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Agenda 21 Part II: Globalist Totalitarian

Dictatorship Invading a Town near You–With

Your Permission

by James M. Simpson

Big Government

Part I traced the sustainable development movement to longstanding U.N.

environmental and population initiatives with unmistakably Marxist goals. They talk
about saving the environment, but most of the fine print refers to “equity,” “social
justice,” “fair distribution” and other Marxist terms. “Global warming” is the latest scare
tactic, but population control never left the scene. The U.N.’s answer: free condoms.

As I said before, these people are nuts.

The discredited work of Dr. Paul Ehrlich, population prophet of doom, and Obama’s
lunatic Science Czar, John Holdren, are referred to in U.N. population studies, and
Ehrlich was cited in Agenda 21’s Biodiversity Assessment Report under “Gender
Perspectives.” That’s right; the feminists have a special perspective on global warming

So the pretext doesn’t matter. They will always find one, because in their minds the
solution to everything, poverty, overpopulation, environmental degradation, or even
who should win Dancing with the Stars, is Socialism. And the way they get there is by
creating a crisis.

To promote their socialist nightmare, Marxists must use deceptive language and tactics.
In “Sustainable Development” they have found a magic mantra. It has allowed them to
insinuate all their socialist fantasies into our legal code, under our noses, with little or
no fanfare, scant public debate and graveyard noises from our treacherously AWOL
mass media, right down to the local level – with our permission. Agenda 21, a UN
initiative that was never endorsed by the U.S. Senate, as all international agreements
must be, has penetrated into the ordinances of county and city governments all over
ICLEI Website

They have accomplished this through a little-known (to us) vehicle called the
International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) – Local Governments
for Sustainability.

Quoting ICLEI documents from this article (emphases added):

Our campaigns, programs, and projects promote Local Agenda 21 as a participatory,

long-term, strategic planning process that addresses local sustainability while protecting
global common goods. Linking local action to internationally agreed upon goals
and targets such as Agenda 21, the Rio Conventions, the Habitat Agenda, the
Millennium Development Goals and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation is an
essential component. [Sic]

Chapter 3, Section 1 states, “The eradication of poverty and hunger, greater equity in
income distribution and human resource development remain major challenges
everywhere. The struggle against poverty is the shared responsibility of all countries.”

As explained in the last article, this project has everywhere and always been about
socialism. They don’t even hide it too well.

In his opening statements at the 1992 Earth Summit, billionaire U.N. bureaucrat and
compulsive totalitarian Maurice Strong (also Al Gore’s partner in their carbon credit
business), said:

Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class –

involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work-
place air-conditioning, and suburban housing – are not sustainable. A shift is
necessary which will require a vast strengthening of the multilateral system, including
the United Nations.

This is perhaps the most concise statement of Agenda 21’s real goals.

Strong echoes the sentiments of former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, who said:

Do not do unto the environment of others what you do not want done to your own
environment…My hope is that this (earth) charter will be a kind of Ten Commandments,
a ‘Sermon on the Mount’, that provides a guide for human behavior toward the
environment in the next century.

Ironically, while Republican and Democrat alike rush to embrace sustainable

development at the local level, even quasi-socialist states like Great Britain are
abandoning it. From the London Telegraph:

Hurrah! Our useless Coalition government has finally done something useful by axing
one of its more pointless and hateful quangos, the Sustainable Development

Recall from the last article that Agenda 21 was imposed on this country when Bill
Clinton, defying the U.S. Senate’s will, created our own version, the President’s Council
on Sustainable Development, by executive order.

The Telegraph article pulls no punches:

“Sustainability” is not nearly as politically neutral as its cuddly, warm name sounds. A
bit like “multiculturalism” or “diversity”, “sustainability” is one of those weasel concepts
which has been foisted on our language and culture by the hard left, linguistically
masquerading as something unimpeachably caring and reasonable while in fact
advancing a policy agenda designed to increase state control, remove property rights
and liberty, and brainwash the gullible into ceding more and more of their democratic
rights to UN and EU bureaucrats.

Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center, a leader in exposing the radical goals of
“sustainable development,” has called Agenda 21 “the greatest threat ever perpetrated
against the American ideal of liberty.”

HERE is a list of the more than 600 U.S. cities, towns and counties currently
participating in ICLEI’s Local Governments for Sustainability.

ICLEI has succeeded in implementing the sustainability agenda through something

called the Delphi Technique. All activists need to understand the Delphi Technique.
Originally created by the Rand Corporation as a consensus building methodology for
scientists, Delphi has morphed into a subversive tactic for imposing malevolent leftist
agendas on an unsuspecting public who would never agree if they understood.

A key feature of the Delphi Technique is to identify the “good guys,” i.e. those who go
along with the predetermined agenda, and isolate the “bad guys,” thereby removing
any obstructionists. It is a sophisticated application of Alinksy’s Rule #13: pick the
target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it.

In order to motivate the “good guys,” ICLEI has created a rating system for counties
based on how well they implement Agenda 21. King County, Washington has become
the proud test bed for this new system. Listen to this bloviating county executive:

“We are honored to be selected and look forward to piloting this innovative efficiency
program,” said King County Executive Dow Constantine. “The Pacific Northwest and
King County have a lot to gain by protecting the climate, and I am happy we are going
to be using all available tools to measure how we make a difference.”

Note that local governments receiving a poor rating can now be identified as “bad.” For
the young “enlightened” couple seeking a place to settle, such a place obviously won’t
do. The city/county is also much less likely to receive “sustainability” funds available
from federal and state government, so while they are on the hook to adopt Agenda 21
initiatives, they will have to fund it themselves. The rating system thus creates strong
financial incentives for local governments to compete to be the “best” and serious
consequences for those who do not.

And the above-referenced article about King County, perhaps inadvertently, has
exposed the radical nature of this organization:

The STAR Community Index ™ (STAR) is a groundbreaking software tool being

developed by ICLEI- Local Governments for Sustainability USA, in partnership with the
US Green Building Council (USGBC), the National League of Cities, and the Center for
American Progress. (Emphasis added.)

You may recognize the Soros funded Center for American Progress. It is run by John
Podesta, Clinton administration Chief of Staff and Obama Transition Team director.
Podesta is also on the board of the Apollo Alliance, formerly run by Green Jobs Czar,
self-described communist, Van Jones.

CAP has been described by Weather Underground Obama supporter Mark Rudd as
Obama’s “government in waiting.” Members include Open Society Institute President
and SDS founder Aryeh Neier, self-described communist, Van Jones and a laundry list of
other radical leftists. The National League of Cities isn’t much better.

Hierarchy of Transport
Here is another example of the Delphi Technique in application and a revealing
illustration of where they are attempting to go with it. The Baltimore County
government’s Office of Planning devotes an entire section to developing the concept of
a “Green Transportation Hierarchy,” kind of an upside-down takeoff on Abraham
Maslow[1]’s “Hierarchy of Needs.”

They identify those transportation modes that contribute to “global warming” ranked
from least (pedestrians) to most (our cars).

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out who are the “bad guys” here. It is interesting to
note that taxis are preferred over high occupancy vehicles. Do taxis carry more people?
Usually not, but taxis are not privately owned, like carpool vehicles using the HOV lanes
usually are. The thrust clearly favors public transportation and the ultimate goal is
walking and biking, the common modes of transport in communist China.

Yes, they want our cars too.

This is made explicit in the push for “20 minute neighborhoods.” Portland, Oregon is
taking the lead in this initiative. Here is there justification (emphases mine):

Desires for sustainable living: increased energy conservation, support for local
businesses, active and healthier lifestyles and improving community connections and
equity has led to an interest in fostering the development or redevelopment of walkable
communities, or 20-minute neighborhoods, in Portland.

Before the 1920s, when autos were rare and few people had access to a car on a
regular basis, most people lived in 20-minute neighborhoods by necessity. As cars
became more available, proposals to preserve 20-minute neighborhoods entered
planning literature. In 1929, the “Neighborhood Unit” by Clarence Perry described
successful neighborhoods as those that offer accessibility to the spectrum of day-to-day
human needs. He proposed defining these neighborhoods in terms of a one-quarter
mile walk.

Despite well-recognized interest in keeping 20-minute neighborhoods in the late 1920s,

and beyond, during the second-half of the 20th century, the trend across the United
States was toward providing auto-oriented residential and commercial environments.

Yep, autos, the villain. So here’s the pitch:

However, increased interest in improving sustainability—responding to challenges posed

by climate change by reducing car trips and decreasing energy use in general, the need
for affordable housing and to reduce housing-related costs, the need to stay physically
fit and live healthily and wants to support local businesses—has renewed interest in
walkable environments or 20-minute neighborhoods.

Walkable communities are defined specifically, too:

Some studies have shown that a 20-minute walk equates to approximately 1 mile
walking at a fast pace; however, the average person could walk between ¼ to ½ a
mile under safe, conducive walking conditions, (e.g. sidewalks and short blocks).
To emphasize the importance of short distances for walking, we used an analysis area
with dimensions of 500 by 500 feet and used the frequency of intersections and the
presence of sidewalks as factors in walkability.

They want to herd us into neighborhoods a little larger than a football field! And
population density is specified as well: a minimum density of 12-18 households per

The country is awash in this crap. The Maryland State government is virtually bursting
with “Sustainability” initiatives like Governor O’Malley’s Smart, Green and Growing. The
state Department of Natural Resources hosts a Sustainability Network page, where you
can link to organizations promoting sustainability in every county in the state.

The Maryland state government created a new “Sustainable Growth Commission” in

2010. The year before, it passed the “Smart and Sustainable Growth Act of 2009,”
which requires county planning officials to take a special course. You can see the study
guide here. The guide is a road map to the “sustainable” future, which will force us all
into cities, crowd us close to public transportation, bike paths and into “walkable

“…encouraging shorter drive times, locating housing closer to work, minimizing

shopping trips, and giving our kids real options to walk and ride bikes to school, parks
and playgrounds…” while reducing our “carbon footprint.”

But the drive to push us into cities would not be complete without an equally aggressive
effort to chase us out of the country.

Earth First! is a radical environmental group branded by the FBI as domestic terrorists,
a fact they are proud of. Believe it or not, Dave Foreman, Earth First’s co-founder who
pioneered in the use of tree spikes (left), has been an intimate partner in development
of the “sustainability” agenda.

His “Wildlands Project,” now called the Wildlands Network, was adopted by the U.N.
Biodiversity Treaty. Here is what he has to say:

We must make this place an insecure and inhospitable place for capitalists and their
projects… We must reclaim the roads and plowed lands, halt dam construction, tear
down existing dams, free shackled rivers and return to wilderness millions of tens of
millions of acres of presently settled land.

This is getting old: these people are nuts!

The goal is to make 50 percent of the land in every state inaccessible by man (except,
of course, the “good guys”.) According to Tom DeWeese, much has been accomplished

Today, there are at least 31 Wildlands projects underway, locking away more than 40
percent of the nation’s land. The Alaska Wildlands Project seeks to lock away and
control almost the entire state. In Washington State, Oregon, Idaho, Montana parts of
North and South Dakota, parts of California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Wyoming,
Texas, Utah, and more, there are at least 22 Wildlands Projects underway. For
example, one project called Yukon to Yellowstone (Y2Y) – creates a 2000 mile no-man’s
land corridor from the Arctic to Yellowstone.

An excellent video by Dr. Michael Coffman explains it all. The six minutes are worth
your time.

If I haven’t convinced you, Dr. Coffman’s video should. The metastasized cancer of
Agenda 21 must be ripped out root and branch from our body politic. Local
governments and state legislatures must be confronted and forced to repeal the myriad
laws, ordinances, zoning codes and regulations that advance this globalist agenda. It
simply must be tackled now.

This is a perfect issue for local Tea Party groups and must become a focal point of our
efforts to reclaim our country.

The Wildlands map is particularly stunning, showing exactly how they plan to herd the
entire U.S. population into tiny urban centers and put most of the country completely
off limits. (Except for the good guys, of course)

Question: Can we fit?

Next: Agenda 21 Part III: Globalist Totalitarian Agenda Demands the Extinction of Man
– Except for the “Good Guys”

First Posted at RightSideNews.com

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