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Name : Desi Prawita

Id.Num : 408121038
Study Program : Physics Bilingual ‘08

Research Title :

Name : Desi Prawita

Id. Num : 408121038
Study Program : Physics Bilingual Education ‘08
Major : Physics


Thesis Supervisor

Prof. Drs. Motlan, M.Sc, P.hD

NIP. 195908051986011001


Physics Majority Bilingual Study Program

Chairman, Chairman,

Prof.DR.Marabangun Harahap,MS Prof. Dr. Hervert Sipahutar, M.S.,M.Sc

NIP.195603031984031001 NIP. 196196261987101001

Date of examination :

Validation Sheet i
Content ii
Picture List iii
Table List iv
Appendix v

1.1 Problem Background 1
1.2 Problem Identification
1.3 Problem Limitation 2
1.4 Problem Formulation 4
1.5 Research Objective 5
1.6 Research Benefit 7


2.1 Theoritical Review 8
2.2 Conceptual Framework
2.3 Hypothesis


3.1 Time and Location Research 18
3.2 Population and Sample 22
3.3 Research Variable 22
3.4 Design Research 23
3.5 Research Instrument 23
3.6 Data Collection Technique 24

1.1 Background

In general, all children have the same initial intellectual level and that ability is more of a
search results rather than grace. A child can become more intelligent or less intelligent,
depending on the family environment in which a child first begins his life and in the process of
social and educational experiences. Here, an educational institute plays an important role in the
process of intellectual development of students (Jamaluddin, 2003).

Schools as institutions of formal education is required to provide quality learning to

students. In this case, a teacher demanded an active role in creating an effective teaching and
learning process. Lessons will be effective if students are actively engaged in learning.
According to Slameto (2003), nowadays learning is centered for teachers (teacher centered)
where the teacher used to teach with the lecture method, so that students are bored, sleepy,
passive, and just record it. Students are not required an active role in teaching and learning, so
learning is not effective.

Learning is an active learning process of students in building knowledge, rather than

passive process that only receive materials from the teacher's lecture about knowledge. So, if
learning does not provide opportunity to students to take an active role, then learning to be
against the nature of learning. Active participation of students is very important in order
formation of a creative generation, capable of producing something for the sake of himself and
others (Luzyawati, 2008).

Woolfolk in Jamaluddin (2003) says: “Sometimes an important learning process

involving students in making a decision. A classroom environment that gives autonomy or
breadth for students to have close links with the student's ability of expression, creative and
demonstrate the self-ability, conceptual learning and fun to the challenge. " The learning process
is important for improving student learning outcomes. Where the active involvement of students
in teaching and learning activities in classroom, can improve the learning outcomes.

Physics is one branch of Natural Science (IPA), which underlies the development of
advanced technologies and harmony concepts with nature. As the study of natural phenomena,
physics is a lesson that can be used by humans to live in harmony under the laws of nature.
Refining natural resources and environment and natural disaster mitigation will not be optimal
without a good understanding of physics. By studying physics, students are expected to develop
experience and to formulate problems, propose and testing this hypothesis, experimental design,
process and interpret data to explain natural events (BSNP, 2005). However, people who have
learned to utilize his knowledge of physics is still difficult to interpret and explain natural
phenomena. From the results of observations made in MAN 2 Model Medan, the applied
learning method is less varied, especially on the subject Kinematics With Vector Analysis is
usually served with lecture method so that students feel bored. As a result, students are less
motivated in learning physics. This causes the low activity of students in learning, students only
receive knowledge from teachers only without having an initiative to find out materials by
themselves. Obvious impact on the value / result of learning does not reach the graduation
standard subject areas of physics that is 50-60 average of a minimum of 65 graduation standards

According Sardiman (2007): "A person will succeed in learning when there is a desire to
learn from himself. The desire to learn this is called motivation. Motivation follows two things:
knowing what is learned to understand why it deserves to be studied ". Secondly it is not able
presented / represented in the activity of learning and teaching physics in school. So the fair
value of physics lessons is low. Low motivation of students who got better after the students get
the right information (Dimyanti and Mujiono: 2006). The low student motivation in learning
physics is difficult to increase by using of learning physics delivered by lecture method. The
using of lecture method which dominated by teacher causes the students only receive knowledge
without actively encouraged to find his own knowledge. One effective method is used to
improve learning outcomes of physics are the motivations and methods of inquiry (inquiry).
Learning physics implemented in scientific inquiry can be used to cultivate the ability to think,
work and scientific attitude and communicate as one important aspect of life skills (BSNP,

Method of inquiry learning is a learning method based on constructivist. This learning

method provides opportunities for students to construct knowledge by themselves, the teacher's
role here as a facilitator and mediator. Through the implementation of inquiry learning method
offered an opportunity for students to work as scientists such as formulating hypotheses, testing
hypotheses through experimentation and inform the results of the investigation. Therefore, the
implementation of inquiry learning methods of students' mastery of concepts of physics can be
improved. Inquiry learning method provides the opportunity for students to construct their own
knowledge, using concepts that have been held to solve problems faced in other words, students
have the opportunity to link new information with existing cognitive structure of learning to
become meaningful. Inquiry learning method also provides the opportunity for students to work
like a scientists formulate hypotheses, gather information, design and conduct experiments and
communicate the results of the experiment (Wirtha and Rapi, 2008).

Based on the above description, it should be investigated about the influence of learning
motivation and using of inquiry methods to student learning through a research entitled:
"The Effect of Motivation and Learning Activities on Student Learning Outcomes of Physics On
the Subject Kinematics With Vector Analysis in Class XI IPA MAN 2 MODELS MEDAN
ACADEMIC YEAR 2010/2011."

1.2 Problems Identification

The problems that can be identified in this research are:

1. Active students in learning physics is still low.

2. Teachers are more dominantly present by lecture method so students are active less and
less motivated to learn physics.

3. Learning methods have been less varied.

4. Students have a low learning motivation in learning physics.

1.3 Problem Limitation

In order that research to be performed well and focused then be made to a limit problem
1. Learning method in this research is inquiry method.

2. The material to be studied is Kinematics With Vector Analysis.

3. Learning activities which investigated is associated with inquiry activity.
4. Motivation to study investigated effects on learning outcomes.

1.4 Problem Formulation

To clarify the issue as the basis of this research, then formulated the problem as follows:
1. Are students being taught with the inquiry method will obtain a better learning results
than students taught with conventional methods?
2. Are students who have high motivation to learn will get better learning results than
students who low motivation?
3. Are there any influence between learning method and learning motivation to student
4. Is there a positive relationship between learning motivation and learning results in
students who were taught using the inquiry method?
5. Is there a positive relationship between learning activities with learning outcomes in
students who were taught using the inquiry method?
6. Is there a positive relationship between motivation and learning activities in students
being taught with the inquiry method?

1.5 Research Objectives

The objectives to be achieved in this study are:
1. To know the significance effect of inquiry method on student learning outcomes.
2. To know the significance influence of learning motivation on student outcomes.
3. To know the significance effect between learning method and learning motivation to
student outcomes.
4. To know the significance relationship between learning motivation and learning
outcomes in students who were taught using the inquiry method.
5. To know the significance relationship between learning activities with learning outcomes
in students who were taught using the inquiry method.
6. To know the significance relationship between motivation and learning activities in
students being taught with the inquiry method.

1.5 Research Benefits

The expected benefits of this research are:

1. As information material for teachers about the using of inquiry method in teaching
physics, particularly on the subject of Kinematics With Vector Analysis.

2. As one way of improving learning outcomes of physics students in learning physics,

especially on material Kinematics With Vector Analysis using the motivation and inquiry
3. As a reference material for teachers in designing an effective learning by observing
learning motivation of students.

4. As a provision for researchers to prepare to be teachers who can improve the quality of
2.1 Theoretical Review

2.1.1 Constructivism Theory

Vygotsky in Trianto (2008) argues that students establish their knowledge as a result
from thoughts and activities of students themselves. The learning process will occur when
students work or handle tasks that have not been studied yet but still within their reach so-called
zone of proximal development, regional development slightly above the region development
today. Students complete tasks by developing early skills he has. In this case, students construct
their own knowledge with their own ability, so students can determine / construct their own

Constructivism is a philosophy of knowledge which emphasizes that knowledge is the

construction (determining) our own. Constructivism (constructivist) is the foundation of thinking
(philosophy) contextual approach, that knowledge is built little by little, the result is extended
through a context of limited (narrow) and not abruptly. Knowledge is not a set of facts, concepts,
or rules that are ready to take and remember but humans must construct knowledge and feed it
through a real experience. Students need to get used to solving problems, find something useful
for him, and wrestle with the ideas that students should construct their own minds knowledge
(Sagala, 2005).

According to the views and constructivism theory, learning is an active process of the
subject learns to reconstruct meaning, something whether it's text, dialogue activities, physical
experience and others. Learning is an assimilating process and connecting the experience or the
material he had learned with the understanding they have so that the meaning will develop.
Learning is an active activity where the subjects learn to build their own knowledge also find the
meaning from what they learned. Teachers can provide facilities for this process, by giving
students the opportunity to decide or implement their own ideas, and teach students to become
aware of and consciously use their own strategies for learning. According to Nur (2002), teachers
can give students the steps that brought students to a higher understanding, with a record of his
own students who have to climb those stairs.

From some view of the above, it can be concluded that learning refers to learning theory
constructivism focuses on student success in organizing their experiences. Non compliance in
refrection students for what they have ordered and carried out by teachers. In other words,
students preferred to construct their own knowledge through assimilation and accommodation.
As has been stated that according to the constructivism learning theory, knowledge can not be
moved away from teacher meditation to students’ mind. This means that students must be active
mentally build the structure of knowledge based on cognitive maturity they have. In other words,
students are not expected as the small bottles filled with various science in accordance with the
will of teachers.

In the view of constructivism, a strategy to obtain an advantage compared to how much

students gain knowledge and to recall it, the task of teachers is to facilitate the process by: (1)
making knowledge meaningful and relevant for students, (2) giving students the opportunity to
discover and deploy their own ideas; (3) bringing students to apply their own strategies in
learning (Sagala,2005).

Tasker in Hamza (2008) suggested three emphasis in learning theory of constructivism as

follows. First is the active role of students in constructing knowledge significantly. Second is the
importance of making links between ideas in contruction significantly. Third is the link between
the idea with new information received. In an effort to implement the learning theory of
constructivism, Tytler in Hamza (2008) propose suggestions related to learning design, as
follows: (1) provide an opportunity for students to find ideas with their own language, (2)
provide an opportunity for students to think about his experience so that become more creative
and imaginative, (3) provide an opportunity for students to try new ideas, (4) provide experience
related ideas that have been owned by students, (5) encourage students to think about changing
their ideas are wrong, and (6) create a conducive environment learning.

Silberman in Trianto (2007) stated in the application of active learning is grouped into 3
parts, namely:

1. How is petrified students active from the beginning.

2. How to help students to acquire active knowledge, skills and abilities.

3. How to create learning that is not be forgotten.

Syafaruddin (2005) says that the basic strategy of constructivism is meaningful learning.
The items suggested by the constructivist teaching and learning include:

a. Pupils must always be active during learning.

b. This active process is the process of making everything make sense. Learning does
not happen transmission but through interpretation.

c. Interpretation is always influenced by prior knowledge.

d. The interpretation was helped by the method of instruction that allows the negotiation
of thought (exchange ideas) through discussion, CentOS and others.

e. FAQ driven by the activities of inquiry (to know) the students.

From the above, efforts to bring learning to build (constructive), a teacher must be
careful in planning and designing the learning process. In a constructive learning,
students must be active in learning, the teacher as a facilitator only. For the selection
of alternative methods of inquiry may be appropriate in teaching and learning in the

2.1.2 Inquiry Method Inquiry Method Definition

Inquiry derived from English (Inquiry) which means that questions, examinations, or
investigation. Sund in Triano (2007) stated that the inquiry is an extension of the discovery
process (discovery). Inquiry as a general process that made humans to look for or understand

Inquiry method according Suryosubroto in Ningsih (2007) is the expansion process is

used more in-depth discovery. This means that the proceedings contain a higher mental processes
level, such as formulating problems, designing experiments, conduct experiments, collect and
analyze data, draw conclusions, and so forth. Inquiry method is also called as a method of
"discovery". This method is an activity that uses a learning process how to present the lesson by
giving opportunities to students to find information without the help of information from
teachers. In this invention method, learners to be involved in their mental processes in discovery
context (Halimah, 2008).

Roestiyah in Ningsih (2007) said that the inquiry method is a technique or means used by
teachers in which students are assigned to investigate a problem. In problem investigating,
students are divided into several groups to study, investigate or discuss the job. Then the
discussion is written in the form of reports and discussed again in front of the class.

Based on definitions above, it can be concluded that the method of inquiry is a way of
learning where students are asked to solve problems, plan experiments, conduct experiments,
collect and analyze data, and draw conclusions. So, in this inquiry method involved students are
mentally and physically to solve problem given by teachers. By solving problems, students can
gain his own knowledge without having to receive it directly from the teacher.
Inquiry method in accordance with the theory of cognitive development which Piaget
presented in Muchith (2008) which mentions that someone cognitive development is genetic
processes that are based on the mechanism of development of the nervous system. Where in the
formal operational stage (ages 11/12 - 18 years) a person has the ability to think abstractly and
logically, and have the ability to use patterns of thinking 'possibility', capable of scientific
thinking approach and inductive hipothetico-deducive. Implementation of Inquiry Method

Such an inquiry can be carried out by individual or group. It can be done individually by
analyzing the data (facts) that exist, while the group has a more complex sequence of events
again. There are several steps that must be taken in conducting the inquiry students (Syafaruddin,
2005), namely:

1. Identify and formulate a clearly situation that focused inquiry.

2. Ask a question about the facts.

3. Formulate a hypothesis to answer the question in step two.

4. Collect data / information relevant to the hypotheses and test every hypothesis with data
that has been collected.

5. Formulate an answer to the question of principal and stated the answer as a proportion of
the fact (the answer should present the synthesis of the proposed hypothesis and results of
hyphotesis test).

In this context the role of teacher as facilitator, resource person and counselor for the
group. Teacher presents some knowledge and then encouraging student groups to develop
his own knowledge. So we can say that students learn by their own self.
Gulo in Trianto (2007) states that the capabilities required to implement inquiry learning
are as follows:
a. Asking Questions or Problems

Activities inquiry began when a question or problem posed. To make sure questions
are clear, the question can be written on the blackboard, then students are asked to
formulate hypothesis.

b. Formulate Hypothesis

The hypothesis is non-permanent answer for a question or problem solution that can
be tested with data. To facilitate this process, the teacher asked the students to the
idea of the possible hypotheses. Of all the ideas are there, selected one of the
hypotheses that are relevant to a given problem.

c. Collecting Data

The hypothesis used to guide the process of data collection. Data can be obtained
from experiments or literature studies.

d. Data Analysis

Students are responsible for testing the hypothesis by analyzing the data have been
obtained. Important factor in testing the hypothesis was thinking 'right' or 'wrong'.
After obtaining conclusions from experimental data, students can test the hypothesis
that has been formulated. If the hypothesis is wrong or is rejected, the student can be
explained in accordance with the process of inquiry that has been done.

e. Making Conclusions

The final step of the inquiry learning is to make conclusions based on data obtained.
Condition as a condition of the emergence of inquiry activities for students are:
1. Social aspects in the classroom and open atmosphere that invites students to

2. Inquiry focuses on the hypothesis.

3. The use of facts as evidence (information, facts)

For successful implementation of inquiry, then there are some things that need to be considered
by the teacher (Syafaruddin, 2005), namely:

1. Formulate inquiry topics clearly and useful for students.

2. Forming a balanced group of both academic and social.

3. Explain the tasks and giving feedback to groups responsively and on time.

4. Occasionally need intervention by the teacher for a healthy personal interaction for the
progress of the task.

5. Conducting an assessment of the group, both groups progress and results achieved.
According Roetiyah (2001), the things that need to distimulous in the process of inquiry

a. Student autonomy.

b. Freedom and support to students.

c. The attitude of openness.

d. Self-concept

e. Experience inquiry, involved in issues. Inquiry Approach

According Sagala (2005) inquiry approach is a learning approach that tries to put
foundation and developed a scientific way of thinking. This approach puts more students to learn
on their own and strive to develop creativity of students in solving problem. Students are
strongly in place as a subject of study.

Sagala (2005) states that the inquiry approach can be implemented if the following
conditions be met:
1. Teachers should be skilled at selecting a relevant question to ask students (problem
comes from the teaching materials that challenge students / problem) and in accordance
with the reasoning power of students.

2. Teachers must be skilled foster students' motivation and creating a fun learning

3. The existence of facilities and learning resources are adequate.

4. The existence of freedom of students to think, work, discussion.

5. Participation of all students in each learning activity.

6. Teachers are not a lot of interference and intervention of student activities.

To create the conditions as above, the role of teachers in learning can not ignore. Teachers are
expected to act as:

1. Motivator, providing stimulus for an active and enthusiastic students to think.

2. Facilitator, shows a way out if students have difficulty.

3. Asker, bring students from the mistake of thinking that they made.

4. Administrator, is responsible for all activities of the class.

5. Steering, directing student activities to achieve expected goals.

6. Manager, manage learning resources, time, and class organization.

7. Rewarder, member awards on students achievement.

Inquiry learning is designed to bring students directly into the process in a relatively short
time. In a relatively short time that students have learned with discovery activities that
directly experienced. In a study of the benefits, this is far more effective than students
learning from teachers that just accept it. Benefits of Inquiry Method

According Roestiyah (2001) the benefits / advantages of the method of inquiry can be stated as

1. Able to establish and develop self-concept on self-esteem, so that students can understand
the basic concepts and ideas better.

2. Assisting in the use of memory and transfer the new learning situation.

3. Encourage students to think and work on his own initiative, to be objective, honest and

4. Encourage students to think intuitively and formulate their own hypothesis.

5. Giving satisfaction is interinsik.

6. The situation becomes more stimulating learning process.

7. Can develop individual talents or skills.

8. Giving freedom to the students to learn on their own.

9. Can give students enough time so that they can assimilate and accommodate information.
With self-concept of its students, he can answer the same problems he would face later.
Students are more confident with the such knowledge that he gained himself. Students are
also familiarized with the learning objectives would in time have been targeted /
determined by the teacher, so that outputs can be obtained which have good
Advantages are very good for students, especially to motivate students to learn. Students
will be motivated if he knows what and for what (benefits) he learned something. With
strong motivation, students will fight for what they think is good and true.

2.1.3 Motivation Definition of Motivation

The word "motive" according Sardiman (1986) interpreted as an effort to encourage

someone to do something. The motive can be said as the driving force from within and in the
subject to perform certain activities in order to achieve a goal. Even the motive can be
interpreted as an internal condition (preparedness). Starting from the word "motive" is, then the
motivation that can be interpreted as the driving force that has become active. Motives become
active at any given moment, especially when the need to achieve very experienced / urgent.
According Mc.Donalt in Sardiman (2007) motivation is the change in the self-energy that is
marked by the emergence of a feeling, and preceded by a response to any destination. The
definition put forward by Mc.Donalt contains three essential elements:

1. That motivation was initiated the change of energy in every individual human being.

2. Motivation is marked by the emergence of a sense / feeling, one's affection. In this case
the motivation relevant to the encouragement that meet the needs of the organism.
Besides it is also a system which allows organisms to maintain survival.

3. The motivation will be stimulated because of the goal. The objective is giving direction
to behavior. Psychologically, the goal is the end point of "temporary" need for
achievement. If the goal is achieved then the need will be met "temporary". With all three
elements above it can be said that the motivation as something complex. Motivation will
result in a change of energy in the human self, so it will relate with psychiatric problems,
feelings and emotions, to then act or do something. This all encouraged because of the
objectives, needs or desires.

So, motivation can be defined as something that encourages someone to do a thing.

Something that can push could be interpreted as needs, goals and even pressure that comes from
themselves and from the environment. With the motivation of people to find direction to what he
was doing something whether it is for learning or working.

These motivational problems, may also be associated with issues of interest. Interest is
defined as a condition that occurs when a person sees the characteristics or meaning of
temporary situations associated with the desires or the needs of its own. According Bernald in
Sardiman (2007) interest arising in sudden or spontaneous, but arise as a result of participation,
experience, practice at the time of study or work.

Human behavior is important for learning and working. Mental cause of self-learning
students work to produce something good for yourself and others actors. Motivation to learn and
motivation to work is driving the progress of society. Types of Motivation

Talking about the kind or type of motivation can be seen from various viewpoints. Thus,
the motivation or the active motifs that vary widely.

1. According Sardiman (2007), motivation viewed from the base formation.

a. Innate motives

The definition of motive is a motive innate inborn, so that there is no motivation to

learn. This motif is often called the implied motives biologically.
b. Learned motives

That the motives that arise due to be learned. These motifs are often referred to as the
motives which implied socially. Because humans live in a social environment with
other fellow human beings, to the motivation was formed.

2. Physical and spiritual motivation

Which includes such physical motivation: reflex, automatic instinct, lust. While that
includes spiritual motivation is the willingness. Problem was the willingness of every
human being is formed by four moments, namely: a) the moment of choice, b) the
moment of the emergence of reason, c) the moment of decision and d) the moment of
willing formation (Sardiman, 2007).

3. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

a. Intrinsic motivation. The definition of intrinsic motivation are the motives that
become active or functioning do not need the stimulation from the outside, because in
each and every individual had no urge to do anything.

b. Extrinsic Motivation. Motifs are active and functioning due to a stimulus from
outside. Extrinsic Motivation can also be said as a form of motivation that includes
learning activities initiated and forwarded based on the encouragement from the
outside that are not absolutely related to learning activity (Sardiman, 2007).

4. According to Woodworth and Marquis in Sardiman (2007), motivation can be divided


a. The motive or the need for an organic, include for example: the need for drinking,
eating, breathing, sexual, doing and needs to rest.

b. Emergency motives. Included in this motif among others: the drive to save
themselves, the urge to retaliate, to seek, to hunt. Clearly this kind of motivation
arises because stimuli from the outside.

c. Objective motives. In the event that interested. These motifs arise because the
impetus for this can be related to the need to explore, to manipulate, to face the
outside world effectively.

5. According Maslow in Slameto (2003), there are 7 categories of student motivation,


a. Physiological, is the most basic human needs, including needs for food, clothing,
shelter place, which are essential to maintain viability.
b. Sense of security, is the need for certainty, justice, safety in the continuity of learning.

c. Her love, is the need for affection and affinity with other people or something.

d. Award, is the need for respect, a sense of useful, important, admired, respected by
others. Indirectly this is the need for attention, fame, status, dignity, and so forth.

e. Self-actualization, is the need to develop themselves fully, to realize the potential he


f. Know and understand, is the need to satisfy curiosity, to get knowledge, get
descriptions, and to understand something.

g. Aesthetics, is the need for regularity, balance and completeness of an action. Motivation Function in Learning

A series of activities undertaken by each party was actually motivated by something or

generally called motivation. Motivation is what encourages them an activity / job. So also to
learn is in need of motivation. Learning outcomes will be optimal, if there is motivation. The
more precise motivation will be more successful given that lesson well. So motivation will
always determine the intensity of effort learning for students.

It should be emphasized that the motivation associated with a purpose. In relation with
this there are three functions of motivation:

1. Encouraging people to do, so as a driver or motor that releases energy. Motivation in this
case is the driving force of each activity to be undertaken.

2. Determining the direction of action, namely the goal to be achieved with such motivation
can provide the direction and activities to be done in accordance with the formulation of

3. Selecting actions, ie actions determine what should be done to match in order to achieve
its objectives, with aside the deeds which are not useful for that purpose.
Given the importance of motivation for students to learn then the teacher is expected to
arouse students' motivation to learn. In this effort, many ways that will be done. Create
certain conditions can evoke motivation to learn.

According Sardiman (2007), there are several ways to motivate learning activities in
schools, such as:

1. Giving figures, the numbers are good for the students is a powerful motivator.

2. Prizes / awards, can be a valuable objects can also be a compliment or just a pat hand.
This is one effort to appreciate the efforts made student.
3. Rival / competition, the competition can enhance student learning in order to show their
creativity in actualizing itself.

4. Ego-involvement (self consciousness), fostering self-awareness in students to feel the

importance of the task. It can foster students' sense of responsibility.

5. Provide replication.

6. Knowing the results, knowing the results of their study to measure the ability of her

7. Punishment, with penalties expected student realize his mistake and tried to fix it.

8. The desire to learn.

9. Interest.

10. The objective is recognized, by knowing the purpose of study, students also can find out
what he is studying it for.

In its relation to the maintenance and enhancement of student motivation, De Cecco and
Grawford in Slameto (2003) proposed four functions of learning:

1. Exciting Students

In the routine activities of daily classroom teacher should try to avoid things that are
tedious and boring. He must always give the students a lot of things that need to be
required and performed. Teachers must maintain student interest in learning, namely by
giving a certain freedom to move from one aspect to another aspect of the study in the
learning situation. "Discovery learning" and brainstorming methods (brain storming)
gave this kind of freedom. In order to increase the excitement of student teachers should
have enough knowledge about the early disposition of their students.

2. Providing Realistic Expectations

Teacher must maintain realistic expectations of students, and modify expectations less or
not realistic. The teacher needs to have enough knowledge about students' academic
result or failure in the past, by then the teacher can differentiate between realistic
expectations, pesinitis, too optimistic. If a student has failed, then the teacher must give
as much as possible the success of students.
3. Provide Incentives

When students experience success, the teacher is expected to give gifts to the students
(can be a compliment, good numbers, and many others) for its success, so students are
encouraged to make further efforts to achieve the objectives of teaching. In relation to
this feedback is very useful to improve the business students.

4. Direct
Teachers should direct behavior in a way that is done by showing the students things that
are done incorrectly and ask them to do their best. Efforts growth, improvement and
maintenance of motivation is very important for a teacher, physics teacher is no
exception. Physics learning that said hard and saturate can be converted into easy and fun
if a physics teacher understands how important motivation to study. According to the
views of Modern Life Sciences in Sardiman (2007), due to a naturally motivated students
can become active. Students are viewed as organisms that have the potential to grow.
Therefore, the task of teachers is to guide and provide conditions for students to develop
talent and potential that is reflected in student learning activities.

2.1.4 Learning Activity

Activities (KBBI, 2001) is an activity or work carried out in each section. Learning
(Sardiman, 2007) is done to change behavior. From the two definitions above can be deduced
that there is no learning if there is no activity. That is why the activity is a basic principle or very
important in the teaching-learning interaction. In the learning process should happen a good
interaction between teachers and students, so students can conduct learning activities rather than
passive activities are only accepted from teachers only. In terms of learning activities, Rousseau
in Sardiman (2007) explains that all knowledge should be acquired with his own observations,
experiences himself, his own investigation, working with the facility either created their own
spiritual and technical. From these explanations show that every person who learns to be active
themselves. Without activity, the learning process can not happen. To support the view of the
above, the learning must be designed so that students can conduct their activities properly, both
in terms of teaching methods, teaching materials and classroom support. With a view of the
above it is clear that the activity of learning is necessary. Learning activity is not a series of
activities teachers in conveying knowledge, but active activity students in discovering
knowledge. Without activity, the learning process can not be going well. Types of Activities in Learning

School is one of considerable learning centers dominate the students' learning time. At
school, students spend time to learn each day. For that schools should be observant to see any
learning activity that can be presented in school. Many activity that can be done in schools, not
just heard and recorded it. Paul B. Deidrich in Sardiman (2007) make a list that contains 177
kinds of activities students can be classified as follows:

1. Visual Activities include: reading, drawing attention to the demonstration,

experimentation, the work of others.

2. Oral Activities, such as: asking, formulate, give advice, issue opinions, conducting
interviews, discussions, interruptions.

3. Listening Activities, for example listening to: descriptions, conversations, discussions,

speeches, music.

4. Writing Activities, such as writing stories, essays, reports, questionnaires, copying.

5. Drawing Activities, such as drawing, making charts, maps, diagrams.

6. Motor Activities, such as: do experiments, make construction, model repair, gardening,
animal husbandry.

7. Mental Activities, for example: to respond, remember, solve problems, analyze, see
relationships, make decisions.

8. Emotional Activities, such as interest, felt bored, happy, excited, passionate, courageous,
calm, nervous.

So with the classification of activities as described above, showed that learning activities in
schools are complex and varied. Schools will become more dynamic if the learning activity can
be created in a process of learning. For the creativity of a teacher is absolutely necessary for
students to plan activities that are varied. In a more specific review, the material "Kinematics
with Vector Analysis" which generally delivered by lecture method to be challenge of how a
teacher can bring students' learning activities in learning. Abstract material that can be fun to
learn with the planning of student-oriented learning.

2.1.5 Kinematics in Vector Analysis

A. Particles Position In A Field

Stating particle position in a field with the unit vector. Position is the place / position of a
particle which is measured from the point of reference. In stating a position of a particle in a field
with the state coordinates of the two mutually perpendicular axes, namely X-axis and Y-axis.
Unit vector in the X-axis given the symbol i and the Y-axis given the symbol j. Because i and j is
the unit vector, then the course of this vector equals one.

To state the position of the particle in a field that we give the symbol r. For example, the
origin O is set as a reference point the position of a particle which has coordinates (x, y), by
performing the vector sum of the two coordinate axes can be expressed as:

r = xi + yj

 Figure 1. position of the particle as r = xi + yj

Displacement is defined as a change of position (position) of a particle in a certain time

interval. Displacement in a straight line (one dimension, given the symbol Δr), with the sum of
polygons r2 and r1 position vectors can be stated that: Δr = r2 - r1. Displacement vector directed
from the starting point to end point.

Figure 2. At time t =t1, vector position vector r1,

when t =t2,, the vector position vector r2. Displacement is defined as ∆r = r2 – r1.
In image 2 is the starting point and end point P1 and P2. Displacement vector Δr is directional line
segment P1 P2. In O P1 P2 vector triangle, vector r2 so close is valid:

r 2 = r1 + ∆r atau ∆r = r2 – r1

B. Speed Particles In A Field

Average speed is defined as the quotient of the displacement to interval latency. See chart
x-t on picture.3 that the average velocity can be written as:

P −P
v= 2 1
t 2 −t 1

Figure 3. Views geometric instantaneous velocity at t1 equals the slope on the graph x-t at t= t2

In the motion on the plane (two dimensional), the definition is fixed, only Δx in the above
equation is replaced with the position vector Δr. With r2 is the position at t = t2 and r1 is the
position at t = t1. Form component of the average velocity v, we get to substitute Δr by Δx i + Δy
j to the above equation.
Δxi+Δyj Δx Δy
v= = i+ j
Δt Δt Δt

v =v x i+v y j

Δx x 2−x 1 Δy y − y
v= = dan v y = = 2 1
Δy t 2− t1 Δt t 2−t 1

Therefore Δt , the average velocity v proportional in the direction of the

displacement Δr . Average velocity at any point on the curve of the particle trajectory is
parallel to the path tangent at that point (note the picture 4.a, 4.b, and 4.c).

Shortly Speed for Motion in Field

Definition of instantaneous velocity for one-dimensional motion similar to the

instantaneous velocity field for the motion in two dimensions. Instantaneous velocity of the
particle trajectory is a curve that coincide in one point on the curve. In other words, the
instantaneous velocity is tangent track at that point. With the change of time limit approaches
zero, then the instantaneous velocity to the motion on the field is also the first derivative function
of position r with respect to time t, written

The form of the instantaneous velocity component v obtained by substituting r = x i + y j into:

d dx dy
v= ( xi+ yj )= i+ j
dt dt dt dx dy
v =v x i+v y j v x= v y=
with dt and dt

This equation shows that if the position (coordinates) horizontal x and vertical y is given
in function of time t, we can see the instantaneous velocity components, vx and vy, using

C. Particle Acceleration In A Field

Average acceleration (symbol a) as a change in speed within a certain time interval, from
gambar.5 can be seen that the average acceleration for the time interval t1 then t2 can be written

Δv v 2 −v 1
a= =
Δt t 2 −t 1

with v 2 is velocity at t = t2 and v 1 is the velocity at t = t1 shape component of

the average acceleration a is obtained by substituting Δv with

Δv x i+ Δy y j into the equation.
Δv x i+ Δv y j Δv x Δv y
a= = i+ j
Δt Δt Δt

a=a x i+a y j

Δv x v x 2−v x 1 Δy y v y 2 −v y 1
ax = = a y= =
Δt t 2 −t 1 and Δt t 2 −t 1

Instantaneous Acceleration for Motion in the Field

Acceleration is defined as the change in velocity is relatively short (Δt to zero). From
figure.5 can be seen that the instantaneous acceleration can also be defined as a point of
intersection / gradient of velocity versus time curve. With mathematical analysis of instantaneous
acceleration can be written as follows:

a= lim ΔvΔt
Δt→ ο

Instantaneous acceleration for motion in the field are also expressed in the form of a
component of the instantaneous acceleration is obtained by substituting v = v i + v j into the
equation above.
2.1.6 Harmonizing Motion

Combination Two Straight Regular Motion

An object simultaneously perform two straight uniform motion of different directions

(forming a certain angle). What is the resultant displacement is still straight uniform motion as
well? Suppose a ship is moving straight with speed v. On board, Amir straight regular exercise,
ie walking with constant velocity v, which makes an angle θ to v, how displacement Amir
according to the stationary observer on the beach? Amir displacement of course according to
observers is the same as the resultant between Amir of the reference ship displacement (called s2)
and movement of vessels on the reference stationary observer (called s1). In accordance with the
above explanation, the displacement vector Amir by silent observer, s, is:
s = s1 + s2

Suppose that a ship has moved during t seconds, then the appropriate equation of a straight
uniform motion:

s1 = v1 t dan s2 = v2 t

Substitution s1 and s2 of the above equation produces:

s = v1 t + v2 t

s = (v1 + v2 )t

Resultant velocity v1 and v2 is v, so the above equation can be written by:

s=vt with
v = v1 + v2

So, it can be concluded that the resultant displacement of vector from two straight uniform
motion is uniform straight motion as well.

If the angle between the velocity vector v1 and v2 is the speed of θ then the resultant
velocity of motion, v, according to the cosine rule is

v= √ v 21+v 22+2 v 1 v 2 cos θ

to ease the problem, the case is limited to a combination of two straight uniform motion of a line
or perpendicular to each other. For the case of two for regular straight-line motion, large
resultant velocity vector expressed by the scalar equation

v = v 1 + v2

for the case of two uniform straight motion perpendicular to each other, large resultant velocity
vector expressed by the scalar equation:

√ v 21+ v 22

2.1.7 Motion Bullets

One example of curved motion is motion with constant acceleration bullet (projectile).
This motion is two-dimensional motion of particles that is thrown sideways into the air, such as
baseball and golf ball movement. We assume that the influence of air friction against the motion
can be ignored.

Projectile motion is motion with constant velocity g is trending down, and no component
of acceleration in the horizontal direction. If the selected coordinate system with positive y axis
vertically upward, then into the equation - the equation we have ay = -g and ax= 0
Parabolic motion can be analyzed by reviewing the uniformly straight motion on X-axis
and moving uniformly straight motion at a Y-axis separately.

In X-axis apply uniformly straight motion equations:

If X-axis, the initial velocity is the vox, the velocity at time t is vx and the position is x,
with elaborate trigonometry form, then the equation becomes:

vx = vocos α

x = vocos α.t

In Y-axis applies general equation of moving uniformly straight motion:

If the Y-axis, the initial velocity is voy, the velocity at t is vy, acceleration a = -g (trending
down), and the position is y, with the outline trigonometry shape, then the equation becomes:

Vy = vosin α

vy = voy – gt

vy = vo sin α – gt

y = voy t - 2 gt
y = vo sin α t - 2 gt

Determining Maximum Height and farthest distance

There are two things most often asked questions in terms of parabolic motion, ie the
maximum height and the farthest distance. Maximum height is the ordinate y none other than the
highest point.

Parabolic motion can be broken down into two straight motion, namely uniformly
straight motion on the X-axis and moving uniformly straight motion on Y-axis, with an
acceleration equal to the acceleration of gravity. When the object moves up from the starting
point O to the highest point H, the velocity components in the X-axis is always fixed. However,
the velocity components in the Y-axis continues to decrease because the velocity is slowed by
gravity g. when the object reaches the highest point H, the velocity components in the Y-axis
equal to zero.

Terms of an object reaches the highest point (point H) is:

Vy = 0

Because at the highest point H, vy = 0, then the velocity at the highest point, vH, is

VH = vx = v0x

From the equation above we can determine the maximum height, yH, and of course the
coordinates of the highest height H(xH, yH). by combining the two equations above then

Vy = 0

V0y – g t0H = 0

v 0 y v 0 sin α
t0H = g g

where t0H is the time to reach maximum height.

by substitute t0H in the above equation into the equation of horizontal position x, we can
determine the coordinates of x from the highest point H.

xH = v0x t0H
v 0 sin α
xH = ( v0 cos α )
( g )
v 20
( 2 sin α cos α )
xH = 2 g

sin 2 α
xH = 2 g

By substituting t0H the equation above into equation y vertical, we can determine the y coordinate
of the highest point H. This yH coordinate is popular as maximum height.

1 2¿
gt ¿ H ¿ ¿¿
yH = v0H t0H - 2 0 ¿
v 0 sin α 1 v 0 sin α
( v 0 sin α ) g − 2 g g ) ( )
2 2 2 2
2 v 0 sin α v 0 sin α

= 2g 2g

v 20 2
sin α
yH = 2 g

By knowing xH and yH, so the highest point coordinate H as below:

Highest Point Coordinate

v20 v 20 2
H (xH, yH ) ↔ H
( 2g
sin 2α , sin α
2g )
Because of the influence of gravitational force that pulled things down so things are
moving upward with parabolic trajectory will eventually move back to the horizontal axis-X. If
the initial point of throwing is O and the point where the object came to a land is H, then the
farthest distance is OA (given the symbol R). Requirement for the farthest distance R is: yA = 0

At the farthest point (R), the object has traveled a long period of time twice to reach the
highest point.
tR = 2tOH

2 v 0 y 2 v 0 sin α
tR = g g

then the maximum distance (R) can be written as follows:

xR = v0x tR

2 v 0 sin α
v o cosα
xR = g

v 2 sin2 α

xR= g

Pair of elevation angle that gives the same farthest distance

In the figure shown parabolic trajectory traveled by an object thrown with initial speed v 0
the same, but with elevation angles α 0 different. It appears that the elevation angle pair number
0 0 0
90 , that is 75 with 15 , 600 with 300 produce the same farthest distance. So by
observing the image can be concluded two things:

1. Pair of elevation angle (α2 and α1) would give the furthest distance the same if the number
of both elevation angle equal to 900.

α 1 +α 2=900

2. The maximum distance record for initial elevation angle = 450.

2.1 Conceptual Framework

1. Effect of Inquiry Method Learning With Conventional Learning Methods on Learning

Outcomes of Physics Students
Based on the description on the theoretical study can be assumed that the particular
challenges of teacher education in the world of the future is to create and apply the methods of
learning in the learning process. Learning method is designed so that students active in learning
not only receive knowledge from teachers. In applying the method of learning, teachers must
understand the characteristics of their students, because not many students who feel bored in
class because of learning undertaken saturate. One of the methods that require active learning
from students is a method of inquiry, where students are required to acquire knowledge with his
own business.

Inquiry method is a way of learning where students are asked to solve problems, plan
experiments, conduct experiments, collect and analyze data, and draw conclusions .. In the
inquiry, students are invited to discover the concepts of physics from the experiences or events
experienced by students in their everyday lives. From the review of these events, woke up the
concepts of physics in the minds of students. Students need not memorize the formula that a lot
to answer problems or the questions he faced, but enough with the simple concept that he woke
up in the inquiry activities then he can solve the problem.

Inquiry learning method designed to enhance students' thinking abilities. The procedure
is designed to facilitate the efforts of teachers and students are strongly associated with the
elements of subject matter and description of materials to produce students who are independent.
Students can construct knowledge based on the 5 steps in inquiry, namely: (1) ask questions or
problems, (2) formulate hypotheses, (3) collect data, (4) analyzed the data and (5) make

Learning begins with the inquiry method of orienting the problem, students were asked to
identify these problems. From identifying the problem, students were asked to answer while
according to which he believed, to further test the truth of these answers through data analysis.
The data analyzed can be obtained from the experiments, demonstrations and literature studies.
From the data analysis students are asked to conclude what he had gained.
In this inquiry activity, the teacher does not play an active role in the learning process. Teachers
act as a motivator, encouraging students to think actively, facilitator, facilitating student thinking
obstacles, the questioner asks questions that can convince the student statement. For more
focused activities teachers also serve as directors and managers for all resources can be managed
properly. Furthermore, the teacher plays its role as a rewarder, who gave the award / appreciation
of the results achieved by students.

Series of student activities into personal experiences that have a distinct impression. The
knowledge obtained by students directly will be easier to remember than the knowledge given by
the teacher. From the experiences students have built a personal concept (self-concept) in mind.
So at students in facing similar problems / identical both in learning as well as answering
questions in his daily life, he can use these concepts in solving problems. Student success in
solving the problems positively affect the outcome of learning.

Based on the description, alleged that the students are taught using the inquiry learning
method will obtain the results of higher learning physics compared with students who were
taught using conventional teaching methods.

2. Differences Learning Outcomes of Physics Students Who Have High Learning

Motivation and Low Learning Motivation

Motivation to learn can be interpreted as a driving force someone to active learning.

Indicators of students who have high motivation to learn which is the active students in gaining
knowledge. Motivation to learn can be demonstrated in the learning process as students 'attention
to what is taught, students' seriousness in participating in learning, his desire to ask, and the
result of learning.

Motivation to learn includes categories such as (1) physiological, basic requirement for
survival, (2) a sense of security include certainty, fairness, and protection, (3) a sense of love,
including kinship ties against something, (4) awards, including appreciation, attention, fame, etc.,
(5) self-actualization, including capacity building effort, (6) know and understand, covering the
need for curiosity, (7) aesthetics, including the need for order and beauty (Moslow in Slameto,
2003 .) The things mentioned above affect the high and low motivation to study.
A common phenomenon during the learning of physics in schools is the students have low
motivation to learn. Students are not enthusiastic about taking the monotony of learning physics
is dominated by the teacher. In the learning process is not rare that students do not know to what
he was studying physics. Students do not have a drive from within him to study physics, so that
the results of their study was quite low.
It would be different if students have the motivation to learn the medium and high.
Students who are motivated to follow lessons with earnest. Students already know to what he
studied physics for themselves. Students who are motivated will be more receptive to the lessons
delivered by teachers. Thus, a high motivation will be reflected on student learning outcomes are
higher. However, slightly different from the students who have motivation to learn is. Students
will enjoy learning physics, but if students are having trouble and he was not able to finish it
himself then he will be saturated to continue learning.

From the description above, it can be presumed that students who have a high motivation
to learn will get a high learning outcomes than students who have low motivation or moderate.

3. Interaction Between Inquiry Methods and Learning Motivation In Affecting Student

Learning Physics Outcomes

Inquiry method is one aspect of methods that have strategic value of learning specific to a
particular student characteristics. In general, based on the motivation of learning, students are
classified as top 3 (three) of students who have a high learning motivation, learning motivation
and motivation is low. Basically, the inquiry method lot assign roles to the students to find the
necessary information and help students to practice in solving various problems found in the
learning process. Therefore, it needs a high motivation for learning can be active in finding
information and analyzing information so as to obtain a correct conclusion. Liveliness can be
generated in the learning activities such as discussions, questions and answers, experiments and
demonstrations. Students will be easier to understand the subject matter, easy to form a scientific
concept and are able to develop their understanding to solve problems, so that student learning
outcomes will increase.

In this case, students who have the motivation to learn is also active in discovering
knowledge with the inquiry method. But keep in mind students who are motivated tend to be less
stable in the study. If students are faced with a problem he could not finish and no one helped
him so he would stop to think to find such knowledge.

On the other hand, students who have low learning motivation always require
information from the teacher, so find it difficult to find their own new information. This
condition causes students are suggested to use inquiry learning method which will construct each
other concepts that they can, and also to draw a conclusion from last learning activities. Students
will be more likely rather be taught by conventional teaching methods.

Students who have high motivation to learn is taught with the conventional method which
is more oriented to the teacher will feel that the content and the learning process tends to limit
the creativity of students. Students are not given the opportunity to express their opinions, so that
the construction of concepts in cognitive structure is not revealed. Students have a limited ability
to transfer knowledge in new contexts. Finally, students are less able to refine the concept of self
and lack of trust in teachers.

Students who have low motivation to learn, if taught with the conventional learning
model, feel there is ease of learning. They live to digest serving of teachers without review and
only requires a record if given a test. These conditions allow a good student learning outcomes.
Students who have low motivation is taught with the conventional method of studying physics
will get better results when compared with that using the inquiry method.

Conceptually students with high learning motivation will get results of high study physics
if they interact with the inquiry method. While students with low learning motivation to become
active in the learning process to obtain results of high study physics to learn more leverage if the
stimulation using the inquiry method. Application of the inquiry method and conventional
methods with the proper motivation to learn will improve learning outcomes and both physics
students interact with each other convincingly. Thus it can be expected there is interaction
between the learning method of learning motivation in influencing student learning outcomes.

4.Relationship Between Motivation and Learning Outcomes by Using an Inquiry Method

In general, the study of physics is boring lessons for students. Not a few students'
difficulty to understand concepts in physics, so they are also difficult to obtain good learning
results. They do not know and understand to what they learn physics. It could be argued that
students do not have a strong motivation to learn physics is generally presented with lecture
By contrast, if students know and understand to what he studied physics. Students already
have the motivation in the learning process. Coupled with the design of learning using the
inquiry method, students become actively discover knowledge. Motivation is in synergy with the
inquiry method will create an interactive learning atmosphere. Thus students are expected to
obtain a satisfactory learning outcomes.
From the above description, it can be presumed that there is a positive relationship between
learning motivation and learning results in students who were taught using the inquiry method.
5. Relationship Between Learning Activities and Learning Outcomes Using the Inquiry
Learning is an active process of finding / obtaining knowledge. In other words someone
is said to learn if he shows the learning activities. Learning activities can be a visual activity,
oral, listening, writing, describe, movement, mental and emotional. Learning activities play an
important role in the learning process. Students who are active in learning will produce a distinct
impression of a material that is always remembered in memory. At any time if such knowledge is
needed by students, both in solving problems and in everyday activities, students will more
easily remember it. The success of students solving problems (problem) that he faced a good
learning outcome, it is clear that mutual learning activities closely related to learning outcomes.
Students will be active in learning if the learning is designed to make students active. One way is
to design methods of inquiry learning. Where students who actively discover knowledge in its
own way. It is expected that with the discovery that student learning outcomes would be better
not just receive knowledge from the teacher alone.
Based on the description, it is estimated that there is a positive relationship between
learning activities with learning outcomes in students who were taught using the inquiry method.

6. Relationship Between Motivation, Learning Activities and Learning Outcomes Using the
Inquiry Method.

Motivation can also be interpreted as a driving force for a person to achieve its
objectives. In other words there is a process of a person to achieve its objectives. In terms of
learning motivation was associated with a driving force someone to be active in the learning
This active process needs distimulous by teachers in the design of learning. Where do students
who learn a complex activity in the discovery of knowledge. Stimulus might be the use of active
methods and interactive one inquiry method. Inquiry method requires an active role and students
in analyzing problem in making hypotheses, collect and analyze data and concluded the answer
to the problem. From a series of activities, then students will do activities to learn the complex
not only see, hear and write it.

With strong motivation, good learning activity and stimulus inquiry method is expected
students will obtain good learning results as well. With a series of learning activities that are
driven by motivation to learn a good student can learn well too. This is what should be cultivated
within the students, so that the understanding of knowledge can be created with good. A good
understanding is what is used to obtain students' learning results are good also.
So it can be drawn a conclusion that there is a positive relationship between motivation and
learning activities in students being taught with the inquiry method.

Based on the description frame of mind to put forward the following hypothesis (Ha):

1) Students who are taught with the inquiry method will obtain a better learning results than
students taught with conventional methods.

2) Students who have high motivation to learn will get better learning results than students
who have low motivation to learn or moderate.

3) There is the influence of the learning method with learning motivation of student learning

4) There is a correlation between learning motivation and learning results in students who
were taught using the inquiry method.

5) There is a correlation between learning activities with learning outcomes in students who
were taught using the inquiry method.

6) There is a significant relationship between motivation and learning activities in students

being taught with the inquiry method.

The method in this research based on the classified nature of quasi-experimental research,
namely an attempt to not cover a causal relationship, although researchers can not control all the
factors on the results of his research.

3.1 Time and Place Research

3.1.1 Time
The research was conducted in academic year 2009 / 2010 in class XI IPA semester I.
The experiment lasted for 2 (two) weeks (10 hours learning) has been completed within 4 (four)

3.1.2 Location of research

The experiment was conducted in class XI IPA FIELD MODEL MAN 2 Willem
Iskandar Jalan Medan.

3. 2 Population and sample

3.2.1 Population
Population is the research element of life and living together - equal and theoretically
become targets of research results (in Sukardi Babbie, 2008). Based on the research objective,
which is the population in the study were students who sit in class XI IPA FIELD MODEL
MAN 2 which consists of 4 classes.

3.2.2 Sample
The sample is part of the population that elected representative means that the
characteristics of the population would be reflected in the samples taken (Sudjana, 2002).
Furthermore from the study population was taken 2 classes were randomly as the sample. One
class as a class experiment is a method of classroom learning using the inquiry method and the
control class method of learning the lesson that is conventionally used to carried out in the daily
learning with lecture method.

3.3 Research Variables

3.3.1 Variables

The independent variables in this study are:

a. Motivation of student learning.
b. Learning activities of students is using the inquiry method.

3.3.2 Dependent variable

The dependent variable in this study is the result of learning by inquiry method and

3.4.Design Research

The design of the study in this research puts an experimental class as a class subject to
inquiry teaching, while the control class as a class are subjected to conventional teaching with
the design as follows:

Motivation of Physics Learning Outcomes (A)


(B) Inquiry (A1) Convensional (A2)

High (B1) A1B1 A2B1

Low (B1) A1B2 A2B2

A : Results of student learning
A1 : Results of learning by inquiry method
A2 : Results of learning with the conventional method
B1 : high learning motivation
B2 : low learning motivation

The study also reviewed how the learning activities of students who were taught with the
inquiry method with the following design:
Nu Motivation Learning Activity Learning Outcomes
m (X1) (X2) (Y)


X1 : Student learning motivation of experiment class

X2 : Student learning activity of experiment class

Y : Students learning outcomes of experiment class

The research step to be taken are:

1. To test the content validity of questionnaire results and motivation to learn to 3 validator
which consists of 1 (one) majoring in physics professor, State UNIMED and 2 (two)
physics teacher MAN 2 Model Medan. From the results obtained by testing the validity
of the contents of the study results valid and reliable.
2. Provide pretest and motivation to a sample questionnaire.
3. Perform analysis of pretest data normality test, homogeneity, similarity test initial
knowledge and analyze students' learning motivation.
4. To provide treatment in the study sample.
5. Observing students in classroom learning activities during the experimental treatment.
6. Provide posttest on the sample as the evaluation process of student learning outcomes.
7. Conduct post-test data analysis, namely normality test and homogeneity of variance
analysis. When the data obtained are normally distributed, homogeneous, and have the
same initial knowledge of the hypothesis test with two-point analysis of variance (2 x 2).
From the results of hypothesis testing known whether or not there is significant influence
learning outcomes research sample.
8. Analyze the relationship between the activity of learning, motivation and student learning
outcomes in classroom experiments with multiple partial correlation analysis.
3.5 Research Instruments

Research instrument used to determine the learning outcomes and student motivation on
the subject of kinematics on the Analysis of test vectors in the form of description, motivation
questionnaire, and observation sheet learning activities.

3.5.1 Test Learning Outcomes

Achievement test used to measure the cognitive to the procurement of students on the
subject of kinematics in Vector Analysis. Tests have been prepared based on Bloom's taxonomy
of cognitive domains, namely recollection (C ¬ 1), comprehension (C ¬ 2), applications (C ¬ 3),
analysis (C ¬ 4), evaluation (C ¬ 5) and creativity (C ¬ 6 ) (Thohir, 2008). The test consists of 8
questions distributed in a taxonomic description bloom with the lattice as follows:

Lattice of problem table:

Bloom Taxonomy
Nu. Lattice of problem C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
1 Particle position at a field 1a 1a, 2a, 3b
2 Particle velocity at a field 1b 1b, 2b, 3b

3 Particle acceleration at a field 1c 1c, 2c, 3b

4 Motion unite 4 5a, 5b 6a, 6c
5 Parabolic motion 7a, 7c, 7d 7e 8
Total 4 11 7 3 1 1

3.5.2 Motivation Questionnaire

Motivation questionnaire consists of 26 statements based on Maslow's hierarchy. Possible
answers to each question are prepared using a Likert scale (Nazir, 2005) which is composed of
options A to strongly agree with the statement, option B to agree with the statement, option C to
hesitate with the statement, choice D to disagree with the statement, option E to strongly disagree
with the statement. The statement is divided into 2 categories, the positive and negative
statements. The lattice questionnaire are as follows:

Lattice of motivation questioner table:

Positive Negative
Nu Category of learning motivation
1 Phisiology 1 4
2 Security 5 7
3 Loving 2, 6 3, 8
4 Appreciating 11, 23 14, 26
5 Knowing and understanding 10, 17 12, 15
6 Self Actualisation 9, 13, 19 21, 18, 20
7 Estetic 22, 25 16, 24
Total 13 13

3.5.3 Observation of Learning Activities

Student learning activities were observed according to the category / group learning
activity organized by the following indicators:

Nu Indicator

1 Writing

2 Doing LKS

3 Asking for the teacher

4 Asking for friends in a group

5 Activity which is not relevant in teaching and

learning activity
Observation rating scales were prepared using the Guttman scale (Nazir, 2005), where
activity was observed for appreciating 1 (one) and for which no observed activity, the value
is 0 (zero).

3.6 Data Collection Techniques

3.6.1 Motivation Questionnaire

After the data acquired and processed by data analysis techniques as follows:

a. In positive statement of option A the score is 5, the score is 4 for option B, the score
is 3 for option C, the score is 2 for option D, the score is 1 for option E.
b. In negative statement of option A the score is 1, the score is 2 for option B, the score
is 3 for option C, the score is 4 for option D, the score is 5 for option E.
c. Assessment questionnaire obtained by:

The lowest score was 26 (if the students answer each statement with score 1) and the
highest score is 130 (if the students answer each statement with score 5). Range
motivation score was 26-130. Motivation can be classified into high, medium, and low
with a split three motivation scores (Amyrin, 2000), where the range of 26-61 as low
motivation, the range of 62-95 as middle motivation, and the range of 96-130 as high

3.6.2 Observation of Learning Activities

After the data acquired and processed by summing the activity scores obtained by each

3.6.3 Test Learning Outcomes

After the data acquired and processed by data analysis techniques as follows:

1. Tabulate the value of the pretest and post test scores for each class. The assessment was
conducted with the formulation:
x 100
Scores = Totalscores
2. Calculate the average of the pretest and post test with the formula


where : x : average

∑x : total scores

N : total data

3. The variance is calculated (S2) on the pretest and posttest by using the formula:

NΣX i −( ΣX i )
S2 = N ( N −1)

4. Next step is to test data normality with liliefors test. Criteria of test:
a. Receive samples from normal distribution of population L > L0
b. Reject samples from populations with normal distribution, if the above conditions are
not met, the procedures for implementation as follows:
1. The observations X1,X2,…….Xn be the raw numbers Z1,Z2,….ZN using:
X i− X
Zi = S
Where: X = average samples
S = standard deviation of samples

2. Calculate the probability F (zi) =P (z

¿ zi) by using standard normal distribution
3. Next calculate the proportion of S (zi) with the formula:
banyakZ 1 , Z 2. . .. . . Z N <Z i
S ( zi)=
4. Calculate the difference F(zi) – S(zi) then form an absolute price.
5. Taking the price of L0 that is the price of the delivered price of the most absolute,
to accept and reject the hypothesis compared with L0 with the critical value taken
L from a list of critical value lilifors test with significant level of 10%.
5. To find homogeneous data or not, used homogeneity test (equality test of two variances).
In this case both the population variance equality test the hypotheses developed
1 2
H0 : α 2=α 2
2 2
Ha : α 1≠α 2

Test the two parties with 10% significance level the hypothesis is tested by statistics:

highest var ians

F = smallest varians

Criteria of hypothesis test :

¿ F1
-H0 accepted if F 2 α (v 1, v 2)

¿ F1
α ( v 1, v 2)
-H0 rejected if F 2

V1= N1 – 1 and V2= N2 -1

1 α
F 2 α ( v1 , v 2 ) gotten from probable list 2 and free degree V1 and V2

6. To test the similarity test students' initial ability difference (t test) are two sides to the
equation as follows:
X1 − X2
1 1
√ +
n1 n 2

With combined standard deviation:

2 2
2 ( n1 − 1 ) S1 + ( n2 − 1 ) S 2
S =
n1 + n2 − 2 , where :

t = calculation of t value

X1 = average value of student learning outcomes in experimen class

X2 = average value of student learning outcomes in control class

n1 = total sample of experiment class

n2 = total sample of control class

S2 = combined varians of two class

H0 : There is no prior knowledge differences between experimental classes and

control classes.

Ha : There are differences in prior knowledge between the experimental class and
control class.

Criteria of test is accepting Ha (H0 rejected) if : -t1-1/2 α < t < t1-1/2 α , where t1-1/2
is gotten from distribution list t with dk = (n1 + n2 – 2) and probability (1 – ½
α ). For value of others t H0 is rejected (Ha accepted).

7. The hypothesis of research for motivation and learning outcomes were tested with
variance analysis (Anova) 2 lines as follows:
8. Hypothesis :
Ha :
1. There are significant differences between learning outcomes of students taught with
the inquiry method in comparison with students who were taught by conventional
2. There are significant differences between learning outcomes of students who have
high motivation compared to students who have low motivation.
3. There is the influence of the learning method with learning motivation of student
learning outcomes.
H0 :

1. There was no significant effect between learning outcomes of students taught with the
inquiry method in comparison with students who were taught by conventional
2. There was no significant effect between student learning outcomes are highly
motivated than students who have low motivation.
3. There is no effect between the learning method with learning motivation on student
learning outcomes.

The data needed in the calculation is fitted in this following table:

Variable Inquiry Conventional

High Learning X111 =….. X112 =…..

X211 =….. X212 =…..

X311 =….. X312 =…..

… …
∑ ∑ χ i1 k
∑ χ i 11= ∑ χ i 12= =
k i

x =…
x 11 =….
x 12 =….

n11 = … n12 = … n1. =….

2 2
∑ χ i 11=.. .. ∑ χ i12=. .. .
Low Learning Motivation X121 =….. X122 =…..

X221 =….. X222 =…..

X321 =….. X322 =…..

… …

∑ χ i 21=... ∑ χ i 22= ∑ ∑ χ i2k

k i =

x 21 =…. x 22 =…. x =….


n21 = … n22 = … n2. = …

2 2
∑ χ i21=. .. . ∑ χ i22=. .. .
∑ ∑ χ ij1 ∑ ∑ χ ij2 ∑ ∑ ∑ χ ijk
j i =… j i =… k j i

x .1 =… x .2 =… x =…

n.1=… n.2 =… n.. =…

With = average

∑ χi = total of value

N = total of frequency

Counting the number of squares between groups (group A and group B) by the formula:

2 2
∑ (∑ ∑ χ ijk ) (∑ ∑ ∑ χ ijk )
i k i k j i
JK A = −
nj n..
2 2 2

(∑ ∑ χ i1k ) (∑ ∑ χ i2k ) (∑ ∑ ∑ χijk )
k i
k i

k j i
n1 . n2 . n. .
2 2
∑ (∑ ∑ χ ijk ) (∑ ∑ ∑ χ ijk )
k j i k j i
JK B= −
nk n..
2 2

(∑ ∑ χ ij1) (∑ ∑ χij 2) (∑ ∑ ∑ χijk )
k i
j i

k j i
n1 n2 n. .

Calculating quadratic total of A+B+AB by the formula:

2 2
∑ (∑ ∑ χ ijk ) ( ∑ ∑ ∑ χ ijk )
k j i k j i
JK A+B + AB= −
n jk n..

Calculating quadratic total of AB by the formula:


Calculating quadratic I by the formula:

JK i=∑ ∑ ∑ χ kji
k j i
¿∑ χ 11 + ∑ χ 212 + ∑ χ 221+ ∑ χ 222
Where the value comes from:

(∑ χ i11 )
∑ χ 211 = ∑ χ 2i 11−

(∑ χ i 12)
∑ χ 212=∑ χ 2i12− n12

(∑ χ i 21)
∑ χ 221=∑ χ 2i 21− n21
(∑ χ i22)
∑ χ 222=∑ χ 2i22− n22

Calculating freedom average degree of A by the formula:

dk A =J −1 ; j=2

Calculating freedom average degree of B by the formula:

dk A =k −1 ;K=2

Calculating freedom average degree of AB by the formula:

dk AB =( J−1 )( k −1 )

Calculating freedom degree of i by the formula:

dk i =( N−1 ) −dk A −dk B −dk AB ; N= n


Calculating average of total quadratic A by the formula:

RK A =
dk A

Calculating average of total quadratic B by the formula:

dk B

Calculating average of total quadratic AB by the formula:

dk AB

Calculating the average of total quadratic I by the formula:

JK i
RK i=
dk i
Finding Fhitung by the formula:

FhitungA =
RK i

FhitungB =
RK i

RK i

Significant level (α) = 0,05

Calculating Ftabel by the formula:

Ftabel=F ( 1−α )( dkA , dki ) for H01

Ftabel =F ( 1−α )( dkB , dki ) for H02

Ftabel =F ( 1−α )( dkAB, dki ) for H03

Adding all value which are gotten into this table below:

Variation Quadratic Dk Average F

total Total (JK) Quadratic (RK)

Factor A … … … …

Factor B … … … …

Factor AB … … … …

Inter … … …

Criteria of hypothesis test:

H0 : significant

Ha : unsignificant
- If FcountA ≤ Ftable, so H01 accepted, Ha rejected..

- If FcountB ≤ Ftable, so H02 accepted, Ha rejected..

- If Fcount i ≤ Ftable, so H03 accepted, Ha rejected..

Conclude the hypothesis.

To establish the test the first hypothesis ((H01)) carried different test (test t) one party with
the following equation:

X1 − X2
1 1
√ +
n1 n 2
With the combined standard deviation:

2 2
2 ( n1 − 1 ) S1 + ( n2 − 1 ) S 2
S =
n1 + n2 − 2 , Where :

t = calculation of t value

X1 = average value of student learning outcomes in experimen class

X2 = average value of student learning outcomes in control class

n1 = total sample of experiment class

n2 = total sample of control class

S2 = combined varians of two class

H0 : There is no prior knowledge differences between experimental classes and

control classes.

Ha : There are differences in prior knowledge between the experimental class and
control class.
Criteria of test is accepting Ha (H0 rejected) if : -t1-1/2 α < t < t1-1/2 α , where t1-1/2
is gotten from distribution list t with dk = (n1 + n2 – 2) and probability (1 – ½
α ). For value of others t H0 is rejected (Ha accepted).

Ha : Hasil belajar kelas eksperimen lebih baik dibandingkan kelas kontrol.

H0 : Tidak terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar yang signifikan antara kelas eksperimen dan
kelas kontrol.

Kriteria pengujian adalah terima Ha (H0 ditolak) jika : thitung > +t1-1/2 α dan terima H0
(Ha ditolak) jika : thitung ¿ +t1-1/2 α , dimana t1-1/2 α didapat dari daftar distribusi t
dengan dk = (n1 + n2 – 2) dan peluang (1 – ½ α ).

The hypothesis of research for the relationship of learning activities, motivation

and learning results were tested with multiple partial correlation analysis as follows:

1. Matching the notation 1 for the variable X1, 2 for variable X2, and y for the variable

2. Calculating price r for , , and , and using the formula:

Where: X1 is scores at motivation variable

X2 is scores at leaning activity variable
Y is scores at learning outcomes variable
n is frequency total of each variable
3. Writing H0 and Ha in the form of the sentence:
a. There is a correlation between motivation to learn where the constant learning
b. There is a correlation between learning activities with learning outcomes in
which the constant motivation.
c. There is a correlation between motivation to learn where the activity is constant


a. There was no significant relationship between motivation to learn where the

constant learning activities.
b. There was no significant relationship between learning activities with learning
outcomes in which the constant motivation.
c. There was no significant relationship between motivation with learning
activities in which the results of constant learning.
4. Write H0 and Ha in the form of statistics:
Ha : ≠0



H0 : =0



5. Calculating the valeu of rcount ( , , and ) by using the

Where :
= correlation coefficient between Y and X1, controlled by variable
= correlation coefficient between Y and X2, controlled by variable
= correlation coefficient between X1 and X2, controlled by variable
6. Set the significance level () of 5%.
7. Calculated dk by the formula dk = n - 2 for  = 5%, then determine the rtable with
Pearson r table critis.
8. Determining the criteria for testing hypotheses are:
If -rtable ≤ ≤ rtable H01 accepted, Ha rejected.
-rtable ≤ ≤ rtable H02 accepted, Ha rejected.
-rtable ≤ ≤ rtable H03 accepted, Ha rejected.

9. Then look for the condition of linearity of the relationship of three variables or
regression line equation is:

Description :

Y = variable of learning outcomes (variable in expect)

X1 dan X2 = variable of motivation and learning activity

a = intercept atau constanta

b1 dan b2 = regres coefficient

The values of a, b1, dan b2 can be determined by the formula:


10. Conclude the research result.


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