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For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and

Him crucified.
1 Corinthians 2:2

- JANUARY 31 -


The apostle Paul, in his letter to the Corinthian church, said that he determined to know
nothing among them except “Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” In other words, Paul, who
wrote two-thirds of the New Testament, had his mind full of Jesus and His finished work.

Beloved, God wants your mind full of the cross of Jesus. He wants you cross-conscious.

But what does it mean to be cross-conscious?

To be cross-conscious is to see Jesus, who loves you so much that He willingly died for you
on the cross. To be cross-conscious is to look to Jesus, who offered His own body to be
punished, so that your body can be free from all punishment.

To be cross-conscious is to fix your eyes on Jesus, who has provided for your deliverance
and victory at the cross. At the cross, all your enemies were vanquished. All your diseases
were destroyed. Your poverty was removed at the cross. Your sins were wiped out at the

When the Israelites tasted bitterness in the waters of Marah, God showed Moses a tree,
which he cast into the waters, making them sweet (see Exodus 15:23–26). The tree
represents the cross, which turned the bitter waters sweet. Today, Calvary’s tree has turned
your bitter situations sweet. Because of the cross, you can expect to see the bitter situations
in your life made sweet!
When the Israelites were bitten by serpents in the wilderness, God told Moses to put a
bronze serpent on a pole. The pole represents the cross and bronze speaks of judgment.
Those who beheld the serpent on the pole lived because they saw their problem—the
deadly serpent—nailed and put to death on the cross (see Numbers 21:6–9).

Today, you too will not die but live when you see all your sins judged at the cross, and with
them, all your sicknesses, diseases, pains, failures and defeats! At the cross, all that is
deadly in your life has been removed!

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