cops ee 1988 Seagin, Fst Grhice desaabichen Scns, 7 wl. een 1967-79. Nl 3 {G970) Med: wl. 4 (1971) Adee ol 3 1978) Matbomath v.69) Seroome vo (91) Atop Merolope Ullman, Mane Die Meda im Im Handbuch der Orel. Abe: Det [Nabe und der Mire Oven, Epancunpiand 61 Lele 170 Die Natur and Gehemasercsin im am Hund de Ona, Abe: Dee Nabe ud der Milre Owen Egesungand 62 Leen 1992 1 LES TRADUCTIONS A DEUX INTERPRETES, D'ARABE EN LANGUE VERNACULAIRE ET DE LANGUE VERNACULAIRE EN LATIN Lemploi dune langue vernculieintermédiire pour traduire un texte latin, e latin courant des eeoes et des chanelle, pare et eit par Jes cleres dans toute 'Burope, est atesté par des temoigages précis et peut éte infré ou suppose dans de nombreux cas, dd XIT ay XVI eee LLarabe est une langue dificil; le ocidentavx qui ont eu le courage la posibiité de Tapprendre, en allant vivre dans des pays ol on la para et oi Ton touvait des lives, afi de dchifrer et intrpter eu. memes des ouvrages de science, de philosophie, dhstore et de religion font et rares. Il ext probable que pendant un certain temps, is ont eu patois besoin d'aide de ceux dont Farabe Cit la langue habitvele- Cette fide Gait nésestire pour les lets et suvanls cures et zis venis sur Place pour sinstuir, et qu ne savaient que pew ow pas darabe I leur fala des mattes ov des acolytes capables de leur rele et de leur expliquer le sens des textes qu les atiraient. Or ceux, hormis quelques ers chrtens, ne powvaient pas ¥exprimer en lt, a surtout ne, De li, Templo d'un medium commode pour les relations ente arabisant ff latins relations d'ibordortes dans la plupart des eas. Ce medium fait normalement ta langue vulpire pare par le premier et pare cere Savant, que esl TG origina du pays ou quil ¥ sit un pou sour Dans ie eas de TEspagne pour laguele nous avons des témoignapes, le langage est un dalete roman proche du lata courant. A Toléde st eb Andalouse, fe roman pare cuit male de mots arabes Ls collection gacte publie par Ramon Menendez Pidal : Docimentos Ingustcos de Espana. L Reino de Cartla', ex pariculietement interes 1, R Mevener Pl, Dagmentar nga dt ge. 1 Rein de Cail Mal 9 cep Nid Tee um 194 sante; des documents réigés au XIF sce & Toléde présentent daboré fun moange de latin et de roman vulgnre, puis le roman domine; cst Ieeas dune donation de Don Pedro Alpolechen, en 1191, doat Menendez Pidal souligne Timportance, pulsque co mozarabe sexprime en langue fomane, Le grand ouvrage de Menendez. Pial, Origenes del Expl ‘Endo lnguistioo de la poninnua terica asta el siglo XT conceroe une periods antreure, mais ser observations sur Te carutére des dates parlés par les mozarabes latent la siuation de la Tangue de Tépoque fea reonqudte Ile suit pas avoir un idiome commun pour se fire interpeter un live arabe; Fntermédiire arabophone doit avoir use cetaine culture ‘our comprendie le sens des phrases et des termes, parfois ambigh, et ‘echirer des manorts en resttuaat les point diantiques & Tendroit ‘oul Les acolytes mosulmans sont ears; uncertain Mohammed été adjoint 4 Teauipe rsrtge par Pserre le Venrable pou la waducton du Cora, Imais nous ignorons les details et Tétendue de sa collaboration. Let ‘mosarabes sont plus accesses, mas leur culture est glnéralement assez Imadioere'. Cependant, ceux qui veulent poursuvre une carrie ecclésis- figue ou servi dans une chanodlerie sont obliges apprendre I lt ais, sauf quelques exceptions, leurs conneissanees sont reduites otis expriment plus asément co langue comane. Les jus offrent plus de fessourees ; Fon trouve parm eux des hommes savant, qui comalseat a médecine, Tastronomie et Tastrologie. AW XII" sil, eur langue de culture est Tarabe, fur langue saerée Thébre, leur langue courant, le ‘ialete rom ‘Cet justement un juif savant gui apparait dans le témoignage le plus ‘ekbve dela mthode de traduction & deux interprétes la preace del TLR Minder Ml, Orgone! Epo Ens ign penne Bice ata i OE Te oon my Togs yada, Mat, 1880 (Oh ‘Shem nnd Pa Vi sot fe rele epee 8s PEE ME. ven. Dear Vans ies Cor ene, ans 4h crn, hea 1 (9) 6 4S, Pee Vente Lr core Sevan ie heresy Sear 9 oR eter ae Venere and an ii Se tn ion ft tire et nti oreo der capt de «mate Pere de Tole ar Pir le Vinal, un Sea ead eerie te ete ec ‘Ttauno (I Puede In vercon de Tapologe arabe pend Kindy Sd gus et ‘Btn soa aes farina nota rat ses, ded mare Stn a ‘den Bun et Sata pleura ort pols eons eis Soe Ta Tete of Pore Vena of, ©, Coma, Teh ‘TRADUCTIONS A DEUX INTERPRETES 19s traduction du De anna 'Aviceone, exécutée& Toléde entre 1152 et 1166 [Ea version de cet ouvrage est paironnée par Tarchevegue, Jean’, gti sre offir au monde occidental ler Gert dun philsophe arabe transmet Tensignement q'Arsiote. Le dacouts de déicace et adreusé ‘ar un « phlosophe isabite», nommé « Avendauth », Ibn Daud, ui Semble jour le r3le principal ce qui est exceptionnel' dans le cas des Interprets arabophones, aloe que le lant, qui est pourtant un per= Sonnage important, est présente comme un acolyte. Nous reprdusons les passages essentels da texte, avec les varanesindigules par Véditeur sotre amie S Van Rit” ‘

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