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CSE302 : Analysis and design of Information System Architecture
School: LSE Department: CSE/
Section:B2804 Roll no:B44
Reg no:10807805

Q1: What constraints leads to infeasibility of a project? How are infeasible pro
jects handled?
Answer:- : A report can be infeasible in the following situations. :
• Unavailability of the technology.
• Cost over run.
• Unavailability of the equipment for the required technology.
• Inefficient man power.
• Improper planning.
• Unrealistic goal setting.
• Wrong predictability.
• Improper effort estimation.
The infeasible projects can be handled by re-planning the requirements again. Th
ese projects can be handled by V & V method, i.e verification and validation of
each step of the development phase.
Q2: What do you understand by cost-benefit analysis? Explain with the help of an
Answer:- A term mean cost benefit analysis finds, quantifies, and adds all the
positive factors. These are the benefits. Then it identifies, quantifies, and su
btracts all the negatives, the costs. The difference between the two indicates w
hether the planned action is advisable. The real trick to doing a cost benefit a
nalysis well is making sure us include all the costs and all the benefits and pr
operly quantify them.
Example Cost Benefit Analysis
Software Manager are proposing the purchase of a $1 Million new technology to in
crease output. Before he can present the proposal to the Vice President, he know
his need some facts to support his suggestion, so he decide to run the numbers
and do a cost benefit analysis.
He itemizes the benefits. With the new technology, he can produce 100 more units
per hour. The three workers currently doing the stamping by hand can be replace
d. The units will be higher quality because they will be more uniform. he are co
nvinced these outweigh the costs.
There is a cost to purchase the new technology and it will consume some electric
ity. Any other costs would be insignificant.
He calculates the selling price of the 100 additional units per hour multiplied
by the number of production hours per month. Add to that two percent for the uni
ts that aren't rejected because of the quality of the machine output. He also ad
d the monthly salaries of the three workers. That's a pretty good total benefit.
Then he calculate the monthly cost of the technology, by dividing the purchase p
rice by 12 months per year and divide that by the 10 years the machine should la
st. The manufacturer's specs tell he what the power consumption of the machine i
s and he can get power cost numbers from accounting so he figure the cost of ele
ctricity to run the machine and add the purchase cost to get a total cost figure
He subtract his total cost figure from his total benefit value and his analysis
shows a healthy profit.
Q3: Write the various steps that are to be considered for analyzing the feasibil
ity of a system?
Answer:- Feasibility study is to determine whether a certain plan of action is f
easible that is, whether or not it will work, and whether or not it is worth doi
ng economically. Although the core of the study is dedicated to showing the outc
omes of specific actions, it should begin with an evaluation of the entire opera
tion. For example, a good feasibility study would review a company's strengths a
nd weaknesses, its position in the marketplace, and its financial situation. It
would also include information on a company's major competitors, primary custome
rs, and any relevant industry trends. This sort of overview provides small busin
ess owners and managers with an objective view of the company's current situatio
n and opportunities. By providing information on consumer needs and how best to
meet them, a feasibility study can also lead to new ideas for strategic changes.
The second part of a good feasibility study should focus on the proposed plan of
action and provide a detailed estimate of its costs and benefits. In some cases
, a feasibility study may lead management to determine that the company could ac
hieve the same benefits through easier or cheaper means. For example, it may be
possible to improve a manual filing system rather than purchase an expensive new
computerized database. If the proposed project is determined to be both feasibl
e and desirable, the information provided in the feasibility study can prove val
uable in implementation. It can be used to develop a strategic plan for the proj
ect, translating general ideas into measurable goals. The goals can then be brok
en down further to create a series of concrete steps and outline how the steps c
an be implemented. Throughout the process, the feasibility study will show the v
arious consequences and impacts associated with the plan of action.
In most cases, a feasibility study should be performed by a qualified consultant
in order to ensure its accuracy and objectivity. To be able to provide a meanin
gful analysis of the data, the consultant should have expertise in the industry.
It is also important for small businesses to assign an internal person to help
gather information for the feasibility study. The small business owner must be s
ure that those conducting the study have full access to the company and the spec
ific information they need.
Technical Feasibility:-
In technical feasibility we analysts that the work for the project be done with
current equipment, software and available personnel.
Economic Feasibility:-
It is the important step of feasibility study. If any organization which is goin
g to develop a system or project and they are not getting any profit than they w
ill left the project. It is known as Cost-benefit analysis, the procedure is to
determine the benefits and savings that are expected from a candidate system and
compare them with cost. If benefits outweigh costs, then the decision is made t
o design and implement the system otherwise further justification will have to b
e made to change the system.
Operation Feasibility:-
It is is study that “Will system be used if it developed and implemented? “

Q4: List out Five common errors that occur in requirement analysis. Explain in b
Answer:- Five common errors in requirements analysis
Customers don't know what they want:-
In the requirements analysis phase the customers have only an over view of what
they need, and it's up to you to ask the right questions and perform the analysi
s necessary to turn this amorphous vision into a formally-documented software re
quirements specification that can, in turn, be used as the basis for both a proj
ect plan and an engineering architecture.
Requirements change during the course of the project:-
In this case, requirements defined in the first phase change as the project prog
resses. This may occur because as development progresses and prototypes are deve
loped, customers are able to more clearly see problems with the original plan an
d make necessary course corrections. It may also occur because changes in the ex
ternal environment require reshaping of the original business problem and hence
necessitates a different solution than the one originally proposed.
Customers have unreasonable timelines:-
In this we often come across the statement by the customer something like "it's
an emergency job and we need this project completed in X weeks". A common mistak
e is to agree to such timelines before actually performing a detailed analysis a
nd understanding both of the scope of the project and the resources necessary to
execute it. In accepting an unreasonable timeline without discussion.This is th
e most common error.
.Communication gaps exist between customers, engineers and project managers:-
This is common that there is sometimes lack of communication between the custome
r and the developer because they come from different worlds and do not understan
d technical terms in the same way. This can lead to confusion and severe miscomm
unication, and an important task of a project manager, especially during the req
uirements analysis phase, is to ensure that both parties have a precise understa
nding of the deliverable and to handle every task efficiently.
The development team doesn't understand the politics of the customer's organizat
Some managers are not only skilled at operational and functional tasks, but he o
r she also understands the importance of framing agendas for common purposes, bu
ilding coalitions that are united in their perspective, and persuading resistant
managers of the validity of a particular position. These skills are critical wh
en dealing with large projects in large organizations, as information is often f
ragmented and requirements analysis is hence stymied by problems of trust, inter
nal conflicts of interest and information inefficiencies.
Q5: Explain the various structured analysis tools with the help of an example?
• Data flow diagram:-
A data flow diagram is a graphical representation of the "flow" of data through
an information system. DFDs can also be used for the visualization of data proce
ssing.Data items flow from an external data source or an internal data store to
an internal data store or an external data sink, via an internal process.
Source:-Student, Management because they have some attribute.
Procces:-Membership management, Book issue management, Report Management
Data files:-Member, Books, Books Issue, Penalty, are the data file they content
• Flow Charts:-
Flow charts are typically used to describe the detailed logic of a business proc
ess or business rule. In the past it was quite common to use flow charts to mod
el the logic of large software modules.
• Decision Table:-
Decision tables are a precise yet compact way to model complicated logic. like f
lowcharts and if-then-else and switch-case statements, associate conditions with
actions to perform, but in many cases do so in a more elegant way.
• Decision Tree:-
It is a decision support tool that uses a tree-like graph or model of decisions
and their possible consequences, including chance event outcomes, resource costs
, and utility. It is one way to display an algorithm. Decision trees are commonl
y used in operations research, specifically in decision analysis, to help identi
fy a strategy most likely to reach a goal. Another use of decision trees is as a
descriptive means for calculating conditional probabilities. When the decisions
or consequences are modelled by computational verb, then we call the decision t
ree a computational verb decision tree.
Q6: How can you differentiate tangible and intangible cost and benefits.? Explai
n with the help of an example.
Answer:- Tangible cost and benefits can be measured. Hardware costs, salaries fo
r professionals, software cost are all tangible costs. They are identified and m
easured.. The purchase of hardware or software, personnel training, and employee
salaries are example of tangible costs. Costs whose value cannot be measured ar
e referred as intangible costs. The cost of breakdown of an online system during
banking hours will cause the bank lose deposits.
Benefits are also tangible or intangible. For example, more customer satisfactio
n, improved company status, etc are all intangible benefits. Whereas improved re
sponse time, producing error free output such as producing reports are all tangi
ble benefits. Both tangible and intangible costs and benefits should be consider
ed in the evaluation process.

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